Who wants a tangerine for their snack? | Simon | 1hr Compilation | Season 3 Full episodes | Cartoons

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hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny let's play my mommy's the best who wants a tangerine for this snack uh no thank you the poof yeah oh no they're not these ones are really good and besides they're flying tangerines [Laughter] [Music] look so did you see that oh wow you're amazing Mommy ahuh I won one I want one thank you Mommy your flying tangerines are so good so kaspar do you remember today I'm taking you to see your friend Lily oh yeah super hey what about us what are we going to do well I thought did I take you to the park oh yes amazing oh oh ready Mommy it's it's yours yours now bunny hey there ferin an oh oh hi there Simon hello how are you great how about you oh boy your mom knows how to play football yeah you saw her and she can even do KY yuppe oh oh hey can you show Simon how good you are at keeping your face oh no darling why don't you go and play with Simon instead but please Mommy please pleas oh you can do keepy Yuppy so good oh well I'd like to see that too oh all right then wo amazing yeah my mommy is just the best yeah but my mommy is super duper good at juggling this morning she even juggled three tangerines what three tangerines can you show for an ant please uh you want me to uh oh yeah well I'd like to see that too oh but uh oh yeah actually I can't because I didn't bring my tangerines with me but hey Mommy you can use pine cones instead oh uh thanks bunny all right then watch carefully there you go wo so amazing she's super duper good but is your mommy as good at playing football yeah well of course she is why don't we have a game of football you and your mommy against me and my mommy yeah good idea but darling know that Simon is here you don't need me anymore to play football with we'll watch you and besides we've got lots of things to talk about how have you been pretty good how about you is G own yeah well I bet we would have won with my Mommy because she runs super fast hey mine too my mommy runs super duper fast no way she can't possibly be as fast as my mommy oh I know how to find out who runs the fastest on three we'll yell for them one two and three mommy mommy you just waitting to see my Mommy's going to win what is it what's wrong children told you so you see my mommy just won hey that's just not true they go here at the same time do you mind telling us why you yell for us uh well it's because we wanted to know which one of you runs the fastest huh well why don't we all have a race then good idea let's have a race with you kids piggy back in then huh what really we can get on your backs yes really oh yeah amazing so the first ones to do a lap and cross the line win are you guys ready 1 2 3 and go yes go Mommy go come on mommy y faster faster mommy we've got to cat TR with them yes we're going to [Music] win look out [Music] Mommy yeah we're catching up with them wo go Mommy go we're going to jump like frogs now ribit ribit rib FR are you okay mommy yeah everything's fine we're going to win oh no they passed us oh the p is blocked come on let's head back this way yes the finish line is just over there and now we have to jump like kangaroos like [Music] kangaroos yes it was super amazing oh but hold on who was actually the fastest oh yeah right who win the race but that's not what's really important yes what's important is that we all had fun isn't it of course it was such such such fun so shall we do it again okay all right we'll do it again but this time it's you who carries us on your BS okay hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Sim here Simon my little bunny let's [Music] play Super rabbits disappeared uh you Missle I'll get it I'll get the ball he boy that really doesn't look easy yeah that's right it's super duper hard my turn now yeah your turn Super Rabbit mega short ha taada Super [Music] Rabbit oh hey you saw that huh that's my brother he's super amazing hey that's not fair your dress up is a Super Rabbit it's way too easy to do Super Shots all right all right but you just wait and see I'll do it even without my costume hey you coming let's play in the sandbox and here we go with the mega shots yeah okay but it's my turn huh Simon you're the goldie now huh all right so look out super shot almost Ferdinand but you kicked it too high hey can I try again I almost scored uh no it's lose turn now huh huh huh huh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh no I don't believe it hey what's going on Simon it's my costume it's disappeared oh boy oh boy did somebody take it oh somebody took it and maybe in after that they threw it in the rubbish bin oh no oh come on don't worry Simon we're going to find it oh yeah yeah yeah we have to look everywhere in the park come on quick let's go wao look oh it's nowhere yeah it's nowhere at all oh we'll never find it mommy mommy hey Simon is