Great Fitting SFD Pants and Giant Bug Top To Go With

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hey everybody joy here my amazing steam iron you can find it in my amazon store always posted under my videos the ironing board and the iron this is one of those videos i made days and days ago but i chopped part of it off so this is my new introduction to it so i'm making sure-fit designs pants it's not a complete tutorial or so long it's just i'm making them and as i'm making them i'm reminding myself of what i do with my complicated measurements and talking about things that can happen even if you have a system mine is sure if it designs there's several different ones i think but um the system where you do the dot to dot to dot and you put your hips and you put your waist and you put your lengths all of those come out just fine but there's some things like arms eyes sleeve widths the variance between the sides of you and the centers of you there's still things you have to fiddle with and make come out right for your body so the following clips are just me using my sure-fit designs pants kit which i love i also make it uh narrower legs although i understand now they're wearing super super wide legs again i'm telling you just can't keep up you know why they do that right they have to make the style completely different than last year and nobody's going to buy it so my thinking on the subject of what's in style is what i like on my body when i look in a mirror that's the style i like that's the style i'm gonna make i don't care i'm never ever gonna wear jeans with a bunch of slashes in them i think that is just a joke a joke i see stylists wearing them and i think they look horrible on them horrible i don't care if they're a stylist or they aren't they're just wrong those jeans are trash they need to be thrown away i've seen them with the knees then the girl's knees completely sticking out in flats hanging down my friends that's what clowns wear that's what clowns wear because they're poor and they wear rags that is not attractive i don't care who puts it on a hanger at a store and tries to sell it they're never going to sell it to me no that's just you know i'm not that shy about saying my opinion about things you may not have noticed but this is what i'm up to this morning this is after the fact of everything you're getting ready to see this is the inside of the pants and i have folded the waistband down you can see is my waist still drawn out there no i've ironed all my marks i had tons of marks on this you'll see them in my video they're all ironed away you can see they're all gone so now that i have folded this down i always do my hems my casings i always fold them where they're supposed to be folded first then i'll serge this edge all the way around but first i fold it because if you surge first you're probably going to serge a crooked line and it probably wouldn't matter in some cases but i'm a perfectionist and i want to make sure that that waistline is where it's supposed to be before i saw off the edge and fold it down okay elastic is going in next i don't know what i said last but it dawned on me i should put my finished pants at the end of this video not at the beginning of the video duh i knew that is mine going off again so i'm gonna start right here the video i made the other day here we go well i bet you thought you were going to see me making pants right now didn't you well that's what i thought too i had the most frustrating couple of days oh saturday sunday and monday i'm so glad they're all right remember i made the gifts the two gifts the pattern that phyllis sent me and then the measuring tape which by the way i know glenda sparling did not invent glenda sparling sent it to me as a gift but she bought it from someplace okay she did not invent it i couldn't believe someone said that to me but um i had a great great great great big long video had probably 17 clips in it this is a clip i'm making right now it'll be a little piece that i can put with other little pieces and put them together there's already a piece before it and there's already a piece after this a beginning and end and i'm wearing the crazy uh got attacked by a dragonfly top so i went to my computer yesterday spent hours trying to figure out how to put the new clips i made with the dragonfly top with all the clips i made showing you how i made the pants so it was two different videos right in my video software well it would let me download one of them into my software all by itself it would let me download the other one in a separate place all by itself but it would not let me combine the two no matter what i did and i had already edited them all and i did not want to start over editing so i just gave up i just thought there's so many people out there teaching people how to sew teaching them how to make pants make clothes my gosh they're so much younger and they're so much smarter so i'm just going to do a really fast review what pattern i used and what i did and how i made the pants okay so this is my pants kit you can see it's been well used i've made lots and lots of pants from this i love it but i bought this one back in 2009 2019 20 no no i think it was 2009 it's a long time ago and this was the envelope then linda has a new envelope now and this is the new envelope it's got more information on it so you know all the different kinds of things you can do so if you were to order it if you don't already have it then this is what it would look like but this is what mine looks like okay so what you get and you can watch this over there at surefit designs she shows you these up on a