Hitman Gameplay: Japan - 3 Ways to Play (Poison Sushi, AI, Defibrillator)

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hi everyone welcome back to outside Xbox players hit man no subtitle this is the final mission in the first season of the game is set in Hokkaido Japan in this extremely lavish medical resort / luxury hotel we got to kill an Icee a turncoat who's sold us out and also his lawyer and they're both here he's here for a heart operation she's here doing lawyer stuff so we're gonna go out and see if we can find those guys and kill them although to be honest this room is so nice I might not leave I might just stay here and enjoy myself for once alright wakey wakey 47 time to get up and see what's what in this fancy hotel resort hospital deal alright I need to go and kill Eric sodas and Yuki Yamazaki but man this place is swish so here I'm not leaving I've earned a holiday Diana oh my gosh you're not being treated for vertigo oh my god got a house together I've got a Hal robot in my room man that is a gorgeous view can I just hang out here for a while at how how urgent is this guy's assassination now unfortunately I've not been allowed to bring a gun in which is gonna make it extremely difficult to kill my usual 19 people so I'm really gonna have to improvise okay the toilet seat raises and lowers itself automatically this is the greatest hotel in the world oh man look how many buttons so many toilet options ah check out the bathroom there's some amazing mini shampoos and soaps and there to steal ah hours of fun I've got a tamper with the toilet control panel ooh ooh and hide in the cupboard now what toilets go no not you I will enjoy my stay this place is so nice ooh enjoy the view good suggestion TV I'm gonna go do that oh we get with this assassination job and I'm going to head I think towards the restaurant and hot springs area Oh God alright well you know looking out over this mountain I sometimes think to myself it's all the killing really worth it fireworks let's go check out the facility since we're paying so much money to be here I assume oh good job he was running directly passing oh no facial reconstruction cowboy hat Oh fine I guess I'd kill someone then let's go over here that's probably something I can do over there and all this physical activity I married to do I could just be enjoying my sweet I mean that technically could have gone worse not much worse but it could have gone worse oh that guy's thought me ooh call for assistance okay let's see who comes all right now joy there let's try out the hot springs it looks good found trespassing by whom no no no did you not hear okay I'm moving Oh God right well I'm in the mall now which is appropriate ah great doctors okay my diagnosis is cowboy bust to the head troubling prognosis maybe should sleep on it oh ah she's just never said this getting alright 47 make way for your target number one that's the Yakuza lawyer former Yakuza lawyer I think okay both those doctors gonna spot me and goes with us particularly if I wear that cool outfit all right I'm a doctor now are you proud of me mum so I gave up the hitman life to go into the medical profession like you wanted okay let's have a look around this resort if it's as nice as my room this is gonna be amazing what have we got ooh sushi yes I love sushi this place is the best okay not having much luck with the hot springs yoga deal not allowed through here either girl where am I allowed to go oh my God look how cool I look look I'll call I localtalk again oh man the amount of money I'm spending on this place I mean I should be allowed to go wherever I want yes I am a doctor thanks for next thing that's a little harsh isn't it a total ban manawa patient did die shut up music aah fugu fish oh my god I could get everything shut up I'm trying to listen to this tactically important conversation right okay thanks to the loud announcement and the incredibly loud music I thought actually here with these guys to say something about fugu fish all right ladies sand what's down here let's take a look at D oh it's like a landing pad for a cable car okay right thanks Intel so Yamazaki wants some fugu which if incorrectly prepared is deadly so let's go and incorrectly prepare some food you Oh okay so what's my opportunity smoking all right so it's gonna be like explosive cigarettes or something maybe may poison to your ATS something cigarettes let's get some cigarettes anyways what I'm saying what so where am i allowed to be a motorcyclist our crime noticed the only crime I committed was looking too damn cool for this whole place the kitchens in there but I'm a doctor so I can't go in there there were no doctors in their kitchen for some reason yeah right this door gets it ah the Texans room there it is over there all right let's get into the Texans room okay that's convenient by the guy in the big cowboy hat as we all know that is the uniform of a Texan according to this game get suspicious can't you see this this motorcycle man standing in the