Family Pressure Me To Give Up My Inheritance & Give It To My Spoiled Cousin - Money Inherited Story

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people who inherited a lot of money what are your family demanding your money stories my boyfriend's father recently announced that he had plans to retire in a few months and hand over the reins to his company to his right hand i.e his daughter and my boyfriend's sister shania name changed she has been working with him for over a decade and has played a pivotal role in growing the company she's an astute business person and everyone agrees that she is the ideal candidate for the job the uncle's son was denied a job at the company years ago on account of his erratic behavior and general idiocy back then the uncle insisted that his son should be handed a cushy job at the company simply because he was family now the uncle had the gall to expect his brother to make him in charge of the company when he steps down his reasoning is that only a man should inherit the family business and that it just wasn't a woman's place the uncle actually seemed way more upset about his niece getting the job than he was about his son not getting it he and his wife kept repeating the same nonsense about how it was a huge mistake to put a woman in charge when male members of the family were available boyfriend's dad tried to explain to them why shania was suitable for the job and the entitled uncle and entitled aunt's son wasn't however it's notoriously difficult to reason with nasty idiots they refused to listen and actually suggested that boyfriend's dad take their son under his wing and teach him because he's so smart and he can learn really fast he'll run the company way better than shania you'll see also since your son i.e my boyfriend isn't man enough to be your heir you should give our son a chance they kept making ridiculous arguments like what about when she gets married she'll change her surname my boyfriend's dad tried to explain to them that whether she gets married and changes her surname or not is entirely her decision and if she does how on earth would it affect her business acumen and leadership skills when my boyfriend's dad and sister shut them down they changed tactics yesterday evening boyfriend received a call from his aunt she went on an insane rant about how my boyfriend's dad didn't know what he was doing she then tried to provoke my boyfriend she told him since he was the son it was his natural right to succeed his father and he shouldn't let his sister rob him of it my boyfriend told her to never dial his number again and hung up these people knew very well that my boyfriend has never been interested in his dad's business but i guess since their son wasn't getting to run the company they decided to try to provoke a feud between my boyfriend and his sister because they're the kind of sad bitter little idiots who just cannot see other people happy so my grandfather passed away a few years ago and grandmother was left with the house and three hectares of land to her name few months later my grandmother's half-brother whose wife was also dead sold his apartment in the city and moved with my grandmother to help her out as they were very close since i can remember our families used to be very close and my grandma's brother was super nice and cool guy it's just that i never had much contact with his grandchildren as they were living on the other side of the country last year my grandmother has also passed and me and two brothers were each left with one hectare of land to our names and the house was left for me since we were very close we let my grandma's brother continue living there since after selling his apartment he really didn't have anywhere to go and he didn't want to move to the other side of the country with his kids not to mention the house itself had almost no value and there were other houses in the village that were standing on the market for years with no interest so comes this spring and my grandma's brother also passes away and it's during the funeral where absurd begins i was smoking outside the church when his grandson comes and immediately goes down to business conversation went to something as follows him so what about inheritance me what do you mean him my grandpa's part me didn't he buy you a car and give you money for a down payment on your apartment him yeah but he sold his apartment and gave me money it wasn't inheritance i'm talking about inheritance of the house and lands where he lived me while the house and the lands belonged to my grandparents your grandfather had nothing to do with it him you can feel him getting irritated but my grandfather lived here so surely it also belonged to him me we let him live there because he didn't want to move he never had any ownership him but what about all of the help he gave to your grandmother surely he deserves some reward for being so helpful me it doesn't change anything the house and the lands belong to us for more than a year now since it was my grandmother's him being very irritated he deserves some part of inheritance and i will be demanding my rightful part me dude you got your part when your grandpa sold his apartment and gave almost everything to you and your mom him he lived here so the part also belongs to him and his family and we will be making a claim me dude there's no claim to make the inheritance is already claimed him we will see about that and it's been a few months now that he's been bothering us on facebook and on the phones about how we stole his inheritance let me start off by saying my son adam is 22 years old back when my ex-wife tori and i were trying for kids we found out that i was infertile we decided we'd adopt then about four months later my ex-wife is pregnant i was thrilled because i thought maybe the doctor made a mistake no i was wrong my ex-wife cheated on me and i didn't find out until 20 years later tori told me two years ago that she cheated on me and we did a paternity test to make sure and well he's not my biological son my ex and i divorced a few weeks later ever since my son found out the truth he wanted to meet his biological father he did and they started to become really close it hurt me much more than i thought it would he's an adult he can make his own decisions but it hurt really bad they started to bond really well and all of a sudden adam became really distant from me it's been like this for almost a year and a half i try to text him to make plans for dinner and he said he's busy with chris biological father i tried numerous times to connect with him by