Grubby | W3C Season 3 Finals - Wan vs Cooper - Happy vs XlorD - Please vs HawK - LiilDC vs ToD

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cooper is the second qualified orc from europe i was first but i didn't play so there they should be very close and skilled to one another we have losers round one on the way oh i forgot to zoom out maybe next game all right uh juan versus uh cooper as far as i know one plays lord all the time and even if he didn't already plan to do so then certainly he would do so after observing ex-lord's success with crypt against cooper uh i just messaged please and i was like hey don't you have to play now he's like no my match is later i'm like oh sorry sorry sorry sorry i would hate it if someone did that to me and then uh he's like anyway it doesn't matter i'm not gonna get human i'm like what i just checked your stats i just checked your stats um and it's his best matchup i didn't tell him that but anyway he doesn't feel that confidence apparently a player's forces are under attack yeah we have criplord coming out for one oh farsier now this is a different map turn the stand maybe this is what cooper always does on this map maybe it's because he lost with blades against crippler twice one with the frost armor procking and a bit of damage on the shop no experience to cooper he's losing the shop he's losing the shot did he cancel no horses are under attack wow he didn't cancel the shop now going with the eighth beyond one two three four five six seven no it's seventh p on wait how did you get 21 food oh he's peeling scouting yeah 8th pl now but he has double burrow so it's not thanks to the great hole that he made that 8pm very easy for one farce here got massively delayed just to put it in perspective for you oh my god this is this game is over already it's over to put it in perspective cooper could be done with the camp by now this camp if there was no acolyte done and then some instead he finished one creep and everything is frost armored this is the kind of preparation that you do for a tournament where you figure out people's preferred creep routes you use your scout worker to mess it up and you're ahead simply from the start already the bomb has been planted by the bomb i mean the ziggurat and the gold mine rush b we need cooper to rush b and cancel the gold mine there is impale there is impale so he can't stop an orc from coming in ideally cooper wants to cancel goldmine minimum watts it is very difficult to win games against grip lord if you don't get one goldmine cancel acolyte kills are not even as important because there are usually two necropolis to reproduce acolytes no second acropolis this time though we have a lightning shield creep on discount going for the second cab one is aware of this this is a common follow-up route and it's not that well performed by cooper either he got lightning shield on the assassin and all the assassins walks away so he didn't get full lightning shield spread anyway ah the impale the double surround the double surround hello he gets both grunts one girl died but whatever oh cooper oh oh whoa whoa now cooper is a blade master player he doesn't play that much sparse here and i feel like that's kind of hurting him here too potentially it's just been absolutely atrocious so far juan is playing great one has one of the best surround micros in the scene go tr he died with greater infill and tp okay all right now to be fair he would have lost anyway double grunt loss stopped on the expand late on the creeping i think this is for the best it's for the best let's go turtle rock wow cooper that was that was a toughy if if cooper loses the next map or one of the next two maps our only orc of the tournament goes out like that against two undeads okay let's see how the second map goes there was not much doubt about the first one kiwi kaki with the approval in chat for the first year of course maybe not with the way it was played wtf no lightning shield yeah someone explain to me why it's over i'm noob well when you manipulate the creep camp to put a lightning shield on you because you're i'm standing here i've got two friends next to me a creep sees that and is like i can hurt your friends by lightning shielding you that's how the ai works so you do it on purpose you bring your friends close up for a huddle lightning shield gets casted and you're like how about i stand next to your friends would you like that so you go stand next to their friends you lightning shield the creeps hurting them themselves you just need to make sure you don't last hit with that okay because the lightning shield was cast by the creep the creep gets the experience if it last hits if you cast the lightning shield you're fine but if they cast it they are the source caster so you go away right before it dies and then you finish it yourself that's how to creep something fast things that slow you down failing the lightning shield not using it properly because creeps are walking many different directions and you don't get maximum surface spread creeps cast frost armor on themselves because you killed the level 3 too slowly or because an enemy worker woke up the creeps and made them cast frost armor on everything let me quickly start a custom game so i can zoom out tr means turtle rock okay zoom 1850 now okay we're in the second game uh let me update the score also we have one win oh no yeah we have one win for one it really did go that fast here we go everyone is ready okay i think everyone is ready uh so are we are you guys ready good let's go let's jump into it game number two between juan and cooper turtle rock cooper's choice we have semi-cross map with the zoom level 1850 as requested by yours truly your chat mind truly yours truly is me so yours truly is is you now my truly is yours i think altar burrow we have alter crypt we have cripplers coming out once again by one okay griplord and cooper has gone for a peon on lumber before barracks why that means he wants to go for an early shop and then a late barracks he's not doing peon micro on his gold mine no peel micro costs him a little bit of gold about 20 gold or so now he's gonna go for the shop so he goes with blademaster with shop items takes his own ogre warrior or takes the enemy ogre warrior okay it's farsier god i love predicting things then he goes barracks now okay so this is a shop into barracks build which makes sure that when you leave your base you've got items your grunt is like 40 seconds later than your hero or or more like a minute later and the reason that you go four peon in gold for a bit and mine lumber first is so that it's not one and a half minutes later so you start with fires here you maybe grab the turtle you go harass finally a second finally your grunt comes in yo thank you joey wads for this up two pions in the borough the first peon is worth twice as much attack speed as any other so one peon is uh maximum efficiency the second field is just because you really wanna wanna hurt that acolyte heel soft speed scroll summoned wolves one acolyte getting chased by two wolves in the fires here meanwhile lord comes out double ghoul goes for the turtle one to summon skeletons from it no he goes straight for the turtle four okay the acolyte dies but again no experience to the fires here there's the pretty beautiful purple tavern again cloak of shadows again it was so crucial for x-lord to keep his lord alive twice surround attempts by one his surrounds are good indeed and he goes for the wolf it can be resumed no problem and it does no 20 xp for one one a little bit of production loss on his script should be making ghouls non-stop no he sees farsier he does not attempt to expand he sees fires here with items and he says boom tier two okay and it makes sense the blademaster for all his vaunted capabilities to steal creeps away ends up usually not being as effective against cripload expansion farseer shines a little bit more in that as it is a ranged hero and so he just goes to tier two the price that juan had to pay is not expanding but the reward that he gets is being up against farsier and that's a double advantage one farseer is not as good as blade late game wolves can be dispelled critical remains two cooper is a blades player he's only playing farts here now because he got dumpstered by exilord's griplord it was quite close but the funny thing is ex-lord is a hybrid player he's really good at criplord but he is a hybrid player that mostly plays dk and can also play