How to Make a Braided Twist Table Runner | a Shabby Fabrics Tutorial

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[Music] hi it's jen from shabby fabrics today with a really unique project this is called the braided twist table runner and we're making this out of wild poppy from timeless treasures this is such a cool project this is a longer video go warm up the coffee grab a snack we're going to be here for a while but i'll tell you what it's going to be worth our time together today to learn how to use this amazing tool this is the braided twist tool this was designed by cheryl phillips and i tell you when i've been making these tape runners this is the second one i've done um i'm blown away with her mind to have designed this tool and how this project goes together so she gave us a lot of options inside the book he by the way this is a combo when you buy the book it comes with a template so i love that it's not two separate things and of course she'll be able to make this and she gives us lots of variation so let's just look through the book real quick before we dive into the steps of how we make our own braided twist and you've got lots of choices you can make these really a longer shorter and she's even done things that have 45 degree wedges she's added some applique there are so many things and options inside in the book let me get to some other pages that show some colors you can do a short one with just three uh three of the little kind of sections um other ones looks like fun for a picnic so let's just keep progressing through that i she gave you all kinds of ideas and different fabrics something i'm sure will resonate with you and look how she did these you can even do these in a more circular pattern for maybe a tabletop or i mean you could even do this in christmas fabric and potentially have a tree skirt just throwing that out there as a possibility not sure how to make the slit but just the idea lots of possibilities all right like i said we need to break down the process as we go i will do lots of overhead camera shots and try to zoom in so you have an absolute understanding of how to use this tool so when you make your own runner you know exactly what to do limited kits available if you love the wild poppy collection we have more kits coming out in other fabrics or maybe you have a stash at home very easy to kit this if you are going to be doing the three fabric version like we've done here the fabric at the two ends those are called the end caps you'll need a half a yard for that fabric and the two prints that are the toss floral actually the one print that's the toss floral that's in the two sections a half a yard again and then the fabric that's in the middle is just a fat quarter and a yard for the backing so i love that it's very easy to put this project together very easy to select fabrics and of course how amazing they'll look in a variety of different colors and combinations let's jump into the book and let's talk about the introduction of course we're giving you some ideas here some of the notions you'll be needing i'll just speak to those as we're using them they're giving you the basic runner we're going to skip ahead actually to page 12 because what we're going to be doing today what we did do is called the basic variation i want to draw your attention to this right here where we have three fabrics we have the two ends that are our a1 we have the b that's going to be our toss floral and i'll bring out this it's a little bit of a mock-up we did here so that that way you're not having to refer back to what's behind me so of course we have our a ones here which we're calling those are end caps that's important those are pieced differently than the other parts of the runner our b which is our toss plural here and then we have our a2 which is just right there in the middle of this one little pack floral here so the first thing i encourage you to do is just cut everything up front right in advance like you do any project you've done in the past if you're a quilter so i will just bring out some of those fabrics real quick and i'm going to show you how we'll be using the tool now because there is a little bit of a curved piecing in here and those two end caps i would encourage you to use some sizing anytime we're doing a little bit of curved piecing having at least a little bit of sizing can just help stabilize that fabric because of course we're now cutting on some bias so for our two end pieces here out of our a1 fabrics which is our full large poppy we would cut two pieces that are eight by eight and i've just got the one here i have the other one off to the side and i have another piece that's 14 by eight so those are would be done and cut and to the side now notice how our a2 and our b that's these we're gonna just be cutting the same size 14 and a half by eight 14 and a half by eight so they're all going to be really cut the same size at the very end we have some fusible fleece by the way we have that available on our website you can grab that fusible fleece fusible on one side i love it works out great i'm not using basting spray it's so fumey so i really love to use the fusible fleece you will be cutting eight pieces to a seven by fourteen so that's what that will look like once you have all of those things cut out let's go ahead and roll back into our book and we'll go to our top right of our page five so we'll be drawing your attention there and right away we're going to start talking about this ruler because we jump into it so i'm gonna i brought a piece of black fabric i want to talk to you about the ruler i shouldn't say it's a ruler it's really a tool is what it is out of the package this can be quite slippery i added some no slip rip dots from the gypsy quilter to the back in fact mine has already got the grips on it so we'll just use that i just added four of those that's because i don't want to miss cut or have anything slide away with the grips on the back i can't even accidentally move it while i'm cutting so that's something i just love to encourage you to potentially add some grips to the back so you don't make a miss cut referring back to our book now i'm going to leave that piece of black