Grubby | Wc3 Reforged | The Fall Of The Eredar

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try strength people have different talents I am free after 10,000 years yet still my own brother thinks I am a villain I'll show him my true power I'll show him that the demons have no hold over me are you certain of that demon hunter are you certain your will is your own you reek of death human you were cret approaching me come then you'll find that we're evenly matched we could go on fighting like this forever you truly want the dreadlord who commands this undead army is called tech Andria's he controls a powerful warlock artifact called the skull of Gul'dan it is responsible for corrupting these four Illidan immediately in love wish for me to steal I want it why let's just say that I have no love for tech Andria's and the Lord I serve would benefit from the legions downfall why should I believe anything you say little human my master sees all demon hunter he knows that you've sought power your whole life now it lies within your grasp seize it and your enemies will be undone why does nobody ever go for the horse grubby yeah yeah why not got down arthas's horse two seconds of bat so we could do this forever yeah I said the same thing when I was circling a wrestler in the ring I was like we could circle each other forever and be locked in a wrestle forever do we really want to do this it was like yeah and he broke me into two but I got better so the school cooldown is here infernals we have a way of nice I grow impatient we need more wisps terrible lumber economy this ableton got forward with some lumber you need about seven to sustain an interesting floor economy probably gonna make a second lower get ultravision easily hardly challenge you may now build troops of the cloth from the anus of Florida streets have the ability to transform it's a powerful bear do we want anything else do we want improve boasts that would get marksmanship this time I'm blind really nice that the ability to transfer into powerful bears was not given my default other demons near me it'll enhance the emulation ability in relation engulfs the demon hunter in flames causing damage to nearby enemy land units easily yes it deals damage also it's useless and a waste of mana depletes your moon well so never using weight they don't give me an out their bellies came to Illidan has emulation it does damage lotta burn is still okay here yes mother it is still gonna good is that all because all these egg sacs easily nice very nice but it's Thursday weakling Loretha Condry has commanded us to kill anyone attempting to enter this place they're all so forthcoming with their directives we have been toss to kill anyone and we shall you fit the description just came to think on the heroes who are always talking with themselves impatient try not to think about it too hard technically you already come out there that is talking to them oh shoot grumpy life no no don't shoot it looks 10 years older compared to the old Warcraft model yeah he looks at old huge even though type type grub 10,000 years the emos there's a nice he looks really old in the official icon as well yeah the one that nope and I just posted it's like the younger they are the older Oh boots of 12 of us that's a really nice item I'm blind not dead I mean he's milk 10,000 years old they didn't put him in right after he was born you can't be a criminal right after you're born here and don't freaking say I was don't say it no damn it you went ahead and said it nice Barris you got there be a shame if someone were to upgrade them no don't do it surrender hey who is this burning Archer not surrounded confirm this is where they teach you that necro bagging is the bane of all existence as a move to player neck or wagon is legit hard for new players to deal with isn't it shockwave they need to get rid of that that sounds like I wouldn't it did not listen to this without headset if I lived at home with my parents whoops oh I found a round of ours they didn't scale the death sons with the importance of the person dying right Archer dies it's like the world is ending are come on should sound like that oh well her world is ending to be fair that's true that's true and it's not coming back Edie she'll just be replaced by some other Archie for her it's a pretty big deal ain't no will spring actually oh we have a actually actually imminent is probably less than 10,000 years old seeing as he has no facial veins indicates he was in prison before reaching the age of 200 when the elves get face paint plus he didn't and do her the whole sentence the whole sentence was forever right he says he was in prison for 10,000 years do you think he might be exaggerating I think a lot of people that are in prison for like 20 years may feel that way already how long has it been literally I don't think they ever specified it was only in for a week he just doesn't have a grip like Bear Grylls Wow they let you Mouse expand research hello is this a rerun not right now but you just confuse those that are watching the rerun this lace project he's fifteen thousand years old according to official sources this mission so easy just mission so easy of course wait they don't get the the roar upgrades new challenge easily I nearly destroyed that I tend to pick it up then I realize you can stock in a campaign easily what do you think of the game so far let's see this is Warcraft 3 the game I've played for 18 years so far I like it I might try it for another 18 I'm hardly a leave even