Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E10 | Fight Fighters | @disneyxd

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[Music] this is it dudes my favorite place in Gravity Falls everything I know I'll learn right here a frog taught me how to cross a street when my house was haunted I learned how to eat ghosts and this thing taught me how to dance I've been jigging for 7 days straight uh seus let him have this congratulations you win [Music] oh watch out who ooh cut scene karate you killed my father again you take that back fight yeah yeah yeah go [Music] go winners don't lose what you cheated you take that back round two I'm going to punch the ref let's gang up on the Wendy what's up babe yeah just putting up some flyers for my band I'm lead guitar no biggie are you wearing mascara uh it's eye paint for men oh hey Robbie Dipper was just showing me this great game ah yeah sweet sweet hey how's about you sit this one out okay champ but we just started this round whoa whoa whoa hey relax man I'm just trying to spend a little time with my girlfriend all right it'll just be one round so hey I'm going camping tomorrow with my dad so I won't be around oh cool cool watch out opponent sighted fight [Music] n [Music] King me come on it's not fair she doesn't even know what we're playing Go Fish dude I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head try blinking to see if you can change the channel Wy sounds like Robbie Robbie is he that jerky twerp I see making goooo eyes at Wendy all the time he called me big dude once I mean I know I'm a big dude but it kind of hurt Should I stick Waddles on him again who easy tiger I'll handle it conflict Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy come on out girl come on down you realize she's not here right yes what she's out camping with her family today maybe if you listen to her for once you'd know that what was that I just said she's not here no no no you want to get into it huh let's get into it kid you think I don't know what's been going on huh it's obvious youve got a thing for my girlfriend don't you don't you what no come on man yeah I'm sure she's just dying to ask out a 12-year-old kid who wears the exact same shorts every day hey here's an idea why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you hey look don't you don't have to don't please man what are you gonna do huh huh what what my phone I I'll buy you a new one oh no you're not getting off that easy hey I know a fight when I see one stay right there you me Circle Park 3:00 we finish this a he's gone I was just going to call the boys over to place a few bets the smart money's on skinny jeans what was I thinking I can't fight I've never been in a fight before look at these noodle arms just Bonk them over the head it's Nature's snooze button boys why can't you learn to hate each other in secret like girls do sure listen to your sister maybe you can share dresses too boom maybe he'll just forget about it maybe it'll all blow over I don't know Dipper teenagers are dangerous those hormones turn them into into like killing machines really oh yeah dude my cousin Reggie got in a fight with a teen once the guy broke like all his arms all his legs and I think killed him or something I don't know me and Reggie were just talking about it I can't stay here what if Robbie comes back I got to hide look kid you got yourself a choice here you can either go face him like a man or you can hide indoors like a wimp what'll it [Music] be wimers come on come on Seuss Robbie's like twice my size I mean what would getting myself killed accomplish I just need to hide here until 3:00 passes this day won't never end relax Dipper just try not to think about Robbie girl why you acting so cray cray why you acting so cray cray we'll be back in a moment poor Dipper hiding from Robbie unable to face his is fears fears are for Chumps that's why I don't have any you want me to go get a ladder we don't have one what you know studies show that keeping a ladder inside the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun that's why I own 10 guns in case some Maniac tries to sneak in a ladder Grunkle Stan why you acting so cray cray you're the one who's acting cray cray I got to go now why would grle Stan be so weirded out by ladders of course course I think he has a secret fear of heights we'll have to test him to be sure or we could leave well enough alone nah man I wonder what it be like to go inside a video game for real I should have thought of this years ago stupid Robbie such a jerk [Music] pun hey continue a winner never runs away from a fight that's easy for you to say you have more than one life I wish one of these guys could fight Robbie for me huh to unleash ultimate power I do like things that are ultimate back back hold forward back forward down hold quarter Circle forward triple [Music] punch I guess it didn't work uh Seuss select your character uh Rumble MC skirmish you're real five ow your pixels are really sharp ah greetings child boy I am rubel MC Skirmish from the USA ow cool change machine change me into a powerful wolf if Rumble around Robbie will be so scared I won't even need to fight him I've got the world's greatest fighter to be my bodyguard I need powerups this is so amazing I got to show Seuss Seuss help I'm trapped in the game it was cool in theory but in practice it was really boring it's not just a game anymore all right Waddles it's time to begin operation get stand over his fear of hyp I came up with that name happy great uncle's day huh is a great uncle's day of course it's not a day I made up hi heels you shouldn't have seriously what what what is this what's wrong are you saying these heels are too high do they make you uncomfortable H maybe admit it admit you have a fear of heights what that's why you bought me these you should be ashamed of yourself and on great uncle's day no less but no I don't have a fear of heights we now return to world's most terrifying skydiving turn it off so I have a fear of heights is that really so cray [Music] cray well we don't have any traditional powerups turkey legs pizza boxes or gold rings how about half a taco place it on the floor I wish I could do that now I must defeat the world's greatest fight fighters take me to the Soviet Union that's going to be tough for a number of reasons but I do know a fighter here in Gravity Falls maximum power his name is Robbie V and he's kind of like my Archen enemy did he kill your father well he's dating the girl I like and he posts a really annoying amount of status updates and then he k killed your father uh sure anyway I was hoping you could you know scare him off for me so I don't have to fight the guy your question makes my shoulders bounce Fireball uppercut Downer cut bull of punch so you'll protect me from Robbie challenge accepted Press [Music] Start uh-oh I think I hear my uncle stay perfectly still I said stay