Grubby | WC3 Reforged | The Druids Arise!

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the next day near the outskirts of this sacred moon glaze I don't have any more coats left I'll try to get more tomorrow the cinereous dead it falls to us to awaken the Druids we must recover the demigods horn from the sacred moon blade iron only its clarion call can awaken the Druids from their slumber but priestess the orcs have established a crude settlement upon the iron we'll need to fight our way through them to reach senarios is horn hardest reign of chaos mission in my opinion good luck we found the undead are advancing upon the nearby Barrow dens the den seemed abandoned but there is one druid sleeping within them sister this midgets are the wisest and most powerful the monk is out of ten region has returned then we'd better hurry if the undead overtake his den before he's awakened let us make haste my sister's all right let me let me sit properly then in that case mind your posture Richmond a tile behind the org base time remaining ninety minutes Oh eight trees remaining trees protects him awfully on ultravision this is Horn of cinereous Modesto yes is there trouble with the derpiest face every I'm not a huge fan of their face but they got other redeeming qualities they're very versatile they're fast they're magic immune they have dispelled slow poison slows people's attacks slow sweep those movements one of the staple units of the nicer arsenal what is nature's call is there trouble that's a healing fountain some orcs check around our base this is a dead end 87 trees left what is nature's call what is nature's call where's my arch worth here are we what is nature's call healing fountain before they regroup does not use a snare preceding me stupid orgs there's a good show see what's in here goddess-like my car we can't build them yeah never fun going up against hours with unarmored there we're dealing more damage than I expected [Applause] research things the fountain that's really nice that's the real Samara not really cool your building is complete what happened to your ceiling normal damage it's that an RFC thing cuz this is hero damage is how it is in TFT which is now the new reforged style as well I can tell something yeah Reign of Chaos also had a 40 food up game 90 food max 70 food hi upkeep but that's also gone here they made it slightly more consistent with TFT so this campaign is not the same as in ROC you can have to figure our days if we didn't have this fountain we have to go to the moon or else so many times the unit cost is also the real cost I don't know anything about specifically when matchmaking will be coming or something I just know it was not gonna be there at the start they said so risk what about long well I think we need Lum for journeys if nothing else also for our private enjoyment I also don't know yet what the plan is how do you enable health bars to show all the time options gameplay unit life bars always damaged or normal choose always otherwise you keep needing to press alt' can you believe it the first tournaments we played in Warcraft 3 for probably like a year we have to do this all the time it will be on normal and you'd be playing and you constantly do this so you'd be playing and then so if you ever watch the replay from 2003 and you think they're micros not so good you'd probably be right but also remember that every other press they do is pressing all to see the life in my time anyway not a lot of trees there maybe I must be going a bit too much hunters just feels stronger your army is never-ending so I just freaking wolf through hair I can also get he'll score protection I need to do anyway research finish ah the great out into nature's call hello our warriors have engaged the enemy is there trouble for the trees what is nature's call thirty-three trees remaining this place might be my first regain we do finally have a big army but it might be too late 31 research pixpro kick w I feel the same about you Timmy died this feels bad running all my reinforcements through this is a freaking sidequest or slay the primal Guardians it's not absolutely necessary maybe if I had searing arrows why don't you get out of here I shall not fear yes maybe I needed that one agility okay a team can still do this the great outdoors see it is late I knew it my dryers are already here and I here are the great outdoors as they are already there I knew it if you're not looking at it Dallas can still do it without Porter just guys jeez they're over chasing don't you think they're over chasing the undead have nearly reached the Barrow den you must hurry and recover the horn I feel like they're over chasing every now and then he goes to the fountain it's notice everything I have there he actually went on the offensive I just need to get Potter off the moon there right wait it probably doesn't have staff of tele Slater brought brings around that are guard making tree and we need to still take this guy ass I think we can still do it let's start getting him lightning or thirteen let's do this this will be the most spectacular comeback of my campaign history looking forward to it already ya know regains never our Warriors having game the cup looks really sad cinereous this how Logan looks like when he has