there something wrong yeah I lost my Super Rabbit costume H don't worry bunny we'll search the park but no we've looked everywhere it's true we've looked everywhere everywhere oh yeah even in all the rubbish beins I'll never ever be Super Rabbit again I'm absolutely sure we'll find your costume it can't be very far now show show me where you left it oh it was over there I left it [Music] here excuse me Madam you haven't seen a superhero costume have you oh no no I'm sorry right I'm sure it's not far oh oh over there it's super rabbit oh yeah well no way that's impossible cuz cuz cuz I'm super rabbit oh but yes it is there he is look hey we've got to catch it [Music] hey look over there on the [Music] slide oh rat it's not him ah he's over [Music] there hey give me back my oh oh missed him again oh over there hey stop look out hey that's my skateboard give me back my skateboard all right all right anyway he's disappeared we'll never catch him that's right I mean he's Super Rabbit he's way too fast oh Simon there he is oh oh yeah that's him we've got to split up so we can find him in the Park oh yeah here I'm going to hide near the seashore okay and I'll go to the sandbags well I'm going to sit down here and stay on the lookout what about me what do I do caspard you come with me we're going to hide behind the [Music] train oh shh gpod he's [Music] there he's there in the tube you stay here gas and catch him if he comes out you're traps fake Super Rabbit I caught you come on give me my costume back right now huh Lily oh oh you did it you caught him oh I'm sorry Simon yeah well hey it's my costume I wanted to be strong like Super Rabbit too yes Super Rabbit is always the best and that's why there can only be one of them ta y super Ry and super Lily hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny let's play Happy Birthday Ferdinand [Music] I'm going to cat you Simon I'm too fast for you Lou hey guys hey guys oh hi F hey guess what today's my birthday oh happy birthday first and my mom made a cake and we're all going to eat it with the t-shirt it's going to be amazing super duper hey we're playing tag want to play with us oh no we play tag all the time why don't we play football uh I don't feel like playing football oh come on because uh because it's my birthday oh all right but after that we play tag okay yeah yeah I'm going to get my ball and you make the goal okay Simon Okay so each of us gets a turn to shoot I start and you Simon you play goal all right and after that it's Lou's turn to shoot okay after that it's my turn huh super mega shot all right you saved it hey it's my turn now oh no it's still my turn come on come on it's my birthday oh I got to score a goal hey come on L it's his birthday oh I'm going to let him score so can I kick again now of course fand I'm sure you can score with a mega super shot oh oh oh yeah you just wait and see huh look out Simon huh yes I did it I did it yes I scored a mega amazing goal I'm the greatest football player of all Simon come on now children time for class hey your pirate boat drawing is super Simon well uh I'll give it to you if you want oh boy oh boy I just love Pirates you know oh will you give it to me please will you Simon well I said I'd give it to L so oh yeah yeah yeah but it's my birthday come on that will it be like a present oh please yeah it's true it is his birthday Simon thank you Lou oh that's super thank you Simon [Music] oh no my yogurt is lemon flavored yep I don't like lemon oh hey what kind of yogurt have you got oh well I've got lemon too I've got an apricot yogurt oh apricar hey that's my favorite can we swap blou um well you know I don't really like lemon either oh please Lou oh come on it's my birthday okay all right here oh thank you l oh AA yum this is so good yum too too super good come now guys let's play football again well no we said after we play tag yeah that's right after hey I get to decide now cuz it's my birthday he's really annoying me with his birthday let's go I'm going to score a mega super goal Simon yeah we'll see about that yeah you ready Simon ready Ferdinand Yahoo yes I stopped it easy peasy yeah well the last time it went so fast you didn't even see it huh this time you're just lucky no way the last time I let you score because it's your birthday that's all that's a lie you are just talking rubbish no I'm not I'm not talking rubbish at all and besides it's not because it's your birthday that you get to boss everyone around I'm not playing with you anymore come on kids back to class my birthday is really bad now Simon is never going to want to play with me again that's true it's really [Music] bad happy birthday Ferdinand happy birthday what's wrong with Ferdinand aren't you feeling well no I'm not well at all hey happy birthday Ferdinand well go on Blow Your canels you're still my friend Simon well of course I am I'm your friend for life super and the biggest pieces off for Simon and Lou because they're my best friends