fabric there let's look at the lines here let's just study that let me turn my little fabric so you're seeing this from the overhead camera let's study our tool we will be using this in different different ways at different times so notice here we have our a line two a lines right here we have our b lines right here and we have some fleece cutting lines so i just wanted to point out to you that we have these different places and we use them at different times and i will emphasize that and you want to pay particular attention that you're lining up at the right location at the right time many times we'll be cutting on the outside of our arc but sometimes we'll be cutting on the inside of the arc for the inside cuts i found it difficult to navigate that with a 45 millimeter rotary cutter for that reason i also have my 28 millimeter with me for that inside cut because i need that to be very precise and i couldn't quite achieve it uh as well with the 45 millimeter again we'll speak to that when we use it but our very first cut that we are being asked to do here is curve piecing the illusion of layering make end cap sides with a quarter circle insert it into our rectangle don't worry about that i'll explain that more in just a little bit and you'll only be making two of these of course because we have the two ends of the project just lay that here for you to reference this is important that you cut the fabrics at this stage with everything facing right side up and she emphasizes that in her book so we'll place the braided twist tool onto an eight inch that's this one here square right side up aligning the fabric edges to the tools a lines so that's what they're showing here and then we're going to cut along the outside curved edges so we're lining up with this a so let me move my black out of the way so let's find our our a so i'm just kind of moving this around hopefully you can see this is my a and here's my a and you can see now why i have my spinning mat and this is going to take a little bit of space i tried this on my smaller 12 inch spinning mat and it was just too crowded especially with the larger pieces coming up and so this is why i have the 17 inch spinning mat now i'll be cutting to the outside of the arc so i am confident to use my 45 millimeter but i might as well just use the 28 just because i have it handy and i'm going to be using it soon on a different cut as well so i'm lined up here we'll just cut just a little trying to be so gentle to not move anything there we go and we'll just put that aside and off to the side we go all right so you would repeat that with the other eight inch square do the exact same step okay for our next cut because we've gotten us we've done this here we're down to our two rectangles place the braided twist tool onto a four and a half by eight inch b rectangle so again the b is that tossed print in fact you know what i'm going to do let me just label these for you here because that that's our a and our b and that's our a and our b and the k is our backing all right so we'll we won't worry about the middle just yet let's just focus on that so we're not going to touch this one yet but this is our b print again make sure you're right side up and now we get to use the b part of our tool which is really fun and it says right side up aligning the fabric edges to the tools b line and here's what's different about this time you're going to cut on the inside edge of the tool and of course we're going to do this for both of the b pieces so let's line up the b we've got a nice knife corner right here and lines up so nicely and that's why it's really important to cut your fabrics good and square right in the beginning this is when the 28 millimeter became necessary for me that 28 millimeter rotary cutter because that's a difficult turn to achieve with a 45. okay now that we have that we put the tool aside we'll move back into our book and now we're going to step two is the end cap sides pinch just the curved edges in half of both a and b so this is our a we talked about that anytime you see this kind of grainy kind of gritty part in her book that's representing the back side of the fabric so she's having us bring our two edges together and wants us to do a little pinch here and if you note what i noticed that these line don't line up that alarmed me i was sure i had cut it wrong when i made the sample and sure enough she said in her book sides are not the same length so if you're seeing what i am seeing here and you should when you're making this at home that's normal that's part of the magic of this tool now you can pinch here or give a press and i'll go ahead and give a little press because i want to have a good strong line and let's just put that aside for the moment for the next piece here our b piece we have that situated where it's uh vertically and then we're just laying that piece over and again she's wanting us to pinch i will give a press now match the a and b pinched folds right side together and pins so let's look at that let's so right side together and she's just wanting us to pin that location so let's go ahead and do that so we don't move our spot bring the each end of the curve b pieces to the a's and pins so she wants us to pin these two ends and that's going to feel a little weird to us at first and do the same over here because those have to match if i have not done a lot of curved piecing but for the for the little bit that i have done i know that you have to match your middles you need to find your ends and then make everything else in between fit now uh on one of our other team members here as i was trying to kind of arm wrestle the fabric a little bit and and pin it she suggested using um the sewline glue pen as an option so i want to throw that out there for you i've actually tried both ways i like the glue pen it's a lot less pins because it's glued but if you choose the route of pinning and you don't want to do any glue this is water soluble and it can stay in there forever there's no reason to remove it you're just going to want to stretch that fabric and kind of just finesse it and pin very frequently and try to keep it so that the pins can stay in position while you're sewing and they