to shower [Music] we got it the horn has sounded and I have come as promised I smell the stench of decay and corruption in our land that angers me greatly come for a few defenders of old crush these it never dies it - for a second II just passed you did has when you forgot something to come back they come back guy 60s pricasso P the feel when you need a giant trumpet to wake your husband ke ke w I don't it marries I know they're there a couple a power couple celebrity couple KKW I know searing arrows well I could two days later deep into winter spring valley greetings friend thanks for deceptiveness has used he feels Volta Gong Tyrande I thought of you every moment I roamed through the emerald dream my heart rejoices to see you again my love but I would not have awakened journalist the need was urgent in the dream I felt our land being corrupted just as if it were my own body you were right to awaken me the Burning Legion has returned cinereous is dead and Outlanders run freely through our most sacred fails as was foretold no doubt our command will make his way to hide all summit and attack the world tree if he succeeds in training the tree's energies this world will be doomed my only thought was to awaken you and the rest of the Druids the druids of the talon reside within the barrel dens at the end of this valve if we can reach them we may have a chance to stop our command and his demons ten thousand years since he lived upon earth has his back from towards her back at the base and tend to our wounded so the Outlanders battle against the unknown partnership isn't so fully staring into each other's eyes powerful together listening the same way and even they are mongrels and nothing more they are responsible for cinereous is death I will be damned before I stand with them perhaps you are right my lord we will establish our new settlement here keep your century's alert I doubt that we have seen the last of the Outlanders or the undead like you and caste looking at screens just like that scuba all right what's the mission here awaken the Jewett's reach the Barrow dents do it after talent aha ancients can attack and walk while they are uprooted and while their roots it's right Oh protector anyway some moon dwells here somewhat active great [Music] music is 6% I keep having to lower is louder people clap this mission hardly gives you any gold maybe stay out of 50 I always say under 50 but that's thanks for the tip until I know how I'm gonna win the game I say under 50 with my sensors I like this base layout there should be more multiplayer maps like this with the sprawling of trees everywhere nothing stopping it assassin awakened to Jewett's reach the bow down reach here yes so the path is okay can you guys see through this fog the fog say this gate probably we have to kill everyone I can smiley face your elders these clothes big bass zero masonry as of yet some dark troll trappers start with some creeping wait I know those furballs they escaped from ashenvale when the corruption started sis cuz we did the mini quest they did not escape the corruption after all Oh oh yeah gold mines got very little gold the premises the horn gave health to HPD percent muster all forces it told me also only to K we could even choose to like walk our Main Street here but yeah that would be like the efficient way to do it just completely - oh we don't need to be that careful I think yeah walk over the tree is more efficient because you end up not buying a new one actually it's 900 gold I was gonna get it just from momentum but one threatens these lands take it with priestess has I don't know how many missions I gets to keep Malfurion threatens these lands I think one is our grade four standard army sent to no upgrade this time we've seen the creature so aggressive they're fighting against each other what the freaking FFA bazaar yeah I still think level two it's a good decision has dulled my senses for the truth kind of neat place ours for this I'm game literally just clashing easy win for guards wait they don't care about me oh my god do I even exist to them what's the exclamation mark that's my quest target that's why I need to go it to make some glyphs I'm game actually these other trees out there for that tower yeah I could also put two tree instead over home Canon tailors are rough with the army Argos without supporting units that they might huh what's your stream went to work go back on your sister a big dog oh the camera oops sorry yep there we go thanks thank you okay no shall be done count our is actually helping even more than iodide or moon also all the way back there it shall be done oh I think it's worth it Kalimdor this reminds us of how weak games throwers were yeah guys we used to call these game throwers guess who I guess there were goods and they would win you the game for B they were so bad if you made them you would throw the game incorrect see what options again making trails when do we get the chance to see some tier 1 hearthstone Donna Grande games again hecto particularly I played last night I'll play some two or three games last night no not last night last last night you can always watch the votes the past broadcast okay I think we can produce because we're not gonna be mining anytime soon although actually we could