for my whole life hey everybody look here comes Simon here Simon here Simon my cute little bunny here Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny let's play I Don't Want to Be The Monster it's almost ready here you go your monster costume is finished wo it's amazing oh yeah the mega monster from outter space head looks really weird thank you Mommy so let's have a fight with the mega monster have fun buddies so who's going to be the Monster uh well how about you g bar I no I'm not going to be the monster oh well me neither I really don't want to how about you Simon yeah good idea Simon why don't you be the monster yeah well that's impossible I'm a superhero I'm super rabbit Tada same with me huh I'm super L yeah well me too I'm also a superhero that's right but I bet you being an amazing monster as well really you really really scare us with your three eyes and your super duper huge teeth oh yeah super duper huge teeth oh all right all right then I'll be the monster where do you think the monster's hiding don't worry Lou we'll find [Music] him look out here I am I'm the mega laser beam PE we CAU you monster from out of space you weren't even afraid one tiny bit it's no fun being the monster oh come on gasbar you're a super duper amazing monster I don't want to be the monster anymore I'm captain rabbit well so who's the monster then uh you Simon why don't you do it hey wait a sec I have an idea why don't we ask Ferdinand good idea Simon Ferdinand would be super [Music] scary oh oh hey guys hey will you come and play with us amazing you're playing superheroes wait I'll go get my costume oh no wait Ferdinand we got something much better you could be the super scary monster huh what and you're even going to scar a lot with your three eyes and your super duper huge teeth yeah well I actually don't really want to play oh yeah come on you'll see it's going to be [Music] amazing oh where is he where is he he's there look yeah let's catch him shh we have to take him by surprise got you but but what's that look out here I am and me too super funny huh PE PE PE Mega laser beam what are you doing you supposed to be the monster yeah but it's no fun being the monster well then how are we going to decide let's do eenie meenie miny mo okay eenie meenie miny mo catch a tiger by the toe if he squeals let him go oh no I'm the monster so do you guys see the Monster no but where is the monster huh I'm the mega amazing monster we're going to catch the monster you'll never catch me get him yeah we're going to catch [Music] him hey where didd he go huh what was that now look out he's attacking super funny oh oh catch him no you'll never catch me come on throw the cautions at you I'm a mega amazing monster H you missed get get him get him y we got no cuz I'm the mega amazing monster wow you're good Simon hey but I want to be the monster too no no no it's my turn to be the monster now oh no no it's my turn I want to be the mega amazing monster that's impossible cuz there's only one Mega amazing monster and it's me oh Mommy Mommy can you make us three more monster costumes please hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny let's play it's not [Music] yours oh hi there Simon do you want to play with me wa super hey so what did you bring with you Ferdinand lots of amazing stuff I even brought a super glider look wow amazing glider H yeah and it flies super [Music] fast I'm going to catch [Music] it what wow super all these [Music] toys oh oh a toy Ste train it's so pretty wow choo choo hey are you ready Simon C oh yeah I've got it I've got it your turn for N Ready to catch it oh but wait a sec I've also got to show you my toy steam train it even lights up [Music] amazing hey where is it are you sure you brought it yeah I definitely did fand can you come here for a sec just a move oh oh Mommy Mommy I I lost my toy steam train oh gas bird are you're the one that's got ferdinand's toy steam train really are you sure this is ferdinand's toy steam train cuz I found in the yard you know of course he's looking for it everywhere you have to get give it back no no no no not right away I'm playing with it right now and besides maybe it's not even his toy steam train yes it is I'm really certain it's [Music] his it's not funny anymore gasbo give me back for an nto steam train it's not yours I don't have it where'd you put a gas boards i h it and you'll never find it now [Music] found it thanks gbot wait a sec Simon I haven't even played with it yet but Gasper you have to give it back to [Music] Ferdinand thank you Simon stop that gasb come back here right now gash bird where are you gash bird hey Simon oh ferand I know where your toy steam train is super where is it huh where is it it's gasb he took it and he's hiding in the yard come on follow me oh good then it's not lost super yeah I'm going to get it back from gasb right now oh hey don't worry about it Simon gasb can play you'll never catch me oh it's not yours guest buard