don't have to be removed now let's say that we want to go ahead and do the glue option so i just wanted to show you that as well in case that's an option you want to take make sure you keep your glue line your glue inside of your seam your allowance so that you don't have any glue showing outside of that and i might just reinforce that with a pin and this is how this was recommended to me and i thought that was pretty cool it reduces all the pins it held together very nicely you just kind of stretched that and then just kind of squeezed it together kind of a cool idea so i'll keep doing that until both sides are smooth and then we will sew a quarter inch seam allowance [Music] the glue dries so quickly we have to move fast so maybe the answer is a combination of pins and glue but we need to get this part right on the money for some nice curved piecing and you only have to do this part twice which is great the rest of it there's not really any of this type of curved piecing yeah i feel a little more confident i think with a combination of the glue and the pins just to make sure i have a different types of pins in here because we're really going to be using a lot of different types of pins especially as we start adding our fusible fleece so you'll see i have a combination of pins on my magnetic pin cushion i have the shorter patchwork pins which i love for things like this and then of course i have my flower head pins which will come into play a little bit later let's go ahead and sew our quarter inch seam make sure everything is nice and smooth if it's not or you feel there's a bubble definitely stop [Music] do [Music] do [Music] okay let's see how we did you know if we didn't get it right we'll grab our seam ripper and we'll just do it again that looks pretty good and she has us press toward let me flip that over here it's looking just like this this is the back side again she wants us to press toward this portion and that's good i can see that's where it wants to go that's always helpful when we're pressing in the direction that the fabric seems to want to go already and you would repeat that with the second wedge and the second piece of this and again no more of that once you do that a second time no more curve piecing after that i'm just going to trim off some threads okay moving on let's move to the next part of our pattern let me put that aside our step three for our cutting is actually our fusible fleece this is an important part of this project and that's what gives it that nice body and i love that i don't have to do long arm quilting in the end then they mentioned that right on the cover of the book no quilting no binding and no hand work it makes this truly about a half day project and you don't have to send it out for long arm quilting so it may also makes it economical as well okay they mentioned for the fusible fleece with the eight rectangles that are exactly seven by fourteen we're going to fold that in half with the edges aligned and they want to fold at the top as they're noting here with the fold at the top align the braided twist tools fleece line to the edge of the fleece so let me show you that i wanted to show you each step of this so there's absolutely no guesswork so let's look at our tool again we have our fleece line it might be easier for you to see that on the black because now that i've got white it's going to be hard to read so let's just point that out again our fleece lines are here and here we're just going to be bracketing that fleece and we'll refer to our there's our fold so our fleece lines are here like this let's get that matched up exactly just like that okay and then again this is going to be one of those inside cuts so let's just double check we're not missing anything remember the fleece line is placed along the raw edge not on the fold cut the pleats along the inside curve cut carefully as this piece creates the smooth circular shape of the half circles so if this is a really important cut on each time and then this part is uh extra so that's that's the semi-circle that they're talking about that's what's going to come into play to be um ins that's basically our batting as we're using fusible fleece instead of batting so let's go ahead and put that aside for the moment and you will be doing that with all eight of those pieces exactly the same step let's move on to the pieced end cap sides and remember how a lot of the other cuts we've been right side up i want to point out here on the piece end cap sides on this step that you are now wrong side up so make sure you're flipping that or this step will go wrong for you and we can see our arc is right here check the bottom edge of the piece rectangle to make sure it's straight so let's look at that i would say it's fairly straight if necessary trim slightly to straighten and you know i think i am going to grab a ruler real quick and straighten that let me just lay that along my line actually and see if we're off just a touch i am maybe off by oh maybe a sixteenth of an inch but i'm going to trim it anyway let me just grab a ruler and let's trim it i want to do this in real time with you so that you're seeing how i would do that if i do trim that up so i'm just squaring it up on my mat getting along this edge here i love the ability to trim up a little bit you know if my especially with curved piecing you know you've got a lot going on right there it's nice to have the ability to to square up just to touch okay so she gave us the liberty to straighten just a little bit and then we'll place the tool on the wrong side we've got the wrong side up and we will place this on the curved stitch line that's another thing i want to show you let me bring my black piece of fabric back there's this place right here it says place on curved line curved stitches this is what she's talking about we're going to align the bottom the very bottoms of our tool and have this be on our stitch line so let's hope our piecing resulted in that lining up in that location let's check that out oh yes it's a good day so you can see how i could shift this this way but i'll be off of my curved line so i don't know how well you can see that from overhead but my dash line is sitting right