Scythe board game - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is Monique and I'm Naveen from before you play and today we are finally gonna be doing it to play a playthrough upside yeah it's a game designed by Jamie stankmeyer published by Stone Meyer games the game can play one to seven players and the overall theme of the game is its alternate 1920s Europe there's been a war and we are warring factions trying to have supremacy over Europe and before we begin we would like to please kindly request that you turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we make any rules mistakes and also if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing so now we would like to start with a brief overview of just how the game is played and we're gonna leave the specific rules to when we play the game yeah cool great now if you please direct your attention to the centre of the table we have this massive game board and this game board represents the section of Europe that we are fighting over kind of now we're going to war in so the game board is separated into a lot of different hexes which if you notice here and these are the different territories now each territory produces a certain resource there's wood there's oil we have food we have people and metalworkers yeah workers workers and we have metal at the top left of the word we have the triumph track that shows all the different kinds of objectives you can complete in this game a left side here we have the popularity track which tells us our points multipliers or money multipliers at the end of the game and then we each also have different faction maps which are asymmetric yeah and a player matte which was randomly assigned before we started this is all random yes I know there are band factions we are not playing with any of the band factions also on that note we are not playing with any expansion content so if you wanted to if you're interested in just the base game this is functionally everything that comes in the base game with the exception of a few upgraded components we're using upgraded resources and money yeah that's pretty much it so the basic gameplay or the basic overview of this game is that we are going to be trying to take control over Europe by doing things such as moving around the board we're gonna be taking control of different territories producing resources building buildings on the board and listing recruits going to battle etc and so along the way we're going to be meeting these goals which are all the top and these goals are doing things like putting out all four of our mechs on the board or building all of our buildings etc so there's a lot of different things you can do each time you meet one of these achievements we're gonna put one of our stars on the triumph track to mark that it's been completed and each one of those can only be completed once each of us have six stars and once one of us has placed our sixth star on the board the game ends immediately that person doesn't necessarily win but the game ends right it triggers the end it triggers the end of the game so what that happens we're going to basically exchange everything that we have accumulated be it stars on the on the board or territories that we control or resources that we have left over and we're going to exchange them for money our multiplier is dependent on which tier we're up in the popularity track we go up better multiplier and so I'll be exchanging all that for money and whoever has the most money at the end of the game wins right that is the whole basic overview of the game now in terms of terms turn structure we have our faction mats and our player mats and now I know it's a little bit difficult to see so we've included a picture of both of our mats in the description below just in case you'd like to follow along but the basic thing about this is it's divided into four sections and each section represents a different type of action you can take so on your turn you're gonna be taking your action token and you're gonna put it in one of the four sections and you're gonna take that action simple each section is divided into a top row action and a bottom row action and both of them are optional the only rule is that if you were to take these actions you must do the top row first before the bottom row that's pretty much it and the different things that you can do are you can move one one action just allows you to move one action allows you to pay money in order to go up on this power track which will help you win battles future another action allows you to pay money in order to exchange for resources and then some actions allow you to produce resources on the hex tiles where your workers are on and workers are all these little wooden pieces the bottom row actions are basically the area where it has red and green and this allows you to turn in resources in exchange for something like deploying a mech or building a house or enlisting recruit or upgrading which makes the bottom row easier and the top rows sweeter right and that's pretty much the whole thing there's also gonna be battles there's gonna be something sweet that happens when we get to the factory there are these encounter tokens we will go through everything as we play sounds good okay so since stars is the way we trigger the end game I do want to mention all the different ways that we can get a star out there like Monique said this is that track that we keep track of and right here what you see here with these little gears that is if we upgrade all six of our upgrades this one right here is if we put out all four of our mechs this one right here is we put out all four of our buildings this one right here if we enlist all four recruits this one if we get all eight of our meatballs out onto the board our workers this one right here it's only a one-time even though we have two secret objective cards you can only complete one of them the moment you do it on your turn you can just declare hey I did my secret objective yes and then we put a star up you can do two battles okay so there's battle one in battle - this one right here is go all the way up to level 18 on the population or I'm sorry the popularity track and then the final one right here is get all the way to the far end on the power track there's all the different ways that you can get a star out there so like I said sixth one out ends the game and to clarify you can battle as much as you want it's just you can only put out a star for winning two of them correct and you can be on offense or defense if you win on defense you get a stars so absolutely careful so before we begin we just want to kind of discuss the factions that we're playing as so this is totally random I am Crimea which is the yellow faction this person over here and my ability says that once per turn I can spend one combat card as if it were anyone resourceful again so that's like well don't start the game with any combat Cardozo's I start the game at five power and I'm also playing the engineering player map which gives me five coins to popularity and the same two objectives right I haven't played as this faction in a very long time good so we're gonna see how this goes okay so I am po Lanyon which is going to be all the white that you see on the board I'm using the Industrial board and that industrial board gives me to popularity for coins which I have right over here and three combat cards so if we get to combat will kind of explain how combat goes what about your oh yeah myself my secret billet or not secret my special ability is anytime my character which is this plastic piece anytime that character gets to a tile or a hex that has an encounter tokens what will do is will draw a card and I get to choose two of the options of the three options that are on there most other players can only do one option I'll be able to take two of the possibilities cool are you ready to begin let's do it so there's no chance it's dependent on the number of player I'm at you have the lowest number goes first and that isn't me and he has one and I have two okay so you get to go first okay so action token I'm gonna go ahead and start off by just producing I'm gonna produce on the two hexes that I'm already on I'm on a wood territory and amount of food territory so I'm gonna put