Abandoned Supercar: Ferrari 512bb | First Wash in 28 Years! | Car Detailing Restoration

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this is the most expensive barn find we've ever found how did we do it I don't know but ladies and gentlemen we found an abandoned Ferrari a piece of Italian art left to sit in this garage untouched for the last 28 years I can't believe that we found this this is ridiculous for the first time ever on our Channel we have a real life Ferrari I can't believe I'm looking right now at a barn find Ferrari 512 BB and what makes this car even more fitting aside from the fact that we found it is that I literally just touched down from a family vacation in Italy where I got to see where my family is from and now I'm looking at a barn find Ferrari how many Ferraris in the world are in this condition with the bird poop probably from the80s and then every one of these fins is covered in some kind of debris and there's a V12 engine under here and we haven't even seen what that looks like but just like first impression of the car is just like it's like from a movie I don't know what they were using this Barn for but I'm literally walking around in hay and everyone kind of chastises us and says like that's not a barn fine that's not a barn fine well this is a barn fine Ferrari the wipers the mono not oh I didn't see the little mini guy there dude I've never seen a wiper like that the big mono and we have the praning horse down here the praning horse up there big big fat front end and as we were trying to get out and see if the wheels would be free the owner showed up so we got the backstory from him we are here with the owner Mr Shone and his granddaughter Lily Shone before we even get into their story Mr Shone was one minute late just so that he could pull up in this sweet 32 Ford Rat Rod Hot Rod uh so anyway he showed up in grandio style and surprised all of us with uh some American Muscle before we got over to the Italian sports car I guess the first question is where did the car come from and how long has it been in this garage it actually was bought at the edw Weaver auction in Dalton Georgia and he had 300 cars trucks anything with wheels that ran and I went because he had six Lamborghini muras and I figured out of six I'm bound to find my liking so I had my son and my nephew Drive throughout the night and I got my bidder pass and my letter from the bank of my limits and I purchased two cars the Lamborghini mura and the Ferrari bonetta boxer the reason the reason I chose the uh boxer was because it's the model before carburet injection because they're more throaty when they run and the first one the 365 BB was faster but not as refined and even though it's an 81 it got limited use garaged and then other things took over including children and raising children and now we have an opportunity to admire the car I guess we should uh talk really quickly about Lily who is a granddaughter and uh she's the reason that we were able to get all this was done cuz I don't think you would trust us without her uh her vouch besides that they have a different view of life and uh mine is just coasting yeah not today Grandpa honestly this is probably one of the more humbling experiences I think that we have ever had you know this is kind of like once in a-lifetime Opportunity so definitely was not going to let me or Grandpa pass that up the best part is is that Brent actually we had come out here to drop off another car uh in this area of town and we had been told about you know potentially this Ferrari and uh Brent actually saw Lily walking the dog down the street uh and and got her attention and right now we have a Ferrari to handle this has been in here my entire life when you guys get it back what are you going to do with it is it going to go right back in that garage oh my God no well that brought up the fact that uh they were going to lead me to a mechanic upon that uh discussion and confidence in the mechanic I might have them get it running we've transported a lot of vehicles and uh it makes uh the transport process of some of these more expensive and more rare Vehicles a lot safer because we've done it so many times but I figured I'd explain our thought process when it comes to moving a vehicle that's been sitting for this long we have two soft shackles so these just go over big uh parts of the either suspension or the chassis somewhere that's very sturdy on the car that we don't have to worry about braking we watch out for brake lines when we pull the vehicle we're pulling from both sides of the car in the middle that way in case there is any of these wheels that are locked up the car will still pull straight and hopefully those wheels will break before we get into the trailer all right here she goes they're moving I told you I told you it was going to roll so while we pull the Ferrari out I want to ask the question of the video so leave your answers in the comments below Ferraris seem to be a typical dream car for a lot of people so leave a comment what your dream car is and also if you're not subscribed to the channel we worked really hard to get this video for you guys so please take a second and hit that subscribe button and like the video let's see if we can break 50,000 likes on this it helps us out a lot oh my gosh dude this is [Music] crazy all right I should be good and with the car all loaded up in the trailer RJ had one more thing you wanted to say before we took it back to our shop all right so we have the Ferrari all loaded up and we're about to head back to the shop