take his gold mine which mole also only has two K gold such torture nope I could see it happening I had set it up perfectly for the epic fail that was me all right next this go through this case time to go over 50 hey be careful priestess these woods are overrun by the dead no kill the death revenants who restored it for us we should since we're here anyway can you still mouse-click receipts on that blow-up yep thank you for sub clonic we do the bear quest the bear quest yeah where is that a local furball left idea what Sam Ryan the other bottom line somewhere here must be the debtor Oh top left well I missed it okay now I see it what do you get for it making trails what's in it for me legendary item okay we'll do it then I'm game making trails that's a drum icing we will do it then let me walk my units to the fountain go to the restroom our goldmine is running low okay I'll do a little bit of healing we kind of need it on healing anyway check out I do go to the restroom whoa you're Hydra died while you were gone this is not the Hydra gladly making trails what's this furball cut how do I get there Oh making trails my goal my running low yeah that's fine I'm game our sacred grove is being desecrated skeletons just respawn my god this guy casts a lot of spell hey chill out for a second so we're said wardrobes start this better because you changed Tyrande there is little mercy left in you long ago I swore to protect this land I never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril if your endless vigil has hardened you my love it must be part of your goddesses plan way to top for me smiley face really greetings friend wall plate for column door for the trees where did it drop exactly research making trails making trails alright I saw that they just response we're the original ballista better than gay Paris thinks there are pretty weak this one wash this grubby fellow ever even paid warcraft 3 before or is he just jumping on a bandwagon a little bit of both making trips one chaser destroyed those trees at the bottom left of the dark forest there's a secret there another war drops kW this secret makes me feel a little no thanks it's no easy to say take this loser dad what's just arranged 500 we can whittle him down with game throwers for the tree tour fallen or Ola is guilty I'm game wah 505 goals lost as much to get it I need a healing scroll Sammy's shop anyway can't they just keep responding I think I'll just make treants let them fight the treants this gold man has 5k actually yeah come on really what is this hell Diablo 3 disability nightmare I can do without that side-quests no the outpost has been corrupted and the treants have been driven mad they do not deserve this cruel fate come no further weakling Loretha Condry has commanded us to kill anyone attempting to enter this place and we shall what is highlight your awesomeness a smoky bomb that stretches that pains me that you once called yourselves Night Elves what the what the heck is this no no can I have a freaky eating skull why I like this aash they rode on our sacred grove is being desecrated first first failed first reload but why our warriors having when is this this is after I did I lost the lottery already second reloads no okay let's go heal again research Finnish beast beats the sidequest it will remove any more response sure sure that's that's nice but a new door ah you should try to do the fur books first for Laura and war drums you're joking right there is no war drums I stand ready did you work on creating Warcraft 3 Osprey sir nope it melts creates warcraft 3 13 months with reforge being the icing on the cake you know thanks for Quinn and Krista I moved on off so where's that where's the revenant research upgrades yeah I used up my bank already and so much as I need to do if you're a CEO thanks for the gift sup dude five get those the woes of a fool on are retiring everything takes max damage from piercing did I do this thing yet no I don't really eat so we lost greetings space and we reach it fire here the 500 gold is fine but I could lose as much as suits against the response press buttons I'm trying absolutely units I wish there was a fancier okay nice hopefully the land will heal itself of this curse of blight cool we should get leading the Barrow dens lie within the valley just ahead of us okay technically I should go all the way back to Q again biggest safest little tedious but surface our warriors have engaged goddess-like my path little new biasts but safest killed and listen while everyone's healing yeah that's that's all right let's get idea I know don't go Kalimdor it shall be done Oh Donna door hush that word Amador are you still an attack an ally to lose NPC focus yes you can press the attack oh they have six on the brain how dare you he's got 550 a 500 they cannot recess back I will report you for this NPC of you so be quite nice I just didn't wanna have to use such evil tactics again now if your own has an on top of what item which gives reason yeah I mean to health per second that's pretty good thinking don't know if you saw my recent message so here again with a donation thanks for to make my love warcraft law so happy you play the campaign keep up the great work and entertainment smiley face so glad you're enjoying it