Do you love Watermelon? And what’s in this bin?

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hi my friend it's pat sloan here and it is watermelon day worldwide watermelon day is that a thing well it is i guess here it is on the calendar it is watermelon day uh so we want to i want to show you this table runner that is from american patrick and quilting magazine i made it years ago but i went looking in the stacks of quilts and couldn't find it so it's in there somewhere maybe i'll just have to remake it it is so darn cute so today i want you to celebrate and show any quotes you have with watermelon on it and we'll go ahead and stretch it over at the community page if you want to share a quilt that has watermelon color fabric that would be fine too just tell us about it tell us about the quilt okay keeping on food if you are part of the morning chat when this goes live or just before it's not live when it just before it airs in the mornings it's all recorded but just before it airs we just have about 15 minutes in the mornings where we chat there's usually up to about 300 quilters worldwide and usually a couple of the uh quilters will put the little icons that i brought donuts and coffee and it's just so much fun and sometimes there's a cake that's thrown in there if somebody's having a celebration uh we had the other morning the olympic gold medal gymnast jade her auntie is in our community and came in and was just before she started competing to say hi she was watching her she was up early to watch so just so much fun stuff but i have been dying to have donuts since everybody always giving donuts out so here we go here are my donuts for everybody today i brought donuts for all of you there are more take one take two oh they smell divine they smell divine and i went with my new grocery bag to get that and i got some fresh corn again i'm trying corn again the other day i had some that i didn't do i didn't cook them right away and they dried out we talked about that in the food group so this bag worked really well because it folds up super small so it can go in my tote my you know my my bag that i carry when i walk it has my wallet and phone and stuff in it this goes in there super nice because it's so flat i was happy about that okay i told you the other a couple days ago who knows when i told you that i would share with you what is in my big basket of halloween fabrics i love halloween fabrics i the imagery i like ones that have images you know like those are the things that draw me in so i thought i have not looked in my halloween basket for a while here it is it's a big longaberger basket that i have so i'm just going to pull some of this up and we'll take a look today why not that sounds so fun so this is a basket that has one of these great big lids i'll just put that over there okay so apparently i have it somewhat tidy and just put it up on the chair here that way we get a better view ah so this one was actually a gift recently with the cupcakes so i have there's actually a project in here too so i have some fabrics that were from things we did last year and this was a line that they've redone maybe not with exactly these fabrics in it but this is a art gallery uh halloween line that's really sweet it has some pinks and it looked pink with the pumpkins pink with pumpkins oh my goodness i need to make something with that and candy corn i cannot have enough candy corn fabric so now most of this fabric is older so i don't won't be able to link to most of it but i just wanted to show you that i have this you know love of this fabric and it's not new i've had this love of this fabric for a long time so there okay i also have a project going on that i'm going to show you here is something i bought years ago that was just darling look at that like that would be cute for a bag or something maybe that the little bag from my holiday book that would be cute with that and then here i'll just i'll just show you some of the pieces here so i've got pieces that i obviously have used some of it maybe somebody gave it to me but this is what i love there's more candy corn this is a very old piece of candy corn fabric really really been around a long time the base fabric that it's printed on is not as nice a quality as we get nowadays apparently i cut the edge off for something but it i think was a judy rothermell and it's very stiff the fabric's stiff but i'm keeping it some owls i really like owls some bats and purple i'm not as big on purple there's not a whole lot of purple in halloween i like it but not a whole lot you know i just like a little bit so i've got let me show you a few this is this is a project i'm not going to show you everything in here but [Laughter] i could right but i'm going to show you this in a in a few minutes because it's something that i've been working on for eons not my pattern so there's a bunch of fabric in there for that this is like extra things that go with that particular pattern so that's all kept there and then the rest of this is this my other halloween fabric i've collected and there's a few novelty type ones i want to show you that are that are were out this is sort of the grumpy witches uh this is alexander henry and it calls life's width that's the name of the fabric okay life's with which was supposed to be which says no width w-i-t-h all