Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People

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well happy resurrection day my friends look who's back for a sunday devotional he volunteered i didn't force him if you were wondering about them so i'm just here to be his helper and hand him the right book today is april 4 2021 and we're celebrating the day our jesus rose from the dead after the devil tried to kill him well the devil did kill him didn't he but our god didn't stay dead the third day he came out of that grave what did haggy say this morning this is the only site in the world where people gather to come stand in line by the hundreds to see nothing to see nothing that's true okay honey go ahead today we're going to talk about why bad things happen to good people on this earth and i probably won't go ahead and read all this i'll just talk about some of this but bad things happen to everybody on this earth i don't care how religious you are how righteous you are how sinful you are bad things happen to everybody the difference being good people know how to overcome the bad things and bad people suffer and die because of the bad things but that doesn't mean that all people that suffer and die are bad people or that they have no religious beliefs or anything like that i'm just trying to say that in this world we live in god explained in his word that many early afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivered them out of them all and in order for you to understand that you're going to have to read god's word in order to learn how to overcome all the bad things that come against you god in his word gives instructions on everything that could ever possibly happen to you in this world and how to overcome it and there are certain things you have to do to overcome sickness and disease certain things you have to do according to god's word to overcome tragedies in your family everything in god's word answers this question and has a solution for everything and the more of these trials and tribulations that come upon you and you learn how to go into god's word and overcome those things you will find that they get actually the trials and tribulations sometimes get worse but as you overcome them through god's word you become stronger and stronger and stronger it builds your faith you it builds your faith and even god's word it says faith overcometh the world and so as you faith builds it becomes easier for you to overcome these obstacles even though they get bigger and bigger sometimes but eventually they begin to taper off and don't bother you so much anymore because satan sort of i guess gives up on you at a certain point there's nothing i can do with this person you know that's going to turn this under our feet under our feet but bad things do happen to good people i know that and it's a lot of times there's no explanations for any of this sometimes other than we live in a sinful world you're going to come up against this stuff the scripture for today is john 9 3 and it was about a person that was born blind and the disciples asked about that and why he was blind and jesus answered and said it was not because of his sins or his parents sins jesus answered this happened so the power of god could be seen in him i'm going to read this in a book also but people have often questioned why bad things happen to good people some think the bad things that happen are punishment for sin that's what the men talking to jesus suggested about a man who was born blind they thought that his blindness was permanent or punishment for his parents sin but jesus turned their thoughts into another direction what's important is that god is glorified in whatever happens either by taking away the hardship or by the person's trust in him during the difficult time it's all about god not people amen amen the thing that is uh most important is understanding and knowing god's word because that's where you god's word enables you to overcome anything that come against you but you have to know the word in order to do that you know it's god's word is like a manual to teach you how to fight battles basically because you're in a fight regardless of whether you realize it or not every morning you wake up and sometimes even at night when you're sleeping you're in a battle and you have to learn how to fight those battles or you're going to get overrun and one of the first things you've got to do is put on the whole armor of god and that is in ephesians 6 10 13 and we'll read this out of the king james version but wherefore taken to you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand now the evil day is one of those bad days you have or something comes against your family but he teaches you how to overcome that stand therefore having your loins gird about with truth truth truth and having hang on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and this is the important part and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there and to with all perseverance and supplication for all saints really all that says is it relates to your own human body like the helmet of salvation protects your head for one thing which is probably one of the most important things in your body but it's salvation okay the important part the sword of the spirit is god's word if you go into god's word and i don't care what comes against you whether it's sickness disease financial problems or whatever god will teach you in his word if you look for the scriptures and search for them you will find them and then you confess those scriptures before god in your prayers confess out loud confess because salvation is received through confession it's a very simple thing so none of this is difficult okay but i'm just saying that joe and i overcame a lot of things in our life it be financial or whether it be sickness or disease which if we've had our share of or other things that have come against us and we we always go back to god's word and confess the words that relate to the problem that we're having that's how you overcome those things because in revelation it talks and they overcame him we were satan by the shed blood of the lamb which is what he did and the word of your testimony and your word should be god's word and that's how you overcome it because god said in his word also in isaiah that my word shall not come to me void but it shall