but before we go we figured we would let you all know we are traveling around the United States looking for cars like these in this condition to film for the channel and make the greatest car detailing entertainment that the world's ever seen we need your help to keep finding these cars so please email us here at this email or contact us here at our Instagram send us pictures send us where you are but please the cars need to be dirty we can't do clean cars nobody will watch our videos we appreciate you guys sending us the pictures of your cars but if they aren't dirty we can't do them so please only dirty cars we put respect and privacy first and foremost when it comes to us picking up these cars we'll do a ton of work to make sure that we take care of them and trans transort them safely and clean them safely uh but we want to do your car we do it all for free we don't charge a thing and uh if we can earn this gentleman's trust we hope we can earn yours as well uh with that being said thank you very much sir let's get back to the shop we made it back safe and sound got out of the trailer and now we're going to do the initial walk around and first impressions but to help me do that is our good friend of the channel John Sabo who is an automotive consultant and owner of bulletproof performance he knows a lot more about this car than I do I've never looked in the Ferraris because I've never even thought of the possibility of me affording one I know nothing about this car so we brought in the big guns to tell us a little bit about the car this was a car that was announced or actually released at the 1976 Paris Auto Show and the first handful of years they were all carburated cars there were sort of BBS not BB these cars were always two-tone they were red up top and this would have been dark gray SL black from the bottom down this one obviously was painted to color match top to bottom which was not an uncommon situation in these cars I have no idea what BB 512 even means all right here we got BB stands for Berlinetta boxer roughly 5 lers of displacement 12 cylinders the BB was never sold in North America they were all just imported you can see right here that somebody made some grassroot license plate bracket because you got your holes for your European style license plate and this chicken wire with the US spaced out bolts all right RJ I want you to grab in the wheel well and put most of your pressure there oh that's easy just kind of walk it up I'm going impress those still work oh my God look at that Rat's Nest look at this thing oh wa holy crap should we pop these off and check what it looks like underneath yeah I bet you the nest is huge in there see the top of the carburetor that's scary I hope they're not trashed oh they're nice what do you think we can put power to it and try and start it I would suggest not actually pretty clean down there I don't think you you can find these at uh AutoZone though if you need Replacements they're probably special order peace uniques peace uniques yeah there you go little AP action little how much time and how much Capital does it take to get this how long did you say this thing was roughly sitting for I think he said like in 1987 something like that yeah I would be taking this whole thing apart I would be checking full re full rebuild it's not a zero mile C what have a 19,000 Mi if we did the calculation from Kilometers what the heck is a kilometer I mean you could be easily o over 40 50k just oh my god wow BR you can get two of your wxs for one engine rebuild so now that we've gotten the back clam shell lifted up and taking a look at the engine we wanted to take a look at the front because we're searching for a very specific tool in order to take these wheels off these are the first wheels that we've ever worked with that are uh Center locking and uh I don't have any tools we call them knockoffs Center locks a little on the modern side but yeah you're not wrong oh not so like you literally knock you literally knock them off there should be a lead hammer and a tool kit here that we're looking for that actually destroys itself so you do not damage so I shouldn't use like a rubber mallet I need to use the hammer I'll recommend against it okay and again you want to grab on the wheel well it's crazy that the headlights don't move up with it look at that look at the little briefcase and it's got the printing horse on it that's sweet these cars did have a 20-in spare tire it's right there oh that look at this how cool is that man the Italians did do their toolkits Right comes with the little key and everything so you can lock it so some can take your tools I got another tool kit oh all right these things are actually not the easiest things to Source either value is definitely high on these there you go there's your lead Hammer lead Hammer to take off your knockoffs you can see it's definitely been done before and you can see how it actually sacrifices itself wow for the betterment of the knockoff not no Ferrari does usually give you a couple extra belts and you got your jack and I'm assuming this is a safety triangle but I could be wrong nope yep safety triangle wa look at that too mhm wow you got fuses you got bulbs you got tools this is never used none of it you're telling me that I have to swing this very hard and hit that there beat on her apparently I'm supposed to hit this Ferrari with this Hammer so dude this feels so wrong wow that's pretty cool yeah I would never have done that without you joh you want to hit the fry with a hammer Brent here put the camera