place and Therese while these fairs are enormous this missions supposed to be hard okay that was hard everyone's mana burning me and infinity worse though Patriots milk this pitiful okay okay okay okay okay okay this is catastrophic is that all you got no that's not all wasn't all by the way first challenge is this supposed to be hard do the death by the way we're looking mutants ugly thing you still guards are legit maids they're even using their dis spells and everything yo they're dealing like no damage my server what okay they're dealing damage spamming 1 million in campaign bars well it really depends see what the minion is but like it's not morally bad so you're not a bad person for doing it just a new is there a better unit comps than math you want you're officially evil if you spam one no I wouldn't say so not officially easily yeah it feels a little slower just happens but it could be because of the FPS and optimization this is how we're I live it looks like in the morning when I take Logan for a morning walk I am to give you like infinity expansions getting you used to the moon style night up they said emulation deals damage but they didn't remind you to turn it off hey they really took the Bears are too small bug to hearts today small over dude poor Timmy yeah shape-shifting bear form takes 25 mountain either way both in and out sending calls of attack question mark yeah rain will be better our warriors have engaged gloves of haste fine is that hardly a challenge will you become professional again if blizzard turns worker 3 to eSport worker free eastward is already guaranteed by ESL and remac will have organized a number of tournaments this year so it's not conditional upon that I just got my love bird like a hundred times what an obnoxious army go let's double down on the memes I just drank a mountain boat and they burned me a million times again honey they did melt invincible by the way oh they dispelled oh my god I'm awake I'm awake of course I'm aware our time is short I'm awake a new Des Moines my path is clear I can control groups be displayed like an se - yes it's a feature of an app that we have I'll display them now hope you like it all of the on-screen visuals that you see that are not default like namely this is part of the plug-in from w3 booster they show items the hero level progress they have the abilities amount of skill points per ability this is your attack upgrade moon attack upgrade for creatures this is armor upgrades for creatures and armor upgrade for your tier 1 unit like Archer instead of Archer and Huntress here it shows the map you can alternate this with your score of the day redo your play multi-player if you want to get the same app exclamation mark plug-in there's a free version and a paid I earn nothing to tell you about this also here are the control groups the first picture is the main unit in this case it's the demon and here the other 10 is the amount of units in that control group come to group 1 the other is 9 units you don't know what this is industry standard in sc2 as well you cannot show every unit here it'll be like this big so Illidan and then 9 others don't know what this is archers control 3 is I can't see right now what that is it's too small my screen this is my unit production building so number 4 5 is altar and 6 is hunter soul Oh three years uh iron 3 is the beerus that I sent to you wait how many TP can I stack infinite this is a not in game for me but you can put it in game as well actually that's an option I have too many to mention but I don't wanna focus on those Dark Wizard ie saved up real nicely again let's get burnt haven't been burned in a while a teepee stocking does not work a belted layer that's the campaign changed that's what my horror said anyway you're supposed to burn your own mono flame shield noob I got burned so I couldn't burn it myself corruptive a beads strong dude oops our sacred grove is being desecrated research things alright fine all defended arch wait I just realized how much gold I have why am i defending my fifth base [Music] hello Kirby are you belief you're having an easier time because you don't have the 90 food ROC limit yes I believe having more units makes things easier joke okay more units and more gold is generally an advantage I'm assuming that's a bug I'm not I'm assuming it's a step away from rain of chaos yes I got 10 more city keys to give away for reports so off their every mission one reports key giveaway asking the important questions this looks like a little secret direction you're the only one Milius I do love me some bears why do you think people watch the stream my wit my razor sharp wit oh you mean the I thought it was an open question do you mean the keys yeah sure it's for the keys Lube level 90 minute I didn't pick metamorphosis of course out of position yikes bro they're defending this temple all right I'm gonna need some replacement units these are broken oh that's tech Andria's oh it's just like what's this the challenge screw with tech Andria's residentsleeper you can't be killed I will kill him smiley face oh so oh wow he killed my face please read objective though though what's that finger of their destroyed the demon gates carving the skull bring Illidan to discover codon I think I was working on the undiscovered questions it's all right I just need one more Repair glitching let's say you've been hitting took almost no damage so are you guys saying that without the skull of Gul'dan I cannot kill you suspect I cannot kill the dude mcdoon