Tainted Mei to Mega Satan - Hutts Streams Repentance

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next one we jumping in already we're gonna do a tainted mate it's 4 12. sin victor wants to play at five o'clock let me just double check my dm's to make sure that [Music] um has not responded has not responded all right tainted may what's the deal with painted may want to use a controller for this no it's keyboard and and uh mouse or or controller i think i prefer controller right or what was it how did i play well now i just activated a second player not working at all anymore can't move the thing unless i'm just using my mouse i thought i was able to move it with my controller i don't want to do that oh all right i have to go in here and change controller but i'm trying to remember i use the a keypad i use the keypad and not the mouse but it's not allowing me to use keypad right now that keypad the you know up down arrow keys oh well i guess i have to use my mouse then we'll see how it goes it won't be that bad we'll still be able to do it easily so what's the deal uh rainfall is everywhere rain does the damage but rain falls very specifically on my my cursor so i put the cursor there it's kind of like marked in a way where you know that's where the damage goes i have mace broken heart 2 on my q slot that'll actually make a thunderstorm lightning thunder under buddies and it does more damage uh you kind of delete them there's a delay there how does this work with ludo it might not i had a couple synergies that were just not synergies i thought they would be synergies but they weren't we also have to pay attention to the fact that we have one seven five damage so it takes a lot of rain to take somebody out he's working hard go lightning blue larry jr i like that because we get a soul heart thunderstruck went down i think it might actually make my cursor uh move further which honestly is lame as hell if you ask me monkey boy 18 months what up j cobbs 50 bits how are you huts i'm feeling good i'm feeling good we've seen synergies other than holy lights um i'm trying to remember holy light was one of the bigger ones alt path question mark we just did some alt path even though it was cheating let's try normal path um we want lovers card there could be a top secret room where we can spawn some black carts or something although i feel like they they fixed that i think we had a debate last time whether or not they fixed it let's just try for top secret this might be the one no i thought this was the one that spawned eternal hearts alright we'll roll my board card then you know what let's actually just use that right now to do half price curse room first floor deal with the devil delete them gotta lead them a little bit very nice good stuff glad we did it though pretty happy about my decision [Music] mom's knife super fun black heart effect doesn't trigger as blue baby though and the main thing with may it was the room damage plus infinite damage the pit spray really really really gets you in trouble when you have enemies that walk towards you it's just it's not enough damage and there's zero knock knockback i think the zero knockback thing is one of the most important pieces most convenience also the mouse just like doesn't respond half the time and i think what it is is that like if you keep moving where like your mouse i don't know it like doesn't bring your mouse cursor with you like it still thinks your mouse cursor is like way over yonder so if it's outside of the range of the cursor like you can still move it but your cursor will stay here and if you want your cursor to move back this way you have to move your mouse all the way back to that point and then it'll start registering so like sometimes the mouse feels like it's super laggy but really what it is is that your your cursor was [Music] janked [Music] lost fly boss fly one of my favorites guys the tricks what's up uh four months tainted man looking absolutely horrible to play i love the stream nine tails thanks to the 12 total tim have you played insert game you've played on channel i'm scared of the search bar but it's a serious medical condition i have played a lot of stuff and and that actually what i was thinking about doing on my main channel was maybe just going back and like re-hitting all of the classics that we're talking about slay the spire we're talking about ftl possibly some monster train in there oh all the good [ __ ] the stuff that people are like what is this game it's like you you you what is slay the spire are you kidding me it's so old that it's now new again and i can make content you guys gotta know you have to know these games if you like isaac you like roguelikes i just don't like cards yeah you say that until you play say the spire then you start liking card game what is this game remember ftl monster train play this fire is so damn good they're still making content for it too that's the crazy part they're still making content the problem being though is that how do i make an edited video like a short nice highly edited video on a card a deck builder the only way that i could really think about doing that would be like skipping half the battles and that would be like half the cards i put into my deck i don't know that sounds really difficult look at the dodgers look at the spider dodges you looking at these spider dodges react to spiders that's the biggest tip i have for spiders be passive tears up shot speed down and shot speed i don't think is even a thing they didn't even shoot did one job that dude had one job you didn't shoot once evan dude 10 congrats on dead guide hearts is an inspiration to all of us maybe i can eventually make you a new game when i finish with my unity game devcor speaking of which what kind of game would you want to play and what would you like to see in it um i don't know that's that's a tough that's a tough s i i i can't say that because i my my uh what i like it so depends on the game and not the genre if there's a good game i like it it's kind of my same thing with music if there's a good country song i'll [ __ ] bop to it i don't care i don't care what