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how the dealership of cars can make a profit from a used car probably your car comes from this one 65,000 I made so what are the risks you will never make money this car got fired do you think this one can be prepared I tell you [Music] yes [Music] see where I am I am in the co- Park auction the biggest auction in the world there's only one branch in UA there are many other branches here where the dealer can make profit you see this car you see it's impossible you can repair it right repair it again but the dealership the one who buy this one will take it to the nice garage and make it a you and we'll sell it to you to everyone and they make a huge profit from [Music] this guys in this place you can't find many use damaged car for example look at this beautiful car but damaged but they they can sell it and make it profit for example this one is old car and but damaged also even the taxis here guys taxi are making accident so when they are not probably functioning well they bring him here so the garage can prepare them and then sell it again to the people so guys if you want to buy a new car you have to make sure is it new not only damaged because most of the dealership cars they come here take this car for example they fix it for you and they sell it for you and you you don't know about what was happening [Music] before [Music] now I am with the Philip he is really expert in buying and selling cars he bought many cars from C part in Dubai in UAE in us everywhere he knows about so I want to ask you first where where are we now right now we are in the cop parking that is located in Dubai and here you can see the local cars mostly that are wrecked damaged whatever or taken by government so the same thing as an emirat auction but little bit different because Cooper is not a governmental company so why the cars are here they are damaged or they are not used or there's a problem in the cars what what kind of problems in Dubai like in other countries there are uh several reasons why people lose their cars first of all they um come to accident okay and after when the insurance company decides that the car cannot be repaired it is sent here and maybe someone will buy maybe it will go to Scrapyard whatever there are another reasons sometimes guys run away from the country due to some I don't know legal issue yes something like that and they just simply drop the car in that case police comes they put uh stickers they try to find find him by the plate number and if they cannot they take the car to Emirates parking uh where police parking and after that uh Begins the court all that things it takes around 6 months and when everything's done they sell it through Emirates auction also there are cars that are abandoned by other reasons and there are cars taken by Court sometimes when people are in debts they cannot pay something the bank everything for example you say I want to buy a Ferrari you take a loan from the bank you go any Bank oh I have a bank but at certain point you don't have money to pay the installments the B you know what the bank will tell you okay you give us your car as a security mortgage and you are going to take it so when the bank takes the car we'll put in the auction so the People BET directly and they can't take it one more thing regarding this uh details when you try to buy a car on any auction the first thing to check is what is the situation with the documents of the car because sometimes it is mentioned with small small words that the documents will be provided within 3 months for example so you w the car you're expecting it to come to you but they say no Habibi 3 months you need to wait for the documents to be finished only after that you can take the car so you cannot take the car immediately sometimes that's why it is very important to know everything about the car before the purchase is it profitable to buy cars from here well it depends uh what is profitable in your mind for example if you are ready to waste your time and life earning like 10% from one car almost every car can give you 10% but it is U useless when the car cost for example $5,000 10% is how much 500 would you spend time going here back for 500 I believe not that's why people try to earn as much as possible and usually they try to buy the cheapest car on the market but they don't know what is actually with the car when you want to buy a car you also should check whether this car is sold directly from insurance company government or from another guy because for example I have this pickup and I need engine or gear because mine is broken so I can buy car like that take what I need put damaged parts from my car and Sell It Again a sometimes people do things like that and you don't know about it and you will never know because you can come here and check only outside start the engine something like that you cannot take the car to the garage to have a detailed look that's why you can buy a car from previous owner but he did something or maybe he bought the car and he found out that it is impossible to be repaired and now he wants to get rid of it so all these things all these things matters and if you want to make money in this business you should try once once once like for example if you buy one car you can win or you can lose but if you buy 50 cars or 20 I don't know some cars will be profitable some cars will be not and only by quantity of cars you will realize if it is if if you're able to make money with this business or not