I spent $20M in 30 mins at the WORLD'S MOST INSANE car dealer!

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welcome to First Motors in Dubai this is the world's most extreme car dealership with over 100 million dollars worth of cars in here now in this video I'm going to show you around I'm also going to pick five of my favorite cars that I'll be adding to my dream garage let's do this Buy sell car wow I'd like to introduce you to Ali to Ali is the CEO of First Motors now Ali what I'd like you to do I'd like you to sell some of these cars to me and then I'll pick five of them and you're going to tell me what you think of each of the cars which you think I should buy we'll find out how much they're worth and we'll tot up the total how much I spend on my five cars sure so your windows open yeah no no I'm actually shopping I've got lots and lots of money you know anyway so I want to start with Hyper cars let's just go in let's go in straight for the kill for something really exciting and obviously with these Bugattis here so I'm drawn to this it's the Super Sport 300 plus so it's the famous record-breaking car right it is total 30 of these cars were made and it is in my opinion one of the most iconic cards from Bugatti from the Sheeran series what makes this specific car special is that it's the last one produced so it's number 30 of 30 the very last one awesome paint Scheme as well like the orange and black just looks so good and the design of it with the longer tail end you know the improved Aero for the high speed run so I you know this leaps out at me I've driven a super sport it's the fastest I've ever driven a car on the road 212 miles an hour what's the fastest you've driven 200 miles an hour okay right I would be drawn to this but you have not won but two DeVos I didn't not so long though have some like four Yeah we actually had uh another diva in stock in the showroom here we sold one and we've actually sold another one outside the country so that's uh four DeVos and total 40 produced overall and that will be 10 of total production that have been passed through first Motors that's a little bit greedy well we actually always try to push ourselves to uh you know test the limits to see how far we can go I like this kind of satin Affair that's really cool should I go for a Devo or the Super Sport and then over there we have a sport that's a legend of the seal it's a shiron sport it's a commemoration to the fighter pilots actually total 20 were supposed to be made initially the exact figures are not known eight to twelve were made in total so this is the rarest car then out of these Bugattis yes it is the most difficult one to find I do have a order for an additional one but I can't seem to find one so I've picked this at the Bugattis but it might not be the hyper car I'll go for we'll choose some others later is this the right choice well what you're looking at is around six million dollars how much is that one that one would be around five million dollars okay so pick good so far how about the DeVos 10 million dollars I pick badly then should I've gone for a Devo rather than this over long term which do you think is going to be worth the most overall my favorite one is this super sport the reason is that this one actually has 100 more horsepower it's a thousand six hundred horsepower where the Devo and the Sheeran sport or the shiron all of them are 1500 horsepower and you know 1 500 horsepower is clearly not in enough is it really yeah and anyway that's the Bugattis but maybe I want my hyper car to be a little bit more red so Ali we have a bunch of laferraris yes I understand you're a bit of a Ferrari fan I am what is it you like about Ferraris well for their resale value and for the collector value they actually do really well and uh Ferris helped us a lot as a showroom with the LA ferraries most of the collectors they're Ferrari collectors it's also very difficult to acquire a Ferrari from the dealership that's why the resale value is actually quite high so it's a safe bet for an investment it's a good car to drive I've driven a La Ferrari but also keeps your money safe yeah if you actually think about the car it's a 2013 car around 950 horsepower it's also a hybrid so people telling you that hybrid cars don't do well as a collector value it's not true at all looking at this car today even at 2023 I mean 10 years later the car is quite modern for what it is one thing you should be careful about weapery is actually the battery conditions of the car most of the cars we bring in they're zero kilometers and the batteries have been real place the drivers would be able to enjoy the maximum performance of the car the Hybrid battery costs around three hundred thousand dollars and the problem is that Ferrari find it quite challenging on finding the replacement batteries you'd have to wait around one year now so that's why when we have the car here and somebody wants the car they have to come here so with these cars then you say zero kilometers yeah they're as new yes they are but the problem with that is obviously you don't want to put miles on them kilometers because it reduce the value but then if you don't do that then the battery goes off and then you have to replace that and that's three hundred thousand dollars a year if you can get it replaced in the first place the batteries go off in the first place because the drivers aren't using the cars they're not driving them or they're not