they do not deserve this cruel fate I saw this once before our motto is just have to remake I don't think I'll be needing this tree again but who knows right it's a little easier without the undead poking at your back I swear that's Timmy soundbyte little Timmy dying is now a huntress sound one of the four variations that's different they legit it's Timmy that looks good old triad I'm so glad we have Scouts at our level to enough like 10 20 bonus damage for hit we run be fun yeah the colors are a little bit too muted still Rumple on but we knew that from the beta already nothing really changed much there / - - visibility for a player lease is better than realistic in legibility we finally completed this mission needed a regain Bell respect you guys said it was gonna be a hard mission you were not wrong especially if you don't know it's from before that's a good mission nice game leave it sit gold chaotix Ponce I don't know cars right we don't really talk about it's like a storm crows fly once again upon the way thank you very much holy animal appreciate it I saw your message before Kernan responds you allow my brethren Kalimdor how many missions left us once again but the hour of Doom is at hand we are yours to command shondo Stormrage now we must know then to the earth and rouse the ferocious try3 the claw for slumber JJ greetings friend boomstick subscribe for seven months thank you dude greetings and thank you for the sub no future also the queena Christo I in kakadu the bonus the next morning within the subterranean barrow deeps of mount hyjal these Barrow deeps have remained untouched for nearly 3,000 years still there is no testing you said you can do yeah I think I just understand my subs nation tunnels shut there is nothing to fear in this place the only enemy that has ever given me pause is now corrupting the lands above us let us be done with this business and get back to the surface agreed just be careful there is no telling how the Druids of the claw will react to us after all this time all right did you fail a single campaign mission so far yeah last one oh now I don't have Syrian cuz I'm normal out Scout I hope they give me a book of retraining out with it listen there's a penguin in this level penguin thing window yeah greetings friend bang when these King now there's okay he sends a strange darkness they have been transformed by a great I don't know if there's a huge boundary of this level I panda beer I played this last 18 years ago and you guys don't know better than me it shall be done makes sense always fun all these screws a new daughter hey thanks we have Sobi mask now I feel like the mayor put something there prepared are you prepared to go all the way with this Alexi does this version of frozen throne campaign as well I want to say duh but I've heard that question too often and must be some fading on blizzards part for not communicating that properly so yes the answer is yes by bidding and you're not the only one by a long shot who is wondering about that Eldar when do you go you're disturbing their secret society stop but they have a strong feeling actually it was sasquatch with the secret society Wendy girls are just Expendables what's that frost revenants go out with it is he going to say lightning force Nova blizzard fog of war looks like okay cool well I'll try to scare it more so we can dispel that mental image aash never done mushrooms are confirmed trees hey hey I just happened to find something kooky dink I found it myself this time Chad the largest panda ever very slow as well now that's not actually how bad those are shape oh wow nice it's new piranha de veau Kalimdor coniferous Van de Ville Kalimdor this is so unlike other behavior I wonder what happened here it shall be done I knew Dora Kalimdor he had coronavirus that makes that actually makes a lot of sense I was corrupted by it as well then I got better but for a time being I was also a giant panda oh I've seen this in a movie demon Maya you're supposed to walk around wondering what these are and look at them if the corruption continues to climb on your chest Filner's I dare not imagine what it could do to the beasts who live above it's not what their gold face are just so cute they do poison very low base knowledge upgrade yo these these kids are strong alien I wasn't talking about alien how did you equate with what I just said with a baby miss the same I was talking about Spanglish I was talking about anything so is it is it safe now can we yield for calendar old priestess we need your help puzzled our team passed a very strange spider and has become deathly ill that's can tribesman have run why see Venus to fend for ourselves what would you have us do the waters of the nearby Fountain of Life can save them it's now in Paris is bugged enough to be human dispersed if you can fill this file with its waters and return it to us our shaman's life will be saved did you like the movie Spanish I love tribesman I'm the only one in the world that loves a machine or one like a secret society of ten people I have prepared with it I forgot the vial that's me in class Rodela do good boy male models it shall be done it shall be done this mission is useless I know Dora I assume somewhere in the middle line slightly upper of the map yeah it