guys I want to show you something really nice is here you see this car it's new I don't know why is this car is here it's not damaged nothing happened to this car and even the car is only few days here the Discover inside what happened to this car why this car is here I don't know in the in the auction the copper let's see wow beautiful see it's new let me drive it I hope the key is inside oh my g is not working well now wow new one beautiful it's only 100 oh the battery is on also so I get notification here in the screen there is something oh the kilometer is only 100,000 kilom who wants to buy this car do you love it guys do you want to bed I'll show you more I promise you today I'll show you more not only this how how can the dealership can make profit from here they buy a lot of cars they put in the garage they repair it and they sell it again for example let's pretend that these two cars are same model okay just pretend they are not the same okay but for example I can buy this car and that car and that car as you see hit in the back and that one in the front yes so it will take for me for example one week to repair this car and some parts I will sell to scrap but this car is cheap and I don't want to spend time on them but imagine that this is Mercedes-Benz S-class for example or G vegan or something like that on cars of that um price you can make3 $50,000 whatever wow but it uh it requires from you a lot of things that you have to control and you have to understand because we may see Patrol over there yeah and this car looks as if it was standing here for 6 or 8 months and as you may see the roof is opened M it means that the sun and the sand has uh ruined rubbers maybe electric issues something like that and you may not know about it unless you start the car and when you start the car you say w what did I buy I have to buy a lot of parts and parts in Dubai are extremely expensive in scrapyard usually I take parts from Russia or Asia or eBay or whatever because when I grow to saja for example they say the price like the new one and there is no reason for me to buy parts from there so you have to try this business can be profitable you can make money but you have to understand that if you if you want you to earn the money you have to control everything if you drop the car in the garage garage will make money everybody around you will will make money also if you buy car from the auction personally you will have to pay 11 12% fees but if you have a company it's 5 s% and some cars are available to be sold only for companies with license you have to learn everything about it but if you lazy like me for example you can try try buy something cheap like this car for example yes it is high demand on the market at least zero you can sell it you will not make money but you will gain experience yeah and step by step don't I don't suggest you to start from expensive cars because for example I don't buy Lamborghini or Ferrari because if something inside the engine oh it's done so you need to have experience about any car you buy and usually people deal with uh this exact cars for example I take Nissan Altima and I buy Nissan Altima and Nissan Altima and Nissan Altima and when I bought 10 Nissan Altimas 11th I can repair from the parts that were from that previous stand and now I know everything about Nissan and I can take a glance and just realize how much money I need to spend but if I take I don't know Patrol or pajera zero experience from the beginning so what are the risks the risks are well I have mentioned the risk regarding documents it's just the documents first rest yes it's it's the time loss the second one I don't suggest to buy cars that are sold by private owner okay because there can be issues that you can never know before so who who you suggest uh better buy from the government or or insurance companies insurance company or government better than private owners yes because private owner is risky and you cannot control it and the second thing is Parts you should try to find out approximate price of the parts and add 30% believe me if you say that this car needs $5,000 investment 6,500 M every time it's stat ICS every time 30% extra because there are small issues and you will never well of course you can sell the car that is not finished yet yes but who would like to buy the car when there is this plastic is damaged something not working all that things usually you try to rectify everything and this 30% covers uh these things that are not obvious when you just have a look on the car here guys guys come with me I will show you something you see this car is porch I'm going to see inside how it looks looks like oh my God what a beautiful inside outside is damage but inside nothing happen come come come guys with me check inside see nothing happens beautiful in you it just you take it to the surface to wash it and to be new and you repair it it's do you think how many kilometer you can see theum it's only 98,000 of this car so if I tell you how you can participate how you want to buy this one and instead of going to dealership first you have to register yourself in this co-art and then you put a deposit then you go to the bed auction it's not like you go physical everything by online now imagine you are sitting at your home wherever you are in Russia us India Egypt any where you just oh I like this car you go to the online you check I want to buy you bet 10,000 the other one will bet 11,000 13,000 then you win you come and buy it you go to the garage to