they don't drive as their collectors are collectors yes and uh you are right it is actually quite challenging if you take care of the cars as we do over here you'll have no problem in that aspect at all but Ferrari are also providing a warranty extension on the cars which is 25 000 Euros if the battery is in good condition so all of the cars that we acquired they do come with warranty extension from Prairie for two years so you have nothing to worry about and you can drive the car I want to drive it right it's in my dream garage I want to drive it will drive in the Ferrari and putting miles on it I'm not gonna do loads you know maybe a thousand kilometers a year yeah well that really cost me in terms of value well the less you drive the more valuable it will be but the less fun I have the less fun you have and at the same time you will be making money we see this car actually going up in value I see another 30 40 percent in the next year or two why so good investment is this a better investment do you think than the Bugatti at the moment I see this as a better investment in the long run why because the library replacement will come out most likely this year if not this year the next year and once that comes out one of the requirements to acquire the new library replacement is to have a library so everyone will come and buy this cars okay all right so speculate on this because the new one's coming out then you can sell it to someone who needs to own a LaFerrari to get the next one yeah that's the selling point I mean that's how I push it okay so how much then how much for one of these and which is more expensive the convertible or the coupe of course the convertible I mean it all comes down to numbers 210 convertibles mate 500 Coupes I think I'd rather have the convertible just if I'm driving it you can hear the noise a bit more from the V12 engine and the experience of having the sun on me as well exactly if I drive it in Dubai the price on the aperture is six million dollars for a zero kilometer good condition one at the moment and for the coupe it would be roughly 3.5 million I'm taking the coupe right so Bugatti or that let's check out some other hyper cars but before we do that can we cold start one of them sure you can come on then let's um let's start up this La Ferrari oh yeah that sounds nice six million dollars nice okay Ali we've looked at something French something Italian maybe I should be a little bit more patriotic and have a British hyper car like this McLaren P1 here so what's the value of this 1.5 million dollars for the McLaren P1 it's in the same league of the LaFerrari the 918 and the McLaren P1 we're all introduced at the same time to compete with each other the Holy Trinity exactly and on a straight line the McLaren P1 is actually the fastest car unless you're talking about the um value group yeah exactly McLaren didn't do so well uh I mean not as much as Ferrari but there still is a lot of potential for this car to grow there have been a lot of accidents in the car for us that's a good thing because uh and the value goes up at the same time I can see that this one is sold but what would happen if I thought you know what I'll offer you two million of course if I see that as a reasonable offer I would take that offer to the actual owner of the car and see what he has to say so basically what you could find is someone buys this car it stays in the show so it's sold someone else comes in they want it and the person who bought it has instantly made half a million of course yeah well less your commission of course yeah of course uh we we take that into account as well and that happens often okay so I don't actually want to consumpt somebody with their cars so maybe I need to look at another McLaren P1 maybe one that's even more exclusive you'd have to go for the P1 GTR which is uh parked over there just so happens so here we are then P1 GTR a lot rarer than the normal P1 how many of these were Bill 40 were made in total the conversion has been done by lazante does it mean what do you mean conversion conversion to make it road legal yeah because this is like a truck only car right it is a track only car lazante have done a fantastic job in this and what makes this car more special actually is the details in it so this actually has red carbon that's incredible isn't it yeah it's so good have a look inside I would definitely like to have a look inside but I may be tempted to start it of course this is proper race car in here this steering wheel is different isn't it than the normal P1 this one has more buttons on it more complicated it's actually like a challenge car can you get another steering wheel it wasn't the one left there a rectangular one that also comes with the car that's more for track purposes only this is for the city the city okay so what's it like to drive I mean you must have driven this is it easy no very high actually it's very challenging to drive in the street especially if you want to do a U-turn so I really love this car and it's super rare it's British but I do probably want to be able to drive my hyper car occasionally and maybe this will put me off tell me the price though first three million dollars and do you think this is a car that's going to appreciate definitely I think after the McLaren F1 the most iconic car made by McLaren and one of the best designs ever made by McLaren yeah is insane do you know what I'm going to start it and it feels like a