happens sometimes Hey these are clickable rock chunks out with it now what difficulty is this the hardest with it Disney difficulty the pathway cuts off to the south but this doorway looks promising oh no how old were you when this game came out I have forgot 16 what is behind this door that worries you my love this door leads to a prison Tyrande we should go now Illidan it's been ten thousand years could he still be alive we should free him he would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters No ta'rhonda that beast must never be set free but he is your brother be that as it may is far too dangerous I forbid it you can't say that's who you're free Illidan whether you like it or no you cannot say that's in a loving relationship way too pompous there was a way that was not it hush the road Amador it shall be done you should say they're all done that's a good idea a column door let's do this first and then you run in the opposite direction column door ash there Oh Donna do it shall be done for Kalimdor i know don't the fur walk is dying it's still dying wash the road Amador I know daughter it's a gate the gate is closed right come you skip the exclamation mark I know you stole my thumb oh I'm still carrying the violin I know it's it's all very very strange so this gate is locked right it shall be done for Kalimdor oh Sh they rode on a door for calumny I love my wife I know she loves me but if she was all like hey this ex-lover of mine who gives up some bad boy vibes is in jail and I want to free him I would be a little worried just do it just do it monkey ball it shall be done wash the road on adore it shall be done it's easier to trust me been there done that Luke the fur ball he's gonna be fine that sickness he has it only kills like two and three if I get back in time I will I just need to complete this thing disable just say your scroll wash the road amador for Kalimdor us narrow down our door I knew Dora let me pass the ark druid of the moonglade demands passage technically I didn't use my talent well I did but it got cycler I mean it got possessed austero Donna do I knew Dora are there any folks so far at the new game no not one Arthur black you were unworthy to bask in the bear of God's presence their gods Thanks that's Isaac right I can't save the fur bones with the diminished army I have I entered this other quests component and and now suddenly I have like no cotton anymore I knew Dora perhaps the creature was referring to the sleeping druids of the claw but why would he call them bear gods when they appear as I do I know dormitory is full do people have high expectations of reforest yeah I think it's fair to say that people with Amador have high expectations so free fours I know Warcraft 3 is one of the older I would say worker 3 is probably four column above a certain threshold of twitch viewership I new donor and maybe I'm partially responsible for that it is the oldest game to still be very popular on a consistent basis it still have tournaments so yeah it's probably one of the most classic classics I should have known it and then their nieces would take refuge within the flames the devs were put on a timeline to produce in like a year from the holiday announced it because I guess that made for a bit of risk on yeah there's high expectations short timeline they've took on more work maybe that they expected and take the amount of models something sound effects from super loud by the way so many unit models yeah there are some bugs and not every feature that should be in is in yet but the campaign is very playable very fun yeah III as a seasoned Warcraft player someone who has been playing for a long time and it will probably probably be playing for some time there is the road on ado there's the campaign now and then I will have long breath for future content foods of the claw or awake already come my brothers we have much to do they have lost themselves to their animal aspects their mindless and feral in the Ravens name the horns call might work it's a work in progress a few of them in this part of the cabin wash them those pylons they put under the bear that was actually a cyclone and it's a weather effect friend prepared thank you I knew Dora inverted by lines so how strong are those bears very strong I feel like I shouldn't the open egg sacks but they're right there for thinking you know with it by bidding do they really attack me he's not even attacking me why did I waste my life well this guy attacked me I'm curious how they made a yellow icon attack me because normally yellow means neutral like not not an enemy but they managed it in some way scroll mama yeah why not it shall be done for Colin or let's say you can't kill him no that's not true you can kill him it just means you don't auto our growers look you can still kill it but I suspect we can get recruits if we save them so you'd probably just not kill them like old druids must survive yeah that's why they're yellow so you don't also I grow their bags thanks for the warning guys I wasn't gonna kill it because I guess a common sense I know myself an empty column with it I know it shall be done by beating up with it right here there might be something there nothing reticular except some trees it's gonna be shallow they don't go up 9 feet