WarCraft 3 Reforged - The Worst Remaster Ever Made

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one of the most legendary iconic and genre-defining games of all time Warcraft 3 is getting a remaster east brewing rewards is going to be an exciting new chapter for Warcraft 3 ready to work be true what the [ __ ] is this that's not in the blueprints how did that get approved all gold mine has collapse packets in your house burning [Music] what we have here is a failure to communicate we have to preserve these games we cannot break the fun we want to extend it to generations to come but people are complaining about connectivity issues not being able to get into games not being able to join custom games I am a medieval man he's focusing on the consumer bulks cup the greater healing already now taking the second one one Harada stealing I have a decent you too yeah we have a decent oh this is a point that I'm bringing home or and over Shadowhunter is desperately desperately required no oh boy oh boy alright say we get level three mm-hmm and then good good are you serious [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] so it's not that multiplayer isn't working it's that sometimes you'll get hung up and you need to restart the game you can't see the hero of fortunes here the shaders are missing for my units or the units of colors it's a little flashy but the color bug you'll meet just about anyone which means you either meet too easy or too difficult people yeah it's cold [Music] [Music] I've been trying to figure out why the main menu performance on Warcraft 3 reforged is so bad it ends up the whole main menu is aware that running on Chrome this thing runs worse than the actual game likely because it's making an entire core of my CPU by the way the game itself 25% CPU the main menu 150 percent the main menu is more expensive from the actual game what's done is done and when the art was so like I don't know low-quality order no it's like the standard does the definition right so everything was you really didn't know what was happening a lot of time you think you're above the law we did take a step away from the aesthetic that was created back in 2002 2003 and we decided to kind of push that like hey we're Blizzard now like how would we make this game if we were breaking it brand new like Warcraft 3 no no no not like that let me do it [Music] yes me Lord Wang work I can't go down all right off I go then get on with it whatever the old client is gone even if you have not purchased reforged the battle.net client will download a useless 30 gigabytes of hard assets and upgrade your game to the new UI and v-net integration that means that the only way to play classic warcraft 3 the one that works flawlessly is to install an old version and to keep it as far away from the be net client as is possible this kingdom shall fall and from the ashes shall arise our new water that would shake the very foundations other big changes that we saw I mean they added a couple things ago we have female demon hunters now female death nitrile zombies alternates for like alternate not even just like not just gender swaps but also like they're just making new variants of all the heroes so that like there's a little variety from those taverns when you pick a hero it's not always gonna be like oh yeah Dillon again yeah this Illidan face is whoa look at this what is that and something they're a little bit sensitive about it was always a subtle thing of like we want to kind of modernize some of the character models for the future audience like the 2020 audience is like what are you talking it's just less cleavage and a lot of characters in the cave just a little more subtle character design overall another interesting thing was for like the inspiration for the new art overall if they look to a very specific cinematic but didn't expect which was the mists of pandaria opening cinematic that's right and I don't know Andy you're a huge Wow guy I don't if you notice this this shift but they saw that as like the end of the kind of like exaggerated Warcraft look and since then Warcraft world Warcraft has pushed towards more realism but they said that with that cinematic they really love the kind of Popeye jaw on the humans and the more kind of slightly cartoony old-school look you gotta get to Big Shoulders man exactly of course yeah and so that's the look that they're going for that cinematic to push back into Warcraft 3 now for the redesigns now what they did do there are things where they did improve character models except for they didn't do that so they should get me [ __ ] credit there's a company out of Malaysia that did all of the character stuff for them I did all the characters suffer them in Starcraft they didn't even lose the one thing that they did do it was upgraded character models they basically outsourced their game to another studio and so you see Arthas what does Arthas look like Arthas doesn't look like a you know a crown prince turned evil Arthas looks like a drunk he looks like a 55 year old drunk that's walking around with a sword and the Arthas has a neck now there were supposed to be four hours of reforged cutscenes promised after them showing a fully remade intro cinematic wealth when I'm top happening is there was four minutes of reforged cutscenes about four hours of remastered cutscenes and I think this was a massive draw cutting people off because they got to see those when they saw the culling of Stratholme trout Tsunade you were like whoa that looks incredible and given how importance of story is to Warcraft 3 that was a few draw cartridges but it was loved to have seen that [ __ ] they promised a cinematic style of camera work for the whole thing