one food right next to it great so when you produce at the start of the game it allows you to produce on two different hexes and they they produce where your workers are so his worker is on a food hex at a wood hex that's how he got those two resources are you taking your bottom row action cannot because it cost metal I have no middle okay so I'm going to go next and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna produce on these two hexes so this gives me one food oh you have the food thank you and when you get our resources they come directly to the board where are you produced and I get also a worker so I take one of my workers I put it there I got two workers I also cannot do the bottom row action so it is my turn okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna pay a coin and I'm gonna trade for two resources of my choice I'm gonna go ahead and trade for two would basically it said straight trade it's really buying it's like you're buying it I'm not traded you're trading money for goods which is buying yeah that's always the same kind of action pay once coin right treated 1920s you know yeah they don't buy there they trade are you doing your bottom rail action I am NOT doing that cuz that cost for food I only have one okay so I am going to move we failed to mention earlier that you cannot take the same action to back-to-back correct always move to a different action there is a different faction that allows you to do that but neither of us are playing as a faction so yeah so I'm going to move and so moving allows me to move two player pieces one space if i unlock one of my mechs in the future it gives me an additional hex movement but right now it's two different pieces one space so I'm going to move one worker here and I'm gonna move my character piece there and then I cannot do my bottom row action so that ends my turn okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I will move our you're going I'm gonna move my worker into this section here and my character did this section right over here alright and I will do my bottom row so my bottom row action is gonna be to build to construct a building so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to construct with these three wood which is the cost that I have here pay one three three and I'm gonna build I'm gonna build the mine and I'm gonna lay the mine face down for the top-down camera just so we can see it a little bit better normally would be standing up yeah but I'm gonna lay it face down okay so that all the buildings do different things and when you build you must build in an area where you have a worker that's there yeah so yeah so before I talk about the mine part of that benefit of there of doing that was I get one coin as well whenever I take that action so I'm gonna go ahead and go join nice and so yeah the mine basically what the mine does there's these different hex spaces on the board these are considered tunnels and what the mine allows me to do is go from it to any one of those adjacent spaces right there so it's basically acts as if these are are adjacent to each other yes all the hexes that have this oh and just know that all of us start on the little island over here so this is kind of what I'm sure I'm stuck to there's a river that flows through here and I'm not allowed to cross that river and yes I do something special so I'm stuck here until I can either build a mine or build one of my Mac's that let me leave my eyelids yeah basically yeah all these mechs give us a special ability and so as we build them we'll talk about that but just know that we can't just superfast get out into the center of the board yeah we are we are covered by the water okay good that was it yeah all right so now I am going to produce again so this because I have two workers in this hex this allows me to produce two food because it's two different hexes of production and one piece per worker that you have in there and so because I have one worker in here I get to produce another person and so now moving forward if you notice over here people to see that at the top anything in red is what you have to pay to produce and now that I've uncovered that symbol I must now pay a power every time I produce that actually yeah I am NOT going to take my bag that's it okay I'm gonna produce and so because I'm here now where the workers are I produce a worker and where I'm here which is a wood I guess good nice that's me and then I will not be doing the bottom accidents still no metal okay also for anybody who's familiar with this game already we forgot to mention that our building bonus tile at the end is just you get money for each building that's a decent in a straight line in a straight line sorry there you go nice trailer I don't think rivers break that rivers don't break it but lakes do they're there certain areas so that we didn't talked about these hexes are considered lakes basically a hex that has a majority of water if I was to build a building here and here these would not be considered adjacent for this right here yeah here to here a river yes that's considered Jason also we can't travel inside these lakes oh isn't you I might be able to okay well I can okay I'm gonna move so I'm gonna move one person here one worker there and my character token here so this is gonna allow me to do an encounter Oh actually now so encounter tokens once you move your character into an encounter token it ends your movement for that character no matter what and then you to draw one of these encounter cards after completing that action before doing the bottom real actions right so I'm gonna just remove this board and I'm going to read the encounter this is kind of like something that happens somatically in the game you've encountered something you've encountered something so ready so it says take a walk in the woods with the brigade I gained two power and one popularity bribe the soldiers for battle tactics I paid two dollars to gain for combat cards whoa lie to the soldiers about an incoming winter storm and that's pay three popularity to enlist one recruit and gain to listen you're not even legally allowed to because you're at two you cannot pay three popularity okay so just a little so out of all those options that I just mentioned I can choose one of them the beans power that some choose to that's that's exactly what his does correct no I have to choose one of them I don't want to pay money so I'm gonna gain two power and one popularity I think it's nice to start working on that to power one popularity you okay perfect okay and then this gets discarded goodbye and then I will go and do my bottom arrow action sounds good which is paying to enlist and basically what enlisted does is you have four different of these like recruits recruits that you can enlist and this is what happens is I choose one of the four so for example if I if I enlist my recruit for building houses now every time either naveen or I build a house I get a bonus and the bonus is whatever is showing there correct so I know I have to decide what I want to do how do you deployed any of your max no middle I am going to do that one okay I'm gonna enlist my recruit for deploying a mech so I remove this disk or whatever it's called cylinder and then I put it on my faction mat and I get to take one of these one-time immediate bonuses I need combat cards so I'm gonna put it there it gives me to combat cards one to combat cards range anywhere from two three four and five yeah two to five and then right there and then I also get a coin the one denomination is that the blue one yeah no yes yes okay it is cool sorry I was just admiring it it's beautiful all right okay so I'm gonna go ahead and move and so I'm gonna move this guy into here I'm gonna move this one down here okay so we I have to movement actions one was moving a meatball our worker from this wood area to this food area and this guy over to here so now I've encountered an encounter token so because of my special faction ability I get to choose two of those three options so let's go ahead and read it okay first option use your Mex headlights to guide the airship through the thick clouds gain two dollars and one popularity okay the next one is hitch a ride into the great unknown pay two dollars total to move any units