"Capacity of the Heart" by Sh. Omar Suleiman

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I sure do I know you love her I love love a shadow and I love in LA ah assured one more fan murder was soon love ah assured one Mohan murder was not long ah - what Ayana swallow fire ninfa now ah fire an inferno ah ah ah look who but Allah ah well Cooper la la you love long ah n al hamdulillah magma do you wanna stay in who Nesta Fiona's daddy oh no me no be hewn italic lol a when I rode ob-la-da a layman cerulean so Cena commenced a ERT a Molina mani Allahu ta Ala salamu ala omen Euclid talented EDA lahu waliyan mercy de wash ad wa la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu al mulk wa lillah al hamd yah he will me to a higher layer mode VAD he'll fire wahoo are ala kulli shayin Qadir why shadow anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh was Sophia who was a leader at the Lamanite rubella varicella trauma so halal Ummah pocket Rafael Romo what a rock Ana Allen mahadji de nuevo león who her kanehara hilarious Iran hi Alec Farrell a he of Botswana to attend with a slim while earning he was happy he woman is ten maybe sooner teehee Alejo me Dean a llama Jeong Nam in Ho Chi Minh alladhina amanu aminu Hani Hattie rattle also will help to Ottawa so the suburb Amin Amin Amin will see come one FCB Tallulah has a virgin what could a Marana will help what Alitalia a you had ladina amman chapel oaxaca to party while at a mutiny lend to muslim una semana that all praises are due to a loss of Hannah hala we thank him we praise him and we recognized that no matter how much we praise him and no matter how much we thank him it will never be equivalent to that which is deserved and we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to send this peace and blessings upon his messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family his companions and those that follow until the day of judgement and we ask a loss of Hanna hala to make us amongst them and to join us with them in the highest level of gymnastic for the dose in the companionship of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasalam and to make us amongst those who witness the face of our Lord as though a gel the greatest bounty that could ever be given on a daily basis we asked a loss of Hanna who Allah to grant us that pleasure along mean dear brothers and sisters as we sit here today in this solatano Gemara as every single lecture in every single Islamic gathering it's always the case that you have a variety of people all of us are sitting here together with the intention of fulfilling our obligation of salat on Gemara but at the same time within this very room if there is 300 or 400 or 500 people here there is eight hundred or a thousand thoughts that are going through our heads and each person has come here with a different mindset some of us are here and we're still thinking about our jobs we're still thinking about that that which we left behind and that which we will go to after salat the Gemara some of us are here looking for a while affect what's the Imam going to say this week what's going to impress me this week what's going to change my heart this week some of us are just here because we have to be here some of us put our dunya on the on the Shelf with our shoes some of us have come here and we are waiting for something to come from a loss of Hanan wa taala to completely change our hearts and dear brothers and sisters I want us to imagine the hot WA of rasool allah la ra was at him for a moment rasool allah la re wa said it would not stand on the member and while the Sahaba with some new fact that they've never heard bring some sort of you know idea or some sort of concept that they've never heard it before well so la la la Arnie was seldom did not come on the member and come and say something new to the Sahaba in fact the messenger sallallaahu Selim his foot was were extremely precise his foot was were shorts and as the real MSA most of it was from certain cloth and it was as Allah subhana WA Ta'ala referred to it in the core and nothing but nickim a reminder a reminder to the sahaba and a reminder and its nature is not something that you've never heard before it's something that reminds you of something that you've heard before and it brings out the best in you the hearts were ready to receive it that's why in the time of rasulullah sallallahu wasallam although his foot was were simple and to the points and they were reminders in their nature as in hessen or the allahu allahu allah him o allah says whatever the Sahaba would leave the Masjid after salat and Juma they would leave behind puddles from their tears think about that for a moment the same words that we started off our football with today more or less with Batu Gajah were the same words that's available or umrah dosirak he Mahalo for the allotted animal when he came from a dose the physician so it's not because he was someone who was so simple-minded he was intelligence he was the doctor of his tribe he was the one who I will horan all of the alone time I knew would accept the slab on his hand because he was from his