Sewcation Pants, Pizza and Papers

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good morning good morning or maybe almost afternoon it's 20 after 11:00 in the morning it's morning for us belly has put together her second pair of pants from the SureFit designs and we were just in shock and how they came out you saw the pink ones first time out of the box sewed them up they looked great these look like clown pants they're gigantic so I wanted to tell you all when you change fabrics this is what can happen it could have been the other way around and it could have been too tight yeah but they're just and they're it's not stretch so I am having her take these in a half inch this is aluminum they're both linen it helps if you pull them up there's no bad yet you guys but this they're both linen but this pair is loosely woven and the other pair was very tightly woven so it it just so your final fitting really needs to be in the fabric it really does and then one of you said it's too baggy in the thighs if you tighten it up too much hair here let me see your your um hide it if you tighten it up too much here it causes it to buck to where you call that Billy buckle it outlines that baby roll and I don't want that baby roll outlines right so we're going to take it in but we're not going to take it in tight because we want it to hang down straight from that area it looks much better much better same with me I have one two right here these are my new ones with pockets and I if I get mind you tight look then suddenly it's like oh my god see so you want it to hang from your biggest part of your belly you want it to just hang kind of straight down so the plan is I am going to you can see when you have the pockets the pockets went in I love having the pockets but they make you look bumpy I don't like that the with over here so Linda has a different kind of a pocket that she shows I don't know if it's in the pants that mix in multiply or echo but I've got it out there if you need it in the regular book and you can stick your pup your head in your pocket from from the waistband from up here and those look a lot better they don't add width to the side of you so I think my next pair I'm going to do I'm sitting down so it won't cut my head off although I don't think it did tell me what we're doing what are we going to Hobby Lobby so we're gonna go to Hobby Lobby four buttons for my little Kimber Bell freebie but I can't find about this for anywhere so we're going to find some snowman buttons or some cups or something yeah Becky over at power tools would thread if you're into embroidery I check out babies play this video if power tools would thread she did a fabulous job showing you step by step by step by step by step yeah don't you like filly shirt do you recognize what pattern filly shirt is the famous can is a shirt ties dialogue style are the Kim swings huh I know I told her this should be mine cuz this is the kind of fabric I love but she won't give it to me she tried to steal it this morning and I told her no I only brought a limited amount of clothing I could give her one of Jerry's shirts to wear I learned one of yours people you have yes you know we can wear each other stuff it's just I have to put tissues in my bra my where's yours oh we wouldn't make pizza oh yeah yes fine you know yesterday we were taking up because we got the pizza class at sur La Table yes yes sir look top knot sur La Table it's a long time it's spelled sur La Table I wish I'd taken a picture of the store I wasn't even thinking pictures yesterday but I did get a few pictures of us making the pizza you want to see them I'll put them right here I'm recording so you're recording this Samet $80 now it was 30 get some of this know get some of this look of your smile [Music] we're going to go have lunch of Johnny's I called Lauren but she didn't answer her phone so I don't know where Lauren is today but we're gonna go to Johnny's having lunch then we're gonna go to Hobby Lobby because we want to make that cute little hanging that Becky made but you can't get the buttons that came with it so we have to go find some different buttons to go with it and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna sew and we're gonna show you guys some more things when we get back but of course for you guys it'll be instant here it is okay hey everybody joy here ha look who's short yeah look who's towards me it's dead after for on day 4 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday stay for this is Friday day 4 and Phillies made another pair of pants but we're gonna show it to you first thing we want to talk about is what we use what I use I'm not really sure if it uses it but I'm sure I use it I've talked to you about pattern ease and easy pattern and you all asked one of you said how did you know you needed to take the tough across your back hip so I'm going to show you the procedure from beginning to end with Philly's help so the first thing you do [Music] and you get a pencil and you're tracing vellum and you follow doctor doctor doctor dot and you draw out your pattern on the vellum of the doctor table paper okay that's what this is this is tapered off the table faceless this is the original master pattern then all of you will have in your pants kit okay oh we lay this down and we draw all this follow the procedures in the book step by step very important print out the page where you put your measurements or Philly writes on that knee raises it and writes on it erases it I copy it and I date it and I write out my measurements then open the book you always start with the back and just follow blender's pictures and read underneath the pictures and she will tell you exactly what to do from dot 1 to doc whatever it's the last one ok very important all right so Billy threw this out but you can't try on paper don't think they can't see it your book and yes it shows up a lot better than you think ok pump it up a little higher