you know dramatic cuts two characters wide shots close-ups far more dynamic scenes with a lot of work what did they actually ship with war three reforged well it's just like Warcraft 3 the original of the RTS camera and some talking text boxes yeah I've been saying such a downgrade from since like Worcester suit actually showed enhanced cutscenes and the cutscenes are literally garbage there's the same [ __ ] [ __ ] that was in the game they [ __ ] lied is there still a vision that you want to reimagine some of the story arcs are you focusing on just making it Luke the best it possibly can we weren't happy where we were where we were going with that kind of culling treatment as it became talked about in the office and yeah kinda slow for a human aren't you and we decided to dial it back a bit so all the cameras have been reworked as we've been talking about all of the models are new and there's tons of new animations gestures and look I don't have time for this nonsense this entire city must be purged how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it ether as your future king i order you to purge this city you are not my king yet boy nor would I obey that command even if you were they may look fine now but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead what this entire city must be purged how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it Luther as your future king i order you to purge this city you are not my king yet boy nor would I obey I feel hollow inside the original cinematics from Warcraft 3 they are the same as before but they're in 1080p instead of 240 now that is something that they am you know they did say before and they said they would just be 1080p renders but you know for a game sold in four plus hours of reforged cutscenes what ended up happening is completely unacceptable because of the bulk of the cutscenes cinematics has been the one thing that has been blizzards bread and butter for like 15 years they advertised that there was gonna be like four plus hours worth of new cinematics to cutscenes and this and that and they literally didn't do anything one you didn't do what you advertised to the game came out a month later than you advertised was gonna come out it's just the whole thing's like an absolute mess my patience has ended [Music] of righteousness [Music] remember our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength [Music] describe reforged with a Warcraft 3 quote you are past Redemption jobs done to deduce to our people knowingly for my father the king additional supply depots required that's it Oded I was a fool to trust in the light what we are hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot then I must consider this act of treason [Music] no others the trait or king I have no time for games and the dead it was not a nightmare young war chief what a vision follow me and I will reveal what your future holds I think they were trying to summon demons the scourge will devour all you lost your might that's not in the blueprints how did that get approved in they say Blizzard games don't have books you lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you what's happening to you office as vengeance all is important to you spare me Muradin you weren't there to see what mal Ganis did to my homeland [Music] who dares defile this ancient land making it more accessible but also like to look like a modern game that people can go you know fall in love with this story again and while doing that get comfortable with playing an RTS let's let's bring this to a level where it looks so good that you could you know want to tune in and watch it you know as an eSport if I turn on team colors and I'm blue instead of purple by the time my grace Hill takes up and becomes it keep all right becomes a stronghold it will turn purple again for him it's the same he's red now but as soon as he upgrades his castle it will turn blue meaning it's mine [Music] Oh your base are belong to us this has been a bug for two months since day one up the base out but they haven't fixed it because they have to focus on making the release in these super lizard games don't have books I played a multiplayer game of reforest last night I was blue my opponent was blue so we're both blue and the shade was very close to each other so I couldn't see who's who it was an undead mirror so our fiends looked exactly the same so the only thing I could do was to use allied colors which makes me blue with my opponent red this is a function knowledge that has been in Warcraft 3 for a long time there is just one problem though in reforged both graphic settings when a unit transforms or reappears Burrell unburrow become a lurker from a Hydralisk become a destroyer from a statue those kind of things when it reappears or transforms it defaults to its original color in this case blue now I know what a triple-a game is depressed triple-a to reset the team color bugs for peasants that turn freakin blue dude but are the enforcer portraits just the rocks with a helmet [Music] [Music] cool trick I don't like the new graphics not because I lack familiarity with them I don't like it because I can tell when my units are dying I can't see as easily whether defense upgrade is turned on which units is mine which one is his what's a ghoul and what's the skeleton warrior the portrait of the Knights and the peasants are quite similar so sometimes I think I good peasants into my group there are a number of things that don't really rely on familiarity but just peripheral vision like a guard tower it dies it crumbles too slowly so that the roof of the guard tower is visible for so long that to me it looked like a available guard tower instead of a dead one so