race car hasn't been turned on in a while yeah I think the Bugattis are really special whoa well I want my hyper car to just have an insane feeling so it's been absolutely incredible sense of occasion and it's always a little bit too easy and so is a LaFerrari I'm slightly erring on this but there is one other hyper car which we're gonna check out which I really like but it's a bit left field do you know what Ali the car that looks most hyper to me is actually a Ford the Ford GT is just insane look especially in this particular black yeah actually the aerodynamic design of this car is very beautiful if you see it it's like a v-shape but at the same time it is challenging to sit in a lot of the people that love the car are actually big and oversized uh and they call it I tried squeezing one of them in it doesn't work you lose that sale yeah I did he wouldn't fit inside the car let's have a look at it can I open it oh cold or whoa never seen one of these and it actually it smells like a Ford and the seats feel quite 40 don't they I mean they didn't spend a lot of money inside but it is just perfect while and it's quite high like the roof comes down low let's have a look at the start oh it's going to start in you've had this is the key for it that's the key how much is this car 1.3 million dollars so it's definitely a hyper car because of the performance and it's worth over a million dollars but that key does not say I own a car that's worth a million says I've got a car that's probably about thirty thousand the good thing about this car is not many people know the value of this car or they don't know what it is so you actually get more than what you pay for can we start this one yes so let's give it a go I call you this in with the suspension as well the best thing in the car is a suspension lift it's quite dense lens and if you push that button you will know oh yeah and then just drop it down again oh it's very quickly you don't have to slow down you just be driving along and then just buying yeah how fast is that anything yeah I've never seen it any of them do it like that because normally the nose lifters okay 1.3 million for this perfect to drive quite smooth and locks the business there's something missing though we haven't seen any Lamborghinis Okay so we've got a Lamborghini Countach which basically underneath the skin it's an Aventador isn't it it is 112 of these made this was a inspiration to the Countach so that's where the collector value lies in when it comes to design and looks nothing beats Lamborghini but performance uh again I don't know whether I should say this or not but but you're gonna say it it's not a Ferrari yeah but again the collector value is there and uh very beautiful car so how much is this counter three million dollars three okay and it is just a reskinned Aventador what's it like selling these compared to the Ferraris is it harder or easier Ferraris are always easier to sell but uh you should not underestimate the growing Market in Asia Chinese are the new buyers and Lamborghini has a lot of fans in China and Indonesia so it's only a matter of time when the doors open up and these cars will go flying through the roof I quite like the look of this personally but I think if I'm having a Lamborghini hyper car this is more appealing yeah it's the most iconic car in my opinion a total of nine banana roadsters were made and only one full carbon Veneno Roadster was made and this is the only one in the world this is the only one of these in the world yes it is the most expensive car to be sold here 11 million dollars but definitely I would say when it comes to looks the most beautiful car so how many kilometers is this particular version done this is still zero very early at the vegetable underneath V12 6.5 liter around 750 horsepower for this car performance really doesn't match the looks of the car it's actually the real life Batmobile isn't it the back end of it is just insane do you know when you buy this car like it's art so you have this as your hyper car you don't necessarily drive it you just come out and look at it and just take in like the shapes it's just well it's like look at the back end of it interesting that you touched upon this most of these cars also work so far it's you can park them in your living room and at the same time enjoy the collector value on this course you know when I was a kid I used to have this like plastic Batmobiles about this big I used to sit on it and push myself along and it was sort of this shape and it had the red bits on it as well so I'm very tempted by this in my dream world but we've also got a C and here which is once again based on the Aventador but it's got the hybrid Tech in it hasn't it I've told today the most powerful Lamborghini made around 800 horsepowers what's interesting about the CN is that each of them were individually colored so you will never find two the same color so this is unique this car of course this one how much 3.5 million dollars so not actually that much different to the Countach but these are different cars that's an inspiration to the Countach and this is a new series which do you think is going to be the easiest for you to sell well this is already sold this is definitely easy to sell it's gone okay so that's the hyper cars so now I've got to pick which Hopper car I'm going to have the Bugatti chiron's a little bit obvious I do like it and you can daily drive it I'm drawn to that McLaren just because