Grilled Salmon - Part 1 of 6 Summer Grilling Series

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hey guys it's matt with meat church now this is a summer grilling series today i thought i'd show you guys how to make this bad ass salmon stick around [Music] we pulled you guys and asked what you would want in a summer grilling series and we got lots of things planned for you we got salmon we got snapper uh we got grilled oysters we're gonna do some stuff like grilled wings and tri-tip so we're pretty excited about it but you've been asking for a lot of seafood so i'm gonna show you today something i've been teaching for years i have taught this in sweden i've taught it in portland oregon and people love it and it's so simple anybody can do it today i think you guys are going to find this is like so easy that you definitely go and do it for yourselves and you're going to love it really simple process so we're going to start out with a full salmon fillet here that we've not really done anything to to be honest with you and we're going to season it with our honey pecan rub our deez not straw which is clearly the funniest name rub in the bunch but all of our honey rubs are great on salmon so we've got our honey hog would also be good our all-purpose gospel we good or use whatever you want but this is the number one use for this particular seasoning so i'm going to give it a nice even application no binder anything it's nice and even this is a good sweet profile a little bit of that pecan in it with little nutty notes which is really a great texas flavor and we're going to let this adhere for five to ten minutes just until the fish kind of sweats out and it looks nice and wet and then we'll be ready to put it on so for this recipe we cook it at 275 degrees we're actually going to cook it on a pellet grill and a traeger i have cooked this on all sorts of grills so you can do this indirectly on a kamado grill you could do it in on two zone fire you could do it in your smoker because it's not too hot 275 degrees but i love doing this on the traeger because we can actually do it on this butcher paper you could also do it on a plank like a cedar plank of some sort but this is super easy and safe great benefit of the pellet grill so we're going to show you that here in a minute so we're going to let this adhere we'll be back in 10 minutes and we're going to put it on so i'll see you on a couple minutes all right guys the deez nuts honey pecan is it here you can see it's nice and wet this actually looks really good already so i'm ready to put it on the traeger we're running again 275 degrees i'm going hickory pellets hickory is my favorite all-purpose you could use pecan you could use an alder you could use a fruit wood you could use whatever you want i've taken the top shelf out of this ironwood 650 just for this cooking video so you can see that i'm going to close that up depending on the size of your filet it'll probably take 30 40 minutes so we'll check in on this a time or two during the cook i like to take my salmon to about 125 degrees the usda recommends 145 so that's really kind of your preference i like it juicier you know some people will take a wild salmon to like 120 they'll take a farm raised salmon to 125 because it's got more fat in it i like it to be nice and juicy so that's my preference i don't want to overcook it where you start to see the white bubbles of fat things like that so that's just what i like to do but we got something special coming we're actually going to douse this with a nice glaze with you know 5-10 minutes left in the cook so we'll check back in here in a few minutes and this ought to be delicious all right guys it's been 30 minutes let's check this temperature right here in the thick part we're right at 120 using our thermapen instant read thermometer i've melted a half a stick of butter we're going to make a little glaze real quick so i've got some grade a maple syrup i go about a half i go a half a stick of butter to about a cup of this syrup and you know if you're wondering like what are you doing with that syrup well like i always say i ain't here to help you lose weight i'm here to help you enjoy life let's mix that up i'll i'll pull the fish out here so you can see it man it's beautiful looking let's go ahead and get a glaze going here you could glaze this in your grill i like to keep my grill as clean as i can but you know it's okay to do it in the grill and you're just gonna pour this on here so we're just gonna glaze this on and we're gonna put it back in the grill for about five minutes just kind of trying to tack it up just a little bit i like that smoke to to hit this uh this syrup and butter mixture yeah it's going to be like candy but i can promise you it's going to be good you could have brushed this on if you want look at that super pretty back in we go for five minutes and it's a gorgeous night here at cedar creek lake and i'm hungry so i'm gonna pour this off here trying to make too much of a mess man back in we go i know a lot of you guys are wondering about this awesome shirt yes this is ron swanson who famously said fish is a vegetable meat i can't disagree here at meat church we eat a lot of red meat but we'll see you in a few minutes it's been about five minutes on this glaze let's pull it out and you know for a glaze you could do a lot of things you could do you could do no glaze um you could do like a soy teriyaki you know be creative and go with whatever flavor profiles you like every time i right recipes or do videos i say make it your own and go with what flavors you like but that looks super pretty man i want to bite into that i'm going to give this a few minutes to cool off and then it's going to be time to eat all right guys moment of truth it's time to taste this salmon so this was a super easy recipe we just seasoned with our deez nuts honey pecan we smoked it at 275 until it was 120 degrees internal we doused it with a half stick of butter uh one cup um maple syrup mixture let that ride for five minutes it's cooled off and it's time to eat so you could have also brined this fish we do that sometimes today we went pretty simple and i'm eating by myself so i get to get in here and just get whatever the heck i want i want to get a lot of that glaze there oh that looks good let's see i ain't mad at it dude that is moist fish that is really really really good my favorite use for this seasoning man that flavor comes through but you can't beat that kind of candy finish you've got going on the top so i'm a big fan of it like i said i also like the soy teriyaki but this one's good i promise your friends are gonna like it if you like this video like and subscribe to our channel please we've got a bunch of videos coming here for the summer grilling series appreciate you joining us i'll see y'all next week [Music] you
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 87,352
Rating: 4.9815669 out of 5
Keywords: grilled salmon, grilled salmon recipes, smoked salmon, seafood, fish, fish recipe, fish recipes, grilled fish, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, how to cook salmon, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, salmon, traegerhood, cedar creek, cedar creek lake, cooking show, meat church tv, how to, how to cook, salmon recipe, easy salmon recipe, salmon tutorial, keto meal prep
Id: LutBz1uZw64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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