New Intern Gets Mad With Me

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so here we go rican Bible University welcomes a new student Bubba say hello boys - ELISA Hall ELISA how are you doing welcome to the show I'm great how are you doing well and I was reading your your letter to be considered for Rickon bubble University you've been accepted to regulable University to now pursue your degree in common sense you switch majors this past summer from entrepreneurship to journalism mass communications that's right we believe those two can go together I don't know they had a entrepreneurship but I like well I thought by major that's really him hey ba ba what was that yeah you know what a foreigner she like I said yeah well she so she knows how that but her left over there mama how about this one of her honors is that she took business competition the busa 100 division and placed first rear watch out so she's got an entrepreneurial spirit don't you well I mean it was a group so I don't know if it was mainly me but we got literally the waiter you were like what school do you go to Sanford Sanford University she said now I knew I knew what I wanted to do in my life I had a plan now I've changed majors and I have no idea what I want to do with my life I declare and that's where Rick and Bubba come in early said I think this internship will be a great opportunity for me to expose myself to different media platforms such as broadcasting and radium think I could learn a lot gang knowledge of the broadcasting industry yeah they make connections with various people in the industry plus I think you'll be a lot of fun and the food sounds fantastic hmm one once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I don't know about that but we like it well it will be unique we could say that I solicit for a nickname for her I see some things jumping out here like she at one time was teaching three and four-year-olds introductory knowledge of ballet yes are you a ballet dancer I mean I'm a dancer and I've taken ballet before I wouldn't call myself a ballet dance so what kind of dancing do you do um jazz hip hop tap ballet anything my a thorough what I did what may I throw out for a community of consider you a Bubba yeah intern Tybalt I need answered well Rick we also have we ever had one call tiny not only uh I don't know some theme songs already ready to go we do have to mention also that that her very first day on the job she overslept yeah anyone in turn Sleeping Beauty I knew that was coming I knew about anything Connie dancer how about how about rib man dancer yeah anytime you get up later you overslept your first day you realize that that's on McCain happen live I know about art Rd I got so bad I you know choked are you is bad so now where are you from originally what Hosko and work to grow up um well I'm originally from Canton Mississippi and I went to Madison central whoaa wait a minute Canton Mississippi yes are you an Ole Miss fan yes I'm not ringing the gown I'm not down maybe that much shows your overflow intern hottie tada that's good but sure it can't do it go ahead go ahead and ring it attagirl attagirl don't you feel better so intern hotty totty okay oh you know that's in there you know Oh miss yes I mean I don't really have a say in this do I know you no you don't thank you that's a great point you think you would've been on time as well so did you just sleep through what happened so I set my alarm I felt like five alarms well at very various times at starting at 4:30 and I woke up at 6:30 in a panic and I guess my alarm didn't go off or I didn't hear him I don't really know and was freaking out emailed Greg I called my dad and he was like just go now and just forget the shower just go I was like dad I don't know if they want to see that I feel like it would just be all just better and what did dad have to say about um about me missing he wasn't he wasn't surprised Oh okay but he was disappointed okay yeah well I say that you know we can't have it that's obviously I like that Davy Allen says tardy dancer not toddy that's funny cardi dancer is funny I like the good hot days that is good thank you Dave any any hobby opening any interest of it might make people think of a nickname for you you need you ever had a nickname before my dad calls me scooter scooter okay and then my friend some of my friends call me Elsa because when I first met them I guess when I said my name Alisa they heard Elsa and like the blond hair okay Elsa why did they call you scooter I don't know it I don't know when it came about but he just always called me scooter okay if you turn how's it going okay scooter look at loud please would you be so happy all right man what do you think does that that really plays light on her first day you got to go don't be mad with me don't me mad look at write it down my sugar bear don't we're back and we're tardy - I know and I was mean oh that's wrong maybe you need to play a triggers you know what you're talking you'll get to hear it several times maybe lottery daily intern get your head out of bed good morning mr. Allen off I hope you're not too mad at me I was running a little bit late this morning and I was hoping you wouldn't be too mad with me I can't hear the movie that's the door creaking or a chainsaw I don't knock the door tree he's probably not seen agent Rawlings I had a way she assented that from a 52 inch TV show yeah oh yeah I thought it was going to be like from The Andy Griffith Show or something right in fart right class you mad at me all humming a little bit late decision I'm hoping you wouldn't reach a man with you sir I am doing it likes me so that should you stop that's Remy we all know that don't be mad with me don't realize that that's where this is glad to bring so much Joey little did I know and not seen welcome back to the show 30 minutes past the hour we've got to punch secure on the phones and don't be mad tell you yeah yeah you come here with a shot on it otherwise you get that email about your lightheadedness when you laugh and say to have a look that I get to laugh at so long it's like a no I'll make it do you see them I didn't German oh I'd look into it Rick I think she's not trying to scare medical to meet him to the their concern y'all know I got me I get to live it so hard how are my tongue chokes might chokes me oh it's a little bit what you think get Rick lady overall I think you might need to just gear back one here yeah maybe I know you're right tires or I know that I know that everything is about the concern for you and it's going to be great I'm sorry I'll make me laugh no it's good no I no no just somebody said they were concerned about that lot of tardy you won't believe the things I've been diagnosed with people listening to show in Washington oh yeah now I know this did I miss something because I'm getting a lot of us off some callers about Duke why are we getting Dukes to Uncle no dancer they've already hold up we had an internal yeah this is their saying aunt auntie Duke inches too close I've done that once I miss man I will come back in illicit hall or get her official record a big name I think I know what it's going to be that sounds like I know what's on the list of what it might be do we want to call it or just go ahead and do a full we got a quick outlet so I was it about I just want to hear them I left the hall Stanford University comes our way from Canton