calling and texting but he never made plans aside from like a meal every other month we used to do stuff every other week but it's been completely different since he found out about chris i couldn't stand it my son who i raised since he was a baby treated me like i didn't matter anytime we'd actually have plans he would still be cold and distant what i mean by that is he became much more defensive of his personal life i'd ask him how his classes or friends were and he'd just say they were fine but never go deeper than that he also changed his major from econ to computer science and didn't even mention it to me until a year later i told him how much he was hurting me because of how distant he was and he apologized and said he'd do better he never did i told him numerous times and he never changed he was still distant what was the final straw for me was the phone conversation i had with him last week he said he was going to change his last name to chris's because he liked it so much and because they were close i couldn't believe what i was hearing i told him this i can't believe you are going to do this that's really disappointing to me if you decide to change your last name go ahead but if you do that then i'm no longer your father and i don't want to be involved in your life he hung up on me i didn't even bother reaching out because i knew he wouldn't respond i stand by what i said i meant every word and still do the last name changed to me means he no longer views me as a father and views chris as his despite the fact that he's 22. my family told me i'm being unreasonable meanwhile my best friends think it's reasonable info something to add after i found out about chris i took a couple of days and didn't speak to my ex-wife or adam they didn't contact me i didn't contact them i needed a break edit two a lot of you are asking for a deeper meaning behind this and i think i finally figured out why he's been so cold a few months before my wife told us the truth we were in a very long argument his grandma my mother left a big inheritance for him that i am fully in charge of enough to pay for college and have enough wiggle room to not stress all the time about it after a semester of university he started dating this girl he was head over heels in love with her i never met the girl so i have zero clue how she felt about the relationship suddenly after a few months of dating adam asked me for about three thousand dollars to be deposited into his account from the inheritance i already paid for the semester so this was odd to me i asked adam why he needed the money he said his girlfriend was having trouble paying for her tuition and asked my son to help i told him no because it seemed to me that she was treating him like a piggy bank he spent over a thousand dollars on her in just under a few months he would constantly talk about how he loved going shopping with her so he could buy her things to me she was just after my son's inheritance and i was right what i said to him was basically this adam you haven't been dating this girl for very long at all and for me to give you that much money just to spend on her after a few months doesn't sit well with me that's the money your grandmother left you for your college career not hers if you two were more serious then i would think about it but i'm not giving you that much money to just give your girlfriend turns out my guess was right and she was after his money they broke up shortly after and have had an on-again off-again relationship ever since he was upset with me but eventually got over it after a few months then we found out about my ex's affair i don't know if that's the real reason he's so cold that was a huge argument that went on for weeks until she left him i inherited a house for my uncle three years ago and by accident trying to pass a cable there i found a stack of cash hidden in the wall i bought a stud finder and looked through all the walls today and found about a hundred thousand dollars cash and a vhs cassette they were all packaged in sealed very strong and thick plastic bags i watched the vhs tape and it was of my uncle going on a 25-minute speech about government conspiracies and how banks cannot be trusted that's why he kept all of his savings in cash he didn't even trust a safety deposit box that's why they were kept in his walls and it was a hundred and twenty thousand dollars as he said it in the video i found the other twenty thousand i went to a lawyer and showed her the will the video and she said it's surprisingly common for people to leave cash inheritances in our area she talked to the executor of the will as well and then wrote a letter for me to give to the bank which explained this as from a cash inheritance with contact details of the executor in case the bank needed to contact them i scheduled an appointment with the bank when i told them it's for a cash deposit they told me i don't need an appointment for that but i told them it's for a large deposit they still said no appointment is necessary but then i said it's a very large deposit so they booked the appointment everything went smoothly at the bank they made a copy of the letter that my lawyer had prepared money was in my account a few hours later i made payments and my student loans and car loan are both paid off and i now have a larger emergency fund to try to make a long story short i'll give you all a quick and relevant background my grandmother has a lot of issues one of them being that she is bipolar she is widowed grandfather passed away in 2007 so she lives by herself in a modest sized house she has not talked with my mom her daughter in many years i'd say at minimum eight years i never really recognized the problems but it all started making sense when she would never step foot in our house when my mom was home my mom has always let me see my grandmother because she didn't want her problems to ruin my only chance at having a grandmother both my grandparents on my other side died before i was born she has another daughter my aunt rita who has her own set of issues growing up i perceived my aunt and uncle to be extremely successful because they always had the nicest cars the biggest houses and went on the best vacations turns out my uncle was embezzling money and involved in other fraudulent activity to pay for this and he went to jail and they divorced my aunt has gone on through two more serious relationships since her first marriage one guy she married one where she moved in with the boyfriend the first guy whom she married then divorced went bankrupt the second guy whom she moved in