Grubby | "Moon vs Happy REPLAY REVIEW | Warcraft 3 TFT

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why the long face curvy maybe he's born with it smokey said moon loses focus in long series these days actually I believe it's and I don't know how reliable this is but I believe it's been proven scientifically with science that everyone loses true concentration within 5 10 15 minutes like no one can hold it truly for that long like actual full focus so it's science math science energy science energy it may not be my voice that changed shady folks actually when you use different microphones your voice can sound very different so it's hard for you to know without knowing me in real life our IRL that long says looking forward to watching it with you keep up the great stream thank you very much you know when I kept up the great stream once after a long night of going at I went for like two minutes hey Viviana and shady folks you have the new badge can you see it and if not can you refresh then you can see it you like it ugly Ivalo it's meant to be ugly [Music] all right let's proper analyze now yeah yeah YouTube mucho that's proper analyze so we're gonna look mostly from Happy's point of view and I think I'll just mute the game sound and play a soft worker 3 OS the backdrop ok I think that'll be the most conducive to focusing [Music] love the one-month batch time to stay cute and listen I'm glad you like it okay let's focus so happy basically he goes here straight away and let's see how he uses his acolyte he wants to see where the keepers keeper goes straight to the natural acolyte draws a few hits wants to buy as much time as possible which increases the chance of getting a successful death coil and happy just texted with the three ghoul tech it's a Miss I knew that it's gonna miss to it looks like in the first game of a series same as against th his coil micro and since was a little worse and I can only imagine it's because of nerves that's double coil miss already busting jeepers thank you very much for subbing and congrats on the abomination playing filthy human music on London Monday but it's so good first game doesn't count a sadly tournaments don't agree with that thank you so much for summing face out and looky designs really his friend thank you very much a lot of fake coils by a happy he's level 1.25 his food count says he actually lost his echo and then remade a fourth ghoul so he's not doing the early Creek viens obviously will be suicide against keeper to go early a hole to go early graafian so five ghouls now I saw it live as well not the start of this game though I tuned in a little bit later I missed a few moments because someone came to the door as well and stuff happy lost versus both moon and th only on echo is it that map for undead happy seems to not mind it too much he thinks there's worse Maps I would expect him to remove Amazonia or something but it looks like he removed I didn't see last refuge in the pool so probably he removed last refuge odor so he goes back all the way with the death Knights this is a moment that could give me anxiety where I'm there with the [Music] and still designate after for fakes of terrorists and our that makes sense so is it actually native that removes last refuge yeah I know it the new sign is life the video gaming happy sermon was very al dente yeah he made sure to turn all the undead into the undead able every fake is more distance yeah devotion hora is already plenty strong Kyle rune no one is calling for a devotion are to be better like literally no one so let's not add random spell resistance to hurt okay so the Lich second creeps the marketplace it's a little bit hard to see what happy sees on the map but it looks like here's a skeleton button right so he actually knows that probably moon is creeping his natural right now scroll the base not a great item against myself anytime you find an item that can be removed with one or two wisps it's not what you would prefer this I found so interesting he used this holy crap moon looks so old I don't think so he's always had eye bags even when he was 18 okay if that makes him look old than fine but who cares man it's moon Jesus so double slaughterhouse I found that very interesting and happy is committing no units he sold the scroll the Beast for a clause a happy figure if I don't commit in the units I can't lose any so he only goes with magic commutes or mechanicals three statue destroy your upgrade disease class and then he can get fiend with web or abomination but he does this start and he wouldn't do this start against ancient of wind would he rushing for destroyers and a bombs so I'm not 100% I guess he Scouts for hunters hull I keep late this double slaughter our strat again later and it was amazing but it's probably he scout scout scout hunters halt or not if it is Hunter's Hall he would get double slots here if he gets no not three random claws he bought one of them are even so he sees hunters haul double slaughter he sees no hunters Hall probably more wisps as well because this is just five archers so you have to count how much Tier one someone has if he sees more archers and no hunts at all then he would save up three crypt fiends at home web and one or two statues thank you a fiber it's his life I am they aren't and of course if you're watching this in the rerun I am no longer life either but my current life time is 21 17 Monday the 1st of July te Cassell Chen take a soul Chen take us of him it's like little teapot thank you for serving and mu Phi thank you for serving so panda power craft a level-3 happy four claws of attack okay this is interesting a little bit of rewind so happy finished the mer count so he does the Merlot camp defense to keep our ass gets the mercenary camp walks past the natural sees it's been threats expands there goes to the middle gets in Ville has four claws of attack keeper of course has three he goes in with the four claws he's got four friends eagles and one a bomb with disease cloud so he would love to splits his goals against drunken haze and stuff it's just sending the little its duty to hits and dead law so much damage a pretty weak spell combo by mood but really just trying to buy a bit of time needs to get his Balu side Baloo the bear give me strength very liberal with his mana usage coil Nova for a single Archer very patient bye happy it feels so good for happy right now roughly equal food roughly equal levels roughly equal items counter expanding killing non-stop with losing almost nothing kills the entangled so good micro still has a lot of mana on decay but nothing on Lynch this feels so good for happy looks like he has a stranglehold on moon moon can only pump out very small amounts of units now was that a Hippogriff I spy I spy with my little eye and hippo on the fly Hey so more statue and a bomb so I guess he's like massing destroyers which he did one game against an orc against focus as well and it didn't go that well either seems like massing destroyers hasn't been working out that well for him and he always does it in the first game [Music] somehow moon eked out a supply advantage while being down econ but that's because happy still has to catch up with infrastructural investments in his natural thank you blah blah bloom and yes that's true I did see it most of it didn't see this game though not how it started just the end so when when dryads attack the Lich his attack speed is reduced as well and so he isn't as scary but he has pretty low attack speed in general without a gloves those claws aren't at high school it just gets hard keeping the destroyers of