fix it and enjoy driving a new car that's what dealership makes profet there someone like me like normal person he comes here he likes a car he want wants to buy it what he needs to check first of all you need to try to you need to start the engine that's why you have to buy booster the thing that starts battery because all cars here with dead batteries and also you have to take a tank with a petrol because most of them out of Patrol and if you like some car you should add Patrol by yourself and start the engine if it starts at least you have a chance not to lose money but if car doesn't start don't don't waste your time it is too risky so from your experience philli okay you bought a lot of cards what are the problems you face in buying these cars what the issues happen to you after most issues uh came with the cars that were standing under the sun okay for a long time because when you see the damage you can repair it easily but when you start to use the car it means that all suspension need to be changed because all the rubbers cracked M you have to change all the rubbers around windows everywhere where is the rubber Under the Sun or under the heat it's ruined and you change it step by step for example you repair everything today one week some more issues coming one week some until you repair everything it will go go go so how to prevent this issue this issue not the buy cars that were standing in desert long time long time yes uh buy like when you come to so this what advice from fil is saying don't buy a really damaged car from auction because when you buy it you see it's new I repaired everything there is another damage will come and come and come and the cost will come to you every time so if you want to buy a car you buy it like not really damaged so you make sure it can stay for with you for a long time yes and Al also I do not suggest to buy cars that with broken windows with see a lot of Bugatti for example Ferrari you saw that photos that the car standing that's layer of sand windows down and sand inside the car it means that almost all electricity in the car is ruined because well you understand sand destroys everything yes yes and that's why at least try to choose car that is completely closed we just found a buyer he just bought a car from Copart I'm going to ask him couple of questions I am with Muhammad mhammad how are you alh nice to meet you how was it how was the process to buy the car the service was very good and the process was very easy they helped me so good they were so good the stuff they were uh really helpful and the process was how many cars you bought two cars two cars just you went to online to buy the I bid through the cars online and I need to do the cash payment here ahuh so you put a deposit uh yeah they they have my bank account they they're very they trust like their buyers so they know that the buyers can pay and we'll pay the amount here and if they don't pay they take 20% off the buyers ah so when you put a deposit you have to buy otherwise they will take it 20% so can you show me which car you did you buy yes of course I bought the defender see guys he just bought a c defendor will not show the number but he bought with 180,000 wow but they take uh 10% tax or 10 to 20 10 11% tax so it becomes two 200,000 ah so he bid 180,000 but the Copart they take 11% fees so he bought 200,000 almost 200,000 for Defender and they also bought uh Jim Sierra Jim Sierra 2020 he bought it uh how much 64,000 64,000 plus 12 percentage thank you so much Muhammad enjoy it now what is the process now you bought the car no I'm just looking to the car I want to see it and be on my way ah so you will drive it that they gave you a key like I can take the key now you can take the key and you drive it and drive it and leave but do all the cars are damaged here how you drive it did you check before yeah if the car cannot be moved I'll have a crane to take the car with me to the garage so how did you how did you choose your car I choose the car by knowing what's the damage of the car so I know how much I can repair the car so I know when like how much will the car like cost me throughout all the process so I know maybe I'll be in profit or the car doesn't fit me but right now I know by the car's percentage outside I'm still how do you know the damages by choice if the car is you came here before to see the car I no it's I saw it through the website and there is a report there's full report about the car guys if you want to buy a car it's not like you buy by chance you get it no there is a full surface full report about any car and congratulation Muhammad I wish you all the best Drive well and what are you going to do with the car you sell it or for you sell it drive it maybe I don't know yet all the best Muhammad guys we found a car trap here here if you want to buy you see this car it's beautiful right new even inside there's a plastic like make it so I want to ask Philip what do you think about this car can I buy it no I will not suggest you to buy it because we may see that the bumper is not from that car and they didn't even put uh fenders here to cover that the bumper is not so it was accident car okay and they just bought the cheapest bumper on the market Chinese one painted it and put here they were so lazy that this one from another car and another color these one are black and also you may see that one yes screws so what I'm trying to say these guys I bought a damaged car M put only some parts here invested like 1,000 dram and want to sell it