Grubby | "42 vs 86 FOOD" | Warcraft 3 | UD vs UD | Turtle Rock

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silence lasts pretty long is very important for shutting down enemy hero commerce we'll be seeing a lot of it now we don't need any more bills since you gave us the blessed bit Lord maybe I should try that now do you think you can open dreadlord in the serious undead mirror I mean against the hairless only on terrorists and only alternative Stan BER the tavern is very far removed from the enemy base and the base is in the cubbyhole someone feel like tearing this is the best for dreadlord fix both like let's say if I faced night end on terrorists and I would go toward Expo and actually feel confident it will be close and the last times he always beat my dread third strand but I would actually think if I can just stop the Goblin sapper I have a chance yeah if I win fiend mirror against night end I'll actually be really proud he placed this so solid I always lose pretty bad but it's fun to try I'm keen to try I'm actually thinking I'll go pitter detective maybe bit Lord second or pitler third you have one with against him with under the Murphy and Santi are I am I like I think so repeating this would be tough it's this the night end didn't see so it's the Starcraft 2 yes he did so did I and now we're back you never forget your first is that actually true I just say it but when obviously I didn't forget you could also forget if you get brain brain concussion yeah I guess when would you go Lynch first and under the mirror yo honestly McGirt glitch first is fine depends on the math of it I don't like the on turtle but it's really a skill decision like I don't like it at all because I sucked with rich first if I'm gonna go for an intelligence hero first I want to have some ins Farseer arc mage keeper and then I'll do okay I guess Lich can make skeletons but I don't know he feels so vulnerable to me yes yeah what would get the fourth goal and then I'll get salt ass he's not getting a little time in school and Mossley first let's go I think in a year pit Lord will be used so frequently even more than that it's so insane it's like we'll look back at this time and think why didn't we blame him all the time like every race chief its most broken thing ever well I guess we will see you gotta kiss do I think good roads second is better obviously I'm putting I'm putting that decision out there now I'll get gotta face second borough or the Lich King course I got a lot of false so much agility so funny he's got so many skeletons seriously what is this identity seriously if I can somehow survive I have a small chance the DK loss was pretty bad though if you could just leave me alone I can still get lit stirred authenticity [Music] get lit start now so aggressive [Applause] for the lady [Applause] the restless week or the lady yeah [Applause] the Siena shades are one because his map controls always sublime and Merry and does he have an expo because he's got a huge army so many abominations or is it just the result of his Fuhrer unit losses he does have an expo masters yeah if I had another mana pose my blood we need to cleave upgrade where do we get it here good one I won't yeah or the ladies yeah for Gillespie you going for my main gutsy you might just be able to do it yes bases everywhere he's gonna go for my other base he's got shade after all [Music] I must protect this face like have you get Necropolis wear another cool for a bumper the rest is simple ways I need my man sir upgrade propos'd good yes crippled and Fiddler's silty guys Fiddler's crazy look at this the wind Lord strikes again I'm glad you've drank the demon blood little orc I don't think so Anton just have to better hero pick sometimes takes a fresh look of course we got pretty nice items too but don't worry my time ye had so many bases as well the was really key under the purses under the panty our nights and DK PL Lich vs DK Lich di let's watch the replay but I've noticed that you're getting destroyed early and unded mirror don't you think yes I think you noticed that charis of course--but load is not an early deer to advantage hero Charles so you're always fall behind with bit load and then you come back okay I would love to see any I would just love to see anything that I wasn't aware of during the game just learning throughout the game will you do a challenge with pit dirt like you do with my earth maybe like pit lord second day can be done with various races oh my god I would have left the game early but you still manage to turn around Wow Thank You Man and thank you pinkie welcome to Cleveland Phil hops the amount chief roca okay so the creeping speed I'm a little slower but that's because I'm on his side of the map but it gives me the advantage of leaving my own creeps for later coiling now was look this coil that I did was designed to punish an early coil by him I would be like the second coil if he does it like right after me either reactively or yeah anyway I just wanted to span a few items like hope I get the ward or the video generally you can get one of the two and it's still worth it for me even if it cost me a coil okay so the tech speed is I'm slightly fasting why does the pit our bill do so poorly mid-game feels like you just need one good fight with a little to cleave and it's no yeah but there you go level to cleave that's not mid game there geyser that's already late game that game is like second hero level 1 or 2 that's early to mid-game right sure I'd love to get fit Lord level-3 without being disturbed but he was not okay with that welcome back to a Jaina in the morning at this point I knew it was gonna be a Mimi game here let me put my face somewhere else yeah right here once you get this much agility so pretty good scouting by him and then he just pressure see this is what I don't get about 9/10 why does he just push with four fans this just messes me up but like what if the opponent played exactly like him but I didn't right I did skill it's in her ass he just comes in here and kills my slaughter ass yeah we're just gonna keep grouping okay what's the what