life really at this point not a single the end without fiends destroyers can't hit Paris and without hitting bears with destroyers they're just better than a bombs [Music] at this moment normally I would call the time of death after this skirmish tinker comes out he bombs are just not very good in terms of stats their abstract is a bit of tanking something more sustainable than Corinthians and also the Z's class but you don't need five of them to get disease clad do you think moon should try warden on this map it's hard to say maybe it can work but you need to have practice warden warden is possible in two matchups against Undead a human echo is one of her better maps it's true but should he have it's clear that he puts a lot of effort and time and practice in keeper play and he's been so good with it so I don't think you should do it just because this didn't work he didn't know if this is going to work in a best-of-five right like it's a big risk to suddenly invest mass in warden just because people got a little nerf he's been practicing this for more than a year it's very valuable you keep learning things about it and improving it oh my god that bears their life so I've been thinking about swapping corruption orb to death Knights instead of Lich and then use both heroes to auto-attack hippos and although that makes sense on paper and that's how we used to view the game as a beginning player that an orb must always be on the melee hero because that's part of the value component and then maybe you can take down hippos but really understand use death knight that way to stand in Auto it's risky they take too much damage death Knights actually do very few auto attacks in fights good and that's anyway and it seems strange because you would think the better you are the more you know how to get away with it when to get away with it and so on and so forth but really when you do that you're just asking to take random damage and get surrounded suddenly and and killed off hippos will be my destro though should be quite close to DK yeah I think any time you rely on taking down full-hp hippogriffs it does make its attack ranged that's true but it's okay it's still good for hippos yes the problem is you can never again have ranged orb so say for instance your Lich is attacking enemy dryads or like you've taken care of the hippos or they temporarily fly away or there's something more important you do three autos with abomination on enemy keeper and you're lit sit as well because let's can choose whoever you wants to attack unified like you can literally decide you're gonna have already buff one second later it's true but if the DK says right now I don't want to be attacking a hippo because I just lost all my destroyers it will take such a long time for decay to get that auto off and that's going to cost you dozens of points of damage in armored debuff loss it just yeah it doesn't feel good to have orbble melee at Sunday yes we're doing all the happy moon games then we're gonna play as good as happy you really missed a way to deal with hippogriffs at this point yeah this is where I started watching this is where I came into the series and then he added like two gargoyles to deal with like four hippos or whatever that tink the Tinker gave down thinking loose my tinker yeah tinker tinker is really good against elf the or the the blockage again spares the clockwork goblins out of attacks the tankiness that the tinker the factory in the clockwork Goebbels provide together it's one of the most numerous summons you have the tinker the clock workers and the factory that's a lot of summons you could say well just go Beastmaster make quill pigs but actually the explosion of the clock workers is exactly what you need against bear triad it's better than quill pig plus and I think this one might be most important of all dryads will unsummon any summon you make with abolish magic but you cannot on summon clockwork goblins although you can when you want some of them they will still do guaranteed explosion damage plus they're so numerous and free that it doesn't have the same impact we're gonna watch moon 120 on Wednesday when it's night of day because obviously this is the finals moon beat 120 so I'll watch night off win on Wednesday I don't know if clockwork goblins counts as being mechanical but either way you can dispel them yes please no spoiler this is the grand finals mate you're on the Internet a hundred percent respect people with lives where they can't watch things right away but they want to maintain the suspense of watching the match in their own time with full surprise factor but it's just not realistic in this world if it don't visit social media don't visit streams control your own conditions you can't expect everyone else to bend to your desires to be honest I hate anti spoiler culture with a passion and here's of the storm the European team would be the Korean team it'd be huge news and the most crackdown and deleted everything on reddit that showed anything any happiness any support delete everything because everyone needs to be protected from spoilers so you want to discuss how cool that move was shut up the amount of up votes of a clip showed oh yeah well people are gonna be happiest about Europeans winning so the amount of uploads already spoiled me thanks I was gonna watch it in four weeks from now a hundred percent respect it but take care of yourself and your own responsibilities and in controlling those conditions it literally created anti-hype in heroes of the storm tournaments and I don't want to contribute to the lack of hype for a happiest victory in this tournament there I said it oh so close on keeper he was just checking am I gonna get auto attacks again wow this really really really well done by moon the game is not over yet but the game is over you don't have to get so serious about it grubby we just wanted you to tell us the game for us that didn't watch it kind of sprint I know I know I'm sorry you can tell I got emotional right but that's because of the Pat I mean yeah that's I am emotional about it because I tried to fight the culture in heroes of the storm I was a caster and I was a streamer in house and it was very frustrating to be at events and you watch fanatic beats MVP black for the first time the atmosphere at the tournament is electric and you open read it just because you want to feel what people are feeling you want to experience top sports together and hear what the community has to say about it was an amazing community and you see these threats pop up boom then threats mushroomed up to the top of Reddit fnatic did it fnatic didn't Europe Europe then everything got deleted and I tried to talk to the red advance and you know they're just playing it safe make sure no one is annoyed by the spoilers I was just so anti so I am emotional about it because I felt it was damaging I'm trying to protect the culture of professional sports enjoyment and hype I was gonna watch that tonight and when you tune into a stream and you're just ready to be upset by the first person that spoils it's like you're looking for trouble I know you're not really looking for trouble I notice legitimate real wholesome experiences and desires behind it but it's like you're looking for trouble though you're not really yeah you could make the threat could be called hots tournament final game discussion spoiler however when it has high up votes a European one when it has low up votes a Korean one so they would send her even that sometimes plus it's it's just bland as bland can be I want to make a thread fnatic scorch their balls off