Is this the GREATEST Silent deck ever made?!

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i'm happy you had fun you deserve it do you want me though yes hello there deck about to be thick this deck about to be little bit big that is one of the best rare relics that you like to see right off the bat very very good [Music] okay yes yes we getting thick baby [Music] stay home if sick come over if thick shut the [ __ ] up [Laughter] that was a bad play i probably could have played that turn a lot better but what the [ __ ] this prayer will do gives you a double card reward on normal fights but yeah it essentially does double the rare percentage right yo dude what up molly yo dude fox think of the phone all right we definitely need some cardboard now on the strikes one of these is good all right i don't know if i click a singular time here actually unironically i don't know if i click at all maybe you could stop being such a little [ __ ] yeah we don't click at all if we're wanting to win or wanting to troll you do whatever you got to do but if you're wanting to win very distinct differences here are you wanting to troll are you wanting to win chad what are you here for [Music] winning is overrated i don't know about that one should have done it for subs subs are overrated [Music] oh whoops [Music] i'm sorry to hear that your brain is on fire but hello hello we do have to beat an elite right now so it makes me actually unironically want to take three backstabs oh it makes me want to take the second backstab to beat the elite it's so bad so bad you're gonna get a spirit offering i have to take it actually i don't think we take anything from here these cards kind of suck all right trying to get our wetland plants off next turn hopefully blur though blur doesn't accomplish much for us [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh coins cool escape plan deflect sneaky strike we're inclined to take a deflect though for the names of our buddies the big one his name is bevin the small one is bun what up agent zip area in the bottle is kind of sick in venom a little expensive dagger spray interesting like the back backflip triple backstab i'm not taking triple backstab i think we need the dagger spray worn cleat is insanely good not the best for this fight right we'll keep blade dance around for when we get our accuracy in play it works in this fight it's just not insanely good pretty good draw i think what are the odds that we can get a kill next turn if we draw into a good card here that is a good card um might have to use our fairy next turn very in the bottle it is baby hello liberty knox thank you for the 2000 bits i must say that i am violently tired of dealing with things that come with having a car yeah therefore i give money to the god gamer so i can have happy thoughts frost pog you're all about your cuties also bunny tree time [Music] we're gonna go to the shop because we got a billion gold 1 billion million gold one million billion billion that's a good that's a good trap i would say i said that pretty that was a pretty good job yeah i think we're gonna dip for now probably go oh [ __ ] i really don't want another elite i think we'll see what this question mark is this question where it could be good are we still in act one wait we're still on act one maybe we do want another elite maybe this could be the donut event yeah i think we want more hallway fights so i think we might actually just go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom we want hallway fights no i had not thought about that all right all right all right this deck's going this deck's starting to do cool [ __ ] barry in the bottle back once again we can get a leg sweep we could get an out maneuver see what's in the other another blade dance yeah we're gonna take that we want a leg sweep it's a little bit costly a little bit costly let's take the leg sweep and then i think we go here and then we actually take the burning elite do we no maybe not this is probably an upgrade though it's probably an accuracy upgrade or an after image upgrade i think it's after image i think after image with double uh double dudes we actually probably could take this on if this isn't i think if this isn't max hp lagavulin we're good or if it i think max hp either of them is kind of danger territory yes we're just gonna take a normal fight do we have lethal 24 24 damage 24 24 plus 22 what's 24 plus 22 lethal okay [Music] sweet a blur would be really good now that we have the horn cleat yeah that's a pretty good card i also really like the concentrate i like the dagger throw i'm close to liking a dagger throw i'm gonna say no for now i almost like it prepared though is deck starting to look dick that's what i'm talking about man all right i think this is an upgrade on well-laid plans what are the okay can we draw through our entire deck guaranteed by turn three we draw seven it goes down to eighteen and then five every turn no so