it shall be done I wonder if it will still let me go back to the fur walk down there I am prepared for column time is of the essence even elder vases give tarried of waiting how long is the speedrun of the entire ROC campaign I'm gonna try to guess a new door I don't know I'll say like six hours no mushrooms I think it's 4:30 three and a half four okay that's pretty fast not usually surprising but pretty fast 3:44 unnormal what about hard I knew Dora you guys know hard austero Donna door I knew daughter it shall be done with it sixteen on hard how am i like close to it or what I could easily be sixteen hours only one really runs it on hard as well as well Farrell Sean I have need of you and your mighty brethren once again after these many ages I could send this round end and get second place our combined strength can drive them back I think I'll get to like twenty two hours by the time I'm done 22:24 I could easily do sin or worse this foolhardy even your goddess has condemned the one you seek to free it has to be run in one go you can't take breaks hmm I think boredom would be my biggest enemy but I think I could do under 12 in one go probably I just can't imagine playing it again from start yeah rip furball yeah well I haven't got the record yet tidy don't promote me yet is that a endorsement Oh going for the world record thanks trying to 20 gift subs thank you very much the shaman is dead now greetings friend oh okay speedruns don't need side quests dude a one submission three years ago kick out wall tears all that gets a greetings friend thanks JD dinky files from Mathias CBP last resort full mark turkin Mourdock 106 vegans son cats and damage galvanized and more pasta I saw something big in red is it crazy missing our dance evasion besides like is it like a is it a competition with prizes adgq or you're working for the charity right it's like the notoriety the it's a big event and people donate to charity right what kind of charities adgq is into competition well of course it is obviously when it comes to World Records in soul-search I mean that's what makes it fun right oh the healing Awards I see I see well so when's the next one do you have to play your world record during it or can you like retain you just like submit it whenever you want greetings friend it was just in January every six months you don't have to do the work like it that's event it's just a showcase right okay you just go there to do your best round okay but everyone that plays asses is life at the events or can you do it online and like phone in with Skype or a good program live some of them are super fun to watch always life and that's in us always which part Florida there's also a European Marathon called ESA but nobody knows that one do they I know the europeanspeedsterassembly okay you say smaller but still pretty big it's pretty big but non-reader GED cubic okay I find that to be like one of the hardest abbreviations gzq agdq why are those metals just dropped in that room greetings friends try not to think about it too much I don't even know where we are I was just chatting oh wait I know I know I know why they are there they're criminals this is this is my f no I know this I read a book about this Maiev who is a crazy vengeful ex-girlfriend has imprisoned Illidan jeez anyway does this happen Maiev a girl with a grudge a cache of the watch's weapons these should help us considerably don't get up Chris oh nice night cool cool cool pick up the moon glaze upgrades yeah anyway my f imprisoned Illidan because he like he went over a line of what people of that time thought was okay even though I think they were being a bit of a baby and then they imprisoned him for life and then she guarded him like forever and he was in a magical prison is in a magical prison and then this war came the demons came back and they realized they need their own monsters to fight the demon one says which in this case of course is in the donut this is that magical prison and somewhere there is a live in here and I know this great storytelling and to run the thought that this shoes in mouth was like let's not surround the wall and then she kills all the nice health and guards my ass wardens sentinels because they wouldn't just like let her walk in and set him free and she didn't feel great about it but she didn't still have like a very strong opinion about it so all these other archers they were probably like loyal to Illidan because I think this is like a specialized security prison though it doesn't seem that doesn't seem that safe they must have been Illidan loyalists or apologists or like political this dissidents of some other kind I guess they could just be like petty thieves but I don't think they would be here in this magical prison why was it in a sense prison for ten thousand years he's already a demon right like he already felt that like becoming half-demon was okay hey Loki is ooh cute I don't remember getting a dog before in Anna made a deal with the Burning Legion and they thought that he's loyal but actually as it turns out he wasn't low and he wanted to double cross him all the time while needing to keep up pretense to to like our come on and every time you kept up pretense to Archimonde his allies is an elven brethren we're like hey that's not cool