what if I do what would but how would that make you feel it can't be done I'll give you keys no you can't okay I can I see I feel like I can des I just need good items if I could good item our time is short shall I strike kind of neighbors core protection too are we being invaded huh is there trouble our sacred grove is being desecrated their trouble Hey he's on move come on freaking noob doomguard sore noob guards am i right I don't think you can build enough a piece by the way to appease your defenses I'm gonna try it one more time without skull but if they lands another inferno in my Archer back line and I'm gonna babyrage I should bring somewhere sexually it's jumping we're chipping away I'm sure you will just revive but yes we can every attack deals one diamond ship finger of death focus damn de-risk is healing as well this battle is far from over a finger of death cause now on our one if I can kill him without using the skull I can actually save my should I say humanity we can save the world without sacrificing our soul elf vanity please no elf on it here I hope there won't be another respawn of infernal suit we need a bigger concave he knows he's losing -16 freaking noob I think he's gonna instant respawn fine yes sure sure whoa what they thought of that secret ending I'm bored of this fight I have to go now someone said that in multiplayer once boring game he lost fair and square that counts as a win hey where did the overlay go over let's go I cannot deal with campaign cheats by the AI feels good I do think I need you up a bit first you can actually kill arkem on the last mission yeah I heard about that anyway I kill take home do it made him whine like a little girl like a little boy didn't kill him we all know what happened oh you were here what is nature's call are we being invaded well shall I strike I just whispered take on this was it's time to get the skill darkness cold but I was on the phone so I star 69 here streamer beats classic Wow raid boss with 12 feral druids and 15 hunters without pets but my raid has a hard time with a normal compac MH shake my edge [Music] it's just a campaign in reports yep this way this comes with go down these paltry demons yeah they won't unless they teleport me out because they're done with me Stephen gates what is nature's call where shall I strike now at least the demons will no longer corrupt the forests but if I destroy the skull and claim its powers as my own we'll become stronger than any of our Cummins lieutenants yes the power should be mine did weirdest girl survey now I am complete I love this voice demonic power always comes at a price there but by the way taunting us with his bare ass let's let's put intense power to the test miss miss miss miss miss medallion of courage was nice strength and intelligence let's go nice don't don't thank you dude can you show immolations how was it the scope go down if Illidan kills go down later wow I don't know the answer to that I do know that there is a secret timeline right in warlords of Draenor okay this is the worst positioning foul demon what have you done with my brother so judgmental from this place and never so that's so mean I always thought of mouthing to run this the bad guys in this scenario or they are you were right renze you have a good moral compass greedy Hanna hey thanks for this up the big tones Rex Mississippi Paul flakes and Stradivari last night in a dream a great Raven spoke to me and summoned me to this place here as well I am thrall son of Durotan war chief and I am Gina problem leader was a human survivors voices are too soft I can also edit them myself there's no separate audio channel modification like a Nessie to voices announcer music nice priestess they've come to aid in against the Legion it was you with my dream but who are you to make such an offer to us and the reason for the legions return years ago I brought the orcs into this world by doing for my sins I was murdered by those who I cared for more that's got gar despite my death now at long last I have returned to set things right I am Medivh The Last Guardian I tell you now the only chance for this world is for you to unite in arms against the enemies of all who live why is he called the Prophet because his true identity was supposed to remain hidden until they are ready to reveal who he is this was the reveal moment everyone this was Medivh not dead I don't know how he was survived it's Medivh I didn't know why did Medivh let the orcs in Medivh had a difficult childhood and therefore his personality split into one he was just like a crab bird a crowd bird man a mage and in the other he was actually our commands destroyer of worlds who was implanted in his mother's womb and melded together he was possessed by the circus yes sir gross jewels kept this pie that Madoff was possessed from birth by Sarris a demon overlord but he was not aware of it greed so he had these blackouts where he would like do terrible stuff and then cat-car his apprentice kept wondering where does he go when he flies out to go places he was yeah he's always trying to help the Alliance but there were unexplained absences Sarris was a tight set not a demon yes circus was a tight end a world soul right a fallen Titan may I please ask what you think about the law after TFT there is no Laura after TFT there's no time travel making them wait towards the summit he'll be here any moment now it's alright ten thousand years ago we Night Elves defeated the Burning Legion though the rest of the world was shattered