criplord one is only a crippler player so you can call him a bit of a specialist when you force a specialist off of their main that's a win and it looks like juan is the one that succeeded in that going with the lord still and forcing cooper away from blade nice around there with the double repair of the surround by one you get 60 experience in a grand kill still have only 24 experience for cooper criplord is low and that does matter but at the end of the day he killed the ground didn't lose anything now criplord is weaker than death knight in situations like these one base no impale yet but fast forward to the late game if you get there without too much losses griplord can just be better sometimes high level impale can be devastating tc coming out and the bestiary will there be a totem also most likely yes [Music] spirit lodge shamans purge lightning shield and maybe a doctor with which uh yeah maybe a witch doctor with sentry ward oh he didn't get the kill on the beetle so it killed itself on the turtle surround on the wolf that's gonna be level two he gets it gonna go straight for a grunt if he can get in range but he kind of self-blocked he can impale fire here over the forest and he does he gets the ground surround is kind of difficult because of the terrain and he does indeed fail i kind of anticipated that he should have moved all of his units past it like this with move command one more chance to impale but that's a lot of mana oh he gets us around on the fires here if he impils he could actually kill it before tp he does yeah trying to wait until the last moment and the surround on the ground as well one number one string ah the double surround gg that's gg the doubles around on the grounds oh he lets one go it's i repeat it's on gg pull back from the precipice if he gets this grunt it's rigid okay on gg again call the press cancel the article we go to tier three all right what do we got here cooper wind riders again loose riders am i right first shaman comes second wind rider now this army of wind riders is amazing at creeping the map i love wind riders on turtle rock you use wolves to tank the love of forest and then there's no anti-air left and you can easily kill the gargantuan sea turtle lord now creeping close to level three skeleton scout will tell juan where cooper is will cooper get his first watch award of the day against ex-lord he gave away both oh oh 78 78 oh perfectly done by cooper leaving it at 105 life coil miss in fact helping cooper creep thank you very much you're so kind item is ring of regeneration watch rewired in an okay position not the best but anyway you've got it right tone of intelligence on the turn chieftain that's bonus two intelligence 30 mana first fiend comes out tier three is reached glitch destroyer upgrades after the second statue griplord is level three went for impale that tells you all you need to know about that expansion play plays beatles because they can help fight enemy peons and great halls but he's clearly playing the lord as a mountain king where he's using it for crowd control damage just as a fighting hero really first turtle goes down second turtle gives unholy ara comes in with wyverns three shots and a fireseer hit kills the ghoul no you don't finish this okay one losing another goal that's two goals down is there web that's an impale decent but he's in full flight river is doing great against the ghouls is there a web yes there is but can you actually take it down lit's coming out with orb of corruption but he's late stop theme goes down this could be cooper's turn around beatles level one coming in here first wyvern finally goes down but maybe six ghouls and the fiend have died already going for the second wind rider frost armor not nova gets purged away the frost armor but still second riven goes down impales around no sorry beetles around once someone goes down second gets attacked frost armor lich running and you know what as good as this started for cooper he's fighting pure heroes summons and statues just the way undead likes it surrounded bars here that's one specialty in bill oh he did a tp and they surround all the tc oh wanna so good at surrounds he earned this game with micros both heroes going down cooper cascaded his way to the top eight of season three but now on his way out one of the quickest one of the quickest losers of the tournament better luck next season perhaps if you can qualify again but he wasn't ready today yet 31 food one he did lose a lot cooper has 34. he's remaking one of his heroes once losses were big but he's got his three heroes he's finishing the spoils of war the gargantuan sea turtle the wand of mana stealing keep creeping and he will have a bright future tavern rebuy by cooper 39 food versus 34. keep in mind though tier 3 and orb were purchased that's 700 gold one could have easily been 40 food if he wanted to but he decided to invest in tech which is standard for undead orc does not have that tick no invented spears this time theon's getting attacked varsity are nearly back level 2 in the midst of undead heroes burrow getting attacked never fortified baby rage tc comes in from the flank one web two web marcier comes out worse stop on the litch attacking the theme will it be a coil coil is late no units have died yet by the orc killed one fiend now loses a wind rider death knight level three and the second theme comes in i think this might just be really bad for cooper look at how quickly those fiends die focus fire on the wavering doesn't even kill a fiend in return two for one in favor of one three for one now he's not even fighting with the riverines he doesn't need that piercing armor he just wants the whip highly mobile flying unit lull fourth river going down and destroyer and that should be the nil in the coffin destroy your missing dispel despite cast point point 66 which destroyed this spell was just buffed and speed still missed it all shaman comes in doesn't do anything at all there's impale again ah varsity goes down please is happy for some reason i don't know what he will be our next match that we cast you can tell by the way i swing my axe i'm a dead man no time to talk cooper's final moment in the game jj yeah cooper loves wyverns he has for a long time i've seen it be good i've seen it not be good easy 2-0 for one much easier than it was for x-lord a bit confused how they started x-lord happy winner bracket round two uh before anyway because i just did losers round one and they're started on winner bracket round two i guess that's just the way they sequenced it it's all good so you joined the game where's the overlay i got no overlay i'll restart the app maybe it'll work then happy won the first okay it works all right so happy is one zero we are in winner bracket round two as you can see here in the overlay game number two the winner goes straight to top three we have uh a fiend built by exlord and an early hero built by happy so happy goes for the classical fast tech with early death knight xlr with the much less classical late hero with early fiends so you'll have death knight with two fiends walking around by the time happy only has a single death knight but no fiends a town is under siege there is a game of hawk versus tots going on but that's a ladder game that is not a tournament game they are not facing yet they are still facing their respective night elf opponents first i think we will be able to join another series after this in in in please versus hawk happy acolyte going to town on the tomb of relics doing something like 150 damage 140 damage might come into play later gauntlets of ogre's strength 75 bonus health and three damage on the death knights not bad why is happy attacking so slowly a player's forces are under attack and standing still what is going on happy is standing still what oh he was waiting for skeletons ah the four second delay is messing with his timings so it looks like he's doing these inefficient things when really he's doing the exact same thing as he was doing before with a four second penalty it's so disconcerting to see a bug in happy's code but actually it's a balance change it's funny that two early fiends creeps slower than an early death night with rod which is why typically happy's build is the dominant one we do now have one fiend and with three fiends for x-lord always two ahead it means he gets the fight for the ogre mage level five and x uh happy has to go somewhere else to creep small camps this is just part and parcel