Gordon Ramsay Forced to Wait Over an Hour for RAW Fish! | Hotel Hell

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I've heard that being a hapa is "like being in a fusion restaurant." I don't like Asian fusion- its a silly fad that produces things like this. Strawberry sushi, 6 sushis in one, and jalapeno and cream cheese sushi, its just ridiculous.

And I think more Japanese restaurants should serve food that every-day lower class Japanese-Americans eat. Japanese people don't eat sushi all the time, they eat a lot of other things too that usually don't make it to menus.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TropicalKing ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
bars and restaurants and a vibrant college town like this are always packed at lunchtime but this place is dead Lindsay how are you good there you go let me get you something to drink Jeff nice cold water okay what would you recommend very popular it's a little bit sweeter I'll try Las Vegas as an appetizer as well and then it's currently five individual rolls rolled into one I don't know how you execute all that Japanese food on that linear when you're not trained doesn't make sense oh this is not good there's not a lot of people in Starkville that like our sushi it's a little bit different from what other places and start will have [Music] Sukie ruins our kitchen the way she wants to it's always takes too long in between tickets but there was really nothing I could do about it this food is taking way too long I've been waiting over an hour for raw fish oh my god I can't take this anymore Damon I know my god does the sushi usually take this long yes what is this one Las Vegas all my girls my cream cheese and asparagus and it's deep fried and comes with a jalapenos fight salmon with cream cheese disgusting a strange combination anyway it doesn't work for me that one Amy's just greasy get this out of the way as quick as possible okay thank you you're welcome just my first impressions of the food here is that it's as bad as the rooms sukira good that thing so it's pretty big right so how are you supposed to get it in your mouth I've never eaten it before let's try come on me we're in this together oh no you order this all on your own oh that open wine please wait there's no way this is gonna fit my mouth buddy no no my grandad feels we puts in your teeth it so you took one little bite I do damn disaster total disaster how'd it taste by the way I'm very good the Sakura is very chewy Sookie does tried her best but she has no idea what she's doing what's wrong with us Sakura bland ugly chewy strange combination chewy yep and impossible to put you around let me tell you about my sushi I'm not a Morimoto or Noble absolutely I'm doing my best and I respect rice what is this one strawberry field man look at that strawberry on sushi I'm bothering Japanese chef in America I'd like to apologize it's very weird which part is so you wouldn't cover white tuna with strawberries and then glaze it sorry failed a rather [ __ ] ear beetle too sweet strawberries don't belong with China I am frustrated that Gordon does not like am i sushi I tried all I can how you doing honey bud he doesn't like any he doesn't like any of it so truthfully what is wrong with this place lack of business so on an average weekend how many guests would you do on a busy weekend maybe twelve people are they in house guests hotel usually so virtually nobody from the outside correct Jesus anyway we're the owners can you tell me whether yeah thank you they've got just 36 bedrooms yet on a busy night just twelve guests eat here with food that bad I'm not surprised congratulations on the longest plunge I've ever had in my entire cooking career that was 97 minutes zero and half of it was raw as an obvious cook why are you making sushi it's crazy I'm trying my best to to at least introduce Mississippi bless the lipid healthier there's nothing healthier with my lunch maybe a health warnings surely you should be given the locals what they want to eat that's why they come well talking to Lindsay the only customers we get now the ones staying in the hotel which is practically no one the business is on his ass and how much debt are you in over nine hundred thousand nine hundred thousand dollars wearing that please don't say you don't know [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 22,917,274
Rating: 4.9159346 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: TCR2hJcW11k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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