give us the toy steam tra [Music] Back Him CH Cho we're going to trap him in the [Music] house ch ch I'm going to catch you go oh come back here right now gasbar we're going to catch you Gaspard oh he's not here oh I can't believe it we've got to catch him I know because we're faster than him huh listen he's in the Attic he's trap now gas I know you're in in here I heard you you there is Simon stop gar you're tra well done guys you help me well so we going to play toy steam trains now hey why don't we play toy steam train tag instead isn't that a super idea oh yes choo [Laughter] choo hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little buny bunny let's play it wasn't me oh [Music] Simon hey Simon my truck did you take it uh no no not at all I didn't take it yes you did that's my truck you're hiding behind your back uh no no no way Gaspard yes it is hey that's my truck Simon oh you're playing a trick on me yeah here here's your truck asard oh hey will you come and play with me Simon oh okay all right let me go and get my Super Sonic car we'll play in the yard hey I've got a super idea why don't we build a huge racetrack oh yeah yeah that's great an enormous [Music] racetrack oh perfect our racet trck is going to be amazing oh no Elvis don't take the sticks from our mega super duper racetrack come on now Elvis be nice give the stick back to Simon thank you Elvis well I'm going to watch the tomatoes okay Grandpa I'm going to go and look for more sticks to make our racetrack even more Super dup gigantic a one a two 4 12 and there we go now I'm going to my truck can race super fast on our [Music] track huh where is it but but I put it right here Simon Simon where's my truck are you playing tricks on me again oh no it wasn't me I didn't take a truck I bet you're trying to trick me again Simon where did you hide it huh you all know this time it's true I didn't do it gaspart well then who did I'm sure you didn't look in the right place your trigger's next to the tomatoes come on let's go and see well I did too look in the right place look out Elvis huh where is it yeah well you see it's not here well my car's not here either ah bunnies are you looking for your toys I put them over there on the table so they wouldn't get wet thank you Grandpa oh yeah there's my car hey but where's my truck where did Grandpa put it well let's go and ask him grandpa grandpa where's my truck huh but I told you I put it on the table gaspa but it's not there grandpa I know you're playing a trickers here of course so so where did you hide it Grandpa but no I didn't hide it I really did put it on the table maybe it fell in the grass okay come with me we're going to look for it yeah well you see Grandpa my truck's not there oh yeah and now my cars disappear [Music] too I know now it's you playing tricks on me right bunnies oh no it's not us us what you didn't hide your toys no no no not at all Grandpa well well then where could they possibly have gone oh look Elvis he just took my glove oh and maybe you took our toys too oh hey Elvis give me back myad we have to follow him without making any noise oh of course you're right Simon oh ah right right sh sh [Music] sh stop that right now Elvis oh Simon my tricks there look yeah and so is my car it was Elvis who took all our things he really played quite a trick on us Elvis is nothing but a super duper Joker no no I don't know what your ball is [Music] Elvis hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Sim my cute little bunny here Simon here Simon here Simon my little bunny let's play the little cat me me we're going to catch [Music] you hey he's not in here Simon Yoo where are you meu oh do you hear that gasb he's hiding in the bush we found you meu huh oh oh it's a baby cat oh he's super cute oh so what are you doing in here are you lost s do you think we can keep him we have to ask Mommy and Daddy come on you go get them I'll keep an eye on the cats mommy daddy we found a baby cat come on little cat come on little cat come with me don't be scared he's over there momy so let's have a look at the little cat he's here in the bush but he doesn't want to come out he's too scared let's see now hey come here little fell he's very sweet you can stroke him oh he's so soft he's even softer than [Music] meu stop that meu he's our new friend in fact maybe he's even going to live with us now huh what what do you mean he's going to live with us now well uh oh yeah can we keep the baby cat huh Can we keep it I'm sorry bunes but this little cat probably already belongs to someone and we're going to have to try and find his owners a but not until tomorrow because it's much too late now and that means we can keep him for the night come on little cat tonight you're going to sleep with us oh yeah yeah yeah with [Music] those hey what do you think the little cat's name is uh I don't know but he's so tiny maybe his name's itsy pitsy huh ity bitsy huh Simon you found his name right itsy-bitsy Oh Daddy the