for a second see the whole things they're here for him down here all right so instead of cutting it out of the material our next is to trace the pattern the next step is we trace it on the pattern YZ or the new product that we're using called the easy pattern pail on 8/3 of so this is like material it's actually washable and dryable and this can try on your body and kind of mold to your body you can pin the darts in it you can pin the side seams in it very very very important that you snip the crotch tape it and snip it yeah we put tape this is the Palmer pleasure Palmer and plash method all up Lucy and Ethel that's right so you want to tape inside to see mine I've shown you this a bunch of times in the past you want to tape inside the see mine in the crotch area from your belly button in the front all the way around to the back so you can clip that crotch because if you don't clip the crotch you're not going to be able to get it up you're gonna tear it you're good well I don't know this yet dinner wouldn't blow the Swedish it turn it bit tour yeah it sounds right yeah you can wash it after it's torn Emily look at the physicists beautiful so you asked me how I knew if she needed the hip tuck I don't know if you can steer not gonna be able to see the hair is the need for the heck job or not because she fixed I fixed it so when we put this on her the first time she's coming here that's kind of coming apart when we put this on her the first time I take the tape off of then open it if you want to if I can't dissolve my moist redraws I need to there it is so the form we took that tuck in let go of the front I need to pull you up in the back a little there we go okay before we took this tuck in we had all this extra material down here so when she pulled it up and took the top you start the tuck inside it's actually it's not that on the inseam it's on the hip part and you just cut from here over to the side seam and then you cross it over how much did you cross it over about 5/8 inch what's the gap inch but sorry I can't tell now because it's just nothing I think there was about an inch and they have a center okay she thinks she took it in like a whole inch and so that would pull this up that pulls this up you come out to nothing over here and that takes all that fullness out that's hanging under a flat but I could do the same thing to me okay so you said how did you find out to do it we found it out in the pattern ease this is our muslin okay so when she takes this off she'll be able to fix that again okay but you can see how it looks like a pant feels like a pant and you can tell very much from this before you cut out your first actual fabric after you cut out your first fabric we still needed to do a couple things mm-hmm yeah but we didn't need to slice and pinch anywhere we had to take ends this right here yeah and that's my focus when we adjusted for that little my baby roll there I put it over it just yeah I put it too far down I you know tried to ease it in and I made a real big curve there so that was the problem in the blue pants we just right and we fixed it in the pink pants after it was material mm-hmm she took in the pink pants in the materials yeah so yes we still had some adjustments so she's gonna put the pink pants on now and we're gonna show you all done with hems and waistband and everything let me help you get them yeah he my cousin can't really been that leg all right and my reg hats are all done I showed them to you this morning but we went to Hobby Lobby oh we had so much fun in Hobby Lobby you know I told you about Becky's video this morning with the panel that she did the Kippur Bell panel and she had these snowman buttons on it well I told her that filly and I were gonna go to Hobby Lobby and buy the snowman because we were going to make that and she said well you need to go to the what what department is that called the paper craft paper crafting she said you need to go to the paper crafting department to find those snowmen buttons well I never go in the paper crafting ever I don't do paper crafting I don't care about scrapbooking it doesn't interest me in the least even though I'm such a crafty person I don't care about that so I've never been in it even though go to Hobby Lobby what two three times a week when I'm in town every time I see Tommy every time I go to Johnny C's and we did today so we went to the paper crafting Department who knew who did the stuff that was in there oh my goodness and at the end of the paper crafting Department I'll have to go get my little box and show them these are the paint ones this is pear number one Oh in the back I'm grazing in the front I'm so proud of myself every time I see these okay just let's do a slight turn man to show how nice that looks don't fall off the stool there's the back look how nice here's the elastic in the back now Billy did the elastic all the way around which is fine you might want to do that too that got rid of the little I got rid the dark yeah that got rid of the puckers they were here when we got rid of the darts and so she just has elastic all the way around but we took as much fullness as we could out of this waste area just enough to go but her hips so she doesn't have major gathers it looks really nice so then we made the next the blue ones came out with the elephant ears on the side again and that was caused because filly over corrected the paper pattern after we fixed this one remember I have Jodhpur photographers look here how the deaths gone you remember how Billy had a dent here it's not there anymore but filly when it had been corrected it too far down she extended that almost to her knee and she ended up with elephant ears out here again so we have fixed that since then looks like I had my tea pants on I'm gonna grab a cough drop and then I'm gonna go bye-bye and hoppy lovely so I can show it to you even though it has nothing to do in the world was sewing they might need to go find the craft