tribe he was someone who was at such a class who belonged to such an intellectual group that the people from his tribe were afraid that whenever he went and he heard the words of Las Olas all along right he was said if something might happen to him they knew how intelligent he was but this man or the allahabad who was advised to ignore us all off I stand up to place cotton in his ears to not listen to a word that he said would accept Islam based on in El hamdulillah not mother who monastery who want us to feel who in a study the same words that we start off every single hook loveth that everyone looks at the Imam blankly when he's saying them like ok when is he going to get to the real topic it was the same words and their brothers and sisters this is what I want to do today I want all of us to think about this why is it that our hearts do not the capacity that the hearts of the sava had why is it that our hearts do not reflect upon the foot and the way that the Sahaba reflected on the Quran what is it about the words that they were hearing that was different from the words that we're hearing except that it was from a different mouth and it was from the most honorable honorable mouth of muhammad sallallahu wasallam but it was the same words that they would hear Friday every single Friday it was the same Quran that we recite the same Quran that we rushed through that our hearts do not become affected by at all it's the same exact reminder it was nothing but Vicar and in order to truly illustrate this dear brothers and sisters we go to the life of owner Pablo de la ila and I know everyone has heard the story of Allah roof above the allahu allah and we all love all over the Elat island and your message it is named after Amon and Pharaoh crow the allotted I know so I can't really tell you anything new but the story of Alma Treblinka Pablo the Aloha Thailand illustrates something magnificent it illustrates how one man if he does not want to be moved can be as stubborn as can be but once he allows himself to be moved can be the most influential person in the world and an unbelievable change can take place in him the story of Omar of the allotted land whose exposure to the Quran does not come from sort of Baja the story of all murders exposure to Quran comes way before that the same words we recite all of the alone Thailand was someone who was constantly drunk we all know the story of both of them or the Ilan who news jellia someone who would bury his daughter alive imagine how harsh he had to be to do that someone who was so deep in his ignorance of a loss of Hanna metallic that when he reflects on his story of worship before Allah Azza WA JAL he talks about when he used to come to their version of heads and he didn't find that God so he takes dates and he puts them on a poem on on a branch and he puts that branch together and he starts to worship that and then he eats his own God that's that's what all of the alarm was like before Islam that's what the second most influential person after the prophets in our Deen was like that's what the man who rasool lost I Salim said no cannon Abia minbari Nakano model that if there was to be a prophet after me it would have been other was like that's what the man who rasoolallah and him says that there were people in the OMA that came before you the nation's that came before you that were Mahad C'thun spoken to by the Angels they had some sort of instinct that was magnificent that no other people would have and if there is anyone in my OMA that's like that it's all model the Aloha he was a person who used to get drunk every single nights do away with his aachen every single nights his intellect every single night and the only time that he would consider worship is whenever he had no one to get drunk with when he looks for people to get drunk with him and he finds that his buddies are not there he says well you know what let me go consider somebody badly right now let me go consider an act of worship let me go to the Kaaba and do some simple walk or something like that I don't have anything to get drunk with tonight the same way that we think if there's a Lakers game I don't think the mustard is as full as it is when there isn't a Lakers game or fur for the older generation when crickets going on although everyone's awake at four o'clock in the morning salat the Fez and I'm sure is not as packed as it should be but you know what when there is no cricket and there's no Lakers game let's go to the message let's benefits let's do some a badess so we can feel good about ourselves it's not priority but let's infuse some a bad in there so a lot of the Aloha Thailand who decides to go to the camera and this is where he finds Russell lost on the love mining he was sent him alone reciting Quran in the middle of the night what a perfect opportunity to do away with him sallallahu wasallam but you know what he's curious I wonder what he's reciting so he says that I crept under the cloth of the Kaaba and I went around the Kaaba - whereas Allah so Allah asalaam was reciting until i was face-to-face with him Espanola think about this I was face to face with