from his encounter territory to anyone adjacent empty land territory even across rivers Wow hmm the last one is capsized the airship just to see what falls out pay three popularity to gain any five resources well okay so I'm gonna choose two of these I'm gonna do the first one which just gained two bucks so I'll take a three and put back one and go up one popularity and then I can pay two dollars to move any units from this encounter territory to an empty adjacent land territory yeah you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I will take two bucks spend it and I'm gonna get my guy off the island I'll move over here perfect okay so I spent two bucks and I'm gonna leave the the workers there but the the plastic piece my character is gonna go there okay and that's the end of that I do not have enough food to do the bottom action no no okay I'm going to produce again so now I must pay a power right because of that and so I produce three food and one okay and that completes my turn okay sounds good so yeah okay I'm gonna go ahead and produce as well so I'm on these two because I have two workers here I produce two workers so now I have these four guys hanging out over here I have one worker here in food I'm gonna go ahead and place the food there and unfortunately still no middle so I'm not doing that my drink your turn okay so I'm going to move again this I'm going to move two of these workers into this spot here and then for my bottom row action I am going to pay three food to enlist the recruit again so here's my three food thank you and then I'm going to do this one enlisting and I'm going to put this on the popularity gain - popularity - popularity yep Lise and I'm gonna get my one coin and that completes my turn all right sounds good I'm gonna gosh I got to get off this island so I'm gonna move I'm gonna move one worker here onto the food and then I'm gonna move my character onto this tile right here which is another encounter token so I'm gonna take this encounter took and say goodbye and we're gonna choose - oh this okay reassure the young lad that the Army is just passing through gained one combat card in one popularity the next one is make a devotion at the way world chapel pay $2 to gain three popularity oh that's good dismount watch just remember a mech and use the metal shell as your new home pay to popularity to build one structure okay okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pay $2 to gain three popularity so here goes three I get one fringe okay then I go up one two three popularity then I'm gonna go ahead and pay $2 okay so I'm gonna pay I'm sorry I paid to popularity to build one structure someone go down down and that becomes four there okay and I'm gonna go ahead and build the mill and the mill has to go here where the encounter occurred so I'm gonna put that right over there okay that's all I freely was able to build a structure without paying any resources what I paid was the two popularity that the encounter asked me to okay are you taking your bottom action I cannot okay so I'm going to produce again so I'm gonna pay one of these and produce on these two hexes that's three food please and I believe that ends my turn okay okay so what I'm gonna do is trade I'm gonna spend its dollar and for that dollar I'm gonna go ahead and get we get to oil to well yeah to order there you go and I can place this anywhere where I have a meatball so I'm gonna go ahead and just tuck it we have a worker worker over there and I am NOT gonna do not yet okay so I am going to move again surprise and I move two workers out of here bring them in yeah and then I am gonna do my bottom row action which allows me to pay three food but this time I'm gonna pay it to food I'm gonna pay two food yes and I'm gonna turn in one of my combat cards as the third resource so that's my benefit my cover I guess oh sorry I paid you my combat card and I'm going to enlist and because I did that I get a combat card cuz that's what my ability is because I recruited I'm gonna get a contact card here and then I'm enlisting maybe this one the upgrade recruit which now whenever either of us upgrades I get to go up on the power track and I'm gonna put it here they need some money so two coins I'm actually gonna take a third chord because that is one of the benefits of enlisting as well for me so one two alright okay my turn very good okay so I'm gonna produce so I can produce on two hexes we're AB meeples and also the mill because I've made I've built the mill which I lay facedown now that's an extra production there so what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna go ahead and produce here so that's good producing first of all cost me one power ok because I've unlocked it right there ok I can't see it but I'm not gonna produce here because it's just gonna make things more expensive to produce in the future so I'm just gonna admit that one here because I have two meatballs I'm going to produce food ok and then the mill is gonna produce me one and so that's gonna be there ok done yeah and you know what I accidentally paid a dollar to do this it was actually you did the nope yeah so all the different starting areas come with different combinations of starting resource hexes or sometimes it's like difficult yet very difficult so now I'm gonna do something different for a change I am going to pay a coin I'm going to trade and so trading allows me to get to of any resource I think I will get to metal JQ a metal on your side yeah so here we go to metal and then I will take the bottom row action which allows me to pay for metal make sense to deploy a back so I'm gonna play all four of these metals that I have here and I'm going to deploy a mech finally so the mechs unlock different faction abilities and these abilities some of them are the same like we each have an ability that allows us to move an extra hex per movement we also have an ability that's called Riverwalk which allows us to move across rivers to a certain type of terrain and that type of terrain varies from faction faction but also I have Wayfarer which allows me to move from a territory or home they to any inactive factions home base or your own which is nice because we have a lot of inactive ones in this game and then my other one is Scout which says before combat I can steal one of my opponents combat cards at random so those are the four that might come with and when I build the map depending on which one i unlock it applies to all of my plastic pieces so my max as well as my third character piece so I'm gonna build my wayfarer okay which allows me to move from my territory or home base to any inactive one I'm gonna put this I can put this anywhere I know I have to put it in one of my workers places right yes to build it here or here wherever yeah meeples okay I'm gonna build it here so I can move from a territory which is wearing that or home base to any inactive factions home base okay or your own so I can hop around to other factors that was just from anywhere from anywhere from a territory or from a home base so uh okay so I unlocked that and because I took the deploy action I get a coin yeah because it was a recruit that I had done no getting the money okay uh Wow so let's go ahead and I'm going to bolster so I'm gonna go here I'm gonna have to pay it a coin to blaster I'm gonna go up to on the power track and then I I'm gonna do the bottom row action which so that's gonna help you out I think Monique I'm gonna pay three which I have one two and three oil do an upgrade so let's go ahead and upgrade this is the first time we're upgrading and what upgrading does is there are these six cubes one two three six of them in the top row and so you can choose one of them to move to any of the bottom row spaces where you can put a Cuban what it does is it makes a top row action better and a bottom row action cheaper I'm gonna go ahead and upgrade this this is gonna allow me to move one extra unit one space I'm gonna make upgrading cheaper because I did the upgrade action I get three points that's what my player board allows me to do so I'm gonna get three and did you get a bolster because I'm doing I know I get a I get to bolster one because are you dead that is it yes that is top and bottom action okay I'm going to I'm going to pay