i'm just against country all together well i just don't like rap well i don't like metal if the metal [ __ ] if it slaps it slaps lovey what's up got home from cancer center and i am sleepy how's it going love you it's been a while [Music] rock me mama like a wagon wheel telling ya you guys can't close yourself off to things just because you don't think it's going to be good [Music] you got to stop doing that do i want deals of the devil or do i want deals with the angel metal dollars really slapped out but see you're doing the same thing right now you can't just say because it's a genre it's good depends i can't pick a certain game genre i can't pick a certain music genre i could pick an artist maybe even artists have some slappy songs and then they have some shitty songs it has i'm just sleepy a lot yeah i can imagine you went devil last time go angel i see more angel all right i'll give angel a shot devil sounds wacky i don't see why not our health is kind of low i'll give angel a chance was last time really a time though this is really good i like keeper sack a lot every time you buy something we get a stat up eat sagu there that's the spicy i made the balls in there barbie should focus on getting more money then i like how they put mouse controls into this see now that blew up without me shooting it because of the fact that damage goes everywhere oh the rant you did on your twitter i want you to know that people are pieces of [ __ ] and you did nothing wrong keep up the amazing work love you stressful i wasn't trying to like call attention to anything other than the fact that um people tend to not understand despite this being an amazing job and despite me seemingly doing really really well right or having a cush life there are lots of people that will try to bring you down all the time all the time so if i seem stressed about that kind of stuff i hope everyone understands that like it's an amazing job but there's still it's there's still stress that goes with it there's a lot of people that just don't understand that at all and they're like how could you complain you big stupid i hate you possibly even worse yet the whole like you're a streamer all you do is steal money you can't give me advice whatever you say [ __ ] [Music] somebody clearly hurts you like i'm college educated take the world very seriously and do my god damn best to make more of a difference other than making people low impressed with every job idea for fun you could do random roguelike out of all the roguelikes you have slap um on a wheel or something and do like a hut on cuts i do uh the roguelike review where i do random roguelikes it's kind of similar of the may but her tainted form needs some updating wiener boop thanks to the sexy tier 2 sub two months in a row life is stressed we just gotta make the best out of it we can hell yeah angel rooms here we come ace of hearts could give me soul hearts so there's a a room that maybe we could find maybe like the room with like all the red hearts in it i don't know push the blind yolo spew buddy i'm not [Music] something is sure i'm not sure how that's gonna work with uh the controller it auto fires like marks good good good good i was gonna say otherwise i just i don't like click i don't hold down the click button right it's like there'll be a passive spewing it'll be actually good regular immortal eight months thank you for that mouse controls though i just i can't stress how much i actually don't like it it's just not it's not ever as responsive as it needs to be that was the most rip roariness moving dip i've ever seen that thing that boy flew disable the mouse controls you want to maybe point me in the right direction of how to do that how does one disable it i had it working on my keyboard before and it's just not doing that anymore i don't know what i did wrong in the files [Music] in the computer that's nice that's nice let's go buy everything get some damage eh ears down each room grants a random mom effect i'm gonna say no to that good freaking shot yo frick no i wanted a soul art justified bass sir bass 69 month you dog you dog love you huts hope you've been doing well also nice what's up basser hope all is well with you press the drop item button for a moment it'll go back to keyboard controls yeah but no see it does that but then it gets locked it's locked there i'm not using the oh there we go i'm chad and i'm so smart i literally tried that apparently i do it twice in a row before it's like ah he really means it he did it twice [Music] thank you chat all is well work a lot can't stay sadly as i do have to go to sleep but just wanted to check up on you yeah we miss you around here around these parts but you get some sleep and you go work this [ __ ] out of that work you know what i'm trying to say you go get that bread this feels better this feels better i like this our battery um probably not going to do anything but pretty good i like it i like it we're getting two trinkets per use pretty good well it's something good we need uh we need some help for sure cause i need a hero i'm old enough for a hero at the end of the night also isn't the lyrics yeah i don't care what i'm singing these are songs hussified personally i think they're better i'm pretty sure the rain does not count as projectiles like you can just poop right on them and that probably was motivated by the ability to uh be able to shoot hosts otherwise they would just never pop up right i mean you can press control and make it go away but i do like the yeah we'll try it more trinkets this way wonder wall cover is banging and now wonder wall cause i need a wonder wall i'm holding off for a wander at the edge of the wall it's gotta be wondering it's gotta be wall gotta be wonder wall what you get lock down not very good pills oh that's good that's the good stuff right there hi thank you for the tier one sub is what i'm trying to say but my lips are like the guy was just at the dentist in my mouth isn't working sam a fuse 18 months welcome back oh it's locked again there we go it locks up every now and again screw fire fire rate once two extra bombs for each bomb placed or