Dunking DIRTY Mined On GPUs In WINDEX...

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so so [Applause] hey guys what is up red pen running here how you guys all doing hope you're all doing really well and having a really great day i am going to attempt to clean my gpus which i am really excited for but also incredibly nervous because i'm doing something i've never attempted before in a ultrasonic cleaner a digital ultrasonic cleaner this is something i bought off amazon and this is a 10 liter ultrasonic cleaner and i also i kind of made a mistake i should have bought a 15 liter or maybe the 30 liter one because a like a 1070 here which we are gonna try to attempt to clean today as you guys can see how dirty this gpu is and thank you to yankee i bought eight of them off of him and he had these mining for about a good four years or so and so they accrued all this dirt as you guys can see as this is a blower style card so i want to try to clean a riser first and then see if it still works after it goes through windex now a lot of you guys are probably cringing right now and saying red panda i don't think windex works and i talked to a a big mining farmer the guy who cleans gpus all the time and he said using an ultrasonic cleaner with windex on gpus is perfectly fine and as well as keeping the fan at like the whole gpu like just like this i just just plop it in and it'll be it'll be just fine so that's kind of one thing i'm also worried about is with the fan like if it's gonna dry out or something but we're gonna test that all out in this video i do have one of the 1070s mining right now i just had to make sure it works so this one i'm going to be taking this and we're going to just dunk the whole thing into the ultrasonic cleaner and then i'm going to do it for about i would say three to five minutes there is a timer on this and as well as a temperature set where we can raise the temperature up i think we're going to try it up to 30 or 40 degrees and see how that goes i don't want to do it too crazy i've been watching a few other youtube videos and so i'm just gonna copy those guys in terms of the temperatures and how long to keep you know like a computer part like a gpu in an ultrasonic cleaner so i've seen a lot of people clean their gpus and dishwashers i think i've seen people clean their pcs just with simple water and then after a few days of drying it boots up and and it works so we're gonna just or i'm gonna try this today guys this is gonna be interesting so first things first let me go ahead let's turn this on and there okay oh here are some specs in case you guys want to see so i believe this thing will take about almost 240 watts it says here and it only runs on 110 120 volt on terms of power okay so here we go we're gonna turn it on all right the fumes they're getting to me i i just got my mask on so uh just in case if you case you guys are gonna do the same thing gonna have a mask gotta have a some gloves and i got some tissues and stuff so okay so it is on i wanna set the let's do 40 40 celsius i don't think i need it at 50 and uh it's at 24 now i guess ambiently so i'm gonna wait until this gets up to 40 and in terms of the timer okay so um yeah we're gonna oh wait oh i guess okay i just turned it on hold on let me turn it off i can't turn it up oh there we go that was a shocker i'm going to put this back down i'm going to wait till the temperature comes back up to 40 and then we'll turn it back on and i'm going to put a riser in the sea if uh we can clean up and it's a little bit dirty here and then we're gonna test out the riser and then we'll test the gpu if if this works okay my friends be right back and i just realized i had to press on on this in order to get it up to the set temperature you guys can tell i didn't read the manual okay i'm a little bit impatient but it looks like it's at 33 degrees now celsius i think that's good that's good enough we're gonna place the riser in now uh this one this is the dirty one okay and i'm gonna take off the lid and we're gonna press on or wait i should put it in first yeah you know what we're gonna put this in and i'm just gonna simply just plop it in there and we're gonna turn it on for less than a couple minutes i i'm gonna do like under four minutes here and let's turn it on and okay all right so we'll be back in a couple minutes and see how the riser is this thing is it's shaking it's shaking a good amount all right one second all right it turned off automatically all alright so i'm going to take it off take it out here with the glow oh the water or the windex is definitely warm and looking at it right now it definitely looks clean i don't see the white dust mark there anymore okay so that is a good sign this looks pretty this looks pretty clean alright so guys i'm gonna i'm gonna turn this off i'm gonna turn the heater off uh i'm gonna put this lid back on all right so i'm gonna let this dry i just realized i don't have my air blower here so ah you know what we're just gonna let this air dry until i see it like visually dried up okay so be right back okay it's been about a good hour and i put it on top of my 6600 xds to uh to to dry out a bit faster but since windex has ammonia it it this dries really fast that now that i'm looking at my glove and like literally after i would say like five minutes the glove was was quite dry and i would say the riser two was maybe dry after like 20 minutes but i gave it another like 40 minutes so it's been an hour now and yeah it's it's completely dry it seems and well i guess because also i put it on top of the gpus and the heat kind