Grubby | WC3 | HAPPY vs FORTITUDE - Cast

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all right this is happy versus romantic happy to rank one on w3 champions against romantic one of the best humans from china a game of ladder on the 9th of july a couple of days ago this is a game on amazonia and i think this is a very very difficult map for undead against human because humans have gotten so good i mean i guess not every human it doesn't play itself it's not automatic it's not like if you're a bowling ball then going down a water slide is really easy you just start rolling lull you don't just start rolling it needs a lot of finesse but over the days over the years romantic used to be known as a different did you rename himself actually romantic i think he used to be known by a different name yeah fortitude there we go that's fortitude so uh it's not quite like a bowling ball down a water slide but humans have gotten so good and in particular i'm excited about romantic style on this map on amazonia because they get their level 2 archmage from the laboratory the orange camp in the top right the green camp next to it they'll be level 2.3 and then they mass militia force creep the the expansion this is something i'm afraid of a lot when i play undead which is actually part of the reason why i thumb down amazonia no such thing here for happy he's playing on it so he's open with the altar into ziggurat into crypt into tomb of relics into graveyard slated to go for a 17 foot out of 20 tech happy will have to do much with little with justice dk an acolyte and a rod of necromancy he's gonna try to creep he's gonna try to harass the inevitable expansion by the human what if human doesn't expand he's gonna expand and look at that meta game the thinking between the two players here acolyte hiding in a place that he deemed effective useful footman finds him right there immediately picks up the rod of necromancy even before he clicked the selection arrow on the tomb of relics he was already moving into the map he's gonna try to put an acolyte there and the reason he's doing that is because he's trying to deny lightning shield creeping he tried to go for the steel didn't even look where it was going to land most people will be looking but it didn't land that acolyte kill does mean that there is an immediate level 2 for the archmage without needing to take down the level 1 apprentice wizard from the green camp that gives him brilliance ara 8 seconds earlier which give him a little bit gives him a little bit of extra mana earlier on slightly more water elemental something to consider and this was what happy perceives uh supposedly the most effective way to use his acolyte you may think he can do better or he could do better but i think there is a purpose because he prevented lightning shields creeping that went a little slower now he's going to put a rod of necromancy next to the expansion one skeleton that is and that is there to mess up and wake up the creeps the way human wants to creep this is to pull the camp with a footy and then start creeping when they're on their return journey if you've watched my creeping guides on wc3 then you'll have you'll know that on the return they don't cast any spells anymore no slow no boulder no ensnare ah misjudgment there didn't get the exp from the footy it was always going to die so that's definitely not something he's happy with they don't cast any spells on the return and it looks like romantic still achieved this feat and that's what i mean when i'm talking about the depth of knowledge and mechanics are another coil steel that is required to play this match up to bring a footy and to know how to micro that to make the creeps ai messed up for more efficiency and then also to know how to counter that as happy by blocking the footman with a peasant with an acolyte which makes the footmen get ensnared and then also to know how to still have it proc in that manner that you intended to have that very same footy that did get ensnared eventually still serve the purpose of pulling everything back yeah this is a horrid hooded start for happy two coils that do not yield result footman was going to die already so the only change is that he could get xp which he didn't get for the footy then a missed auto attack on the trapper not easy but would it be nice for him to steal that troll trapper and then a coil on a one percent trapper that i don't truly believe he could have had i think by now a little bit irrational perhaps a little bit annoyed how easily human can get the expansion he's been in this situation so often of course but perhaps that earlier coil miss you know compounding mistakes because of emotional response is a possibility does get that peasant there with the skeleton it's going to get the immediate arcane tower cancel very important to keep cancelling that and the immediate rebuild by romantic also storing a little bit of information in the back of my head okay first build the arcane start making it use its existence with your archmage footage to pile on damage onto the undead and then immediately remake it with all peasants when undead leaves and undead has to return he cannot afford to let this arcane tower finish both of them know that about each other he's going to use that one peasant skeleton that he killed the corpse to make the skeletons and immediately back again with his fiends that fiend went on a rally point journey home past his own natural but there is the archmage archmage is here the uh is kind of the finisher here standing there with a baseball bat or a bat with spikes if you will to finish any stragglers going home late at night there he is focus firing on those fiends dk with fiends have to run back home there's the third cigarette which is underway statue is underway as well and it looks uh harrowing for happy romantic has gotten his expansion of course when people fast expand they give up tech speed this is the fount of happy strength having a quick attack is what eventually needs to yield him results but note that not only does he have a nerubian tower even now he is producing a spirit tower as well you wouldn't think that someone that fast expands also has the greater army a starcraft 2 player in particular is going to be very surprised by that that someone that fast expanded also has the vastly superior army but such is the economy of this game that there is already double income that means