Grubby | W3C Season 3 Finals - XlorD vs Cooper

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so concealed hill uh might be pretty good for orc versus undead we've got things started x-lord vs cooper let's jump into it map number one santa lama i think 60 seconds is enough of a delay to for fair rts games why not just do one or two minutes uh well uh what about when someone pauses to scratch their nose oh we can oh we cannot zoom out we the zoom has to be done before okay you have to do the proper zoom level before that's okay we'll just uh play on standard zoom uh yeah you could pass and the delay can catch up and there's also the fact that uh a town hall can take like two minutes so you can know when someone expanded if you're cheating uh a minute after they did and a minute before it finishes so let's just move right past uh your layman's opinion of whether one minute delays enough three minutes is decided and three minutes is good so we have things started on concealed hill the big question is do we see farseer or blademaster now blade is probably likely because cooper is a de facto blade master player especially when everyone was playing farsier even he was still playing blademaster even against human where farcier is the accepted meta now ex-lord had a period of time where he was playing a lot of lord expansion we may remember wgl spring or summer where ex-lord played on the chinese server the the global championship that was played online because of the current uh health status of the world right and he was playing a lot of lord there and technically it looked like he was able to beat the top three orc there fly 100 but because of the stream delay i i do think it was going a little worse for him he did end up losing 2-1 but he could have easily won 2-0 in my professional opinion so i really thought he's gonna keep going lord but there have been a few balance changes for the lloyd uh he's still good though it seems more preference-based that ex-lord moved away from lord against undead he's fully death knight first now so we have the very classical most meta uh death knight versus blade master so we have the coil creeping here with x-lord going on the ogre warrior and we have likewise cooper going on his ogre warrior cooper finds a cloud of attack plus five that's a balance changed item used to be plus six still a really solid item and a top two drop for a blade master uh we have excerpt going for the circlet that's probably the best item you can get nice item for him to start things off with a double coil creeping in order to keep going quickly onto the map and taking his next camp explorer is going with a one fiend uh well with the zero fiend tech into a fiend and we probably gonna have a ziggurat coming up and then maybe in the rubion tower as well uh cooper is going for a non-speed scroll wind walk across the map he wind walks into the shop gets circled and i gotta wonder did ex-lord see him by the circlet maybe yes maybe no either way he wouldn't be on time to steal the troll priest that cooper now gets for his level four and cooper is too smart to try and greet for the ogre mage he knows this is gonna bring death knight to call because ex-lord cannot afford to give the ogre mage away so he has to check there cooper is experienced with this route he wanted the level 4 for a level 2 blade master and he also knew it would bring the dk and he was ready to put a few hits on the dk to lower his health exert however is already level 2 death knight so he's got unholy ara that gives bonus hit point regeneration so whatever damage he takes it's not that hard for him to out here xor is really good at blocking grunts in when they get low trying to chase them and finish them off with his death knight cooper meanwhile with one of the weirdest bases i've seen burrow in front of his great hall one to the side and completely open seemingly it could be a nasty joke here with the fiends attacking and orcs stuck on the other side with a largely melee army but he's got to have some kind of plan no nerubian tower for ex-lord cooper gratefully makes a little bit of use of that by trying to put damage on the acolyte but ultimately exord doesn't have large goals outside of getting dk2 which he already has dk3 is nice but it's a luxury so he's at home there standing on blight getting bonus healing from blight and from unholy and that is quite okay for him cooper's blade is very healthy he's now using several grounds to get level two and a half blademaster on the left side this theory comes out shadow there are several different build orders for both players for both races you can go straight to tier 3 into lich into slaughterhouse into third cigarette or you can go lich at tier two then go to tier three likewise for orc they can go straight to tier three wait who's gonna get this creep oh what the bleed master got it he tried to coil hit last hit the ogre mage but he let it drop too low coyle never got cast as blademaster last hit lots of attack coming in a little bit nicely so blademaster gets a lot of experience from that that's a level five creep that gives i don't know something like 80 90 xp extort went for a lich into slaughterhouse and now the third cigarette so lich comes out early hasn't picked his ability yet don't know if it's gonna be frost armor or nova [Music] we have the shadowhunter coming here what is he looking to do the goblin shop is gone he just healed up his grunts and now he's gonna do what green camp creep jack he wants to stop the ogre lord by exlord now there's a very defensive location here when you fight over the oglord that's why you have to come around the other side shadowhunter standing in position to try and hex the death knight to prevent the coil last hit who is going to get this coil nova hex on the death knight we have the item wardstone battle drums going to explore that's very good 10 bonus damage on everything an ex-lord uses a nova first pick for lich to do a double nuke on the ogre lord securing the experience cooper wasted a lot of time on the shadowhunter not creeping up on the green camp or anything else zero xp on the lich uh on the shadowhunter the lich getting 76 xp it should be noted though that exlord's death knight lost this 76 or 72 xp or so that he would have gotten because that knight was hexed during the ogalord's death half the exp was denied so xor shadowhunter did achieve something but it wasn't great he didn't get the item he didn't get the steal well managed by axlord who has his first slaughterhouse out now bro coming and a coil last hit on the ogre on the gnaw overseer gets ring off regeneration dk2 litch two blade level three scouting wind walk about to run out the shadow onto here gets level two in a bit as tier three is finished tc is started we have three grand center raider a war mill and the tc is that gonna be a toto that's a very early torrent totem i sell this from cooper he