it's British and it's like such an experience sitting in it but you know what I don't have this well you can give me your offer and uh so it's 9 million plus I've got to be able to get it from the person who's bought it they're getting one million it's 11 million okay so it's going to be at least 12 million isn't it for me to buy this okay it's all right it's a dream garage 12 million it is now let's find something a little bit more sensible okay SUVs then we've got a Range Rover it's an SV right yeah this is an SV very nice let's move along see what else we got we've got another first Range Rover is this worth slightly less than the it is than the SV obviously and talking slightly less you know Range Rover it's supposed to be like a luxury vehicle but when you put it next to a cullinan it doesn't feel quite so luxurious does it the Range Rover yeah this one's a mansuri exposed Carbon on the Bonnet yeah these are quite popular over here man series and novitex and uh carbo Parts on the car exhaust tuning wheels are different what do Rolls-Royce think of it well of course Rolls Royce don't like it yeah any card dealer doesn't like you playing with their cars but there is a high demand for it some people like to stand out and be unique and this is just one example so what's the price of this 750 000 the Range Rover SV 350 000 okay so half yeah but at the same time you're driving a Rolls-Royce no I think that's worth it I think that's worth double that easily that's a no-brainer but let's move on I'm not really a man sorry kind of guy for you know Rolls-Royce this is a little bit more this is a Novi Tech yeah it's just a bit more me similar price this one is six hundred thousand I like the sound of that but let's keep on moving we've got another color in there oh wait a minute I've just noticed the rear wheel Lodge on this Rolls-Royce that okay no I've probably keep it this one's standard right it is it's a black badge how much is this 650 000 right yeah I'll probably go for that over the modified ones but this looks cool I love the green on this G this is the new G Class what's different in this is actually the Maybach Wheels yeah I love those these wheels actually weren't quite popular in Dubai nobody wanted them you know we saw an opportunity in this so we just decided to bring mostly Maybach Wheels over here to be different than other dealers and actually they're quite popular now so you start a trend we started a trending okay so how much for this one 320 000 okay I'd definitely rather have that over the Range Rover so this is quite luxurious but I'm not keen on the look of it especially the plastic bits down there well at least my birthday it's a Maybach and uh for our 4x4 luxury driven car one of the best cars to drive you can have a family drive this you're selling alley would you have this or a G wagon I would take a Jeep there we go that's all we need to know let's move on to the other G's so Brabus I do like Brabus I think they do a good job of like upgrading the cars and it just looks more aggressive but not in like a kind of crazy over the top mansory sort of why what do you think how did the Brabus do over here compared to just the standards actually do really well over here people like to be seen people like to be different the car is unique G-Class over here is like a taxi I know everyone has one and of course you want to maybe stand out a bit you would go for a brother I was surprised at this 350 000 it's all right yes right let's just just get to the very end here because you've got a couple more that's a standard AMG and that's a mansaurus personally I prefer the upgrades that Brabus do over the Mansour it's like man sorry looked at Brabus and goes okay they're doing that we need to go one more yeah you know a slightly bigger Bonnet scoop slightly more extreme Wheels okay right anyway daily driver SUV I don't know if that green g wagon 320 000 let's add that to the total now I'm gonna pick a Supercar for my dream garage so Ali I want something that's fun exciting that I can drive you know for a blast at the weekend what do you reckon to these tdfs or these are collector cars for their time they performed really well 799 of this may and the prices are just going up you would have to look at something between 800 to 1.5 million dollars okay so I might be put off a little bit by giving it a good thrashing on a very narrow British road so probably a little bit too worrying for me to drive quickly but what am I doing like this definitely fun to drive 1000 horsepower so there are three motors in the car the only setback with it is the multimedia system yes it's quite challenging to use yeah yeah but apart from that uh amazing car I do like the sf90 and it is really really quick but I think it's a little bit too digital maybe for that full involvement so you've got quite a few of them actually yeah we did really well undies so how much are you selling these for roughly seven hundred thousand dollars what about this this is a bit more fun bit more like analogy well this is the Ferrari Pista really fun to drive it's more like a go-kart day experience this one is used this one we're selling got six hundred thousand dollars depending on the spec you would look up to eight hundred thousand dollars for this car once again that's getting a little bit too expensive for me to just thrash it around maybe I need something a little bit more normal than a Ferrari how about a Mercedes so we've got