there are a number of things and really it's just a disadvantage to to use it I think you mean you need to make the reforge graphics so good that it's a visual advantage to use it that's how you get people to switch it's no point investing in familiarity if it's gonna make you a worse player look at this you see this [ __ ] this nice classic graphics dude we want to incrementally release things so that there isn't a big patch at the end with a lot of problems Luther the timing could have been better don't celebrate yet son this battles far from over I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did lat if I hadn't arrived just that I did the best I could ether it's working I know it's working [Music] there's warcraft 3 and there's Warcraft 3 reforge except they're both the exact same thing so if you have one you technically have both you're just not buying the reskin because the only difference between reforest and classic is this button right here nothing else anything anyone else tells you is a lie anything Blizzard tells you there's a lot there's no separate audio channel modification like an SE two voices announcer music it's a work in progress those pylons they put under the bear that was actually a psycho [Music] for my brothers I am prepared so don't they still have like the original assets of the game somewhere where they can just like how they beat the graphics worse then asking about it do you guys have like old assets the old audio recordings all this stuff - no we don't have any older brothers they're at a computer in a back room somewhere they're like yeah we realized we didn't have the Warcraft one source code but then we found it some always an old tower and they're deadly yeah they should have used this opportunity to create something that was awesome like one of the most you know iconic moments is whenever Arthas fights Illidan unlike the [ __ ] steps of the Frozen Throne he's about to become the Lich King and Illidan wants to fight his ass for it and the original cinematic was literally like [ __ ] out of something that they literally just ran out of budget where Arthas that they hit each other a couple times like man [ __ ] you Illidan goes up in the air and then Arthas you don't even see him through the swing here's the thing they couldn't have turned that into a [ __ ] bad-ass cinematic like you can hate on this shadow in cinematic all you want but the fight between both bolívar and Sylvanas was cool it was cool and they just recreated it it's almost like you know how the YouTube rewind this year was just basically a top 10 list yeah that's pretty much what happened there's no Kiwi mapping functionality with this game in terms of like a menu you need to go into like the dot txt files to be able to remap your key all right level one yep somewhere in the arathi Highlands thrall the young war chief of the orcish horde wakes from his troubling dream I just lost well let's try normal I thought I could do better than that what what just happened defeat what what bra click the move button in the bottom right corner of your screen and then click on the banner where is my boy really it empowered creators with an editor to help them bring their own dreams to life and their custom games gave rise to new genres Warcraft 3 is apparently very popular in China and so they consulted a lot of experts and pros over there in China and they said like well we're really into the modding scene so we kind of want you to push things we want you to add more modding tools more flexibility and making Maps faster means making more Maps having less bugs there's no graphics because this shit's all [ __ ] up yeah just couple what [Music] yeah well teeth Allah's why is everyone mad about reforged because it broke 95% of custom games it looks awful the performance is terrible and we have to pay $30 for every scam they also deleted classic and all the games got [ __ ] up because of it so this whole time the games been broken because it just released today no one's been able to join any custom games let alone even barely host them till the our every aspect of reforge is broken the campaign works to an extent the custom games broken the login is kind of broken the connection is broken the online activity is broken the framerate is [ __ ] the stabilization is terrible 90% of the custom games don't work if you try to play classic it doesn't work as they horse adopt in to reforge so people who didn't buy reforged or [ __ ] people who buy Barry Ford or [ __ ] people who had both of them get double [ __ ] and if you try to tell people about it then Blizzard tries to ban you on the website all your Warcraft 3 reforged custom games belong exclusively to Blizzard instant and total copyright ownership of all custom games what that means is any custom game made in Warcraft 3 reforged cannot be replicated anywhere else this gives Blizzard the power to shut down any standalone versions of custom games made they do not have to even give you a credit they don't even have to mention your the community you guys have done so much to keep this game vital you know since our you know absence for the past 13 years or so there's things that have nothing to do with Warcraft 3 that are really compelling experiences that are being made inside of this game by the map making community and doing everything we can to let them extend those experiences and continue that to offer up new things that we aren't even responsible for it I think is awesome that's the real leg behind this my hope and your ass have an appointment one of the really awesome things is with such established communities like we have people to go talk to to tell us how to do it right and even as we're patching right now