still this is a still as I can stay how am I going to get Grunkle Stan over his fear of heights hey mael have you met Rumble yet he's my new Bodyguard the child gave me a taco wow he's got a crazy voice here save these words effervescent apple fritter Ryo flaven Mabel he's not a toy he's a fighting machine I'm going to get him to defend me from Robbie isn't that kind of like cheating I guess so well I'll see you for the fight poop poop and buts tell me my opponent's special moves don't worry as soon as he sees you he's going to wet his pants his wet pants will be no match for this wa where'd that come from I punched an oil drum trust me you won't need that just give him a good scare yes with this this street has really dangerous litter hey CLE s how would you like to go to take a walk nowhere in particular while wearing a blindfold H beat's just sitting around being old wait a minute you're not planning on taking me somewhere super high up are you Grunkle Stan I would never Scouts Honor all right let's [Music] go well well well well look who decided to show up I thought you chicken out you ready to settle this like men look dude I don't think you want to fight me let's just call this thing off before someone gets hurt you scared huh is that it okay dude you asked for it who's your friend and why is he blurry this happens to be the greatest Warrior that ever lived yeah right hey ey patch what did the kid promise you more tape for your forearms how can you left when you killed this boy's father wait what I'm giving you one last chance back down or this guy's going to go nuts how about you back down kid you asked for it Rumble go what the well who whoa what what is happening I didn't want to have to do this man but you gave me no choice maybe now you won't mess with me wa Rumble you can stop I think Robbie's had enough Rumble stop I said stop what the that guy's crazy Fireball what the heck was that you were only supposed to scare him you almost killed him I will not rest until the man who Dishonored you is destroyed this isn't good something told me this would be his first stop chill out man please Rumble you got to [Music] stop Rumble [Music] wait punch punch punch you don't have to do this at least pace yourself you might get a cramp I love you Dad oh my car we'll just buy another one I love being rich all you [Music] can hey dude Seuss where have you been uh long story man dude did you see that video game guy destroying everything in sight was crazy yeah I I kind of sort of brought him to life to be my body guard but now I have to stop him before he kills Robbie you need an amiable sidekick with a pickup truck you know I [Applause] do take off your blindfold now yeah that's pretty much what I was expecting you're do better than I thought now let go of the handrail nope hey do you smell anger and hormones finally I'm safe hey Robbie get your own water tower shh keep it down he'll find us Challenger sighted time to save the day dude you can hide but you cannot hide Rumble this has to stop please listen to me what was that oh boy we're safe right of course not this thing is on stilts hi hi up finish him no no no don't don't finish me Rumble Rumble I have something to tell you Robbie Robbie didn't kill my father then who did what no one did I I lied to you then you're actually a bad guy I guess I kind of [Music] am my entire Journey a lie my honor has been insulted Sensei warn me not to join the path of evil the boy has led me astray from my teachings if Robie VV is not the last stage then it must be you dude don't fight him man that guy's got like a black belt wrapped around his black belt you could get killed I have to I started all this and I've got to at least try to stop it you sure you wouldn't rather hide like a wimp fight like a man it [Music] is ready [Music] for Fireball throw lightning ball throw [Applause] fire you fight like a girl who was also a [Music] baby oh no that was worth a [Music] shot no I have no looking up animation what should I do roll them up and put him on my wall dude we should rock paper scissors for him SP h r never underestimate that I have [Music] punches super power D turboo Ultra hyper Mega multi alpab beta extra Uber prefix combo you sir truly are the champion of champions oh R wins winners don't lose I wouldn't be too sure about that man what no no no game over old [Music] friend nice one dude I'm sorry GRL Stan I thought this would help but I was wrong so wrong I I survived I survived and I feel great wait let me do a cocky dance just to be sure Boo Deal With It World stand Pine has cured his fear of heights you coming kid mm hey what's the matter you got a fear of heights now uh-oh what who who who was that guy why is it that whenever you're around there's always ghosts or Monsters or whatever I don't know man that guy almost broke my neck you know how mad I am right now so I guess you and I have to fight now huh go ahead man do your worst I just want to get this over with oh man I am so going to enjoy this aren't you going to run nope are you sure it's not even worth it play lead guitar so I got to save my hands hey guys I heard some crazy screaming out here Wendy you're back yeah man who what the heck happened here freak tornado or something uh uh and why are your faces all jacked up you guys weren't fighting each other were you I hate it when guys fight no fighting no why would we never Yeah we actually fell down trying to stop two other guys from fighting each other cool really makes me happy to see my two boys hanging out I got some unpacking to do I'll text you guys later did you hear that she called me one of her two boys she was looking at me though look Robbie if we stay at each other's throats we'll both lose Wendy we need to make a cold war paact okay what's that we need to learn to just hate each other in silence you mean like what girls do yeah exactly what girls do so then I told Thompson hey save some for the rest of us good one W one Wendy that's great oh man just a [Music] second so as I was saying yeah I know you're the best yeah you know you're great everybody's friends we're all friends I'm Dipper I have shorts and determination it's some me aable I'm slower but I jump higher pick me or whatever alas to not but a dream ow ow eating my friends
Channel: Disney XD
Views: 361,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney xd, xd, dxd, gravity falls, bill cipher, grunkle stan, dipper pines, mabel pines, gravity falls show, gravity falls disney, gravity falls season 1, gravity falls full episodes, gravity falls full episode, gravity falls full episodes season 1, gravity falls season 1 episode 9, gravity falls ep 9, gravity falls s1 ep 9, gravity falls fight fighters, gravity falls episode 9, gravity falls s1 e9, disney xd full episodes, gravity falls full episode 9
Id: yv9tsvrZMU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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