you know that's like more it has more personality than discussion of game spoiler you know Happy's food recovered miraculously this is crazy 73 versus 79 but as the gases did point out the barriers are upgraded too - that's true station law reefer I was actually a little sensitive to G ot spoilers as well but that's simply because not everyone in the same time zone can watch already plus I didn't have as much desire to discuss G ot like I guess I was excited about it but not as needing like now we're literally watching it together so it's very hard to avoid now I understand and please don't think that I'm not understanding the anti spoiler desire I do understand it I just think if you get your anti spoiler great people looked out for you they were they were sensitive and stuff but don't be surprised if you accidentally get spoilered because I can't control everyone in this chat here and I can't like watch my every word like this is the grand final so whoever they face they beat them right and the fact that I'm watching this on Monday and then I'm watching moon against 120 on on Wednesday like it's pretty obvious I'm looking at them at the winners so moon lost nothing happy lost everything so this game is however we're gonna go to the next this game was really freaking cool do you believe Happy's best buy in the world yeah I do and here's my philosophy for best player in the world whoever won the last legitimate major tournament with intercontinental attendance and relevant prize money he's the best player in the world but he didn't face players see who fell by the wayside in the other group he would have had in trouble with Blair seed doesn't matter he didn't make to the finals but the tournament was brief the brackets were setup doesn't matter you won the tournament be the best player in the world what other metric do we have you're ranked on ladder player C though didn't make it to the final yeah happy and once when he didn't play so maybe one Tony is the best on that even though happy beat everyone did once when he didn't well they were unfamiliar with his style like okay so happy is the best player in the world right now and I would say that remains to be true for days and weeks until you can see a significant drop off of his level or a significant rise in the level of some of his competitors when you see that there you can say I'm not sure anymore maybe someone else's and also when the next tournament comes along of the same caliber as wgl and someone else wins it and happy didn't qualify then happy won't be the best anymore maybe happy didn't choose to qualify he didn't choose to participate then you start to have fans disagree with one another and yet happy won't be the best player in the world anymore it's all about winning the biggest tournament at that time you're the best in theory you could be so draconic asked to say that the very next day everyone is a new challenger happy was the best player in the world on Sunday today's Monday is he still let's see next tournament that's pretty Spartan but yeah yes at this time so are we still gonna in-depth analysis analyze those games or not yes sorry we started talking about other things again weren't we I love answering questions from chat though like it's fun and yeah I'm drinking tea but yeah let's go back fully into the game so what's different this game is two things moon crept gradually to level 2.25 from the two main starter camps the natural creep camp that is doing now is too powerful to tackle immediately with double treants and ancients and an archer he did do this on Echo happy saw that he sees this as well did he steal wait a second no he did not steal happy saw that so when the Night Elf decides to go when the night of decides to go immediately for natural happy must act and harass he did this on Echo but he failed both coil steals do it again maybe it will go better maybe it will go worse and this time he saw a gradual creeping it's a relatively small level of creeps there for immediate coil harass is not quite likely to be very effective instead happy went for his own creeping leaving part of the turtles for two reasons one he just wanted the item come here too he saw moon started on the natural so he decided to come then here nice splitting with the skeleton by happy never giving a double skeleton detonate finally moon did this okay this is interesting at this time moon could and tango and surround the death knight but the death knight does have 400 health the tree doesn't have a lot of life anymore even if moon fails to surround if he does decide to entangle and he's probably gonna succeed this around but if he does do entangle all dps stops on the tree anyway so I think happy made a very good lay down in poker terms to decide he's not going to be able to get that tree there are two other places to place the tree of life where the keeper is now roughly on the other side of the pond and at the green camp those are easier for happy to attack and easier harder for mood to defend because he built it here it will take him longer to expand but it's the safe way to do it and he was able to protect history of life is there any reason why the game is presented in Chinese language northern English one that's because moon ah that's because back to Warcraft is piggyback piggybacking on this broadcast this is a Chinese first tournament and they're sending the clean feed to back to Warcraft so it's literally a video transfer not back to Warcraft doing their own observing so it's Biggie backing the observer was very good for this game yeah I do hope that WGL keeps spots for America's there's nothing more damaging than a community that devours its own grass roots by calling a region dead or bad America isn't as good as Europe therefore addition to have qualification spots yeah they never will be able to grow as a stronger region which would be great for everyone it's very small time thinking to say they don't deserve spots under that reckoning before I became good in Warcraft Netherlands shouldn't have got any spots because we don't have any good players then I would have never got opportunities to play and then Netherlands would have never been great yeah everyone deserves spots like if you give spots to a region for 20 tournaments and they still don't perform and don't care then you could turn it down you know but it's nice to have greater inclusivity so at this point happy level two point six two point seven on the DK lynch level one he finished this goblin shop which is staffed of teleported to he's again got double slaughterhouse and he goes on the hunt he did some good skeleton scouting and he wants to stop the panda creeping and on this map and this is happy speak remember on this map there aren't that many easy camps for panda to take the moon the moon the night of is gonna move his ancient of war through the Goblin laboratory for the rest is pretty much natural and goblin shop so happy goes to the most obvious next camp goblin shop pandas now level one and stuck at level one because there's nothing within reach to creep and happy comes here he has no real hopes to kill the Tree of Life he even ignores the Panda to begin with doesn't try some kind of surround for him it's all about threatening tree and then killing archers look at that it's not about the tree it's about archers he wants the Forester response no dust of appearance though he can't kill that one Archer yet relentless coil no lying I'm actually yeah you could go there'll be one Archer then he comes in with statues up to three goes for a super quick destroyer pretty much about as quick as you