wall she shows you how to draw the dot to dots how to take your measurements glenda has oh i'm sure there's hundreds there's just got to be hundreds of videos go to youtube under surefit designs or go to and get a cup of coffee and get a donut get a jar of cookies you're like me and get some kleenex and you can watch videos forever but this is what the sure-fit designs looks like and i've shown this before but i have a lot of new people so you get this great big pants leg see this great big pants leg this is the front right here and then so then it has all of these dots see the dots the doctor dot so this is what you do you just do your measurements you're going to need your waist measurement you're going to need your full hip measurement you're going to want to know how far down now your full hip if you're like me is going to include your full belly i told jerry today i was in the bathroom just got out of the shower i told jerry i said if i could take the front of me and if i could turn myself around at the waist and have the front of me in the back of me i would have the nicest roundest behind he cracked up so here's the front here's the back i'm going to tell you a couple little things that i have had to tweak in this system not anything wrong with the system you may have to do some tweaking too one pattern cannot come out the same for every everybody i'm gonna tell you something that happens to me [Applause] on the front i don't have this on the back but i have it on the front i take my crotch measurement oh and i showed you my bendy thing hold on this has measurements it has centimeters on this side and it has inches on this side and so what you do is you put this one on the thing you'll probably do 100 things with this but what i do with it is i put it into my crotch length position your crotch length starts at your front waist where you want your waist to be on your pant on your pant if you want your pants up here then that's your waist if you want your pants down here then that's your waist i want mine at my belly button wrap it around pretty snug but not too snug you don't want it up in your ovaries and bend it to you bend it to your body hold on to it it really helps philly and i used to do this with each other and you know this doesn't start at the end so be sure you're holding the zero at your belly and at the back now i should be 27 let's see what this comes out to be 27 i am 27 now you have to take that full length number and divide it into how much goes to your front and how much goes to your back so the best way to do that as lorraine henry teaches is to and if you're having somebody help you it's much easier find your water outlet valve down here that's lorraine henry put your finger on it pull the tape out and that will tell you mine is 11. sometimes i use 12. i don't know what i used on here this particular time but you know you can move it a hair hair and a hair there and it's not going to make that much difference if you have a pair of pants on you like measure the pants you have on feel the cross seam on the pants you have on but i'm somewhere between 11 and 12. and so all i do is i subtract the front then say it's 12 from 27 and that leaves me 15 for the back so i'm either 16 and 11 or i'm 15 and 12. both of those work for me really but the closer you can get the better then you can always do that um that string thing you'll see this over at glenda's video she's got a video on it these are my stretchiest pants and they're always falling down you can have that crotchometer thing where you have a measuring tape and then you hang a string from it and you put like a fish weight or something so it hangs down straight and you hang it down until it's hanging straight down parallel perpendicular whatever that is straight to the floor and then that is where that 12 11 number would be okay where your water outlets really the the inseam of your pants and where they're gonna be so this is what happens to me you can see i have got some heat erase markers up here i've got a pink line and a purple line what that is is i tried once with 11 in the front and uh 16 in the back and then i tried 12 in the front and 15 in the back or whatever those numbers are so you can see they end up about an inch apart over here in the front i've always put myself at 12. this is the 12 mark over here this says can you see me can you see me now front crotch length measurement minus 12. if you're 12 you follow the 12 down here to where your waist measurement is and i end up right there where that pink x is now the reason there's two lines is sometimes i thought my back crotch was higher i thought i should have it higher up and i could you could make it higher you could make it lower you put it wherever you want to and i tried it higher because of my sway back and so higher is up here at this pink mark lower which would be um 15 inches 15 inches back crotch would be right here i tried the 16 i tried the 15. i have decided that the 16 is too high i don't like it there and so i have circled this x right here to show myself that that is where i want to keep my back crotch measurement so this purple line i know it looks like a sea slope but that is actually my body on this uh side seam to the center front of me and that's the way i am my side seam is up here and i do go down to my belly button and that's exactly what that line shows now it can get to the point where it's just too severe and you just need to raise the center front so it comes up above your belly button or you need to use move the side seams down what i did was i moved the side seams down so i made a note over here use purple x