is the agility most important for with fit Lord attack speed I mean it's both right it's attack speed and its armor he needs both if you're gonna be standing there on the front line some of you will need both okay so at this point he's like mass spamming skeletons in my base maybe just made a hard read yeah it's possible death by guava just reading that I'm doing something that it's gonna get punished he killed a tumor relics and a crit why not frost armor on ledge to protect bit alert ritual once him not worth ritual one is always kind of worth and it leads to ritual to you get more mana therefore more Nova I didn't expect him to heart focused a third as much as he did broke them off and that one fight that we had here I really wish we took frost armor because he kept focusing the pit load and frost armor would have done pretty decent it would have been a straight-up three armor increase and 9/10 is someone that doesn't play a lot of destroyers ever against org against Undead it feels like when he sees a lot of units at counters destroyers like archers dryads crypt beings heads inter-rater he just doesn't bother with them rather than using them for a little bit which is interesting so what I'm trying to say is frost armor would have got more value value than otherwise because it can't get dispelled by some destroyer we here at the orb of corruption on dark Ranger okay this was an interesting moment we lost DK lost TP tavern we bought DK lost equip the end unborrowed falsely and if we lost that fear as well so we're looking at 33 effective food against 47 with my crypts dead tomb of relics dead slaughterhouse out of commission no mana on DK and level three three and he's three point eight one one now here's the thing second hero for me is a little higher because I've been creeping it under heavy duress and he's going for a dust puts a temporary damper on his creeping speed so we're getting a level seven turtle out of this which wasn't easy definitely desperation now had he been a stream cheater which of course he's not but had he been he would have known I would be here without effort that's what makes a lot of these stream cheat games less interesting because the genuine comebacks that I often have had they were just wouldn't be possible but this time I got away with this because he's not hundred percent sure where I am he gets a good camp so he's satisfied anyway and then he pressures just in time for us she drives me wild guilt lourenço the sin thank you for the subs so we're 42 food against 50 he has one attack upgrade funnily enough how oft error also takes into account upgrades so is that is that actually a thing for for our us as well I think so that you're the best streamer and so friendly sad I found you just one week ago well happy you're here Misha Misha and Yassir thank you are you ever worried that you adapt to a way of playing that takes into account that the opponent might be watching well for some people I know that they always stream shade and for some people I just don't think about it but it's it's really like for the most part it's really fine because you just train your fundamentals more it means that you can't get away with like things that you normally wouldn't be able to get away with if they know right so you are forced to play better at every level except deception and deception is one of my stronger points which is why it's a pity when people do a stream cheat but ultimately that kind of trickery if you're wrong you lose so that's not good you want to have control of your own fate and there's ways to play where you have more control over your own fate play less risky I saw that just now how did - eight now with this upgrade it does - nine some at this point bit Lord is starting to become pretty funny why don't you just call it stream sniping because stream cheating is way more clear term stream sniping a lot of people think stream sniping is stream cheating or they think stream sniping is just meeting someone cue sniping when you speak of stream sniping it's the most ambiguous term there is but if you say stream cheating or cue sniping you have successfully segregated the two terms into opposite meanings different meanings no opposition untapped potential do you think pit road second would work versus orc - hell yeah I do it against orc all the time it's really good honestly a hearthstone ruin two-term sniping so he's 58 foods and he's expanding behind it okay that's how he did it so he went double slaughterhouse isn't that interesting he went for mass abominations that's his at least in this game theoretical answer again spit Lloyd many of you know that I am 100% okay with Q sniping in Warcraft 3 I would never accidentally incriminate someone's morals by saying that they are a stream sniper when they're simply Q sniping I'm happy when people Q snipe it's cool it's like a challenge a glove in the face if I say hey this is a stream sniper some people may misunderstand that I call them a cheater and I'm like disparaging their reputation in public that wouldn't be very good so I'm gonna make a very clear distinction for known stream cheaters and just happy snackers happy stream snipers - snipers Q sniping means that you were sniping waiting for the Q so you're waiting til the opponent's the streamer Q's and then you queue so you meet and then you turn off the stream because you want a fair match so at this point I figured not a lot of value in trying to fight him here anymore he had a really big army look at that that's crazy he's got 70 foods and the funny part is he's only mined 120-year but he's invested like 700 so all the food that he has now 70 food is a hundred percent from his creeping lack of unit losses and nothing to do with his expansion and his upgrades are to zero so if you think that the losses we had with the DK the TP and so on and so on that they didn't amount to enough of a deficit you'd be wrong this is super over in terms of food and the only thing that we have in return is a second hero that's level three and his second hero is level two and to be fair we've cut better items so he prioritized the turtle 