Greg and the Grizzlies

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any time I go out and you know I don't camp if I don't like the camp I like to see the outdoors and then leave I don't like to stay out there and lay down on the ground with you haven't in bigger RVs that know I'm watching big ones I don't like even them good I'd rather be I want to be at a hotel or I won't break mortar in between me in there when the living room slides out the side anything I tell my papa sleeping great to me a 600-pound bear could still put his claw through the reaching and grabbing the night of course Rock the but don't let me make sure I understand you don't think a greasy but can break the window them like I'm talking about what you've seen him like the racecar drivers they're just right let you pull an 18-wheeler in RVs they got nice ones Greg bacon Papa Papa they can't get up there huh like a bus I'll take my chances in that with a grizzly I'll stand behind it with a candy and not even at all I want you to admit admit this to me it's not as good as I'll tell I don't know that they've come a long way but if you can enjoy the world what if he got up on dirt and shooters why in he's got all day to mess with you I mean to me without a gun to get rid of you but I'm looking always fired up and drive off but I don't think you ought to come in the woods early the next one we're good leave the hotel drive in there right right I mean stop get you a biscuit and start fishing you he could eat you then too yeah but I like it better when I'm not out there I don't want me to go unconscious and out there in the wild it's not a rash or some bug bites you know it's miserable well if you're taking a nap in a hunting stand that's different what a man yeah but you're not on the ground one of the main reasons I try to talk my kids out of scouting is I know one day about him Steve Biko you know I'm guilty of that too he wake up got you all over you twist a stick some y'all got leg right in the butt you spend the next week trying to explain how red bugs you know jigs will get you yeah and one of those red bugs head in that direct they do just so warm it's one of the most horrifying things I ever about just go south you know to come up the leg go down the leg you know and then you have to deal with that and smother it and people trying to put cigarettes out on ya a clear nail polish which does not work well there I hate it I hate it I love the great outdoors i but i want to go in there and then we leave it how about that knowing when you wake up and boy you just want to shower you don't sleep oh no mister feel like you've been out all night then you here and then some eyes got some early rise and kid that you want to choke some dad that loves mornings he got the rods that he's ready the guy who's got the boots with those socks on and it feels good about it yeah and the guy that you know has the guitar but you saw everybody can't play everybody really right sure how many times can you hear hang your head Tom Dooley because that's the one I always start with hang down your head Tom I'm firing range they butchered clothes and I believe we've sung Kumbaya so much it's been xed off the list for heaven Old MacDonald had a farm with the rhymes Greg and dad Lee has found this indestructible mobile home grizzly bears matter of fact a lot of our troops are gonna start using them in Afghanistan I don't think I would sleep in a Humvee with a grizzly bear outside you're telling me that really well let's don't go that far let's go back to this side I'm not talking about when we were kids that with the Big W on the side with the racing stripes have you seen her I know you don't care have you seen these RVs now no I have Greg but I don't care you can spend as much as you want but great here one pole and grizzly bears break down doors and I was in Tony Stewart's RV that I saw at the track I would not be scared of a grizzly bear how about that great one cost over a million but you can be stupid I mean do you think and get in it no we can't get in oh my gosh Greg here is the only thing I'm saying the wall the wall at the thickest point okay is metal outside maybe a piece of plywood 2x4 wall inside yes all that no I mean what by his uncle had one way they take us to the lake in it winked oh my great great think about the tour bus that you gave us first I know I know I know what I'm I know that's what I'm saying though it's it's y'all it's still just a wall it's not it's not a man it's not a bulletproof she'll say this if you ended up with some nut bear who was just nuts enough of them are they talking about I know that all through during RV yeah a tent yeah Greg Greg nut I got to do is get in the door grab they don't have any clothes he's gonna rip it open with his power oh I like their pterodactyls I mean Tyrannosaurus Rex a chimpanzee just crush those like cans okay you don't understand their problem they rip people's face off with a SWAT SWAT they not the head oh you always say and found headless near three wearing Grizzlies about to slap his head off that's not an RV they found RV slapping hands on one I'm gonna take you find an RV door crush them in you're thinking about Uncle Frank's when I got one guy said you know we got guys