doorway hello maybe resort staff can get into the kitchen that seems likely doesn't it in the kitchen if you work here so everyone goes around in pairs in this level it's really annoying means I'm having to knock out twice as many people with my cowboy bust and I figure I could just tailgate him into his room yeah sure sure why not okay oh well that's that this guy's compromised as well isn't it I'm in a control room okay now we can get pretty tired of the security system yeah this situation is really hectic oh look there he is he's in a machine that looks like a dead spider I'm sure that's fine all right change of plan I'm a doctor again and I'm gonna sneak here I'm just gonna sneak in if anything you should welcome having doctors in your kitchen because one their hands are always really clean and sterile and two in case anyone cuts themselves or something these guys agree now wait why dots nope they don't agree not in there I'll take this though cuz I you have to come into this mission with like nothing at all so I'm grateful for anything I can pick up frankly we weren't allowed to bring any weapons or equipment into the level so I've mostly been using this cowboy bust as a distraction melee weapon confidant it's a lot more practical help for Diana right Diana see nothing well we got TV that's not gonna help no cigarettes in the TV oh oh a lot of clutter junky things around here a cowboy bust and our boy here we go pay dirt cigarettes I mean they're just regular cigarettes oh they're not gonna kill her except possibly very very slowly eventually maybe of lung cancer I don't know that's just a probability that's not an assassination 47 so I think we're gonna have to be a little more proactive all right so that AI that was giving me trouble the hospital director can get into it so I just need to become the hospital director work in the kitchen now and I spandana 47 hi health inspector this is for coughing in the sea okay I think I'm gonna need one of these dudes outfit so quick distraction with the soda can I knew you'd come in handy there he goes good lad just separate yourself just isolate yourself and you my good man that's just too easy oh yeah he's dead but there you go and you too but I'm gonna need your clothes so you get an even less dignified and my friend I mean I don't have to throw you off the balcony but I mean some level designer put that balcony there for a reason mate off you go seems a shame to waste it is what I'm saying right where's the hospital director I was out there right I just need to stalk this guy basically and steal his outfit but he will spot me somehow he knows that he's got no bald security men okay commencing search for fugu no no some kind of soup no none of this okay back here there we go oh I need a knife obviously obviously I need a knife sorry it's my first day 47 that is not how chefs hold knives just FYI if you turn a blend in in the future all right let's just uh inexpertly hack away at this Blowfish right Yuki's heading off that way so I am safe I want to say to sneak into her room all right I am on my way to poison the sushi but I just wait for this guy to get off DDR so I can have a go no one else here seems to realize I'm not one of the usual security crew so and I go yeah my where can I possibly be friend keep walking i'ma to the Skoll no that didn't work okay let's drag you around here drop you here disguises the hospital director sweet okay now this guy is not getting off alright fine I'll come back later ah here we go so where she keeps her nice empty box of cigarettes and our fault good opportunity complete whatever good that does me anna's hospital director who is clearly wearing a wig i should be able to get into you everywhere okay let's do some sushi chef e how hard can it be certainly a incredibly complex culinary art that it takes people years to master bums sure forty sevens got this who I desperately need a katana but does anyone really need a katana I'm gonna have it anyway and it doesn't seem like anyone's bothered about me having it carrying it I just look badass so they're all like yes you may carry that around on your back okay this is the lady I need to bump off as hospital director I direct you to be dead [Music] that's okay sure that's how you make fugu sushi apparently all right step right up and get your point you're not poisoned sushi not you Su Su Su Su balcony another couple of guys posing invitingly by the balcony edge we got guys leaning right over unwise there's a lot of guards around here they I can talk to her yeah Misaki director the incident we talked about is it's ago perhaps we should discuss yes agreed follow me come in private my favorite sir honestly you don't want this you don't this is she go and get some ramen or something oh oh he's moving away by by himself of his own accord don't even need the soda can hello hungry got some delicious fuku over here expertly prepared with no poison the problem should really try the sushi it's to die 47 are you gonna give it away [ __ ] me so obvious yeah let's deal with mr. Lee knee first just a little help a little help with gravity toppling over there and this guy I didn't even know that soda can smash like that there you go and dump him too there's gonna be a lot of security guard corpses littering the grounds around this hotel yes initiate conversation explain we suspect that one of our patients are not who they claimed to be anonymous tip I seems a bit an assassin I assume you run background checks of course but I IDs can be manufactured time I've moved meeting a lot of my secrets right here yes right well glad you enjoyed it I'll just be taking my lunch break now all that delicious not poisoned sushi has made me hungry does that work ah one more clearing out this room it's really good this balcony is just none of this to body limit you get with with dumpsters or whatever okay yes okay now to casually walk away from the scene of the crime I mean accident sushi accident nothing they could have it done release and there we go it's working well for me today the old tip you over a balcony lady that is the wrong place to stand well see you the perfect crime where is it oh that's horrible the next guy is somewhere in this medical facility I've adopted out again got my dog traffic back on but there's guards everywhere and they won't let me near him so I'm gonna have to be a bit creative yes all right okay have a doctor there remember that for later this must be where they keep all the science it's a shiny and clean and on to my next target basically who is the recipient of a heart transplant in this owned a helicopter a that may be my escape route later and an opportunity to gather Intel from the hospital we got okay okay okay Nicholas Laurent seems to have frequent rendezvous with a helicopter pilot near the remote personnel exit and rumor has it that the chief surgeon suffers from trembling hands get the pilots disguise I will and oh oh I mean I won't just peel it off his body right now let's um just gonna stand over here while you guys have your chat well that is messy in the extreme is her did her leg come off somehow did her leg pop off well well gross super gross anyway time to go direct some more hospitals okay cowboy bust distract these people go yeah what what now what again I've escaped that was yeah someone should but neither of you need if you want again No ah lazy fine whatever sneaking sounds worth missing teeth that's yep completely invisible so how neurochip a alright this as you saw I probably need to go find that research paper right let's get the pilot away out of the field of view of all those many scary security guards he is going to he's gonna go after it yes yes yes yes yes oh oh don't mind me and POW out like a light ah no I get this guy's get this guy's foot on run run 47 run now to deal with captain I live inside a dead spider machine research paper anywhere no hey there we go notes what's going on then neurotransmitter neuro chip implant oh we can affect his mood remotely that's good he'll come in handy and now we wait here we go doctor Ray Romano ah as hospital director I should really be allowed into this room surely I should be allowed everywhere it's my hospital Oh scooti tapes well while I'm here why not this one are you coming this way my good man pill there right there matey and oh that guy's asleep so not this one stop how uh oh my god that's about Adam wasn't it should have seen that coming out you go yeah now the cupboard oh wait knock you out there we go cup is full ah really full in fact so you two unconscious dudes are just gonna have to chill out on the floor sir you cannot enter these premises okay all right got it got it man what's the point being director if you can't go everywhere I asked you the remote control is somewhere in the guy's sleeping quarters medical sleeping quarters alright let's have a look now if you were to keep a euro dros right there I was easy okay first you probably hide that a bit better but I am not complaining let's go and remotely manipulate someone's mood I should be able to access the mainframe computer which runs this whole joint hey guy hey feeling good happy low bit low there you go how's that any better yep the colors and the shapes are pretty cool huh what's this robotic surgery control console surely I can do some damage with this king extract blood yeah extract more blood and extract even more blood yes yes just keep extracting blood 47 that's got to be lethal how much blood is this guy got so if I pop in here through this door and into the computer I can just start pulling bits out 3 2 1 4 okay so that must be the order is this three three oh yeah that looks good too uh one and four four Oh you've gone all Hal 9000 I might try this defibrillator instead seeing as the guy has infinity blood so he overcharged and what just shock him to death that sounds good uh-oh but they're not going to be fibrillating for no reason so can we do up here I don't think this is helping maybe I should decrease the dosage is that