for side seam pink x is too high 7 30 21 use 15 inch back crotch so that's my note on that i also when after i drew my pattern i lowered my paper pattern this isn't my pattern my pattern's in the bag i put everything in an envelope as you know i've got to cut out a piece of this material and glue it on here so i know i made these pants out of this material on the day that i made them so i'm going to show you what my pattern looks like after it's drawn and it doesn't look like it looked when i first drew it i can tell you that i will show you right here is those little dots i just showed you this is the higher one this is the lower one on the real pants after i cut these out and after i made them i lowered the side seam one and a quarter inch so i came back to my paper pattern and i lowered it here and that keeps it from being such a slope in the back my ski slope starts at the waist and goes down in the front my ski slope starts over here and goes down it's really crazy both of them again i'm telling you this is what takes time there's nothing wrong with the pattern and there's nothing wrong with your body but you have to get it so it works best with your body so here is my ski slope in the front you can see it started right here and it went down down down down downhill over to here when i got the pants made i decided the side seam was way too high up on me so i lowered it down one and a quarter inches so that's why i circled that place on the master pattern so i know from now on make it down here at 15 not up here at 16 back crotch length that's the back crotch length number okay and so now all of this up here is going to change too but i did mark that there next time i make this pattern i will draw 2 and 5 8 inches up from this waist not this way so i've started to fix it but i haven't fixed it all now here's another thing that i always have to do i am really flat right here i'm just flat so i have to shave off this extra roundness right here for me so you can see that i have come in right here on this blue line the seam allowance used to be out here and now the seam allowance is in there i hope that makes sense because see how straight it is i have just shaved that off and made that straight i still have hips i still have a belly i need it up here but i don't need it right here okay another thing i did was i wanted to narrow the leg i did not want it as wide as it comes so up at the top uh you have to leave it according to your hips and your waist at the top and so you use the 42s let me see if i can show it to you let me get the camera off it'd be a lot easier so see here how you have numbers and you use your hip 42 and here you use 42. and that's for shorts and that's for shorts and then you keep going and you keep marking your hip 42 and 42 and so what i did is i used the 42s through the crotch but then i came into the 40s and then i came into 38 and then i went to 36 all the way the rest down so my pants ended up in here somewhere okay play like that's the way they would have come out they came in narrower and i actually really really like the way they turned out now glenda has instructions on how to do that which is a little different than the way i did it but for me that was a good way and i love the way it turned out so other than those idiosyncrasies of my body compared to the surefit designs pattern one other thing i use one inch elastic that exploded i have exploded elastic i could not get it wound back up i used one inch elastic and all i did was i used it flat in the front just flat i didn't stretch it at all just put it in the front flat from side to side in the back i put it in and i stretched it turned out great i prefer it over interfacing the front this makes great interfacing so i did that everything else is just the usual make a pair of pants super super super easy you sew up one front to one back then you sew up the other front to the other back then you turn one inside out and you put it inside you put the right side out one inside the wrong side out one so right sides are together and so you have one leg inside the other leg and you sew around what we call the bulb you sew around this part the whole thing both sides your pants are done except for putting the elastic in and trimming them up pants are extremely easy to make and i really really really love the sure-fit design system so i'm sure y'all that have been with me for a long time we've seen me do this many times but this is for those of you who are new and you don't know about the sure-fit designs very simple sure if it designs pant front and sure fit designs pant back you can add a pocket you can add a zipper you can add a fly it's all in the book it comes with the book an instruction book okay so it folds back up you don't ever ever ever ever ever ever cut these out you don't ever cut these out is this a pattern remember to always date your patterns this is for stretch woven this is for stretch woven this is a pant i made before and i use stretch wovens under the whole playlist you can go look at my playlist and you can find where i did a whole tutorial on the stretch wovens still with the elastic in the back totally really really like that so keep your paper patterns i have drawn the blouse pattern 20 times i've drawn the path pattern probably 10 times why do i keep drawing it i just enjoy it and then i just know that my body's constantly changing although my hips are always either 41 or 42 they don't change that much my weight goes from 33 to 36 and that is no exaggeration 33 to 36 when it gets up to 37 i pass out and i quit eating i go on to my desm diet don't eat so much i just refuse i