Emergency Equipment for your Car | Survival Gear | Tactical Rifleman

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I just Karl here with tactical riflemen this week we're gonna talk about what kind of emergency equipment to keep in your vehicles now you know my personal Jeep it is packed to the gills I got a winch I've got a high lift Jack I've got all the kind of equipment see I'm prepared for the whole zombie apocalypse all right but my regular family vehicle our suburban it's it's not crazy or nothing but again take these storage compartments that come in the vehicle and pack it with equipment that you know you're gonna need your tire inflator basic tool kits of course first aid jumper cables all those things that you're gonna need now my tool kit I can put from vehicle the vehicle I'm not saying you gotta buy extra sets of tools have the basics in your vehicles though all right because you never know when you're gonna need it right so that's fine my biggest tool is knowledge but how about when you're not there how about when you're not there to take care of the family and you've got that family member by themselves like let's say your spouse or your kids right you're not going to be with them when they have the emergency I want to talk about the equipment that you can put into their vehicle doesn't cost a lot it's not going to waste a lot of space but you're really going to help that family member out first thing right off the bat is get them a window punch in this case right here this is it's called a life hammer it's spring-loaded use it push it up against windshield a little ceramic head pops out guaranteed to SH out of the window you've seen the videos of the cops beaten with the Maglites can't get them but open this thing will easily punch a window it's also got a seatbelt cutter it's got to be within arm's reach it comes with a little mount put it where they know where it's at clip it into place it'll always be there for them when the vehicles laying on its roof or not they'll know it's at all right not going to talk about weapons hidden inside the vehicle we're not gonna get that deep alright but one thing I do want to talk about is popping the trunk now you can't pack this trunk like Randy rawhide worse that you're prepared for the end of the world no the family still needs trunk space alright so what you need is try to keep it simple here's what I got here this right here it's one bag that's it one bag now what do you get the bag that big tactical bag that this is one of my kids old school bags that's it's old school bag you already have it they're already familiar with it pack it put it in the vehicle right what's the number one emergency that people have with their vehicles number one emergency they run out of gas huh well you're not gonna put a big five gallon gas can in there Carl that would stink up the whole car I agree with you that's something new for you this called spare fuel all right the guy came up with the pattern back in the 80s and it never he never did anything with it well that patent has expired right this stuff's non flammable it will not start a car that hasn't ran for days alright but if the car's still warm then come out you can pour this right in the gas tank and it'll get that car moving long enough it'll get you to that gas station doesn't smell at all I've had it in a backpack doesn't hurt anything doesn't leak alright so right off the bat spare fuel next first aid kit now this is a Mercedes Benz it comes with a great first aid kit comes with a first aid kit sounds awesome it's got nothing in it boo boos and band-aids now that said boo-boos and band-aids are what people need it is so I took this med kit made it bright red all right so that the family knows what to look for I took the standard little first-aid kit plus it up with a bunch of extra stuff that I can fit in there but this is what they're really going to be looking for band-aids boo-boos tape antibiotic cream alcohol prep pads they like that that's all in here nice and waterproof and then the rest of is the trauma gear you'll recognize the tourniquet and all the other stuff that I keep in our individual first-aid kits all right that's this is your family we're talking about would you put cheap gear in your family's vehicle this is where your best gear should be because you're not there to take care of the family all right so don't don't skimp on this stuff what's the next emergency that they often have I mentioned I got jumper cables in the suburban I got jumper cables in the Jeep also what does that mean that means they have to have another vehicle to jump with what this thing is right here this is a battery cell all right again don't skimp plugs right in it's got a way you can test it on the side 100% charged 100% you can jump one thief vehicles with this thing on a charge it's got a light built into it two USB ports all right I used to keep a crank a crank charge flashlight and cell phone charger in my son's vehicle why would I do that when this will run an iPhone pretty well forever okay I can jump a vehicle 20 times with this thing again you can get cheap ones don't get cheap ones get the top-of-the-line battery charger and they are dude they're awesome they really are next thing low tire you've got that little thing that goes off on the dash or you've got a low tire sometimes