of life when you have fewer fiends happy could not creep this even if uncontested so exort gets the very important watch reward between them it's difficult to quantify though having permanent vision in the intersection of your and the opponent's base seems like a game-winning move but first of all it is not in position of the shop so happy can still buy without getting seen on the other hand he probably doesn't know that so happy needs to treat it as if it is here which means careful caution and finally even though you do have that vision you can still play around the rest of the map and if you have the better army because you have more damage on your death knight look at this that's a lot of bonus damage for lich probably like plus 28 dps plus 28 dps right as the lich comes out of the gate if you have better damage then doesn't matter if they know where you are xor goes straight for the main tries to snipe a ghoul happy's reaction speed is too fast skeletons four of them going on acolytes slow towers hurting death knight something fierce as acrylites get surrounded by skeletons like that second one going from here or to here might lose another happy gets the other watch award that's something at least the less important one but it's still one good microbite happy trying to keep his acolyte alive but there's too many skeletons that's two acolytes down expert gets level three and happy tries to chase and surround one of the fiends can he get it he's no one doesn't get this around one would have had it four versus four fiends how did he get four fiends he doesn't have food for a lich happy with 900 gold now with the third cigarette late lich because he made that fourth fiend is that a mistake is that standard lynch coming out by x-lord his tier three eight seconds faster than happy's finishing the final troll trapper he's tanking damage with the death knight doesn't wanna do that retargets it to the fiend now it's time for happy to attack with two and one tenth of a skeleton maybe a cancel on the slaughterhouse lich is coming out though five seconds can hit a big nova on the death knight tp and with that i don't think he gets a slaughterhouse cancel unless he's very daring it looks like he is trying to focus two different beats at the same time it is a slaughterhouse cancel for a tp trade good result for happy his slaughterhouse itself is 50 seconds in the making his litch was late so he needed to find some way to slow both of them down while also gaining a tech advantage lich is a little slower to creep and his own is slow because he doesn't have it yet first slaughterhouse in production we have no exploit is going for an attack what the hell is this real i i don't know anything about this matchup when i see this you would think he goes to creep so what does he achieve here making sure that happy isn't creeping but there's a nerubian tower he has no tp either this does this statue block delicious around it hello he kills his statue and he frees himself from the surround there can be anova but he won't die i know coil will be on time he kills a statue what the hell getting your lich baited as if it's going to get surrounded and then just coolly killing it and getting away what a boss move stopping excellent from creeping and killing a statue so my god that early obsidian that happy made that advantage has now been cancelled out both of their statues are exactly the same time this is amazing and excellent also has dark ranger control now wow he got his first dark ranger out oh happy steals the uh the turtle level four and now that he has orb he has the power to focus as much as he wants there has to be a silence doing a bit of damage on the statues silence to prevent the next nova and now happy do you take your own turtle or do you take his turtle or do you grab that ranger and take another turtle any dark ranger players not here first second statue we have four five fiends no attack upgrades yet against five fiends with double statues very mirror right now he should give petty up to fatality to the hero that's getting this tank maybe it's too laborious too tedious he wants to go get an invulnerability potion and a dust already as the dust gets the info kills the level four in in absence of the dk sponsoring xp on the lich and the duck ranger keeps the dk out of range for the turtle seven gives him litch level 1.8 dome of strength and the scroll of the beast that's very good now he needs webb so that he can protect scroll of the beast from destroyers that happy might morph he's getting his own destroyer upgrade as well as an attack i think neither player has wep yet we have a temple coming out for happy little earlier than for x-lord xlr instead choosing to go with attack upgrades potion of invulnerability expert keeps his own level 4 creep a web on the fiend is actually annoying as he went to go get uh i don't know dustin appearance i think dk far to the back by happy wants to make sure it doesn't get focused lynch oh my god he gave the small potion no he used the big one he used the big one instead of the small one unfortunate because you don't need that long of an info on the lich that's a big gain for happy scroll the beast now scroll of the miss dk is very far back for x-lord indeed good coil another thing gets focused by both coil hits for happy also on one percent of the feed life and he gets just enough hits to finish it off there's still a lot of mana on exports lich i have seen him have this very often i feel like extort often forgets to use nova or maybe it's tactical that was a weird nova it just feels like hitting that first nova asap when you're 100 mana is valuable to reduce the enemy damage as it reduces their attack speed and to start regenerating mana basically that was his first nova and it was hitting a death knight that had nearly full life all the way at the back second attack upgrade coming for x-lord he dropped to 47 food happy 47 himself getting banshee adept training and having no benches yet wants to make sure they're upgraded before they come into play excellent getting the ogre warrior three happy getting another very even here silence on the death knight that's one feet down expert gets both the item and the creep but he has a small army for some reason it looks like very small three fiends against five the fourth fiend coming in now he has a lot of upgrades but he needs that fifth fiend to have a little bit of overweight a little bit of power two fiends in production exlert can be pleased that he got the level six troll that they fought for now happy goes for the ogalord in the top right which leaves x-lord to go for the overlord in the bottom left then happy is closer to the next final crucial creep the troll six on the bottom right though certainly if axler chose to do so he could make it over there via this path what are the items gonna be time of strength and cloak of flames very bad item cloak of flames oh my god happy with your toe with the best item you can get i think this is even better than brilliant but brilliance is very close this is attack speed and movement speed compare that to cloak of flames on the death knight i think it's so bad you might as well sell it because death knight is always at the back went over 50 food he's at 60 with a destroyer a destroyer three statues and beans with two attack upgrade happy has two attack upgrades also quickly gets the level six troll level three dark ranger that's big silence or skeletons goes for the silence on the litch misses the death knight banshee immediately going down coil the fiend misses that's not good for axe lord another team goes down by ex-lord he kills the fiend himself three fiends down for ex-lord this was a 60-foot timing attack it's three for two four for two in favor of happy we have the bigger army for xlr but he's losing them quicker three destroyers though and there's no wep whip is about to finish but it wasn't here yet and he kills almost all the fiends before webb finishes now finally things finish is there a town portal for export no this is kind of an all-in whenever you go all in with destroyers against the web that is a massive risk he killed most of happy speeds but he's five foot down and he's very low or mana happy still much higher on mana the fiend can come out of the woodworks and burrow here that's a destroyer's night good job by exlord exlord also expanded in typical x-lord fashion pulls away has coil for the duck rager can use it will use it but that endurance are