with into a nice house got in a massive fight with her where the police were called and he also went bankrupt her current boyfriend is much older than her late 60s but doesn't seem to have as much money as the other three and she doesn't live with him right now my grandmother is paying the rent for my aunt's apartment and she rita does not work her current boyfriend drunkenly told us at christmas that she has been trying to get him to buy life insurance and name her the benefactor which just make that of what you will with the background in place let me explain the current situation my dad was at my grandmother's the other day and just told me that she named him the executor of her will and that i will receive her inheritance it's not much but i mean she's basically giving me a house to sell which will pay my student loans and maybe help put a down payment on my own house in the future i guess the news got out sooner to my aunt because my grandmother told my dad that my aunt rita told my grandmother that i said i hate her and that she needs to die sooner so i can get more money among other things jesus christ that's the most he said she said sentence i've ever written i've re-read that sentence three times to make sure i got it right i obviously have never said these things because i have no idea before tonight that i was even getting an inheritance even now i don't think i necessarily deserve it but it clearly seems like my aunt is trying to destroy any relationship i have with my grandmother before she dies so that maybe the will can be rewritten and that she will get everything instead by the way my mom never personally expected to get anything and has no problems with me getting it i don't care about or feel entitled to this inheritance at all my mom's side of the family has always been super messed up and i hate that i am now being thrown into all of this because of money i don't even know how to settle this situation because i am afraid my grandmother might eventually believe that i said these horrible things due to her own issues especially as she gets older is there a way i can go about solving this without everyone hating me in the end i'm guessing no and that my aunt will forever resent me if i end up receiving the inheritance my father passed away a few months ago and left a pretty sizable estate behind the majority went to my sister and me with an equal amount of money to each grandchild or so i thought my kids are grown so i never really thought to reach out about the money because the executor was handling it my daughter never mentioned it but she's always been frugal so i figured she didn't want to discuss it and had some plan for it recently we had a family meal and my son brought up the inheritance and my daughter revealed that she had received nothing and didn't know that any of her cousins or her brother had it is very clear to us that she was cut from the will because my father always disapproved of my son-in-law my husband and i talked it over and decided to give a portion of our inheritance to our daughter and her husband to match the amount given to the other grandkids we are still working with a lawyer to figure out the best way to give her the money so the transfer hasn't actually happened yet but we will definitely be doing this our son is very upset because he feels that this is a gift coming from us and it is unfair that we are also not giving him money he feels that since my father chose not to give money to my daughter that's the end of it and that any money we give our daughter is now an unfair gift are we the idiots for doing this and not giving our son anything before my gran passed away she gave me her beautiful engagement ring and told me privately that she would love for me to propose to my then girlfriend with it if we decided to get married my gran passed away before we got engaged so she never got to see us use the ring when i proposed to my wife we were expecting a daughter and i decided to pass on my grandmother's ring to our daughter instead of using it as an engagement ring i proposed to my wife with a different ring that i bought and at that time she loved the ring now our daughter is getting married and i thought it would be a good time to pass her gran's ring my wife is extremely upset at me because i didn't use that ring to propose to her i wasn't aware that my grandmother had also told my wife about the ring when i didn't use the ring to propose my wife assumed that my gran didn't actually pass me her ring she thinks the ring should have been used for its intended purpose which is proposing to her my paternal grandfather also gave me a gold ring with the family initial on it to pass to any sun i might have i passed on that ring to our son when he got married so i thought it would only be fair to pass gran's ring to our daughter as well our daughter ended up loving the ring my wife is upset at me but i do not think i've done anything wrong at the end of the day the ring was inherited by me and i chose to give it to our daughter instead of my wife when i proposed i bought a beautiful engagement ring that she loves and wears every day context i have an older sister who was disowned when she was young for being a lesbian at the time i didn't agree with it and knew it was horrible for my parents to do this i'm 27 now and she is 29 and we're both doing pretty well but she is struggling more financially than me okay so recently both of my parents passed away in a car accident i am very devastated about it but my sister doesn't really seem to care which is not shocking since she didn't even go to their funerals the problem is that my parents left me a large sum of money high seven figures and my sister a token amount so she couldn't contest the will my sister and my aunt have been pressuring me to share my money with my sister since this arrangement isn't fair and my sister is struggling i told them no because a she clearly didn't care about our parents so she doesn't deserve the money and b it would be disrespectful to our parents if i were to share it when they clearly didn't want me to now my aunt sister and other family members won't speak to me [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 233,247
Rating: 4.8777246 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, reddit inheritance, reddit money, reddit family money, reddit family, reddit spoiled, reddit cousin, reddit family drama, reddit entitled, reddit spoiled cousin, reddit worst family
Id: sUfy6RAhtEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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