Grilled Salmon Recipe - How to Grill Salmon for the Best Flavor

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dan what you got cooking today well girl in some salmon that's what you told me you won't remember Oh mate maybe not that kind folks I got a recipe here that will blow you out of the water it is a grilled salmon with a butter brown sugar smokey glaze hmm it'll get you going [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard and the good Lord who did he bless us today we got about a inch of rain this morning and ain't nothin bedroom to start the day off right with a good inch of rain and then get on the grill and cook something now there's been a great discussion going on in our house ever since Shannon come along is it Salman or salmon in Oklahoma it is pronounced Salman on the flight no no you have to realize that if the good Lord put that in there as a later he wanted you to use it that's why today folks we are grilling up some salmon it's a Lay's whoo and we're gonna put a glaze on it that will blow your mind now I've got some tips and tricks and everything for you to keep this thing going smoothly and so let's start with magic when you go to buy some and if you can try to buy that wild caught fresh salmon you never frozen just look yet a meat market where they sell like fish just ask them say hi is this good fresh caught wild salmon you're gonna be so much better off in the long run now you can see we've got four little fillets here and I do like to leave the skin on mine now some people grill them in and then they slip under and leave that skin on the grill I like to keep it there because it helps hold the fish together it's there for a reason you always got to make sure before you season them or anything Pat them good and dry both sides you'd be asking yourself well how come you want to do that well today is Wednesday and I just felt like really it's going to help that seasoning stick to it a little we need to get anything that might been on there any film any water off that piece of meat so what are we going to season with its simple folks and I'll tell you a trick salt is gonna help this side and the other side from not sticking and I like to get it you use a good coarse sea salt put it on there pretty generously I'll tell you something that's really good on it is some of that good smoked sea salt if you can find it let's go ahead and put a little on top here get him you can't get there you'll be in a pitcher coarse ground black pepper now don't be too sparingly with it cuz I like to have a bunch on there I like to make sure it sticks so give it a little padding on there to make sure it all stays in place while we're letting that sit there just a minute let me give you a really important thing that's got to be going on hot grill yeah it's got to be hot it's got to be cleaned and it's got to be old because as you know if you've ever grilled some fish if it ain't it stick to it like Poligrip to dentures I mean you won't never get that stuff off there so make sure that it is hot make sure it is clean and make sure it is old now you can use an olive oil you can use a spray all on there whatever you want to do just make sure that thing is greased before you start so folks we're gonna let that set and while that sets let's put together this glazing sauce that goes together three tablespoons of butter in a little old saucepan and a clove of minced garlic then we're gonna add three tablespoons of brown sugar we're gonna put a little avocado oil yes you heard me right I do love some avocado all me and Shan use it on a regular basis we'll give that a little start take it back over it put it on a little heat where we can get it all incorporated well and then we'll add the rest of the ingredients to it as its starting that process a teaspoon of soy sauce a teaspoon of smoked paprika and the juice of a lemon give it a good stir till we get everything back in there incorporated well and it's begin to come back to a really low bowl so what are we going to do turn it off and I'm gonna let it sit right there now this is the glaze and the finish for that salmon that we're fixing to throw on the grill all right folks fire good and hot is cleaned it's all it's greased it's ready to go meet side down first make them Pretty Little Rascals this is a very quick method because these aren't as thick as what some of y'all might see inch and a half inch and a quarter these is pretty thin so we're going to shut that lid just for a minute this bin is closed this is a third open we're gonna try to circulate a little bit of that smoke we'll be able to tell when we need to turn that we will turn it back over we'll go to glazing that side as we're getting closer now today we cooking with mesquite and oak combined because I like that flavor on some fish now a lot of people are going to use some fruit wood and I have before in the past with different kinds of fish like a cherry or a peach but I tell you something that's pretty good if you can mix a pecan or a hickory with a fruit wood and you can go back to that you experiment with what you've got see what you like the best it'll all be good so folks when this salmon is about that thickness which I'm thinking 3/4 to 7/8 about to two and a half minutes on that meat side and then we'll turn it we just want that to get them good grill marks on there and beginning to turn any colors just a little I think it's there folks you can see if channels zoom in here see that beginning to change that white color all the way along here that's that fat in that Selma and I don't want to lose it you want to make sure you got a spatula or something that's big enough to catch your fish you can do this with tongs but sometimes it'll actually tear up when you grab it oh look at that pretty nice you see that color where we got them grill marks and everything is looking good it is time to go to basting we flipped them over that top side is just like I want it but I want to give them some glaze some good smoky flavor some sweetness that that butter is going to bring along in it because folks it ain't gonna take long to finish this deal up so let's get to baste make sure you try to get them sideboards if you can everybody needs a little love it's burning my fingers Shin what we're gonna do we're gonna shut the lid for 30 seconds who wants to count how about you Frank bagel you want to count are you sleeping which is it I think the Beagle says he ain't counting the more either so this is fixing to come off folks just as a good steak does so does this do it's going to have to rest before we can cut it it will continue to cook just a little 30 seconds is up whoo I like that one more quick little basting and make sure