ladies and gents bonus movement speed he's got unholy ara level 2 and endurance makes him a whole lot faster than this dk level 3. a player's forces are under attack happy now goes for the turtle level seven we have a ton of agility for dark ranger plus two damage and plus four percent attack speed involve on the dk he's checking hey maybe this green cap is still here it isn't wasted time maybe the troll six is still here but the thing is this is risky he went for protection scroll which is weird because you know can be eaten by destroyers but i think the reason that x-lord is looking for creep steels and creek jacks and contact is because if he pulls back to the top or takes his own turtle he gives space and opens up the map for happy to scout here and there right so he wants contact happy too smart though he scouts anyway silence on all of happy's heroes focuses the lich sorry the banshee and kills it this is an expansion with a nerubian at fifty percent explored 52 food happy 51 happy's heroes and items are better better mana better levels better items i don't think nerubian can save next door here he's got no mana if he gets one of his destroyers whipped it's over it looks like ex-lord may be losing here it looks like happy might be going to the winner bracket grand finals the winner bracket finals no destroyers ever for happy ah fiend goes down already skeleton gets made coil on destroyer but to what end there's so much damage two one upgraded beams with magic shell they cannot even take damage from destroyers that's two destroyers down that's gg definitely over but why did it why is it yeah it's over happy 2-0 great job by him and now we're gonna have vetoes and games between the other players of winner bracket round one all right gg happy very impressive here with his uh play fairly comfortable victory what if i ran a live stream i watched warcraft i put that on an internal virtual stream locally with a three minute artificial delay and i would then cast off of that then i could still talk to y'all live but i would shield myself from knowing which i shouldn't know yet and therefore spoiling results too early you've just given me a great idea even though it was a little silly nori it may actually be possible i'm gonna look into it then we could still meme together but i would cast with the required delay i have never heard of anyone doing that nori snuggles if it works the worst orc uses show 100 apm arc but yeah uh anyway that would be cool if it works if it works your vip nor is now goes all right here we go we've seen auric versus undead now we get to see human versus night elf hawk who catapulted to rank three of this season who i think was ranked six last season hawk used to be known as the best european or western human this is no longer beyond the doubt cruncher blade todd and more are competing for that title blade the human that qualified last season it seemed almost beyond the doubt that he was the best european human but he didn't even qualify this season and hawk did hogg always resting with that promise on his shoulders of his potential of his past form he's recently been taking maps from happy but he's been disappointing for a year maybe two years did he play above his performance for a while and then we had two high expectations or has he had a long slump whatever the situation it seems like he has climbed out of it and is trying to reclaim his spot as the top human player in europe using a footman and an archmage to deny the wisp to detonate on the water elemental meanwhile taking a lot of damage on militia retargeting though i feel like there's too much damage on the pheasants not enough on the water elemental he's pulling back the militia he has scouted a keeper creep rat not level two yet but soon very soon please please does not last hit with the ancient war keeper gets the creep but no peasants here who gets the priest one tree and goes down to hawk there is one of mana steel he's using both greedily melissa finishing off the pheasant and tangles and treants is living his most greedy his fastest life using all of his mana immediately to kill as many things as he can that was a peasant deny by hawk nice job let's talk a little about please please has never been a contender for world championship titles but he has been a dark horse in europe for a long time back in 2007 8 9 please was one of my foremost work versus night of practice partners he played talents as all elves did in that time and he was very good not good enough to beat the likes of lin or focus in tournament matches but good enough to do almost anything else and while practice is not the same as a tournament i certainly lost my fair share of games against them a good player now coming back in the second life the second coming of warcraft 3 and he has veritably qualified for this tournament not very confident against human in a little brief pre-game dialogue with him he said the best humans are hawk versus a hawk and blade but he doesn't meet them often enough to get attuned to their level of play and their style his win rate against human is the best but he probably met many humans does he that he doesn't think are worth the same practice level as hogg and blade so confident he is not denied by hogg three and killed he's on his way to level three archmage peasants and footman getting attacked going in the gold mine to delay the keeper now he gets the hit he wants that footman as well might lose an archer but he pulls it back and another deny by hawk really good denies keeping the keeper on low level footy runs away archer tries to finish him one shot two shot he needed to kite he didn't kite so he won't get it of course he was busy not losing his keeper he could block it with the treant or yeah there we go he could hit it he could just hit him with the treat nice job like a ninja using everything in his environment to help we have seen half a year ago moon and lolita going with keeper archer naga dark ranger from tier 3 all in not please he is going for a player's forces are under attack a counter expansion which has finished he also should probably like to get nature's blessing to protect it from an all-in how is hawk doing on the micro and the macro just started his tier two a lumberville he's got seven peasants in his mainland lumber and three on this expansion making more ever still it should be a blacksmith or a shop to block and protect towers from archer focus fire tree of life walking over no nature's blessing a shop and a human danter coming out that's the ogre mage ring of protection plus four atrocious item for keeper not bad for demon later but not the best archmage chasing there getting one archer kill the expansion uh healing itself up as it takes damage from the camera nice delay tactics chasing the archers forcing them to heal themselves and delaying the expansion mana burn would be nice he gets it no water elemental coming out then but ultimately fleece is getting delayed on the routing of history of life will there be a steel on the creek another mana burn oh that's a steal no please wow that's uh hawk is playing really good with the dota the last hits and archer also died to footies whereas these two archers will beat the fuji but again hawk with his excellence you can really see he's in the zone he's in shape keeping track of all the separate threats in this game and pulling back the footy before it dies over and over denies and saves you think you look at his base to see all these low footies and that's exactly the case five footies were saved like this demon hunter now comes in would love to do a mana burn for a cake w and he does but what elemental was summoned footman with health blocking the low footie did get hit tier two has finished blacksmith comes out where's the mountain king oh no he might not go for mount again otherwise he would have started it already he's probably going naga sea witch or alchemist i think naga because there's demon hunter tier three hunter's hull and more archers probably archer mountain giant going for the no overseer narga is here she took crossed arrows the xp and the item to please defend upgrade is here nice blocks with the footy getting a bit of extra damage on the keeper two foot is getting attacked but oh the glow wow the clarity cancel attempt by hawk and then the staff to preserve it plus 70. a player's forces are under attack can you finish this one this is zentangle level 2 so it actually takes care of footage quite nicely no