the paper crafting Department maybe they make jewelry too they know where they might do they don't sort of shown those parts because I might want to send it and send them a card someday well they might want to do they wouldn't be surprised they might want to do make carts for people your stamp who says you ready cards for people you have that machine I'm done it carts I've got cards already made is what I bought and they were half-price today I didn't have any cute cards here and when I get a card from them it is the cutest cutest hands those stickers on it little drawing on I had looked for stickers because I wanted to copy them and so when I went to get I was just buying an individual thank-you card for some reason I don't remember mine and so I walked around and around all of the greeting cards and Hobby Lobby I've never found a single snickering so lo and behold guess where they are she's trying to eat me you might be taller than me yeah I love big tall anybody you're all not taller than then there's not a year old in the world that I'm not taller than I'll come back after I get my cough drop and I'll show you the cute things that I got half-price by it wasn't a sale no bossy person she is if she can take all this out you know she'll just clip it out so I can talk about her all I want to umm let's see yesterday she didn't tell you what all I want I bought an awesome nice I'm used to having chef's knives that are like eight inches long and I got this great big Eddy chef's knife I'm choppin and I hurts my shoulder well in the class they gave us this chef's knife that was four and a half to five inches long and it was wonderful so a pie bot a wonderful new chef's knife that I'm going to enjoy using when I cut up cutting things down and then I bought a scamp and if you've heard of ask and pin scan pans are stainless steel pans nice heavy-duty stainless steel pans and they are nonstick it's nonstick coating does not come off you can run it put it in the dishwasher and the saucony you can't scrape the coating off it just won't come off so I bought that I bought a coffee cup coffee a pepper grinder but instead of grinding at this which hurts my wrist it it goes this way it's got a handle that you pull up and down wonderful doesn't hurt my wrist she's back isn't she she's behind me making funny noises with funny faces that me huh and now she's got a cough drop it or not okay another play now she's showing her stuff come back here okay I need you to hold that tight Rosco get the whole boxes you weren't supposed to show these are not even showing in detail oh okay I just want to show you we were looking for snowman buttons and in the Snowman button article things were there at the end I and you know I do jewelry and Lauren just started doing jewelry and I just think this is the cutest thing with this I put all of my beading materials up here on the top the tools and it closed it's such a little little box and then dump all this stuff out this opens up and then these little containers come out see and so I put on my findings and so I wanted to buy one for Lauren too but they only have one so how cute is that I just love it before I had all of this in one great big giant like Tupperware container and I never can find anything because it was all on top of itself that's the snowman buttons that go on that Kimber Bell panel well we're gonna put on the Kimber Bell can both have coffee cups for a snowman and a coffee cup and mittens at winter winter things basically don't forget imposing these if you can show them these are cards and envelopes for the cards one dollar and 24 cents thank you go look at that the other French other thing we make them did Mary don't look at that she was just here and I wouldn't let her see it this is regularly five dollars I got it for a dollar 20 or plus what's it on sale it was and I found the stickers I found the stickers look here's I never have any cards I don't know how many cards are in here 50 50 cards and envelopes and there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different designs in this box that's cool regularly $9.99 half price she finished her blue pants but they're not pressed I think they're still a little big but they're not fresh now we can only see the pants maybe that's all the way down all the way up then you can't tell they still look very baggy to me they're great in the but they're great in the hip I think they just need to be pressed well I'll press it adjust me they're baggy I will I'll just blend them down for ya but two pair done with the same pattern so if I was going to show you what she brought home Oh from our shopping trip well this is my wonderful knife see that beautiful knife it looks like it's got writing on it well it does up here Japanese writing that's all that wavy stuff oh that is oh crud I can't remember what it's called I watched forged in fire with Roger I should know this forged in fire yes then make knives watching that before yeah make like great big swords sometimes and it's a specific thing it's a Japanese thing and it's layers and layers of different Steel's and it makes it very strong they tell me but this is my wonderful little knife that I bought that doesn't hurt my shoulder when I work with it and I am almost excited to go home and cook something or at least chop something cook something here we've had our last dinner last night so it was from that one class that was furthest paul-charlotte ah yes and then I'm the one who took us to the organizing section and I found this friend waving like this was on sale but it was yeah I wasn't gonna use my 40% look like you put on clothes Billy yeah look at that tightening that it's like one of those things when you just go like this well gosh you're so cute you know if we go someplace and take a class from people again that would be a good thing to take our scissors and our stuff and you could have my chick that you do I didn't know they were on sale they were