Rick the Dancing Bear

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and that is embarrassing them and one of the things that my eleven-year-old is really worried about now is how cool he is at school he has to be cool and so he tells me that when I come to pick him up every day from school that you know he'd appreciate it if I wasn't bringing attention to myself which you know what I have to do then and that is to bring attention to myself so you know I've noticed big love going with a lot of hair-combing yes you know wheat I don't know that we're so caught up in the coal factory yet at our house and I mean I mean we got to have probably my daughter a little more than son yeah gotta have the right cool necklace you know bottom line is he wants to dress like speed right and and so uh so so and I love the fact that I've now become an embarrassment to them so I have to really turn that up so yesterday I mean I'm in the line and there's a point where I stop but I'm not to get them but they've already called them out right so everybody can see me right and I cranked up one on the on the radio and I just start dancing with everything I've got with the window down screaming hey Brooks and Brody and his face at one point he loves and this little girl asked him is that your dad and he said no Brody guy Bruce was telling buddy wood that you weren't our dad and I said what song is it become like too babyish for them you know some of the stuff you know like from the Jonas Brothers and all that they still like that you know because you can't let him listen anything beyond that because you've been listening to such nasty lyrics you don't know what to do so anyway so I was really cranking it and so I mean he was in he said I what he turned to his mother and I said because I just love it I just gotta stay in love it and in the back seat you've got the nine you go do those having a banner day you want to borrow the swagger what I was driving here stay with looks appeal yeah I want to look a little worse but anyway so uh so we get there and and and then I've got football practice coming up not enough I told you this I'm coaching the the the many Colts in and now the nine year old task place on this team I've jettison the big love he's down on his own playing football and so you know we have three playing football and then I'm coaching one of them now you know I I read my team rules on the show and and you know people all over the country wanted those and we made those available so you know you try but but I'm trying so hard to see it is such a tough line guys it's just such a tough line to be a good football coach but but not not just go nuts and lose your mind you trying to make it fun at the same time not tolerating things you just can't be tolerated the most it's just so hard you know I'm just a sinner saved by grace you know I mean it's just it's just hard because let me tell you I've got some switches you can flip with me and and the one that you can do that there's a switch that just flips and I just lose all sense of reality is a lack of effort I cannot stand to watch people loaf and not try now if you're trying and you're going 100 percent how you don't know how to play for the boss while we're here we're learning it and how you're not doing it right in a while you were getting a free and let's correct that that that's when I stay calm when when I once I say hey guys we lo for now we're just laying all over each other hey backs run through the whole lot we're trying to get yardage hey we're not just going through this one full pads it's live yeah so um I don't really know what happened it just the loafing just continued at practice yesterday and we're we're inside a week to the first game okay and so howdy Celts what age group is this is this is a fourth grader so there might be one or two third Barriss mainly our fourth threat so this is they call the sophomore league so these this is beginner football Rick I'm talking to myself now first time right but you know what as I'm so scared to some hey-hey effort doesn't require expertise you know you don't have to have any expertise to have effort effort it's not something that man I you know I've never really our first time to have effort I mean it's not like that she first time play football it's not your first time to give effort and I hope don't take down to hustle no it doesn't and and so the backs are walking up into the hole and then he doesn't matter how slow they're going in the hole because the this defense has no desire to tackle them so that could run as soft as they want to because nobody can tackle and we're just leaning on each other and to what I interpreted we're dancing it looked like a bunch of people trying to dance and and and so I and I could tell that the assistant coaches knew that I was kind of getting at the end of my rope on this and comparision just you know lined up watching and and and you just you know lawn chair yeah yeah you know in cameras of course they turn those off once well we hope yeah and finally bubbly I'll relate to something that you love and that is a launch of a rocket yes okay so the fire starts billowing out underneath me and if I realizes hey we're t-minus a few seconds from these main engines have started but to have an igniting a solid rocket boosters at that point there's no going back you know and then there's what I consider the warning shot hey guys I am real serious about this if we don't start hitting the whole main engine we don't start hitting the whole with some urgency and defense if we don't start getting me in the middle of people and stop grabbing at people I said guys I'm not hey I'm done with that I try sending individuals off to other coaches to work with and then what I considered to be the last time engine right so we we loafed up in the hole and the defense loafed up and just kind of nonchalantly grabbed at somebody and it looked like they were dancing I don't know cuz I can't remember it all clearly not the solid rocket booster and below the hole down both I launched in a coach's rocket no boy and at one point people tell me people tell me that I was out into the flats over to the right we had run the flag to the right I had moved into the flat