it's nothing more than it's getting cold outside all right but the reality is if if your family members driving back and forth to college that three-and-a-half hour drive and all of a sudden they pick up a nail cool part about these tire inflation systems is they're monitored they're gonna let you know hey you got a tire going low cool fine no big deal again don't skimp on it get a good it's a good pump plugs into the cigarette lighter actually screws on to the tire so they don't have to stand there and you'll notice the other thing I did was I put a plug kit in it not a cheap one spend good money and get a good plug kit all right now how many kids out there how many family members know how to use a plug kit how many knowledge is power if they don't know why aren't they watching this video by the way you can go through the tactical rights from an archive and we've got a video on how to plug a tire video on how to patch a bullet hole in a radiator or how to reseed a B there's lots of good videos and it's in the tactical rifleman archives alright car goes off the road into the snowbank they've got to sit there for a while alright mergency food ration these are the ones that are approved by the Coast Guard to be in lifeboats forever you're going to dump it in your kids car your wife's car and it can sit there for 10 years this stuff's still good alright 3600 calories some of these tastes better than others but again it's not for them to snack on on the way to college emergency blanket I'm not talking those cheap little space blankets get something that's actually worth a damn alright silver on one side orange on the other you're in a snowbank you can't get out bright orange you can signal with this thing but you can also make shelters with it you can use it it is nothing but a big space blanket keep warm inside the vehicle again spend the money get the big ones not those cheap pieces of tin foil i mentioned snow banks digging out how about mud but sometimes you got to dig that tire out now put a shovel in the car this is a little car alright what this is this is the Glock etool weighs nothing all right the handle will lock into place and it's also got a saw that you can put any other end of the handle alright sweet piece of kit cutting sticks too under the under the wheels to get traction and there's just lots of good stuff that you can do with this thing shoveling snow out all kinds of stuff 550 cord why it's 550 cord do we even need to get into this got to have 550 cord up front a couple of hand warmers in the pocket of course you got to have a Leatherman in this case brand-new Leatherman Wave make great great Christmas gifts what the girls will tell you is probably the number one emergency is having to pull over the side of the road well at all paper all right water purification tablets now purifying water again this is not a bug out bag this is not a bug out bag this is a bag of emergency equipment so Carl you have water treatment but you don't have any containers everybody's situation is different I don't have to put water containers in my family's vehicles because they have half-full water bottles laying everywhere I don't the way about it they're always gonna have a couple water bottle a couple of ponchos bright colors so they can be seen and then lots of little bottles of hand sanitizer all right the reason why I like to use lots of little ones is if one gets crushed or if one gets a leak I don't lose everything I've got separate containers if there's four people in the vehicle they can hand them out but also these are great for not just cleaning your hands I first-aid purposes but also it's a great fire starter alright so that stuff's in there and last but not least in this bag in the bottom pair of old sneakers why that family member on the way to college on the way back from wherever three and a half hour drive high heels nice long dress vehicle breaks down they got to walk five miles to get to the nearest town they want to do that in high heels no get last year's sneakers if you've seen my videos on my personal survival kits my bug-out bags whatever you want to call them you'll know I always run last year's shoes inside of them they take zero space at all in the bag and trust me if they're in high heels or whatever Johnson and Murphy nice pretty Sunday shoes whatever it is they're gonna be glad that they have it so anyways this is not a bug out bag this is not a get home bag all this is is a small list of emergency equipment to keep in a vehicle that all fits in the one bag doesn't take up a lot of room in the trunk so anyways I'm looking for other ideas what did I miss out there I know you internet ninjas got a list of 10,000 things you'd like to keep in that little bug out bag that weighs 900 pounds and you can't move with all right so you know the deal I read all the comments be sure to put the comments below and I'll get back to you guaranteed all right thanks for watching I'll see you next time if you liked this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 320,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, Emergency Equipment for your Car, Emergency Equipment, road, car, emergency, go, bag, trunk, preppared, ready, kid, wife, family, help
Id: LgHW2DMyLqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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