for you if you don't understand anything in cars like the car is okay but when you come to the nearby service nearby garage after purchase you will realize that you will never pass will never let you um drive this car on the road and you have to invest at least 12 maybe 177,000 dams in this car so if you buy it you buy it cheap but the cost of reparation will cost you more you might not even buy it cheap because it can be two of you who decided that this is a good deal and you will beat each other and one of you will win will win a huge headache you see guys this car Tahoe gems is damaged from outside even that one is open so how to recognize how to see the bed you come here to check the number B5 is this this one and you go online I want to bed in this car in this de I want to buy it so let's discover what's inside this car wow it's new but the airbag is out you see even the material like it's new showing inside let me go inside and try it oh there is no key here H beautiful oh nothing is working but looks nice guys you want to buy this one come to Copa and I will show you many other cars let's go and discover a new car how many cars did you buy from auction well actually approximately maybe 40 not more0 yeah because uh usually I buy from uh us or Europe and I need it I need them to come here I need to restore I need to sell or go for rent whatever the there are different purposes of the cars some cars I buy just for fun because I like cars of the beginning of 2000s like cars 2005 2003 this cars called youngtimers yeah youngtimers it's like S-Class 1998 something like that but uh some cars I just uh buy for money for example now I'm finishing Bentley that I bought from United States and it is 2017 Bentley convertible but only 9,000 Mi driven and the car just like new for example but this car will I will try to sell if I will not manage I will drive it myself big pleasure you have to uh see if it is business you should uh treat it like a business if it is fun well why not people like playing games yes why not to buy uh I don't know damaged Bugatti and spend 5 years repairing it maybe it's your hobby so first the first thing you should do before starting any auction any bidding is to decide who you are a businessman or a player yeah if you're a player there forget about the money just take pleasure M play the game hobby hobby yeah like the car that I came yes I was beating until the guy refused another one philli showed me a beautiful car he just bought it recently right yes month ago month ago what's kind of this car it's a Lincoln Continental 1968 with modern engine Modern Gear and uh I wanted to buy it for 25,000 the r but there was another guy and we were bidding bidding bidding bidding bidding bidding and the price was very high but I decided that I will take this car because this is not investment this is for my [Music] heart I bought the car in that condition and now I'm just improving it so I put cameras sound system sound proofing step by step there are a lot of things to be done with this car but the main feature of the car is that it it has mod engine also it's a big problem because in Dubai it is impossible to register car like that but in charger they allow that's why have charging number plates and this car yes I have to do a lot of things but in every centimeter of this car I see how many efforts patience nerves the guy put in this car and I'm very grateful to him because he did amazing job and I will just make it better can can you show me the engine is it new also or how how it yes this engine one [Music] moment as far as I understand this is GM engine LS called it's V8 and uh well it's nice I did some things that are forbidden to be done here this that car can Okay so let's check inside wow red inside guys can I go inside you should sit because yes you should wow feel it comfortable like you are in the bed you know the Spong here 60 years ago they knew how to treat people very nice car red classic and we bought or Philip bought this car from the auction the place where we showed you many cars but what you need you need to have the experience you need to have Philip to guide you which car do you need to buy but if you go there if you want to buy for first time you know you don't buy for example like this kind because it's risky should be someone experien to guide you if you want to buy to layn buy small cars and lay every time from it let's start the engine yes how yeah how to start this one yes oh this one for my flat no for my apartment it's not a good car ooh you can hear the voice hear this again W this one from the auction guys congratulation Phil thank you I want to buy it how much you sell it no I will not sell it before I finish it ah how much you will sell me after Big Discount uh let's discuss in next episode so what was the most expensive car you bought from the auction the most expensive car I bought from the auction well actually it was Martin Martin yeah and uh the thing is that uh the car was like ruined by the documents but actually some parts of suspension should have been changed and that's it it was a big luck because most of people you should also understand that there are cars with high demand yeah for example Nissan Patrol uh what else Toyota camri these cars also here in uh UAE are very popular and there will be 10 guys who would like to buy it and they will reduce your profit every step every second they will beid and reduce your profit but there are cars that most of people are afraid to buy sometimes this BMW yes uh