of evaporated whatever was on it so let's go ahead let me try this got a rx 470 here i'm not going to try this riser on with like an expensive gpu so let me go ahead i'm going to plug this all into my itx test bench and by the way here is the 1070 we're going to take out you can see it's mining just fine but only 25 mega hash or so and here it is in hive os so that works good okay so anyways let me try the riser be right back moment of truth okay the lights on the riser came on so that's a good sign let me just see if i can see it in windows yes success it shows the 470 in device manager looks like it's good okay that's good enough for me so that worked the riser putting it through windex and the ultrasonic cleaner it worked and you guys can see yeah both lights are on on the riser i can see it in windows all right guys we're gonna take off the 1070 from my test rig and just we're just gonna dunk it into the windex guys i'll see you out there okay guys i got the gpu off the rig here is the 1070 we are going to dunk right now okay i am extremely nervous about this but this is for science i am doing this for you guys for fun and we're going to see if this gpu is going to be cleaned by this ultrasonic cleaner with windex being the master solution and also a very cost-effective solution by the way because buying the concentrated ultrasonic cleaner is not cheap and so when i talked to the guy about cleaning gpus with windex he said windex actually cleaned the gpus a lot better than the concentrated ultrasonic cleaner stuff like for guns or something so this is going to be interesting guys let's do it disclaimer don't try this at home i i don't recommend it and yeah just take all the precautionary measures if you're going to be doing something like this please do your own research i got to say all the disclaimers before i dunk this okay so one thing i i wanted to say before is that i took out the uh this thing because i can't fit the gpu inside of the ultrasonic cleaner that this one that i got here so i have little i have added more risers in here as like standoffs so that i could just place the gpu right on the risers here okay so oh man that is warm the windex is yeah 38 degrees okay guys here we go i'm just gonna dunk it in here we go oh man okay all right okay gonna put the lid back on here we go guys we're gonna we're gonna do let's do four minutes start okay let's hope this works so see what happens maybe i need to flip it upside down in like two minutes or something all right well we'll come back in like two minutes okay let's take a look okay uh let's let's just take it out for a bit here oh that definitely looks a lot cleaner okay i'm gonna flip it upside down here okay so let's put it in like this all right all right let's let that go you know what let's add another minute why not all right i'll be back three two one okay wow the windex the water is definitely it looks a lot dirtier okay because i can't see the gpu really so the water is definitely yeah okay anyways let's take it out [Applause] that looks much better oh looks like the top here is still dirty actually that looks that looks like hair or something so that's not quite clean but generally it looks pretty good it looks pretty good i you know i want to give it a shake in the in the windex here [Music] like the end okay so that helped a little bit not really okay so something tells me i'll probably have to it looks really clean all right let me put it on the desk here that looks really clean um the fans still see the fan seems fine okay so it's probably gonna be i'm definitely gonna let this dry a good while you can see here the windex is already drying the back plate so i'm definitely gonna let it sit for like a day less than 24 hours and guys we'll be back and yeah i'll figure out what to do to still clean it maybe yeah i'll probably have to take it apart still but oh yeah there's some gunk here still definitely some gunk uh maybe i have to keep this in there for a little bit longer you know what let's just let's just let it sit i'm gonna let it sit upright like this so all the water and uh like this all the water and stuff comes out somehow okay we'll be back i'll see you guys later we'll see if this works [Applause] okay so shortly after i did the first one i got a bit antsy i was kind of impatient so i did another 1070 but i did it for about 10 minutes and it it was definitely a lot cleaner than the first time i did it and i dried both of them on my gpu tower rack so it's only been about i would say less than i would say 14 hours 15 hours now as of recording this video so they haven't been drying for a full day but to be honest i was keeping tabs on them in terms of when it was getting dry and honestly after about i would say less than half an hour i was visually inspecting it and it it looked really dry like there was no like windex or anything extra coming out of this uh coming out of the gpus and so i think yeah these ultimately dried within i'm gonna say less than an hour or two or something like that but the biggest thing i don't know if these work or not so that is the biggest question that i think you guys are all wondering i'm also wondering as well okay so i have six more of these 1070s that i gotta put through the ultrasonic cleaner if this works so without further ado i'm going to grab both of these 1070s and i'm going to plug it into my test bench and we'll see if these mine after being put through and dunked into windex because i am lazy and i don't want to take apart the 1070s anyways be right back okay moment of truth let's turn these guys on and let's see