Mississippi and will not ring the cowbell for spaces will be better in bulla risk is below Alisa Hall is joining Ricky bubble University pursuing a degree in common sense and she's looking for a nickname and I think we're ready to narrow those down and vote I don't really see anything on the board that we haven't already covered or would bump anything we already have so we know that don't be mad with me is making it because she was later first day tardy dancer makes it because she was tardy and she thought don't be tardy with it we have hotty toddy our hottie tardy right hottie hottie tardy dancer yeah what just give her our connection to Ole Miss right hottie tardy dancer hottie tardo manicures a them but then you have tardy dancers I don't know if you want to eliminate one of those I would eliminate that I would rather be tardy dancer and then hotty toddy be its own name our hottie tardy got it though hotty toddy how about its hearty Dan Hardy tardy should be there since 2010 we just said it wrong howdy thorny we saying Hardy Tori if it's hot eat our Dino but will write will say okay then which one you want I just say hottie Tottie's and she said go okay all right I also have my pillow because she was pretty sleep pretty funny to turn my pillow be funny intern tiptoes no no about that intern late bloomer because he's late no no all right we have got ballroom which I think we've already had [Music] yeah I've got a lot of hot hottie Tottie's uh see I think that's good I think we're down to it tardy tardy no I think we got is it just for then yeah I think for snow late way down sorry three I got three I got hottie Tottie tardy dancer don't be mad with me and those are the three I have that's one of my men over studying hottie Tottie tardy dancer and don't be mad what with you I got Sleeping Beauty tiny dancer tardy did we like my pillow my pillows funny know that in there before I was throwing everything out I got older Elza well she couldn't she couldn't tell us you Elsa Elsa yeah well duh Elsa I couldn't even eleméry she didn't tell us why she was named I know cuz she didn't know all right yeah yeah so don't think I don't like these step in the nicknames I don't know their origin right you know you know you man time fellows after I draw the line in order there's a little way they look for c'mon whatever you do get in come on please make one up yeah all right so let's go voting what are we voting for speeding hottie Tottie tardy dancer don't be mad with me and my pillow okay all right that's the pole yep and that's all we're voting on anything else very drive waste your breath to make it fun oh there we go all right what's your name and what you voting for link stop Matthew and don't be mad with Jen I know every time do I count that what do i do yeah I reckon bunch of you what's your vote I hope y'all don't mind don't be mad with me okay there you go brag about how good is their drink above us gets too late to mind I reckon bubble show what's your vote please I'll arrow arrow there we go bring it Bubba show what's your vote please don't be mad with me Rick and Bubba show your vote please party dancer Rick and Bubba show your vote please but uh you don't be mad drinking rubbish Oh what do you know hope no we might with me regular yeah what are you wrong before good morning mr. Alan don't be don't be petty but it is not a fanciful area your side I get it Oh fun people that's why I brought it people who live to get it is without a face oh I ring you mummy so what's your hopefully Brian don't get mad with me drinking Bubba sure what's your vote please don't be mad with me okay even wrong yeah I think you do need above a show your vote please hotty totty okay Darian Oh miss Finch England I reckon love a show your vote please party dancer you all right reckon Baba show your vote please oh why not what do you counsel what that a question about the extreme glib okay well we'll answer that answer what support right well I need to know how much it did I went on how much it is and how to download it on my iPhone okay well he'll be standing behind you Lana there's one got an app for it and 695 a month if you want the basic or 59.95 a year and then you goal if you want the rbtv version the premium packages we call it it's eleven ninety-five a month or $99 a year you're a two week free trial and if you want to send me an email I I set you up yeah helm zero right here how many vote Helmsley Rick and Bubba calm and and there is an iPhone app for the audio archives if that's what he's into and the natural eruption there is I think she did mention she had an iPhone already oh and one more thing and one more things don't be met with me I like that I would love to have her as far that ringtone will be coming along so yeah yeah I just feel miss with email please it sounds e make a chi ldren svy a trick and Bubba calm and spell out the word an okay and then he'll tell me how to pay for it and all that yes ma'am he'll set your counter for you thank you for asking okay thank you thank you my right server wins your vote well then you know you didn't get a run you know rich you don't know what come back up she's gotta have a sprinkler she was really do not listen in life we can King when she came right only the mill does that you know what that's customer service that's how we work I like I reckon Bubba show would you vote please well what a wheel I'm sorry but it did hit me right you think about there's a lot of good intern names that are right in front of us we don't even think about I can hear me on each side and you know like Holly Rowe hit me over here if you said that within your weird yeah I hate what you wrote please go ahead names playing Jen a that when I went that was losing yeah hit me over here it wasn't what he said examining I guess he does oh there's mission what did not push me the Rick I believe ever before is going at a rating Bubba show go ahead don't be mad with me okay all Russia you don't rush it Rick and Bubba show your vote please yes sir this is president don't rum and don't be mad with me good oh that's right color well casting from elegant networks to do all their idea there I say your name is gonna be don't be mad with me don't be mad well okay I not like it but let me just say don't be mad well that has that you just don't know what you're not mad asked about being mad I'm not mad no I just I knew that that was the direction it was going in so I just accepted it there you go well if nothing else ed we remind you there be learning it yeah you know I've said so ELISA hall will now join Ricki bubble University student don't be mad with we look forward to seeing her out in the world with a degree in common sense and if you want to study further and get a masters so maybe probably going to be the only intern we've had to have their own t-shirt that's right yeah I can get a few well we'll probably have written Weber shirt coming soon they on the back s don't be mad yeah I have problems everything I'm gonna sell them on my website le Magica don't go there I don't know that you know really nice so there's no telling what that is we'll be back
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 40,443
Rating: 4.7225432 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, bussey, live, radio, comedy, rick and bubba
Id: dzd0O6d8w5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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