likes to go for torrent totem very very very quickly and i don't know if you guys saw my orc versus undead games yesterday i've started a new style where i make more units before tc that can allow for much better aggression and defense against aggression but it seems like x-lord is more the creeping expanding type and happy is the more aggressive player so it depends who you're facing whether that would be good or not but cooper is in completely the opposite direction just three grandson or raider not even a kodo beast then tc then totem and then finally a kodo beast now is blademaster gonna be able to steal this no he is dusted he should be very careful coil nova and ex-lord secures his own item one of man of stealing not bad can leave a nasty mark when you steal mana from the shadow you silence stuff and your coil nova can be very risky there we go with the dark ranger going for silence as well [Music] the first map of the tournament guys x-lord vs cooper already going in a classic way do we have destroyer upgrade yet i don't think so we already have temple of the damned very early banshees by xlr wants to neuter the damage output of that blade master most of all with curse shadow nearly level three he will get it here tc is going to be level one and a half first walker comes out the great thing about walkers against banshees if they want to remove your spirit link they're also removing the curse with destroyers there might not be any destroyers at all and that makes walkers extra valuable it's going to be a tone of knowledge half a circlet doesn't cost inventory great tome for ex-lord it's now triple hero focusing the drake passing orb of corruption for a little bit to the death knight what item is it gonna be the lich the death knight uh gets it from the lips so we mask great item for that knight tone of agility for the blade master what item does he get here classic attack plus nine that's a fabulous item for blade but remember frost armor reduces your damage by 53 percent uh if not 58 and then curse reduces it by another 33 percent and it stacks players so while clause of attack are great on blade there are some there are some problems with it you want to have that orb of corruption proc away the frost armor which is of course completely rng then it's going to be great damage speed scrolling blademaster going for the obsidian statue immediately gets a perch broke frost armor there to reduce his damage chris goes through anyway through the curse no misses yet on the blademaster zero misses there we go the fifth hit is a miss but he gets that statue already meanwhile focus fire by ex-lord on the headhunters nice war stomp akoto gets a fiend as well full kodo on a full fiend burro here is there any dust of appearance there is but cooper hasn't noticed it yet a raider goes down headhunter getting focused fired there's no black arrows yet for the dark ranger so no skeletons another burrow here dust gets used focusing on the fiend x-lord tp's out but loses the fiend anyway great fight for cooper ex-lord attacking there like nobody's business now retroactively looking like a mistake he got the dragon and it was only natural for him to launch an attack after all walking from the dragon to the other dragon is sure to leave you creep jacked it just makes sense you attack if you win then you can actually pull back and take the dragon but now the worst thing happened for x-lord his acolyte is in position to expand already ex-lord loves expanding against orc his acolyte is right there ready for it cooper checking i think he's done his homework i don't think this is just a routine check he knows this about x-lord 50 food versus 50 food how are the upgrades 0-0 not working on any yet how about x-lord he said 0-0 not working on any makes sense right both players have diversified their units by a lot some banshees some statues and some fiends whereas for orc headhunter raider grunt coda walker there are a lot of units that don't share upgrades the most cooper could do is an armor upgrade but then with so much damage sourced from spells coil nova even armor upgrades seems like not something you want to afford right now rather get that heel scroll that he has invulnerability potion nice coil steel wow wait a second that was he just got envisioned and immediately made that choice a little bit of experience stolen nice dust as well good spider senses by exlord acolyte still in position we have the destroyer upgrade coming now we've got banshee adept training for anti-magic shell which will help reduce damage from walkers and war stomp all right we have the first attack upgrade coming for headhunters we watched an orc versus undead game yesterday on stream where there was a large waiting game that's kind of the way this map plays out sometimes especially when the creeps are gone creep pull by exlord this is just an option he doesn't have to follow through on it but if he has a web he could take that drake down pretty easily but cooper is not going to let him have it immediately focus fire on the fiend gonna go focus it war stop all the single feed and the death knight dust of appearance fiend goes down coiled over on the radar but he doesn't take that much damage thanks to spirit link raider finally goes down first skeleton is spawned another worse dog fiend goes down he goes for the dark ranger hex all the death knights and the critical strike he kills the dark ranger this is how orc wins look like warstop hex on the death knight gg he doesn't even wait until the death knight goes down he knows the writing is on the wall several things went wrong here for ex-lord most of all his attack in the orc base his micro looked shaky his reactions actually felt slow and cooper played very clean he had his first spirit link in that fight perhaps earlier than some other orcs did exlord know about these timings because spirit walkers means you need normally you need destroyers to remove link and to make sure that your focus fire is effective he didn't have that he was fighting with one banshee into one walker not to the advantage perhaps of ex-lord positioning was also not ideal ex-lord was attacking buildings and got flanked by a speed scroll that's one thing cooper did very well he always engaged with speed scroll and immediately went for priority targets either on the statues which weren't controlled that well they were a little bit too close to cooper's flank and in the second fight the one right here immediately for the fiend with war stumps the disabled coils and when it rains it pours the first fiends started dropping like flies and after that exlar didn't have enough body to his army anymore we had the really good item the ogre lord that he coiled over but he didn't get all of the experience for it and extort was forced to tp several times this game the money losses of that kind of cut into his army ex-lord is a brainy player but if you look at cruel effectiveness