Season 5 BEST Moments! Part 1 | Teen Titans Go! | @dckids

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen prepare to have your minds ripped apart at the scenes brace yourself for undeniable proof that the very fabric of reality is nothing more than a Sinister Mirage behold the truth a cardboard box dude what is wrong with you I'm using it to illustrate a thought experiment known as Schrodinger's captain troa didn't have a cat dude he had a piano you thinking about lonus no lonus had the blanket maybe Charlie Brown had the cat Charlie Brown had the football no no no Charlie Brown ain't never had a football that dirty Lucy was always pulling it away now weon never forgive her for that stop talking about peanuts now Beast Boy would you mind turning into a cat for Show Pops great get in the Box I ain't going in no box come on it's a harmless thought experiment uh- uh-uh in the Box oh St ping out I don't want [Music] to now that the cat is in the Box we'll move on to the next step yo why is there acid in here I don't like where this is going again this is simply a thought experiment this box contains not only the vile of acid but a deadly radioactive substance a single atom of the substance decays during the test period a relay mechanism will trip a hammer which will in turn break the vial and the cat will perish until the box is opened we don't know if the cat is alive or dead he's dead no Raven according to Quantum law he's both until we open the box no he is the dead for the real real yay ignore the ghost the box is closed so he exists in both States simultaneously o I'm definitely dead bro good thing we got that Paradox you are ruining my explanations of super positions super position what are you up to this time Hive something evil that's for sure they won't get away with it this time let's get a closer look sweet tasty hoay yippy those sickos are having an ice cream social them bad guys don't deserves an ice cream after being such bad guys all the time scoop I say we remind them of their place in society we must crush the villain scum criminals into the dirt where they are belonging that's the spirit star Titan this is private property we were just eating ice cream tet criminal maybe next time you'll think twice before acting like a normal member of society hey how about uh you and me blow this uh Popsicle stand and find the somewhere else a little more interesting oh scoop yell star what you got there the nothing wait you're not trying to befriend another inanimate object are you oh no no this is the evidence item that can be used to incriminate The Hive that could put those Creeps in jail for years Better Bag it and tag it no no no no no no the thank you the thank you I will do the carrying thank you very much all right you sure you're not thank you very much isn't this amazing no no I'm feeling parched it's so heavy why do that got to be the dirty mule this does not look the safe sometimes you got to live life on the edge to live life to the fullest you go first then gladly now watch as I grab Life by the uh I think he's okay one life we made it to the bottom in record time great job Titans now do you understand the satisfaction that comes with challenging [Music] yourself that's great to hear tomorrow we'll take on the river itself a poetic Battle Man against nature waged across time well that poetry battle can wait I gu to use the little boy's room it's right here uh that's a suitcase bro it's not a suitcase it's a groover hello friend Grover it is the so nice to meet you it's a groover and it's not a person and you probably don't want to touch it will you just tell us where the bathroom is you're looking at it all right man close up and let's get this straight you just want me to poop in a suitcase we will all be pooping in it and it is not a suitcase that is exactly what it is it's a poop suitcase this is The Great Outdoors there are no bathrooms so we have to bring our own you said this trip was to challenge us man and I'm challenging you to poop in a box it's unreasonable for us to do our business in a businessman's suitcase fool i't no dookie CEO you have no choice and in related news tonight I'm making tostal I hate everything about this first heed this warning to turn us into monsters I'll be tampering with forces I don't fully control well that warning is way too vague to concern me yeah totes too vagues all that matters tonight is that we are scary I do wish to say the boo boo boo very well magic us up Mama come out aath metri so this guy Victor Franken Stein makes this big old monster man out of a bunch of dead dudes but he doesn't give the monster a name that is messed up you could have named him something like I don't know how about [Music] Carl so I'd be walking on through a spooky Forest when I seiz this weird old dog and I was like oh what up dog and the dog nied me no bigs but I didn't know that that dog had them Moon babies Oh no I got s Moon Ravens it is a full moon I aware WF baby oh vampires are the strongest most famous most swaave and goodlooking of all monsters you better watch