local market doesn't know how to treat European cars usually because the parts are very um expensive and there are many electrical issues and it is very hard to find good electric here and that's why they better buy two rather than one BMW and this is the chance because there can be only two or three of you who are willing to buy it and that's why you can make more money of it but the second thing is that that car is harder to be sold so yes you can make more money on this car but you have to spend more time on repairing and selling because it is not on high demand okay so you have to choose you have to understand the market you have to understand the consequences and you have to be prepared for everything this car the people love this car here Nissan petrol but do you think this one can't be prepared it's really damaged H the answer is yes they will prepare it they will fix it and they will sell it to you see how is it damaged oh my God but everything is possible in this place let me check inside oh red inside wo why the people love this car do you think Nan petrol because the people here love to go to the desert and they have big family so when they go to the desert and this one this one powerful in the sand so cannot sink down between the Sands only with the four-wheel you can go out and you go anywhere and also there is many options not only this is big for the big family so two family three family friends everyone seven people eight people they can't go with this car beautiful car in this co-art auction do you want to bed tell me how much money you want to buy this car and I will help you to get it for you let's go and discover more why is here it's nothing it's only steel mentals nothing there this is a burned car and maybe there was some damage damage caused by burning of this car and the guy didn't pay this will be sold for 500 Dam 300 Dam I don't know how much this metal cost and this money will go to people who were suffering because of this burn something like that it's just the legal issue nothing more it's about legal issue and instead of throwing or something because it's mortgage to the bank so the bank wants to make at least 500 or small to close the deal oh I get my money few 1% of the loan and yes they go out so the you bought the most expensive car some Martin yeah how much was it uh it was $96,000 90 and you did you sell it yes 170 170 so you made a profit of approximately $90,000 $80,000 no no I invested some money but uh $65,000 I made you made $65,000 so guys some if you are experienced like a Phillip you can make a lot of money from one car so if you are really great experience you listen to Phillip and learn and you can make it also but always keep in mind that everybody likes to tell good stories yes when they're winning yes and nobody will tell you the bad story because for example ason Martin was a good story but there were six stories that were bad and statistics is like that every time you have to learn you study something you gain more experience and you reduce the quantity of cars that causes loss of money and sometimes you win sometimes you lose yes it's luck sometimes sometimes it is luck the Aston Martin was luck I I bought it with clothes dies because I just it was my feeling but if I were wrong I would lose money and you should not do like that it's a it's a nice story you wanted you asked me about the story where I made much money this is the story what are the story like you made loss well loss not you didn't make any loss loss not but I made zero you made zero profit yes zero what was the car zero profit uh this Malibu for example Malibu yes okay yes the car well I earned some money on it m because I put it on the rent for two months okay and at least 5,000 Dam I earned you buy because you put to earn okay yeah I rented it to some people yeah from Russia for 2 months I earned like 5,000 dams and sold at zero okay so this is this was my way to gain at least something from the car but uh not all the people have this opportunities when go to the to buy a car from auction don't think you are going to make for every car profit no you have to expect loss you have to expect some time energy consumption that's why but the important thing what the Phillips said you don't if you want just starting to buy new cars from auction don't buy a huge card as Martin like what he did start with the small and then you learn from it every time every car you buy there is a learning process I hope like you like this episode and if you like it really and if you want us to progress and give you more and more and more please subscribe like if you want to have any questions Phillip and I will answer you just drop any questions comments down and we'll come back to you I hope you like it and I see you soon with the new episode have a great day guys bye-bye good luck
Channel: Discover Saeed
Views: 1,244,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discover saeed, uae, dubai, copart, copart walk around, car repair, copart auction, auto auction rebuilds, auto auction rebuilds copart walk around, cheap cars, used car prices, auction, fixing cars, uae auction, used cars in dubai, abandoned cars in dubai, online auction, auto auctions, cars, lincoln, continental, how to buy a car, buying a car, buying a used car, what to look for when buying a used car, car auctions, car questions answered, car buying tips, luxury cars, auctions
Id: 50moqIWyfP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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