happy still outstrips him a bit i want to give you an example of what ex-lord was doing he goes to 50 food and he waits and he upgrades destroyer upgrade and he upgrades the banshee upgrade at 50 foot even though he was a little behind there are two conditions where happy goes over 50 food because he is ahead to finish the game or because he is behind so he doesn't lose the game in other words happy always goes over 50 against the orc with two food with one food with three food with five he goes over and he's ready to fight exlord was making these long term investments here uh also having the acolyte ready to expand standing on his expansion but not having one yet instead of standing in his base starting the red drake but not pushing over 50. overall cooper was decisive he didn't allow xlr to get away with such delays with such value adds and had the had the right idea and finished him off cooper played very clean and exlord is gonna have to ramp it up if he wants to have a chance to win here exlord zero cooper one game number two we have a altar crypt opening and a cigarette this is gonna be a criplord game and the funny thing is i have the stream delay so i see this now but three minutes ago we didn't know any of this yet and bobby on fire now in chat said crippler now which is funny because whether exlord won or lost against me in the previous season tournament it was death knight every time but now he is indeed switching to criplord and it'll it'll be very interesting to see how x-lord's criplord matches up against cooper's blademaster i'll be very surprised i'm gonna wear i'm gonna wear an orange hat on king's day if this is not lord there we go warrior hero adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies can learn impale spiked carapace carrying beetles and locust swarm griplord with ghouls is 99 out of 100 times a sign that the undead will be expanding and traditionally blade master has a little bit of a worse win rate against griplord but this is the blademaster king in europe the russian orc cooper he has been practicing blademaster non-stop and it was very nice to see actually that cooper who was not even in the running for season three finals made it so comfortably to the season sorry season two he was not even in the running for season two but suddenly broke through for the season three his level has been going up a lot and it's nice to see an orc represented in this tournament with blademaster who's the ogre warrior we have surprisingly cooper in a in a fashion that i find typical for most russian players russian players are very strong-minded and of course this is an over-generalization but overall i think there are some cro there are some cultural routes for this russian players are strong-minded but they're also a little bit more rigid in their play you see happy is one of the most rigid players but he's also now one of the best but before it was a weakness right cooper has not adapted to scouting he doesn't make the extra p on that there is space for now in the new patch and he doesn't scout for it but he has built the strength of his blademaster on not being able to scout in the previous patch you couldn't really do so so i guess he really doesn't feel like it's necessary though it would seem nice to know whether your opponent is going for crypt or expands or not but nope he just plays on as he has so upon seeing that it was crippled expand notes how cooper did not immediately go for the expansion he knows running into a wall of 12 units has low expected value doesn't usually end up that well he sends the grunt to the acolyte into the peruvian kills summons doesn't focus ghouls because he knows they have more life they tend to go home before they die anyway and the grunt is chasing the acolyte but the blademaster mirror image did not lock it in there's impale now this should be an easy surround for x-lord if he chooses to go for it oh oh okay he gets this around blade could try to free him but that's gonna cost him all of his mana and he doesn't succeed he does not succeed in doing so grunt now goes away he has speed scroll there's another impill in three seconds he actually busts him out of jail without any tattoos on his body the grunt speed scrolls away for what it's worth it survives the ghouls that's excellent that's so typical his micro quality going for a little cancel exor's gold mine was perhaps delayed by a bit 10 seconds or so but the order with which exor chose to make his buildings the nerubian and the necropolis meant that he already budgeted for a later gold mine it's not a big deal good scouting here by cooper grant has to be careful another council on the healing self what is cooper's follow-up shadowhunter is late he made it when he already had 700 goals that means it's half a minute late cooper not looking as clean as he did last game more comfortable perhaps going up against death knight than griplord happy's excellence expansion is uh finishing up we finally get to see ex-lord's criplord play against orc ever since he played it with 200 ping this is the first time we see it in the tournament format as far as i know now starting solo ghoul creeping is four ghouls enough should be if micro dwell go for the trappers first retarget the logo he does do so that's going to give crippler level 2.7 he also got boots of speed on lord which makes it a lot more nimble once again goes for the first straw high priest ghouls finish off the camp together with the priest four it's gonna be level 2.9 i think we now have nine acolytes mining with the tenth coming up clarity on the blademaster we have a spirit lodge and the bestiary interesting the north american top orc player hitman players forces likes to go for walkers and tier three fly 100 from china likes to go for wind riders and shamans and pressure play on tier two with a slow tier three cooper went for a quick tier three a shaman and is it gonna be raider or windrider most likely one wind rider to abuse the fact that there are no fiends with web yet there could be an impale still um he didn't get it i think i believe it was the flying shadow hunter chakra that actually got this uh last hit impale has changed like nor the old impale i think that's a dead grip lord wow my god um the old impale all damage would be disjointed the new impale range attacks still land but there is no ranged attack except shadowhunter so the fact that xor didn't get the xp i think it proves that the shadowhunter was actually [Music] the last hit wow [Music] the crippler lost by x-lord he's not re-buying it from tavern according to infi the chinese human player that's been playing a lot of random he never like i never see him buy the crippler from altar he always tyron revised because he wants to keep applying pressure funny fact if you attack on something here past here the creeps gain solidarity with this camp even if you go for like a very far away camp so long as