him the only thing between them was that thin cloth of the cattle and I was listening to the words that he was reciting this is his first exposure to Quran what is also lhasa allah audience and I'm reciting certain hafla and he's listening to these beautiful words but you know what his heart doesn't have the capacity to accept these words yet so he says he must be a poet he must be a poet these words are too incredible he must be a poet he didn't think to himself this must be revelation he must be a potent then Russell Russell Allah Hani was sudden recited Wawa be phony share it Bonnie nematic Nina warn these are not the words of a poet little do you believe so he's astonished and he says well in that case he must be a soothsayer how does he know what I'm thinking he's reading my thoughts this can't possibly be revelation he must be a soothsayer what I be only cash in on inna Matta that Calhoun Ghazi liudmila an amine and these are not the words of a soothsayer either little do you remember but these are there this is the revelation from the Most High what is his response the first time he got sick he was so affected that he got sick not he went to his house and he was confused what is it that just happened but the way he reacts to his confusion the first time is not that let me consider that this might be revelation he says you know what this whole thing is getting me so bundled up inside let me just go kill some russell lhasa allah or anyone if I kill him I won't be confused anymore how do I look at his mindset his mentality and we all know what happens there and I'm going to fast forward a bit to the second exposure of all mobile the allahu ta'ala anhu to the quran surah taha after he realizes how reckless of a person is when he slaps his own sister when he has beaten a nobleman and he sees the blood from his own sister and he realizes that this is not something that's befitting of a man and he says let me read what you guys are reading this time he has the capacity this time he wants to read and he opens the he reads from that Quran from that she bought Manziel now alayka or an Anita for ìletís Catalina Yasha Zi Luo man walla walla Oh Morris unawatuna Rolla a wash man while she's still a lihue matthew 7:21 a feeling horribly why my baby now who marijuana death at all listen to how beautiful these words were for her we did not reveal this poor Anne on you the - car - cause you distress Inlet have Kira tell me my Yasha except for a person a reminder the man Yasha for a person at this point who has the capacity at this point who has some fear of allah azza wajal at this point has some humility this is a revelation from the one who created the heavens and the earth and everything that is in between them al Rahman or an analysis Stella al Rahman the most merciful ascended the throne everything around us the heavens and the earth and everything that is within and between belongs to al Rahman and subhanAllah Dean from that moment on you have a man who is willing to go to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who not only is considering this might be revelation although i want you to really think about this dear brothers and sisters which one was a more powerful experience think about this for has a beautiful silver but if I'm Stan in front of a person who's responding to all of my thoughts that's a more powerful experience than waha but listen to his reaction this time he goes to rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and he wants to take this Deen out to the public as Abdullah blue misrule drily allahu anhu says the Islam of Ahmad was a victory for this Deen the Islam of Omar was is that was honor and glory and he goes and he's looking for people to proclaim his no new faith - he's looking for Abu jihad and he knocks on table budahas door I'm a Muslim now Nobu jihad tells him something that I really can't mentioned in the hope I guess right may Allah curse you may your Lord curse you and he's looking for someone to spill them the news he's looking for the Fox News and the CNN and all these people of Mecca now so that they can get the word out so he can stand firm on his faith although this experience was not as powerful as the first one in a matter of 24 hours all model the illallah wahdahu had completely taken this Dean and his own spirituality to a new level and Islam was being proclaimed in the streets of Mecca and he was fighting for it and he was sacrificing for it what's the difference they're brothers and sisters the second time around his Thailand his heart had the capacity to accept that which was being recited as Imam and was an Elohim Colossus astana be Baha mechana a demon - MC Fievel ha ha wah Oh wah Oh memory alert ilaha her well metaphor ah ha ha definitely Jennifer hyah - hah hah hah hah in a matter of a moment as Lama beep aha just a few words of wah and he was more beautiful than the Sun whenever the Sun has risen and he was more beautiful than the full moon he was clear in his Islam than the full moon he lit this oma up he brought this on to its glory Fidel and Jennifer hyah through four hyah entered into paradise and he greeted