Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E2 | The Legend of the Gobblewonker |@disneyxd

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[Music] are you ready for the ultimate Challenge I'm always ready then you know what this means syrup Go sir syrup go mounty man go go almost yes I [Music] won no way hey Mel check this out humanized hamster balls I'm humanized no no this we see weirder stuff than that every day we didn't get any photos of those gnomes did we nope just memories and the spe hair why did you save that good morning Knuckleheads you do know what day it is um happy anniversary ml it's family fun day genius we're cutting off work and having one of those you know bonding type deals grle Stan is this going to be anything like our last family bonding day you call that Ben Franklin he looks like a woman uh-oh oh the county Gil was so cold all right maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker but I swear today we're going to have some real family fun now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car yay wait [Music] what [Music] here who W blindfolds never lead to anything good wow I feel like all my other senses are heightened I can see with my fingers grun Stan are you wearing a blindfold n but with these cataracts I might as well be what is that a woodpecker okay okay open them up Tada it's fishing season fishing what are you playing at old man you're going to love it The Whole Town's out here here fishy fishies get into the pan sh sh uh is this good no I'll show you how a real man [Music] fishes get him get him that's some quality family bonding gr Stan why do you want to bond with us us all of a sudden come on this is going to be great I've never had fishing buddies before the guys from the lodge won't go with me they don't like or trust me I think he actually wants to fish with us hey I know it'll cheer you sad sacks Up pow Pine's family fishing hats that that's hand stitching you know it's just going to be you me and those goofy hats on a boat for 10 hours 10 hours I brought the joke book no no there has to be a way out of this I seen it I seen it [Music] again the gravity FS Goble Walker come quick before it scrab Doodles away a you doing a happy jig no it's a jig of grave danger hey he now what did I tell you about scaring my customers this is your last warning dad but I got proof This Time by gumy behold it's the gobbley Walker what done did it it had a long neck like a g Raff and wrinkly skin like like this gentleman right here it chaed my boat up to smitheroons and shim shammed over to scuttlebut Island you got to believe me attention all units we got ourselves a crazy old man oh donkey spittle your banjo polish well that happened now let's untie this boat and get out on that Lake mael did you hear what that old dude said oh donkey spittle the other thing about the monster if we can snag a photo of it we could split the prize 5050 that's 250s imagine what you could do with $500 not so high and mighty anymore more hey boys you can look but you can't touch squeak squeak squeak sque awesome mael Dipper I am 1 million per on board with this Grunkle stand change of plans we're taking that boat to scuttle Island and we are going to find that gobble Wonker Monster Hunt Monster Hunt Monster Hunt monster I'll go you dude say something about a Monster Hunt Ze what's up hamone K explode dude you could totally use my boat for your hunt it's got a steering wheel chairs normal boat stuff all right all right let's think this through your kids could go waste your time on some epic monster moner finding Adventure or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your great uncle [Music] stand so what do you say we made the right choice yes ingrates ah who needs them I got a whole box of creepy fishing LS to keep me company place the anchor raise the flag we're going to find that gobble Walker we're going to win that photo contest do any of you dudes have sunscreen we're going to go get sunscreen y all right if we want to win this contest we've got to do it right think what's the number one problem with most Monster hunts your side character you would die in the first 5 minutes of the movie dude am I a side character do you ever think about stuff like that no no no camera trouble say Bigfoot shows up sus be Bigfoot there he is Bigfoot uh-oh no camera oh wait here's one oh no film you see you see what I'm doing here oh yeah D's got a point that's why I bought 17 disposable cameras two on my ankle three in my jacket four for each of you three extras in this bag and one under my hat there's no way we're going to miss this okay everybody let's test our cameras out a dude you see this is exactly why you need backup cameras we still have 16 ah bird 15 okay guys I repeat don't lose your cameras wait lose the cameras don't dude I just threw two away 13 all right we still have 13 Camera 12 we have 12 cameras so what's the plan throw more cameras overboard or what no no okay you'll be Lookout Seuss can work the steering wheel and I'll be Captain what why do you get to be Captain what about Mabel huh mael mael may may I'm not sure that's a good idea what about co- Captain there's no such thing as co- Captain oh whoops okay fine you can be co- Captain can I be associate co- Captain as co- Captain I authorize that request well as first co- Captain our number one order of business is to lure the monster out with this permission to taste some granted permission Co granted permission associate Co granted dude I don't know what I expected that to taste like traitor I'll find my own fishing buddies ah there's my new Pals Now That We're Alone Rosanna there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you oh Reginald hey want to hear a joke here goes my ex-wife still misses me but her aim is getting better her aim is getting better you see it's it's funny because marriage is terrible what hey how's it going it's going awesome Mabel leave that thing alone a I don't mind none hey look I'm drinking water aren't you supposed to be doing doing Lookout look out but seriously I'm on it see we're here I'm