nature's blessing he goes for the naga hughpot on the naga nice precious by hockey knew that that naga often gets focused so he puts the hill pot there arch is still focusing on the naga he'll put now getting used going in again with the demon on tomato burn he has he'll pull on demon on there as well both of these players are saying this is not my first rodeo and he lets the naga die in favor of keeping up the pressure he lets the naga die despite having town portal how much extra pressure can he do there is another entangle but the demon hunter is no longer healthy enough to follow through on the damage wisps not mining yet this is costing police lumber and gold oh wow that was close he nearly got the entangle on the archmage got away barely survived the surround there is staff on the keeper he can save the demon hunter he can save the demon honor he should and he does oh i think there was a self kill on the rifle hawk very very nice pressure letting that naga die and just flooding units in from two sanctums and a black barracks while also still going to tier three getting gunpowder priests and priest upgrades non-stop pressure and canceling that clarity again that's expensive please also needs to go for bears not mountain giants maybe if he never gets attacked he can go for mg i don't know but with moon wells completely empty and the heroes low he needs bears to heal up clarity times two one on the demon one on the keeper and you know what hawk is creeping during this defense rifle priest makes this very easy to creep bracers actually went to naga i said it wrong before it was hawk that got the bracers it was please it got the xp this agency 24 is going to get cancelled will it get cancelled or will it die it dies that's nearly archmage level up now coming in with one bear and the second bear coming and master training not finished yet there is no way that this is enough to stop this attack immediately retargets to the west hawk is on point please looking completely helpless towers to block pathing and to drive the final nail in the coffin the fan foot is still here completely negating the value of archers against them or profanity is good though bear damage not bad and the only chance the police has to stop this attack in its tracks focus archmage force him to go home and buy more time but there's just not enough teeth to this attack there is a heel scroll it's not ideal to heal only a hero but it's good enough to stay around if that's what it takes but he's really pushing it he's enjoying this he uses a last second past info instead he's got double heel scroll i think paladin will come out soon tier three is finishing hawk is winning this and not by a small margin either level three and two you know this keeper would have been like level 3.8 if if all those denies didn't happen oh and the power play you know the first tournament i ever watched in warcraft before i even thought of participating in esports was a human versus night elf between sk insomnia from bulgaria and 80 intox from france it was norwood close position west side insomnia tower rushed in talks killed his main base intox expanded and moved towards that and insomnia towered up and expanded on his main and actually ended up losing i remember then thinking that taking someone's expansion someone's base as your base was the ultimate disrespect play and then that's why he lost but ever since then i have seen how it's sensible to take an expansion that you already invested towers into he wasn't doing it to disrespect he was doing it because it was a good move and he lost because of other reasons but i never forgot that it was so funny the first time i saw it taking someone's base it does feel a bit disrespectful doesn't it but it's just a power play you might try again but for now he reinvested his resources into a paladin an inner fire which just completed inner fire available you can dispel immediate dispel hawk is on point wisps coming in minus 40 mana burn wisps goes for the water elemental first and the arc mage in the naga mana bears are doing all right hero nagar getting attacked looking a little low staff of sanctuary bears can they get saved double staff yes archer nice micro by please even saving the little ones look at that micro by hawk fighting away 55 percent slow by source arresters on bears it got nerfed slow used to be 60 now it's 55. bears also have plus one damage from the patch is it gonna help hey oh he died to the water [Music] gg paladin just came out won fairly comfortably good job to him yeah one zero for the humans in the meantime we also have going on todd versus lil dc on the back to warcraft stream can check that out too if you want we have a ward in level seven against 443 both 80 foot that is still going to be reaching its conclusion but we are going to be getting ready for game number two between please and hawk the map is going to be concealed hill i think i can guess and infer the game name little dc actually used to be a teammate as well way back in four kings very talented night off player came back and is doing very well for himself looks like he might be winning the next match okay we have this game coming up please i know him as a guy that plays keeper naga archers against orc and i knew him as a guy that does that against human so when i tell you that it was predictable that he was gonna play keeper i guess i can't stress that enough if i that didn't even study him know that about all of his match-ups hawk certainly must have known that as well but maybe unpredictability is not key in undead versus human versus night of maybe it's all about mechanics and creep routes and creep jacks we're all ready let's get ready for game number two between please and hawk the winner of this will face the winner of lil dc and todd and the loser the loser here we go we'll please be able to rally and get a comeback happening against hawk or warhawk close it out and we'll please go for warden i doubt it i don't think concealed is a particularly good warden map either because of the healing fountains you can never rely on attrition low units that you finish off with fan they can heal there for quote unquote free there is an opportunity cost we have ancient of war creeping on the small camp it's actually classified as an orange camp if you see though it feels green to me should be another keeper archmage from hawk now on northern isles it's meta for human to immediately militia creep their expansion with the fast expand resulting as you saw but concealed hill is a significantly tougher creep camp you won't be able to see the same six militia immediately not this time hawk is gonna have to build this up more sequentially take this camp maybe the green and then the orange spot that gives please a little bit more time to disrupt there are also poison creeps i wonder if hawke would even consider going for one base style it's not common against night elf one base style used to be so good in fact human against elf was perceived as very imbalanced just a year ago with human doing rifle push every single game rifle priest bush tier 2 rifle priest when i was still playing huge day on stream i won a lot of elves with that as well it was quite easy but that was before keeper mass archers came into play there's a few things that changed that made it a little better for you archers minus five health in the patch from a week ago minus five health no it's half a week ago wednesday minus five health and rifles attack three percent faster so in the tier one ranged in the tier one ranged battle rifles have gained archers have lost a town is under siege gangster from the north in twitch chat oscars forces are under attack can you tell us one story about a famous human player and knight of player that you like during these tourneys i wouldn't know which ones detonate is okay he doesn't get experience from it but it does mean he takes a little bit more damage from creeps but not enough to the point where i feel like that really mattered still that water alley would still be around during the subsequent creep route so perhaps it is a weakening of hawks army and that's enough for please archer's actually going home to defend against the footman naturally whereas the second archer is joining hawke adjoining police to harass and here come the militia six of them and there's an arcane tower in this main four farms four peasants yeah here we go 30 food for hog that's a entangle on the footman with the creep going to hawk both poison