or sorry I'm gonna produce so I must pay that one Bower that I got from you and I'm gonna produce on both these hexes so it's one food please and for metal so one two three four metal and I am NOT taking the bun Rieu action star in that oil okay so okay I'm gonna go ahead and raid let me go right over here trade I'm gonna pay one coin and then what I'm gonna trade for is I'm going to trade for two would I grab myself to would and let's just tuck it right over here okay and I'm gonna do the bottom action here and the bottom action is I'm gonna enlist I'm gonna pay for food these are the for food I have right here for and I'm gonna go ahead and list I'm gonna enlist this one right here which is for the deploying mechs and I'm gonna put that right on the two to money my knees hard for me to come by so I'm gonna go ahead and grab okay so because he enlisted that it was a recruit that I had enlisted before so I get a combat card yes okay then yeah okay so I'm going to trade so I'm paying a coin and this time I'm gonna get to oil yeah so there's my two oil and I'm also going to do my bottom row action which allows me to deploy a mech provides I'm paying for these metal this one two three four and I'm going to deploy my I'm gonna play my riverwalk smack right there which gives me a coin yes same with hey I've unlocked this one I also get a coin which is keV it's into your actions crack mm-hmm okay so I'm gonna move and I have three movement points because that's what I've upgraded from to now I have three so one meatballs gonna go here one maples gonna go here and then my my character is gonna go right over there and I am gonna do my bottom action which is pay three wood one two three wood to build I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna build the monument and I'm gonna put the monument right over here nice and I'm gonna lay it face down so we could all see it so the monument does is now whenever he does a bolster whenever I do a bolster yeah whenever you does a bolster which is paying a coin to move up in the power track he also gets a popularity to go up there so that's cool yeah yep I'm going to produce so I am paying one power and I'm gonna produce on these two hexes so here we go for a medal again one two three four four and one food please thank you tapping that actually I did doing this right and I'm gonna do my bottom row action with lets me upgrade so I'm paying to oil and a combat card to do so so let's do this one and then I get to do an upgrade and I get two coins and because I had gotten really crude previously for that section I also go up one power and so my upgrade is gonna be this one which allows me to move an extra person and I'm going to make building a building cheaper I guess sounds good okay I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna trade I'm gonna pay a buck and I'm gonna trade for one metal in one oil please one metal and I'm not doing the bottom action okay I'm going to trade against I'm paying one coin and then I'm going to get I'm gonna get to oil again my to oil one two and then I'm gonna do my bond reaction which lets me deploy a mech gonna pay for metal to do so because I have I recruit there I get a coin no stay with me and then I am gonna deploy my speed Mac so this lets me move to up to two spaces per movement now all right I'm gonna produce so I'm gonna go here I pay one power to produce that's my cost now and I get to produce on two hexes plus the mill so I'm gonna produce here get every two three food mill you are working that mill so three food here I get one wood and then the mill here gets me one oil yep there you go thank you and that's that and I don't have enough metal unfortunately so we are not deploying a mech okay I'm gonna move we are on the move so now that I have my Riverwalk and my speed ability I can move up to three workers or three uh pieces I guess up to two hexes each plastic plastic can move two hexes but you didn't mention earlier mechs can carry workers so I can have all four of my workers in this mech moving around the board if I wanted to and I also can move across rivers to farms and Tundras so this is a tundra tundra makes oil and this is a farm so I can move across into here for one to what you do so I'm going to move I'm gonna move this mech with this worker here that's one movement let's go one two and then this one's gonna move this worker here for one and two and then I'm gonna move my character piece one two so this is going to give me this encounter so I'd like to turn that in please I'm gonna grab this encounter card and so my three options are oh so this is what it looks like this beautiful artwork really so I can herd the sheep on the hillside for an afternoon which gains two food in one popularity I can serve lamb for dinner tonight I pay two dollars to gain one worker and three food and that or I can use this she to trip up a passing MEC which allows me to pay three popularity to deploy one back I would put out my last Mack but that's a lot of popularity I think that I there's no use I don't want to put out my worker because that's gonna start costing a popularity for me to produce so I think I'm gonna gain two food in one popularity the food must go here where the encounter occurred and then I'm going to also do my bottom row action which lets me enlist my last recruit so I will pay three food the two here and one here too Oh am so sorry - unless this last recruit for building a building and I'm gonna put it here for to power and I get my recruit bonus of one combat card as well as a coin for doing so so I'm gonna just turn in four of these a star out there oh yeah so are these four five so Monique has placed all four of her enlistment recruits all for recruits so I guess star so she gets a star on the recruit track which is awesome that ends my turn my turn Z's seem to bolster I'm gonna pay a coin go up one two and then that also gets me a heart so because of my monument that's been unlocked I'm gonna do the bottom action which is pay to I'll which I have right here to oils and that's gonna allow me to upgrade so I'm gonna go ahead and upgrade this one right here I'm gonna take off from the bolster and I'm gonna place over here to make max cheaper so place that and just know that when when you take an upgrade from one section you can go ahead and make other sections cheaper it doesn't have to align with the particular area that I took it so I took from here and I moved it over here I get three coins for doing the bottom and then I believe you get a bolster oh yes okay so that's that okay I think I'm going to produce so I produce on two hexes which are these two looks like three metal one two three but before I do that I must pay a power so one two three and two oil just realize that this is boil I didn't mean for them to go there but we make our decisions in life and must deal with it so and then I'm going to take the bottom row action which allows me to do an upgrade I'm gonna pay back for this one yeah let's pay a combat card I'm gonna pay to I and a combat card to do it upgrade so this is gonna give me my recruit bonus of one power it's gonna give me two coins and one upgrade so let's do maybe this or let's do this one and I'm gonna upgrade and put that right there so two coins all right all right so I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna pay a buck to trade I'm gonna take a metal please yeah and I'm also gonna take a food so I'll just take the food to show take a medal take the food now I'm gonna do the bottom action here which is pay for food - unless you're enlisting so I get a combat card and let's go ahead and from that we're gonna enlist and then I'm gonna I'm gonna enlist this one right here and I'm gonna put this over the to bolster let me get to bolster what you doing here knocking over my stuff okay yeah uh yeah what's that okay I'm gonna move let's let's get some movement going so I'm gonna move this mech over here so that's one pick up the workers and move him over here which is who I meant for them to be I let's see when I move this smack here and for my last movement I'm gonna move my character to this inactive home base and then my second movement will move it into this farm territory she gives me this encounter mm-hmm so let's have an encounter or card please