Cannibal Museum

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hey y'all carpetbagger here coming to you live the great state of California more specifically San Diego even more specifically on that item in the lovely Balboa Park and even more specifically than that I'm in front of the Museum of Man being a man myself I'm very interested in learning about man honestly I don't know a whole lot going into this we're gonna go into this a little bit blind although driving and it looked like they had a special exhibit on cannibalism so that's got to be good right follow me [Music] all right so as we enter we have monsters this giant squid beast and then there is an actual bar over there serving beer so you can get all toasted while you explore the museum all right we're heading into the monsters maw so Sasquatch up there above this small child's bed it says beware don't look under the bed what's what's under oh my gosh it's it's some sort of beast under their bed this museum's scary alright so continuing on this bedroom it's like this kid has a collection of things to keep away monsters there's garlic of course that protects against vampires obsidian says gives an extra boost of energy protects against mischief makers black salt we're going on the ground to keep monsters away alright this kids ready here's another bed and that is not something you want watching you sleep don't know exactly what it is but he does not look like a fluffy bedtime companion kids been reading all about monsters probably not good for his nightmares it's a werewolf I'll hook it to Calvary's he's these spewing blood that's terrified oh no at least the crack in hello Maya asked who though he looks kind of nice Godzilla and mommies that's spooky barbra Ghazi and the least scary monster of all fairies the list of monsters around the world see where all the hairy eight men are oh yeah over there and down in South America what goes on in the monster theater I don't know man I don't know man say what's a coddled you're some Foo dogs yeah this dump here gives advice on how to defeat various monsters let's see how do we defeat a golem yes the three letters were written on my floor had alpha mem and table and spelled the Hebrew word of truth if you say if I catch you just erase the a left and I will die the two running letters now spelled death oh man you'd want him coming after ya so hear rid of the pombero all you have to do is give him honey and rum he loves eating honey and getting plastered on Rome this is explaining here how elephant skulls were originally the creation of the Cyclops myth that the trunk hole they thought was the eye socket and I thought this is a giant Cyclops man there's a giant dreamcatcher where you can leave the names of your monsters it will make them make them disappear this monster is loneliness that's a tough monster to get rid of all right so you got to write down the thing that scares you the most if you hang it on the dreamcatcher won't be able to get you all right I'll be sleeping a little easier some mermaid figures and this one's playing playing a ukulele I initially thought this was a a bar but apparently it's actually an exhibit in the museum about beer there's some beer mugs down here and up here is a king Cambria the man that invented beer he had mystic statues of him in Milwaukee but this is saying that sink Cambria's never existed so how do you bent beer if he didn't exist [Music] even exhibit here on race that people of different races with portraits and here's some exhibit from their former exhibit on race a hundred years ago this is a bust of a Teton Sioux man so I guess this is like a classification special classifications for people of different races and the penalties were real people that were did these racial busts were modeled after this little girl she's labeled as American fifth generation and this is labeled American Negro hmm here's the post secrets exhibit remember there there was a website are probably still is a website where people could send in their deepest darkest secrets and they would be displayed on the website and then I have a real-life collection of these postcards here so all these postcards sent by real people to postcards that people have sent this is my teacher who intentionally failed a student so they could flirt with their dad for a year that's kind of lousy this person says I will be in my grave dreaming of things I might have been that's Elvis's grave I don't think Elvis worried about that I think Elvis may be happy with his body of work and this person is worried that their baby will be ugly that's I don't even what to say about that I still haven't learned to not trust people Oh someone real gullible on the ceiling all right you can actually do your own PostSecret here and share a secret something that no one knows your deepest darkest secret [Music] all right we will put this in here no one will ever know complete anonymity living with animals and check this out our first allies the dog and I got it you got to like this guy's this guy's beard here kind of looks like maybe a prehistoric Papa Smurf there's something something really weird about this guy right here oh yeah it's not wearing any shoes [Music] it's an interesting collection of dog collars here got the you know sensible and ridiculous the a little little ties for tiny two hugs and then that is to protect a dog's neck from predators yikes don't squash my pet the little cricket cage right there and then a collection of bug toys there's tiny little animals on this wall living with pests that's a little mice here to come over from the motherland on these suitcases here's a host of different ways to kill and murder mice these different traps yeah yeah I know I know you can't have kind of rats eating and pooping in your cornflakes but some of these just are sadistic oh this rats and the TSA got his job yeah look at least four hats hopping rides in these suitcases this guy's so happy to be dancing on your shirt and then up here we have a little cockroach paradise you can see there's a surfing cockroach there's some cockroaches riding a motor a roller coaster animals on our place it's this exhibit of animals that we eat and okay Adam you're leering at the pig one well then receipt paper for a face uh and she has penalized paper its newspaper newspaper faced pig woman wait a minute that was the part that bothers you you thought she was made of receipts but she's really made of newspaper and now you're okay with that what do you what are you eating there Hannah to get questioning that considering its being eaten now even at even grabbing silver way you're eating it with your mind 1960 Hawaiian hotdog kabobs oh that sounds good mmm Hawaiian hotdogs that's the pretty girls looking actually says this content may be upsetting so we're gonna look behind this curtain yeah that that wasn't that wasn't great this is a pretty cool cane sword right here it's actually got a hoof on the end of it you just are carrying one of these moving into the Egyptian section and we have mummies there's some of the figures of Egyptian