creeps go to hawk and after that poison camp both of the poison creeps he sends them back interesting he has dealt with the most threatening damagers the two poison creeps now all he needs to do is take down the purger the gnoll warden and then water alien militia can tank the rest perhaps he intends to send his archmage deep to harass and let's just units finish this off oh that's a oh that's a big mistake he attacked first with the water elemental which meant that no warden actually purged the elemental he needed to start with a melee attack the detonator was huge now getting both water elementals and the archmage even getting the experience for some of them and if these two footies hit the archer it goes down archmage is level three and overall it doesn't seem like hawk is too bothered he gets dependent of energy a circuit and a mantle and we do have police doing a very good job zoning at the healing fountain using archers to prevent footies from healing here in fact it would be great to see another archer on this fountain to stop footman there likewise expansion is coming up but significantly slower than last game in the meantime the other round one match still hasn't finished but it looks like little dc will be clinching the first map in quite an epic game 30 minutes and counting so lil dc is leading 1-0 most likely when you account for delay he probably already is whereas here it's hawk that's leading so two different races winning as keeper gets level 3 heals up to full with mana and teepees to the expansion but a little bit too late to matter what does it take force of nature so three three ends he can go for the arcane tower okay go for the peasants so that they cannot repair the tower meanwhile archmage is doing a lot of damage as well the lore getting focused is he gonna cancel it yes detonate on just one of the water elementals this one is gonna hit both and he needs one more whisk to finish it off and get a lot of experience or he can just use archers he uses the archers wow these two wisps are stuck that's minus four wisps maybe five but he did get 90 xp or so from the water elementals and this is two sets of triangles level two so that's six three ends and hawk not sure if you should burn mana on the keeper or actually remove treants but that's so many wisps that these footies also stuck all of the wisps here so there's what one whisper lumber one wisp on lumber two wisp total and he's killing gold mining but this is the second base now hawk doesn't have a second hero doesn't even have a second tier he's still tier one he's lost so many peasants in comes the panda fire breath fire breath gandalf fire breath didn't put the arcane yet on the panda archer low getting hit there's a dust there's a boots he goes for the arcane tower another firebreath to finish it off to be trying to get that archer to safety but it will die meanwhile the 250s are here he should have surrounded it immediately if he plugged the gap with his panda he would kill both for no mana at all instead he will lose all of his mana trying to kill them off hawk his forces are under attack really hurt he lost his tower and is down to three peasants on his gold mine he's got so many peasants in production this reminds me of a farm with like 10 children it's like oh i want many children martha we need help on the farm let's make more peasants keepers level four panda level one and a half and the first lore finished the lumber situation for police is atrocious oh pandas around and he doesn't have a shop help oh yes staff of telly he's gonna be one percent live when he tip is out no he dies he dies oh i really thought he was gonna survive wow no more moon wells looks like hawk might just win off of tier one there's no lumber for please 97 the panda is coming back moonwalls are empty there is no shock more wisps are going down repeatedly but the first dryad is here save the wisps make a moonwa out of them or something he's splitting them into the gold mine this is the death trap don't go in here you cannot get away we cannot get out fire breath is required just fire breath there we go oh he last hit with the agent of war so he didn't get experience for that nice last hit on that archer hawk buying so much time by now he has started his tier two attack a blacksmith and a lumber mill he's halfway there getting attacked again i don't think he can get it dryads can slow the attack speeds of both the archmage and the footman but there is defend upgrades hawk is really playing with fire here look he's actually gonna get it this is insane it was 90 of the way down that shop represented clarity potions no no don't hit don't hit you could die oh he died to defend i saw him trying to keep it away for a bit but in the chaos he attacked after all okay here's the second lore so he's got double lord triads but the triads cost 60 lumber one two wisps three four five six shop comes out again there's the fourth moon well so he really needed that shot because he needed moonstone and clarity now one arcane tower is here and two guard towers about to come he gets a cancel on the archmage's regeneration scroll that's nice but can he finish it off 45 food tier 2 was rich mountain king i think please is in a very precarious position i don't see a lot of future for him in this game forces are under attack no bear attack no ng no mass archer no mana no moonwell juice and no hero kill he's just gonna try to right click the archmage but that doesn't work out oh surround attempt oh hawk is playing excellent he cancels his own staff why did he cancel it wait did he staff on the treat and it died is that what happened i don't know man hawk is outclassing him a bit here perhaps on a different day you'll have more luck yeah mass giants is not going to cut it the towers are here already ghost tier 3 has a sanctum players forces are under attack oh my god come see the violence inherent in the system i'm being oppressed yeah keeper with the heel scroll but this should be a gt the next bolt won't quite kill him unless this is around archer bolt tries to defend footy surround a triad doesn't get it does get a hand doesn't have dust anymore but he's getting dry out with water elementals imagine putting out a water with fire that's what he just did extinguishing a candle with flame he just killed a dryad that's supposed to counter with this spell he killed it with what elemental ggr played the final insults like the dryad dying to a last hit oh hawk played phenomenal i'd be very excited to see if lil dc wins the first map then we will have human versus elf times two again the winners versus the winners the losers versus the losers score here is 1-0 for lil d let me check if i have the players on the correct side this is still winner bracket round one okay now this is on the left side he's leading 1-0 i'll intro the players in just a sec just updating something on the out game screen okay all right yeah let's get into it so both of these players were teammates of one another todd joined four kings in 2004 and lil dc joined in 2007 i believe either late 2006 or 2007 johan merlo daniel clayson france and sweden human versus night of little dc went with an ancient of war that is geared towards the natural expansion so if he immediately creeps this he will be level 2.2 and will have cleared his gold mine and has made it available for an expansion so what please did last game is to make oh my god i just cancelled my zoom level and i cannot undo it because i touched the mouse wheel oh jesus [Music] you cannot you cannot zoom in when uh how do you disable that you can't well i guess we're gonna zoom in do not touch this when you're zoomed out oh jeez okay so police actually had to walk his tree of life against hawke into his natural but little disease doesn't need to bother with that he's killing the barricades i guess i never thought of that killing them to manipulate and create more space for yourself that makes sense so it's keeper of the growth first with treants a quick shot for clarity potion and todd immediately going for the militia creep on the natural with five milliseconds two footies hawk elected to use six peasants not just with the five and please elect it to harass with keeper whereas little dc is creeping here instead great item pendant of energy but he thought that he gets a ring of protection plus 4 just like hawk got on this map which is really bad no no hawk didn't get it please got the ring of protection plus four hawk got dependent