Graphic Designer REDESIGNS Your YouTube and Twitch Streams -- After Effects and more

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it's been a pretty long time since I've done one of these redesign your stream videos and we've done a lot on the channel since the last one so I thought why don't I revisit the series and see what kind of things you guys have been up to as well so I pretty much opened up the floodgates on discord actually goes to submit a 20-second clip of your stream so as the assets that I would need to make something really really cool and wanted to show off what you currently have at the moment so now I want to go through and check out or you guys have sent in and submitted and pick out a few lucky people that I think deserve some redesign magic it could be a tiny small redesign it could be something much more significant who knows we shall see so that's it and done let's just get into it speaking of designs Before we jump into the video I wanna can you say this video is sponsored by own TV owned is your one-stop shop for your stream design needs from panels to overlays to alerts transitions be right back and starting soon screens you name it they've got it not only that but a lot of the designs are really modular so say for example all your friends pick up the series called road down which I'm a big personal fan of none of you will have the exact same overlay because you can pick and choose what you want to showcase and have on your stream so if I make the smart move like many from the community have done and pick up a fresh design for your stream make sure you use the link in the description down below that also helps support the channel and make sure you use code alpha for 40% off at checkout and along with that if you guys want to see me do any of my own design stuff on stream I'm live on Twitch every single Tuesday Thursday and Sunday link for my channel in the description down below so with all that said and done let's jump in and check out what you guys have actually sent in right so over here I'm in discord and ready to start going through all the submissions you guys have sent in I'm gonna go through see which ones call out to me pick them up and do some redesign magic for their stream and as always guys a quickness flame art and design is a very subjective and very personal thing what I do in these videos is very individual and what my personal opinion is and what will make their stream look even better you guys might disagree and that's totally okay so bear that in mind when going forward so that said let's jump in and see what you guys have done and giving me know I saw the very top of this guy so this is my stream setup we have the starting screen that has versions of it including the be read back screen and the ending screen okay after that we have the game play which is just simple frame all right cool this is a pretty solid design one with the feedback I can probably give you is bring some animation on these starting soon screens and this be right back screen give it some life and give it some energy with some animation because they're pretty static right now the countdown is there but it just needs a bit more you know what I'm saying so I think maybe some nice animation where the shield shape here is animating and scaling up and scaling down and maybe even the outside one is also doing the same thing as I can echo going on for the outside shield and that mimics the inside one I think that will look pretty damn cool he's a pretty solid design I don't think there's anything I would potentially change about this to begin with Zuka stop hey Sam so just a quick overview of my this is my full face cam right down here we have the edge metric that's nice right here we have my starting soon it's just it just it just goes here are some of my alerts here's the follow alert here's the Tipler why is this here why don't you submit this to the redesign how am I going to work with this dude this is incredible these alerts are amazing look what's that what the hell can I just point out as well one thing that we love I love how your little character in his eyes react and move and blink and squint and all that fun stuff those are details guys ah the details that I talked about that you should add to your streams just those little things really add up and just make that just a little bit better but this starting soon screen is is incredible that is it that is amazing that is awesome this is a top tier design why is this in the list why did you submit this what can I do with this I'm not moving on no it's too good I can't do anything well that we trying to do to me what about this all this code is pretty cool this is not a bad little design he's got right here I will say I quite lightly starting soon screen tears here I think I'm gonna do something with this actually I kind of want to animate these triangles in some particular way and makes me look really really clean really simple many animate the background a bit as well and give me the hook some got a rotating star field look yeah I've been going to put yours on the list I kind of want to play around with this design a little bit and maybe even give you a better transition as well because that one's that one needs some work all right just caught my eye what's this one I mean it's pretty simple this is pretty nice clean design that starting soon screen though could do with some animation and this beer our back scene could do with a little bit as well Oh van idea why don't we do something with this character mascot logo and make him fly through space like a nyan cat and have this like blue bar here kind of be like the trail as he flies through space and have these little dots toons like a star field yeah I'm doing that we're doing that all of these videos and all of these designs are super unique and super good making it very difficult to pick out the people that I want to work on but we'll get there we'll find something we'll find something dr. mad let's have a look at your this icons shoe my tension so I call this simple modern theme that's above all classy it's short I love my brand but desperately need your help and designing to be the best version possible it's actually really really nice I quite like the aesthetic is gone for here it's got really like a Great Gatsby kind of vibe about it you know what I mean and not for the fact that DiCaprio is staring into my soul over there but for the fact that everything on this kind of overlay is kind of high tier premium kind of vibe about if I feel like I'm in the 1920s and I've got jazz music playing and there's like just some really chill bass things going on and it's just made me think of what kind of things we could do with this man's webcam because the webcam borer is definitely lacking on this design I think we could do something really cool here oh okay what if we did this what if we made some really cool reactive alerts that are built into his webcam what if we made some kind of like badge thing that reacted in like was this gold overlay and is reacted to when somebody was subscribe or follow or drop a donation or bits or whatever that might be pretty fun to do and I've never done a react to webcam overlay for a viewer before I think I want to do I think I want to give this guy a reactive webcam border and make Ustream pop and give it that premium high tier kind of feel I think I want to go ahead and do that I think dr. Matt is our last person then I'm gonna pick out for this cool awesome it's get cracking let's do it let's make some stuff let's start off with Falcon doors redesign and show you guys my idea for his starting soon and his be right back scenes their submission was more or less pretty simple here digging with some really cool ideas to inject some life into the overall design when I first saw the design I got instantly reminded of the yang cap video and so wanted has been really cool with his logo and that blue bar that sits right next to it all I think of it some movement some animation and so wants to create this kind of staff feel desk scene where his mascot logo is flying through space and that blue bar is a trail as it flies