can very small goal numbers note how he never committed his goals about four months ago we saw 120 doing a DK Naga style with a number of ghouls trying to reset Archer account to prevent Hippogriff Rider flood obviously happy scouted again this game so there was an absence of ancient of wind style comes in with the Lich this is so sick would you dare to attack with the Lich and double statue no DK into a full army like what if he gets entangled surrounded but at all times happy has a really good awareness of where the keeper is how likely he is to be entangle surrounded and it just didn't happen so now moon and tangles the lich a large part of that is just reducing the damage of the lich happy has only coil over one but together with statues looks to be enough in comes the first destroyer [Music] well land experience is very important for lesser regions Rene Roman in order to practice people learn a lot from LAN attendances I look at enter and side they did some lands recently and they got a lot better as well it helps to go to lon comparing it with soccer can have useful comparisons but it's really very different because in football teams have very robust training regimes and infrastructures the comparison is so yeah tilted I guess they can practice life against their own be squats or other teams players never get to experience out of stadium practice which is essentially land the away stadium practice is literally when they get a chance to get invited to attorney like this one let go a bomb instead offense doesn't feel counter dry it feels counter dryads but they take a lot of damage from treants and tangle embarrass he bombs with disease cloud can pressure dryads in in the long run and they don't die as easily to drunken haze fire breath and tangle treants and so on it's funny actually because I also thought that you need some crap fiends so my most recent true methodology for under night of was double crypts fiend no more than two I used to make more it was bad to crypt fiends and then stop then go to slaughters happy doesn't even make two anymore and then I thought that against human you should not make so many group fears but happy like makes ten quick viens against human is even against mass defense so this was actually funny moments look at this did you see this chaddy taught me this you guys no chuddy often loris the tree is fighting suddenly TP now staff of teleport disables the arriving target like the anchor point town portal does not disable the anchor point the fact that tree stops hitting proves this is a staff of teleports they have the same animation but the effect the tree differently this has always been true but I was never cognizant of its until chuddy my analyst who will never go to Yemen taught me about this so happy actually moves back so he's he's like baited by it as well in the very moment that he moves back the teleport animation stops moon cancels his staff of teleportation and happy realizes he got jebaited cost him two seconds and had you not moved back he would kill it now already instead of in a few seconds maybe he would have killed it two seconds ago why didn't moon make hippos though not sure guards can win against pound a second like do you mean in general why didn't mas fairy dragon style you'll get an answer to that later on in this series he will try both and he's deciding based on the maps actually going fairy dragon on this map is quite risky because if the on that does go for guards they can take the dragon really easily but there must be other reasons as well there are two strats at the end of the day moon will try to play the one he thinks someone has least experienced against or least effective strategy against can you TP and you stop attack command by pressing halt to fake yeah maybe maybe you can't stop attacking with tree but I don't think so it'll look like this not like going back to the stand formation but it he'll like be stopping so you would still not be fooled no actually no you cannot give new commands to retreat it's getting staff of teleporters on Oh way over wait oh okay yeah when you TP on it you would give stop commands yeah well you can't do that maybe you could make a wisp but you can't make a wisp on the staff of tele so if you see they're making a wisp then you know it's a real TP so like either way the defender I mean the attacker would always know what's happening this is a good info to buy the bear the bear said he saw his pal Elias getting rekt by happy with that strand this is true this is true he saw happy dispatched la lie it's fairy dragon strat already and moon already won the first game would bear Dryad why wouldn't he play it again so it looks like happy is not necessarily needing to leverage kripp viens attack or even Lich Plus a bomb to kill dryads like he's not deliberately right-clicking dryads with abominations the abominations kind of just stand there and Shambo around he just uses leech to attack dryads period and the rest is focused on preservative micro conserve everything defend look at this so nice torch this was interesting because Happy's 1200 gold and this is a pre 50 max meat wagon my general rule is no siege before you break 50 but happy actually has a wagon in his 50 food army and he feels so comfortable with everything that has happened so far that's he's staying on 50 and it makes sense right because he killed the tree of life so there's no time pressure anymore but is it dryads bearish that's true chubby see guys this is why I so genius he sees things others don't there are no bears true is there a guideline figure for what you should bank at 50 before breaking up keep no shady folks because it is all about whether you can win now lose now save up is anyone transitioning the reason happy stays on 50 is because what he has now is enough to put realistic pressure and he's waiting for information do we have any blind people here no sorry mute do we have any me okay do we have any lip readers in here what did he say are there any English translations for Happy's blog shady folks did you ever win versus moon in a major yeah a few wdg 2006 WCG 2008 and WDM 2009 but he beat me in the super fight warcraft world war they were more like show matches like mundo is really good at prepared matches one opponent two weeks of prep he would destroy me 300 in those but I was sometimes better at spontaneous multi match attorneys where you play like many players over the course of a weekend so he doesn't get to his solo prep per player as much he would get like more nervous in those type of finals than if he gets like full prep it kind of fits the race as well orc is better at like pillaging pillaging raiding through a tournament where as Night Elf is better at like setting up a really meticulously planned evil strategy with hidden wisps and stuff dude he destroyed his ass I wouldn't say that that's our relationship was professional and rivalry but dude she destroyed his ass on WCG final who cares about shrill matches I say show matches but they were for ten thousand dollars five thousand dollars one the other for ten thousand winner takes all so show match yes small money no like I i literally traveled to Korea for the $10,000 and then went back home again and we had a crowd of like 5,000 people [Music] yes my my white creature sleeping right now I love it when you mix up the stream with Coventry thanks for a great stream hey glad you liked it thank you very much a HTF 57 months three more months and you got popcorn thanks dude invention it's ohonta King Rufus T Phyllis for the new key ah layoffs nope Lord bear NATO Merkel Merkel and Bangkok