Urban Get Home Bag

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[Music] today we're going to talk about urban get home bags things that you need in case you're in an urban environment maybe you live there maybe you work there you need to get out with a lot of the different type civil and rest that has happened and could possibly get worse with the political climate that we live in I think that it's really becoming divided and I think that having a good dedicated get home bag for urban is super critical you know guys will do a lot of bug out stuff and bug out bags and getting out and even go bags but something specifically toward urban because 80% of the population in the u.s. lives in urban areas the guys will talk about a few of the philosophies first before we get into the bag one big thing to think about is situational awareness especially in urban areas you know you need to have your head on a swivel another big thing guys is just to avoid confrontation I mean stay out of the way if somebody gets wants to start something you know just back off let it go try to get out of the situation as much as possible and holding to the gray man appearance and philosophy you know just blend in with your surroundings but when you are out and about dress the occasion I mean just dress down nothing to really bring attention to yourself and of course another big part is having a plan you know planning where you're headed what are you gonna do having alternate plans when you get to that location where you see that your plans not going to make it now there's definitely a lot of bad choices I like the backpack it's real easy it looks you know people wear backpacks all the time so you know you really don't stand out you can throw these on you can get to where you're going you have nothing encumber you the big problem with a backpack is if you need anything out of it you've got to bring it around and get to it and a lot of times you have to sit down figure it out and here we have the entity this is actually from expedition it was a bag especially for that gray man effect and then you can use a sling pack now this is the Maxpedition [ __ ] it's definitely the largest of the Versa packs you know you can go with a messenger bag a lot of different styles one of the things about the messenger bag though is that if you're going on a long trek you can get really heavy I mean it wears on one side there is a strap that will balance it out around your waist but definitely not something that you really want to go a long way in but there are some advantages to this type pack one thing is you know I'm going along I need to get to something to pull it in front of me open it up everything's right here I don't even need to kneel down I can just get right to it the other thing is is there's a lot of organization in this pack a lot of pouches up front where I can just get to it and open it up so a bag this is going to be working from a lot this would be a great bag for that as far as just basic travel and getting around the backpack it's going to have some advantages there and of course you can go with a smaller pack but everything that I'm gonna show is now stuffed into this pack hey guys as far as my personal opinion between these two the backpack or the sling pack I definitely would go with the backpack now unless you're going on a short distance this is very organized again it has some features but really to be honest with you guys this is going to be the best way to go especially if you're on foot for any kind of distance now the bag with all the contents weighs 19 pounds and 11 ounces so it's a fairly hefty bag but yet it's not quite the size of a bug-out bag of course there's elements in here where you could survive but again this is really geared toward more urban survival now first off you need to have your standard EDC and of course your phone your keys your a flashlight a pocketknife if you're allowed to carry one you know just the basics your wallet so this complements your EDC now something that's really important it's a belt I really like the bull leather belts from deltek force comm they're just great belts and I've been wearing them for years but this is a special deltek belt that inside is a zipper that's been sewn in open it up and then here I have cash I would recommend a minimum of a hundred bucks probably more you know two or three hundred dollars to be better one problem is with electricity you know your ATMs can be down and you know your cards may not work and so having cash could really make a big difference now the first item of business would be a water bottle and having this field which this one is not at the time but having this filled with water and especially right before you get ready to go somewhere if you're heading out make sure that you have water in fact this is a clean canteen it's all stainless I can cook on this if I need to and then of course I have my top that I can use to keep it good and sealed then right here on one of the straps I have a little sheath and I have one of the Gerber multi pliers I like this because you can open it with one hand and it's just a good solid multi-tool now on the other strap they have a built-in pocket here I have one of the Oh light h1r Novas small headlamp which i think is one of the best ways to carry a light serve a survival situation especially because you can use your both hands both ends free and what I really love though about this then a lot of the headlamps is that this can be removed so I can use it as a regular light if I want to I can attach it back also this is rechargeable so if I need to charge it I can do it now here on the outside of the pouch I've kind of made up a little trauma kit and to me especially in an urban situation