of energy yeah looks like hulk and lilt is here the more item lucky players today keeper coming in with the clarity potion it got cancelled i think he got maybe 20 use of it so i'm going to call a minus 50 gold kw that's three water elementals one footman getting and tango attacked he needs a second and tango if he wants to kill it but he just lets it go will there be a last hit yeah little dc last hits it and what about this one todd last hits it both players really good at killing their own units so far what about the footman again a last hit by todd oh players good micro here expansion coming along very nicely we have more and more footage coming out no defend upgrade yet little dc far away from being able to attack same for todd as little this is still making non-stop archers bonus moon wells and has his tree of life coming along told his gonna have a small lead of mining that's just how town hall works right and power building he started to mine now we're doing that we'll decease three finishes soon but we'll still need half a minute for the entangled gold mine both players very low level they did all the denies very passive defensive micro by both militia creep on the small camp here this is good and bad for todd he gets some bonus experience but it's not a breaking point yet it's part of the whole story whereas this does cost him a delay to go to tier 2. another self-killed by todd killing his own footie he's really good at doing these and little dc focusing another footy again itself deny this guy hates his own footies as archers are getting away as well so they are not killed and denied they just survive that's of course the difference between entangle and nultin's angle started his tier 2 attack using more militia now the second part of the whole takes this with militia this with archmage and that should give him archmage level 3. what item does he get does he know what it is does he want it slippers probably the worst i'd say even cloak is better keeper getting attacked dropping very very low indeed and what is that circulative nobility didn't give a shift militia home command but finds it quickly enough anyway the circuit is great illusions are great and he gets level 3 on the archmage no tower at home it struck me that hawk made an arcane tower at home on concealed hill in a matchup that typically doesn't get abused there by keeper which means that hawk besides winning against keeper had even envisioned there could be a warden against warden you do want an arcane here even though police always goes keeper hawk plated safe just in case whereas todd is cutting the corner of not making an arcane as he expected to keep her to be coming out here for lil dc he did just lose to warden but that was on echo a somewhat different map here correct gamble no arcane required there is a second tower coming up here to guard tower todd goes for the troll priest but he knows that he got seen by police so this is a bit risky bit greedy big fire breath and all the footies they still have defend upgrade even though they're not getting attacked by archers right now you can turn them on and off quickly to try and gain some movement speed but then there's also the creeps they can hit you as well but this is a lot of dead footies and he just keeps creeping 140 chasing the archers todd trying to get that troll warlord level 6. is this one footman really enough to steal the camp well done by todd didn't think that uh this would work out but the illusion distraction the footy chasing a single archer distraction altogether it led him to brute force getting this troll six where really you would think he had no right to get it another self-kill by the arc mage keeper getting so few points of experience attack here now the pandaren brewmaster not just for little dc but also for todd we have two ancient of lore and tier three coming up for little dc he's got not that many lumber wisps seven i think eight maybe eight you need a little bit more than that eight is enough if you have a bit of a build up but he's a bit low too nice archer kill there the town is under siege it's uh not another archer kill this could have finished around by a little bit if we tried a bit lazy not to try there was a easy surround if you look at his positioning but he lets the archmage go are we gonna see attack upgrades for archers from the hunters hall no straight into reinforced heights that means bears or mountain giants and it's going to be dryads at first dry hats with armor upgrades okay and what is todd doing tier 3 double barracks sanctum and workshop with now one garth tower in his main and just the two here and i think he has too many lumber peasants wait six seven eight nine ten eleven 12 13 14 15 16. 16 peasants that's 26 peasants total which is more than half his supply he's got more peasants than heroes and units normally you don't need 16 you need between 10 to 14 but 16 does give you more lumber more quickly which allows you to massively upgrade your units kidding and reward training priest dispel blacksmith upgrades blah blah blah everything but i think you'll find todd soon with 1500 lumber it's like he pressed the peasant button and just kept pressing under the guise of good macro but just got a few too many little dc is running a tighter ship about 8 wisps on lumber still with a good balance of resources still enough money to upgrade he's got one one on his triads triads did i say dryads dry ads bears with adept training coming out and lil dc is aggressively fighting told for every inch of the map but here's the thing he's only got keeper level two that's nothing keeper level two panda level one did lily see i mean they had that fight just here but very little creeping and what's more even though he's creeping now he ideally wants to be boosting his panda not his keeper what is this what is his ogre mage doing okay he got it yay yeah panda meanwhile got hillstone and this one called hill pot they are not endangered so we have mortars and priests footman priest martyr a player's forces are out of attack you know what if you look at the lumber income the lumber situation it very much seems like 16 peasants is the right amount for now it's simply so much resources that toddlers sinking into upgrades priest dispel and inner fire fragmentation shards and thundering blades and animal war training does he have those yet in fact yeah he has sundering blades he has animal war training 2-1 night upgrades now going for 2-2 wow i learned 16 peasants players oh now we see the violence inherent in the system we're being oppressed okay so you get 16 first you power out all your upgrades then you kill them one night goes down followed in comes in we have little dc aggressively moving towards the mortars doesn't want them to shell away with impunity one priest goes down as well mortar is now shooting at bears dryads remain on the move lightning shield at footman and panda one freeze coat down second freeze going for the mortars mortars getting attacked they're still attacking triads two new knights come in rejuvenation on the dryads and it keeps moving one martyr goes down porpo venom on the second mortar also goes down tot lost so much he's 56 food just now he was nearly 80. lil dc is still at 80 food todd tp's out he did finish this camp but was the subsequent fight really necessary he lost all of his priests and mortars and when you think about it he's made this late game army that seems great on paper two two nights is amazing right they're very well upgraded and you've got more tires to deal with the dryads you've got priests to inner fire and heal them all but this fight wasn't it he didn't have enough stuff to protect his mortars to really have a reason to exist they were easily flanked and moved upon and he didn't even turn on inner fire yet he didn't even turn on inner fire yet so he wasn't as well protected as he should be now i'm curious to see if paladin will go for devotion ara again little dc with the aggressive play the creep jack not giving an inch nice mortar shots on the dryads immediately moving and healing them again archer goes down to the mortars this knight is dropping very low and tangled greater he'll put by little dc there's a fairy dragon as well little the sea looks very well prepared he's got this lovely mix of army also mixing in those fairy dragons and if he puts it in manor player mode even better bears are upgraded to one dryad remains on the move lily sees micros really good paula though panda