from Montana and Alaska saying they can do it Gregg takes a call from guy from cold there's a lot of bear experts there well he went to the Smokies one time saw some black bear Tom Great Falls Montana okay he probably knows we stole my go ahead good job yes a couple of quick things first of all I like to say roll tide though and go Hawks both eagles that where you live now you just been raped down there Thank You Travis I live up here I've been up here about 47 years okay good I graduated from hoax Bluff but I've been up here saying a beautiful place man might even have an indestructible RV uh the one thing you haven't talked about that I don't think a lot of people know the only thing that we request up here that in your backpack that you carry a good pair of jogging shoes you don't have to outrun the bear all you have to do is outrun the person with you right can't egregiously bear break through the door of the most return RV yes you live in Montana don't make him an RV expert it makes him an expert Hey I've been on Allegro and I would comp time will tell I know when they designed these they designed them to stand up to bear yeah favorite time will you tell Marlon Perkins and his partner Jim who have become grizzly bear experts I don't know where so and and you can crash one and it don't follow paces but now bears will slap one slam in half no you've just got a big tin can got a apple tree branch will love to come visit you that is a beautiful beautiful place I'll go over with the drivers park the million dollar RVs and that's when you tell them out by the way they don't want to Greg you know how people build things what do they build them to whatever they're designed to do specs right keep it's bitter right and they're not gonna be a one that would stop at Greece leave a mark and a race trout giving a bear a little more credit they deserve yeah I'm gonna be seeing you boys the week of October the 15th um slipping down we just were Glencoe gay mayors thanks Tom I see him they said NASCAR driver because Lasky's already contacted us and he said he'd like to put Kyle Busch and wonder since I live in Alabama I guess I'm an expert on water moccasins don't know anything that water marks not really y'all find low in Tuscaloosa so Greg will be happy I go ahead though I don't want Montana I want Alaska Escalade I'd be leaving somewhere else in the woods all time number one well but number two we did have a camper and it was a fairly basic camper though boy did we were turkey hunting in the Ouachita Mountains over in Arkansas and it wasn't a 600-pound grizzly bear it was just a 350 pound black bear thank you back toward the door but I know what kind you were in I've slept in those camp and I'm not talking about where these magic camp you have to have number 20 on the side of turkey hunting in some sharp are they honest human emboss oh you Tony Stewart drives his it's responsive air attack what if you look in it and the next commercial we see Tony Stewart driving through the woods in a big RV number 20 and he's dragging meat behind when he gets like this you just want a head but he's acting like the houses can't be broken by bears and there's somehow been Tony Stewart's got something that's more sturdy than a house they are I'll tell you this I would get one in big silver airstreams Bobby go ahead we're doing good I've got a friend who lives in Upper Michigan thank you and his two aunts live out in the woods and a log cabin with a six-inch door wooden door and a black bear broke into that did you hear the level of door he was talking about somebody's old homeplace I kept that door down goodness and mobile we go ahead hi y'all I was watching TV the other night tell Greg if he goes in that camper y'all better not go with him because there was a special on grizzly bears and this grizzly bear tore a hole in the side of a camper on ice Greg I saw story the other day one actually Tory into a Raptor airplane yes I enjoyed the wing right off how about paints a wiring out of oh how about this I'm gonna tell you this and it was it was up there I believe it was in Montana with a guy just called from the expert I agree to the hosts blood shot a basketball over waterfall right there they went over the waterfall right there let's go to Fairbanks Alaska was attacked by grizzly in Norfolk all right no Chet fm go right ahead yes good Johnny Johnny tell us your tragic stays alive today because America and getting RV I mean are they using the bathroom is that what attracted him and one came in walked down and knocked on the door Johnny hey they did come in RV though and did he come did he break the door down like it was nothing hey you broke the door down came up the steps walked all the way down and I was I was thank God I was in the restaurant any bright did he turn around and go back out how did you get it out about the guys that were parked beside me baby out right now this is speedy this is Sadie on the phone right now no no no
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 25,057
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Rick and Bubba, Rick Burgess, Bronner Burgess
Id: dnUxH7I6ANs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2010
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