thank you for the subs ever I remember super fight the winner got 25 loser guilt 10/10 K for getting three out I played supervise I didn't get 10 K for losing house are you thinking of like a different tourney I mean different game like brood war what I played Super fight it was 10 K 0 K I lost so I should know maybe I should call them where's my 10k and we've got 25 moves like now I got thinking ok sorry do I withdraw my lawyer army I want my money Lich so again as long as moon doesn't do straight natural creeping happy forfeits the immediate harass didn't work that well for him on echo isles moon is like I got 35 K I don't know what's wrong say the truth here arranged it 5k 5k now I didn't [Music] there is a website eSports earnings it's not 100% accurate but it's not too bad select pouch sketcher thank you very much for solving 11 months Schnauzer and nick the big and no Giblin thank you for subbing Schnauzer snoozer you've got the new peon subscriber emote cute beyond you'll get another you mode soon to pull some hunts we're bringing them out piecemeal crypto says total prize money orange grubby 360k from 157 tournaments seems okay but part of that is from Starcraft right hey Kirby how slogan must be happy now that the heatwave is gone yeah definitely you can keep him outside for longer but I have to say even in 30 plus Celsius he burns energy outside like a crazy he doesn't mind clowning around at all even in the like when Logan or when the dog gets hot when Logan gets hot he starts making this sound as soon as I hear that I know to cool and down but it hasn't been that bad recently yeah there's plenty of shade in our garden so he can find somewhere nice to chill out thank you very much for serving Maha sorry there's plenty of ways to cool a dog down I can I can encourage him to drink water by adding a bit of yoghurt series was here you can wet their paws or give them a pool to play in you can bring them inside to your air-conditioned room gives ice cubes or cold stuffs like frozen fruits or frozen veg or frozen meat and back to the replay yes by the way does anyone one more processionary oak caterpillar thanks anyway so in this game in this game it's gonna be inches of wins right I need to go a little bit back 1 1 I can answer that later Kyra dollars shy of three hundred thousand dollars in wc3 you are almost there buddy all right I'll try not to die until that happens for the new key so just lots of creeping by death night actually the bigger tournaments the more safe people play the fewer all ins they do incubator people all feel fine to all ends in ladder and small attorneys but you always see people playing more safe and it's not just fear it's because people get better and better at defense and they save their best play for the big sur nice that's why you don't that's why you see when you call stalemates games I don't really see these games to stalemate true still mates are 80 to 100 food and no attacking there hasn't really happened much but it's true that game length always goes up at the big attorneys that souls because people are more evenly matched so happy here does the mercenary camp at this time I haven't accounted for every single skeleton Dan happy sent but it seems to be that he's aware that he's up against fairy dragons because this game he saves up crypt fiends and web he's got the five goals that he usually asks I hope to show its base at some point are you even close to these guys in terms of gameplay well I've beaten moon in three premier tournament grand finals obviously his consistency or let's say his regaining of shape over a longer period of time like him coming back now in pro playing and being the best again that's like super impressive there's no take away from that whatsoever none at all but I have done it in the past and I've been happy as well at this time obviously moon is the best elf Happy's the best undead and happy three owed me yeah last time I met moon it was like two years ago in the show match no prize money I won 1-0 he went Beastmaster first would I beat his keeper Alchemist or solo keeper now probably not there's many else I can't beat right now with that style yeah so am i close I'm close enough to feel comfortable about it at the same time of course they are playing it better as long as I keep playing for races and focus on the stream that's gonna be a different priority than then been playing at pro tourney's that's how I like it right now so closer than many further still so this game moon went for hippo writer and demon hunter ii alchemist did get a ha beautiful coil dose right I think moon is the very most old-school active player I used to be that too but then moon is now so he saves up the fence obviously at some point happy must have scouted the absence of a hunter's hole and the presence of the Tree of Life put two and two together and realized his gonna be HIPAA writer so he went fence and web I guess in my games today as Undead I'd be afraid to get it wrong if I don't if my skeleton scab doesn't come through but obviously he's doing it really well demon under ii feels very very good when you're playing this style because under it relies a lot on coils to keep their koreans alive alchemists used to be better but that's because it was over bath demon design-wise actually makes more sense with this style again that relentless coiling even for single archers by happy he tries to keep his DK away here but I think he fails he wanted to solo creep his Lich but you can see the DK XP go up which would have been 1.9 but it's not only 1.6 yeah I think demon hunter is very important but it's not the first time we see demon on your second do you think sweet'n goes up or more talented than happy 120 I mean talent talent thrives on the hard work good motivation good work ethic and good habits hard work is very important it's very hard to gauge someone's talent it's equally hard to compare people's hard work one time a player told me I should always be able to beat you because I practice harder than you okay so the more time you put in the less you sleep whether you have good quality practice or not you're supposed to win so it's only about how little do you sleep and then you're a winning stupid argument hard work pays off and talent pays off but talent flourishes on the hard work sweet and go stop if they kept playing until now they would be better at the same time though their psyche is different they're different people different people want different things they have talent for different things is keeping your motivation up for one game for a long time is that talent is that tunnel vision do you lack other interests or hobbies are you so simple that you enjoy doing the same thing all the time there's so many different ways to explain how you keep your motivation but in the end without motivation you can try like to be like happy or moon or sweet or ghost up or whatever if you have no motivation you get bored or frustrated and get a burnout some people's minds align well with doing certain things in life and others don't some things come easier to one person but difficult to another is that talent is written it's just difference right you can call it talent if you like let's say I find someone that works harder than me and I think he's smarter than me and he picks up the game quicker than me so he's better in every way but he gets bored after a year and I keep enjoying it for 10 years after two years I'm better is that talent motivation is very important ok now the crazy micro starts it's a sort of talent I guess but it's I call it the alignment of the mind or like