GRUBBY vs XlorD | SUPER CLASH | Warcraft 3 TFT

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I should tell him I thought your name was excellent and I thought you looked dope but it was mr. eggs I'm glad to hear it because he doesn't mature I was feeling all grown up oh my god he went for the percentage double parenthesis that's pretty out there that's pretty out there all right here's the plan we're gonna try to secure both trolls level 4 while keeping his level down I have no goals to get level 2 or level 3 and I have no goals to like kill infinity peasants his defense against peasants was quite good last time so I will pretend to go for peasants maybe I changed my mind and I actually do it if he doesn't footman Scout me I'm gonna go straight to the Merc out because that mean he okay's he's actually using his footman to pull the creeps at the mur count so I have to go there immediately because he's creeping aid so cheeky okay false news totally false news and he has ivory tower damn it watch out not short of cribs and now he's on my side of the map creeping [Music] okay another chance for a captain of Gondar gigi he was saving strats for show much same no but we got some centuries century egg so the game plan actually worked pretty well we got one peasant we defended we got both the troll priests for nice map control items illusion century riflemen okay oh yeah we've seen that before I suppose this time I really need to solo with my CC no put yourself in new I didn't see it didn't see it can't believe it all that I feel it so he took my shop first and then it's taking his own this is doing the rest both already done it not a position I would really like to attack into get one one up grace he's gonna get thunderclap and local flames pretty crazy better level up endurance all right instead of Chain Lightning barely have time for this she's gonna take the rest but I don't want to fight now okay just forget about it yeah as a plus four plus four and cloak hey thank you very much mr. anonymous up and now he knows [Music] you must be doing this Jiji we shouldn't have won the ladder game show mash just a 5:1 okay i was the blood last guys okay let's go next map Northern Isles I must have practiced 500 games with ex Lord back in the day he is always human it's not his off race he's under it in three matchups and human against org this is his main race and he's got to pee advantage that's funny because last time I also lost ladder game with Farseer against him but I just won with blade it's kind of a weird game but I almost wonder is he better against Farseer than blade or am i doing something wrong oh yeah I update the score sorry I was in a rush because but anyway you see my subconsciousness I was in a rush because the game was starting Sonic and 2 more than 10 blanket for deception guys oh wait I remember my Farseer loss against them I will unconcealed hill I went Naga and wyverns not really proof I just want to try FST see grunt Raider Walker one-on-one that might have a better shot this is stupid but I just had a fight with my cousin and things are weird now what should I do it's too hard it's hard to say wh7 without knowing the conflict sometimes people just need time but you shouldn't do that fester for too long if you wish to repair the relationship the judge if time is needed generally half a day or a day is a good cool off if it's not a giant rift that has been a while in the making and then don't let it fester for too long so just start it up again it also depends if the conflict is about what it's about my wife just told me she doesn't like seeing me play worker 3 should I get a divorce before we force no just get a a vision blocking screen then she won't have to see it [Music] down yes greater heel so focusing MK is out of the question we played so much Mountain King error as well against Ezeli he's expanding already scouting I was thinking about surrounding the fatigue but I don't think it's worth it cenotes fast expanding this month akane tier 1 style possible now huh Dallas good timing I guess he's really displaying standard but just swapped the hero order you thought maybe I'll still be creeping it that's really good for us that we weren't we definitely need Berserker strength we fortified we're getting it now so he did my did you see something yes clap level two why not start with Mountain King it's the best hair of you did you get this crow damn so fast and now I can't stop him from that camp anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did I can see I did counsel right I don't see how I'm gonna win this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's my shop she's my queen [Music] [Music] my eyes didn't use a lot of items there so that's nice thanks Oscar and drunken soul nothing left to creep [Music] thanks for the rate to zero upgrades level 5 MK come on [Music] thank you for the subs guys [Music] [Music] he's got a flying machine more sauce it doesn't seem like we have equal tools to fight each other somehow I was like his ability seemed a little better I understand I moved into a choke but he was getting pallid a yes I shouldn't I think yeah we chose spot location but I don't think I win that fight in any situation especially with Paulo south of sanctuary