you are attacking a creep they know and they their auto cast is aggressive to you only they're autocast of some spells namely abolish and slow but not the boulder it's very strange when you walk past here on attacking the camp you will get a slow but you won't get a ball there who can explain that so we have a second wind rider coming out no torrent chieftain yet and we have a large gold getting pulled up by cooper that should mean tiny great hull that he's looking to defend with the wind riders and the shamans apparently i think very soon we will see that tiny great hall for now shaman upgrade are we gonna see and venom spears as well anyway lord is back he's gonna pull the creeps with the ghoul which means besides inner fire and heal none of these will cast spells we have a shade coming out does that mean boneyard four cigarettes here to protect the gold mine no one can access it we have one slaughterhouse coming we have what aloholy armor okay wow so he's going abominations ghouls and abominations does he know about the wind riders he should with tiny great whole getting blocked by the ship he actually got blocked by the sheep and now he's getting blocked by his own peons oh cooper that armor upgrade i mean it could be for ghouls he has double crypt actually i think it's just for ghouls it should be i wonder if he's gonna put boneyard ghouls frostworm yeah we get the frenzy he's actually prioritizing mass goals forces are under attack all right we have bloodlust coming out we have a goblin shredder so cooper is preparing for the late game bro coming out here the gold difference so far is 2400 that's four minutes a four-minute disparity between the gold mine timings 2400 gold who gets the last hit here not the blade nothing goes to the blade you get nothing you lose goodbye sir we have a shade we have an impale we have a nerubian from the black citadel impale he's still 2.2 coils away from death so he survives invulnerability comes out we have uncle incarnation very useful another windrider he's serious about this then what other upgrades do we have coming out here destroyers gargoyles we have one feed and two garx interesting the fiend that exlord knew got attacked by the blademaster just now will prove players forces are under attack to cooper that it's gonna be fiends with web to counter the uh the the wind riders the guards are gonna be more unsurprised more uh unexpected we have venom spears coming out if you can get six gargoyles with frost nova from a lich which he now has you can wreck these wind riders venom spear and bloodlust notwithstanding big goal attack here one one upgrades one peeled down two field down burrow is down and the garx have shown themselves already will not be a surprise taking one goal out of the group to finish the last peons there's third fiance that's a cloak of flames bloodlusted with a blademaster takes an impale takes a coil nova destroyer getting attacked he did not remove bloodlust yet from the blademaster these ghouls are big threats on the shadowhunter frost nova shadow hunter has to run the ghoul's still on the great hall he's finishing the grace hall lost this crippler early still has an attack here that looks like it might just be too much for cooper to handle who made a lot of late game investments like bloodlust but doesn't have that big of an army that's the gold difference that x-lord is leveraging 2400 gold difference windrider comes in against guards once again that's lightning that guard went down pretty fast you need critical numbers but the great hall is down everything is now up to whether cooper can do critical damage on heroes but there's an uncle free incarnation there's tp there are coils exlord has fallen down to 50 food that seems like a dream this is a triple crypt setup and he's now getting webb he didn't really like how his guards did one shot by lightning orb bloodlusted blades with and venom spears windriders but the dirty deed is done ex-lord has taken down the great hall with his one-on-one goal timing attack he has sent back his ghouls getting healed with blight and with the statue going for a small camp that can buff one of his heroes with a permanent item circulating ability that's always nice good for the lich as well having a little bit of bonus health and armor can be a nice buffer to getting critted from here to argentina by the blade master while the death knight is hexed another tiny great hall by cooper i have been in this situation before it is not over just because your great hall dies that great whole death that kill comes with a penalty of ghoul loss if shade blocks the great hall that could give a little bit of extra economic advantage the real boon here for cooper is that he has had that shredder all along that means that out of the seven pills he had on lumber he was able to use five to expand so he had two left maybe he remade a few and now he's still got four to expand with just make one more back to 50 and back to mining however still no fortified defenses what an oversight no it's not an oversight he doesn't have war mill oh playing without war mill and fortified is very cheeky a big weakness that extort happily makes use of helm of faller now for shadowhunter the lich could get focused he gets hexed no frost armor on him yet coil very early because it's just scary there could be critical strikes lynch needs a frost armor does he have it yeah meanwhile ghouls again nice starcraft play by exlord splitting off his ghouls cooper up to the task though sends wind riders after the ghouls meanwhile death knight is still getting focused one goal is down second goal is gonna be falling maybe third and fourth as well i think this was six goals two have died but all the peons have been killed again no mining we have a bad rider coming oh he made the bat rider because of the guard play it is no longer useful mate it's fiends now and exor's army is bigger than it looks he's got 80 foot but it's not all here that knight has uncle reincarnation it's gonna get focused very obvious focus that knight was in front he's gonna lose the death knight with 80 of his mana i think you maintain that when you come back yeah you still have the mana comes back with 500 life coiled again we have bat ryder getting webbed we have all the wind riders dying to feed and destroy your focus fire shaman's dropping low lit still alive g we have a 1-1 we're going to the third map x-lord loses his lord level 2 after failing the steal but his opening and cooper's inability to inflict any kind of economic damage to ex-lord's expansion that is to say zero haunted goldmine cancels zero acolyte kills and the very gradual counter expansion with a pretty cool army of windrider bloodlust it was not enough the economic advantage and the smart tech switches by xlr saw him through in a very early timing attack with ghouls one of the cheapest units that were very effective against cooper's high tech army