there is a chance there is a chance that we don't draw a wraith form in time but we do have fairy in the bottle i think i'm gonna upgrade my well-laid plans would i prefer isaac or spire right now isaac just because i haven't completed the game i feel like i've kind of ended this game you know i've hit it all i've done it all you know what i'm saying i still like this game i still love this game it is like you know my job to play this game but it's what it is cool well we found wraith worm we did we did find wraith form i really wanted to get noxious like that was like the one card that i wanted to play before we did anything drastic i don't think 57 is good enough to split so i think we wait i think because we have the well laid plans we can wave and we have uh wraith form in our draw pile as well we we do have wraith form in our draw pile actually chat in case you guys were wondering tristan do you have a form in your draw pile [Music] yes i think we split them now we hold wraith for him sporty it's a much better split so you're done with the game i'm not done with the game in that sense my man like yeah i still have [ __ ] that i can learn in the game but like i've unlocked everything in the game i've hit i've hit 8 20 on everyone in the game right there's still so much you can learn always [Music] we just hit this left guy a bunch and we usually block him like most of most of this guy's attack yeah guys guaranteed to attack next turn i get it i have things to unlock yeah and isaac 700 hours in yeah that's what i love about it yeah i think there are characters that i haven't even played ever in isaac right very easily easy adrenaline take so i'm gonna take the curse key sorry you guys saw this guy yesterday probably don't want to see him again everyone is saying oh [ __ ] we saw bugs for half a second in the call to action i want to see him today well here you go about to go mow the grass so i'm taking them out don't forget to like comment and subscribe you just jumped into the pouch don't forget to like comment subscribe and 1500 likes and you get to see more animals tomorrow thank you very much for watching and supporting the videos and helping us out the algorithm bonus animal adrenaline is such a good card yeah it's a very good card do we want two shops early wow all of our shops are early definitely gonna take this one i think we want normal fights we want shops and that path gives us everything that we want we want normal fights and shops okay normal fights and shops and normal fights and chops and normal fights and shops what do we want and why is it normal fights in shops normal fights and shops uh streamer are you saying right now that you would like yes normal fights and chops i'm free while t-rex is streaming why am i t-rex again it's good so you want normal fights in shops i think so yeah four seven yeah [Music] threaded needle is gonna do so much work in action because of all the guys that like to make you frail early on in fights abnormal fights and big shots no i've listened and i have concluded you're dumb remember normal flights and ships true thank you the [ __ ] was that it just game took their sweet ass time acrobatics plus immaculate uh i like this potion because we have the threaded needle but skill potion's pretty sick i don't like any of those okay i'm gonna skip here oh okay so if i take that i get fifteen 15 and then if i win i get another 15 here's the catch though i can never take another silent card in the entire run i don't think that's good i think this deck definitely wants more silent cards i'll make up the five bucks okay i'm still gonna take the extra strength i think that means we go this way now i don't think we give a [ __ ] about well we still want normal fights right just maybe go like this way it's not terrible yeah i think we still take normal fights because normal fights and traps what makes prismatic pretty good uh prayer wheel where you get an extra uh item drop at the end of normal fights not shops thank you for subscribing yo tristan if you could create a new slayer of the spire what kind of mechanics would you like to see um uh minions i really like the minions stuff not like the minions as in like the guys from the minions movie but you know what i'm saying cut through faint is kind of sick cleave is cool a fasting a fasting fascinating fascinating i do like the cut through fate though i do like the cut through fate i don't think i like the fasting though no wraith form if you fast no we got kursky we can still play wraith form and on the turn that we play wraith form we still have after image in play most of the time and also thread a needle i don't think we take the second trap i think we go this way now [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah we got double backstab we'll get this off a lot of fights in a lot of fights we'll get off interesting and we don't get well-aided plans off here but i think this fight is pretty over and done