and this is the beautiful artwork oh it's snowing so it says admire a retired soldiers prized gun I gained one combat card in one popularity I can hire the soldier to relive his glory days which is pay two dollars to gain to power and to combat cards or steal the soldier's neck while he's napping pay three popularity to gain one mech Oh Pete oh it's a lot okay I'm gonna gain one combat card in one popularity comment card all right I'm going to pay the three food because I want a coin and another combat card so I guess it's a good way to flush these right so I'm gonna pay these two food there you go and this one that card to gain another comment card and a coin and that ends my turn okay so I'm gonna go ahead and produce so I'm gonna go here pay the one power to produce and I get the briefs on two exes I'm gonna go and produce here here and then the mill here okay so three food three one wood is gonna come here and then we'll come right over here and now because I finally have metal I'm gonna pay two metal here to deploy a mech so two metal I'm gonna get one two three coins Monique is gonna get one coin so that's a repoint for myself yes and I'm gonna finally deploy mech so we're gonna go ahead and apply some speed and then I put that speeder right over here okay that's that that's an action dad all right I'm going to trade hang in a court I am paying 8.4 to would see knife to woodsy thank you very much and then I'm going to deploy my last mech for these three medal out and my combat card okay so let's turn it I get the benefit of a call because she's doing that I'm gonna deploy this mech right there and I get a coin and you put out a star the last match a star for deploying my last NIC yeah I'm using all over the place okay running around yeah that's good okay so I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna Trey I'm gonna pay a coin and I'm gonna get to oil I'm sorry one oil and one food I've seen one would would and then I'm gonna do nothing else unfortunately okay I'm going to do this for the first time cuz I'm gonna pay a coin and this allows me to bolster so I'm gonna get three power one two three and I'm gonna take my bottom roll action that lets me pay a wood here you go in order to build a building now I think I'm gonna build this monument right there and I gain three coins do you have like a three denomination awesome don't have one of those not yours though okay thank you so get three coins and I get a popularity you do don't you okay I believe that is it okay done done I'm gonna go ahead over here and I'm in a bolster so I'm gonna pay a dollar I've unlocked a triple bolster here so I get one two three on the power track I'm gonna also gain a heart for building the monument and then I'm gonna pay to oil one two to go ahead and do my upgrade upgrading is gonna allow me to get three coins so I'm gonna grab and it gets me a pollster as a benefit Monique you also get a bolster as a benefit because I did that and now what am I gonna upgrade it okay so yeah let's go ahead and no I'm gonna take this one right here which is from the produce and I'm gonna make my enlisting a little cheaper metal is important but I'm gonna make that cheaper okay go ahead okay I'm going to move Oh No are you fine I'm gonna move okay we're universe I'm gonna go one two and I totally forgot that I left these resources alone and so if it's an alone in the hex that you don't technically control with any of your pieces you can't use them so I better get them I'm gonna move these people one pick up the resources to them and then I'm gonna move this one here one two okay and I think that's it no bottom actually okay sounds good I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna take this section over here which is trade I'm gonna pay a coin so I need to make some cheese in the European and I'm gonna get two items let's go ahead and get to metal and I am gonna do the bottom action which is enlist so let's go ahead and take these three foods off you're gonna get a combat card for me enlisting and I'm gonna go ahead and then list this one place it on the two hearts to move up one two in my popularity and that's that good then alright I am going to pay a coin to bolster so here's my one point I gained three power one two three and one popularity please and then I must pay a wood which I'm gonna pay this one to build a building so let's build what do I want to build so this is a mine and this is a mill it's filled that's what the armory which no yes weird blow the armory we're gonna build it right there okay and I get a popularity because you built I get a heart and so do you and I gave three coins another one of those three years and I did that last action because that unlock that heart for me wait yes that's right I'm getting confused with the different actions well your pawn is yeah okay you're finished finished okay so for my action I'm gonna go ahead and move so we do little gymnastics here this guy here that's in the wooded area he's gonna use my mind to go here this guy here and the people area is gonna go and fill in his gap okay and then this one you know what I'm gonna leave it like that I'm just gonna keep it like that two movements even though I have the ability to do three because I am going to declare that I have completed a secret objective population advantage control at least three village territory just one it's my home over here too with the movement and three where my character is right there awesome so I've gone ahead and done that and so now I can no longer complete the second one which it was almost impossible and I'm okay and then I am gonna do the bottom action again she's gonna be building my last building so one two three wood three wood it's gonna come off the board and I'm gonna go ahead and build the armory and I'll build it right over here where this guy's hanging out because that's the only place I can legally do it all my meatballs are here one hex one building so I'm not allowed to build another building here or here this is the only other place where I have a worker I'm gonna build my arm right there I have built a building which gives me one coin it also gives me and Monique she also gets a heart so up one and because it is the final building I get to put out so yes you know what sorry this guy I did want do you mind I wanted to move this guy here I do record the record sorry I don't mind yeah sorry I did want to be if you win the game because you moved your one worker yeah I'm sorry about that I get reactions that work here I should have put I'm just kidding my god no big ok are you done with your I am now officially done with my I'm gonna move so let's let's go people well I'm definitely gonna move these people out of here so we're gonna go one two I could have just moved via the tunnel the tunnel but I just wasted well okay let's do that let's go one two okay and then I'm going to move my character one two and I think that's gonna I'm not moving any one else okay so we haven't talked about the factory yet this is a perfect time to do so in the very very very middle of the board is a factory and it's denoted by this like purple three hex symbol so the way that the factory works is whoever controls this territory at the very end of the game this territory counts as three of them that's why that symbol is there in addition whenever you move or the very first time you move your character into the factory you get to grab the factory cards so there are a ton of these in the game but you only play with one plus the number of players and so so they get to do they're basically an extra action so it's as if you counted it a fifth spot on your player board and they are just like the top part is always different and they're like really kind of strong actions and the bottom part is always a one character moves two spaces two hexes that's and I get to look at all of them and choose one to keep so I'm not how to do a bottom row action if you'd like to take your turn yours I'm just gonna choose one of these okay sounds good okay well I have chosen I'm gonna go ahead and produce wait sorry do you already just show this for yeah I'm gonna put it down here so I don't know so this allows me to pay a combat card for three coins and the like I said all the cards have that same bottom row