you reserve just a little of this for you later on looking under what we got Salman with a L and M both I know it's going to be good now we have let that thing rest we have we're gonna put one more little coat of this here drizzling on it because I like this stuff bone Appetit like I always tell you praise the Lord pass the biscuits and give me a whole side of fish cuz that devil hunt right there that will eat folks to the smoke that that oak brings and I've cooked over mesquite most of my life but there's a different flavor that's combined when the two woods go together and it is so good on a piece of Salomon it is for a fact but it's got such great taste the salt and pepper is really all you need on this piece of fish time you glaze it I get the smoked paprika the lemon you get just a little Tang from the soy sauce but the brown sugar balances that out it is what I call what's that French word gin it's what scooby-doo would say yeah but debe do that's some good eating Scooby didn't say that oh I thought he did some three little things that I told you to make sure you do pat it dry make sure you season it well bottom top both sides salt that's gonna help keep it from sticking make sure that grill is hot and clean and greased and ready to go now you've seen it didn't take long maybe two and a half minute some that meet side first then flipped it back over it was probably a minute and a half to two if you ever begin to see the white fat bubble up and make spots or color in there you've cooked that salmon too long you are taking some of that good juiciness out of there so be careful when you cook him not to overcook him we are so proud you stopped by today thank God for the good rain that we got last night in southwest Oklahoma it is a blessing it is and remember folks we have always been drier than we have ever been wetter since Noah left my dad said we got a half inch when Noah couldn't even float by here so appreciate all your prayers and thoughts and concerns be sure and tell your friends and neighbors check out this channel how you have some great things going on I want to thank my little sweet beautiful producing directing life and the Beagle the culinary expert and Frank the watchdog be sure and hit that subscribe button down there all the information will be below right there like always god bless and see y'all down the trail and get you some salman with an ailment you know folks we have had a lot of people ask hey what's your backyard cooking setup look like could you show us around well you're in luck today we're gonna pull the curtain back a little and let you peek in out here now sure we cook in the backyard we do but we always cook down to river we cook on some ranches we may even film on location sometime but I do love to get out in the backyard because I can just walk out of the house and get right in my kitchens we got us a little fire pit here now you see when my mom and dad lived in this house there was a big ol elm tree about 60 80 foot tall stuck up through there lightning struck it one evening split it right down in the middle as all of that so I cut it off I did burn the stump out makes a good place to put a Dutch oven build a fire that way ain't burning the green grass out there you will see me at times put Bertha on there maybe Christine I'm going over here to my kitchen I got modern conveniences you know what this cost about $12 worth of tools and about two days worth of sweat and free pallets I picked up at the dump ground you can do this too di white is that what you call it soon DIY do it on your own time that's what it's called got me a little knife holder here that I can keep my face this dandy handy bendy mesquite spatula and when I put these 1 by 8s on here I sanded them down good and smooth went ahead and stained them to different colors because I like a little contrast and a marine varnish about five coats well folks it's time for some more coating on the marine varnish but put as many on there as you can that way it protects it from the sunlight but also makes it waterproof Maytag people and Sears and everybody Home Depot Lowe's they be wanting this kitchen they will what do we got here that's what you call fancy folks now this is just some little little small wash tubs that I put in here we cut them little old holes in there with the whole slaw put us a drain coleslaw holes hole saw it runs on a drill and got teeth on it runs around cuts that metal out go to your plumbing shop or wherever you need get you a drain system that'll hook up in there this is just a little old piece of black pipe that runs back through here to give me enough room to get water in the sink and then just a faucet we have greenery in the kitchen hey y'all know me folks shant has converted my life over to no bill Joe Fred and who is he herb I got me some basil which is not for me it's for shinchi like it I got me some time because I always got time and right over here I have got me some Rose Mary's and what's this sometimes even I have to look back at a recipe you always see this little screened-in house my mother used to have one here for a tornado got it and blowed it away a man Shannon her mother built it back but it keeps the flies and the skeeters out of there if I want to cook inside that's where I try to keep that half gas half wood grill in there most of the time then I pull it out here if I need to come on around here chin as you can see them drains they just run right out there on the ground I got these hooks right up got a splitter here or why that you can turn them off if you need to or turn them on hooks right back to the water hose and if you was to trail this thing back where would it go folks the water faucet that's it it ain't no rocket science thing to build I just cover the back side of tend to make it a little more stouter you got a little tear of the backyard you did in this little cooking setup we got here in our outdoor kitchen and I think the Beagle would like to tell y'all bye hey big gate thank you uh say to the peoples look over here at mom right up here tell them bye it's a tail wag
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 334,468
Rating: 4.9534101 out of 5
Keywords: how to grill salmon fish, grilled salmon, grilled salmon fillet recipe, fish recipe, salmon recipe easy, salmon recipes, grilling fish, cooking fish, how to cook fish, kent rollins, cowboy cooking, grilling, outdoor cooking, campfire cooking, salmon how to cook, bbq salmon, salmon marinade, how to cook fresh salmon, best grilled salmon, grilled salmon glaze, easy grilled salmon, glaze for fish, holiday recipe
Id: 6F8B4vtf9Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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