with most of the time also fasting with shivs man hi frost love you hey i love you too [Music] did you get my kiss i sent it via the post what is the watcher tiered list i don't think i'm good enough for the watcher to judge her expertly yep anymore hey they want to upgrade wraith form i think at the next campfire without a doubt okay just need to talk to the hand and offering offering would be sick talk to the hand would also be sick is that a vape cartridge this is my chapstick i just put my mouth on things because i have uh i'm like i'm one of those like adhd nervous stick kind of guys yeah i think that wave of the hand is insane wave at the hand with after him it just kind of cracked okay i don't think i want another cut through faint just yet i think this is definitely green screen makes it look like liquid oh yeah it kind of does doesn't it i think it's definitely wrong upgrade okay this deck is interesting for sure to say the least i think this deck is like slightly interesting that's nuts dude he's weakened for 11 turns mighty up thank you i might keep these both of these oh [ __ ] there's a prismatic shard yeah sorry i was eating chocolate i didn't break my rule right no i have not i have not i took it uh i took it at the the shop right after we got this acrobatics plus you know that it got right after it acrobatics plus cause i don't have toxic egg and you can't get uh you can't get plus cards at traps without the toxic egg so i got it right here and then we took these cards we took we took prismatic shard and shuriken and we got these from fights [Music] ah okay wraith form and fasting also worked pretty well because ray4 makes you lose decks but fast and gives you a bunch of decks right ooh i think now is definitely the time that we probably keep ritual dagger around up next turn lethal guaranteed i miscounted no whenever card is created during combat upgraded [Laughter] upgraded ships i don't think we need shift pluses though chad we literally have shuriken we have shuriken accuracy and a fasting i don't think we need two more strength off of one card it's kind yeah it's like a shitty accuracy with a rare card attached to it pretty cool the the reason that you would really want master reality is if we just got dead branch if we had just gotten dead branch i would piss my pants over a master reality what's the challenge the challenge was to 15 bucks if i take prismatic another 15 if i win with prismatic where i never take any more cards from the class that i started with so i can't take any more green cards for the rest of the run but we have prayer wheel so when we take normal fights we get a lot of card rewards i don't think i want this chat i think i think it's a little bit clunky i think we need to get our deck a little bit more consistent before we take something like that [Music] easiest hundred bucks of your life i don't it's not 100 i'm not getting 100 for this [Music] you're getting a hundred dollars for this easiest hundred thousand dollars of your life all right one in the chat if i'm getting a hundred dollars chad said it it's legally binding sorry you know how it is a cool-headed barrage protect protect isn't bad i don't think i want a cool headed could take a flurry we currently don't change stances though don't really want an anger either kind of like a protect though no thank you the silence slowly becomes the watcher yeah we kind of have only they can watch a card all right let's take more normal fights all right kind of dope got a good turn two coming up oh that's good that's good we like that good chance 103 health is actually just so much isn't it i will do this next did you eat another bug he does this i don't know what he gets into but he does this thing where after a while he starts just like lapping over and over and over again and it's like you think he's gonna throw up but he doesn't maybe hair mine did that too yeah i'm pretty sure it's hair pretty sure it's hair flex potion with an impervious i don't think i'm taking the the uppercut i don't think so yeah we don't need to take the uppercut with the uh wave of the hand he's such a good dog man i cannot stress that enough have i told you guys he's a good dog my beard actually hurts though unironically beard hurts we're becoming the watcher why do we need an uppercut exactly you're understanding chad i'm gonna keep the protect in my hand actually didn't even do the math to make sure that a cold snap i definitely think we take themselves i think beam cells lit i think beam cell is litty do we take a steam barrier as well i don't think we need the steam barrier just yet we do have a deflect from earlier [Music] you know what i'm going to try to kill him on one pass [ __ ] the ritual dagger this time we actually want this how does gifting subs work are you talking about like randomly gifting subs oh someone explain it to you thank you chat such a nice twitch chat what's up goose been a hot second my man how you doing