down swing a hammer at it now that we have the front clam up we can actually see the headlight and uh I didn't realize I thought it was going to be one square ball that's two circular bulbs the coach work on this car as well as many other Ferraris through years were done by pin and finina pin andina had a long line of cars Through The Years through many manufacturers including your Cadillac alante one of the things that made the 512 so iconic which I highly recommend you watch the video for I can drive 55 Samy Hagar the Red Rocker who also was the lead singer of Van Halen and a big time Ferrari collector Through The Years Michael Anthony had a red 512 BBI I was part of the selling team of that I was lucky enough to get to drive them enjoy them and now I get the opportunity of watching you guys take this one to the next level all right John thank you very much for stopping by and informing us on the bb512 I learned a lot of stuff that I would have uh looked up on Google and probably gotten wrong and if you guys need any Automotive consultation or brokering John's the guy he'll find you the car that you want and the spec that you want and uh in the condition that you want to buy it in you can DM him here at his Instagram handle but we need to get washing this car because we have a another friend of the channel that's going to come and uh and help us take care of the exterior of this car so we have have to make sure it's all prepped and ready for them so the first thing we're going to do before washing the car is actually vacuum everything off of it that way it's not getting blown all over our shop and getting wet to make it a mess later on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm here with the Ferrari looking at this beautiful wheel that's in some dire need of help we are going to be trying to care for this car as best as we can so we're not going to use anything aggressive on this wheel on the tires we'll be using Puro and then on the rims we will be using just an iron remover and agitation by hand so I do have one question for you guys cuz this has these uh air covers that are Ferrari air covers now I wonder if these are actually original I think they might be but a lot of companies had like replica kits where you can you know buy these Brent thinks for sure that they're original and I I think they are too because they are really really nice quality this doesn't feel like some chintzy stuff let me know in the comments did this car come with this from the factory cuz I've never seen a car especially from the 80s come with something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] and now is the part I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for we're going to pressure wash off the car but first we're going to put a pre-rinse on it which is our Puro all-purpose cleaner when we do this it's going to lift a lot of the dirt up off of the paint so we can safely remove it with the pressure washer and if you guys are interested in Puro or you need an allpurpose cleaner in general I highly recommend trying it out it's the best stuff on the market the link is in the description below or you can go to Puro carc care.com [Music] [Music] and as you'll notice we put some tape over the window where that crack was at is it going to stop all the water from the pressure washer going into the car no but it is going to stop a majority of it even though later we're going to take the interior apart and clean it all anyways it's not the biggest deal but we're taking every precaution we can and that's really just because we can't put any power to the car so we can't roll the windows [Music] up and while we're on the rear end I have to say this is probably one of the most beautiful rear ends to a car I've ever seen in person and that Sparks my curiosity what do you think is the most beautiful rear end on any car ever [Music] now to wash the engine we're going to be extra safe we have no power this car and we're going to put plastic bags over the intakes that way no water gets up in there and causes any kind of damage [Music] [Music] all right now that the Ferrari is all washed we're going to go ahead head and use an iron remover to pull any rail dust or iron particles that might be stuck in the paint and then we'll go ahead and Clay it down dry it up and get ready to [Music] polish onto the interior of the Ferrari this feels really special this is the only time I've ever actually been sat in one of the older Ferraris like this I've seen some newer ones but this thing having a gated manual shifter with a dog box gear so first Gears actually towards the rear it's just so cool the gauge cluster everything is just set up towards the driver and it's it's in kilometers too which is kind of different I don't think we've ever done any cars that have had that either this Ferrari only has 31,700 miles which kind of sounds like a lot for an old Ferrari but the interior besides being a a total mess right now looks like it's going to clean up really nice a question that we get asked often is what is this little brown stuff that you'll see in interiors that we're usually doing sadly what that really is is mouse droppings old mouse droppings that get smeared into the interior that's what happens when mice get into cars and that's why you don't want them in your cars in high traffic spots you can see it drags what happens is they kind of drag it on their feet or like smush it down almost like you're stepping in mud which makes it a hassal clean and what we want to do is make sure that we don't damage this