Grubby | WC3 | Bo7 vs Nithala

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yeah he's good terry hey thanks for the sup viscary best of seven show match against nitala begins now he's from kuwait 2200-ish mmr the stats you see are our battlenet stats they're not our w3 champion stats that's how it works when you do a ct um though we can probably choose host when we play on bots on that quite what's habibi is that uh ufc fighter who is from kuwait oh it means my love okay sorry oh khabib but he's probably not from kuwait right but that is indeed why i think i got it wrong i thought i don't know where he's from i just figured that might be it my eyes of course my eyes are open nice it's pretty late isn't it my eyes yes attack eyes are open watch out my eyes watch out [Music] my eyes i stand ready demon hunter future yes all [Music] my eyes are yes [Music] of course a wise we're under attack i have to check a ps expo who you want me yes yes yes i yes yes yes oh it's very low so it would have been lovely if we could have finished them my eyes uh oh yes yes agility items when you get shadow third we need more for my ancestors directory oh oh oh nice shockwave who swings the mightiest log of wood who wins i thought that was mg yeah lin played that once against colorful but it wasn't sustainably good dostoevsky nice 1-0 shockwave is huge today greetings friend relances one year thank you man let me see what map he wants getting to these upgrades is so hard yeah it is i wonder if my transition was too fast this game where i went to torrance quite early whether i should first make a headhunter shaman army on 50 foot and then prep torrents but don't make them yet that's something for the books orc versus any rename work versus any [Music] fstchh shockwave hh shaman goes into demos or torrents 50 pop only two buildings or at totem earlier need more testing okay he said go northern isles hey legacy what do you think is a better unit mg or tauren i think mg is better you can use mg literally against air yeah but that often happens blue perfection nobody except the stream knows that i'm growing a beard yet because i'm always wearing a mask outside when my neighbors suddenly see it they'll be like what face or maybe they'll have no reaction at all because they don't care who knows belmer thank you for the stuff since this is a show match i'm playing to win i'm gonna play hh again he's so good against standard grand shaman grand while she watches the stream too silent sql it's an impromptu show match therefore no prize pool we're playing to keep ourselves sharp when you're practicing with someone but you make it a show match it is a tacit understanding that you will not get a regain if you accidentally make a little mistake it forces greater levels of concentration from the practice people which is uh which is a great thing he used show match it was super effective yes we my eyes look out let's try it watch out let's try my eyes of course we're under attack we need more oh my eyes are open my eyes [Music] researchers my eyes powered yes we're under attack a wise yes friends yes is how can this my eyes yes yes chief watch out yes complete my eyes don't even know if he has an expansion my yes is yes yes my eyes will oh my god he did this of course he did he has endurance my eyes yes yes okay yes you'll see oh yes yes destiny research is yes [Music] my next big get directly yes do you need my counsel watch out for me i see it is directly our gold mine is running low we're complete my eyes we need more yes yes um is our whole mind has collapsed yes yes is yes yes [Music] is yes how can i help oh not tranquility how can i help yes them yes my eyes are directly destiny how can i help yes oh gg what is the counter to mgs or just more torrent than the fmg no even that doesn't work orp venom adds more damage mg take less damage and torrents do less damage because they get taunted all the time maybe more catapults yeah when the catapult was uh failed it uh didn't work anymore apparently he didn't expand so i didn't need to catapult rush i think maybe one castle built into tauren i forgot what composition i said i was gonna do try to practice did i write it down sometime last time maybe i didn't i don't think i wrote down the unit composition well we have to recreate it roughly i'm following it with uh triple shaman let's see next map i'll go turn his stand i remember it was four hh two kata tutor and three heroes rashaman really two torrents it fits wait let me check ten plus fifteen plus eight plus six plus eight oh yeah no it doesn't no that can't be it maybe it was one tauren i think it was one tauren that's 47 food that army i was looking for a 50 food army which means i still need to add at least 12 that's 59 so it would have to be no tolerance mg are pretty fast gothenburg and he had the durham tara yo thanks for the sub it's dmf and don knatterton mg's pogu yeah something weird yes yes ready yes ready something i guess he's doing this one um [Music] yes yes yes yes oh i'm okay with that he would i'd love to and obey yes something you're doing i shouldn't have dispelled that one i'm really bad at using trolls [Music] them oh oh yes [Music] some kind of hazing ritual here yes i am yours yes excellent how can i [Music] [Music] oh victim [Music] yes we need more gold we need more numbers yes [Music] yes yes what you want foreign right away yes [Music] oh use my power yes i am yours yes oh is nice what went wrong in the mid game i feel like something went wrong oh yeah i lost all the trolls but we were level 6'5 against 4-3-1 nice yeah thanks terry gg we got a lot of creeping done this is a pretty good map for orc let's see what map he wants to go next richie thanks for the 26 months dude yeah lost troll and priest two trolls actually i lost four trolls so bad oh yeah and the shamans keep waking up the creeps on the shop improve troll priest and berserker improve my micro of them i need to think about how on the bridge battle how come you didn't block the alchemist as you were hitting him with blades i feel like he could have maneuvered the grunts sorry if this is annoying to point out no it's true it's true you're right i guess it comes from the no not i guess i know it comes from the disbelief that you can ever get a nice health hero because they always have a staff of preservation the more effort i