thank you for subscribing three months until two times 22 two times what bente thank you for the 40 41. oh look at this oh look at this oh oh tough do we want a hyper beam so that i can see it um this let's do that let's do a little bit of this we might we we might need it's a free emulate yeah but i don't think we need the emulate that's why i'm not taking it i got a free sub does that mean i'm the chosen one yeah that's exactly what it means yep [Music] i don't like that yep [Music] [Music] [Music] tough this is a toughy one so uh-oh it's a prismatic run hey m21 irl now 2 frost pog oh that's pretty pocky man [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] damn that's a lot closer than i thought it would be actually [Music] think of thinking ahead the dog just vomited they come into the hospital would you like me to get off stream and help you out doggo greater than stream yes it's just whether or not she needs help yes please okay chad chat i apologize we will continue this run tomorrow early in the morning but for now [Music] we got a couple of good cards then we got a cut through fate in a fat we're literally the we're the washer i like this beam cell though this beam cell's actually slick now we are between a wrist blade or a pandora's box which pandora's box will only give us silent cards we gotta you do have to remember that and i think with fasting it makes our defense really good so i don't know how much i want to pandora's box it it is close though it did give us energy cards and it did give us the adrenaline it also gave us zero defense zero defensive cards interesting sorry thank you for subscribing seven month gang you know what they say bing bong that is you know sometimes what they say yeah [Music] [Music] replay the entire seed watching your vod up to that moment yeah probably an insane idea i think uh nice a dual wield a dual wield seems very good here dual wheel plus though is like nuts with wraith form obviously i i i would go out on a limb here and say that's some good block do i want a foresight dope i don't think so i think i think we probably actually do like the just lucky though i think the just lucky with fasting is insane with a 37 card dick deck put the dual wield on top here keep you and you oh well you're already keeping but i don't think you give a [ __ ] about the chow choking ligma ligma scoop thank you for the seven months his deck is working though isn't it that's a good card this is a really good card too watch your cards are just good cards man i'm gonna take the sanctity watcher run yeah this is a nice watcher deck i would say yeah all right we're good here we're good oh man [Music] oh man it's fine whatever man you know that's literally this is perfect lethal this is perfect lethal if we don't play the after image very good i would say one might say very good value somebody even say if they're crazy so [Music] turnip another cut through fate so we want another cut through fate the first one doesn't do it doesn't feel great i'm gonna say no the first one doesn't feel all that good does it like it's okay it's feeling i eat you know so that's like a decent turn one i think i think 13 weekend and a half of your hp is probably what i would go out on a limb here and say is like an okay turn one okay we probably killed this guy next turn right most likely i think i don't know [Music] maybe not every of the time maybe not that time dang wait i should have i should have just wraith formed what am i doing man just end him shake my head just end him shake my head shut the [ __ ] up chat we literally have a ritual dagger that con did perpetually goes to the end of our deck every single time and i'm trying to get it off stop include is really good we have the die die die though i'm frosting what a [ __ ] [ __ ] play i've lost all respect for you 15 months what 15 what 15 what thank you pride emperor kristen i think it was very clear what he said you're just trying to investigate the entire i situation it was extremely clear what he said so seems like you're an idiot thank you appreciate the 15. did we just win the fight eighteen times seven just just kill him dude why do you always have to [ __ ] hold out every fight definitely taking the dark shackles here do i want the clothesline no we got the wave of the hand we're always dragging it out for for content that's me and i'm taking one damage balls [Music] he's dead nope it is time to weaken you i hope you enjoy not being not weakened idiot [Music] damn close mixed dude paper crane with this oh that [Music] was an oddly smooth stone how could you not know that dude creative ai i'm 99 sure that would create no would that create defect cards i actually don't know take it for science no it's a bad card for us i want to know i want to know but i i also really need to win this run because think about the [ __ ] youtube content 10 subs though yeah but i care about andrew we move on i like andrew he's really cute i think the