it and it greeted him but it all came from a few words but his heart had the capacity to accept it now I want you to think about these two incidents and the incident of fail of gnarled OC and consider this one ayah from the Koran F&A anted abdominal core and amalah ogun out both had who had don't they contemplate the Quran or are their hearts locked are their hearts locked and I want you to think very very profoundly about the difference between those men and us and the difference between all more part one and amar part two if you are already reading the Koran and you don't have the capacity to listen to what the Quran is telling you you don't have the capacity to listen to hospital Hodja these words are nothing to you these words are routine for you then there is a problem there and many of us will sit and think why is it that the Quran doesn't affect me many of us complain all of us have this problem we're definitely not like the Sahaba where we leave the Messiah then we put tears all over the place we're definitely not like that and we all complain we're all sad about this if you're not sad that's even a greater indication that you need to be scared we're all sad over this how come I cannot have the same amount of closure as those men why doesn't my heart get affected like them because if you read the Quran dear brothers and sisters and if you listen to the hospital Hodja if you listen to all these words praising Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala if your heart does not have the capacity to absorb it if your heart is already full of something else other than allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala if your heart has holes in it from the sins that you've committed there is no way that you're going to be able to accept it the way that those men accepted it and allah azza wajal tells us very very very important a very profound manner the reason why the kuffar not want to listen to the Quran the reason why the poor lad had no effect on the Quran Allah WA either tutelary him area to now bang in a tin foil and levena careful 15 Imagi boom had a system moving if you recite the ayat of allah azza wajal on them all and levena Cafaro KU 4 means to reject KU 4 means to reject KO 4 means to conceal they were concealing the truth they were concealing everything that they knew to be true they said to the truth when it came to them and this is not the traditional way of composing a sentence but Allah Azza WA JAL already mentioned their attribute of khufu before he mentioned why they were rejecting the Quran Allah and levena kafir wouldn't have been imagine they said whenever the truth came to them has a sacral Mubeen I'm yup alone after all they're constantly making excuses up he made this all up why is it that Allah Azza WA JAL is saying that this is their problem because Allah Azza WA JAL also tells us whenever the ayats are recited upon them Cal labelled raw and Allah will obey Him mechanic Seabourn there is a stain on their hearts their hearts are covered because of that which they used to do and they already had an ulterior motive they already had an agenda to reject the Quran when you read the foot and their brothers and sisters are you ready to accept what it tells you are you ready to accept its rulings are you ready to do as it tells you to do or are you reading it already with some hesitation I want to read surah Tauba hang on because it makes me feel good I want to read one of the nice suitors that don't talk about how too much you know I'm not through comfortable with Surat Annisa that one's not progressive enough for me you're already reading it with a motive to push it away and you wonder why it's not affecting your heart and the second thing dear brothers and sisters how many sins have you committed that already blacken your heart so that you cannot appreciate what's being said how do you expect a loss of Hanna Halle to allow you to absorb this gift of the Koran one whenever you came to the messages you were involved in calm and when you leave the message you're involved in Haram how do we expect a loss of Hannah hala to grant us this beautiful gift when we have already convinced ourselves that whenever we leave this message I'm going to text message someone I shouldn't be text messaging in the first place I'm involved in a Haram relationship my money is Haram I'm already planning the sins for today while I'm in the foot book what's my sin going to be today how can we expect a loss of parents Allah to enlighten our hearts and illuminate our hearts when we've already filled it with so much garbage and junk when we are disobedient to our parents when we are oppressive towards our families how can we expect these things to happen so before you can accept the Quran before I can accept the Quran before we can be brought to tears by it before we can accept it our heart has to have the capacity or else we're nothing more than all model number one with a nice cover we ask a loss of Hannah who is added to make us amongst those who recite the ayat of Allah Azza WA JAL and who are affected by them and who do as are commanded from Allah subhana