one guppy piece i can't imagine i'm gonna be going for guppy with angel rooms if i'm being honest [Music] rip angel though [Music] the sub the first boss after that was peep must be fate [Music] uh jacobs prime sub [Music] dicus jason sudeikis when mom's box count the trinket is two guppy pieces i would probably say no plus box doesn't actually affect a lot of trinkets this being one of them i think the trinkets like does the trinket glow if it's affected [Music] imagine not pressing buttons lobby 58 months i've done it yes yeah thank you appreciate the support pay to win is like a really good thing yeah it's early enough i think pay to win is the way to go here i was smart i'd keep the triple a battery to the end of the floor and then swap but we all know i'm gonna forget i just don't even play games with that kind of [ __ ] anymore if there's something i want to grab it now or a card that i'd like to use i just use it immediately button denier is looking real silly right now it's so long i'm missing some months 58 yeah it does it shocks me to hear how long i've been doing this and it's actually it's like a good reminder to me but like not everyone's in on the jokes there are people that are like just joining our stream today that i have no idea what's going on don't know everybody in the chat don't get all the inside jokes don't even know that i played slay the spire before things like that and uh i think we scare some of the people away by not uh realizing this i do not we i do not for me five total using this four challenge idea every item is death certificate but each item you have to go one room further even on new floors so if you hit a dead end better luck next time bear on his death certificate but each time you have to go one room further in the death certificate room get a dead end better luck next time you're just done i'm at rose thanks so much for the 100 bits have you played curse the dead gods hud's tim i'm kidding i saw your vids would you ever go back to it i i don't feel like it was uh it hit enough and at the right time for it to be a game that i'd like to go back to it's possible i enjoyed it but there are things that i enjoy better calvin swainsy thanks so much to 15 months that was a nice trap they just set for me there you got to get up close and personal if you want to really land the damage needles popped up and they just picked me if a cac would probably do nothing if it rained bombs then it would just be a gg as much as i want to see synergies that would not be a good one they did not give me any chance to uh dodge that 72 chance angel didn't get it pick a little [ __ ] watching vods for four years but never came to over to twitch says hawkeye roger here now you're thinking you mean realm of the mad god and played asking a bit still have over 400 hours very addicting game pinky eye good job pinkie eye you can't even see it it's behind me behind the chair god dang a chair there it is what are you doing over there how is that the closest position oh put one in front of you and then one over there [Music] yes dude i'll part to my interim nice perfect that's what i wanted oh good just saying best ai i've ever seen remember stat increase for every time i buy anything [Music] just smoke them if you got them will you play atomic crops next stream so i finished atomic crops on youtube and i announced on that episode if you haven't seen it yet then i would be done with atomic crops for some time so no i don't think i'm gonna play atomic crops for a little bit [Music] to finally get that teleport to the angel when i've got 100 chance definitely go with the book of virtues here duh i'm not stupid shame i don't have my maze broken heart charge spawned his children directly into the fire baptism by fire again you psycho what does burka virtues book of virtues is bethany's item it creates the little wispy fires and it also works it synergizes with active items it's so good out there thanks for the 10 months appreciate it welcome back double digits and 100 bits from comment rose again i understand that was asking because they just added curse to the game pass on xbox and i've been playing it for a while now now muk will reign supreme hahahaha you know i also beat muck he dropped in the fire look it's the best ai you've ever seen stop questioning a chat just submit obey all right your sassy pants fighting it i really like this spewer and really good treasure and shop on shoal and that other one nice i kept taking that after i went in here could have been smarter you know what i am going to play them pay payout perfect magician probably does nothing empty vessel pretty good so that was worth it submit to these nuts week old meet five months thank you for that appreciate you big old five gifted submarines sub sandwiches [Music] submarines you lie you haven't beaten on hardest difficulty and they just updated muck with a new boss yeah you have a point you have a point yeah okay we we did that once all right don't test your luck buddy every tattoo spawns a chest after a challenge wooden cross is all right still saying no i feel like uh new update on muck makes it easier interesting if i wanted to play muck again i would do it with people 4 43 guys we got to keep track of time here i'm straight i'm strafing the hardest strafing you've ever seen have we seen our item room yet we haven't that's one though so we can go we've already been in this angel room so don't get [Music] a excited chance [Music] took us that long to get an angel 444 huts where's my flippin item room you might remember before i start crying these little wispy uh shots coming from the fires conjoined and i don't really want conjoined i don't imagine it would do anything a and b it would just give me a damage down oh the jukes silver dollar is also quality because i got keeper sack and buying things would be good that's nice well here's the deal to use my reroll machine it's a one-off if i bomb it or it's gonna use up that money i'd like to buy stuff with in the shop i don't have that much extra money i'd love to see more beat saber i'm probably alone in that [Music] rest in the bed that's right