action which is just moving yeah one character yeah two spaces or three if you have that hex speed unlocked oh also sorry good thing that I didn't do that alright that I didn't continue I completed my my secret objective so my secret objective is king of the hill it says control the factory at the end of your turn and have the highest power of any player so I have a higher power and I control the factory so I completed my secret objective let me put out a star okay so secret objectives are done for us now okay done yeah alright I'm gonna go ahead and trade I'm gonna pay a gold gaining I'm sorry I'm not trading I apologize there's a right order of operations here I am gonna produce I lose a bolster arms right power I can produce on three X's plus my Mills so let's go ahead and just reduce the mill so I don't mess up I'm gonna preach hex hex hex right here so I have two meatballs here that's gonna be two would I have two meatballs here that's two food and then I have one meeple here that's one food and then I am gonna do the bottom action which is deploying him back so now I got some ability to do that so to medal it costs I'm gonna get one two three coins and I'm gonna deploy Mac so let's go ahead and deploy I'm gonna go ahead and deploy something called submerged so now I can move to slash from Lakes and move from any other lake ah that's good I can I can take a Mac and these areas that we call lakes I can slip into a lake as one movement point with my speed a second movement point I can hop lakes is now a tunnel it's a tunnel no these lakes act as a tunnel like just how these are tunnels where you can hop between them now the lakes are tunnels for him right so I'm gonna then place them right here cool okay and that is okay I am going to bolster so I'm paying a coin this is one coin for one power which is not a good exchange but at least it gets me to the end yeah and I get one population one population did you pay the wooden would go there okay yeah for that one and then I get to put out a start because I have reached the end of the power track so we are yeah and then I am gonna do my bottle over here row action which allows me to build I don't have wood okay I guess I'm gonna have to be a combat card to do this unfortunately so I'm paying a combat card as my wood and I'm gonna build a building I get a heart because she does that and so does she yep I'm gonna put my mill out I guess here and then I get three coins you have another three-year three coins yeah thank you that ends my turn okay now I'm in the next year you are in the next but you're gonna be there so you do so it's not ideal like it doesn't really matter gosh this is getting difficult now so okay I'm gonna go here I'm gonna mature eight I'm gonna pick one gained two resources let's go ahead and gain two medal since I don't have any access to metal to metal let's just tuck it away over here and I am gonna oh and because I did that with the armory out I gain a bolster so nice okay and I am gonna pay three food one two this is why I was important that I moved that last character because I forgot I had one two three food had I not oh you're in nothing I've been listening yet so I get a combat can you do and I am in listening my last one so I get to combat cards please and because that's my last enlist I get to put of a star unless category there we go here we go ha how are you feeling ah I'm anxious I'm not feeling too good you got a lot of territory you can move around the board from it we never gets like closer to the end of the game okay yeah I'm not feeling the best here okay I'm gonna move and I think I'm gonna go one two I'm gonna move this one over for one and then I'm gonna move over here another it's open right okay I'm gonna go one two and now we're going to battle any time you move your pieces your plastic pieces into an area that has an opponent's plastic units which is their character or them X then you're going to start a battle your your your movement for that piece ends immediately and a battle is gonna happen anytime to move your your pieces into an area that has a opponent's worker and the wood pieces a battle doesn't happen they just run away they go to their the players home base and the person who moved their piece into that territory loses one popularity per worker that you scared that way so it's not a very good thing to do but that's not what's happening here I'm ending my movement here which is gonna make me battle naveen so the way that a battle works is we each have these dials and we're going to be spending power that's what this whole power track is for so we're going to secretly determine how much of our power we're spending so you can spend maximum 7 per battle and that's why there's this like red circle right there on the 7 so you determine how much of your power you're spending and in addition you can add as many combat cards as you have plastic pieces who are involved in that battle so right now we are one-to-one so we can each only add one combat card to this battle okay and then at the we're going to reveal simultaneously and whoever has I think equal wins yeah if you're the aggressor equal you get the favor yeah so like if if I have a number that's equal to or greater than his combined with my combat card I win the battle right all of his pieces that were in that hex must retreat back home and I get to put out a star if he if he spends at least one power or a combat card right yep then he may take if he did not win he may take a constellation so so we are battling we are battling but because I have Scout it says before combat it can steal what am i doing it opponents combat cards at random yeah ok ok so we are going to see well done ready 1 2 3 ok so I Spanish no power in a to card cuz I know I'm losing this battle no matter what I spent 7 power because I was trying to be cautious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and a five card so I had a total of 12 yeah sometimes I did that if you get a consolation okay and so I put out a star for winning a battle you do and naveen's character must be treat and that is my whole movement I'm going to end my turn there I'm not doing my bottom row action okay so I'm gonna go ahead and move I think I think we're getting close to the end here not liking that but we're gonna have to get off this island here so how we gonna do this so how many combat cards you have Monique I have one two and four okay yeah four and you steal a card I do when you're offensive or defensive it just says before combat know one of the opponent's combat cards at random so it looks like any any time any time okay so I am gonna go ahead and move and we gotta claimed some territory here so this mech right here who's where my mind is gonna take these two workers along with him and we're gonna travel to this mine all the way out here he's gonna drop one off so I have speed so that's one two so these guys gonna come in so we will have ammo this guy over here territory this guy over here is gonna go with my newfound lake submerge he's gonna go Lake Lake when you found a newfound talent I would had no idea I could go in lakes no and the last one is this Mac should probably this Mac will probably go one so what I'll do is this Mac will go in here and then actually I want this guy onto here okay okay that makes sense instead of me moving it one one I'm just gonna move it one one oh yeah okay so that is three movements I am gonna go ahead and battle with you okay so I guess he used to steal combat card for me yeah all right are you on a shuffle number no no I've already shuffled them yeah I did the good old switcheroo alright so again the same thing and ready one two three eleven twelve oh you win okay I figured I might as well try yeah so you get a combat card Oh so I spent seven so mine see how much okay and I get a star that's good you got that factory over there okay do you take a bottom row because he won the battle I might lose it I might what won the battle who might win the war I think you're gonna win it yeah yeah and so that is unfortunately I cannot do the bottom action cuz I'm one would short okay I am going to produce so producing allows me to produce on two hexes cost you a power good think I didn't go all the way down I also wouldn't been able to take that back so I can