because his shadowhunter and blademaster took all the damage there was no other tanks on the ground no lightning shields were used against the ghouls at all as far as i know kind of understandable after all there was a destroyer there to remove any and all spells that cooper might want to cast and lightning shield costs more than bloodlust rima what are you doing aren't you casting i guess um happy one already against one i'm guessing two zero spiked barricades would have been quite useful uh gmr rosario that's true would be quite useful against ghouls but it is a slow burn of damage we are going to the third map on turtle rock of exert versus cooper it's one one crypt lord one for exlord death knight loss turtle rock is a death knight map and in fact if blade and farsier are both viable against undead i would say this is a farcier map early game is really good for blade but late game especially mid game it's a little bit less good the turtles all have damage return spikes and that makes blades and grunts continually take damage and require healing game has started remember everyone you see this here already over a hundred dollars was donated since the tournament started today just an hour ago the prize pool for this tournament is maximum two thousand dollars everything over the two thousand dollars on the match maturino link that you can find by typing exclamation mark price pool everything over 2000 goes into season four tournament four thousand dollars would mean that the season four tournament prize pool that w3 champions team envisions is fully funded 4k if you like to do some support for the warka 3 esports this is something that you could consider doing if it goes to 4 500 they're also going to throw in a 2v2 tournament with apparently 500 prize money we have game number three started now between ex-lord and cooper and it's on turtle rock back in the tournament mapple i think turtle rock is a favorite for many uh even for me turtle rock is a bit like the backstreet boys when it came out it was cringe but due to mere exposure and because everybody knows them now and because it becomes nostalgic and because it represents your childhood they're pretty cool now i want it that way with watch rewards with runes of healing all the broken stuff about turtle rock that i used to hate you've just become used to it and now it's a golden aldi there is a permanent watch award here that cannot be dispelled or killed whoever kills the ogre mage and picks up the item gets the watch award for permanent vision at the crucial intersection of the map and at the goblin shop there's a rune of healing here that heals an uncapped amount of units that belong to you with more than a heel scrolls worth of healing so no matter how hurt you get this camp is kind of high risk high reward but not as high risk as some of the red spots on any maps and it immediately heals you when it finishes oh my god it's crippled again so in the dichotomy between this is a death knight map but my only win so far came from criplord ex-lord chose between the lesser evil and decided to go with the winning strat on the wrong map this is not an easy map to do a crypt lord expansion on however he is gonna live that beatle thug life anyway i think for next series i can do a little bit of a zoom out but apparently you cannot do this when you're in game as an observer you need to pre-prep it in a custom game i think we can zoom out a little before next game is there going to be an acolyte steal no not this time and extort with the acolyte sees hey your blade is completely unconcerned with what i am doing and i am just going to go for the turtle camp now get level 2 basically for free without any molestation and i feel like this is a really big mistake by cooper cooper's greatest adversary on a national level is of course happy both of them are from russia so it makes sense that pooper has spawned as an avatar of vengeance against happy style that he would have as his main focus death knight style and i think that's what he's strongest against but it's typical with new blood like this and cooper has been playing for a long time but new blood in the pro scene they typically stick with what they're good at don't respond as much to what an opponent is doing and ex-lord is a little bit more of a complete player already not being here for a very tough camp has given cooper an excellent set of items and maybe that's enough maybe he can cancel this nerubian 85 done or maybe there will be an inhale on all three that delays it just a bit too much but there's a new repair rate for nerubian and he's not going to repair it at all nerubian goes down i should say ziggurat goes down there is a cloak though on crypto that's very helpful and secures the kill here man i gotta say excellent got the two best items you would want the cloak the best monopod the best so that is a dead ziggurat with some excellent blade items he comes back with dust of appearance and experts should know this greetings friend their blade now comes back in i'm not gonna say it's definitely a mistake that cooper wasn't here to steal creeps that would mean he's level two with less good items no no uh claws of attack this is actually a really cool way to play against crypto and expand as well but the grunts around completely unnecessary by the way to get his grunt uh surrounded considering it could be another impale manafort's bang impale it was not necessary he already cancelled the gold mine with blade only no i can't believe that the grunt would get away again yeah he doesn't want that to happen oh kills the ground surrounds uses cloak blade has dust though that's oh my god that's two grands minor lever there is another impale that he could do or he could go with the block i think he needs to save him pill to save himself against the blade master impale my dude there's no wind walk he needs to cancel to solve no there's a dust there is no more dust oh excellent there is no more dust go nice crit last hit on the goal meanwhile beetle scouting for the tech this time not fly 100 style with wyverns and shamans uh but going for the hitman style with walkers in tier three i think this one is better i think this is better riven's uh yeah attack on the totem it's a well-positioned totem with double burrow to defend against beetles blade no my god cooper that's so risky he tried to go for the kanso against nerubian without wind walk mana how can you even consider that there has to be some other way he already has two cancels on the gold mine you don't really need more this is enough to stay on par with the undead player okay finally the attack to tier two for ex-lord is available he's got uh five cult members waiting already on the spawning of this gold mine cloak of shadows on shadowhunter extraord going for the ogre mage steal he has town portal that makes this a little bit less risky but make no mistake this is still risky if there was a