out for Dracula BL this is the scary story of The Mummy being the busy mummy was very timec consuming she had to work all of the day and care for the baby all of the night because of the time constraints her meals were of the fast foods which gave her the irritable bowel syndrome and so she wrapped herself in the toilet tissues so she would always have some on hand in case of the bathroom emergency I am your mommy okay this is running long so I'm just going to get to it I'm the invisible woman that ain't even scary ow we can't even see you scary enough for [Music] [Music] you why are you playing music little guy might be asleep in there classical music is good for babies everyone knows that oh I think it's my turn to sit on it bring more pillows The Fluffy you can find don't fret Robin is here for you Robin loves you Robin cares so much my turn oh you are so the precious uh are you sure I should be sitting on this thing oh no oh no I broke it I broke it oh I knew I wasn't cut off of this Uncle stuff hang on little guy keep it [Music] together hold on Friends the breaking out of the chicken has begun it's hatching pH Beast Boy wasn't here for it big shocker there come on little guy you can come out your family is waiting for you just outside that shell witness the Glorious Miracle of Life In Action it is the [Music] cute welcome home little fella you are so so precious I'll never forget this day yo well of course you won't kangaroo welter weight boxing championship booah hello your son just hatched this baby needs a father [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] figure [Music] not only have we been denied the permits of building I saw no obese felines In the Hall of the city that city inspector is a real butt I guess it's Rubble living from here on out who wants some Rubble cake no Rubble food I've got another plan if we can't build we can buy on this episode of Home Hawks today we'll be looking at t-shaped buildings in the area that are in our price range and meet all of our demands my ideal home must be close to the centers for learning but not too close the sound of children laughing creeps me out and with an easy commute I ain't about to spend 2 hours in traffic every day this also got to be close to them bird sanctuaries so I can continue my orthological studies these properties have all that and more now I present to you option one this quaint little love nest is a bit of a fixer upper it is the vile this place might be haunted yo let's hope so think of how much we'll save on the down payment it appears to be the crime scene was someone dismembered here it's a poter guys this is horrible horrible keep in mind that buying a haunted dump like this and doing your own Renovations is the best way to save money and increase your home's value no fine if you want to waste your money we'll move on to option two this classy Abode has an elegant yet Timeless look it's mov and ready and fully furnished the tile is not to my liking the decor is making me sick the walls be a color I don't like this is horrible horrible these are simple fixes you can easily repaint or pick new tile no ah very well we'll move on to option three this exquisitely shaped home hold up this don't look like a t that's because it's an R well there are only so many t-shaped buildings I refuse to live in the inappropriate letter-shaped building well the r could stand for Robin no fine we'll go back to the disgusting Rubble pile you mean if the hive wins nothing will change at all Life Will Go On exactly as it is now the outcome of the contest will have no impact upon the future I'm afraid so pull yourself together Titans there's absolutely nothing at stake we can't lose our call we need an opening number to put us on top friends Perhaps it is time to use our secret weapon the me no we ain't that desperate yet Ringo we're going with the solid gold hits that's right a classic dance known as wait for it the booty scooty coming up the Teen Titans will perform a dance they made famous but first The Hive is going to do that same dance what they doing our dance this is an outrage an outrage they're cheating peep the r book yo I will not peep the rule book yo they can't do this you got it twisted yo they can and they are chicken to chck [Music] it scoot your booty booty I do the booty scooty scoot your booty booty I do the booty scooty scooty scoot booty booty sco your booty booty Do the Booty scooty scoot your booty booty Do the Booty [Music] Scot wo Super Fresh moves by The Hive not sure I'd want to bite their style and follow that dance with the same dance we knew you would cheat what are you talking about that was our dance really what a funny coincidence it ain't funny no as a coincided it is clear evidence of some cheerish Shenanigans yeah we did their dance someone should tell them they don't own the booty scooties I don't see their names on these boties cheat all day cheat all night what is she doing no no no no no no no no what you got for us home girl Mr rang I shall perform the special song that makes the Happy Feelings oh man this