on my stitch line but i also need to make sure that i'm at the bottom of my shape and that's why she wanted us to square that trim it just slightly so i'm going to move that just a breath this is where i'm going to do a full cut from right to left and i'll be using really using the spinning mat for ella's uh glory here i will use this bigger one actually no i'm gonna stick with that 28 millimeter that's been serving me well on this project okay and of course you repeat that with your other uh end cap so now that's what that looks like pretty cool again i props to cheryl phillips for inventing this this is just absolutely incredible um and that's what this one is right here now for this piece this is our a remember we haven't touched that yet this beautiful piece has just been waiting for its moment well that moment is is here and looks like they have us with the wrong side up i'm not sure that it would matter but let's go with that wrong so i'm just i'm not even questioning that we're going to take the full tool lay that on here and we will cut around the full arc that step is right here all right that's now put us where we are able to move on to our step four our end cap assembly so we have our wrong sides up just like this and let's just move over this is once you get through this part the the rest of this is even is even simpler but even this step if we work on this together and you focus in on this we'll get the overhead camera we'll get this part done it that that step really intimidated me until i was able to work through and figure out what why i was doing that step to make each end cap you'll need two half circles a solid one and a pieced one that's what we have here two end caps are used for each runner or placemat regardless of its length we know that those two we will fold the a circle in half at the fold to find the center and mark that fold so i always like to give a crease because i don't want to miss that finding the center accurately on this project every time is key i'm going to i'm going to mark that spot real quick with my friction pen too okay fold the a circle in half to find the center mark the fold the center of the a and b cap end cap side is the seam so what they're saying is right here this is the center of that location with the right sides together we're going to align the center marks and pin now if you just put this one on top and we know we're starting from this point we didn't necessarily need to mark that but it's a good visual check to say yep notice how where that thread is and where that mark is line up it means we're on course we're doing a good job i'm going to put a couple pins in and what this next step is going to include line the center sew from the center to the bar okay we're going to sew from this point literally have your needle down and she makes an emphasis set the needle here she wants us to start a quarter inch in and on that sew on that seam right there you are going to stitch from here a couple stitches forward back stitch to that point and then go all the way to the end and back stitch again it's very important that you don't start after that above that or below that you want to be right on the mark on that she does make quite an emphasis about it and as i work through the project i understand the importance of that as well so let's go do that right now and see how i came up at the wrong spot don't even start we if you can just hand crank that down to its location so you're starting right on that line that's what you want to do and we're right there i'm going to take a couple stitches and i'm going to go back okay and now forward a quarter inch be on the mark with that take that pin out real quick it's going to make sure this is lined up because this is going to make a full circle once it's done [Music] okay i know that seems like a weird step and hey you're right but it results in an awesome table runner so let's look back here we did our back stitching at the beginning and at the end because she says he makes a big deal about this back stitching at the start and the end of the seam is critical so just if you had didn't do that go back and get that done you need to do that because the stitches will be stressed when the whole thing is turned and literally twisted we will clip exactly at the marked center at that quarter inch point clipping should not extend past the quarter inch seam clip before pressing so we need to do that right now i know it's going to feel weird but to clip in all the way to that seam but we need to do that so i'm going to clip right there and what that will do for us is it allow this seam to press open now this will just overlap each other at the top and she talks about that press the seam allowance open the unsewn center edges of the ab end cap will overlap each other this is normal and i know it doesn't look right but i appreciate she gives us a lot of visual reassurance through her diagramming and through words to let us know that while we're quite convinced it's wrong she's assuring us that it's actually correct so that's appreciated as well and we'll press that open and then let's go look at our book again make sure this is matching the sight picture inside her book so we have our arc here our seam is pressed open and yes we can see that's overlapping you will do that for a second time and then go ahead and put that aside over here on our two end caps because now we have the front but we need to have the back the back of our table runner is this beautiful poppy i love this one one of the things i wanted to mention that i i skipped when i went over here and remember we took our a fabric this one we had that on there and we put our tool on our 14 and a half by eight and we just cut all the way around the arc what i should have told you to do at that time is we keep doing that with other fabrics we can just cut that around and make those semi-circles in fact she talked about it here so i'm just going to backtrack just a touch to the bottom of page six when we cut this they wanted this to do of the half circles four of the a two of the b in all of our back piecing which is the k so we would have eight of these okay so that's probably like where did that come from we