the the the degree to which something suits you so to fence against six air one hippo off one hippo without a rider full detonates on the DK no mana potion and happy does not back off his ghouls don't instantly die he's already wept and killed three air units his schools are getting focused he saves two ghouls so good kappa kappa rino a master Milson thank you for selves so at this point moon would really benefit from another wisp there was like three skellies i still see them someone didn't do it shall we just watch this with commentary because this one is like quite funny too a little bit only right-clicks by happy sustain no too many fiends left though there's one more entangle ready aiming for that fiend the spell will be there but it's too late for the save fiend will be falling happy needs over four for the level two or I think he's close he gets it okay can he chase now or at least run away looks like moon is getting double kill here if he's get somehow in range for two more kills for happy if he follows look he switched the orb to DK for a bit as his creepy and can't dissipate it he actually made that switch that people asked about earlier as well he seems to be happy to trade equally but man he liked doctoring a five supply Li eat or something Happy's very close to another big level of level 3 lich almost and for now moon going back to the main he used wisps I think earlier there in the gold mine but he still seems to be mining decently well no statue at the moment for happy big problem he needs those statues at all times to provide the region from the back a lot of fairies coming in happy has to retreat again he's a little greedy doesn't want to use the town portal and willing to fight apparently was this looks so bad no coil for DK 2 Corinthians one destroyer against nine fairy dragons with a half mana keeper and demon just don't get the destroyer the destroyer a little too far forward quickly enough with the move away but still not quite remember the amounted though also dropping lower HP the damage from the Lich is starting to add up now he's level three and this level two aura dude is saving him so many units crazy but this one will fall the demon hunter again out of the fight maybe chance for more kill that's the keeper isn't here yet the destroyer say if you saw it at the bottom left of the screen so crazy still comes in for the devourer saves the crib fancy and flies away on time the seconds the coil but he got burned a little too slow by happy for once dead the story is gonna fall yeah but he can very still three webs happy it's not kiting though losing this one sacrificed it for more mana which will be until the demon is out of the fight soon with the staff but more kills five moons supply plummeting down to 44 only heavy at 40 for himself I don't think moon ever had boots ability on on demon hunter Olaf I don't think he ever had gold for it it will be kind of cool to catch stray units but normally that's what entangle is for I guess and maybe it's good but it's a pretty big investment 250 gold that means like one and a half fairy dragons for you only 50 supply with this mass air army you at least at sixty you don't want to have to fight before that straight-up battles with mass air are not working we've seen one two zero fighting this with 2025 six Griffin's now against ten fairies oh no they're fake wait is it really 6 the overlay actually counts the fakes this is so cool because the illusions built taken out first already must be or at this point actually at this point is like easy mode for happy but as a viewer I'm still kept in suspended animation you can dispel illusion yes but that would cost them to whisper for one to reveal more kills he wants more experience he wants that level 5 flips fly mode is stopping Laura and yeah where's no kills No at this point it's mostly over here's the final fight illusions you're confusing doesn't know which one the real demon hunter is perhaps but yes now to aim for him now we know it's the real one though can't just take out the fairies it's so easy to micro against this now it's always a sign when the undead stops to kite and stays in the straight-up battle this is your game apparently moon it's almost knew they would even have to stab them out no mana burn barriers webbed yep there's no damage the keeper is the only source of damage that will fight for the lady GG happy has many points on one of the strongest Maps moon happy still makes it work this micro I don't know I need like a calendar how often I attend to this tournament how many units did you save the little girl got tired you she reminds me of Cassandra there was one game an undead game at the clan war I was playing a clan war and my teammate was an undead has to note my teammate no my teammate has orbs was playing on that against soldier on twisted Meadows he made it a 70 minute game with gargoyles on every island and then I was watching in rapt excitement and generally Cassandra loves watching as well but anyway I looked at a superhero check under it's boring twisted Meadows Oh Nobby the thing is you see moon do that eSports headshake Fergie said it's a psychological trick to get bad thoughts out of mind actually dogs do that when a dog changes his mind on a certain path of action for example they are looking to play with the bone you say stop and they don't listen to you they don't react right but when they accept it they will give a shake like they understand your disciplinary action or your command when they shake they clear their head of a certain action and then they they're ready to like you know your dog listen there's it like a way to say okay I changed my mind it's when they shake but I don't think the eSports head shake is that I think it is a visual expression of an inner there's a small defeatist voice inside real grit doesn't have an eSports head shake because you know you're so good you're gonna win despite how good your opponent is you don't need to do an eSports head shake I've never seen much good come from the eSports headshake so ancient afore in a very funny location yeah he's more risk-taking this game people get more loose aggressive after they partially give up like when you feel your opponent is so good you can't win straight up you do the eSports head shake and you take bigger risks you get volatile I've I've done similar head shakes before and I've caught my own mental mistakes there too it's funny cuz he was just searching for his sheep had moon played a lot of them they don't twist it he would know that Undead sometimes look for sheep here I don't think happy was even looking for the a or W maybe he was maybe he wasn't but he didn't even check the ancients of war location on the ridge on the orange count I think you just wanted to make skeletons maybe yes sir cycle Genesis sir yeah the wisp looked a little fake to Charlie I I feel that way too did have you sent something about the wisps guising what's the points of finding a sheep you don't like mutton stew oppa wreck you can make skeleton strong it under to generally remember where the Sheep could roughly be so that they can makes Kelly's altar placement says where they inch the for is that's true to Ganza it's just all together there's like a picture being drawn look at this second age the war this Archer movement going to the top skeleton is following it Archer suddenly veers off to the left and back down again because he doesn't want to show what's what goes to the south now he goes to the left so this Archer already changed direction twice first it was going straight north then to the west and then South and now