is going to be a train wreck give it up y'all I am the Ringo light camera action feel the attraction in a SP on youoh lights camera action famous fashion lights make you say ooh ooh ooh I'm dripping in diamonds ands every night like Hollywood out with my girls pulling up in these fancy cars getting treated all night like Superstars we love these flashing lights stoped Crazy Nights diving into the Seas full of C living this highlight being so bad this is the [Music] Highlight light ction feel the on youoh light camera action and fashion right light make you [Music] say wow just wow the judges are going to have a hard time kicking a winner after that performance not wow who knew that girl is full of surprises I am so the happy that I was able to share my special [Music] song the judges have made their decision it's time to find out who will win the title of second greatest team in the DC Universe envelope please and our winners are the team [Applause] T this is the best day of my life you did it star you did it yo yo yo yo I did it too I'm the one who switched them envelopes uh that was the plan right wow look at these pants erical dud you're like totally a nerd bro I know before nerds were cool huh radical hairstar the like thanks you look the Bodacious I am loving The Snug fit of these 80s jeans this wedgie is going nowhere I told you the80s ruled fresh fashion doesn't make up for the lack of Technology we still have to find our way to the all no problems dude I'll get us a ride share oh will you no cell phones remember how you supposed to get anywhere without a ride shair aren't you forgetting about the most iconic form of travel in [Music] the80s releas yes I am loving this workout cardio check out this jump you got Max Air [Music] mama I totally forgot how much fun this is why do the modern children not partake of the wild goodbye cycle riding kids still ride bikes just in safe places like C the saxs or enclosed backyards skate parks with the elbow pads 8s kids who like them free range chickens bro still think the'80s were lame H I will admit the bike situation is much more radical but I won't admit defeat until you make it to the mall and buy that album by the way where is that mall I'll get directions oh right no cell phones Oh no I got no idea where he is or where's we supposed to be going bro we are the lost the Lost no problem we'll just use a map who a paper map like the early explorers used who he's like them W pots to the HS just so many corks I'm going to tell you the story of how I formed the Teen Titans uh didn't we do that already yes I remember it very clearly we definitely did that I think like twice and this will be the third time about them good Orin besides you told those other versions this will be my version and it will be serious so don't expect a lot of laughs from this story just a whole lot of cool that ain't cool bro yes it is now let me set the [Music] stage I was just a sidekick working for Batman but I wanted to make a name for myself and I wasn't sure I'd ever get out of his [Music] shadow the city of Gotham is in your debt once again Batman all in a night's work Jim but I can't take all the credit Robin was a big help out there oh don't tell me I missed him was he here too I still am commissioner who said that I think it was a ghost not a ghost just me Robin where are you just a little to your left where ah there he is in your Shadow well once again Gotham City thanks you Kate Crusaders now Robin Robin where are you still in your Shadow oh it's always going to be this way Shadows are my thing I think it's time I stepped out of yours you're leaving it's the short shorts isn't it I can get you longer shorts if that'll make a difference it's not the shorts well maybe a little I need to find my own City and be my own hero good luck Robin Wherever You Are I'm still here who said that hey Titans what's wrong with your powers shouldn't you be a donkey or something Beast Boy I got me some new thinking Powers you little fool and I have the power of the stretchy body parts and I can talk to fish my name is not now Jose so you switch your powers for lame Powers that's right Gizmo we were desperate for a change that's dumb I'll handle this stand down Gizmo you are no match for me now that I have Superman's powers ooh I sensing that you got to wash out of that kryptonite Superman Mama what are the chances of Gizmo having Kryptonite Kryptonite my only weakness what is think Superman doesn't mess with me he's got to change us back Mama we cannot defeat the Gizmo with the terrible powers to weak can't change your powers back what are we going to do Titans listen Aqualad Saturn girl VI and plastic man might have dumb Powers but if they can use them to defeat villains so can we Starfire slingshot go you think you can defeat me with dancing they don't call it break dance for nothing [Music] hey get it my name is shoot don't win good job Jose BTO my man this boy you have some no thanks Berto who's me just one sh no for me you do this I'm a vegetarian dude please not talking politics only shrimp and