I can try to just hero focus but don't think that's going to work I just had four use girls and I couldn't get my arm oh ma please yeah once all the creeps are going orcas definitely stagnant oh I would love to have some heels girls cher cher please you see Oh just kills heroes harsh its overpowered thank you for the sub and a hidden message Lord in gaming Serpico the best Hasker thank you guys for the subs hmm I have to lizard noise bug I don't hear it okay maybe it's there you hear it yeah I have not very loud speakers now restart for everyone's comfort I did watch it marcher but I don't remember it I killed three flying's a that was his fourth yeah I had an expansion in the back and quad Hill scroll even though he's getting paladin I shouldn't have gone into that joke there's there's a good chance we would have won if I hadn't done that for old times sake I didn't I don't think did I have to pyramind yeah I did I did play tranquil baths and really that's a little bit too much Rock Sean thank you for the subdued come on this is not comparable to booty ray this is a quality map it was meta for a long time oops I just I made a shot I was gonna go ranks alright it doesn't matter this is almost the four PL mining we made it a bit early we have less lumber mining now but we'll have more later it's the same as if you go out there shoulder yes Monte King was very good on this map before the bath and yet I keep losing with FS against him but maybe this one was on me for the fight location I knew it was a bad location but I wanted to attack before paladin I don't think that was a good reason though I could have gone to eighty pop and I choose a wide-open location it was the problem was for him to find a way to attack into me not vice versa silly sod if let's go double circulatory open as expert on this map available it might be yeah it might still be well that is going to slow me down a little bit I can't actually afford to wait for him you could just go from we'll help they're harder enemies of all I hope I get some scroll to be so I can break his book I can break his guards our mining for so long rifles and circus ready for sure the only chance I have this tiny grateful counter expand but how can women's win against human army little nap did you take this no maybe the amount of towers he made he's more behind than I don't it's just the calm before the storm [Applause] basta [Music] oh wow why always something a group anymore it's nice when you're playing perfectly feels good just I forgot what that feels like question does he have expansion answer it is not unless more damage on blades that's what I needed level four three it's okay it's a lot of flying machines smells like trouble I have to armor upgrades how cool is that [Music] so one cyclone this is a pretty swell game to two rifles double hill double wall here's double heel and double protection I'm gonna go to ninety pop oh no Bronco chase that fight I still don't know how I didn't lose the game after the start well that was mildly satisfying it was we can actually do more revives hope I didn't miss the opportunity of and the armor upgrades were so good so useful we'll just wait till the next blade storm I don't see any reason to force the issue before that [Music] [Music] let's go $2.99 food 280 we got Big Bad Voodoo who do I do [Music] what a wonderful time to be alive played storm and Big Bad Voodoo and you get casted multiple times come make anymore units because of unit that's cool but I still don't know how we didn't lose earlier on we make a bunch of reverence he gets to guard tower on time he keeps his trolls in the right position we can't break this one should be worth two points and I reject the notion that that is biased how can you work that hard for a game and then it's worth one point there's still only counts as one what would he create something crappy like Amazonia I can ask him I'll host the fake map xo4 I don't want to pick for him because then I'll pick the one I hate the most and then he knows what I hate the most [Music] shrine of the Ancients let's go he's bold he's very daring Joel b210 thank you for the subdued [Music] ts really gross oops really guys I have one question for chat really okay I'm trying to think here thinking [Music] okay I'm thinking I'm thinking Eric's first what how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it Oh mommy as your future king of crap crown of roast pork i order you to need this plugin if you're gonna gamble do it on the crappy man I'm thinking right now between panda and pit lord I was thinking TC first but I'm leaning towards fiddler anyone vote for brother Louie nope not me good as happy said this map is very difficult to harass fast Expo what passage of the Bible was that again in Seagal so it is known Psalm 103 : 5 and happy says on TS there shall be no Erasmus Expo it's right at don't really need the second grounds I want to know what hero he has now gloves is good it is indeed mountain king trouble dealing damage what's the problem are you afraid terrified it's just going rifle Gosling huh there's nothing much he can do but he knows he doesn't want me to creep my creep this this this or this it's too predictable he may be creeping as well I'm gonna do this on anyway I