haven't get any better than that all right so tell me what you think this is what i made the pans out of then i made a top and i think i already showed you about the giant bug and how that landed on there so then i thought well i need something else to wear with these pants except this one giant um dragonfly top so i found this material in my stash see why you have to have a stash ladies i found this in my stash so i'm going to make a blouse out of this next so i am super excited it's the only piece out of all the fabric i have this was the only piece that had that color in it because i just don't think i look that good in that color so hey everybody we're finally at the end of this pants video oh i'm sorry it's taken me so long we had an event come up this weekend that that just really really put me behind and had me all upset and dirty clothes and big old heavy boots that i wear in the woods and i just did not look good for making videos so i have my pants all done i think you can see them let me get up on this bench can you see me now these are my sure-fit design pants that you saw me make i don't have much room to put my feet apart on this bench so i hope you can see how nice they fit elastic in the back only elastic in the back flat in the front flat in the front i used elastic in the front and the back but in the front i just left it one to one i love it it works really good it works better than interfacing i'm really pleased with that i narrowed the leg and after i got them all made i did my usual extra narrowing right here i'm real straight on my hip real straight there's nothing going out or around all my roundness is in the front unfortunately so i always end up straightening this curve that's in the pattern i just straighten it right out so i like the fit better i also took the peggy's hangers tuck underneath my behind i love how that fixes the droop under here if i didn't do that i'd have all this extra material here now some people have said if you take fabric out here do you have to adjust the hem no the extra fabric isn't at the hem there's nothing wrong with the hem the extra fabric is right here like a sway back so you take the extra fabric out where it is and it doesn't do anything to the hem i hope that makes sense and i hope it looks good because i can't see it my mirrors are all flat okay so then i had a little bit of fabric left so i thought oh make a blouse i don't have anything purple i don't think i look good in this color i don't have anything purple so i got out my very favorite blouse pattern it's just a little dolman pattern doesn't take very much fabric and i love the hem on it the way it's rounded commercial pattern [Music] i'll put the numbers below always look below and i'll put the patterns okay so i love it i made it all up i hemmed the bottom of him to sleeve but the neck was left and i didn't have enough material to cut the facings for the neck so i used a piece of this silky kind of bias tape karina at lifting pins and needles it's what she uses and back when i saw her video i ordered a whole bunch of colors of it but i just have the worst luck putting bias tape in a neckline i know viv does it all the time and hers turn out perfect i don't know why mine never turn out i can't get it to flatten there's a part in the back that even though i turned it in extra so it wouldn't show because i didn't have the right color remember even though i turned it in extra it still wants to flip up and show i hate that so then i went and i got one of my fabric markers and i actually colored painted over the bias tape so if people look at me straight on if you look at me straight on you can see in there and so it wasn't the exact right color so and no i did not get attacked by a giant dragonfly hold on i bought this applique design years ago five years ago ten years ago a long time ago see here it is so i'm thinking oh it's little it's gonna look like that on my shirt and i've had it forever and ever and i saw it um i thought i've bought applique designs before and so i opened up the drawer and looked under apple pay and sure enough it was there and so i'm thinking i'm going to put this little design here on my shoulder right so you open up the package and look at how big it is this is how big it is it takes up my entire shirt and they gave you the pieces these pieces were all cut out and i already had the sticky stuff on the back of them so i messed with it and messed with it i could not make it look good so i ended up just putting the dragonfly on my shirt so that's where that came from so i'm sorry if it looks like a giant dragonfly is about to carry me off wait my weekend went i probably wouldn't mind i'm going to say goodbye for today i don't know what my next project's going to be but i know what my next task is going to be i've got 11 pieces of fabric washed and hanging over the chairs in here and i have got to get that done now you all know i told you that i was going to show it tell you about a big surprise that we got we don't have it yet and so i don't want to tell you about it until we have it and i can show it to you okay so maybe another week we're not sure but when we have it and i can show it to you that will be the day i'll do it love you guys i'll be back soon
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 2,695
Rating: 4.9763312 out of 5
Keywords: Joy Bernhardt, Surefit Designs, Surefit Designs Pant Kit, Surefit Designs Pant, Pants That Fit, Make Pants That Fit, Sew Pants That Fit, Sewing Pants, Pattern Fitting
Id: f1MbV6Rr6GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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