the AMG GT Black Series in Orange and we've got the AMG GT Black Series in Orange well this is the launch color of the car usually for such cars the launch color is quite popular Mercedes did produce a lot of these in this color unlike the SLS Black Series which was the launch color was a solar beam quite rare but they went all out on the AMG GT haven't you got some other AMG GT Black Series and haven't you got a solar beam yellow one somewhere else in the building yes we do we have a solar beam mgg Black Series which is one of three so only three were made in that color one of them is right here in the basement another one we have recently acquired and the third one we don't know where it is so you've got two or three of course okay so this car in the launch color how much 500 000 for the solar beam yellow 700 750 000. wow quarter of a million extra because of that pain just because of the color wow okay let's move down to this we have an SLR McLaren by mansuri yes do you know what I'm not the biggest fan of man's story but I do like this oh this exposed carbon is nuts though I want a car that's fun to drive and I've driven these they're impressive the gearbox and stuff on them is just it's awful it's not quite reliable but uh you know the collector value will be there do not forget that the SLR is one of the few cars that McLaren and Mercedes did a collaboration in this one is currently listed at six hundred thousand dollars okay right it's up for me I actually really like this it's an SL Black Series isn't it yeah this is one of my favorites it's the most powerful so Black Series made and tuned by brothers so it's really right one off rare 800 horsepowers very powerful how much is this 600 000 it's a stealth by the way you've got all these numbers exactly in your head you know every single value of every single car in here right yeah I come here every day I mean this is all I do so uh the prices do you ever get it wrong it's quite sure quite true but it does happen have you ever sold something under value because you've got the price wrong and you'd be like maybe in one or two cases that has happened but a word is a word and if we do that deal the the sale still goes through I don't think these are quite pure enough drivers cars and I think the Black Series might just be a little bit too extreme for the road so let's find another collection of supercars so we have some Lamborghinis you know these are more for sure I think than outright driving unless you're talking about the sto I really find the sto good fun to drive what's the price of this one four hundred thousand dollars this one sto is the best performing car of Lamborghini definitely great to take it on the track but again if you want presents you go for an SVG so in terms of sales this can be hard to sell than an svj yeah these aren't quite there yet I mean the feedback and the reviews not so great on the sto but svj is flying through the roof so I've got another hurricane here moving down to an Aventador SV and then you know I prefer the look of the muscle Argo than the Aventador don't you yeah this is a motion logo SV only five of these were made without the wing and three of them were made in Black definitely there's a collector value on this total of I think 350 Murcielago SVS built this one is six hundred thousand dollars thing is though I'm looking for a driver's car this is not really what like classes a driver's car it's fun to announce now this is what I'm talking about ali Porsche 911 gt2rs Club sport amazing drivers car that you can't unfortunately drive on the road so I can't have it although I really want it yeah total 200 of these made they're actually going up in value quite a bit 40 percent up since the last year definitely an amazing car to drive on the track but again you do need a team for this car and I would say it is a rich man store the corner and this it's good for cruising around in and it's fast it is fun but it's just not quite on it enough I don't think you know for Europe it's the best car to drive it's discrete performances there reliability is there that's a great thing about Porsche you can rely on it flat six so you don't have to spend as much on petrol I don't care about petrol prices in my dream garage but that's not quite hardcore enough but now this is if you want hardcore and danger and some excitement yeah yeah I advise you to go for a 765 definitely so much power in this car more than what the shell is built for these are with the Comfort Seats those are with the races I'll go racing seats and I like this color as well although red is pretty cool in red but I think I'd rather have it in this gray here I've actually driven this car and it is mental drive itself isn't completely crazy absolute handful but whoa what an experience maybe too quick for the road but I can always dial it back a bit and maybe we should go in Black what do you reckon which do you think is the best color for resale me I just love black and this is actually a special black it's not black it's black with gold dust on it so if you look at it from up close oh yeah very beautiful spec so what's the price of this five fifty thousand dollars you just thought about that how much how much are charging for this look I know three hundred thousand dollars there's 1.1 million Dirhams okay okay you're doing the maths in your head yeah right I am going to take as my Supercar this black with gold Fleck McLaren 765lt excellent choice we're