on Sam look it's got all these cute these little things look at all the little places you can touch things and this comes out so you can set things in there and pick that in and out there's little pockets this pockets out here there's pockets down here and there's pockets over here and more pockets over here it's just full of pockets then I found this little piggy thing drain plug whatever that is seek strainer yes when I bought my new house there was one left in my sink and it is this set out this color oh that's that yellow rose that lime green it was about that color that lime green color and I hate lime green so I'm now gonna have a pink one in my sink with the little pig on it so and then I got the same buttons that she did the Snowman and I bought some ice snowflakes that's what I thought so yes Kimber Bell so this they give away the the design but you have to buy the buttons which and then they don't have the buttons okay so why aren't you get the dissolving yeah that's the cell work on a substitute but there's no man were really cute on Becky's yes thank you at power tools with thread you lost who's Becky who's Fillie who's their box it has a new video and that's the next thing we're gonna do we're gonna get our jammies on and we're gonna go sit down in front of the big screen TV we're gonna watch a bit I don't know if anybody else had a new video up today that's the only one I noticed well I think Whitney had one will you have one yes I was gonna this morning yes yes yes this morning craze this morning Hey we've been halfway saying tonight we have what you're tired to be certain I well so Philly's going on tomorrow you have asked when the pants class is gonna start and how it's gonna start I have been showing you all along for the last several weeks the SureFit designs pants kit the master patterns that come in it you know that there's a book that comes in it you have seen the pattern that I've drawn from it you've seen the pattern that Philly's drawn from it so when it starts I will go over the pattern again show you the pattern but you're going to need to have your pattern drawn out before we can all start sewing our pants so you probably should be working on that now I know a whole bunch of you have already gotten your pants kit so you probably want to already be drawing out your pattern and then you can do the easy pattern what's something called easy pattern attorneys for the easy pattern like we showed you while ago and pull it on yourself and get it close get it close and then we can actually I will cut my pant out you can watch me cut my pan out I don't know watching paint dry but anybody as you said it's a tutorial so or or doing it together yeah yeah so I will put my pattern down I will cut my pants out I'll tell you how to do the waistband and then we will sew it together from beginning to end but we're gonna wait until you all have your patterns ready so if you hadn't have not started your pattern yet I guess what I can do is I can start and say okay let's go everybody draw your pattern then wait a couple days and come back and then we'll cut out the pants and start sewing them what do you think that sounds good she won't be here no funny I'm not here [Applause] pants on this morning well I don't know they weren't even they weren't even need this morning no the only way to get on head up this morning you know I kind of out first thing this one so this is basically the end of so keishon number two joy and filly and we already have planned our next one only I had a problem with my friend Mary Mary has been here Philly's met Mary Mary's met Philly and she's lovely and she's fun and she was a great blessed to be around but she doesn't want to be in my videos so we may have to put her under cover and put some dark screens around her sewing station we can do her like they did what's-his-face on Wilson we can always have her behind something we could put her in the crib and now the jars would cover up her face now we could but we could find something took her that cover or we could put one of those masks up on like she has that new virus but there yeah our bandana yes yeah yeah we're gonna have to find a way because the three of us are gonna get together early spring we're thinking marked back here and going to make the what ma'am oh the peony best from sewing workshop Linda Linda let's relieve Linda Lee did you didn't have gone in yesterday's video when I fly my faster than I love a navy blue that's not yeah with my flowers yeah very cute and that is from well is it sewing workshop its Linda Lee sewing workshop workshop it's a PDF pattern it is now and there's a called peony PE oh my and if you have been with following her for a long time and it bought patterns for a long time you might have it as a non pdf pattern and it also had I believe a jacket with it oh if you bought any in something that I'm pretty sure I have it at my other house yes I have it mind when I thought it was not the PDF I believe I bought it with a jacket pattern with it so the three of us unless Laura Gordon wasn't able to get away this time so we didn't get to have Warren this time she wants to come and she's got her fabric today we were gonna do a big fabric thing for you she comes tomorrow if she comes over tomorrow we'll open her fabric so you guys can see you filly may or may not still be here so anyway March next location the peony fest by sewing workshop okay but right now we're doing pants and don't forget about joy gives soul vintage have you made a vintage pattern we want to see it all right my dear alright bye y'all see the next time yes we will don't care be back soon
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 7,841
Rating: 4.9659576 out of 5
Keywords: sewing, pattern fitting, Joy Bernhardt, Joyful Expressions, how to make pants, making pants, fitting pants
Id: M79_pfBGgSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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