we were left free to live out our immortal lives in peace bound to the world tree we are its protectors and through it we were granted immortality and power over nature now at last it is time we gave that power back you realize that we will age as these mortals do our powers of the nature will wane in time if pride gives us pause my love then perhaps we have lived long enough already I will proceed to the summit and prepare our defenses there whatever comes my love remember our bond is eternal thank you hey grubby I'm new to this game but I like it a lot you're all bloody beginner helped me a lot even though you're so fast do you think you can to be continued thank you if you can provide our bases with support and keep us from being overwhelmed Thrall and i will delay our commands assent your plan is a bold one girl perhaps I have misjudged you Outlanders may a loon shine upon you to arms my brethren to arm Sprave orcs and humans Twilight falls and the enemy awaits yo Draco thank you do you think it can be a decent built-in team play as well usually do exclamation mark tier 1 wait excavation work so go for the number one builds I ever made on the sub on the subscriber page the TC mosfets ends here that's better in in team play music is suddenly Meghalaya I don't know why [Music] I don't know why so loud suddenly [Music] I feel like I've kept sliding this slider down further and further I started at 16 each and it's kept getting louder I don't know why I'll put it on six we got a hippo riders now delay our commands for 45 minutes our command was not reached a mountain summit you must attempt to slow our commands to Center Hyjal summit by throwing everything you can ask him and his elite forces by doing this you will bind Malfurion time he needs to implement his mysterious plan for the world trees defense though many of your brethren may fall their sacrifice will secure the future of the world itself after this and we waited seeing so many troops night alpha developed new technology Gold staff of preservation had we had staff we wouldn't lose a single unit here just have everything home he would at the moon wells but anyway we need the proces drone for that so [Music] you may now build hippo riders that's Bates by the way your allies have stockpiled valuable supplies increase weight a minute it won't be long before they start attacking our allies I'm a little disoriented it's weird having your armies split like this and why would I split my army like this the undead are attacking send help one of the satyrs wealth of it spirituals where's our c'mon research finished Kalimdor where are the stuff by us this ancient of lore looks a bit like shopping actually daikon various divine armor hey doesn't look that tough 2500 life divine armor is Kenneth serious business oh my god I can't put CP in the top-left because he has the unremovable I sure for Kalimdor us there O'Donnell I know something I know probably these fur books will help us while revenues these I would imagine our allies town needs help they've got his college ok who'd you wanna kill the controls oh my god no Gina okay if talents - that's kind of cool bless you miss fern should be all right here Kalimdor I hate you losing is complete our allies town needs help our warriors have engaged the enemy all I gotta to my there oh that's nasty [Music] someone donate just blessing yet oh yeah they give it to you by default nice thank you and 600 kW urban chat - 5 kW for her asleep dulled my senses wha three three guards research finished damn dude do I get came here is nope just a banking up a bit for now I can't make hippos of course that might be good ancients are still on the way something see what can we get from the Murr camp here the troll warlord is kind of cool it offers true shots but we already have it we don't really need a census I knew daughter get some more wisps ancients have arrived nice the winters also almost here reinforce quicker now who's that Oh áanotherá Wow auntie me to exhale for real bruh finger of death it's it just kill Jana Oh our god I hit these fancies here we go again the army prepared as the goddess wills my path is clear our time I saved human I need another instant win fine suits are my biggest hate because they for sure kill and three quiddity almost back now I know why they busted for this mission I am prepared okay there's still some crates here we got sick and needs to win so we can make some hippogriffs when and if we need it next attack is gonna be more meat wagons and banshees makes me feel like not using my barracks try to snipe all the banshees first we can use roar fill the banshees first they even as a talent it's um hippogriffs press the attack giving Harvard how did those meet did I get to know the dumpster everything in Portugal on deema name yeah for upgrades okay now we're gonna have as the goddess whiz what is it what is the next attack can I walk past here now feel like it's coming soon can barely go anywhere to get reinforcements I guess you're not meant to be able to go back that far you're meant to like fall back all over the map lose human face and shorts already seen this back you can get some brilliance or our benefits areas by sometime any air here no and we're gonna pick up all the archers no barbarous my lovely Baris he slipped my Tyrande oh we're getting smacked outed where's all my units can't see anything how do I have a teepee sorry sleeping at the job no no run not the castle what you are very brave to stand against me little human if only your