can't forget that when you're in all soul hearts it does some stuff simpson's chain's pretty good though i like it a lot of people don't like it know what i'm gonna get crazy here and take a silver dollar use our money to get stat increases instead oh sleep in the bed yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] it's like x chance though i'm making some money i'm loaded i've never had more money than this in my entire life i'm just think i'd like to thank my mom who is also jesus no i'm gonna play him again chariot that don't want to sit still i don't remember i'm gonna look it up turns out there's a stone can't move for 10 seconds but your tier rate goes up i wonder if i could chariot into him still hurts me that's a load of crap well goodbye elf it's been fun that's not what i wanted [Music] i think shop and item room should appear in the womb by defaults what if that was an unlock what if that was a progression unlock to get that bedroom contains devil deals vibe and bulb i get the same stats if i just buy stuff and i can make it permanent for the conditional i want some money where's my money bro more money please virgo all good pills and spreading the day though that i changed spewer buddy i did it a lot of crap trinkets 10 minute marcottes thank you champions belt [Music] i should probably buy that health too got some range two months double bud how did he just yield himself who's responsible for that okay that's where i was walking on time youtube viewers wanted to share some love of my birthday happy birthday tk i guess i'll forgive your name just once glitter rain let it rain i want some more angel rooms that could be fun happy b day [Music] the hermit four five volts at this point in time i think that there's enough health on the enemies that are four or five volt could be saucy that would be good charged up faster than once every four rooms we get charges not by completing a roam spot by doing damage to enemies you're wondering what 4 5 volt does new to repentance black ruined that pill great it's great wonderful do you think it's a double trouble boss room might be blue or eight months or could be fred that was oh it was this way faster prevents activating from charging chance to spawn little battery when clearing a rum i wonder if that prevents four or five volt from also doing its thing uh maha ruin [Music] maharawin ugami three months welcome back that is so rare is it just me i think i see fred all the time it was very common little tinted rock up in there now we play the waiting game [Music] actually don't need to fight the angel don't need to fight it's too bad we never got marbles because i'm looking for money to go buy four or five volts thanks paying the easy so many bad trinkets it's amazing eight cents i don't think we're gonna do it i don't know if i even want to do it will there be another game soon like will i be switching to a different game other than isaac [Music] no golden trinkets either they're very rare aren't they [Music] uh every time i use the pill little spirit changes forms by the way you'll be confused about that three minutes until five o'clock for hutz i mean what are you thinking for the second segment this invicta right he never responded all right no time to go to the shop wow that just extinguished all my fires [Music] wow dead sea scrolls wow nope [Music] did you go to the beach you're wondering why i'm wearing a tank top we gotta fly guys ain't got time to mess around recommend some mods for isaac uh may i wonder if they're gonna get uh or maybe they already do have hard boss patterns down for pens oh you know it doesn't matter because i had flight but whatever the fool tinted rock [Music] good catch torn pocket gold whoa upon hit isaac drops two of his pickups i can't imagine a better gold trinket holy [ __ ] that's so good i just like to thank jesus literally such a shitty trinket still a great year like a floor too late oh so you can still get him in the tossing room [ __ ] it boys ain't got time for your bucket nonsense strafe them just strafe them just drape them straight them looks like my fires are invincible when i have the shields that's amazing that is so powerful how do you unlock golden trinkets uh was it mega satan t jacob maybe is that it wow trash wow five damage tainted may not bad but uh 475 fire rate uh hurry up papa snot i thought my nose is bleeding but [ __ ] you that's the baphomet thing batman's pretty good not for mega satan do boogers even no wait we don't get tears the boogers do nothing like i said we'll take bath from it for me these nuts might got him gotta hurt [Music] how i baphomet your mother nice shot iframes go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Applause] full sprints i bet sin is probably starting his stream up quick detour here to get my base broken heart charged play a term chance all right i will swap for telekinesis what does that do with fires telekinesis that's a very interesting one we'll have to find out wow belly jelly telekinesis is fantastic for mega satan yes correct why did you just take evil it wouldn't have hurt you what am i seeing there with the fires this is hectic this is definitely chaotic yes every time i block a shot it creates a fire what that sounds really good it sounds like fires were going out but i think i was creating fires interestingly enough get lasered yourself oh sucks to be you right about now you didn't hit me in that one though i deflected the laser i tried to get deflect that one so i must have just missed it health is surprisingly low do let's go you're only making me stronger while i have the iframes i should absolutely get up in there with invincible fires little rain let it rain i'm surprised this is taking this long to be honest he should be dead should be 100 more death going on right now there we go he does have boss armor in this phase we did it we're done thank you guys thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 28,401
Rating: 4.9671121 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: eNtDP7XauAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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