choose two hexes to produce on and I think I will choose it doesn't matter now so let's just do these two so I get one oil and I'm gonna put out my last three workers what's out my last star it ends the game that's it that's six stars and that's done we are done that's it six stars instantly ends the game all right so we're gonna calculate yeah let's do it so this is how calculating scores works we're gonna get money for stars for territories that we control and for every two resources unused that are still on the board that belonged to you so if you did something or like I did earlier where I left some lonely oil over here and those don't belong to you so just be cautious and then you're gonna do it by your multiplier here and then we're gonna calculate this at the end so let's do it one by one sure okay so let's talk about stars so you have six stars obviously and you're in the third category tier 6 times 5 is 30 so I have 4 times 4 so I get 16 okay and then now we're gonna count our territory hexes that we control so anything that has just your player pieces on it so like for example in this hex I have just my building but no people it's still considered mine because so I've had an amine had a worker in that territory even though I have a building there if his because he's not there it's still mine so I'm gonna count it's gonna be 1 wait yeah home bases don't count Oh basically don't count that's not a territory so it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because this is concept 3 mm-hmm 11 okay so 11 times 4 is 40 4 4 44 20 and 20 okay so I have 8 8 times 3 is 24 okay okay and then the last one here is for every to every two resources so one two five two of them technically technically I have five but it's every two weeks or some I have one extra resource I'll get more okay so you guys you times two is four four coins I believe I just have these three I don't think I see another resource that you were so and this is just a one multiplier 1 times 3 so if you have one of those thank you okay and then the building bonuses these are for buildings in a straight line I have one where we count them actually as one tell you that the game comes with several of these tiles yes so this is variable every time you play a new game a different one of these gonna come out so this is our condition just for this game that we've played and it's dependent on how many buildings you have built in a straight line so how many how many have you built in the sheet I've built three in a straight line so that's six point seven three six six coins and same with me I have one two three and they're all in the street Lane six so that is everything yeah all scores now we're going to count all of our money and funds okay ready yeah 664 what is it yeah a lot of money you do to four six seven yeah that's it good so 64 someone else in order 100 Evan that's all game yeah ah this game is always like yeah thank you yeah alright so we finished our two-player playthrough of sight base and finally made this funny video we wanted to do this for a while now yeah and um well it's always like after you play the game your brain is trying to digest what just happened but so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna talk a little bit about how we like the actual game the game of size in general right after that disgusts like a two-player perspective sure this is a game that for me I I really like this game a lot a lot of times this is like this has been consistently in one of my top five games ever for a couple years now I don't remember what your this game was released gonna be 2015 2016 something like that the very first time I played this game I was like what what is this game I don't I don't understand how somebody made a game like this it's just there so if you like engine building like this is like this is the biggest like efficiency engine yeah game in like an hour-and-a-half experience right I've played so you're only taking top road actions and you're not coupling it with bottom row actions then you know you're doing something wrong right and you got to get that going early so let's start with theme yeah sure what do you think about the theme it's about you know Europe and turmoil and an alternate universe yeah cool I think it's cool yeah I think it's pretty somatic these these encounter cards where it's like oh you meet the cow and yeah whatever it is I think there's actually a book out there that has like the whole background story and all these characters and on the full timeline and storyline of the because there's a there's an actual like overarching story and I think a lot of that shines in the latest the last expansion which is the rise of feminist campaign but I think the theme is really cool like they put a lot of time you know into making a story like this into making the characters the characters all have named their partner in crime animal with it yeah yeah with that animal has a name too and all of the miniatures are are designed just like the characters on the player the player boards and stuff and what Nadine was saying about the encounter cards they're all Illustrated they're beautiful and they're all supposed to be thematically what is happening during this war right like this is things you would kill yeah I think they're literally things you encounter there's like steer the next away from the electric lines because you don't to break down the electric lines and it's kind of like you're choosing what kind of a back to be are you evil are you hurting the citizens are you so that's like automatically where it comes comes out mm-hmm so I really like the components in this game also besides for the theme they're actually functional the mechs you're actually going out and using them they can carry workers they can carry resources and they're actually going out and battle they don't just like sit there and do nothing for you plus there's a distinction between the plastic and the wood units and that has a functional functional there's also an opposite the opposite side of this board is it looks see the same except you can also get this like extra extender and it just becomes this huge map so if you're playing with like five or seven players you can all sit around this big version of the board and it's just like a really cool way to play a cooler experience what about in terms of a player account player account so two player of course let's see if the leader yeah player count I think it's I think it's cool that you can play from one to seven I never played one we've played three four we've played three four five and seven like I think I've played at now officially as of this playthrough at all player counts except one oh you played at I'm pretty sure play at six yeah we played the three player game together with the person who is particularly good at games and I will say that the three player game is very frustrating because for me it was really frustrating cuz like there's only three of years so if you're picking on one person and another person is kind of like left to do it they want so you really have to be careful about the seven player game that we played seven players sounds like it's gonna be really long and kind of torture but if you play with people who kind of move along there's a there's a way to play where when somebody's taking their bottom row abilities the next person can start their turn right because it doesn't affect them yeah technique doesn't affect him so so that's kind of essential in a seven player game but that was probably one of my most favorite experience it's quite sighs no it's good the board gets real tight you can't just spread all over the place can't hide you can't hide in like another effect I mean everybody's on the board right so that's really cool replay Bodie what do think uh replayability replayability well that's a good word but it's really strong in this game because they all the factions play differently and then every time you play you always randomize the player mats so every time you play as a different experience and like for me I feel like the true heart of the game is trying to figure out the synergy between your affection your player Matt and like you're starting I learn how to get that engine going how to get some of these objectives met so every