you could really need something like this up at the top there's a little sleeve I have a tourniquet cat tourniquet and then I have an Israeli bandage then also I have a small little first-aid kit this is what I call the booboo kit has your band-aids and bandages advil chapstick just basic things just to get you through but as I sip this open I've got a lot of things that I might need in a hurry and I do have a fire kit and look at that in a minute but I try to keep a lighter handy at all times some way to start fire this is just a bit lighter and it's in one of the exo tach waterproof shields these things are great EXO tack makes some of the best fire starting stuff out there in fact I have a quite a bit of it because I love it also I have some Advil right here and then we have some nitrile gloves this is mainly for you know first-aid and you know not only to protect yourself or protect those that you might have to help and have a little signaling there and here I have a small - lockpick set but I like pics especially in urban environments could be important so but one thing you want to do is make sure you test it here I have a whistle I could actually put this on the outside of my pack if I need to but you know signaling for help if you really need it and then right here I have what they call one of the screw pops and I reviewed this thing years ago it's a bottle opener but it's also a small screwdriver and the head turns from Philips head to flat head and this is just a very versatile tool and you know screwdrivers are invaluable now there's a sleeve on the outside and inside here I keep a lot of things that I need to get to again and this is one of the klaris FX 10 it's one of their new lights you know I do a lot with Oh light I really love o light but one of the things I've always loved too is the klaris starting out with the XT 10 that was a great light just really high lumens one thing I really particularly love about klaris is its system in the back it has the press pad you can turn it on and there's a little paddle that go straight to strobe so that's a really good option and this one in particular is a self-defense option you have a crenulated bezel which gives you a little bit of some you can grip this you can use it as an impact tool and if you're in an urban environment you need a larger flashlight and if you can get one with the crenulated bezels to the best now I typically don't put lanyards on my lights but in a survival situation I would definitely want to have that it does still retain the clip so I can stick at my pocket this would be something though that I would stick in my pocket or have it really handy if there's a lot of problems that are going around and this is also rechargeable and I have the cable and I have battery backup we'll look at in a minute also one of my favorite water filtration systems that super portable is the frontier pro this is a filter straw I believe it will filter up to like 50 gallons you just lift this up you can actually suck here put your straw in and you can get to water very easily one thing about an urban environment is you could possibly have water but a lot of it may be tainted and you've even got an adapter here that you can attach to a water bladder or bottle and so this is a very versatile tool one that I really like and I keep these in all my packs they have a smaller version as well which I do keep in some of the EDC stuff and speaking of water we have one of the tools this is a tool that you actually can turn on water in Anna City now you know typically you look and you'll see likes pickets on the sides of buildings but there's no grip there's no handle and this is the tool they use to turn that on now I'm not advocating you stealing water from the city but this would definitely come in handy if you're about the thirst to death and I believe these are called a psylocke tool but you can have an urban water tool or something like that and you'll find this on Google I got this actually from a battle box and battle box is just great then I have one of the p51 can openers of course they've got the p-38s that are little bit smaller but if you ever find yourself with some food you can get into it fairly easily and I have one of these little micro towels and this you get this wet and it expands out next we're gonna look into the big zipper here one thing that I have that I've been using a lot is a good map and guys you could have interruptions with internet power could go down a lot of things can happen and having a map is vital and here this is just a map of South Carolina because I live here but I do have other maps and I'll keep an atlas actually in my vehicle so if I need to it's got all the different cities and it's got roads that are in between and so this to me it's laminated this is really nice you can use other kind of maps the guys get yourself a map I just bought one for every member of my family because I just recently had an issue I'll have that on video as well but this is something that you know we rely so heavily on GPS but maps are still a viable option plus having a good compass as well being able to find the direction you know you may be looking at your map and not really know exactly where you are you can use your compass to at least find your bearings and I have one of the right and rain pads being able to take notes especially in an urban environment writing things down if you need to I do have pens on inside here but I keep this with the map and wet wipes this is a big one I like the small pack so I believe this is 16 you can get them in different sizes you know hygiene is important keeping self-clean especially with your hands and wet wipes to me are just excellent plus this doubles for toilet paper just in