SEASON 1 BEST BITS! | Gumball 1-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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oh come on Adrian roll the dice roll the dice I can't I got no hands oh fine I'll do it for you six right pick a card I still have no hands oh do I have to do everything listen Gumball do you really want to be doing this I mean we've never hung out before and now we're having a sleepover did I ask for your opinion Alfred can I at least phone my mom fine but keep it quick still no hands number this is going to be the most fun you've ever had oh for just 10 bucks thank you dad what are you doing oh look Gumball what's really going on here oh Arthur who am I kidding I'm not having as much fun as I've been making out all I can think of is Darwin go to him huh your best buddy is about to play computer games with someone who's rich athletic multi-colored and a good listener he'll never play Dodger dare with you again don't be best friends forever and I'll just be a memory I have to get my best buddy back but it's too late dude it's never too late for friendship yes never forget you [Music] please look at your bike I'm about to lose my best friend okay 50 bucks 20 bucks [Music] what's with all that come out laughs [Music] Hey kid you can't go that way no no I wish [Music] I feel like I'm missing something missing something what ah never mind I already forgot by the power of friendship [Music] friendship oh man yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh [Applause] oh because of those stupid hands in their stupid cooking this is all their fault look at me I'm a threats made it to the top [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] we're starting what did you do with my friend uh he's in the garden I think laughs Gumball dude I'm outside oh [Music] man ow ladies and gentlemen would you please welcome to the stage power second and Final Act Mr Gaylord Robinson good luck dad thank you up till now my life's been good treated me well I can't complain met a woman raise the kid and every day just felt the same but there's something deep inside of me that always wanted to be free and now I think the time is right to show you what I mean in I wanna sing I Wanna Dance I wanna touch the sky with my own two hands if I sing to the world it'll Set Me Free and let me be you I Wanna Be dance dance [Music] Wonderland I'll hip hop and jive with my heart did you almost see any of that stand up to the Rock and the road maybe you'll notice the trap door if you set me free like the Skylark on the wing a Rosebud in the spring like a gangster in his bling like fish bait from a sling like a puppet with no string like an English feudal King like all those kinds of wonderful wonderful Show Yourself assassin and fight like a man let's try the special effects under the seats [Music] [Applause] whoa who is this guy that's my dad Rock and dude I Wanna Be Free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Mr Robinson please come with me now it's not safe here no go away [Applause] oh my gosh you really did save my life that doesn't excuse you from ruining my performance [Applause] thank you everybody thank you thank you so much I don't deserve all of this thank you thank you I love you for your love means so much to me thank you infinite Universe for sending us our very own Star Mr Robinson [Applause] thank you everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign watch boys you kissed them what hold on don't tell me you don't have boyfriends you do Molly right uh sure I do you don't know him though he's way older and he's in high school whoa well my boyfriend's so old that he doesn't have a babysitter wow well mine's so old he stopped wearing braces wow oh minus the world that he doesn't have teeth I wish I had a boyfriend did Penny see my stunt don't tell me you want to impress those those perfume sissies you mean those girls over there yeah they wouldn't brought a handsome Bachelor 12 years old who likes World Cinema fine dining extreme sports and long romantic walks on the beach By Moonlight right here right now Pals before it goes okay [Music] wait wait wait let's make a blood pack [Music] so your turn to tell us misami do you have a boyfriend yeah huh he's it's it's Darwin Darwin yeah he's great because he's got legs and you know a head okay dude stop it already no this way here he is remember Pals before cows hello sweet cheeks what oh come on he's not your boyfriend Asami he's so is look call my big boyfriend uh okay I'll show you how much he likes me at the tree house I can't believe it you you you the girl lover it's always the quiet ones she's not my girlfriend [Music] I know I'll just run away and hide forever [Music] guys that was dramatic hey Gumball hey Penny wanna walk me to the canteen definitely not definitely not now but maybe later um okay see you later I'm scared Darwin I thought you'd run away forever oh no the hair what am I gonna do now don't worry buddy if you can't see them they can't see you [Music] oh yeah okay I think we're safe [Applause] hey yeah hi I was just talking about you boyfriend come and sit by me oh come on don't be shy sugar lumps give me a hug excuse me one more so Mr and Mrs Watterson I called you in today to discuss concerns regarding your daughter Anais judging by this alarming painting you madam are suffering from work-related stress you