Graphic Designer REDESIGNS Gaming Logos (and profile pictures)

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logos are pretty much the window into every streamers soul they are like the metaphorical self-portrait that encapsulates a streamers essence in some kind of weird visual effigy and well they look pretty good on merch as well all right it's actually not that important but still logos serve a genuine function like I mentioned in the last video but I still feel streamers put a lot of emphasis on logos and don't utilize them in the correct way so what I've done is I'm actually going to submit your own logo as well as an image of yourself and you know well I'm gonna do my thing and make them shine and sparkle I really want to show you guys hang it creative with both of those things and only make a profile picture that pops but also have a logo that's really good for your branding then you can use for your social media put on some decent merch and so on hold on I want to get Harris on a call here and talk about these things yeah what up you know hey so have you told them about our sponsor yet no I was gonna get round through though you haven't told them that owns that TV is a one-stop shop for anything streamers need to make those streams look professional okay well Harris right this is a stream design video of course I was going to tell them that you know the fact that they can get their entire stream design package overlays transitions alerts everything from you know own TV and they look professional you know I was gonna tell me it's kind of in the thing where are you gonna tell them that you can get 60% off of a used code alpha during checkout what you mean one of the largest is going to confine on you to sponsor yeah of course you know I was going to tell them that Rodin's one of my favorite designs do they do if you a little bit more patient with it yeah that was really pretty the twitch banner looks incredible yeah does yeah I really wish you told them about it you wanted to tell them about it now I just forget about it will leave a link in the description all right [Music] I just say that I think that was the greatest ad placement of all time yeah me too and and I think I think we should like me I'm really excited for you guys to see that so I've gone through the list of these submissions the flutter submissions we've had and I think I've settled on the ones I want to show you we have the first guy which is I like to call like the Peter McKinnon meet Jason Momoa Sam yes this man is very attractive it's not what this one's I thought you would give but okay this is a very handsome man okay I mean this isn't the video not agree yeah it's great I agree yeah just feel like you know I'm gonna keep on point for the video I mean like I'm gonna get lost in his hair okay okay all right and I've also got a third one idea that I really want to kind of show off for the privileges I'm torn between these three basically I'd say what I'm thinking this one with the black background I think that's on it I think that's on its own it's there's a very good profile picture we could add stuff to it but like the photo obviously it's professionally taken but it just it just pops like if I were to see that it would look like oh this guy's what professional he knows what he's doing so yeah leave that one as is I think the one with the beard the just the luscious hair okay yeah you're right now yeah yeah I think it's very good I think you could probably also work as is but I think the hair and the beard are so iconic that we could get really creative with it and something you're gonna want to touch touch that one up and just like show like if you wanted to go like artsy fartsy like what you could do with it if you don't just want a regular photo right okay he can be in a beard commercial you really could like be able I would buy beard oil from him you would I would as well activate buy anything from him I'm moving on to the to the crazies if you want that I've just sent you so okay let's go with it I think it's great I think that could be a great profile picture yeah that can I just point out a pill keep in mind you only need two people need to not look at the screen they need to look at the camera this is a great photo mm-hmm but he's looking at the screen mm-hmm teenies we're gonna work with it anyway but but he should definitely look at the camera next time absolutely what do you want to do with them well as you mentioned with the guy with the the luscious hair that he has I feel like that trademark looks yeah I would I feel like I wanna Carlin LA I'm gonna call him Lockhart look at his block his locks are in my heart oh no okay all right I want it like I suppose like emphasize those features and like Connor drew they're like a trademark thing to me like they are the kind of game to kind of ease he's worked hard kind of getting I think having like somewhat like a kind of a silhouette style look you know wear it like on Italy stencil II they took a kind of a concept of the main features of his hair his beard his mustache in like his eyebrows I think like a stenciled look would be such a like a contrast from like a regular picture and I think like it would even though it's like an image it's not like a picture yes still like it still holds his essence you know so it would still work I think it honestly could work as a profile picture and like some logo material if you wanted to but it would still make a good profile picture absolutely and for the second guy I'm a bit I'm a bit lost no I kind of want to know what you what you were thinking cuz like he's putting a really funny face and I'm thinking maybe kind of like exaggerating that like you know making it really close up or something stupid like emphasizing the kind of uniquely the quirkiness of it but I don't know what I don't you had any ideas of gay so here's here's what I saw with this one here's what I would do his like he's showing a lot he's got got is a lot of his torso and everything in his whole head the one I want to do is let his persona shine through his profile picture so people when they see that they have an idea of what to expect when they come to his channel and I just want to do I honest I just want to do something like weird and okay okay no it's like here's what I'm saying like you know like the the metals you get for winning the spelling bee when you're like in second grade yeah it's like the little like the little stickers the vibe we put his face on one of those just cut his face out and just like throw it on like let's make the star like you know gold and and like bright and then let's put like a teal like a bright colored background behind it so just this bright thing with his face in the middle and and and then obviously like let's clean up his face like the colors so like like add some contrast add some saturation to make sure the coloring looks great and then let this throw it on there that's what I would do I'll be honest I wasn't expecting that but you know I like it we're gonna okay the logos I really like already just it's like the corn one that'll really like I think I just want to simplify it down like this to me looks like it would work great on a t-shirt but not as it is are the concepts there but it seems refining a bit yeah no I I think this would like this is a great logo yes I think he's already done a great job I think it would work on like a like a twitch banner as is or like in like images for the the panels and other stuff and is branding online but like yeah I agree if you were to throw it on a t-shirt or something I would definitely clean it like simplify the colors like yeah let's let's take this already good logo and let's make it Murchie bowl and the next one is this one is actually from the profile picture before with the guy with the black background I liked its