time we play a game is always like this crazy new challenge and we've had days where we finished a game and then we played again right after because everybody in the group was just like no no we gotta go yeah I think it's cool because you can play one of seven different fractions if you get the expansion the invaders yeah for the base game you start with one of the five factions you can play but if you have the extension the expansion you can play up to seven different factions have the different faction boards and then still experience all those different combinations and and kind of mapping it and figuring out how to do it the type of factory cards used are always different and also these tiles always change if you mentioned earlier so strongly replayability is okay and what about mechanics like what do you what is your favorite part of this game I like the fact that you cannot do the same action because you know you want to do the same action over and over again unless you are the faction that allows you to do that yeah that's their speciality I've played that faction multiple times and it seems like crazy overpowered but it's not yes I like the fact that two actions are synced up so it's like man I really want to move but I also need to build this building right now shoot okay fine I won't move I'll do something else and then I'll come back to doing that and I think that that's a cool kind of internal struggle that you're constantly having in this game is where am I putting mine a little action token to be the most efficient so that I'm not doubling back on certain actions later right I've heard that like an efficient amount of turns is somewhere maybe in the 20 yeah what do you want when he turns or so is to win the game and so I feel like the heart of this game the part of this game that makes it so satisfying is trying to figure out how can I win this game in that money like there is a specific there's a particular order of things you need to be able to figure out I'm gonna do this and then I'm gonna do that so that I can do this next action and have all the resources that I need to do the bottom roll action it's almost like strategizing for a game of chess as you can plan out efficient opening moves and I think you can probably I'm sure there are strategy guides out there for the different factions sure yeah but it's yeah it almost feels like a game of chess or you're like okay my first move I'm gonna do this second move that third move that you can kind of try to outline it that way but at the same time you cannot fully plan your entire game because there are other people on the board who are coming to wreak havoc and try to take they're gonna try to take your territories and then there's a lot of push and pull with like well if I do that I might lose popularity and that's gonna kill my multiplier and you want them multiplier high that multiplier you got you just got in there and you saw an opportunity to attend the game right when you did that house like you only have six stars so which six are you gonna accomplish you can only win two battles technically or like a majority the time you can only win two battles you can't just go on this crazy war spree and if I go to battle him what if he wins then he gets a star so there's there's a lot a really good decision making in this game yeah I think the only true negative I have is that sometimes things just feel unbalanced it feels a little bit hard sometimes to sometimes you like it depends on a couple of factors yeah it just seemed like this is so hard to balance in terms of the player map and the faction Matt and I know that they've done a lot of work we try to figure out which combinations are way too strong and I really love that that's like I really them did they do that so there are there are a couple combinations that are banned because they're a little bit oaky but it's just hard so if anything that's the only negative yeah I think this same same thing is sometimes the player Matt that you have with the cost of what resources do to do those bottom actions and you're starting home turf when you sometimes see that I don't have the things needed to make things cheaper to then go and do these things and some other Matt's it lines up just right where well they have oil and they have a cheap upgrade so they can just upgrade make things cheap and then move on it from from upgrading at a very discounted price for everything else so I think that's the one area but sometimes I see that I'm like gosh this mat is gonna be tough today ya know exactly this VAT is gonna know what happened to me today I I look down at the mat and I was like okay oil is expensive I don't have any access to oil no access to metal metals a little bit cheap but in order to make it even cheaper I need oil and so that is what makes it difficult in order to upgrade upgrades are very expensive so right so he needs you need to get off his Island yeah he needs to build a mech correct which requires metal which he doesn't have on his island right he's gonna need to trade which requires money right so it's a lot of one of that kind of like money wasting money was tough at the beginning so let's talk about the two-player perspective now so like like we said earlier this is our first time playing a two-player game event so you got to see that all unfold mm-hmm in this video and what did you think it was okay a two-player I liked it at higher player accounts I like the fact that you can't just run all over the board in higher player accounts and this one you can get pretty much anywhere you want on the board and so I have two players the board is quite wide open so you really have to be super efficient so you can get the upper hand because once somebody you know has kind of claimed a bunch of territories and they can smell blood in the water and when fort stars out it's basically time to sprawl spread and just claim a bunch of territories and that's kind of what you did on your the last couple moves there so yeah you know it's tough fancy players I think the two-player game is I mean obviously it's very open so I do i do prefer it at higher player accounts because part of the reason why I like this game is attention yeah you know you're if you feel your competitors like next to you are they gonna battle each other I think it about on me here they're gonna leave me alone so I can just build up my own little section here and so I like that in a multiplayer game that's actually why I prefer a seven player game the two player game plays the same so it's still the same kind of satisfaction and trying to build your efficiency engine that part doesn't change they're still really fun but in general the two-player game is fine yeah it's it's fun it's fun you're not gonna battle as much battling is gonna more purposeful because you have the ability to just build stuff and move off to the side where your opponent is so you can do that up until you're you think okay I have built up enough power I'm gonna go battle so then you purposely go over there yeah battle them so it's definitely a violence because the base game isn't it's not a war game it's if there's so many other things to do in this game so it's not it's not as a bigger deal in smaller player accounts so overall what is your consensus on a two-player science experience I gotta bring the a game not the B game that was a game I'd have been a D game actually well how did what about just how do you like it I like it yeah I do I like it I still yeah love the game love this that that you want to be able to me if you can only play with to get the game yeah yeah all right thank you guys so much for watching the video we really hope you enjoyed the 2 player played through a site and if you do us a big favor and subscribe that'd be very helpful thank you [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 61,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scythe board game, scythe review, scythe board game review, scythe board game tutorial, scythe board game how to play, scythe board game playthrough, scythe plays, jamey stegmaier, stonemaier games
Id: uRFRqCmbAvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 22sec (4522 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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