gods actually we're faced after animals and that guy right there he's uh he's taught the tobacco and God oh so many mummies I hope none of them are cursed they have a kids exhibit here it teaches them all about how to be the carpet bagger and here's a fun little children's book how to make a mummy says the heart stays in the body the brain gets pulled out through the nose remember that kids next time here next time you're making a corpse into a mummy alright heading across the street to the cannibal exhibit wonder if they have any free samples just kidding alright we start out with a bunch of movies that feature cannibals there's a green tomatoes of course yes there is a cannibalism subplot I don't remember any cannibals in deliverance they're playing an episode of Family Guy's featuring cannibalism oh my gosh some pop culture cannibalism then my home town's most famous cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer and then the famous famous fictional cannibal am I afraid of cannibals Oh like I don't think about it a lot but I guess if one was coming after me I'd be pretty scared there's different people's travel fears they in Courage you to write down what your fears are this perch is afraid of Danny DeVito this person is afraid of the smell of the French I'm starting to think these are like people people are gonna make a joke out of this yeah look at that diarrhea [Music] this is a Canadian man-eater headdress the day they a Canadian man-eating dance jeez Canada calm down there are some implements for human sacrifice it's a knife that we used to sacrifice someone a bowl to drain their blood into how nice this here this is the bust of OTA Benga he was an African pygmy that was around the turn of the century placed in a zoo a zoo in the Bronx New York in the monkey section was a real surreal sad horrible just awful story about a human being in an American zoo that think about that a human being in a zoo he wasn't a criminal he was just then from another country and from a different race and they put him in a zoo it was this terrible terrible story he actually did like African American preachers did finally get him released from the zoo and in a very very sad life after that are a lot of trouble fitting in and I think actually committed ended up committing suicide which is super sad that's like the saddest most depressing most racist story ever this is all brand new to me this are you our cannibal I certainly hope not it's saying that there's actually a gene P R and P that causes you to be a cannibal there's like a DNA helix right here I don't know if any of these people are cannibals but I don't like the way that this kid is looking at me here's an exhibit that she talks about human body parts being used as medicine there's a we got you're some wonderful things powdered human flesh oh no nice skull moss I don't even know what that is guess moss that grows on your skull and mommy dust and some human fat oh that's that's gross fresh blood seriously though people are pretty messed up here's what all these things are for apparently the powdered human flesh is good for diarrhea cannibalism in Jamestown and it's got they ate horses dogs bones rats and snakes and when those ran out they switched to eating this lady right here there's a reconstruction of her skull going that it's been not on and smashed this is sorry this is educational all right they want you to make a choice here that says what would you do if you were faced with the same choice is its shipwrecked sailors starving colonists or stranded travelers you got to write down your answer and put it in the bottle so I will just go ahead and eat and oh oh I didn't I didn't I didn't see you standing Danny no I said eating ants now who said that cannibalism couldn't be educational they try our luck playing this cannibalism version of operation what do I want to eat first mmm how about some delicious spareribs yes oh sorry let me just see it the brain is a little easier to grab nice and easy it actually shows the different caloric content of each body part and from what I am seeing here it looks like the heart is is the most healthy option eat a heart to keep your to keep your heart healthy okay this is an exhibit where you have to decide what you would do on on a raft stranded in the ocean but to draw straws draw the straw all right right draw straw Oh short straw you will be killed and eaten the second shortest you will do the killing do I pick a straw hat yeah yeah pick a straw I'm gonna start strong oh man oh you lose and I guess since there's only two of us I have to kill you all right do I use the straw to kill some of these interactive exhibits her may be a little on the twisted side where do you draw the line what is cannibalism and what is not cannibal as another person before me said that eating human flesh and eating human brains are cannibalism I agree let's see not cannibalism boogers breast milk saliva but that would make everyone a cannonball because from kissing yes kissing makes you a cannibal is drinking urine and make you cannibal makes you pretty gross dust it's not make you cannibal cremated remains SS Keith Richard sort of the father I know what I'm gonna I'm gonna disagree and I'm going to say don't eat cremated remains Isis gross blood transfusion for medical purposes I think that's fine but if yours drinking blood because you like to taste that's cannibalism so we're gonna put that right on the line there and yeah same with Ascenta version of the Oregon Trail game a septa is a Donner Party game where they included cannibalism press one to eat all the bodies your deceased companion yeah When in Rome I've made a difficult choice but you've managed to survive to keep some of the children alive a rescue mission arrives but they cannot take both you and the surviving children back to California why not send the children to safety you can continue to scrape through consuming bodies of those hooked to save yourself children are no longer your concern what a great couple of options you're in a good word a good place now that's great decisions and uh i i'm not i'm not gonna Sophie's Choice here I'll know I'll move on along thank you all for joining me here at the Museum of Man as well as a special cannibal exhibit I think the most important lesson we've learned here besides don't eat people it's it's it's yeah let me list the way is why you don't eat people don't eat people kids but do check down in the description for my interactive math will show you all the places I've been and you can tell me where I need to go next also we'd like to contribute to the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating to patreon addition of 3 dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag don't eat people
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 711,598
Rating: 4.8866453 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, museum of man, cannibal, ota benga, san diego, balboa park, monsters, gambrius
Id: wU_ProF1mHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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