These 10 Types of Preppers Will Die First When SHTF

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guys let's face it every prepper simply isn't going to make it after a long-term sstf type of event you have to have the right thought process you have to have the right mindset to survive and there's actually 10 thought processes or plans of action that will actually decrease your chances of survival and these are the 10 preppers who will die first after shtf type of event the first type of prepper is the heads of the woods to live type prepper when we all started out prepping this is probably across all of our minds when we started out prepping the this natural human instinct to run away from danger you see danger you run away from danger and the most logical solution to most people especially when starting out is to run away to the forest to the mountains to the desert to live depending on your location of course and while that might work fine for a week maybe two weeks or even a month if you've planned well have a well-stocked bug-out bag and have caches of survival supplies and food located in the area where you plan to run off too but long-term you're not going to make it six months a year trying to live off the land in the forested areas and the mountains in the desert wherever you're at you're simply not going to make it even the native americans had villages they had a tribe that they worked with and tried to work together to survive the mountain men they would go in and carry supplies in to their cabins in the mountains when they were on their trapping trips and they would actually trap they'd carry their supplies in they would trap and then they would leave and go back to town to sell their furs and to get more supplies they didn't simply just run off with what's on their back and survive in those circumstances for years months or years or even a lifetime it's not a great idea and the head to the mountains type prepper will be the first i hate to say it but they'll be one of the first to actually not make it most likely they will die of hypothermia they will die of uh starvation they will die of thirst or even more likely is they will be passing by someone else will be trying to do the same thing they're doing or there's someone out in the forest trying to kill a deer a squirrel or something to get a meal they'll be passing by someone going to see them they won't see that someone that's someone to go pop and that prepper will be dead and they'll come along and take their prayer for supplies it's not a good plan guys so don't think that you're going to bug out to the woods the mountains the forest the desert to live long term it's not a good plan and it's simply not going to work and that will be one of the first type preppers to die in a long-term hstf type of event the next type of prepper that probably won't make it is the i have a bug out bag but no place to go we all know this type we've met this type or at least i have any way especially especially in the situation i'm in with the youtube channel and the website and things you hear a lot of people talk you read a lot of comments you see a lot of you see a lot of things and you figure out what people's thinking a lot of people they think they can have their bug out bag and that's all they need they'll have your bug out bike packed but nowhere to go bugging out can be an option if you have a place to go if you have a ready-made setup retreat to go to having a bug-out bag to get you from point a to point b can definitely work and that's definitely an option especially if you live in more urban unsafe type locations you can bug out to your bug out location take your bug out bag that's packed and ready to go with everything you need to make it from this point to this point and got to that location perhaps you want to bug out from where you are to a friend's house in another state or maybe a family member's farm and you've already made arrangements to do that and that's okay but just having a bug out bag and thinking you're all set with no place to go that's not a good option and most likely you won't last very long after an sstl type of event and the same thing goes for the 72 hour kits 72 hour kits is well for 72 hours a very short term emergency during a long term sstf type of event it's not going it's not going to be enough you're going to need a whole lot more supplies gear food water everything then just to supply your legs for 72 hours the concept behind the 72 hour kit is like i said it's gonna be a short term emergency or the 72 hours will allow time for the government to come in to help you in that location you need more than that and that goes along with the bug out bag you need more than a 72 hour kit you need more than a bug out bag you need a place to go it'll place the bug out too if that's all you have is the bug-out bag and no place to go or 72-hour kit they're a long-term sstf type of event you're not going to make it very long okay and the third type of prepper that isn't going to make it very long is the lone wolf this takes a village it takes a group you might be able to hide out in your home for a while if you have food and water available and on hand but long term it's going to take a group it's going to take maybe a large family it's going to take the community coming together to work together for security and to provide for each other the lone wolf prepper doing it by yourself definitely isn't going to work long term it might work short term but not long term if you get hurt if you get wounded and you're and you're alone how are you going to take care of your wounds how you going to take care of yourself if you're sick you're bedridden something happens you have no one there to help you if you're you can't stay awake all the time you can't stand guard duty all the time you have to sleep you have to rest you have to do things and it takes a group to supply security to supply to work and doing it all alone all the repairs on your retreat the gardening taking care of the animals taking care of your own medical care your own security it's tiresome even with the group trying to do it all by yourself is definitely going to be difficult you might be able to make it short term but long term in a stl type of event you're not going to last very long you need to focus on building a community or at least a strong family group to work together and it's best to build a community of a strong family group a core group plus uh outbreaks of that group will be the community everyone worked together to supply your needs and for protection of your location okay guys the fourth