like they they let us know when we're wrong I we have a great kind of backstop there in the community itself to make sure we're making good decisions and Blizzard is over here expecting people to create things within this new system where they capitalize it and you get zero credit and you don't [ __ ] exist to them in terms you do not exist I mean it's it's important worse than the creation Club from Bethesda somehow Blizzard is now worse than Bethesda I feel like everything Blizzard is done that's good has always been an accident wait okay look at my face 130 80 40 30 [Music] 120 28 20 FPS what happened dude okay we got all not a mini here off off off off [Music] you're banned don't exist do you think your FPS at 35 to 40 is stable enough or would you play better on the stable 60 to 120 no when I was buying my $6,000 PC I was really hoping I would have more than 30 FPS and a 20/20 release but you know maybe maybe someday when I have the bigger budgets joke by the way I did not spend six game but yeah and like Blizzard responses tend to be I think we ran with at Blizzcon one it's a bit tone-deaf and it does somewhat miss the point they didn't apologize really for anything but to me personally like whenever I apologize to somebody I say I'm sorry and this is what I'm going to do to fix it hey it's not working oh my god it won't it won't does it will let me create say Taiwan number one game name cut game name contains a restricted words I'm not [ __ ] kidding okay let's see if I say China number one China number one create oh my god it works my dream is that that and that team who are now artiest experts and have spent all these years and reading this stuff would then make warcraft 4 that is my I like it I watched the barrel prisons for over 10,000 years yet I'm the one who feels caged the the game doesn't feel like a blizzard game and that was something that people started to see whenever they were looking at the new models is there I did some of these look good right the fidelity on the models was good but do they really are they of is it a blizzard game is it a blizzard model is this something that you can recognize and the answer's no I think a lot of people didn't you know like that same blizzard touched with reforged that they did with other games if this isn't the absolute proof that Activision has destroyed blizzard you cut the heart out and cut the heart out of it it's the soul out of Blizzard from the player focused company that offered us some of the most polished experiences in the PC market - the company that released Warcraft 3 reforged they may even have taken the crown from Bethesda as reforged might be one of the most incompetent major releases in modern gaming so the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people and they end up running the companies and the product people get driven out of the decision-making forums and the companies forget what it means to make great products product genius that brought them to those - that monopolistic position gets rotted out by people running these companies who have no conception of a good product versus a bad product they have no conception of the craftsmanship that's required to take a good idea and turn it into a good product and they really have no feeling in their hearts usually about wanting to really help the customers we didn't live up to the high standards that we really set for ourselves and for that I am sorry you think I do we just wanted to make great games it was really as simple as that our goal to be a company that does the most incredible gaming experiences that develops those and creates those is something that's part of our DNA that we're gonna continue with for a long time to come everyone here truly loves these products it's a big deal and how many companies in the world you go to work you have a great job you pay the bills I don't know how many places there are out there but people truly believe in what they're doing that many places it truly engender the level of pride that you associate you know with that with that logo you know that little blue logo means a lot to me as long as they have good people who are focused and dedicated to making the very very best games with that experience that others can't deliver they're gonna do extremely well I think it's more important than ever that all of us that have been a blizzard for a long time that we really take the time and talk to the new employees and teach them about our culture teach them about our value some tribal knowledge and and make sure that we stay Blizzard teaching the next generation of employees to to to understand that that is important and that those values to really go to the heart of the people that have been here forever that is the foundation for Blizzard in the past the blizzard today and and blizzard in the future as long as we remember what our where our foundation is and and what made us successful to this point and keep that in mind and everything that we're doing then you know definitely in the future Blizzard it can be very bright how does it feel to have live long enough to see all of your favorite franchises go down in flames feel scream [Laughter]
Channel: TerakJK
Views: 1,126,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Gaming, games, PC, Steam, WarCraft 3, WarCraft III, WaCraft lll, WarCraft 3 Reforged, WarCraft III Reforged, WarCraft III Refunded, Blizzard, Blizzard Entertainment, Activision Blizzard, WarCraft 3 Remaster, WarCraft 3 Remake, Crowbcat, Crowbcat Warcraft 3, Warcraft 3 Crowbcat, WarCraft III Crowbcat, Crowbcat WarCraft III, WarCraft 3 Refunded
Id: z5q6zv56Dzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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