through a star field so I went into a promotion and recreated his starting soon and be right back scenes and use a small rectangle to become the trail and then using a particle emitter I created a moving set of particles that move off screen and would react to the movement of the logo I added a bit of movement by introducing a behavior called oscillate that would adjust the position of the mascot logo and the particles up and down on the y-axis now when you play it back it created a bouncing effect and I use that and tweak the timing to make sure it looped through the entire animation I then went one step further and created some little star elements using two line assets that are used at a 45 degree angle and create some stars and created a star field also using a particle emitter and if you're a sucker for details like I am you'll notice that some stars are different sizes and some are moving at different speeds what this does is creates a parallax effect and adds some serious depth - the overall animation it's a bit of a neat trick if you guys want to create a similar looking effect I also recreated the text for this scene and played around with the idea of making the text 3d and give make some kind of chrome look however I decided against that I wanted to keep the text flat to match the overall aesthetic of the rest of the scene I also created a blank version of the screen so they could use it for other scenes or potentially use it in a YouTube in slate if they wished from there I want to take it one step further and create a really cool and quirky characteristic transition that they could use on their stream I took the assets from the starting soon screen and created a new project where the logo moves from left to right across the screen and does the same bouncing animation I then created a background sorry that came in shortly after the logo and then left with the logo to create that bit that covers a screen to hide that OBS cut that happens when you change scenes so then we have two really good assets that Falcon door can use on their stream to create some more animation to give more life to their stream and more importantly give a bit of character as well when as we want to our next design for pin taco neck Oh am I saying right let's call your neck go is that easier is that better can I just call your neck herb because I don't want to butcher your name and I feel like you know right now it's kind of awkward if I get it wrong so neck of it is okay cool anyway moving on I actually like their design already but I did feel they're starting soon and be right back scenes rubra static as well as that transition that transition could do with some love starting off with they're starting soon screen I recreated all of it inside of emotion and I use affinity designer to create some really cool triangle assets that are used inside of the animation I then began to set the scene or positioning the triangles in similar places to his current design but also adjusting them and seeing what I felt rights for the overall animation and then using the same oscillate behavior as before and I created some movement for the triangles that would loop over time I treat each of the animations just slightly differently I made some moves slower made some move quicker and adjusted the range of the rotation over time just a little bit to give it some variety you know make sure to the same animation over and over and over again I also made versions with and without text so they could use it inside of a just chatting scene if they wanted to or you for a YouTube ends late if they wish next was the transition for this one I wanted to create some really cool triangle elements and move across the screen to cover up the screen and then take them into the next scene I created particle limiters that would shoot out triangles covering up the screen at different speeds and at different sizes I also added some shading to the larger red triangles to create that illusion of depth as well and then adding a few more larger triangles that would come in and cover up the screen to mask the jump cut that would happen when they switch scenes inside of OBS so there we go a pretty cool and clean transition as well as some really nice and really cool-looking starting soon and beer are back screens as well as it's just chatting background so they can use for their scenes let's move on to the next one and that is dr. Mann I really wanted to do some brand new alerts for this guy and use some kind of way to incorporate a reactive web cam border that would look really really cool for his stream and would also match the kind of brand that dr. mat is going for he has this really height here gentleman style brown and so on to do something really classy and pretty premium to match that so I started this time inside of After Effects and it created a really nice simple gold texture that would be the basis and the background for his webcam frame I used a shape layer to create a gold gradient that would animate around his webcam I have been created some fractal noise layers that added a brush to metal effects for the design and gave it some texture from there then pretty much creating the webcam frame and using the frame as a mask to cut out what we needed from that gold texture I then brought in his Logan created a small badge that would house his a logo and I would sit at the bottom of his webcam frame I then used the same gold texture using his frame for his logo I did feel as though the webcam frame was lacking something so I just simply decided to make another copy of the webcam frame made it completely white and gray to these white elements at the top and at the bottom of the webcam frame it creates a really nice box effect and just gives more detail for the overall webcam itself and then it was time for his alerts I under mated the badge to scale up and scale down as an alert would happen I haven't added a small light sweep effect to the badge to give you that shimmering gold effect when the alert would happen decided that I wants to add a lens filete elements to the overall animation - to give it that extra level of polish I used optical flares and animated the glow for the flare to animate at the same time as a scale and they would scale back down and fade away and that's the alert and dr. Matt can have some really cool looking alerts that he can use for subscriber for follower or anything else he wants to use the alert for and if you guys want to make your own alert in that similar style I do have a tutorial on my own YouTube channel link for that is in the description down below so in summary we created some really really cool starting soon and be right back scenes as well as some transitions and some really really cool alerts for Falcon door we made a really nice starting soon to be right back and really cool transition that they can use on their stream for Necker we created a brand new transition as well as updated is starting soon be right back scenes as well as gave him a just chatting background that he can use and then for dr. Mann we completely changed how his alerts look and we created a really cool web cam frame that he can use for a stream to bring that level of class that he so wants for his brand and with that I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you want to see more from me and see more design stuff then I am live every single Tuesday Thursday in every Sunday over on Twitch 30 to my channel it's in the description down below or going to share your designs for any potential redesign videos you might do in the future then feel free to join the discord the link for that is also in the description down below thank you guys again for watching until next time happy streaming I even looted okay this could give me what I need gold all my question mark you imagine
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 87,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, adobe, after effects, photoshop, editing, edit, Facebook gaming, facebook, Sam Woodhall, Sam, Woodhall
Id: Bk4jexkfxjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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