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might be too soon no it's just right hello pewdiepie ready yesterday he went ward in here he might be nice elf again but what can you do you have to play head hunters again it's okay in most matchups he also went i also went blademaster yesterday in order mirror against him so it's not like he can be sure [Music] like i i already switch it up he went warden and then he went shadowhunter first with orc and i went blade i had headhunters against warden and blades against shadow real inf yes sir in the streaming on twitch nope and he's not streaming this anywhere either he cannot stream and play on w3c at the same time so he actually just watches the first person dod that he records on his computer together with his stream later on but not same time were completely do you need my council we need more is i've not yet had head hunter one racks against blood mage i think it's a good match up for me but it's also infused lookout my eyes what try you my eyes uh what is your research is one secret i waste my time okay my eyes your music one trick by the way what a yes world gg nice that was probably the best game for me against infie besides the tower rush i guess but i've been thinking i don't lose the blood mage first with this build but it's still a different situation to actually have it happen oh no i searched too quickly didn't i oh i didn't he didn't have to restart yes is like the only player on the european server almost besides me and maybe five others to continually say gohf gg after a long series everyone else loses their generosity of spirit after one win one loss i can do this it's nice to play against him he's strong and good sportsmanship it's so hard to click this tree is bugged you can only click it with peels that don't have wood in their hands already yeah probably f91 so cute yes human again my eyes [Music] what praise the lord but i bet he will play it so much better this time he didn't get arcane tower by the way we're under attack my eyes he's going rifles this time quick torrance don't think i even need secondary unit no we're under attack portion of replenishment it has been very good for me [Music] you need yes my eyes are open we're completely is my eyes my eyes thank you man oh is my eyes are open attack we need do you want to kill kind of need level three first watch out be happy do you want my eyes [Music] our town is under attack my eyes are important what you want me to do oh who you want me my eyes is oh request my eyes we're under attack oh wow foreign oh wow gg nice pit lord three pit lord wins today yo rita thanks dude for the 22 months up flippy for the grub with the 500 bits thank you very much follow matrix with the 17 months zachny praised the lord of the pit thanks man i think infy bugged again so he's gonna have to restart i think that's why his q has been delayed love these games ah thank you thank you we're always happier when we're playing headhunters aren't we i think infie can restart game we had analyzed a 20-second delay in his queue times it's because he gets that bug i don't think it's because he literally can't hit it i think he gets that bug i still wonder if you can beat the griffin strat he did go griffin just now we beat it already on amazonia he made one griffin one night because he felt like going mass griffins wouldn't have worked there didn't you accidentally choose bitlord in a high stake game once yeah yes this is true but it's before pitler's buffs oh i think he got bugged again let's just restart again then you know what they say if you fall down at first if you don't succeed you just get up and try again hold on one shame on you wait ah there we go double q bug but finally envy i almost want to see if when he gets human next time he will go archmage first but if he's undead right now he will go dk mass fiends so i need to start thinking about undead he's beating me once before before i knew who he was on this map when i went ahead tattoos dk mass fiends the question is what must i do what should i do uh on this map lord is not as good because the the watchcraft actually do it but on this map uh you cannot actually creep the rock golem uh with beetles so easily like some other maps my distance to his expansion is very short as well so it can be a bit foolish to go for the rock golem creep unless you have a clear read on your opponent never scouting and never stopping something like that then it's good i have been beaten before by immediate gold mine creep on this map but it's always due to lack of scouting which sometimes becomes systematic the lack of scouting like not due to an accident but just because feels a little higher today than before i have to i have to say of course i don't know for sure but human again let's see if he's going archmage yeah i knew it it's been solved blood mage oh that's just uh that's just swell isn't it who you want to kill me we're under return foreign something new is yes yes my eyes yeah do you want me to go huh my eyes research is how can i help yes right over my eyes okay yes directly yes ready is yes right [Music] wow is how can i help you man 4. yes [Music] god do you want me we're under yes how can i show is [Music] my eyes i think he's 66 foot i'm 47 and i decimated my workers and i just lost invil and i didn't block a storyboard with it i should have waited to block the next stormboat with it so i think if my tc stays it's gonna die so even though i'm