scouting ninja here the samurai blade and hex out of the fog of war that's still a dead grip lord so this is a high-risk play it kind of tells you where xlr is at with his mentality regarding his perception of how well he's doing this game do you do this against a weaker player when you are leading no you do this when you have information granted i think he probably had information right like he knows what undead wants to be doing at this time what orc wants to be doing at this time he had beetle scout still a little bit risky but understandable that orc wants to clear an expansion and these beatles are doing a lot he killed the grunt he has cancelled healing solves and he has delayed the creeping of this base i think ex-lord is in a phenomenal position he's been mining for almost a minute now and there is enough money for a timing oh my god he's going wearings again you know now that i talk about it i remember was it cooper i think it was cooper yeah cooper was the one that beat foggy on one map or a best of three maybe a few months back with walkers and wyverns on echo isles and i thought that's such a weird combination walkers and wyverns wait where are the peels going don't tell me he's got a tiny great hole on the red spot before even finishing creeping it he is he is gonna do that with four units he's just he's gonna hex the ogre mage he's gonna focus the overlord and he's going to expand before he even finishes the camp poppa wow if if exlord showed up now it's over but i think this is a quick timing huh if you remember last game i will say x-lord had a decent lead but it wasn't an insurmountable lead and that was after zero acolyte kills zero gold mine delay now lord is higher level which is nice for extort but expand was slower there is a mining of 1400 by the time cooper begins before it was 2400 2400 represents four minutes 1400 is 2 minutes and 20 seconds so there's a much smaller disparity between their mining that means that if export goes for a similar build and it does look like it is it's not gonna hit as hard as early cooper is already seven foot ahead as well and very smart expansion location export scouts for this does not scout for the corner he was also ready to go attack and cancel with his summons and so on i think he's gonna drop gloves of haste if he needs to pick up the item from this gargantuan sea turtle death knight is gonna be coming out soon oh wow excerpt already moved his ghouls away and uh they're gonna be safe slaughterhouse cancel is imminent nice cancel it was 90 percent done that's a big loss for x-lord immediately recreates it on his expansion that has double spirit tower fiend gets attacked and coiled we have attack upgrade for uh fiends coming out now two attacker in fact not going with the ghoul timing attack it seems like that's something he only does when he's ahead economically enough when he had an uncontested expansion he's like okay i'm gonna make sure you never expand and he's playing more for the late game when uh it is a slower game where he doesn't get to finish early cooper biting off whatever damage he can oh there's an impale possibility on this tc with the surround attempt if he gets this beetle to the left he may be able to kill this tc nice around yeah i think that's a dead dc there will be another war stomp there is a wind rider helping out oh he stopped attacking he added it to his control group control one with the rest of his army and actually stopped attacking there was actually a good chance he could get away if he consumed to the mana pot and did another stomp i think he kills the beetle walks away and survives funny fact tc costs almost as much gold as a monopod uh tc is 170 and upon 125 and you give xp so definitely preferable to get away and survive but bit of a mistake by cooper one river now has gone down to web though that's uh rivers are also called tomes of flying experience sometimes the smart walker to protect against beetles even before getting the beetle harass he already prepared for it now here's a big difference though with cooper no war mail just like last game no fortified defenses but also no shredder because this map doesn't have shredders and not that many peon reproduction players starts with seven took five to mine now has four means he made two and he made two here total six on lumber now we go with the war mail we have adept walkers three in total is he gonna go with the master training not yet and venom spears coming both watch awards by xlr sees the blade coming in doesn't have the overlord yet crippler level 5 but he cannot afford to separate it away from the army because he knows cooper's coming in bill on the blademaster picks up the items doesn't even have time to coil gets a bad item but at least he made sure that orc does not get it exlord is playing an economic game extremely unlike happy happy generally doesn't play like this he goes over 50 fast make sure he can win fights at every point in the game ex-lord a bit more dodgy runs away stays on 50 expands plays grip lord and saves up on 50 again two zero attack upgrades now working on carapace it is making beans and garx did exlord save up too much is he skirting danger overly much there's a few creep camps left on the map turtle seven here troll six it looks like because x-lord's economic game is developing like this he's not able to contest for any of them so now the big question is will orc late game air greetings friend be good enough will windriders be able to win out against speeds a player's forces venom and stomp and link really helps wind riders but it still happens that they get wept so they cannot focus fire the same thing that they are meant to do let's see how they do they are zero zero in upgrades he's getting steel ranged weapons and power creeping the tc to level three rune bracers fantastic item not a true shot though an excerpt goes for the other level seven realizing his own side of the map is forfeit getting the final highest value camp on the map the gargantuan sea turtle best item here i feel like would be pendant of energy but i don't think exort would look as sconce at the very app of fatality which will give a little bit of buffer health to his heroes that are fairly lowly developed what's it gonna be another expansion by exlord in the corner of the map blade scouts the main sees a reproduction of a crypt goes for the acolytes tanks with the blade all the towers are attacking the blades is it going to refocus on the wyverns two accolades down already goes for the nerubian immediate tp it could be a coil nova on this on this we're in doesn't two accolades down trading tps xlr already finished the creep camp and he got class of attack plus nine nice expansion coming along we have fiends we have a shade we have impale level 3 ladies and gents inhale level 3 is insane it has a very large stun time very longly bigly hugely stunned duration on heroes first tauren comes out