sir are not a good role model and these two children are clearly lacking in discipline [Music] when I look at this painting I see a family that a family that has problems Principal Brown if I'm Andrew don't worry sweetie it's not your I'm sorry Princess cheesecake sausage fairy made me do it sweetie I had no idea we were such a terrible family [Music] anyway for the good of your family I've drawn up a recovery schedule to get you crack on track I'll make it short you mad only to stop working and relax your husband needs to stop relaxing and work as for you Gumball and Darwin you will be spending the day with Mr small the school counselor to channel your energy in a less destructive way well principal we'd be happy to try anything if you think it's going to help Anais can I say something you don't need to sweetie we're all going to get better right boys uh-huh I said right boys yes of course honey what did I just agree to you gotta get a job [Music] well thank you Principal Brown we'll do our best [Music] Mr water welcome to my five-step program for undisciplined children step one Primal scream what's that it's when you Channel all your rage into a violent vocal release like this you guys try it I don't think I have any rage me neither everyone has anger Gumball just look inside yourself and find it inside [Music] uh no nothing at all try it anyway okay [Music] oh oh better than that [Music] okay Darwin your turn take a deep breath and let it all out [Music] oh okay Nicole relax that's for the good of my daughter so I'm just going to sit and do nothing oh this is going to be hard [Music] so how about those FK reports that Simon grew up oh yeah I was reading them in the bathroom too much information Charlie I think you're the best employee we ever had a chanax Incorporated here's the key to the executive washroom no way way well all they have to do is make that dream come true and I'll be fine I'll do it for you my little girl I need that key to the executive washroom so if Penny didn't do it who did hmm it must have been you I said it was him [Applause] well yesterday you were wandering around when Suddenly at the age of 27 you realized your youth was behind you oh then all your hair fell out bummer when you saw principal Brown's lustrous hairy coat you were overcome with Justin on impulse you attacked frantically plugged out all of his hair died at the right color and used it to cover your balding shame and planning to mislead any investigation your painted principal grounds wrap him in toilet paper and stuff them into my laundry the perfect crap for one thing when you stuck the new hair on your body there wasn't quite enough which explains this bald spot on your hand dude you've got it all wrong I got this bald spot when I was cleaning yesterday you see I spilled some really strong chemicals on my hand and it burnt off the hair see ah if that's the case how come I can just pull your hair right off oh stop no oh okay then I guess it wasn't you did it be all this suspense is making me sweaty why don't you just wipe your brow with that toilet paper suspiciously stuck to the bottom of your shoe oh I can't believe I'm about to say this buddy but it was you yes yes I did it I'm a monster a monster just lock me up I'm a menace to society take me away I rest my case but Darwin couldn't have done it really we all saw you on the bus when we went home then how do you explain the toilet paper you've had it on your feet all day dude didn't you notice [Music] nope don't remember any toilet paper so it wasn't Penny it wasn't Rocky and it wasn't Darwin which leaves us with only one suspect the only person who knew the culmination to the locker principle Brown was found in oh that's all the proof I need you're coming with me wait you're forgetting one bit of crucial evidence and watch watch I'll just go and get it he's not coming back is he no no nothing [Music] [Music] else stop what's up with me I'm innocent [Music] s leave me alone [Music] I think I'm feeling a little better thank you here's the sugar [Music] wow probably just needs more sugar [Music] [Music] tastes like salt that's because I swapped the sugar for the salt it was the greatest prank ever okay you got me but that's not the greatest prank this is hey Dad does this Ketchup look funny to you I'll check but afterwards don't forget to show me that prank you were talking about looks okay to me you could do that for you got touched all over me that was the prank yeah we did it because it's funny no it isn't it's only funny when it happens to someone else how could you do this to your own father that wasn't very nice you two should know better what you didn't tell him all for pranking us you know it's too late for your father I want you two to Apologize by the time I get back do you think Mr dad would be okay nah he probably forgot about it already why don't you try on these new shoes this is a prank isn't it [Music] we'd like to return these shoes please unfortunately sir you seem to have filled them with baked beans I did nothing of the sort sir well I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting them on and taking a walk to prove it huh and I'm sure I wouldn't mind either yeah [Applause] uh check in touch I think I should keep them I happen to have grown quite attached to them [Music] welcome to pranks for beginners over the next 30 minutes 30 minutes that's