were just repeating the same process with our rectangle putting our tool on and cutting all the way making sure our bottoms were at the very bottom and cutting all the way around okay so now that you know where those came from we will use two of those and just like we did we will repeat this process the only difference is now we need to figure out where that center point is i'm going to put a press in there remember how we had our that was our center but just like i marked the piece on this side we're going to find our center i'm going to mark it to be absolute certain and we will repeat the process starting at this place reinforcing coming down reinforcing we'll come back we'll clip in the quarter of an inch to that line and again we'll press that seam open so i'll be right back so let's clip we will press open and just like before kind of have that one that that what she's showing us here that just overlaps that's natural that's supposed to be like that right now let's turn that page so now we will have our two pieces we have our this is our k this is our end cap we'll have that now right side up and with this part we're now right side together so let's focus on this right here we'll make sure we're lined up and we're pinning well all the way around you can see that they fit well but i want to right away pin this part back here i know those need to come together i'm going to pin that and just keep pinning all the way around and we just sew with a quarter inch seam and she does say exact so i'm going to do my best to be exact a quarter inch all the way around and then we'll move on to the next step so i'll continue pinning i'll go sew that and then we'll move to our next step [Music] okay next step here let's turn that right side up using the fleece so we we're here we're at this step we've sewn this together fusing the fleece follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying the fleece uh place the fleece fusible side down onto the wrong side of the a b end cap rather than the backing it would fit on this this is the backing but they've she's very specific that she wants that done on um this side check to see that the fleece is tucked into the bottom corners under the seam allowance and oh let me back up just to touch the fleece should be close to the stitching line but not cover it so when i first came to this i was like well i might am i am i going to be toward the center she wants it to be close to the line but not covering it so looking at that that kind of puts that right about there and what she's talking about with here is it makes contact with that seam if that's the case just tuck it underneath there just like i did i kind of rolled that back i have had the best luck with fusible fleece when i actually use it in combination with steam it seems to make the best contact for me and that's why i also love my wool pressing mat it just works so well with steam you may already have your favorite setting but i just find it to be no problem to use the seam the steam all right let me repress that seam open and we will repeat that for the other side just make sure my fabric is good and pressed oh i've got some pins in there i definitely don't want to secure those inside my table runner and we will do the same just make sure you definitely have the fusible side down i've done that before that was an absolute mess i thought that this was that that sticky was down and i made contact with my iron and i spent about an hour maybe a little longer cleaning that iron to get that off of there so learn from me to not do that so again we'll just just almost touching the stitching line she says that to um just touching it should be close to stitching line but not covering it so i'm going to scoot that down just a touch tucking that under and let's steam again okay so let's let that cool we're moving on to turning we're going to turn the end caps right side out we get to finally see what this is going to look like i'll use my point turner for that it does say to run your hand inside the pocket to open and smooth the outer edge and that works really well of course the point turner works well too if you'd rather use that and i'm going to move our large spinning mat out of the way so we can just be focused on our project again if you're inclined to use that curved part of the point turner this is a great chance to use it to get everything smoothed inside pretty cool huh i love it i've never done a project like it and that's that's always fun to learn some new things it's easy to get in the habit of doing those types of projects that we've done over and over because it's easy and we know how to do it but it's fun to challenge ourselves to learn something new like this and we'll press that out from both sides once we have that oh we're going to open this just to expose this and kind of keep this out of the way and i'll use one of my flower head pins that's why i have that that on here and you can see she wants us to use an eighth of an inch just to close that edge i'm going to press that let's put a few pins in there we need to close both of these with an eighth inch so i'll just go do that real quick making sure that you're just starting where that cut is and not anywhere past that now while we're here and up close i just need to do the same thing to the other side where i'm now trying to keep this one out of the way and so i just reverse that since we're here on the close-up photography make sure everything is nice and lined up insert some pins i think i can hold that with my fingers and again i'm just it's kind of delicate in there keeping that out of the way sewing an eighth of an inch okay so we have our end cap done and you would make the other end cap just like that of course always just making them kind of at the same time and i want to give you a point of reference so that you know what's going to be coming up next so looking at the table runner behind me the part that we just made goes right here and of course that flap tucks underneath this flap but they're already secured so you're not seeing that but i'll roll that back so that's what you've done and then of course down in here as well let me turn on the side that's where this is it's