right so i just thought they cracked me up i thought it'd be good for a backing someday or border and then you know there's just more bats on white then i like these kind of prints with the newsprint sort of stuff cute cute pumpkins because pumpkins can be fall so they don't have to have just halloween and then i have a lot of oh here's another one this was from my friend the vintage workshop amy barackman so she did these sort of vintage error looking prints now here's another with the newsprint kind of stuff that i don't know it says october see october 31 so cool another big spider web i think i was going to use this in a project but i like that big spider web here's a cute one a bunch of just images see i like the images all the graphics the black cat the funky house then i got more candy corn i hope this isn't boring you more candy corn so you have to collect this over time because you just don't get this stuff in a day now this one has a bunch of words which i think is very fall like they're probably what's to say oh scarec it says words a scarecrow dance and harvest harvest moon yeah so it's just sort of fall type words okay here's another great big print that's very cool look at that look at this guy this was by do i say okay this was maude ashbury as ashbury blend spooktacular who knows i don't know if that company i think is still in business and then some just some more orange prints here some ghosts great big ghost look at the scale i like the big scale of that the same thing mod as ashbury i have to look whether that's still a company there's the ghastlies where any of you into the okay this is so much fun for any of you into the gas leaves i didn't get a whole lot of it but i do have a piece or two these are these crazy people when they did all different kind of the images were like all different kind of stuff they're they're a bit ghastly they're a bit you know gruesome they're not cute they're not cute but but there you go i had a batik so all then a bunch of dots more dots more dots and i know somewhere it's not in here somewhere i had this and i may i may have used it on something as a backing there was a great big bold print um bigger and bolder than than this than the grumpy witches you know it was another kind of a print with a big cat so i'm not sure where that is all right so let me just show you this pattern that i've been working on from another designer and i've done a few of hers for myself just doing them for fun stuck on the chair okay so this is by verna and here's the pattern so this is verna's you'd have to get it i'll link you to a place to get it either to her website or amazon so this is i'm doing these by hand blanket stitching because at one point when we were doing a lot of travel i just wanted some hand work and i didn't want hand work that was you know hand applique i just wanted something easy so i thought well i'm just going to do them by hand blanket stitching so they're fused down and hand blanket stitching this is not going to get a lot of use so here's the ghost and i've done quite a few of the pieces so and i'm just using like i went through and picked all these different fabrics someday i'll have to put them up on the wall and see how they're looking the big skeleton i have not traced him off yet you know he's um he's kind of large you know he's got a lot going on there so i think that you know my friends have offered to have like a tracing party like they help me trace them i may have to take them up on that here's the cauldron so i've got hand embroidery and hand blanket stitching here is the candelabra so i have a lot of the blocks done over the years and i've probably been hand blanket stitching these for way longer than i should i mean i haven't worked on them for oh two years so it's been two years i haven't probably done anything on them and prior to that i would do a little bit you know every time i maybe not every time i travel just sometimes when i traveled so it was very sporadic it's a cute bat and a spider web lots and lots of here's the back so you can really see the hand blanket stitching on the back i'm using 12 weight aura fill okay so that's i've got all the fabrics collected i need to pull i think i have still have this piece somewhere that i'm going to use for here uh not exactly like that but i think i show it was probably in that pile ah i gotta find it to be sure okay my friend that is my halloween fabric collection that was so fun to go through and some of those oranges now i'm like thinking do i need to keep them in with the halloween because anytime i want orange i can just go into my orange bin they don't need to be kept with the specialty fabric i generally keep the fabric by color so i might rethink that when i fold this back up oh before i forget come over to facebook to my community quote along with pat sloan at 4 p.m my my time zone which is same as new york city and i'm going to do a live chat today on tuesday all right i love you go go go make a watermelon table runner today it is so cute we're going from watermelons to halloween so i love you mwah see you online
Channel: Pat Sloan
Views: 10,574
Rating: 4.9892569 out of 5
Keywords: free watermelon quilt pattern, halloween fabric
Id: bh-rSvbPmak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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