he's going west again that was a little bit like what are you trying to hide because generally when people change with their units that's being chased by you they change to a direction it's the exact opposite of where they don't want you to look look at moods face guys duckface now fine state of war as well and happy even slaps it just to let him know that he found it because he wants to mental break moon he used to be a Starcraft Rohe's you see see he's easy ancient of war this is a massive Chell so what now how to defend this now knows what's coming second trip mass feats right Chrissy guard guard so keep the a piece from coming up as long as they don't moon is like science the plan B C D F G Jojo Joshua 1 2 3 thank you very much for subbing moon looks at mature moons and father of two he is an adult have you ever seen the Dark Side of the Moon no Teddy no one can see it I would have to fly a pro pup you know you know where and I doesn't do that I don't fly Propst up anywhere anyway let's go back to analyst of this game York yeah love how happy just harasses with dk but doesn't take 500 um it's truly inspiring isn't it just like I don't get it let's look at it again how does a happy avoid taking all the damages in the world so he shows up here with the death knight he still has zero experience by the way do I always see the same set of Moon or it's rotating somehow we always see the same side of the Moon dragged our it is rotating but it is our moon so it stays in perspective to us that's why I like the Chinese landing a mission on the Dark Side of the Moon recently was interesting its title looked but I thought you can't explain the tides to go in to go out so it looks like he just avoids damage Kizer okay thanks I feel smarter tonight anytime you want to feel smarter just come to this twitch chat there's a lot of smart people here to prove it all the smart people can spam XD now [Music] a lot of smart people so he comes in with the double guard hey hey I don't get it why doesn't moon surround the DK yes he has staff of teleport but why not just entangle and surrounded he will staff away and then you don't have to contend with his damage anymore he's got the mana for it now ah just too late I guess I guess happy pulled back the second that keeper got 74 mana yeah that makes sense good split by moon as well sending the huntresses after the DK look at this these guards were actually a little bit late Picasso said I didn't quite see the build I think the casters have an observer POV as well so they can get more info than we can from the stream look at this two new guards he flies in every now and then with the other two and he gets the console now that's huge the moon has now been cancelled on this first inch to four second is the war the AP rush and the Tree of Life so four plants have been cancelled we can now go to the one base style I actually don't know much about crickets yet I haven't read about their Wikipedia page Sonique so soon but if you like hearing about and subscribing to cricket facts I can read about them next time doot-doot oh my god this again [Music] happy you still love a 1.3 and he's got tier 3 I think so every time I go DK mass guard solo hero I always always always lose my kid night my gift died Nath died death death death dies anyway that's night I always lose it people were saying happy is too one-dimensional but he actually showed a whole arsenal of different strategies yeah his opening is always the same but he reacts to what he sees the only single dimensionless of happy that we saw at this tournament was that he wins that's pretty one-dimensional never like try losing a bit maybe a draw here or there possibly a disconnect just one dimensionally winning drug law so moon has been stuck to one base one dimensional that's nice your deadbeat dad punished guys look at this hold up deadbeat dad with the dad joke of the year that music though that was pretty monk ass I remember that from a custom app maybe ether party I didn't know it was a warcraft original so this is actually the sick fight that you know people will remember it was really sick microbe I moon and he's also fighting one versus one base which is generally suicide against undead as night elf but look at this the guards aren't killing anything I was watching this and I was just thinking insane by Moon right but he ends up saving like a lot of units with red but those units are huntresses like that hunter survives like great job saving it but he might as well run it into a meat grinder for all the use it is like he'd rather have minced meat right now than that hunters to ever heal back to food cuz not that useful against guards it's good against ghouls I guess he just coiled the alchemist which wouldn't have died anyway but would be very low but it also leveled up and coil blocked the in Ville very very nice guiding by moon and he killed a lot here that guard won't die cuz of regen and armor but when he comes in with more units he can maybe take it out so moon is 56 foot so for all his kiting and saving and preservation he is still in upkeep happy is not and although he has a 15 foot lead unless you can translate that to a win it's it's a blessing and a curse run the Huntress into the camp cancel wand riots tailed 50 but I think Moody's experienced as well he knows all about upkeep management and he decides falling back to 50 is not an option this is not a game where he can pussyfoot around and say well I'm gonna play macro because he's gonna be up against lich with or he's gonna be up against mass guards maybe with upgrades this is not the proposition it gets any better for him he feels the best way to take this game is to flood in a surprising manner with mass units and it's really good adaptation by mood actually because if you just try to play the same game as your opponent's which they play better the game of efficiency the game of patience of macro but your army isn't designed to do that cuz triads are not long mainstay units in one versus one base how about instead playing To Your Strengths yes it's uncomfortable you're over fifty food but on the flip side riots are cheap you can keep producing over fifty if you're making dryads they're very supply inefficient triads so actually fifty food riot armies are really weak but it's very easy to go to 70 so he launches an attack can you believe it with alchemist level two so that but he figures maybe you think this is like I'm expanding again because that's what Night Elf does and I'm gonna attack you with the sixty-two food army or 58 or maybe I'm gonna do moon style and run around the map and expand everywhere he would only succeed in making himself even weaker in a game that he's already very far behind him so moon actually decided to try and overwhelm here with sheer numbers and I feel like probably was the right call it's mental house QT it's not the first time moon got so pressured and nervous in the final stats he may not have played the best strategy on twisted matters maybe you remember my WCG game against him in 2008 he just played talents against me twice won once nearly won ii didn't go talents and twisted now granted twisted is not the best down on that vs orc but still like do one two tricks to get ahead and it's gonna work just fine but instead he went for beerus that's interesting foggy was telling the opposite about that fight you mean the opposite like it was a bad or bad intention fight like it was ill advice to do a fight like that I think it was his only chance he's currently got happy 239 food he's 57 of course the standard is not to do what moon did that's