beam cell upgrade is like unbelievably important there's always another volume setting guitar hero taught me that ooh that's some good healing also another well-laid plans that's some good stuff right there dude frozen i probably is nuts i i really like the pantographs though i'm just i'm just saying that that's a good-looking card and then i think we probably might want to remove like deadly poison or choke i think deadly poison though probably all right i'm gonna get rid of deadly poison um let's buy a fruit juice all right we have to open this that's an okay curse i'm okay with that gotta take this guy oh my god oh man that is that's what we call scary i'm going to use this potion i think i'm going to take the 14 that puts them at two dudes fine i guess i don't really want a wound though it does this this not being here really sucks though like that is dangerous that's why i want to get rid of both of these guys three okay that's good yeah yeah okay sweet sweet two three two three we got him and god thank you for the 12. we got him damn dude the next card was gonna be able to duplicate my freaking wraith forms you [ __ ] i want both of those dupe adrenaline i was too slow no you're too wrong this is the difference you were wrong the dual wield you can't duplicate adrenaline difference my man there's a difference don't beat yourself up that's cool look at how good this deck is though are you are you witnessing this are you we could have done that if i had actually done the math before and we could have choked it made him choke on it [ __ ] i want the snake lady to choke me [Music] i haven't used frozen eye once i need to use frozen eye got an entropic bro no no no no no no i'm gonna take a leap no i'm not taking the tan i know there's tantrum wraith form but like you you understand our deck is like one billion cards right one whole billion you get that right all right so we do this we can see that we're going to draw those cards if we draw thinking ahead a dual wield wraith form here it's probably just the better play to be honest just to do one of those and then we're probably going to so we don't have well aid plans right now but we can draw it next turn maybe we do boom boom we drop boom boom boom boom boom next turn no we can't draw next turn [ __ ] that's stupid yep yeah we're just gonna have to do this should be fine to kill him in the next two turns where's my g-dang fasting you play that we get fasting okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we got ritual dagger we just need to deal one damage to this guy somehow oh he's not alive i thought i thought i thought that guy was rejecting you want armament or you want the claw chat 50 gifted subs i want to upgrade that but oh no i don't think we take that 84 84 gold is a relic next act and this isn't that good of a relic in my opinion yeah 84 gold is a good relic next act especially if we get like another fight here take four damage fine i will buy a potion [ __ ] [ __ ] come on thank you jesus what's the guy i gotta do to get a g-dang potion around here or gold [Music] oh god honestly best thing we could have found was like bottled tornado bottle tornado would have been amazing [Music] well laid plans in fasting i think are the two best things in our deck [Music] too late for the genetic algorithm second dark shackles is probably sick though yeah yeah we have frozen eye keck i don't use it when i don't need to because it makes my brain hurt too much hi hello [Music] [ __ ] it we got dark shackles next turn so i'm not super worried about the weakening that we're adding here and like the amount of cards that we're doing against his first tick we're gonna want to keep the other dark shackles around for an important time okay nice [Music] yep dual wield is literally the last card oh wow okay just gotta get there just gotta get to the dual wield yeah so i think it's okay to play dark shackles then if we're just gonna start infiniting with wraith form yeah i think i think this is fine i think this is okay all we need to get to is the the thing that's it we're chilling we're chilling my man just need to get to the g dang dual wield so we can draw the last three here and then use adrenaline as our last card and then keep dual wield wraith form sweet w we did the thing chad we've done the thing are you happy i'm happy sweet w nerd true pretty true man so true [Music] [Music] does that mean we can go infinite for the heart kind of going infinite now aren't we [Music] pseudo-infinite wow that's a little uh monka okay uh don't like that [Music] [Music] i think we just killed probably yeah it's just for this fight we got another one in a sec [Music] that's the one we wanted that's the one we want baby oh wow what a starting hand let's [ __ ] go dude okay interesting take a look at our dick wow hey how's it going my man not wave first no because wave block wait wave is it so after image doesn't create its own block but playing wave with after image