okay and I was standing there doing the dancing err that used to be on Captain Kangaroo do you remember the dancing oh yeah and I and I was screaming things like you in here we're just dancing crazy things I play with no players first game no players you know and I've just like it and they didn't punch anybody no no I didn't punch anybody nor did I make them all do a three-on-one drill but I thought to myself and and and then there's mothers I can't recommend that yeah there's moments when it's over and we've talked about so many times and you hear birds chirping you know because and then you hear crickets right and then you and then you look around and like people who brought their dogs their dogs are scared you know and everybody's like all the dogs have laid over on their belly yeah give up we have 18 players you look and there's 18 pair of eyes just stare yeah right everything stopped coaches have nothing to add can you show us the dancing bear one more time I was going back and forth then you start saying things I said so much will hit you right in the chin and so then I stand there behind them get back in the huddle so everybody get some hurling I'm going and I realize I'm too real tired because it took a lot of effort to dance like that bear and so so then you have a veteran coach then you got coaches that never come no boy and I feel like they're in shock like the kid look and I'm breathing hard and I look over to the veteran I said how'd you like that he said I thought the dancing was something I've never seen he said Ben in the future does you have a show to do tomorrow won't you just tell me you're angry so that you can talk tomorrow and I'll be the angry cut that's a good idea going forward it really is a big dancing yeah let me I don't know that I'll dance but I would definitely be firm and then the other coaches and I love the birds when it all quitting the sadhus because kids are speaking because nothing like out of mind the other I mean so now you just hear birds chirping and then there's that scan to the parents and some of them are you know the husbands and wives are holding each other some of them crying your domain and and you look over there it had a two second there right right and the mom who's excited about getting buddies names on the back of the Jersey she's just old accompanies Yanam angel and other practices have stopped other practices on other fields are stopped Rick I would call it crickets you thank you okay this is exactly why when I was a little boy but you know I just can't stand like effort it requires no way oh well at least you got your attention does anybody have video this was there any camera that might have caught it if you're scared to call let's say you're a parent you've got none yet and you're scared I'll just email me I won't tell Rick these are you call anonymously let me tell you what one one positive that came from it okay because really you don't know whether you've gotten any improvement in the area who you tried by far we agree that right let me tell what I left there feeling pretty good about you know and there's you know you have to try to find a positive is that when I when I get upset enough that I'm kind of I'm no longer I'm really rolling along I am now capable of not cussing I did not curse not one time that's awesome yeah and I thought well there's a positive you know I mean that face is is they're just fourth graders right but I'm talking sometimes if you get if you get that kind of know you're right you can't help because you know I'm a recovering custard yeah and and I'm sorry I didn't I didn't have anybody language what program there's I'm getting some victory there what program did you go to for that uh Jesus okay I'm talking about we'll share it with some other it's hard but I know what you mean no idea I just laid in there to cross and said you know what there's no excuse to use foul language there's just no excuse man named the Bible's pretty clear on I mean I mean Wow real clear so I said you know there's no need for that now if I can just keep from getting around Greg concussion that'll be my home you know maybe some awesome arrest today right well I understand it I mean there'll be some language Frank around here not just for him but you know but you don't mean what for a minute to realize doing art fairs every time that you would say something you shouldn't say it's right now cuz you're so frustrating it didn't happen so felt good I think that's improvement mm-hmm you have a go to word that you can just say when you have to say something I do like I do like and this does give me some relief from not saying that and it's a gray area Ida steel will from time to time say that they that they they're out there like they got the finger in your butt and I probably want to I need to take that out that's one I probably need to remove you know I got a come I mean hey I hear people sometimes will get in a situation and they'll scream sugar or something right well you guys freaking okay it's not really no no it's not okay if you're thinking of the other word no that's not so yeah Bob and I've said many times the words are words it's what you do with right I mean we could make sugar a cuss word if we just said declared from now on that's what we's words one always goes say I think freakin is okay I think freaking is okay get in the frickin hole I can't say that if you're with yeah so does Drake Boeing yeah the right the nine-year-old came home and that small about it she said Coast rates at all time and so it's I mean to me get in the hole please look at Lily why is that all flavors okay the whole hard please you can't just scream say nobody gets you for screaming don't matter what you're thinking somebody put your brain in the hummingbird oh my gosh I'm going back to those right don't worry I realize I have my dad right so uh so we'll be back thankfully uh no food are you messing - Ricky Bubba Rick in Butler Rifkin Bubba
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 7,211
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Rick and Bubba, Rick Burgess, Bronner Burgess
Id: k1MTu8b8uog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2010
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