can just use reveal now really need my shadow ons here just creep I just want to creep a lot as much as possible hopefully that will be a good instrument for victory I'm hoping eventually level 5 bit Lord see if he's expanding I really needed her circus train I didn't get it because I lost one peon early are you just gonna try the snipe all the units as fast as possible I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to go for two or three again let's bring a feeling over to him and all in to have money for he'll stroll he probably is creeping this round three yes finish it's a little bit annoying at least I've got lots of mana items yeah actually if he cancels my Expo now it's over I cannot be here going like Griffins or whatever but I think it's unlikely fire yes no he'll scroll there he probably expanded but it's only just finishing [Applause] [Music] leave grotto [Music] we have Tillich now we have to that's nice there's still two K gold left in the mine and it's so good Shadowhunter don't have a lot of lanolin [Music] his arm ice is dying can't believe this is Ark mates is dying he's like behind the tunnel hey ork hero sucks if you really want a party party with a demon oh yeah oh it's totally fine now for Whitner took three days we're 3-2 against X lowered but one was a ladder game we're to 2 in the show match there's one decider why do orgs never put walkers back in spirit forum to save them when they're low I noticed a lot of pros just let them die because the demo Gore game can get you in the upside-down toast a meal thunderclap storm bald sorceress attack priest attack and Blizzard will all finish off a walker and sometimes you'll force 17:01 Roger correct good job sometimes you'll force a spell with that but oftentimes you're gonna take that damage anyway okay now I have to think we won with blade we won with bid Lord I'm going for barracks first again but not pitler it I don't see that working very well still works purple skirts try again yeah I think so think alchemist the old thanks for this up as in this I'll get that you got i'll get that mixed up I'll shake that right up you got I'll get that mixed up won't wanna blow something I'll shake that right up I'll get that mixed up you got you got shake that right up something yeah maybe I should have been creeping I do too many $64 he sees this he's probably doing the other one satisfied to trade or he did a while ago again he said I'll get that mixed up my cloak is actually a pretty useful I am I'll get that mixed up you got to be going shake that I'll come in so big so yeah this is epic how God is yeah I can't believe that I just seriously went Alchemist first and peddler first in order to reverse sweep a human player in quarter three of 2019 to orc heroes neat buffs goblin ogre and demon is what we need not pseudo-japanese orc and nearsighted Farseer perhaps you've discovered something interesting I must say it feels very Kiwi cocky right now my my enjoyment is directly proportional to how little I understand what's going on and that's basically saying everything no I meant a big fit Lords last game why did you go without committee to predict paladin no I did not I expected MKR arc mage first but I did recently see in the pro play Kimiko beats focus with paladin footmen first with holy lights and devotion ara the moment I opened the stream you started winning I came in the middle of Game three I don't want to take credit here but I'll let the facts speak for themselves right the subjective facts bartemaeus thank you tune in again sometime yeah I know but man double cloak - break - Raider - breaks - not bad silver wolf says I forgot to ask you when you do your fight night analysis is there anything you feel you can improve on when you do analysis the timing in mechanic's IQ you have is excellent well I think sometimes I'm going off on a tangent I'm talking about something that I find interesting and sometimes in that moment I forget whether I'm speaking to a pro or a new audience so I think when reforge comes out it's really good to explain basics but everyone that's watching right now is really really knowledgeable and skilled at Warcraft so I don't need to explain basic things so maybe during the fight night as well I can turn it up a little bit and comment more on the pro parts I'm a huge Warcraft noob though like me no but I think sometimes when like an exciting moment is about to happen that is important for the pro viewers to understand I need to cut in a little quicker and stop talking about option six of what hypothetically could happen [Music] not like I wouldn't realize someone trolling me with invisibility or something did that happen to you foxhole skilled audience I beg to differ okay okay fair enough fair enough I did that oh wait you're not the human player on Swan temple are you no that was the critter block when I got to write down your names or something so I know when I shouldn't Punk to you again [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 159,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, tft, xlord, reforged, blizzcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 54sec (7554 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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