go forth to accomplish that which i please now what it says is his word if you pray god's word to him it shall not return unto you void sorry it was a sneeze break and cut it sorry babe he never sneezes anyway god's word will not return to him boy and so this is how you overcome all those things that come up in your life jesus even said my people perish because of a lack of knowledge and that is so true because people don't take the time to read god's word they go to church all the time they listen to preachers preach but they never open their bibles and read the word because god performs his word and if you'll speak his word he has to perform it it's alive and full of power god's word is hence we need to know it and apply it like jerry i had a dream about this one time when it was from the lord and i won't go into that today probably oh you should is it when you had cancer and you were in the hospital yeah yeah well i'll go through the dream with you real quickly but it was an answer to [Music] my questions about how to overcome something but you released the power of god through his word and the dream was that i saw this bowl of water like a fish bowl or a goldfish bowl and in this bowl well i will say this the bowl also had a valve at the bottom of it okay and it was full of water and in it was floating all these little pieces of paper like you get at a asian restaurant or something these fortune cookies have all these little pieces of paper in them but these pieces of paper that was floating around it had scriptures in it concerning healing finances whatever that bowl of water just sat there with no power and all those scriptures floating around in it and you get all these scriptures through listening to preachers and all this other kind of stuff and reading the bible but to actually cause those scriptures to release power the valve on the bottom opened up and when that happened the water flowed out of the bowl and along with it came the scriptures and what that represented to me god even showed me the interpretation of that which means your the valve represents your mouth okay and the scriptures represent your brain where all those little pieces of paper are floating around your brain you've got them there you just don't use them but when you open your mouth and you confess those scriptures that's releases the power because for example still water in a bowl or a lake or whatever it has no power it just sits there when you open the floodgates at a dam or something like that guess what happens there's tremendous amount of power flowing out of there and it generates electrical power or it generates power to destroy an entire town or whatever it's power and that's what all that represented to me and so that opened my eyes to realize that confessing god's word first of all you have to know god's word to do that confessing his word releases the power and that overcomes that overcomes the bad things in people's lives and with that i'm through talking no one second a lady asked me what my bible was because she wanted to get one like it but you have a super super good one okay so this is the one i was reading from yesterday it's a pretty one i got it from mardell in oklahoma and i don't know i think everywhere there's a hobby lobby there's a mardell cause they're owned by the same people and so i had my name put in it and somebody said to read the some kind of number from it the new king james version giant print of course giant print reference edition words of christ in red and other than that it doesn't really say with center column references center column translations textual notes and concordance words of christ in red so that's what this bible is and um i think you could go to mardelle.com there's hundreds of different bibles out there and the one i like the most if you're not familiar with kenneth copeland but it was a kenneth copeland reference edition that i received from joy many many years ago and it's king james version which i like and the one she's talking about is the new king james version which is very good also because it kind of it kind of doesn't have the d's and the diamonds yeah it kind of simplifies the text a little bit but in the bible that i use the kenneth copeland edition reference edition in the front of the bible it has a whole study of the word in there and how it relates to you and so on and so forth over all kinds of subjects and it refers back to the word a lot i got you this in june of 1984 for father's day but it does it has lots of helpful things i'll show you this one page for instance this is how jerry and i've learned stuff see if it shows up see there's thoughts on operating financially authority of the believer prosperity for god's covenant people the established covenant so it has all of these helpful tutorials in the front of it and jerry spent a lot of time reading in this one lots we have lots and lots of idols but the niv the new international version if you pick up any kind i don't care who wrote it i mean as far as the publisher or whatever new international version is a good bible i mean it puts it in simple language that you can understand and it very closely resembles king james another armored piece of armor of god is shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel which means that when you go out into the world or whatever spreading the gospel is very important you know and so that's what that means but that's just another thing a lot of people don't want to hear about it these days if you put on the whole armor of god and do what it tells you to do in there you will be protected against a lot of this stuff even when it comes up you're going to have to learn how to fight that stuff or you'll lose you still live in a world of sin and satan is still the ruler of this world whether anybody likes it or not but you have to learn how to overcome that because it's going to come against you regardless of how good you are really so all right my friends let you go so you can have your easter feast and celebrate our resurrected very much alive savior jesus christ amen
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 2,715
Rating: 4.7993312 out of 5
Keywords: Devotional 4-4, Daily Devotional, Jerry Bernhardt, Joy Bernhardt, Jerry G. Bernhardt
Id: 2NDDwh_c5l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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