type of prepper that is going to make it in a long-term sstf type of event is the one i really hate the most these are the ones that really it really pissed me off i heard his comments i read these comments on different blogs youtube channels and i've sent it on my own channel also we've talked about this here before too on this channel is the i will steal from other preppers prepper this isn't really a prepper in my opinion but they think they are prepping because they have guns and they have ammo and that's pretty much the extent of their preps so they think that with their guns and ammo that they will target other preppers and just take what someone else has done and they have the mindset of why should i do anything why should i go out spend this money why should i build this infrastructure where i can just go kill someone and take what they have it's not going to be easy preppers have put a lot of thought into what they're doing they put a lot of thought into their security and if you do this or your plan is to do this first you have to know where the preppers are then you have to be able to take what the preppers have and if it's a loan prepper it might be easy to do that but if it's a group if it's a community if you set up everything instead of their security correctly it's going to be hard to do and most likely if you try that you yourself will be the one that will be strung up by your feet in the middle of town as a warning to others who have the same type of idea if you want to be a prepper if you want to prep then you need to get off your rear end and stop thinking you're going to take your guns and take what someone else has worked for you need to do something for yourself and plan for yourself and for your family because trying to steal from others you're not going to last very long or less i definitely hope you don't and the fifth type of prepper and what i've seen a lot here recently is what i like to call the government is my friend type of prepper these preppers think that they can vote their way to the outcome that they want and they also think that the government has their best interests at heart the government whatever they do they're putting the people first and they're doing everything they do to produ protect and to help you and that couldn't be further from the truth the federal government and most state and local governments but especially the federal government couldn't give a crap about you about your family about anything they want your tax dollars they want power they want control they are power hungry dictators for the most part or dictator want to be for the most part and thinking that everything they tell you is true thinking that they have your best interests at heart everything they are doing is to protect you and your loved ones is foolish and if you think that way you're not going to last very long you have to have critical thinking to be able to see what's actually going on so no and don't fall into the trap of thinking that the government is on your side the government is on the side of government they're like every other government the united states government's like every other government they want more power more control and to take more from you and that's their main goal as far as helping you they can care less about you they want control and power that's all they want control power and every resource you can give them in return to give you less back everything they do to supposedly help you is somehow for the benefit of the government or the collective know that the government is deceitful and the government will use you for everything they can use you for and gain and try to gain as much power and control over you as you possibly can and number six is preppers with normalcy bias they think that when things change when the collapse happens they will have this normalcy mindset and they will think that things are still the same and they can still act the same they can still treat other people the same as they do during good times they have a normalcy bias and it's like everything is going to be all right and they think that it's just temporary and they think that they can keep acting during the sstf type of event the same as they acted before because they think that things are still normal and they don't realize how much thanks has actually changed so they will trust people more they will take chances they will take risk when in reality they shouldn't realize that things aren't the same things are different you need to get rid of the normalcy bias and realize that things are not as they were before you need to plan and think accordingly and get rid of that normalcy bias especially after any type of shtf type of event happens and number seven kind of goes in with number six and the prep with normalcy bias the indecisive prepper you'll be indecisive if you don't realize that things are different so you will be making decisions or lack of decisions based on what you thought is normal in the past so that leads into enormous advice you need to be able to make decisions right now because during and after an stf type of event you need to make quick decisive decisions you can't be sitting around thinking for several days uh hmm why should i do this would this be the best thing to do what would happen if i did this or maybe if i did this what would happen you have to learn to make decisions quickly you have to be decisive you see a you see an obstacle that needs a decision to move the obstacle and you make the decision to do it right now you don't take several days several hours you might think it over for a few minutes and come up with a decision and power you done that decision you need to be decisive being indecisive will get you killed that is like if someone is trying to attack you and you're indecisive of what to do should you defend yourself should you run away you need to make the decision right then you don't have time to wait you don't have time to think about it you don't have time to be indecisive you have to be decisive get things done make choices make decisions and number eight we've all seen these guys in the comments of youtube videos if you have proper type videos on youtube and that is the i'll shoot everybody forever if you come in 100 within 100 yards of my home then i will shoot you i will shoot everybody who comes around anybody that comes up anybody walks in the door is gonna be shot gonna be dead we've all seen those people and that is a decisive mindset but it's not a good mindset because different circumstances will warrant different actions you need to make different decisions you