does create its own block which does weaken them so very specific order here [Music] see sucks that we only get one weekend but is what it is [Music] this is what it is ah but it doesn't mean we can use our dark shackles at least now which is very nice all right this turns pretty much taken care of with the dark shackles which is cool dark shackles i kind of just want a dark shackles and predator this will draw to here and then predator will draw us one two three four five six seven [Music] and then we can draw one two three and get to sanctity draw one two to the ritual dagger it's not bad it's really not bad my brain heard stupid frozen eye shh i'm gonna do this though now that we have the ability to heal with a toyota doctor because i don't feel like we're not gonna take any more damage to the rest of the fight i could be wrong though i have uh been wrong one time before in my entire life black jackal thank you for the funk of three months it was actually just 10 seconds ago when i didn't see the the ritual or the the the die die die was available for exhaustion that was my one mistake thank hey yo use your corpse explosion we did pass up a corpse explosion didn't we a long time ago omega sag oh wait we should have just done this and then done something like that and then yep okay cool oops streamer a tinted rock more like tinted penis it's [ __ ] tristan i don't understand how you could have understood that it's tinted [ __ ] that's what we always say and then we all go ha ha ha ha ha ha [ __ ] loser dude this [ __ ] wow next turn kind of blows ass blows ass in terms of productivity in terms of productivity next turn aboard species yeah it does [Music] we probably had lethal there but i'll get high excited about it it's fine we used ritual dagger we don't have anything to set up okay turns out watcher cards are pretty good [Laughter] melania thank you appreciate the follow as well who would have thought watcher cards are pretty good garments upgrade is really good since we can't uh can't get frail the weekend so it just makes all of our cards just very good value yes yes this could be really good for burning down one of the elites here so i think i'm gonna take that and it gives us five hp i do like having five more hb thank you for the brand that's the third fruit juice we think we've seen her fourth maybe anyway i'm taking this fruit juice streamer could have used fruit juice it's a really good starting actually do i try to kill this guy you think i think we can kill him this turn fruit jizz [Laughter] boiled goose that's what i always go for people always think that i'm the i'm the foot lettuce guy but it's always that i'm going for the lonely island boiled goose so thank you very much for being a boomer alongside me solenaro what the heck is this deck it's pain that's what it is i am in pain recognize this and feel sorry for me one energy draw i probably actually want to keep you so maybe we get rid of you we're gonna draw with sanctity don't [ __ ] this up was i supposed to put something else on top i don't think so i think that's fine yeah that's fine [Music] [ __ ] so we can guarantee to drop dual wield wraith form next turn we just don't have the energy to play at all but that should be okay because we have protect dual wield but then we can we won't be able to get a thing off we go one two three there'll be one two three four five boom we can play it oh wait a second because we could draw three here and then go one two three four five we can play dual wield wraith form next turn huh you guys coming any comers in chat he reduced my focus that's the [ __ ] benefit of the prism dude the prism shard op that's some good [ __ ] that's some good [ __ ] baby [Music] okay [ __ ] me [ __ ] me raw me rod dog me oh [ __ ] me from behind okay all right dual wield wraith form adrenaline wraith form [Music] what up c dry gang woo [Music] and then i think this is probably boom boom [Applause] this is the worst this is the worst turn this is actually so bad wow all right do the big attack next turn do the big attack buddy big attack time thank you all right we just gotta draw a really lucky next turn i think we're fine yep okay that's pretty good [Music] so [Music] all right so here's my issue right now we're blocking right and is next turn the big attack yeah next turn is the big attack isn't it next turns the four hit the boom boom boom boom or is it not next turn is it two turns from now because if it's two turns from now that sucks well does it suck no it doesn't suck actually it doesn't suck we just end the turn and take dual lubricant okay oh it is the four attack this turn interesting [Music] okay what's wrong with playing slow uh after image um after image plus two block eventually he's gonna do the four attack take out that two block and he starts slowly chipping away next turn's good though [Music] kind of want all these cards next turn i think i'm just going [Music] to i guess use this it doesn't