interior so we're going to have to do some light test spots with different products to make sure that we are as safe as we can be on this interior and not cause any damage whatsoever that's a lot of stuff what is all this white material this is like Fabric and I also noticed like other old vehicles that I've worked on before this Ferrari has a button in interior you could actually just take out the entire carpet and clean it outside the vehicle which is going to make it a lot better for us oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] aah [Music] m [Music] now to clean the seats in any of the other leather what we're going to do is we're going to spray the cleaner on it and then use our hands to massage it into every single pore then use a brush to really agitate it and then wipe it all away and unfortunately a lot of this stuff isn't going to come out 100% brand new because it is genuine leather and the mice dropping is etched into it and in order to make it perfect again we would have to sand it down and redy [Music] it then after cleaning all the leather we're going to condition it to try to make it come back to life and be a little bit softer again all righty guys I'm pulling up to the Cleveland Airport now to pick up our special guest that we flew in just to help us with this video guys it's Jason Kilmer he's here to help us with the Ferrari Jason are you ready to hammer down yeah Jason Kilmer is regarded as one of the top paint correction specialists in the entire world where his specialty is wet sanding he's been part of many award-winning builds where he won the Riddler twice once in 2008 and again in 2013 and he's also had two class winners at Pebble Beach in 2008 and 2010 what makes his talent in the awards even more special is Jason was born with Cerebral paly more specifically hopia affecting his complete right side of his body and also he has lack of depth perception in his left eye he's had to spend many years overcoming his challenges and in his craft and he was the only person we trusted to bring into detail this Ferrari Mr Kilmer you made it all the way to Cleveland to help us with the most expensive car that we've ever had on the channel so first off thank you for for making the trip thank you absolutely Jason Kilmer was the gentleman who taught me everything I know about polishing so it's just uh it's just awesome that you were able to make the trip out here to uh to help us with the most expensive car that we've ever worked on so first thing we have back in the day was single stage paint so that is color which is red and then the shiny stuff which is not clear coated but it's all mixed into one so this doesn't have a separate clear coat like the newer modern cars do where it's color and then clear this is all mixed into one looks like a critter got loose somewhere somehow and uh had fun on this car T tap dancing yeah it looks like we had one paw two paw three paw Four Paw so they were probably trying to crawl up and slide and back down the bumper and then we have uh another random isolate def what is the odds that we're going to be able to remove this deep scratch right here near the Ferrari symbol sure my my goal on something like this is Let's uh retain as much paint on this as possible but also improve that scratch so so my goal is just to remove the white of the scratch really we have some serious this is probably the worst panel on the whole entire car as far as scratching goes I'd say but I mean it looks like they were trying very hard or they were sliding from the top and just ripping their claws down down the side panel right here yeah yeah we have some more inground dirt here um that will take off uh body work issues even more check marks and uh and crows feet um which is the the body work underneath the paint and there's unfortunately nothing that we're going to be able to do to to fix that from a detailer perspective that's a that's a fullon essentially a restoration is what this car needs so now that we know all that we're going to go ahead and finish up the interior before we address the entire exterior [Music] you [Music] so to make it easier in polishing everything that you see that's painted red here on the clamshell we're actually going to remove these pieces and take it over to Jason because these are a little bit more finicky and difficult to clean and make shiny again so he's going to show you guys how he would attack these these covers it's a satin paint so we don't necessarily want to polish it so we're going to go kind of an old school traditional method this is a cleaner wax take the supply flight applicator and we're just going to gently massage as this is a satin paint it's just kind of going to clean and protect as we can see the black take our microfiber towel here and again it really doesn't restore it all but this is oxidized and so this is this is a clean presentable look right there [Music] now we're going to lift the car in the air so we can take the wheels off and clean those off the car the wheel wells and the [Music] undercarriage also how cool is this spare [Music] Jason what is he doing I don't know bro tell me he's having fun dude come on now tell me that's not me bro [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've got this deep scratch here nice thing about single stage is it Sands pretty easy and I think we're going to be able to get rid of most of this scratch right here and this is just 3,000 grit check our progress now we're going to use the rotary with a wool pad and some over compound and poish those scratches I put