case if they don't have some insect repellent now I do want to make a note here that this bag is still set up for summer but you're gonna want to adapt it to winter or summer you know either way and insect repellent typically in an urban environment is not a problem because they do spray but this is still you know if you're in parks or in areas having insect repellant can make life a lot better go and get this compartment open here I have my fire kit now fire kits are something I keep around and redundancy is the key because you know the old saying you know two is one one is none and so here I have a multitude of different type ways to start fire of course my first option is the big lighter because it's just so easy to use but I have one of the fire odds from exo tank and I have one of the little Sparks and this is you know get your fire tender also here I have one of these capsules and this is another extra type product but this is excellent this has lifeboat matches there's a striker on the backside and a striker on the bottom and this is water proof already so you could even put non waterproof matches in here of course I have my Vaseline and cotton ball tinder which you know is just awesome I love it but also have one of the Ingalls creeks and this is their fierce fire or their tinder fire this wood is impregnated and it is just it burns like crazy it'll burn longer and so this is a capsule actually with a fire starter in here I'm not going to open it but also this fire tender and then for cordage I have some paracord and this is on the spool tool lighter that works too you know seal up your ends plus it has a cutter these are excellent I love them and then I have just some wire and these this is old military surplus wire and I picked this up whenever I can it's a nice little spool and I have a sharpie and I have a pencil that I can sharpen if I need to and this goes with my writing ring one thing that I've been adding to my kids is some kind of pry bar and something you can get a little bit of leverage on I really like the larger ones very similar to this but this is too big for a lot of packs but this is a great size and you can really get something to be if you need to pry somebody loose me pry yourself loose if you need to get into something I mean there's a lot of different things you can do with these now to help with the gray band effect putting them medical symbol patch on your bag just kind of throws things off a little bit and so I think you do have medical gear in here I think this definitely helps here we have one of the Magpul deca pouches this is excellent it's it's really what a resist in fact we've submerge this in water even though they don't purport it to be waterproof but it's just a great little pouch and in here I try to keep things that I really want to secure like my dark energy pack up battery source this is one of the best backup battery sources on the market it has of course a light you can recharge you can charge all your different items it's 10,000 milliamps it's just an excellent charger and I've used these for a long time and with that I have cables my phone of course I can charge it and then also I can charge my lights with this one also in here I have batteries and these are the cr123 this is from theorem it's one of their capsules and this is excellent to be able to keep my batteries dry just pops up has an o-ring seal and these are great now getting on into the pack one thing that I've chosen and this may be something that some of you wonder about this is of course an ak-47 bayonet I actually started out with a more knife that I had kind of modified but this is the big reason why I have this knife I think first off you need to have a fixed blade knife that's critical in any situation this could be excellent for self-defense of course if you're in a urban environment you may not be able to have something like this the more knife might be legal you know I don't know you may not be able to have a knife at all but what I love about this is I can cut why has a wire cutter right here and so that is important now if I didn't have this I would have some kind of bolt cutters or some kind of small cut or cable cutter to supplement but I chose this ak-47 knife because number one is just proven its rugged and they're cheap and of course wire cutter and also you can use the end right here is an improvised hammer if you need to of course I have a ball cap stuffed in here it's one of the great man things to now it does have BCM of the star but most people don't really know what BCM is but you know whatever you choose something that's kind of subdued it's not really done really stand out I can put this on and you know it changes a little bit of my identity kind of keeps me incognito then I have a head cover as well now even though it's summertime you know in the evenings places can get cold so it's good to have a little watch cap and then a good pair of gloves because you really you know never know when you need to move some debris or something and you've got your gloves it'll protect your hands the one thing that I use a lot and I keep this in every pack or heavy meal industrial-strength trash bags you can use this for cover you can keep out of the rain with this of course in an urban environment you're gonna have hopefully more shelter around but this would definitely be able to be a good ground cover you can actually haul water with this you can put things in here you can collect I have three right here and look how small it is but these are excellent I've done videos on these before I love them then I have a coat or a jacket now one of the things there's a couple of things about this this is one of the 5-11 Sidewinders it's a great jacket and there's some cool