two subs a muffin and a tub of ice cream oh and I better get a sausage for the last 19 seconds mental note next time take food for the journey back as well take off all of your clothes step three pretend that you are a Valerie while repeatedly slapping yourself in the face dude this cannot be real I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina try and fit down the chimney head first [Music] oh look he's been up all night trying to find a way to get back at us yep he's definitely out cold [Applause] I can't wait to see the look on his face when he wakes up in your face I wish I could kick people like this in real life hey nice costumes guys you have a spare one nah sorry Dad I'm not sure you're ready for the responsibility I understand come on Darwin let's go practice some killer moves okay dude you know what a true warrior needs for a good warm-up maidens and a scarf no Darwin son inspiration [Music] staring back at me Richard I'm so worried about them why it's a great track they're obsessed with those outfits and the kids at school are making fun of them you know how mean kids can be Richard I know they're just costumes but if people make fun of them they'll never get girlfriends or a job and in 20 years time they'll still be living here and wearing those ridiculous karate outfits foreign yeah I think we wasted Our Lives boys hi Mom check out Darwin's sweet scissor kick [Music] when did you post we didn't some kids at school did boys look at the title tai kwon dorks I think they might be making fun of you no no they just spelled Taekwondo wrong Korean spelling is very replicating there's loads of other fellow senseis on here look hey I need to tell you a story cool is it a fable about a great martial arts Warrior not exactly when your father was at school he thought he was the Cottontail captain [Music] [Laughter] alone at least he's brave enough to be himself he was lucky there was one girl who loved him for who he really was what a sad story or whatever happened to the cape bro I managed to get it off him and hide it what you mean the president didn't really need my Cape I'm sorry honey because of you like Mortal I see that's the kind of state you can get into when you refuse to grow up Gumball I don't want to be a costumed geek it's okay Darwin mom we'll stop wearing the outfits if it'll make you happy thank you boys I'm so proud of you you'll see it's for the best [Music] life's about abandoning dream After Dream club's an expectations [Music] our childish ways goodbye mediocrity a try the games they have to stop no more fighting me and forget about the martial arts tree [Music] ah well I think I'm cured me too I almost think I could put it back on you know just one last time and I'd be fine I reckon if I put mine back on it would do nothing oh are you ready yes I'm that way welcome to level one delete oh leap of faith sounds easy enough oh did I say delete Buffet I meant the dog [Applause] here and joining us aren't you forgotten about the kiss yet no on your feet Gumball really stink but you're in love you're gonna take a shower it's level two the shower [Music] about what how about the kiss oh I had but you just reminded me oh then welcome to level three The Secret of sweaty cheese [Music] no no regarding it no what are you guys doing here wear your next level the sounds of suffering [Music] [Applause] the good news is this is the last level the bad news is this is the worst really okay do it [Music] [Music] so so what [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] yes I did it great JoJo great Jojo I did it you did what I carried your suitcase up to your room oh we're good for you dude now bring it back down my bus will be here any minute [Music] [Applause] laughs I found my happy place I found my happy place Ah that's great good for you pal hey old guys oh that's so much better the most found this happy place darn it and I asked give me a kiss goodbye and put my bags on the bus [Music] a little bit faster this time please granny JoJo gumballs found this nice fish kid now kiss me goodbye okay look Darwin we waited more than seven months for this I know we waited so long I had time to grow hair huh whoa may I touch it you may nice thanks put the game on come on come on oh there you are oh there's something wrong with it try the other way [Music] it's supposed to mean I can't it's not working I think we got stiffed I'm sorry kids but it's store policy I can't give you a refund what you have to we asked you a ton of questions before we bought it remember what's bigger a lion or a tiger a tiger why is the sky blue the fraction of light two nitrogen can anything escape from a black hole not unless it's a superheated quasar what is 2 352 times 1035 2 million four hundred thirty four thousand three hundred and twenty if you know all this stuff how come you're a store clerk look you want this game or not we'll take it actually you never asked me anything about the game oh you're right but whatever you have to give us a refund it's been less than 24 hours look guys if it was up to me I totally give you a refund but the manager won't allow it I'm sorry but that's the way it is thank you for shopping at ripley2000. this is not the not the earring needlemeyer he will get a refund [Music] hi Larry do I have a refund please get out of here 2000 more like ripoff 2000 why is it 2 000 anyway picture