Greedy Owner Steaks Staff's Tips | Hotel Hell

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this is insane and this is like a private club for him he's worked with the server's before and accepted a portion of the tips the heart [ __ ] hell he's taking their bloody tips this guy is mad I can't believe this he doesn't pay them and then he takes their tips I gotta talk to him how are we Barbara how are you today good I just had of interest is it true that Robert takes a percentage of the tips yes it does yeah what percentage of tips does he take what we get he gets the same as you yeah it's really hard to keep track of the tips I the bookkeeping it seems inconsistent so why is he touching the tips did he do the same thing for New Year's they felt that because they need to cover part of the band that they took the tips off are vitamins that's why we don't make anything happen I know nur has no right to take the staffs tips and with all the room and food coms Robert is giving his friends it's no wonder the inn is struggling the staff shouldn't be subsidizing the end so Robert knees friends get to live the high life for free it's sickening I have to confront him and figure out this nonsense I just had a look round and I just I am flabbergasted and I'd be really frank and I'm gonna try stay so calm but if I smell but yes that you start going into denial I'm gonna let rip again I studied your reservations last November December 49 rooms were given out for free and on top of that they ate they drank for nothing I'm not even tipping and I'm just [ __ ] you didn't tell me why I thought I needed to have somebody here rather than having two other guests in the hotel all by themselves to have more energy now I can it worse not only do your friends not leave tips but when people do to the stuff you take your share on nights that I work I did take - that is disgusting why do you think you are right to that I have tried to work with my staff to teach them that this is the way I want service dog so bad I take a percentage of the tips based on the amount of work that I do and who does the books from those tapes re but if I'm doing their job and I can't get it across to them you're the owner you know they had Busboys you know the barman you're the [ __ ] owner what I was saying wasn't getting through so the psychology was that if I started to take tips they would maybe pay attention to that it's insane and the worst management model I've ever heard in my entire life do you honestly need a 70 year old lady's tips so 15 20 grands worth of complimentary rooms in a food in a two month period I'm just make sense I have to tell you that the reason I did that was because I thought that they would at least tip my staff but they didn't tip your staff sorry to piss on your bum fire well then I won't call my friends and I will tell them look what happened whoever got the [ __ ] balls to call your friends and ask them to leave a tip yes I do coolant and ask them I thought at least at a generosity you would have left a couple hundred dollars tip for the team Dana its Robert you stayed here recently and I was under the impression that you and Greg left a tip did you leave a tip no no but you said you were going to send additional tip I think my time to come here that was one of the things that I was hoping you had done I left the money with you wait a minute there's others to call - Gordon OH - Gordon has left he thinks I'm stealing my staff's tips unbelievable hey ray it's Robert did you tip the staff cuz they're telling people that they haven't been tipped I left the money with you oh so I need to do that I have somehow lost that [ __ ] in here Gordon left thinking I'm a liar I feel as if I'm me I'm at the end of my rope I mean I'm gonna lose everything I'm gonna have to start all over again if this doesn't work and don't seem like do it I know I can't do it [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 19,770,018
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Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: xKfeQ8JNS38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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