can't just shoot everyone that comes along because there could be consequences what if it's not a major it's a tf type of event what if it's a local event that happens in your area and you end up someone comes to your door to knock on your door and you blast them you know you're gonna be helped accountable when everything gets back to normal and even during a long term type of event if you start just shooting everyone that comes around then that's the word's going to get out and people are going to come looking for those people their family their friends anybody it might be still yet any type of authority type figures or government that's still left over are going to come looking for those people they're going to come to uh bring justice to you are you going to shoot everyone that's not that seems like it's the plan for some people you have to make decisions based on the circumstances you can't just plan on shooting everyone it just simply doesn't work that way and if your mindset is like that then you're not going to last very long what if the person that you shoot was unarmed you know what if they was coming and they actually had skills to be able to help the community to help your group to help you and you just simply so you see that person shoot that person it's not a good plan and it's not going to work long term it won't work even short term it might buy you a couple of hours after you shoot that perk or something a couple of days but it's not a good idea and i don't recommend anyone having that mindset because guys you have to know when to defend yourself with deadly force you have to look at the situation you have to look at what's going on it's look at what's going on outside your area just look at what's going on in your area you have to look what's going on right now when the event is happening you have to make decisions based on the situation right then you can't just have a general plan to kill everyone that you come in contact with after shtf type of event it's not a good plan and if that is your plan you're not going to last very long after an stm type of event and number nine is what i like to call the ram bowl prepper these preppers think that they will be in a constant fire fight all the time it's gonna be constant running battles they're going to need 50 000 rounds of ammunition for each firearm they're going to be in a constant gunfight they're going to be running and gunning all the time and they fail to realize that those bullets if that actually works the case they're running and gunning they're in a constant struggle they're in a constant gunfight with other individuals and other groups they need to realize that those bullets go both ways and they think that it's like it is in the movies it's like rambo they're going to be doing all the shooting they're going to be doing all the killing and everyone shoots it down the boat's going to go here it's going to go there it's going to go all around and nothing is going to be able to touch them it's a fantasy and you stop watching movies if that's your mindset movies are okay if you have no sense to watch the movies and realize it's not real life but if you're planning on being a rambo type or rambo prepper then you're not going to last very long if you start [ __ ] then the [ __ ] will come to you and it might end you in the process so don't plan on running and gunning being in constant shootouts you need to plan to avoid shootouts gun fights if at all possible you need to be able to protect what you have protect yourself protect your family your group and your community but if you can avoid a gun fight then avoid it you'll live a whole lot longer guys there's no shame in easing away from the fight especially if you don't know you want to win that fight and there's actually no way of knowing 100 percent that you're going to win because you might not okay guys at number 10 is the by your way to salvation prepper these are the preppers who think that they can survive if you spend enough money now granted if you have beaucoups of money to go out and buy preps food and gear and will increase your chances of survival but you also need skills you know you need to know how to use what you have and a lot of these people who think that they can buy their way to survival is they will go spend thousands of dollars on gear food weapons firearms and just put those back and never use those you know the guys that has the 300 400 500 knives they have never been out of the box never been used the people has the safe full of high dollar firearms who go to the shooting range maybe once every once a year have no training no skills to people that can't grow a garden the people that can't raise animals the people has no thought process at all about long-term survival their survival plan is to simply bye bye bye and they think that by buying comes salvation you need to go out actually do something with what you have you need to learn how to use what you have by actually using what you have is that a great concept actually learn how to use what you have by actually getting out and actually doing something and using what you have so don't think that you can buy your way to survival spend thousands of dollars and stock polish building full of gear and you're gonna be okay it will help if you can if you had the money to spend to buy these things it would definitely help but you didn't know how to use these things too because you don't know how to use you don't know how to actually survive don't you don't know how to find food grow food don't know how to purify water you don't have to defend yourself you don't have to do anything besides buy and stock probability or room or out building or something like that full survival gear and then you think that you have it you have it made you haven't in the bag there's no reason to do anything else because you have bought your survival you think so those are the 10 types of preppers who won't make it or will have the most difficult time of actually making it long-term so guys keep that in mind when you're doing your preps and if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you like videos about prepping homesteading survival type topics then be sure to subscribe and notifications know the first time i upload a new video i'll see you guys in the next video any drink more i'm out here
Channel: M.D. Creekmore
Views: 557,100
Rating: 4.6812663 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday prepper, emergency preparedness, prepper, shtf, prepping, survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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