put the less damage i put the less i will get in the end because in the end they always staff unless you have a snare or you can hex the keeper which i might have been able to do actually and then they stop so sometimes you just do damage thanks for the raid filthy robot hope you had a good stream filthy robot is humankind the game that releases by amplitude in april on your radar at all i could play hh shaman again but this map his mountain giants can heal for free so i don't think so i'm gonna do what i have been practicing the quick blade 3 with hex am i getting pissed on the 28th gravity uh there's two definitions of pissed one of them yes i have to check uh if one of the definitions of fist is allowed by twitch euler can you get very angry need to check your bots wants you to we need more get drunk this time only two grants i think skip myself what's your favorite map you ever had maybe a lost temple or something yeah he is focus you can look him up yes master oh oh oh yes excellent choice yes yes i guess it's almost level three that's why you didn't do it yet oh there we go want yes yes yes oh use my power [Music] we need more um are you threatening yes thank you excellent choice we are enemies yes lord yes yes use my power we need more gold we need more time yes [Music] yes yes i am yourself yes [Music] freaking illusion separated oh [Music] oh think i can let him take that one it's no problem no problem oh oh yes yes yes are you here [Music] yes i am yours yes on my base maybe i should kill his moon it's uh uncountable already it will only die yes absolutely hmm [Music] yes i am yours i'm a real boy yes i need yes i want to fight only in daytime five hours yes yes hello what task is there i am yours hey right after you needed how can i help he's gonna entangle illusions then i should heal them i am yours which will give me level 5 shadows yes [Music] is yes absolute choice archers yes is yes onwards yes he's all over six blades we were five five versus four three three but i don't think it was a clear cut case i think yeah i did have a bigger army i mean at my highest i had a big army now i may not have i think similar he had 3-0 upgrade i'm ooh so i think there was a bit of a throw by him to attack we were both mining which makes it okay for him not to attack i think he has the better units archers is it fair the chain lighting is much weaker than shadow heating uh yeah of course uh all healing is uh better holy light heals double of what it damages coil heals double of what it damages that's normal what's tier three ever in your mind tc seems pretty necessary versus mass archer i think tc gets uh killed immediately immediately i don't think tc level one does much why no bladestorm didn't i take it i had no mana it's 200 mana i had like 40 90 or something echo next i didn't take bladestorm yeah that's because i had no mana no not miss click just no mana didn't i take talent after he already left or after you say gigi that influences my decision i should be careful he could be like gg i'm like don't take blade storm take mirror image it's like but not for me thanks terry if you go mass trolls is it bad to make two grounds for frontline tank yeah it's kind of bad because that's what wolves are for you gotta think of it like this let's say you have range seven grunts have range one he has units with range one and range 7. so your 14 range away from each other the range they're killing each other's melee now you take away my melee what's happening is these range start killing the melee at range seven and these and these cannot hit each other so who's taking three damage the right hand this hand anyway that's my right hand mirror image so yeah that's it when you add units where previously there were none it enables the range and the effectiveness and the dps of all kinds of enemy units why no piano do i do it and is my blizz qq thank you for the sub dude you also said bloodlust i don't think that was a bloodlust game it's too expensive will you check reforged graphics at anniversary of course it's part of it i have not invited anyone from blizzard yet for the anniversary i should message them i think they still deserve to be there something you're doing yes [Music] i thank you if you invite team working on reforged to anniversary do you think he will come i think it's unlikely more likely a head off a pr of oh he okay i was okay i get it that's funny i am yours he tried yes nice item he can go immolation yes i think i want to go tc radio walker excellent choices yes yes i am yours i cancelled my tc when i saw hunter's hall and made shadows huh yes damn it i didn't know he was in the same group still he wasn't meant to be shouldn't have lured him back home either this demon is freaking killing next it oh i am don't see tier three [Music] uh what oh oh [Music] yes see my resources it's okay and your micro is uh good in warcraft you don't get punished too hard oh that's a big one yes yet that's gonna be fun i am [Applause] yes i [Applause] we're gonna ignore the mountain giants just like twitch chat taught us yes oh uh yes it's my favorite part the part where they free themselves from the surround even when you spam click what a salty winner gg though don't you just hate a sore sore winner ignoring them works pogu yeah when they only have three mg2 dry outs should i listen to twitch shots and ignore mountain giants or listen to mountain giants and ignore twitch chat wow one for one even without duck ranger third why do blades sell ring of protection even though it makes shadow heal more effective usually it's for space purposes it's for space and so that you can fit other items heel scroll involve damage damage makes you creep faster but yeah rings are great blade benefits more from health items because he already has a large health pool getting a health item is like getting more effective healing right but only one only once but then you can manipulate it with heal solve and heal as well but yeah armor is great for healing [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 41,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, nithala, bo7, best of, showmatch, wc3 champions, training, practice
Id: uJ195Tk_UqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 14sec (7274 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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