cat's name is Itsy Bitsy H maybe it is Gaspard right so now kids it's time to go to bed oh yes and ity bitsy gets to sleep with me oh no that's not fair stop me me was going to eat it today stop it meu leave it to bitsy alone and why do you get to sleep with itsy bitsy huh huh well because I'm the one who found him you can sleep with me Lou no no no I want super itsy bitsy too oh come on now Milo leave him alone hey Mommy I'm the one who gets to sleep with itsy bitsy right oh no no wait I do I do well then what have you both slept with itsy bitsy all right okay good night children night Mommy night Daddy oh move over gasb you're taking up all the space no no no way you're the one who's taking up all the space hey hey but it's my bed anyway all right sorry good night to you too ity pitsy you can speak cat what did he say Simon well he said that he's tired oh okay [Music] there now with all these posters we should be able to find out whose cat it is and that means I will'll never get to see itsy bitsy again yes but if it was meu kids we'd be pretty happy if someone helped us find him that's true if I lost milu I'd be super duper sad well so would I I love milu so much well we've already put up loads of posters I really hope you find itb's family I'm sure we will I'll go and put one up in the flower shop all right well then I'm going to put one up in the bakery there here we go hey it's marshmallow huh what is Itsy pitsy oh is that your cat yes it's marshmallow I lost him yesterday oh Mommy I found marshmallow hello oh Mommy Mommy what is it Simon I think we found ity bitsy's family goodbye it bitsy come and visit us whenever you want hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny let's play can we borrow it please please oh oh the [Music] ball no hi Benjamin oh hi Simon take a look at my new Mega Intergalactic flying sorcer wa it's amazing oh yeah check this out it even makes super laser noises wow just so cool hey but wait a sec there's even more look oh no way amazing it even flies it does you ready look out take off amazing totally amazing oh can I try it can I try it Benjamin oh yeah all right here oh yeah go Simon oh make it Fly make it Fly super high out take yes oh my turn my [Music] turn oh Benjamin hey can I try it too hey Benjamin are you coming to play football oh yeah of course coming sorry Ferdinand can you give me back my Flying Saucer oh but but I I I didn't even get to try it out you lend it to us while you're playing football okay but don't break it huh or lose it oh no wait we're going to be super careful all right then but make sure you're super duper careful okay oh yeah yeah yeah promise coming guys wao your cousin is super nice Simon yeah he's okay right so here it's your turn to fight now oh thank you Simon ready yeah yeah go for it you've got to pull super duper hard yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh I'm going to send it super high mega T oh no oh what did you do Ferdinand but it's your fault too you told me to pull super duper hard oh but how are we ever going to get it down oh boy Benjamin is going to be so angry oh no he's not we're going to get it down before he comes [Music] back that won't work oh we we've got to get it down with this stick oh yeah right I'll get one oh hey Simon use this go on do it but it's wait to small ferand we need a mega gantosaurus stick okay I'll go and get one sorry that birds I'll have to borrow this from you there oh wow oh no it's still too short oh hey how about I give you a lift up that'll work uh are you sure ferite well yeah it will I'm super strong okay all right hey stop moving ferand look G on your tiptoes ferand we're not high enough yet are you sure I don't know if I can do it yeah yeah keep going high H we're almost there we'll never get it this way yeah I know and Benjamin will never want to play with us again oh wait a sec I got an idea I'll be right back look Simon I'm going to knock it down oh no you break it for HT hey Cat hey hey hey can you push off flank saucer out of the tree please oh oh yeah please oh yeah yeah yeah that's it push the fine saucer push it oh I know this is no time to sleep oh that cat doesn't understand a thing we're never going to get it down yes we will go on cat go you're almost there push it go on go push [Music] the oh no no no he's going to fall oh no I've got you C saucer oh we did it Simon we did it so you guys having fun with my Flying Saucer oh yeah yeah yeah super fun we are so amazingly good at Intergalactic flying [Music] saucers so you guys [Music] ready oh no not again again hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny let's play Drop the Frisbee Elvis you ready for tonight catch oh no I missed oh hi there kids hello grandpa do you know who else likes to play Frisbee and bingo oh Elvis who he's really good well done Elvis see you later kids behave yourselves with Grandpa I have to take gas bar to the doctor oh hey there bunny thanks for looking after them see you