out them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have the slat so the best way to really get these is honestly the old school way we're going to do it old school microfiber tow old school be terry cloth towel or they old t-shirts we're going to use little microfiber and just go in a back and forth motion this way I have nice control we could use a buffer but this is actually just a little bit easier you got to have that control in these areas and now after many hours of polishing done we're going to go ahead and put the back together and finally we're going to wrap up everything into the details so I'm going to clean the tool briefcase because it definitely needs it and deserves it we'll dress the tires clean the windows seal the car and it's good to go if you guys enjoyed the video video again make sure you like And subscribe because we really appreciate it and we could not be doing this without you and wait till the end of the video because we have the owner's reaction [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we have the Ferrari back safe and sound I think it looks amazing and the family is right around the corner we're about to bring them over and have them all react let's go get them sorry so excited oh it's deeper red I remember absolutely holy crap it's you're lying wow it's like a real car it actually exist you guys did so good yeah it looks very nice good Abol absolutely wow does it look like when you got it my God more brilliant more brilliant mean really yeah it's intimidating especially with carburetors holy crap wow oh my goodness and and you you can get it to run now oh I know that yeah all right so that is the end of the Ferrari video this was an absolute milestone for us here at WD uh we had just hit the million subscriber mark thank you everyone who supported us because of you guys we get to meet great people and work on phenomenal cars and uh thank you for the trust and everything that uh well believe me I've been with uh quite a few people that question how thorough I was in researching yourselves and I said I had great Confidence from the beginning and then when they said you know Jason was coming in who's in my conversation with him uh find out he's quite a knowledgeable man and we like the same things yeah yeah a lot a lot in common yeah boy oh boy I just want to enjoy the enjoy the exhilaration of standard shift if you really want to know the truth if I can get on it and feel good about life you come back and you got a different frame of mind in an hour it doesn't matter what uh transpired before you left exactly it just goes away no our experience was very good with you fol you may be back to get something else I sure hope so there's h no greater compliment than the one that you just gave us there to to trust us with uh a car like this and and uh and I guess I should thank Jason as well to come out here and and help us with this um my pleasure you know uh we said it at the beginning um we talked briefly and and you said uh you know sometimes things just work out and and uh I guess that's why they call it fate it's also called Destiny yeah the way you folks got involved that just was to happen hopefully the next stage for this car is the mechanical restoration cuz seeing this thing back on the road and hearing that 12 cylinder engine Roar again is uh is something that uh I think we all need to to exp so if you guys want to see this Ferrari start and uh and kind of get an update later on maybe in a couple months after some of the mechanical work's done then definitely subscribe hit like if you want this video to reach more people check out Jason Kilmer for detailing tips tip tricks if you want to go and learn from the best go and train with him and thank you guys again so much for a million subscribers we live our Dream every day and uh we couldn't be more appreciative of of everything that you guys have given us so um without you this is not possible thank you guys so much we absolutely love you and we will see you next week all right guys so we have to take a quick second because I just received something in the mail and me and Brent just opened it up but it's nothing other than our 1 million subscriber plaque and uh I'm a bit speechless uh this whole entire Journey over the last four and a half years has changed mind and Brad's lives uh it's made us better human beings better friends we can provide for our family better and it would not be without the support of of everyone uh that has watched the video liked the video subscribe to our channel uh without you guys we literally would not be here and life would not be nearly as beautiful and fun so thank you guys so much Mike can't be here right now but we wanted to say thank you on his behalf too and um yeah we started this channel four years ago with no intentions of doing anything but showing people us cleaning dirty cars and um it's completely changed our lives for the better I struggle with anxiety problems RJ and Mike have helped me completely do a 180 in my life and yeah we we're just so excited about this and we can't wait to see what the future holds so with that being said I never thought we'd be here but look at us now baby 1 million thank you guys
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 2,656,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, detail, barn find ferrari, ferrari, ferrari 512bb, barn find ferrari 512bb, ferrari detail, ferrai wash, how to clean a ferrari
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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