non-stop footy production there is creeping being done with those militia which is the macro mechanic of human and that has given archmage higher level than death knight the only thing happy has is a better tech and that is what he needs to defend and that's why he merits that's why he justifies making that spirit tower and this is a good defense but romantic is going to have played through the scenario hundreds and hundreds of times and a nice few peasant kills with skeletons there this is within the expected parameters for a romantic although he lost only footies and killed not a single unit he forced happy to come back home to spend a bit of time there yes to kill units yes to get experience but still this is someone this is a player that needs to stop that expansion as quickly as undeadly possible and he needs to do that without any delay so any such delay even though you lose footies is worth it for romantic he lost the fiend got it he lost the fiend uh yeah earlier but i mean not in this uh pressure play not in this particular footman suicide run losing footage though can be risky i have been in this situation where i have six to eight footies feel like the king of the hill and then i lose a bunch and suddenly it's not so funny anymore suddenly i cannot buy enough time for my tier three to come out humans have a few options griffins isn't one of them it's night's flying machine it's breaker night flying machine it's breaker night one of these it kind of depends and for undead they will tend to go with a stable army of fiends and statues destroyers are a risky upgrade although destroyers annihilate footies water elementals towers they are risky because eventually if the human gets armies of flying machines and tech switching is cheaper for human because they have that expansion it's more affordable it's not technically cheaper it's technically more expensive because they are going to be in high upkeep or low upkeep but it's more affordable for the human to tech switch you and are investing in destroyers they're investing in flyings flyings tend to beat destroyers when destroyers have no mana and then eventually undead's army is junk their destroyers gets finished off give mass amounts of experience and represented a large investment that they have now lost so more likely there's going to be no destroyers he's going to be up against breakers against knights with uh just fiends pretty much and it turns out yes there will be one destroyer maybe one not not a big blossom mushrooming of destroyers one two three suck all the mana go for towers try to go for a timing win that generally doesn't work anymore but one destroyer here apparently worth it gonna store that information away for later as well next time i play undead one destroyer to deal with the water ali giggles to deal with the footies is going to be uh something he will do very interesting that the lich has always kept creeping and although the lich was supposed to have the orb of corruption he never did because the dk literally never had time to go and give it to him because he was so busy defending with a fiend a statue and then eventually a destroyer and the death knight death knight is needed at home because he needed to potentially save any acolytes or ghouls that get attacked that's two workshops i counted one finished one in production would be finished by now so those two workshops represent flying machine production technically you only need one workshop to deal with one destroyer but because every statue represents a potential extra oh you know what never mind this is the other build mass siege engines mass towers and happy is totally aware of that that's why he already has a meat wagon a flying machine at first to be sure and this could be mass flying so i suppose but most likely this is the good old tank style my heroes can't beat yours so my units will kill your buildings and what happy did very very impressively is that he had kept his lich creeping even when he was under heavy duress i've been this guy that archmage mass tower expanded on amazonia before in a game against kraft the french player french undead player and craft crept the whole map and i realized that time was passing me by and that he took everything every creep he contained me he scouted me and i couldn't do anything that's why it was quite nice by romantic that he took his puny little heroes archmage 3 mk1 and crept that level 5 creep in the bottom right yes he eventually had the staff of telly out he took a beating coil nova didn't lose anything but he got that item and he has that forever whatever it is it could have been a true shot ara which would be huge could be big could have been scourged bone chimes which wouldn't serve either of them very well could have been anything a plus six item well it couldn't be anything it couldn't be a like a mask of death it couldn't be that but it could be many things he's gonna tp which is a rather large investment to actually tp for this ideally undead wants to solve this kind of pressure plays with staff of teleportation but he had to actually tp and will he buy tp again he just sold greater mana potion which is interesting great amount of potion is an item that makes undead feel like a kid at christmas but in this case he doesn't need the burst protection or damage that it offers he knows he's in it for the long run a heavily fortified body blocked expansion with masonry with masonry building upgrades siege engines with upgrades most likely in coming soon and we don't know when xiumin is going to uh start making his mass units we haven't seen a single siege engine yet correction we have seen the siege engine we have indeed seen the siege engine okay so he has started producing is that proof that human is over 50 food i think it is see happy here finishing off the stragglers we don't see the workshops in production yet so that actually means i think that human is not over 50. and i saw an aviary two aviaries being mass produced there very good due diligence there by uh by happy to check if there's gonna be a transition seeing three meat wagons it seems as if romantic is no longer going to invest in siege engines and it's just gonna go mass griffins instead he's like hey you gotta you got a bunch of wagons i only made one workshop are you sure you didn't overreact bud buddy mcbudd mate and maybe happy did but he needs to prepare right he's only got one slaughterhouse so