a lookout genius hamster ball here we [Music] come dude check it out b island Seuss you WRA scallion hey why aren't you laughing all right are you scared yeah right I'm not yeah you are hey quit stopel dude did you guys hear that what was that was it your stomach n my stomach normally sounds like whale [Music] noises wow so Majestic AR Lantern ah I can't see anything dude I don't know man maybe this uh maybe this isn't worth it not worth it guys imagine what would happen if we got that picture tonight we're here with Adventure Seeker Dipper Pines who bravely photographed The elusive gobble Walker tell me Dipper what's the secret to your success well I run away from nothing nothing except for when I ran away from my annoying Grunkle Stan who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster all right you were to do so he look like a real piece of work I don't often do this but I feel the need to give you an award Charlie why won't you interview me I'm in me too all right dudes I'm coming my name is Mabel it rhymes with table it also rhymes with GL it also rhymes with dude we should be writing this down guys guys guys you hear something this is it this is [Music] it everyone get your cameras [Music] ready ready [Music] go but but what was that noise then I heard A monster noise sweet Beaver with a chainsaw maybe that old guy was crazy after all he did use the word scrap dude look when you threaten the line a lot of people don't know this but you want to use a barrel knot that's a secret from one fishing buddy to another uh I uh who are you exactly just call me your Grunkle stand sir s sir why are you talking to our son if you don't leave right now I'm calling the police you see the thing about that is don't bother your own kids oh yeah work it work it nice nice give me another one of those yeah I like that one what are we going to say to grun Stan we ditched him over nothing hey guys do you feel that hey hey whoa whoa this is it come on this is our [Music] chance what's wrong with you guys Dipper it's not that hard all right all you got to do is point and shoot like [Music] this [Music] run get back to the boat hurry there the picture dude if it makes you feel any better I got tons of pictures of those beavers dude why would that make me feel [Music] better let's get out of here [Music] dudes all right this is it cracked lens Seuss get a [Music] photo what are you doing oh I still got one left don't worry dude [Music] go go go go go Molly C can you please tell me more funny stories pop pop anything for my fishing buddies Pop Pop I just will I that I love you come on boo boo hey now what's the big idea maybe he has no one who loves him pop pop yeah well I I sh [Music] beavers ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow [Music] owow headlock dead dead dead the fishes they seek revenge swim boys [Music] swim easy easy my glass where do I go um uh go to the falls I think there might be a cave behind there Lighty [Music] it's stuck yeah wait it's stuck Boop did you get a good one they're all good ones what the huh what's wrong careful dude I've got this hold on hey guys come check this [Music] out got work the Bellows and the oh banjo polish you you made this why well I I uh I just wanted attention I still don't understand well first I just hoot Ned up a biomechanical brain wave generator and then I learn to operate a stick shift with my beard okay yeah but why did you do it well when you get to be an old fell like me no nobody pays any attention to you anymore my own son hasn't visited me in months so I figured maybe I'd catch his Fancy with a 15 ton of quatic Rob [Laughter] but in retrospect it seems a bit contrived you just don't know the length us Old-Timers go through for a little quality time with our [Music] family dude I guess the real like monster is you two sorry I just like boom just popped into my head there so did you ever talk to your son about how you felt no sir I got to work straight on the robot I made lots of robots in my day like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl Tron or when my pal Ernie didn't come to my retirement party and I constructed an 80ton shame bot that exploded the entire downtown area well time to get back to work on my death ray any you kids got a screwdriver well so much for the photo contest we still have one roll of film left what do you want to do with [Music] it hey over [Music] here what the kids I thought you two were up playing spin the bottle with Seuss well we spent all day trying to find a legendary dinosaur but we realized the only dinosaur we want to hang out with is right here here save your sympathy I've been having a great time without you making friends talking to my reflection I got to run in with the Lake Police guess I got to wear this ankle bracelet now so that'll be fun so I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more you Knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed five bucks says you can't do it you're on five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed plus me singing at the top of my lungs I like those odds wa what happened to your shirt long story dude all right everybody get together say fishing fishing fishing dude am I on the [Music] frame what was that [Music] who wants to hear a joke not me yeah you do here it goes why did the Pelican get kicked out of the restaurant I don't care cuz he had a very big Bill la la la la bad pel y hooray
Channel: Disney XD
Views: 1,054,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney xd, disney, xd, dxd, gravity falls, gravity falls show, gravity falls disney, gravity falls season 1, gravity falls season 2, gravity falls book, gravity falls full episode 2, gravity falls full episode season 1, gravity falls full episode, gravity falls season 1 episode 2, gravity falls episode 2, gravity falls full episodes, gravity falls episode 1, gravity falls s1 ep 2, disney xd gravity falls, gravity falls episodes, disney xd full episodes, gravity falls ep 2
Id: vvgGISTij8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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