functioning so i want to show you that so you know what else is kind of left over but this is done now we're going to focus on this semi-circle it's a half a circle it's diving in behind here this is another semi-circle and this is a half a circle and so is this one so the reason i bring that up is that's what's next in our book and i want to address on the top uh let's see page nine where she calls this at the letter a and i think the reason that she calls out the letter a and of course we've been talking about our two ends with a large poppy as a but if you go back here on the opposite of page five notice how that center portion she also talked about as a this is now our a that she's referring to and we're going to call these just our end caps that'll help us stay keep our minds organized for the next steps to come so when she talks about on page nine of laying out our piece a place an a onto a k circle and the a that's this one here uh we're placing that onto the circle right sides together sewing around that and i actually what i i've already done those but i have the b same step let me just show you that with the b so just right side together sewing around the circle i try to do as much as i could ahead of time but not do so much that i was skipping any steps so let me just go ahead and do that we're going to do the same process for both pieces that have this as well as this fabric and i did those ahead of time so let's just do one together real quick and i should have done both of those and left one of those out but it's the same process we're just going to sew around that outside edge by a quarter of an inch let's do that real quick now like we did before with our fusible fleece that's what all those semi-circles were that you created was for this here a lot of that here we're again getting near that stitching line make sure you've got the sticky side down the glue side down you're not having to clean your iron the way i did that time and again let's just steam that biasing it toward that stitch line but not crossing it let that cool just a touch and we'll turn that right side out moving that through we'll use our point turner we'll just take that back to the mat and make sure the edges are lined up and let's give that a good press and you'd repeat that with all of those just like that and then we'll pin and we'll close that with an eighth inch seam and you do want to make sure those edges because they could be shifted like that you could see that they could shift just make sure that they are stacked directly on top of each other and we'll sew that closed by an eighth of an inch and i've already done that on those once you have that semi-circle sewn our next step in our pattern is to find the center of that and clip in by a quarter of an inch and the easiest way to do that in the way that i did mark those others or cut those others i should say was i just folded that in half exactly and then i just reach in there and cut the quarter of an inch just like that it's the simplest way for me to have found that quarter inch so you'll repeat that i've cut those all they're already trimmed and ready to go now we are ready to lay out our table runner i need space so i'm going to create some space we're going to turn the page actually before i turn the page she mentioned something in the book i want to call your attention to it and give you this option because she gave us this option she talked about folding in half making the cut and to make two of the ak circles we're calling this now a k k being the backing and b with k being the backing so that's what we're referring to i've went ahead and just marked our diagram so that we know for the next step we've got bk and ak and we've got our end caps if you're feeling inclined to label that she mentions that right here there are some labels and she also has some labels included inside her pattern so that's an option for you as well to use let's turn the page and now this part bent my brain more than any other part of this so far so i'm i have limited space on the set i will have to turn this process of the project to layout and move that in front of me this way but of course for you at home if you're able to keep the book oriented and lay that out that's ideal but for our limited space we will go ahead and turn this this way and we're going to turn our book and there's our top end cap i'll do as much as i can from this orientation so notice how she recommends right away we kind of pin this out of place what we're going to do let me give you the let me give you the flight plan and what we're going to do we're going to assemble the left side of our table runner and then we're going to come back and deal with the right side of the table runner and then we're going to do the twist and make it all work together and we're going to have our table runner so just follow along some of this is going to be right side up and some of this that's in the light blue is facing down i want to call that to your attention as well so how you lay this out is a hundred percent key to it coming out correctly so i pinned that out of the way hey i might get lucky and be able to push that up there for my k b k because the k is on the back and remember we said our b is this one right here so we have this is our wrong side up we will lay that piece until it's right in the notch right there right inside that notch and so the fabric is just stacking right on top of each other and notice where this piece ends and the other begins there's that slit we already cut that for the next piece which is also rb i think i will be able to lay this out vertically which is fantastic i prefer that this piece which is our b fabric with the k backing and it's right side up we will lay our piece at the slit right there and where it ends is it's at the end of this piece and it's at the slit here and then for our bottom cap so we have that one with the end cap facing down so we need to do that so let's just confirm though yep so we have that in our cut our slit and we we're rolling this back and we're going to pin that and that's going to end right in that notch right there so let's just review that and we're going once we're sure we're correct we'll