three meat wagons into what could be griffins and upon happy realizing that that perhaps there was a little bit of a a little bit of a uh debate a trick he is going to use his meat wagons aggressively the one and only uh siege engine has already been oh does he have the c's cloud no the one that only seat engine has already been dispatched so now he's going to use his meets wagons aggressively doing some siege damage to the town hall while also hitting peasants now what you should know about these siege weaponries like meat wagons catapults and ballista glave throwers is that they do full damage in the center kill nice do full damage in the center they do reduce damage in the second perimeter oh there's me dragon now did he kill it he did not kill it yet sorry i had no game sound don't know what you guys thought about that i certainly didn't read any chat and i definitely can't read the youtube comments uh before uh i upload the video but there we go game sound alright yo thanks for the sub hi boo there are the griffins there is web so he's attacking the town hall so there's our three perimeters of damage and if you attack close enough to the town hall but you still use the attack ground command as happy as doing now you do full damage to the town hall but you still get splash on the town hall whereas if you were to right click the town hall with your wagons you would not get the bonus damage on the peasants and you would do the same on the town hall you do need to step up a bit more but if it is at all possible try to get the inner sanctum the inner circle of the meat wagon on the edge of the town hall while also hitting peasants you're not dealing double damage what i'm trying to say here is that you can do bonus damage on peasants that you would otherwise not do if you hit the center of the town hall you do not splash you hit the edge of the tunnel there's no damage but you splash it's important to know when you're defending tower rushes or you know any time you're using siege weaponry against buildings that's a lot of fiends and a nice army size by happy he's elected not to buy a town on a town portal instead playing into what he now knows is one versus one based scenario he's not able to pick up the item yet he's full he's gonna drop her gloves quickly pick it up and that costs him a bit of micro the one statue is nearly dead one fiend goes down without him being able to respond because of his inattention there is a second fiend going down didn't really help with that either not a single coil has been used yet where does his coil go he coils a fiend that's already dying clearly taken by surprise here this doesn't look like happy's full strength many fiends have gone down there's a coil on a statue that is now a destroyer an erstwhile statue some devourers there on the water elementals still all together a pretty good fight with one night in his base probably ran down some kind of fiend can he nuke the the mk before there's a teleportation no so that was not a good fight for happy many feelings were killed good job by romantic catching him in the act of creeping that there is going to be another night kill having said that it really depends on how big romantics bank was and i suspect it is actually rather big the bigger his bank was the more easily he would have been able to do something like take nine peasants and instant rebuy his town hall he would want to have an expansion again and indeed he does there it is so that sacrifice that happy did before using his meat wagons to uh get a nice little bit of damage on the peasants to kill the town hall that has now been undone by the money that romantic has had so he starts to work on it and the question is is romantic even now mustering up a counterattack and the answer is yes there are the flying machines three workshops produces playings very quickly making three on the double he's gonna send homeless destroyers to what end flying machines are faster he's gonna put them over his spirit tower at home nerubian and black hole but that the flanks will still kill the destroyer especially when he doesn't look at them but like either way it's inevitable he just wants to kill as many flyings in return and his buildings can help with that maybe there's a coil sundering blades upgrade on knights is now baseline so they're doing terrible terrible damage on fiends that's a nice coil nova kill in fact a coil kill there was no nova the heroes for happy is still superior even as his units are falling even as he is still one versus two bases but if i'm not mistaken that's level 66 on the dk litch he is playing out of his mind quite a few fiend losses in that granite golem fight and of course keep in mind that unlike on some maps the expansion here pockets a nifty 20 000 gold in the gold mine keep in mind that most maps have expansions with 12 500 gold and that is a what 60 percent uh difference that allows amazonia games to go over 40 50 minutes while not being mined out so it is very very big deal it's a very big deal if happy somehow never gets the money to expand and romantic gets to have his expansion the whole time peasant's a little bit out of position is there death and decay on the lich he is level six but it cost a gratuitous amount of mana to summon you would lose an important skill point into something else in this case i would imagine dark ritual level 2 and he does have death and decay he wants to have the option to regenerate mana and kill buildings in this manner and the heroes of course for human can't really catch up there goes down the arc mage a bolt on a fiend with magic cell and the mk goes down i think even with two bases this is the time to sound the white flag to race the white flag to sound the alarm to call gg and happy he's done it pretty damn impressive 1v2 base the whole time magic shell very very strong yeah good tech transitions it was incredibly key for happy to scout when he did to scout when he needed to to see hey three workshops at two workshops now there's three and then that deep into the base illusion scout on the double aviary knowing like hey you're gonna switch to knight griffin so sick [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 17,635
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, happy, russian, fortitude, romantic, ud, undead, human
Id: 8bcu_RjYcTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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