what makes it so smart unless it looks awful like we've seen some attacks by hunter or foggy or something they do an attack thing just get smashed and then you're like well that was bad like hunter had one game against fly he merely one on echo isles like can you believe it hunter played standard Hunter style against fly on echo killed four grunts lost nothing expanded for free massed 255 food had better heroes unit count everything and then he attacked with fifty five food with fully double mace by double base mining against one base fly who's literally camping on snake words in his base hunter through that game so bad attacking without envelope of Prezi and TP like he always does but just too soon really it's pure inexperience and an attack and it looks bad and it was bad this is so different from moon because he's literally attacking into happy who's so comfortable that he's expanding before moon is and moon now has nearly doubled the supply the fact that happy doesn't like loose straight up here it's just it's both luck an incredible play by happy look at this look at this look at and tango too bad about that animation of entangle moon was on level three 2.2 alchemist no base and six of his plants got shut down and he nearly one right here right now 50 HP difference almost happy past period yeah look happy no period happy no period 151 168 keeper now keeper drops under 150 DK 1 2138 coil so he only had an overkill of two keeper died with an overkill of two damage to period pass actually the percentual increase of passing the period at this point is very little he's got 86 life now passing the period would give him maybe 9 HP big you get 170 150 175 150 health on a total of 1 K gives him a b12 HP 1250 health on 11 like on 1025 it gives him 14 HP or something he's 86 74 67-64 60 to 61 and parry EFT unlike strength doesn't give you bonus region so it did not save him the period yeah if entangle wasn't nursed and had the old range then both heroes would have died DK and keeper and moon could have body blocked the DK with the Dryad yes it's true but he would you know there was many things going on I suppose it's just important to remember that in this moment it was winnable for moon he nearly killed DK might not have lost keeper if he did a body block on the DK and he's got a running base now but don't forget where he came from he merely nearly won the game with alchemist level 268 pop flush it proves it was the right call he just needed to microwave better but happy was destined to win this sometimes you get lucky like that you win thanks to that kind of luck but you're just better than the opah it's it's really cool my favorite part of these games is watching happy with no lag he waits so much longer to coil stuff then when he plays on the tease yeah that's really cool and let me tell you guys about the hidden element of whether you're playing on a good organizations tournament or a bad organizations tournament a good organization will make sure that you've got proper conditions biological need you know like food and sleep is going to be in good order and previously and comfort and stuff and good organizations will make sure that you've got a practice area where you can play to get accustomed to lamping and although that may seem like altruism it isn't of course the tournament benefits from players playing at the highest level if a tournament isn't blatantly biased which some are they are gonna want every player to play at their best to get the best possible memorable tournament so to give happy a place where you can practice and I think he had that right or am I just talking out of my behind What did he say on his blog I'm assuming he had a BC to practice on he had it they had it yeah the Deaf can't breath to or you can bring it from home it's can't breath to get a practice PC accustomed to you tool and ping and it makes you be able to play better when the tournament comes you're gonna be able to make those close calls that are so memorable and so exciting and unique to Warcraft 3 and then there's tournaments that are like well you're here for a week but we don't care if you get to practice we couldn't be bothered to set it up or we didn't want to spend budgets on it or we had no budget well then you're just sitting around waiting for your match no practice and you need a lot of mental fortitude to summon your best level without having any warming up plus you're used to playing with ping okay not gonna play as good as you could however does one thing they could still do better it's table and chair the Chinese players are very easygoing when it comes to conditions probably either because it's culturally unacceptable to complain to the organization about the condition or to there is no space for a player's team or agent to bring up conditions with the tournament and for them to then act on it like no is there's not enough awareness on it or it's because they simply don't care maybe their home conditions are like quite random or bad or whatever so they don't care about good conditions they don't know what it feels like but if you if you come up with like if you have a really solid setup at home 120-inch ah not under 20 inch monitor and the 20 Hertz monitor and the 20 Hertz monitor and a good table on a good chair you go to tournaments it's all crap what are you gonna do they're gonna say things like well every player has the same conditions yeah sure but one player is 6 foot 3 and another players 5 foot 8 what do you mean same conditions so the best thing as a tournament is to offer flexibility of conditions to players their own aircon possibly a neutral table or maybe even a raisable table and we just got a table at home that we can bring up and down with the electronics raisable chair adjustable armrests that's the real dream that's the real ideal setting for a player if you want players to play their best than that meat wagons too damaged to what the keep portion but was that the last time yes we have a Western world you happy he's not considering himself a competitive flared you know what cuz there's no competition for the Russian $30,000 best in the world amazing performance play happy getting the title the first place the trophy the throne to the Emperor he claims it 30k no not even close 29 and a half K way man th death moon dead is that what happens when you lose as an Asian player to a listing or did he not mean it literally that's too bad this is the last time we'll have a tournament like this well I certainly didn't expect to win the tournament I am sincerely happy about that well I simply don't know what else to say completely unexpected it was great haha fate hung high teen has home a song called Suzuka in the agenda you go quandary happy city you go oto-chan show for the Challenger from the home potential song entire country has endured fatality Jang and now you have 200,000 prize money all together how would like to spend never think about it no probably gonna save up for future like always Oh Anne harsh and hostile that I show on that you get down to the visible you can put it together with the $200 see one playing against me they always say I love this honestly like it's the best thing right like people don't always like to hear it like vodka [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grubby
Views: 64,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, Moon, korean, korea, pro, strat, strategy, reforged, replay, analysis, tft, wgl, gold league, summer 2019, 2020, blizzcon
Id: 2RhAtV63WbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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