really matter no i want the damage but you're actually using i listen man this is it requires it at like this point onwards it pretty much requires you to do that hey you little [ __ ] you little poo you little sack of poo reduce my focus again damn it so minus 11 dexterity good enough wow all right stick one i wanted to see if i could kill him in the fancy way this turn but i guess we'll just take one damage he reduced my focus again what an idiot i don't even focus in class so we please stall out this fight until it says minus 22 decks happy fans pretty sick explosive potion i like that potion better third eye minus 22 do i like a third eye sometimes i feel like i do i feel like i do like a third eye [Music] okay that's good for next turn we like that yo 22 that's what i said yeah but you have to stream a man that tinted rock huh [Music] sweet hey frosty did you know that you're a cutie patootie this message was sponsored by dry [ __ ] gang 20 cheese five yeah what's five plus five all right we're good okay perfect look at that look at that block you see that you [ __ ] see that [ __ ] [ __ ] you chat little [ __ ] [Music] wow we actually can't get sanctity off here oh that sucks that sugg my balls don't want to waste my flex potion is the question i think so actually the decks is nice i mean both of those are really good so i'm chilling i don't want to use this until the big attacked up so we get more turns out of it it's cool though [Music] that sounds cool is this turned cool is this turn cool i think this is a cool turn do i want offering i just want adrenaline then we can do offering later in the fight when we are wraith formed that seems cooler [Music] nice now we can use this omega cool oh mega punkers wow that void draw with the fasting sucks balls wow wow offerings back hey alfred hi [ __ ] wait this is so bad oh this is so bad i don't like this okay so this turn we are impervious just lucky pervious just lucky keep boom boom impervious we want to get no because we want offering so we yeah so it's fine he sure he said boom boom [Music] okay so if we're sure that we can play fasting should we not just play fasting here thank you for subscribing yo what up andrew oh boy it's one of those sip youngster prismatic shard runs i've heard about let's see how mr streamer man wins it and gets everyone by the way you can tell that you can tell that it worked the way that i thought it did like the video to get editor man more money you can tell that it worked the way i did because the endless agony is down here so that's how you know it got added to your hand the last so i was right [Music] how bad does your head hurt pretty bad yeah so i think we have to concentrate this turn and we can't get off the wraith form thing next turn that's fine so yeah i think it's can we play blade dance here we should want to draw into wave of the hand no we don't want to give a [ __ ] about wave of the hand to be honest we could acrobatics beam cell blade dance [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right multi-attack just do a multi-attack make me easy thank you thank you thank you thank you man okay makes my life much easier so i think it is [Music] survivor dark shackles sanctity survivor dark shackles sanctity no actually it's just dark shackles sanctity it's just dark shackle sanctity because we want to get off the noxious zooms that'd be pretty sick like regardless of how little damage it is so [Music] all right frost it's been 39 months and it's been real but i'm going to have to unsub i don't fit in with this zoomer crew i mean everyone else seems to know what a walgreens is 20 cheese we haven't busted in years my balls are bluer than bfs in fnf giving money so you finally pay attention he said titty i did i did say titty man it was dope wasn't it wasn't that sick when i said titty you guys remember the time when frost prime said titty those were the days man i think we just raved for him this turn i think i think it's just wraith form and then you keep blade dance wraith form no you you keep sank the t-rate or sanctity blade dance i think it's just right from this turn [Music] yep he said titty again god it's my favorite thing when he [ __ ] says that funny [ __ ] word dude titties [Music] uh [Music] oh sorry [Music] boomer game rise up busting busting busting busting how does boston make you feel champ okay i guess fair yep mm-hmm [Music] [Music] big money no whammies true hey we drew the thing again we have lethal here i think we do dual wield shivs hey heart looks like you got [Music] boston makes me feel good [Music] you
Channel: Frost Prime
Views: 51,271
Rating: 4.9609656 out of 5
Keywords: frostprime, slay the spire, sts, ascension 20, prismatic shard, big deck, watcher, silent, heart killer, heart, act 4
Id: mkSxWT9quoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 30sec (5370 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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