allah and the messenger sallallaahu ardi wa sallam aku locally holosmoke habla de la comunidad a muslim in cusco peru in the hula for wine welcome to the land here Avila an amine weather iguana Allah uploading in we're happy were to the mood 13 a lot more suddenly wa sallim wa barik arab dakota suleka muhammad in salat ronnie was sellin while adding he was sucking us LM two seamen kathira dear brothers and sisters as I move on to the Salah I just want to mention one more incident with Amira and many Nahuatl the Aloha rod because this is an instant that truly puts us all to shame imagine this sitting in this gathering almond milk apart Villa live nor Oba and hubbub and a lot may Allah be pleased with them and they're reflecting on the torture that they used to go through for the sake of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala now they're sitting at the times where islam has reached its peak they're reflecting on the days that they used to be harmed how Babel of the allow I was showing his back his skinless back because his master used to pour the coal down his back bolero the ilaha tada I'm reflecting on the torture that he went through and Allah Allah Allah on who asks Malala Navaho the allahu anhu a very simple question he says yeah me lad when they were it's worth during you I want you to think about this how did we learn here slap me lad heard Islam be lad accepted Islam on the basis of the attacks on Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam not hearing a word from the messengers of Allah ardi wa sallam himself not hearing a single ayah or letter for ad not hearing the single hadith not hearing the chef Yusuf Estes or Imam sahaja has or someone who's gonna you know all of a sudden enlighten them he didn't hear any of that it's literally like someone sitting in his house watching Fox News or watching whatever that council woman's name is that was attacked Deborah Poli attacking Islam and saying wow I want to be Muslim and I'm ready to die for it it's something that doesn't make much sense but bilal de la Ronn who is ready to die for it and all of the allahu anhu asks him a simple question yeah be done how come when you were being tortured the only thing you were saying was I had one one you know what he says all the allotted on he says yeah I muted what manin had I known anything other than I had an ad than I would have said it span Allah think about how powerful of a statement that is we recycle who allow ahead all the time all he knew was one God one God one God and that was enough for him to ready to be ready to die for his Deen we have people coming all over the world people that are accepting Islam we have sister Lauren booth who's coming Tony Blair's sister-in-law there's the banquet tomorrow that she's going to be at you have all of these different people coming to Islam you have people that are brought to tears by LA ilaha illallah muhammadan rasul allah and my own messages i saw it with my own two eyes a young sister who was so overcome by tears that she could not even pronounce the Shahada and a 65 year old woman crying after that and saying I've been saying that Allah had little of muhammaden-rasul allah my entire life and I never once cried over it what's the difference between me and her the capacity of the heart is different dear brothers and sisters eliminate the poisons that are not allowing you to appreciate this Quran and eliminate all of those things the ulterior motives that caused you to be hesitant when reciting certain chapters of the Quran we ask Allah subhana Allah to make us from a Quran we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to bless us with the capacity to appreciate the Quran and we ask for loss of heaven to Allah to raise us on the day of judgement reciting his words and saying la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that those are our last words in this dunya we live by it and we die by a llama I mean a llama Philomena will mcnutt's when Muslim Ino and Muslim at Amon Hamas in the Kissimmee on Kariba mooji buddha wat a llama fiddling our Hamner wife i'm now whether to ad-lib 'no robinov alumna and fussing agua Hamlet an akuna minal Huzur in a llama in the calf you went to hit Bulevar for Anna a llama indica forward to heavily aquifer for Anna a llama 31 Edina rubber hammer my camera bonus ivara Ravenna heaven and I mean as Regina with very a teen authoritarian Roger I'm not in which a teeny mama Allah Munsell Mustafa if he could mimic an alarm on solar most of Athena Pecola McHale Allahu Allah killed Lana Nina bevarly mean what a Phrygian I mean Benny him serene rebelled hola inna llaha ya'muru bernard leave an x and y ETA is apoorva I am Hannon fascia evil moon carry well valley yellow cumin Allah come to the Quran fat Koloff Kirkham wash guru who a linear may yet become quality Cola Yakov of Allah we are no Matas neurone Guatemala
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 116,028
Rating: 4.8836102 out of 5
Keywords: Capacity of the Heart, by, Sh., Omar, Sulieman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2011
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