later hey give me the Frisbee Elvis go on give him the Frisbee Elvis there you go now you kids have fun okay come on let's carry on you ready for an an and it's way too quick yeah come on give it back [Music] Elvis look it's covering slobber and super [Music] FR oh Elvis leave us alone hey hey look you want to play with the stick yeah go on go get it come on Fernand we're going to go play over there quick quick ah he won't find us here oh yeah that way Elvis won't slobber on the Frisbee you ready I'm ready huh how do you do that wao that was like a frisbee detector hey hey get give me that oh wait a sec I have another idea grandpa is it time for a snack yes pretty soon Simon why are you hungry actually it's for Elvis can I give him a dog biscuit well oh yes why not yes come on Elvis there you go a yummy doggy treat for Elvis yes now let's go play in your yard oh yeah that way no more Frisbee's full of slobber and get ready and go oh no how in the world did he find us so fast okay come on now give us back the Frisbee huh oh no come back here Elvis hey it's not funny anymore give us about the Frisbee [Music] always yeah you're going to slob all over it [Music] again hey what's going on kids it's Elvis he keeps joing us when we play oh well you should have told me I'll keep him with me come on Elvis come inside let's go now we're going to have a nap in the living room have fun kids oh yeah we're finally going to be able to play you ready oh I'm going to do a super sonic throw okay okay okay and I'm going to do a super jump just like Elvis look out and [Music] hi oh no I threw it too hard [Music] rats how are we going to find it now I don't know it's disappeared hey it's super easy we'll ask Elvis he's a real frisbee detector [Music] Grandpa Grandpa we need Elvis but I thought you wanted me to keep him well no actually we really need him now cuz uh cuz we lost our frisbee no problem Simon go Elvis find the Frisbee come on Elvis find it find the Frisbee yeah go Elvis you're the real Champ here it is yes the frisbee well done Elvis oh Elvis stop [Music] that El was really is the king of frisbee I've got it I've got it hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny Let's Play Saving super [Music] spider there look I made a boat amazing H thank you Daddy thank you Daddy oh can we put it in the water yes of course you can it's a Super Boat a mega super duper [Music] boat come on Gaspard let's go and sail it yes come on let's see if it floats wo wo it floats so [Music] well spider hey get out of there spider that's our boat oh the boat's too far for me I can't reach it oh hey I'm going to blow in the boat and it will float over to you and then you can grab it yeah yeah okay Simon Okay BL blow harder Simon harder come on little boat oh no the boat's floating away Simon oh no oh hey spider hey is going to sing if the spider fall she's going to drown we've got to save the gas [Music] pods oh no it's disappeared oh oh pH it totally stop yay we saved our boat oh don't worry spider we saved you huh oh hey spider she's not in the boat oh no she must have fallen in the water hey Gasper I'm going to try and find her oh oh do you think the spider she drowned the spider oh actually she's in the boat all along Simon oh no oh quick quick we've got to catch it we here don't be scared of the spider look [Music] out oh oh we have to grab the boat stay there you oh oh well done Simon you sto the boat come on little spider climb on the stick oh but but she'll never be able to she will just wait and see she's a super spider yeah yeah you're right go go super spider right okay I'll come and get you then hey graso hold on to the stick and be really careful not to let the boat float away oh yeah all right I've got loads of water in my boots oh look Simon she climbed onto the stick oh yeah go ship spider go you're the best yeah yeah you are really really the [Music] best oh hey Simon Simon the boat is floating up with the spider oh no oh [Music] no stop wait for us I'm going to cut you with the stick oh look look Simon over there oh no she's going to draw in the train oh [Music] no oh no oh fell into the drain oh and the spider now she's definitely drowned oh spider we're so sorry spider we didn't save you huh oh no look Simon there she is yeah we did it we saved the spider oh yes you did gasb didn't I tell you she was a super spider what is that oh hey did you see that Daddy we made new friends yeah it's super spider
Channel: Simon Super Rabbit [English]
Views: 17,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon, simon cartoon, simon rabbit, Simon bunny, here comes simon, simon full episodes, Simon english, simon kids show, simon and gaspard, simon super rabbit, simon netflix, cartoon for kids, kids videos for kids, videos for kids, kids shows, videos for toddlers, cartoon for toddlers, rabbit cartoon for kids
Id: 4DfsJ0lnMdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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