chasing and i need to save i need to go back now how can i help not enough yes yes i had a window where i think i could attack or i could uh expand but expanding felt too weak i think attack was the right call but it just came down to micro it's really good game i think if i expanded i would have had too little use of my tech so i i'm mostly satisfied with how i play this yes that's cool game thank you for this up man not sure yet unlucky survivor i think i keep playing warcraft so long as i get in feet and then we'll see thomas or thank you very much for the self welcome we need more he got human three times today against me now i think it's gonna be orc no it's not gonna be org it's human under the elf not over i think it's undead i hope not night elf i've never beaten this elf yet is doing a long night because he knows grubby will rest tomorrow you're trolling right silverflow imagine work completely hmm you're guessing okay do you need my council [Music] undead i definitely should have interrupted that creep he would get the item still but i was so sure he wasn't gonna be arc he's gonna take my level one one one right i'll take this one so we both have one age my heart sank actually when i saw he didn't do mercant because it means he's undead and taking his expo but then it didn't and he wasn't thank you for the great message i don't know why i said you too thank you your pleasure sorry busy my eyes are open nice yes my eyes wow watch us he's going torrence of course he is he always does yes what the hell where's my dust i thought it just bought us all right i just heard logan's side too i apparently did not get dust ladies and [Music] gentlemen wow okay we're under attack yes how can i help who you are tonight i stand ready he just finished we're under attack my eyes are open direct of course yes yes hello oh okay uh yes hello the fire art is to uh prevent tauren corpses from falling he did that against me too before it's uh it's a known technique but not often called upon let's get some heel scrolls now where's my other doctor yes you [Music] we need more foreign oh is something to do yes yes yes no one has any heroes oh man i really should have moved out with a heel scroll gg that's funny game uh he had zero percent chance to win when we had expo and he didn't and then he brought it to a wait a minute what wait a minute could he will he that was pretty sick he still did the best thing possible under the circumstances really cool always thinking on multiple levels seeing the map as a playground rather than the game as a rigid rule set can you explain firelord again sure so there are a number of corpse consuming auto act auto abilities dark minion when you lost it with black arrow the corpse never appears because it immediately turns into a dark minion same same with firelord incinerate when you hit last hit with incinerate on that unit it explodes and deals damage like necromancer corpse explosion again no corpse and also the orb of darkness on twisted meadows on the red spots so these uh mechanics can be used to prevent the tauren corpse to appear which is good because then they cannot be revived i actually went torrence against infy recently and he got firelord third as well to annihilate my uh tauren dreams actually the first time i used torrents and master walkers in the pro game was in uh samsung euro championship 2005 in the grand finals against todd and uh i had beaten him with it double toads and walkers and torrents then next year i believe i lost he went more tars to kill the walkers and i also realized hey they're blowing up my torrents no corpses so you can use units for it too like mortar but if you don't want to change your unit type then you can go fire lord now orc the only way that orc can deal with torrents without a hero is demolishers but it's a bit daft using demolishers to try and take down torrents like they're not the unit you want we'll normally oh my gosh thank you what should we do uh who you want me kill what you want my eyes my eyes wow it's all about one cancel minimum you have to get one cancel then you're good to go and we got it at the very end very well worth it it is ah thank you so much man glad to think so is just scouting okay as you were all yes how can i help wow yes thank you very much understood we need my eyes defenses at all yes me watch out yes yes me how can i help directly let's try it it's not that i never wanted a second hero it's that i always had something better to spend it on or so i thought we're under attack i definitely need it for work creeping my best chance now is to shoot this zeppelin out of the sky [Music] what the main issue now is he's creeping a lot more all the other issues what trickery yes all right this one's kind of are you threatening hard [Music] are you threatening why not [Music] the main question now i guess is did he expand in another corner when can i get my pillar level four i also have remorse yes for selling we need that's a lot of destroyers [Music] what trickery is this [Music] yes [Music] my eyes are can i help 104 five statues bit too much healing [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 84,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, infi, wgl, superfight, superclash, world champions, reforged, china, chinese
Id: _VTUZoB973g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 26sec (5426 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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