you are sleeping with the enemy and he was like wait I can't explain because he actually doesn't explain it so it's a cool to explain so there was no wait I can explain he just did it's just like you fools I think that was kind of his mistake also when he was in Outlands and the Alliance was like let's band together to stop this illa donor from creating this a literary army he never explained but had he done would they believe him no no there's Logan he's right here no can I have a Loki Loki sounds like Loki why are they trees in a cave boats boats we have a trouble start here troublemaker let's get rid of that guy just kidding yeah I think underground trees could be a thing if they were like off the mushroom kind with that like art artificial light maybe there's artificial lights here or something I mean they're tonight oh so magical they love trees it's probably an explanation here now to those who have played the campaign fairly recently and you're comparing it to what's happening here in reforged you tell it's this the exact layout that it is in classic or are we experiencing something unprecedented like his low-key new is the layout view it's the same as graphic they changed a lot all that started same except for city mounts okay it's pretty damn similar almost low-key was also a classic okay yeah coming of Stratholme is different this I this I realize self-healing wards don't think I needed yes I don't remember the map being this fast think of Lex in the original wc3 so maybe this bigger huh hold priestess this place is forbidden even to one such as you I don't remember there being a goalkeeper here who here that must remain Kalli Illidan was considered a great hero once I believed he would become one again Sparta hopes Tyrande Whisperwind stated life she must I was saving up to give Logan a treat but now it's gone yes no more treats for a good boy hmm they're still there Illidan is that you it is your voice after all these ages spent in darkness your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind the legion response your people have need of you once more this is not Lima Brian I like this voice because I once cared for you to Rhonda I will hunt down the demons but I will net why didn't he do that earlier I'll explain I read the book I'll explain the demons corruption spreads with every second released it has been an eternity brother an eternity spent in darkness LLL attend you were sentenced to pay for your sins nothing more and who were you to judge me we fought the demons side-by-side if you recall what is done is done my love with Illidan's hem we would drive the demons back once again and save what is left of our beloved land have you even considered the cost to London this betrayers aide may doom us all before the end I will explain his ex to do with this he has a lot of nice bitterness and anger to his voice it's well done I like the VA work I know they changed actor and Liam O'Brien is really really good too I do love this voice here so why did he have his weapons on him and why did why didn't he do that before so in the book Illidan 2016 he has been trying that he did not have his blades of azzinoth on him but they did hang it right in front of him to taunt him and to remind him of his impotence normally Illidan can call his blades to him with magic just like Thor calls his hammer to himself but because of the magical barrier the magical prison he could not and they told him with that suddenly and it tries every now and then to see if he can penetrate the magical defenses but he never could I was to Ronda is storming the fortress sounds are heard clashes of fighting is heard and the ground shakes beneath the tremors of the fighting and this the tiniest crack appears in the gate that is holding him and it's enough it's enough for him to suddenly feel that there is a influence from the outside world able to penetrate towards him and vice versa so he tries again he tries to break out he tries to get his blades and it works right so he gets his blades he breaks out finally soon thereafter it's around the shows up and as much as he hates having been imprisoned as much as he hates what has been done to him and he was ready to never help anyone ever again his love and his affection for ta'rhonda betrays him he was gonna say something edgy but instead he said what he said your voice and he was just like putty in her hands and then he hated himself for it kind of to to be so easy but he couldn't help himself that's love isn't it but he did say that he doesn't always raise anything but he'll do it for her so that's the beginning of the the rest of Illidan's I thank you Shaymin Pepe hands instead of being a Jew he was cringing yeah or kingi the end and the furball Chava he might have survived who knows maybe did greetings friend Hydra shaman and Loki did how dare you how dare you you melted in malfurion's voice city to a surprise thank you [Music] you [Music]
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Views: 35,570
Rating: 4.7840171 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, campaign, ne, night elf, elves, reforged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 12sec (6372 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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