we have master training walkers with one tauren with pulverize and a kodo without the war drums upgrade because he doesn't have enough lumber we have one attack of great weapons soon to be one one against fiends with two one soon to be 2-2 74 food feeds and statues no destroyers and no banshees yet an excellent third base has completed warp of corruption against orb of lightning lightning immediately procs gets the statue and kills it off the impel lasted very long he's got uh three more where that came from monopods on the lord cleverly do we have any monopods for cooper we have a double claw slipper lightning our blade monopods on the shadow no monopods on the tc not yet burrowed beetle watch reward broad beetle watch reward export has good information of the map shade over here cooper becomes the wiser of the expansion wyverns coming in killing acolytes so fast thank you dude as 81 food has been breached by cooper he goes straight for the gold mine meanwhile attack on his burrows i can't believe he still has heavy armor burrows i think the tp's gonna be here oh it's right on top big impale web on all the wyverns but they are attacking warstump on the triplord we have cooper 76 food explorer 71 69 is dropping fast destroyer getting focused goes away and survives for now one rivering goes down second river goes down good focus fire by the lich and the fiends on the wind rider the tauren is hitting single feeds it's a lot of damage roar now for ex-lord nice disenchant by cooper immediately so many weapons have gone down my god he had seven now he has one time to make a new army don't tell me he's gonna reproduce wherever as he is highly mobile flying creature gets wept by the way excellent at scouting don't need scouting can learn in venomous spears yeah that's all you got you got invented spears you're not using your mobility or the scouting man who uses whippers for scouting amazing but i mean that's what rivers are good for they're fast but they get webbed so 70 food for ex lord he's making beans and statues goes for another attack and it's just relentlessly reproducing this acolyte here goes for the small camp separates his lord away involved petty after fatality on the death knight and he finds a circlet uh wait what did he find here i think he found a circulate yeah did he put the other circles on the lord uh maybe he didn't have circle at this game oh yeah that was on uh last refuge still heavy armor burrows still not getting fortified defenses fiend gets found bro is there dust there is 228 crit blade almost level 5. oh he thinks the way the fiend was moving extort saw he got spotted by the watcher award so he moved the fiend bottom right so he's pretending that he actually is bottom right which made cooper move bottom right which made ex-lord be able to attack the burros kill all the peons with the impel nova and kill double burrow while killing all the fields and he's gonna tp out by the time that cooper comes in just that little fiend movement gave him all this no he's gonna fight by fighting ex-lord actually achieves to delay the rep the reconstruction of this expansion's economy the longer he fights the more delayed our burrows and fields cooper did start making those fields and he is not supply blocked yet but he will be after this beyond and two bills survived here so it's not too bad cooper mining with four and it started another borough here but mate buddy dude do you think maybe you can start fortified you've got the resources 75 175 how are the upgrades coming along zero one on torrents and one one on wind riders cooper goes for the acolyte once again gets level three this critical strike level three together with wardrobes we could be seeing crits of 350 damage he does not have wardrobes upgrade cooper missing out on several high value additions to the strength of his army no wardrobes that's 10 damage on everything however exlord is bleeding units in all of these engagements you know he's been forcing this expansion out but cooper all the way across the map cooper has not let it really start mining exeter did get his two two upgrades before but now that the mains are running out uh xlr never really materialized with that 90 to 100 foot army that you may expect from a uh from a three base undead because he's never really been a three base undead he's sending his five acolytes to the gold mine he didn't want to reproduce again that's going to be a two base mining but so is cooper so even though excellent's been working on that base for three to five minutes now let's say five minutes at least they're starting to mine at the same time impale nova not gonna waste the nova on this nice attack once again by exlord and does he have a tp he does it's on the lord he killed all the fields time to get out and there's a coil on the feet but i think it's gonna die and it does worse stomp was already level two now endurance level two that's 20 bonus movement speed and 10 bonus attack speed still no kodo upgrade he's completely forgotten about it and no fortified defenses still on burrows though it's less important now than it has been the damage has already been done after all there are no burrows on expansions now these middle bases they have a lot of gold guys 15 000 gold is more than the average the median in worker 3. 12.5 k is more common some bases have 10k on some maps amazonia is unique expansions have 25k which is how you can have one-hour games on such a small map but 15k is above the median that's why xor is still mining from it uh we have an impale on one tauren against the stonewall nothing there won't be winning any prizes with that shameful display nice block on the tauren and if he immediately summons skeletons from it then there can be no reincarnation by walkers if he gives up this space allows cooper to encroach on it it can be reincarnated but cooper's not thinking about it he wants to make use of a good positioning coming in with the flank here exploits army is in disarray he's losing and bleeding units coil narrowly saving the destroyer that's a fiend a banshee a second fiend dead no that's an abomination getting cut down like nothing one big tub of butter walking getting sliced by blade master sword and there's two burrowed fiends here still checking things out no fortified no war drums just checking you know he has dust but he doesn't know x-lord needs something special either 3-3 upgrades or possession and he's getting both oh impale doesn't proc war stop hits first magic shell on the lord he needs a coil this is a very chunky army by orc triple tauren it's not easy to kill i remember i used to think this was the baddest army around torrents and wyverns both it's certainly great for two attack moving noobs torrence always wins in attack moving newbie-ness but ex-lord is not an attack moving noob he kites he impales he falls back mining is reinstated in cooper's expansion he's 80 food how's that more milk