7 which gave him scroll the beasts greater invulnerability and we prioritized some of the ogre warrior camps and others and obviously we took his barrier to fatality from the Goblin shop but we also got claws floral slippers slippers crown a helmet father and then were slippers and a bunch of rings it was pretty crazy so our heroes are better but it took a lot of damage to make it here to bit Lord like he's played not only is he playing more meta but he's also played so aggressive with good micro and really good game sense he only didn't guess where I was twice that did cost him a bit happy guest could have been over I think at this point I run right I think he could have done less spit or focus though if he went for crypt fee and one by one with dust that would be a really reliable way to win the game I think he's 78 food against 45 he's got double my army size not counting workers roughly double my army size really he should have been focusing morphine's I think shouldn't air or Costas be the answer against pit lurks cliff it seems impossible not to have any losses with patron second in mid-game though yeah probably you should not be able to survive with patron second I wouldn't recommend nekros but banshees are possible curse on peddler Koopa gate which would require me to go for destroyer to remove purse but then he could WEP and kill the destroyers I can't keep up that trade he's now 78 food getting his third attack of breath it's actually bonkers how not died I did so not die with my bid Lord just because he has eight armor no nine nine armor I'll not die I did is crazy let's change the colors Knight and blue we read it's clear in fights 74 food against 50:47 78 three zero attack we have one zero 50 food versus 80 man what a mean I'm trying to imagine that I would lose orc mirror to some off race fro and I'm eighty food versus 50 I'm trying to imagine what world an orc can get so much value it has to be pit Lord as well like pit Lord with bloodlust and torrents or something but like how many torrents fit in a 50 food army let's say who's the equivalent with me for another race I don't know let's say yeah let's say Knight and place against me he's orc and he's like I'm gonna play bloodlust torrent and fit Lord and I'll be like yeah three base versus 180 food versus 50 he kills units every faience 47 against ET 640 786 now getting an armor upgrade on abominations he already has an attack upgrade he did forget for crispian's considering they have three attack upgrades that's a pretty significant omission this fight was hilarious these statues are dying to my album there are three slots away it's basically it's started turning around the second we got frenzy and like I said previous game abominations suck who dark Ranger dies I never laid a hand on there I promise it's bit Lord he knows not what he does this is just beautiful now all we need to do is to meet Lynn and beat him with it fifty versus eighty food Riza right it's a good request thank you you know you want to we're thirty-six food versus sixty-five and this good feedback staff to statue secret borough tactics oh no no no at this point it was run fiesta for him he realized he could not stand against monger those tender armor with frost armor he would have had 13 iron 13 armor TC and pitlor oh well no it would have to be shadow into pit Lord because you need a healer like I'm coiling pit Lord here right shadow into pit Lord bloodless torrent oh yeah he absolutely could have won the game after we lost DK to Novus Knight and reported obviously I'd like to replay this game where that doesn't happen how come master knickers were so late I would have thought they were a huge draw of tier three especially versus no distros I'm trying not to rush them out too much I find that if I'm like totally specializing in master necros I'm like showing my too soon and then because of that or maybe lacking outs and other things like orb of corruption or enough unit count or expansion I think it was perfect now it could have come a little bit earlier but I feel like it did come out at a good time if I get them too early he will just get destroyers and they will they will become a near non-issue if you're going crippled you must also go wet right because the destroy your necromancer County and now suddenly we're pretty even on food 63 and 69 so at this point we just straight up nearly at the same army and we have two better yeah heroes there he made too many abominations I guess he figured like he could do anything with delete he has I think he got overconfident I'm fully aware that we didn't win this game as much as that he lost it you have to make that distinction because if you want it you can repeat but if he lost it then maybe it's not like very reliable so you have to be realistic there nonetheless it's hilarious how big of an advantage he had yeah he left two tongues for me right agility and strength it's a pretty big deal I mean lift loads pretty boosted regardless thirteen armor with frost armor could have had six teams right now this 40% damage reduction I think we did good movement at this phase in the game not committing everything to the expansion was good oh my god he's going there crows as well he's actually getting massive training and two necromancer adapt training before a single necros on the field he nearly had to match the power of the necromancer bit Lord did get buffed five to ten percent Berkeley's level or so he definitely didn't need to research skeleton mastery which is a 200 gold upgrade not like we're raising the dead here come on let's watch the glory of the final five wouldn't bid Lert work well with human army to priest heal an inner fire I guess priests you is no death coil death coil heals four to six hundred which is better than the priests that do like twenty five at a time [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 70,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, pitlord, inventory, stack, undead, mirror, nightend, clash, showmatch
Id: -_QT8Gwi3DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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