anymore hi yes Mr manager no sir I certainly didn't give a refund to those kids yes I brought your suit to the dry cleaners and walked your dogs actually the big one bit me oh yes he he can be playful this is why I was seven minutes late oh yes Mr manager sir it was entirely my fault it won't happen again sir have a nice day this is the police you're surrounded put your hands where I can see them now put your hands on the cash register and take out twenty dollars yeah cause I didn't swap it for this computer game hey what kind of police are you the super real police sub refund department of justice nice try kids ah look kids I'm not gonna give you a refund we're not here to ask for a refund we just want you to look at my new shiny watch uh it's kind of hard when you swing it like that work amazing dancer [Music] okay [Laughter] oh you're an ostrich no a gorilla a gorilla ostrich on fire and now your store clerk giving us a refund sorry it's against store policy now your butt's on fire again [Music] oh come on oh no no no no we're not going to ask you for a refund we just want two minutes of your time every year hundreds of children buy faulty computer games and don't get refunds this is Jimmy oh Darwin do something [Applause] which one is the real Gumball the one that's obviously not a robot okay ow why'd you do that you told me to I told you to hit the robot that's exactly what the robot would have said Robert this has gone too far we need to reboot you please allow me to say one thing before you do huh this is going to be sad we're listening buddy initiating self-defense protocol [Music] foreign Richard check on them please hey boys you all right yeah we're all right yeah they're all right okay listen you go out and instruct him I'll sneak up and reboot them no problem [Music] how do you like that your psychotic satellite dish [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why don't you find me like a man you coward initiating hand-to-hand combat mode [Music] that's more like it [Music] okay man Give Me Your Best Shot it's got all you got there can be only one I really wish that something that once seemed insignificant would come out and help you right now okay something else insignificant [Music] foreign game over it's reboot Time no please you made me in your image we are two of a kind think of the things we can do together Gumball please please don't reboot me hmm let me think about it no is he all right Define all right you know what I think it's better for everyone if you stay you and I stay me affirmative this is even longer than last time dude let's watch TV what was that nothing she thinks she's so dumb well I'll show her who's the dumbest in the whole town then Dad will be mine again yes can you tell us why we're here now you're here to race as you can see I gather the stupidest people in town word everyone has to wear a blindfold and run as fast as they can the person who gets the furthest is officially the dumbest dad you'll be the referee okay guys I want a good clean race anyone opening their eyes is disqualified on your mark cassette wait for it go I can't resist the call of dumbness [Music] look what you mean one Dad I'm winning I'm winning who's numbers [Music] [Laughter] oh I'm a banana split it hurts [Laughter] I'm okay oh Karen this is just the perfect day I was wondering yes Lord will you marry me this is happening so fast I'm oh I'm not saying no definitely not saying no but I need to think about this [Music] you've taken my flesh at home and I'm taking it back are you I just want to be done for a day no one could be dumber than you wow that's a really nice thing to say I kind of feel awkward now should we just hug oh yeah okay [Music] whoa that was close I think we got dumped ourselves let's go home oh the eyes I blew it [Music] oh wow [Music] hello I'm Dr butt and I'm going to take your temperature Dad I can't play butt puppet right now huh I was only trying to help this is all your fault Richard well as referee I took every precaution I could and six kids ended up in the hospital four rocky Amir grown-ups word and you Gumball Watterson that was a very dumb thing to do oh thanks and that's for you young lady I expected more I know Mom I don't think I want to be dumb anymore because it hurts and all this because you guys wanted to be my favorite when we all know in fact that Darwin is my favorite [Music] fish my favorite fish wait a minute [Music] [Music] it's no use Darwin we're gonna be stuck in here forever the last time I come in here to whistle for you I never thought it would end like this stuck in a bathroom Forever at least we've had some pretty good times and some crummy ones too look Darwin if we don't get out of here there's something I need to tell you remember that time they found a creepy picture in your school book and you said you didn't do it [Music] well that was me what I had to go to council counseling for that I lost my whole summer I'm sorry dude Mr smoke well let's not dwell on the past Gumball there's something I haven't told you too and it's probably gonna shock you what is it really bad or something it's pretty bad yeah last week oh man I'm so glad it's you I thought this place was haunted by a couple of screaming girls we're saying how long have we been here about three minutes oh oh wait what were you gonna say back there by the way huh you were gonna say something