coming along nothing no second armor upgrade which will be quite useful for cooper he goes over 80 food with 81 how did he achieve that with this walker now down to 80. how did he achieve that he did finish the walker did he kill beyond somewhere i don't know the tavern is actually purple funny fact is i made the players purple and green but that didn't work out i don't know why and now the tavern is purple it's quite pretty isn't it magic shell helps against war stomp and walker damage but it also works against the venom spears so it's quite an essential upgrade at dealing with this venom a player's forces are under attack another base by xlr at the top this one is already secured we have two ghouls mining lumber three two upgrades finished for exlord doesn't get that third armor yet he certainly leaves cooper in the dust in terms of the high techness of his army better upgraded completely forgetting about the kodo upgrade that's something you look back at later and you say ah yet not yet beetle calmly surveying the area banshees are available to possess torrents there are many threats against banshees that can stop their high mana high risk spell possession costs 250 mana it's a long channel with a subtle animation if you get stomped hexed or killed possession is ended you still lose your mana [Music] and they also take bonus damage while channeling this heavy armor tower is not doing anything to save these fields still no fortified goes for the great hall no tp by cooper doesn't own it doesn't have it can't use it positioning is tough there was only a thousand gold left so it's not worth reproducing ex-lord is playing a better macro game here invisible tc coming in goes with the war stop on everything hacks on the death knight there is no devour the death knight goes down that's a lot of experience for cooper he's still 80 food this is something you can account for you can plan for you can pre-devour for he had two destroyers you can spam invo on the dk which he did have this is a death knight level four with from the looks of it double coil and one unholy but didn't pick death pact yet and in fact he went for unholy ara level 2 which was nerfed two and a half percent movement speed less no death back despite the very shocking thing that just happened to him ex-lord with 88 foods sending his lumber ghouls away getting attacked here by wyverton blade survive anyway they've got one hell of a story to tell like it hurts acrolytes here under threat but the final mining base of cooper getting attacked there's still no town portal on the orc he's killing one of the bases for all he knows the only mining base after this one runs out but keep in mind those mid bases they've got a lot of gold ex-lord is still mining here he's still mining here this is a great trade for him he just sold cooper a bridge over two mountains with no water cooper falling for the murkiest scheme of the warcraft century gold mine down still has two more lull upgrades three two everything is magic shielded no carapace coming in but exlert just has to prepare for the oncoming onslaught this won't be an easy fight no matter the economic advantage that has been built up by him he needs to take this fully seriously and in fact i think he should want to fight on blight death knight in front oh nice devour on the tc he saw it with the shade impale and two walkers and a blade worse stop is gonna be huge war stop there we go with the war stone blade attacking fiends 276 another inhale and three walkers are kodo shout out to the turret turrets are at the back one turret coming in here is there gonna be a possession not yet warstum comes out now will there be a position some wind riders falling down cooper has 63 food kodo easing a feed big impale on the blademaster there's curse walkers are getting attacked there's mana destroyers they're doing so much damage on walkers death knight with the invulnerability that was the hail mary play intended by ex-lord with the hail mary play intended by cooper trying to go for that death knight works once not this time windrider is getting slain here like nothing greetings extra doing an amazing fight and it looks like with his economic advantage with that fight with the crypt lord level 6 now having locust swarm if he picks it he could go for one level spike barricades spike to caterpies he tp's in no mana pot yet with the info with the heel scroll right on top impill the both heroes that do the most damage dk running away for his life involved three seconds two seconds no position at all just using them for cursing damage warstom not on the crippler not on the death knight there is a huge scroll on the death knight is he gonna use it that would be a great time he doesn't use it yet there's so much going on in fights like this never easy for either player one turret goes down but there are no more walkers to revive them criplord chasing the shadowhunter cooper down to three heroes with less than half life trying to go for the death knight always the final play greater healing potion on the tc blademaster with the 236 crits there's no kodo anymore tc goes down looks like exlord has done it happy already made it to the winner bracket semis in this part of the grid with a 2-0 long long time ago ex-lord slowly joins him 2-1 over cooper twice with lord even on a map like turtle rock beating cooper over the head with a wet and slimy fish and superior experience lots of paces good macro play 2-1 over cooper in what i think is ex-lord's weakest match-up traditionally it always has been in fact in the past ex-lord switched to human before it was cool to switch race just to go up against orc for his german leagues that he played in and internationally these days exlord sticks with undead in all match-ups perhaps doesn't have time to add human to his repertoire perhaps likes the current state of the game better for undead against orc i certainly think it's the most balanced it has ever been orc undead an ex-lord wins here with lord cooper needs to learn more about blade versus lord i think but ex-lord is a phenomenal opponent wins here that leaves exlern going up against happy later today first we're gonna see the second part of winner bracket round one tots versus lil dc and hawk vs please and after that we're gonna see all the winners against each other in the semis and two rounds of loser brackets great game by exlord he takes the 2-1 we get ready here for the next match which is please versus hawk i have to wait to update the title until i'm allowed to otherwise i ruined the delay ex-lord one against half one i'm sorry happy one against one mirrored heroes by both both going for dk lid stuck ranger [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 14,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, reforged, xlord, cooper
Id: 4BThZT3ZmQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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