gonna make him go anywhere or do anything instead of just staring at his hands talking about colors I see the sad now oh is that better that he's sad oh he's moving I'll ask it okay sad equals moving where are we going somewhere cool oh yeah that's just sabotage the surgical programming and then what happens there we go his heartbeats failing and they're gonna need to defibrillate him resuscitation procedure and it's gonna zap him to death right right I mean I'm no doctor but let's see alright it should be good go zap clear out that didn't look like a deadly chow it's gone green which I assume means the patient is fine I guess I'm just too good a surgeon to lose a patient are you gonna lead me to my target while you're sad you gonna go and tell him all your problems or this is pretty high ledge lunch monster whoa no no no no no no okay let's let's not throw ourselves over the balcony it's for you too good news yeah what is going on why I should go check on my collection yes check on your collection oh okay yeah lead me to the heart the rare heart okay well that was close man I must have messed it up pretty bad oh yes this looks good where are we going you're excused that is the right side it's the heart that the target needs the rare right-sided heart he needs to God die yeah cf fellas here we go ah the dead robot spider machine is going Matt oh wow wow that's messy oh gosh I mean why does it even have that function okay right we are immediately suspicious for obvious reasons so what are we gonna do just increase the temperature or stop the stop the blood flow to it or unplug and plug the heart from the life-support system or Jeep Wow okay just get into a bid 47 that works that totally works okay I think yours the wrong order let's try doing this okay quick quick quick quick get in there 47 yep there we go is about getting it done in the right order with the right timing like I always say surgery is all about timing and escaping by helicopter let's do that shall we back down to the old helipad so let's get out of here as quickly as possible doodlee do do here we go counter steal a helicopter maybe I mean it seems like the safest bet right now alright I guess he's not getting another right-sided heart so so that's him dead I've not even seen him and I've taken him out remotely everyone's probably panicking a bit thanks that bloodbath right how am I gonna get past this guy and into the helicopter and all this way right out there and I'll pass the guy with the white dot before he knows what's going on just jump in 47 and you're away hey nice oh that was painless I mean for me helicopter helipad up here I think probably let's go be on the roof right let's just keep going up I said they're all there we go helicopter thanks for getting it warmed up for me guys I'll just be heading off in this see you later there's that view again can I turn this helicopter around and just go back to my suite smooth as you like I'm gonna exit from the other side where there's not a bunch of people staring at me don't look low pilot there goes your chopper and I am out of here done a Kaido done Eric so dad done mission accomplished cool I mean I did do quite a few challenges but I also did tip a load of security guards off balconies so karmically I think I'm probably about nothing probably about nothing killed a lot of non targets uh-oh Hey one hit man yeah that seems fair - thirty thousand for non target kills all right how did I do ah okay no for hitman says good back back on form I lost 20,000 points because Yuki amazake face-planted in a crowded restaurant full of witnesses so there was a body found but apart from that I am pretty happy with that score Oh only one non target killed that's what happens if you don't give me a silenced pistol but yeah I've spotted everyone noticed the kills everyone found the bodies all I got recorded and it took me ages so that was a bad score but I you know I can take that I can take that I satisfied by my performance and isn't that what counts really that was the final mission in the first season of hitman those subtitle if you missed any of our previous three ways to play episodes there's a playlist on screen right now where you can get caught up on all the other videos thanks for watching we'll see you next time on outside Xbox
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 612,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitman gameplay, let's play, hitman episode 5, outsidexbox hitman, outside xbox hitman, hitman outsidexbox, hitman outside xbox, xbox one, stealth, funny, accident, disguise, hitman gameplay hokkaido, hitman gameplay japan, hitman episode 6 gameplay, hitman situs inversus, sushi, fugu, poison, director, hospital, heart, defibrillator, KAI, AI, hack, machine, surgery, surgeon, yuki yamazaki, yoga, cigarettes, erich soders, security room, hitman episode 6, hitman japan, hitman japan gameplay
Id: vbeajGf0PTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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