if it shows up in hive os i'm nervous guys i'm also nervous to see if the fans are dead or anything like that here we go three two one please no smoke oh wait wait it doesn't turn on hold on that was anti-climactic all right hold on let me all right i had to turn on the power supply all right here we go turning on the power button three two one okay all right the fans are moving the rgb lights are working okay let me go see if i can see them in hive os okay it's just starting up you can see we can see both 1070s so that's a good sign in hive os and we're going to go to i'm remoted into the minor and let's just see it's just ramping up right now we are using the latest version of t-rex miner we're gonna mine ethereum and okay yes there we go looks like they're mining uh the the temperature though on i guess the first gpu just started says 66 celsius so that is i would say it's probably gonna get worse and so hold on let me hit f5 here and okay let's see here 23 mega hash 21 mega hash 68 degrees celsius okay so one thing i i want to see here is the fan so i have the fan speed set at 100 and it says this one's at 43 let me give this a res refresh here 45 okay uh so something tells me the fan is not running at its max yeah it even says in the software uh the other one's going at a hundred but the i guess gpu zero is at uh 69 celsius oh the temperature oh it's at 72 now okay so that's bad another thing i thought of is that you know since i'm dunking these gpus and windex that i i should probably well i definitely need to change the thermal paste on on these gpus so i'm gonna do that in another video but it looks like confirmed that they are mining uh not the greatest hash rate as we know the 1000 series cards are hindered by the nvidia dag sorry the nvidia driver and the ethereum dag size so that's why we're getting a little bit less hash right here so in order for me to get higher hash rate i'm gonna have to boost the uh the power consumption but these gpus the the eight that i have out there 1070s are gonna be not for ethereum and i will have another video showing you guys that but it works it's mining [Applause] windex 5 liters oh yeah just to let you guys know i use that whole bottle in this 10 liter ultrasonic cleaner the water waters the windex is definitely murky really really dirty but guys that worked i i'm quite surprised actually i'm not really surprised i already talked to a guy like i told you guys but look at this these gpus look extremely clean and hearing the fans they sound fine but there was one that was stuck at like 45 right even though i had it at a hundred so i think okay this one's at 100 for sure i can tell by the airflow here and the airflow is not as high on this one so this one is the five minute gpu one so in the ultrasonic cleaner so i have a feeling i'll need to run this a bit longer as it's still quite dirty compared to the uh the ten minute one the ten minute one here that i did extremely clean much cleaner so i'm gonna have to run this longer uh on in the ultrasonic cleaner but i'm gonna like take apart the gpus because i wanna also change the thermal paste on these gpus because uh uh like like i said these are about four or five-year-old gpus that were used for mining thank you to yankee by the way so yeah i'm gonna have to change the thermal paste on all these gpus anyway okay guys that's it for this video i think concluded that i guess windex works just fine as long as you uh get them dry told you after about 14 hours i tested the gpus and it worked after taking them out and of course i was using my gpu tower to dry the gpus and the riser that that we did as a test in the beginning so that was really fun but anyways i don't recommend everyone to do this do this at your own risk if you're going to try to clean your gpus using an ultrasonic cleaner and windex in my testing solution here with extremely extremely dirty gpus and yeah that was that was a lot of fun and also very nerve-racking at the same time but stay tuned i'm gonna have another video doing the rest of these gpus and probably opening them up and changing the thermal paste so stay tuned for that and uh yeah it looks like i'm gonna maybe i have to drain this into the yeah the the existing windex into here in case anyone's gonna do the same depending where you live you have to kind of like recycle this kind of stuff this is like glass cleaner so i can't you can't just dump this into the sink or you know stuff like that outside it's a lot of chemicals so it's not not safe to do that make sure you go look at your local bylaws recycle depots something like that that can handle that kind of stuff so anyways guys thanks for watching let me know your thoughts i appreciate you all can't believe that worked and i'll see you all in the next video peace guys peace oh i just realized this is a gigabyte founders 1070 and then this i don't know what model this one is or what aib brand this one is interesting
Channel: Red Panda Mining
Views: 18,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mining, gpu mining, ethereum mining, bitcoin mining, gpu mining rig, crypto mining, mining rig, cryptocurrency mining, best gpu for mining, cleaning mining rig, clean your mining rig, how to clean your mining rig, gpu mining 2021, mining rig cleaning, cleaning, gpu mining farm, ethereum mining rig, eth mining, mining farm, clean mining rig, bitcoin mining farm, mining gpu cleaning, gpu cleaning, gpu mining rigs, mining rig frame, cleaning gpu mining rig
Id: prGiVpBthV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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