now in the basement of first Motors and there's even more cars here and some classic cars so as part of my dream garage I think I need something that's very collectible you know an older car that's really going to appreciate in value and what I'd like you to do is just tell me the value of these cars and give them a rating from okay good and excellent for their ability to make me money and so let's start with this Lamborghini I will put this as good it's a gt400 at the end of the day again it is a Lamborghini definitely one of the best classic Lamborghinis made this one's at six hundred thousand dollars so when you talk about making money where I bought this car six months ago it was for around 400 000 and the value is going up so uh just shows you a collectible car that will go up in value you buy as an asset doesn't have to be that old I guess the macaron Senna is a good example of that yeah 500 of these cards made in total renamed actually after Senna a famous Formula One driver red carbon full exposed carbon body and 500 of these made in total in terms of value like the ability for it to appreciate in value what is it okay good or excellent well for such a car you'd have to pay 1.5 million euros at the moment we'll go up in value at the same time because full carbon body quite rare to find okay let's find something else that's quite rare all the cars you've got here have some collective value and we've already seen some mg GT Black Series but this one in particular has an ability to go up in value more than the others this one is only allocated to you if you are an AMG one allocation 275 of these made in total what's special about the car is only the paint job and these stores find Mercedes these are all hand painted so highly recommend when you get this car to get a ppf and uh very beautiful it does look really good the this paint Scheme but the value so how much is this worth seven hundred thousand dollars and in terms of the ability for it to increase in value what do you write it as I will give it a good so everything so far is good yes the reason for this is collective value is not only in the car it's also at the paint job this is already quite up in comparison to the AMG one it's roughly 50 more expensive at the moment and again it is a black series but you would have to wait some time instant returns and collect the value you'd have to wait quite a bit okay so we've had some Goods I want some with collector value that you rate sure excellent so we've got another card that's made more collectible because of its paint but this is even more so than the mg Black Series because this tdf the color is one of one isn't it it is and what's special about this car is not only the color is also the kilometers and the condition it's been kept in most of these cars whether it's the tdf the special or the 599 GTO these are Jubilee cars of Ferrari so basically having these cards on your profile will entitle you to other cars definitely a collective car to have 799 of these made Okay so the price of this 1.6 million 1.6 million but the collector value it's excellent because of the color still it's a V12 it's a naturally aspirated engine and it has a lot of potential a lot of room to grow it's still quite a lot of money to buy in the first place even though you will make a huge sum on it it's just something maybe a little bit more affordable yes there is so this is a little bit more me Ali we've got a mark IV Supra and we've got an R34 Nissan GTR in terms of investment one of these is excellent one of them is good which is the excellent well this is an m-spec newer what's special about this car is everyone is waiting for the US markets to open up in 2024 when these cars are actually legalized you have a lot of collectors speculators stocking up on these cars and refurbishing them and what's beautiful about this car is actually the Driving Experience even though it's not so fast you feel it's fast and the prices I would say in the last year they have doubled so from three hundred thousand dollars to six hundred thousand dollars not only Italian German cars have the collective value also the Japanese cars and if you don't have a big budget you can buy these cars from anywhere between hundred and fifty thousand dollars up to Millions what's interesting is that this Nissan is actually a better investment it's more likely to make you money than this first generation Ferrari Testarossa here which fun fact you can tell it's a first generation car because it's got the mirror on the a-pillar rather than on the door like laser cars now this is feeling like a proper old-school collector car this 300 SL Roadster what's special about this car is Everything is Everything is the history associated with this car I'm sure you know that the most expensive car sold currently at auction is the 300 SLR which got sold for over 140 million dollars now what happened after that auction is that all the cars on the 300 SL series all of them want top-end value I would say a 20 increase in prices of the cars now this one is valued at currently 1.7 million euros definitely good Collective value on this a lot of history associated with it and a lot of room for it to grow potentially you said good investor value but I needed to be excellent is this excellent depending on how long you want to hold it but I would say yes it is excellent why because we're moving from combustion into electric and these things will be a thing of the past