countrymen had been as bold I would have had more fun scouring your rigid nations from the banners or is this just an in-between the trigger was Castle dead what and then it just priestess the undead have constructed a new settlement they are mustering new forces to send at us okay Wow it's just deleted two of my buildings because it was within the trigger zone of it was within the trigger zone of where he is supposed to be we can't build them our allies town needs help by the great wings I come no one's really device already nice yeah I need to pull back to the orc base I know I'm already making new building okay we can go check out some other places I think some huntresses would not even be that fast with moonface they're fairly formidable whoa Oscar Lauren Rach winter chill Trane's may not Jamie she said no one left it was very effective k'kaw I don't know if that's like some kind of joke are missing the no one there sounds like something to boomers who knows some jokes but I'm Zoomer enough to know when I'm missing a joke very effective send reinforcements quickly I need more moths I need yours but they don't sell it here my brothers there's a fountain of healthier though your building is your building is your building is complete this time I'll take the AP defense more seriously though with all those meat wagons can be pretty tough Oh okay I'll nerf to a I would use my Moodle else 18 minutes ago it's really beautiful the nice health buildings in reports when they're producing I mean when they're producing about to be picked it's the best let's see what's what's in here you see my home base there's a second shot different items interesting brothers more landlines you'll get you scroll from the other show your bill is complete waiting on your building is ice we can't build their two hills cross this defense so far going a little better so be it oh they don't trigger on wagons weight they do oh they have an arming time yeah I know neutral groups will join me hey just going to the tree walking in a very interesting manner wonder if the wisps will play a crucial role or not [Music] [Music] that's a given waiting on you that's stupid idea anyway cool oh wait these do take food why these two did not this one did read you for lightning shield wow look at this [Applause] chaos damage hey with these you can actually probably kill what's-his-face mr. Bachmann dude mr. Bob mcdoon sticking punch through divine armor they go out to come back to get more you scrolls maybe more minds all that crippled firma slow and prosper now my dudes wha-ha-ha-ha-ha this is it a jig on smashed our I just lost all my Kaos toots outside and they take a long time to come back oh my god divine armor a scaler [Music] so many ways hiya Dunc damn Doody dkw my bear dies mother down feeds some ApS are bits out of position but I guess there are full dock coins HIPAA writers are useful this mission balance not doing as much right now that's a check with Scott they're actually saving up a little a little bit in front but by attacking we can mess them up before they get here do guards can attack air it's still nicest night base the enormous armor we made a bunch of huntresses embarrassed don't ask me why against me too I guess such pathetic enriches how dare you defile this land you'll see creeped out why smiley face because I thought huntresses could be helpful but now I regret it hope that spaces Ward goes off Oh punk or it's not available yes as the goddess will I know there was like a secret Wow like a community challenge of maybe killing Archimonde instead of meeting the wisps or whatever but I just gotta get there all right now [Music] big losses you killed all my new IVs Oh we got what have we got punch assist bears Giants hippos our time is now our chameleon coming already is it as sake that the Goblin still charged goals for landmines even though their survival is at stake just as much as anybody Timmy time is money friend I'm actually running out of resources six months in one venture one minute Oh God we help have you tried Mathis I heard it it's very effective against mr. but dude kW I'm working on it I'm working on it Mina at least I gathered in one try even though I can't feel freaking argument I need these dudes they do chaos knowledge so there's only ten seconds left our Kamal's victory here has made him overconfident he will not see the trap that I laid for him until it is too late here we slide greetings friend the Outlanders held him back as long as they could were you successful in planning the summons defense yes now our victory is assured well he's so sure most players lose after they think like that you see like rubbing the tree [Music] [Music] I think he had mana shield zone and whisper detonate removes mana so he took an infinity damage just as the orcs humans and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe so did Nature herself riser as for me I came back to ensure that there would be a future to teach the world that had no longer needed Guardians the hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands and now that my task is done I will take my place humble brag nice [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 46,984
Rating: 4.851613 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, archimonde, tree, campaign, reforged, night elf, elves, eredar, wisps, ne
Id: Dh9o-XnoJT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 37sec (6577 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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