features but one of the things about it has this plaid so it kind of goes away from more of your military look even though it has a really sharp almost a hunter look to it but it still has those subdued colors and I chose that color on purpose if you're walking around you can put this over you and you know you can actually change your look if you need to and with this with a hat and you can just walk through a lot of areas kind of unnoticed extra pair of socks is important and having good walking shoes now I keep a good pair of boots in my car at all times but having an extra pair of socks is something that you especially if you're on your feet or extended period of time but I also have a tarp and the reason why I chose this tarp is that has mylar material on the back so it's a really heavy-duty ripstop survival blanket or space blanket and so this folds up nicely I can just wrap up with this and again I'm not as much worried about shelter like getting out of the rain but definitely the cold and this will do it it's pretty large I could wrap up in this so I don't really need a sleeping bag because I can wrap up but if I need to get out quick I can just throw this off and I have one of the emergency food bars these lifeboat food SOS these this is 2800 calories you can get them in different styles they break apart the wafers are really tasty they don't induce thirst which helps and they last for a long time I think it's usually a five year shelf life but if I need to prepare food I have a small little stove here but this is a little titanium stove this is really excellent in fact they did a little video on this but it's the element stove it folds out like this and then you can put this at the bottom here at the top I have these small little bars that fit so I can place my bottle my water bottle if I need to actually boil water or you know soup or whatever and I can cook it right here so very handy little stove system again this is element and it's titanium also I have a repair kit a survival sewing kit and also some duct tape this is a small pocket size of duct tape found this one time at Home Depot and I thought this is perfect I don't have to rewrap my duct tape it stays fresh that way this is vigilant trails and this is a neat little kit you can even sew leather it has thread needles even plastic you can repair and a zip ties safety pins this came out of a battle box and guys if you've not checked out battle box they have some really great items continually now here at the back there's a zipper this is actually for concealed carry and in the back I have a Glock 19 this is unloaded and it's say to me I carry a Glock 26 as my concealed carry and so the Glock and sometimes the Glock 19 for that matter so that way I have an extra just in case and I also have a holster and I have a couple of extra magazines down in here it has one of the universal holsters in here actually Maxpedition has an improved version of this but it's just perfect because your gun slides down in here it doesn't move around you can put it in the hook and loop or velcro field and you're good to go if you need it you can draw it out and it the holster retains but also one thing and the reason why I put it into my concealed carry is this is one thing you may need in a hurry and this is just a bandana whether you have this a shemagh a cloth or whatever this works for so many different things you can you know it keeps the heat off of you you can put it on your neck and it helps from sweat if there is dust or smoke you can put this over your face and one thing I would say as far as adding to this pack would be maybe some kind of respirator or some kind of dust mask but to me this would be good enough for what I figure that we could encounter having a pair of sunglasses as well for safety glasses or even clear glasses that our safety in case there's a lot of debris and things going around but a bandana there's a thousand uses for it and I think this is really critical to have so guys whether you go with a backpack sling pack messenger bag whatever whatever fits your lifestyle you got something that you have the essentials there but to get you home you know you never know when something can just happen across town and you know just trigger some kind of social unrest natural disaster obviously is one thing to to think about in an urban environment and so guys just be prepared have those necessary items to get you home and guys if you're serious about prepping in survival check out survival dispatch insider it is the best resource on the web for being prepared in any kind of crisis I upload one video there week that's exclusive to the insider and I'll have a link down below in the description be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] here I have one of the Magpul oh you know what what is what that is there's Magpul things it's really critical it's really important to having situational awareness is just having situationally here we have the this is really nice this came out of a battle and then I have some inspect and then here I have some labels to return and some band-aids Wow if you put a medical pouch or a medical pain one thing that I helps one thing that helps with the gray man is putting a medical pouch I can even put my little bottle on here if I need to if I could all have to probably figure out how to do that [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 580,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Urban, Get Home, Go Bag, City, Riots, Civil Unrest, Protest, Violence, Trouble, Rioting, Natural Diasters, Maxpedition, Entity, Mongo, Backpack, Sling Pack, Messenger Bag
Id: L089UEz5Cwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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