okay I quite like the idea of this but there's another Mercedes we could potentially have which is a roadster yet again which I think could be a good collector but you'll have to tell me if I've got it right or not okay let's go have a look at it so Ali here we have a Mercedes McLaren SLR Sterling moss and I think these cars are really good opportunity for going up in value by quite some margin they're not cheap to begin with this one's like four million dollars think about this though is it's one of the first cars in the modern era to be windscreenless McLaren copied them with the Elva you've got the Ferrari monster after this and there's only 75 of these built it's an insane con the link to Sterling Moss as well which as far as I'm concerned as the Britain is one of the very best racing drivers ever even though he never won the World Championship and I think the investment value on this car is excellent and therefore you should buy it I'll do a good job can I join your team now maybe when we're talking about Investments Ferrari F50 has got to be a no-brainer right it's got to be an excellent definitely one of the best cars from my childhood you know I had a poster of this car on my wall and I definitely wanted to bring it here what's special about this F50 is 349 of these were made in total this is one of the Jubilee cars from Ferrari to commemorate the 50th Anniversary prices are going up really high when we bought this car it was the most expensive car ever sold in an auction for around 3.5 million euros but today you're looking at 6 million euros for this car so you guys have made 2.5 million on this car well not us we sold the car and the new owner he made the most money there's a common theme here it's the people who buy cars through you end up making the money okay excellent investment value even though it's worth 6 million it's gonna go higher yes it definitely will excellent investment choice to score so excellent investment choice but do you know what I'd like something with a very excellent investment rating okay let's go have a look Ali you have my favorite Ferrari ever here and I think this is the card to have as my collectible car in my dream garage 288 GTA yeah definitely you found the most challenging Ferrari to find it's the it was a big defined it was just here in the corner not for me yeah it took me over a year to find this car in this Condition it's only 8 000 kilometers 272 288 gto's made in total 1985 car from the 272 actually only 22 were made with the electric mirrors and with the AC makes this car even more valuable value of this car today would be 6 million euros for the condition it's in so six million euros that's about 6.5 million dollars and in terms of the investment value this is the best car that you've shown me when you look at the predecessors of this car if you look at the 250 GTO and it's trading somewhere between 50 to 70 million euros today this car definitely has a long way to go okay I'll take it definitely I'm taking this I love the look of it and I like like the sound of that kind of appreciation well happy to do business with you finally Ali we come to my fifth car choice for my dream garage I've been looking at some of the luxurious cars that you've got here like that novitec Rolls-Royce yeah with the widened rear wheel arches it's nuts and then there's that Rolls-Royce Silver Specter which is an estate Rolls-Royce Wraith that's crazy as well but do you know what it got me thinking about like the rolls royces and luxury cars and I think what I need for the last kind of my collection is something to be driven in rather than to drive myself and we've ended up in this Maybach with a difference what is it well this is a upgraded untuned by mansuri the interior has been upgraded completely by monthsary mansuri make one of the finest lever interiors and also this car has been tuned to 720 horsepower it is really nice in here feels super expensive and even more luxurious than the standard Maybach which is saying something isn't it yeah of course you stand up with this card definitely You Don't See Much of these around in Dubai or anywhere in the world what is the price I said this one 550 000 I wouldn't say it's a one-off it's one of a few all right then Ali that my five car dream garage complete what does the total value actually come to yeah that's just 20 million dollars whoa I see write this down it's uh Veneno 765 288 GTO G63 and the mansuri Maybach much gonna buy all of these cars it was just pretend what do you mean you've been taking my time all this time [Music] I think I better get out of here foreign [Applause] I hope you'll enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know if you agreed to my choices in the comments below click on those windows there for some more videos on that box there to get a car wait to sell your car and have dealers all across the country bid on it thanks for watching
Channel: carwow
Views: 4,819,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, rare car, rarest cars, most expensive car, expensive cars, most expensive car in the world, mclaren p1, lamborghini sian, bugatti divo, bugatti chiron, ferrari laferrari, rarest ferrari, rarest lamborghini, rarest bugatti, rarest mclaren, rarest classic car, car dealership, most expensive car dealership, dubai car collection, UAE car collection
Id: gw7gyYgewcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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