prime rib okay fine one's not going to hurt what am I doing I ain't no shrimp eater you almost got him Berto it's not me it's shrimps you know you're right prime rib is pretty good but when you add shrimp to the equation something magical happened adding the shrimps show you care it is why no one can't resist the shrimps what have you done this is my entire basketball team these shrimps sure are delicious you're monsters and you're the worst okay what's his problem he's just mad cuz Raven don't want to talk to him no more Raven I don't have time for dating you little Goblin I've been too busy protecting the ocean you can't even stop my man Breo from cooking up your basketball team fool s bur I always knew you was too fishy for Raven S burn why do you keep saying that saying sick burn after a sick burn makes the burn even sicker anyways we out I'll say hi to Raven for you oh wait no I [Applause] won't see hey fish boy you hungry I'm afraid you're going to Aqua jail for crimes against crustations Ok doie Okay the stakes have never been higher Robin is in the match of his life against his greatest competitor himself can he take this game of solitire and the answer is no he loses again and that's okay what's he doing he has been engaging in the solitary activities all of the day that's because I realized I'm fated to be alone forever and I decided I might as well embrace the lifestyle so the sad yes very now if you'll excuse me I'm going to use all of my free time to get my personal finances in order this is going to be fun speaking of alone forever guess who I saw Mama Aqualad I don't care that's what I thought you was only interested in one handsome good-looking dude and that's MW right you're both Knuckleheads sick burn sorry dude but I got to call a sick burn a sick burn when I see a sick burn oh mans we ain't get to go to the snack bar yo no problem one icy cold mega size soda coming right up oh yeah I'm going to have to pee so hard I would like the dog that is hot coming right up and don't forget the mustard I love the mustard M balls please coming at you this is going to be so good good yes it will be good in fact movies have always held a special place in my heart ever since I was a young child I would go to theaters and lose myself in the magic why are you doing the non-stop talking I'm just giving a little Exposition so you know why movies are so important to me well it's boring fool and we do not care we only care about explosions but quiet the trailers are about to start I love trailers I used to live in one they kidnapped his wife they broke his plunger now he's going to flush them all death toilet 4 this summer don't leave the seat up this is going to be better than death toilet 3 I cannot wait to see the toilet of the death This Is It Titans I've never been more excited for anything in my whole life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes I didn't think you'd actually sh up grow I should have known it was you baby Jack you got any bite Growler are you all [Music] B look at them stunts those explosions oh my goodness gracious we no longer look like the monsters this isn't hideous anymore the script it's fixed how is this happening it's the creative differences they're making everything better well I'll be what do you say Titans you ready to make the best movie [Music] ever y you know guys I thought creative differences would tear us apart but in the end they made us even stronger well said Raven now who's ready to watch this little gem we've created oh yeah let's do it baby I got to leave my safe and comfortable space and have an adventure yo who are you I'm your new buddy we won't like each other at first but then we'll be best friends [Music] okay we the bad guys and we want to tell you our evil plan yes we want to take over the world we must be the only ones who can stop them action [Music] [Music] finale yeah did [Music] it oh you can't be dead okay wow our creative differences helped us to make something truly special uh hello did we all just watch the same thing it was all so familiar yes like the old sweater that brings the Comfort no I mean familiar in a bad way we struggled and fought and the best we could come up with is something completely unoriginal I know it's a complete copy of things we've seen before we made a real Hollywood movie hey who wants to make the sequel [Music] sequel
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 1,403,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Kids, DC Comics, Cartoons, Kids cartoons, Superhero cartoons, Superheroes, YouTube Kids, Watch online, Watch free, Full episodes, villains, vlad and niki, Teen Titans Go!, teen titans go, teen titans, team titans go, team titans, season 5, Super hero cartoons, teen titans go full episodes, teen titans go vs teen titans, teen titans go food, season 6, season 7, episodes, best, funny, funniest, cute, robin, starfire, blackfire, beast boy, raven, cyborg, batman, best episodes
Id: nFYhLf3r3vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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