proper fiction I thought his logo could do with the a bit of a swim loving basically I feel like this lets in down a little bit yeah with how good his profile picture is logo is local acts like I just want to get rid of everything goes bring it back to the school aspect I think I think his name is death wish and I kind of want to make it like focused on this skull motif I think kind of making me more menacing he's gonna make it look really cool alright don't I think it sounds great cool no I'll stop making some magic app and then with these designs and all the I'll report back what I'm done alright I'm gonna take a nap let me know you're done oh okay cool sure no doubt later right well Harris is gonna go take a nap so I'm gonna get cracking on there making these logos and profile pictures looking the best they can be so I'll see you guys in a bit all right man I call Harris back okay Harris I'm done I think I've done all of them I've done all of the designs the proper pictures um I'm feeling happy you feeling as good as I am because I feel great why are you why I am I'm just I'm ready I'm feeling rested and ready to go take off okay cool great okay yeah okay awesome all right so we got your you know your admiration you have by now yeah Lockhart Lockhart right here and you know how you mentioned the kind of the stencil cutter kind of look I did a lot of inspiration from things like Rhett and Link's logo and kind of kind of wants to kind of go down that route to stencil art and kind of a like a silhouette kind of cut out and so what I came up with was this hmm so again extenuating some of his features like his hair and his beard and kind of the little Tufts of hair that kind of come around here I didn't put a lot of detail into these things I kind of want to keep it very minimal but some of you could you could you could easy see this on a t-shirt or not alowed or something like it's some of this kind of very easily look great most importantly look great as a profile picture it's still even like it's it pops because it's like two-tone and the high contrast of the light and dark and so it'll stand out over there but it's still like it's basically still its face like it's like it's really cool and I like it a lot I like the lines of separation here between a beard and the hair I think it's really cool so those are like individual stroke kind of things so like a you know kind of highlighting into anything's off and on right here so you can see little bits of the nose if an eyebrow is pieces of a head even though they all kind of cut out Tufts here that I've got kind of erasing different elements to give the elevation of that kind of that rugged kind of you know burly hair no beard and things like that so yeah I wouldn't expect this guy to work in a coffee shop bike snow and to work like I expect him to be chopping down a tree yeah it looks really holy looks it looks like he's got volume to it yeah it's early hair moving on to office kind of logo design which was the the skull or death which is kind of original logo concept hmm and I've gone from what I would say was a pretty kind of you know lackluster logo in comparison to a proper picture or like his image that he had and I've kind of taken a bit of a kind of darker approach with this one ah recorded that kind of the blue and red theme into his kind of background and in the eyes of the skeleton here kind of brought a bit more of a sinister discover a 3d depth kind of look to it with the the kind of the shading under here with the jaw line is I like what you did with like the teeth area you know what I'd like to see you know what he should do with this to go on what he could do if he wanted and because I think that would look cool on a shirt like that's a totally Murchie bold shirt it's also like great like if you wanted like on his banner on Twitch you could put it like halfway off the side like it was base is on the edge like grabbing its face in half so only a half of it showed in the banner I'm with you but that also if you wanted to put it on merch for like a second merch idea if you wanted like a minimal merch idea you could cut out the skull shape and you could just have the eyes nose and the four lines of the mouth but that I like there's like this like history with this like it's like you're like you look at one of the other you can kind of see the similarities yeah yeah the evolution of it or you can see that yeah it's dope so much what are you doing last okay good I was I gonna ask if you can leave the weird oh the way one last thing you worry about that the funky wants to be last on you remember that okay so it's one of my favorite logo and like we talked about kind of minimalizing it bringing it down bringing it back really you know making it good to appear on a t-shirt that kind of thing huh and so I got this that's another one where I can see like two different pieces of merch like one for each but like this one because it's like so much simpler I think it would work so much while being large you know where's like the other one like you make that thing really really big you'd be like oh that's that's a giant little go on a shirt yeah I like the cleanliness of it yeah it's go to personality about how that kind of makes it like it would work big well you took off the cheek blushes just yeah something like this funny happen actually when they were on with this particular kind of concepts they made him look angry the cheek blushes yeah the made him look angry you want to see yah-tchi clusters make someone look angry I'll show you their giant eyeball exactly the actual eyes are angry eyebrows there's some angry owl corn yeah so I thought best maybe not have them own for this particular concept you know you should do is you should get he should get this logo he should put it on a shirt I either one of these you should put on a shirt and then with text it's just it should say do I make you horny baby it's on you you make it you have it I'm giving it to you this is the one that's you've been waiting for Harris you wanna see yeah I want to see it really bad oh that's a winning profile picture I've ever seen one only thing missing is if he was looking at the camera yeah do the only thing you know what looking at this right now it reminds me of the Teletubbies son you know you should you should give him the whole thing and then you should also give it to him without the the picture on it so if he wants to retake it looking at the camera he can do that yeah we're doing that yeah that's fine that is a solid profile picture that's everything those are the the two logos and two profile pictures right there that's great I think we did a solid solid job there a solid job you wouldn't happen so I worked really hard on this I mean solid solid effort I give you an A for effort I'm gonna preach Anna thank you alright and I'm gonna go back to sleep go back to sleep I'll wrap this video up and yeah alright well guys I guess that's everything so thank you guys so much for watching or any questions but the things I mentioned or did in this video then be sure to follow me on Twitch I'm alive every Monday Wednesday Friday the link is in the description to my channel and also have any questions about your own design get some feedback and your own stuff or if you want to submit your own stuff for future videos like this then be sure to join our disc or the link that is also in the solution down below once again go sing again so much for watching and until next time happy streaming don't even reach guys what is this top panting hello
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 79,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, design, graphic, logo, profile picture, picture, fiverr, merch, image
Id: iahJvNw609c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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