though involved and creeping at the same time now we have the keeper t being out trying to finish off that last night doesn't get it disspell that was a good fight for todd their first fight not good second fight better how many peasants does todd have right now 13 horses are under attack he killed all of his own peasants oh yeah he used militia that's why he's only got three on lumber now from 16 to three so this army is a lot more trim than this previous army this is pure forces he's got zero zero more tires but two two on the knights paladin never got level two though so no devotion or d shields whatever they might go for autocast slow is turned off building c gearing up for a fight he's got three one upgrades now getting reinforced defenses and wellspring panda finally uh paladin finally gets level two what does he go for is it devotion is it d shield it is d shield big fire breath on todd's army he's got no heel scroll i don't think he can survive the next rotation of spells he needs to pressure the panda so the panda can't stay here lil dc staffed out the panda so that's a big win for tom now i'm not sure that he will lose as many units there is no fire breath anymore one staff of sanctuary for top second staff he still has access to one staff doesn't use it on the mortar might be saving it for a night that's a good fight for tom he's got slow on all the bears massively upgraded knights with 14 armor finally comes back though that's one night down he had staff didn't use it the keeper got attacked by knights this might be the one one any upgrades coming for mortars i think he just finished one no oh he went for the third attack upgrade on knights the bottom camp is still available it could drop endurance ara brilliance unholy and if todd gets it the best item that he could get would be war drums or unholy maybe unholy would be the best movement speed regeneration of course war jumps is only damage little dc does not feel like he wants to give up that count his keeper is feeling more and more useless the panda that's supposed to be the carry should be level five by now but it's only level three he didn't power creep it enough he spent a lot of time creep jacking and while it looked good for him in the top left he was mostly fighting a lot of peasants smart to keep a unit here to prevent an expansion but i'm not sure that todd is ever looking to get a third base he's got 26 lumber three peasants on lumber uh now more actually he's got uh six he remade some one night forgotten for now wisps coming in one night goes down fire breath getting only a single wisp not in range for the rest one night goes down for free second night he could stop it he didn't staff it two staffs on top but didn't staff it he still doesn't use numpad hotkeys for it he mouse clicks so sometimes it's a little too slow at night also died 76 food for todd running away panda finally got level four that's drunk and haste level two boom fire breath actually he didn't upgrade drunkenness yet is he going brawler or he just forgot he doesn't have a fourth ability to pick so much damage being taken what why did you he zooms out in a fight i thought about that that for different situations you can have different zoom levels and you know there's no rules yet for whether you can zoom in or out during the battle your opponent actually reads that it makes it a little cringe but uh jeez yeah i thought about that like sometimes you want a big view something's a small view maybe eventually there'll be rules you must settle on one zoom you know what else could have happened he could have done a zoom in and then lost his zoom just like i did at the start of this cast so that's why he needed to go back to 1950's default anyway look at these bears they're so low six life lil dc at 80 foot tatted 58 but a single fire breath could do so much keeper got level 5 the knights 3 2 upgraded but unable to finish off these bears speed is supposed to be their forte can you run after the bears but they're getting staffed and pre and rejuvenated a player's forces the final upgrade comes in for a little dc three three upgrades archmage is level five with brilliance upgrade level three can todd finally get that camp that he's been wanting for so long the magnetar will that be what saves him i don't usually see other humans go for mass three three nights against night elf but this has long been one of todd's best matchup night elf all the way back 15 years ago so maybe uh maybe it will work eventually three two nights against three three bears and triads going for that magnetar in comes lil dc once again he's forced to give it up once again can he snipe it quickly and get out he does not have town portal the positioning not great for lily the ogre mage goes to hey holy light hogamage goes to tallz and he's squeezing out the magnetars well it's warsong battle drums the second best item he could get ten percent bonus damage on everything these knights of plus eight isn't going to be enough we can certainly feel the bonus damage coming on to the panda right now paladin does he have d shield he does he's baiting it knights not getting stabbed he's still has staff on archmage maybe he's saving it for a hero bear's doing so much damage on the knights he's trying to kill the fairy dragon with the archmage not quite yet though mill dc both doing fire breaths everything is so low knight's going down one night goes down two nights goes down panda already has level up todd is 62 food keeper gets level six he's got tranquility looks like lil dc may have done it todd got the item that he wanted for so long but he's down to 56 food and forget you not there's only 10 000 gold on the expansions on northern iowa so whoever expands first loses it first and it's lilly seat that takes the top of the map little dc that mines out second and will then have two trees that can move to another base thought is out of money 60 food and that's it and he's hurt even still against monopod pendant of energy panda rejuvenation on the fairy dragon kills another knight looks like little dc will clinch this 2-0 two different races win the round one the better players at micro macro winning hawk beats please little dc beats todd they all meet each other in winner loser brackets that's the tranquility most players with gg now when will todd there is no technical way for him to win anymore zero percent chance both of them will play their next match after this oh he gets the panda but even that will not help there's plenty of money to rebuy it could be a surround on the panda and he gets it he closes this around kills another knight the staff does happen on the paladin another knight dice though tranquility is available in 15 seconds from now not doesn't have the mana does have to cool down soon a lot of damage here by these bears three three upgrades 31 to 61. nice staff panda survives will dc in a very comfortable position did actually remake his panda from the altar not taran that's a level seven on the keeper can he finish it off without kiting and blocking lazy play by little dc there with the micro lazy that should have been a kill two staffs on the archmage panda comes back paladin is afk uther called gg three minutes ago and the archmage goes down detours where this was this dark mage well played gl next lil dc wins 2-0 lil dc will go up against hawk in the second round of the winners todd versus please in the second in the first round of the losers gg yeah wardrobes was not quite enough to win it because damage was not a problem it was surviving with his units against orpo venom fire breath and entangle he bled too many units out oh i need to re-uh re-zoom out again i wonder if they would be able to fix that at some point so let's take a look at the brackets thus far here we are we have little dc-20 todd hawk to zero please we have happy and exlord winning happy is currently in the winter bracket finals one beat cooper it's going to be please against todd and it's gonna be hawk against lil dc the loser of hawk ltc will meet ex-lord right i think so yeah no they will meet one they'll meet one the loser of that will meet one all right there is the brackets [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 20,077
Rating: 4.9590445 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, reforged, wc3 champions, finals, season 3, happy, xlord, please, bo3
Id: aTfsS3X9BA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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