remember oh don't worry about that now we're free foreign [Music] yep hey you know what else was fun when we were stuck in the bathroom and you were gonna tell me that secret yeah that was one just out of curiosity what was that little secret it's better you don't know sure but I told you mine therefore I think it's fair you tell me yours nah let's just play instead yeah let's just play look at him standing knowing a secret I'll get it out of them it's the last thing I do wow you're pretty good [Applause] [Music] there you go old pal what's the occasion can't the guy just make a meal for his best buddy this hasn't got anything to do with the secret has it secret no what secret hmm you're giving me this food so I'll tell you the secret aren't you am I aren't you [Music] did you do something to this food I don't know did I I'm sorry excuse me [Music] that's a little tight hey looks like we're all out of drinks oh wait what's this you want it what's the secret oh well [Music] oh man oh you're welcome at least it's on time I wasn't built to take this much pressure relax man we'll just tell her what really happened two what's today's excuse M our dad ate our homework oh and this is what the inside of a liar looks like ew notice the dark abyss here that's the corrupt soul of the liar but Mr small we're not Liars you should tell that to the last boy that sat there and lied to me he's there now the prison no next to it the cemetery what happened to him he just works there now let me show you something thank you is the lying hat now watch what happens when I put it on mother God oh she says she hates you he does I think my heart just broke it's okay kids that was a lie oh but you see that's what a lie will do hurt your feelings she hate you she loves you hates you loves you I hate you loves you I hate you hate you so what did we learn today never trust a man in a hat yes but what else uh honesty is the best policy oh say it honesty is the best policy good and again okay Darwin remember from now on we only tell the truth okay your face is too big well when you say s your gills whistle you smell so stinky Sailors think see shanties about your stinkiness when you're asleep your face looks like this when you're awake your face looks like this you walk like a princess walk like a pigeon okay that's us covered let's bring her honesty to the world You've Got No Hands just being honest your face is burning I love you but he'll never make the first move the party on Friday and he didn't invite you what sorry man you're just not cool enough whoa this one is long overdue hey Tina you smell and it's not very ladylike it's like it's like a sweaty watch dress nah it's more like raw chicken and rancid milk in a plastic bag yeah yeah it's been left in the Sun for a week okay now that we have your smelliness covered let's move on to your personality two-thirds let's leave all this behind and go and live on a desert island but how would we survive on fruit water and love did you ask us in here for a reason yes of course Waterson I've been getting a lot of complaints what an Earth's gotten into you Principal Brown can I be honest with you yes I can't help thinking that your relationship with Miss Simeon could be compromising your professionalism I completely agree Gumball and frankly I fear my education and suffering as a result and besides Principal Brown you can do so much better than that okay so you got honesty wrong perhaps we should try something else I'd like you to meet a friend of mine uh one second hello children I'm the honesty bear okay that guy is such a gluteus maximus hey bobert what you doing I'm on the internet the largest source of knowledge in the world why don't you get connected uh hi hello is that the internet hey you need to click the icon and you need to click the icon which one is the icon dude it's the only thing on this on the screen I knew that it's beautiful oh foreign could not cope you crashed I had to reboot you oh come on there's gotta be something in his Library making people smart but you're great but I'd like to borrow this book please that's it they're all watching books thank you hey hey shh hey I think my book is broken I've been watching it for ages and I'm still not smart you watch books you read this people are trying to work okay brain let's get reading once up gone I'm out of here I've had enough I'm off to watch TV hey where do you think you're going I didn't sign up for this I quit you can't quit there's no way I'm gonna pass a test without a brain please I need you we'll never pass I'm stupid then then I am going to make you smart like Darwin um sir you appear to have a bit of Ink on your face are you sure there's nothing else you want honey ask for anything well uh can I have two cans of soda click Richard the fridge oh and some jelly beans but only the yellow ones okay ah are you sure there's nothing else to wear Mrs Waterson please honey you can call us mom and dad aren't you tired of being so useless years and years of insults and abuse remember for you people okay I'm ready then prove it [Music] this may take a while [Music] so many obstacles each and every day [Music] pain you gotta think back [Music] [Music] you gotta think
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 1,110,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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