pin this pin pin pin that's where the flower head pins come in and we'll sew a quarter inch seam right inside that notch all the way down ending right here don't go past it don't go shallow stop right at that location so our end cap is right side up and we have our arc here this piece we know that's our backing so the k is up with the b down the b is up and the k is down and then our end cap yep so we'll pin that well and then i'll sew our quarter inch seam allowance and i am definitely having those flower head pins facing downward so that i don't poke myself so i'm go i'll go ahead and just keep pinning and making sure everything is positioned just so and then i will be at the sewing machine to sew our quarter inch seam allowance so okay i know this looks looks like it can't possibly be right but it is and we'll move now to this part of our page and we actually only have two more pieces to put into position i found it easiest to actually start placing you could start down here which is where i started with our ak piece starting at our slit here now we want to create a little bit of a gap notice there's this gap here that's because when you get ready to sew this side down this side needs to be out of the way so you don't accidentally sew that closed so we need to kind of scoot that out of the way and that notch we're going to line up notice at the end of this circle is where my slit is my next piece ka so the k meaning the k is the wrong side or the not the wrong side but the backing is right side up with the pretty poppies facing down lining up at the slit ending there and notice this time this is going to go underneath my end cap and that end cap will come right there at my slit and we need to pin and pin well pin very well just like before [Music] now you can imagine because i need to now sew this it's like how do i access that for that reason she says rotate the entire piece to access the presser foot putting the top end cap that's our top and that's our bottom we're going to switch those so the bottom is now here and that's remember that's backing side up that's the bottom side up and that's our top what that does is just put that in a more natural position for us to access the presser foot if you are inclined to pin any of this out of the way do whatever you need to do we just need it to stay out of the out of the track of our sewing machine all right let's go sew our quarter inch seam okay we are moments away from having a table runner and you're like how is that possible it is okay orient this we're now over on page 11. we're going to do the twist here orient that so that the top end cap is here and that the one that is the wrong side up is at the bottom so this well it's a force actually a three-step process number one starting with the bottom end cap number one we're just going to twist to the right just like that so that's already things are already looking better step two twist the one and two to the right together notice how this is the back side the back side the back side third step twist again all three one two and three we'll twist them all together and there we have our table runner isn't that amazing i know i'm just like this woman is brilliant this cheryl phillips is uh is quite impressive here how she's created this over on the top right of page 11 now what do we do of course we display that but as you can see these aren't really attached to anything they're loose and we can untwist that now if you anticipate that you're never going to move this thing you don't necessarily need to do really anything else but as i showed you before these are actually adhered together and she talks about that here in our um step on the top right of page 11. press both sides of course we'll be doing that working on one intersection at a time slide and lock those together so she's talking about these little intersections right in here if you have any fabric poking out you'll just kind of kind of fussy that and kind of lock those intersections in to just move that if they're off bites i can see that coming out i'm just going to adjust that you'll just adjust it to where you're happy everything's pressed and adjusted now uh let's see tuck those seam allowances out of the way never allowing the seam allowances to be fused okay and what she means about diffusing is one of the ways that she kind of locked these in she talks about fuse the first inch next to the intersection using a quarter inch wide pieces of fusible webbing we have small amounts of the heat n bomb light this is a one and a quarter yard uh amount of that plenty of fabric to do all kinds of table runners with so that's one option is she put just a little bit of fusible in here and then once she was happy with that she said once the intersections are secure use the remaining curved edges to the underlying pieces on both the front and the back so you could put more of the fusible webbing in here maybe kind of a stripe in here and the same on the back i kind of did arcs up that were about one inches wide so mine kind of starts here and ends here and i did the same on the back another idea if you love decorative stitching and you're really good at it you could certainly be doing some decorative stitching and adding some really really nice glamour to the project as well so hey i know that this has been a video like no other i've never done a project like this with a tool that was that on incredibly brilliantly designed that created such an incredible a project and how fun to display that and i can't wait to make another one yet in completely different fabrics and it'll be just amazing to do the process again so thank you for hanging in there with me today it's been a longer video subscribe if you haven't already done so and i'll see you soon on another video [Music] you
Channel: Shabby Fabrics
Views: 34,635
Rating: 4.9147487 out of 5
Keywords: quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, shabby fabrics, braided twist, table runner, sew, how to sew, diy, diy table runner, tablerunner, twist
Id: -ablnnhYxwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 7sec (3967 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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