Graphic Designer REDESIGNS Your Twitch Streams #2!! - Overlays, Alerts, Transitions, etc.

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you guys seem to really enjoy and love the last stream at redesigning a video that I did so much so I think it's the most viewed video that I've done on this channel so thank you for that so with that I'm back doing another stream redesign video where I take your designs from your streams and I do some crazy voodoo magic and spells on them to make them look even more amazing not really I just designed stuff but you know what me to say like I know what I'm doing so I'm just gonna stick with that you guys submitted more of your designs and I've gone through enough picked out of a couple I think could do with a little bit of attention to make them the best that they can be so minimal changes some quite drastic changes but as always I'm gonna try my best and do what I think looks good and then give them back for free and remember you're more than welcome to completely disagree with the changes I do in this video that's the beauty of art and design it is completely unique and individual to every single streamer out there so welcome back to the other gaming channel guys my name is salmon in today's Harris Shh yeah what's up what are you doing what are you wearing clothes Leah how's the other than coming it's going good I'm just filming the video right now yeah that's good that's good hey look I just wanted to check up and here real quick grab some of your browser history maybe steal some of your passwords make sure you're not watching any of our competitors you know giving them some ad revenue okay but you know this video is sponsored by the VPN private Internet access right you kind of put the wrong day to have my stuff shut up shut up shut up how are you even doing that yeah you ever seen space champ look I'm not gonna like hurt you I'm not giving you a virus or like a Trojan horse pretty sure those are all just urban legends anyway all I want is a little access to your private data well the problem is that is where do you get a chest it's probably to access the VPN I was telling you about dude you signed you sign the contract you should know what I'm talking about I'll shoot is that what that's about here you didn't crease my connection and gives me completely anonymous IP address whenever I'm online to protect my privacy you literally ain't getting in there Noorie I'll just grab it off your phone then oh the hell are you doing that I'm the one editing this video anyway I have property terror access on my phone as well it's not gonna work - yeah it took me a minute to set up you can just go to aren t so I can't get your stuff nope but you can at your own VPN just click the link in description man you're never getting that race anyways guys as I was saying welcome back to the alpha gaming channel my name is salmon today we need you streamer makeover just a quick reminder before we jump in and start this party I do stream on Twitch and live every Monday Wednesday Friday the link to my channel he's in the description down below if he goes when I come by and drop me a follow asking me questions about the dewetting motion graphics design or indeed anything I mentioned in this video that is the best place to ask those questions also if you guys find the video entertaining engaging and informative then be sure to give it like and subscribe to the channel once again you guys have submitted a whole load of designs for me to look at someone go through pick out a handful say about five or so streams that I really want to kind of get involved with and do some of dating and some tweaking on so with that said and done it's Jim writing and get started right this trip through and have a look at some people's streams and find our first victim that we can do some stuff for oh I see space I see space start screen this whole thing is in the zip folder chatting screen gab here's my circular that tapping really come on now transition who is so magical game screen where's game there's game mean Kim yes is the natural scene that's in my OBS I gotta say first of all most that the creativity you guys have with these videos is is bunyan but just keep dabbing out of them for the future okay please be great thank you first of all I really like this design i reaiiy think it's really clean very polished already the only thing is kind of missing or kind of at a place for me is the alerts the the alerts the follower alerts and things like that so I have some ideas and what I want to do first is a wanna maybe kind of introduced it's like a nebula effect for his alerts like maybe doing something with a space-themed yes is a really cool kind of background here going off the Bureau backs we know as well as his n screens like a nice you know flying through space theme and style so I kind of want to replicate that this thing here at the beginning of a stone soon scream to quite like this smoke effect and I feel like you'd be nice to kind of replicate that let's make this go to some really cool alerts Nevermore design is something that I really like being a huge space nerd myself I wanted to make some relating to space for his alerts he's commonly using the ones by nerd or Dino wants to make seem like a space nebula effect by something like an exploding nebula or an imploding nebula would look really nice along with some minimal 3d text for the alert I wanted to go slightly to the mat you can have a chrome metallic text and colors to match its branding like the bright purples and the bright blues that he's using I'm using assets from the video copilot shockwave pack instead of the pack there were loads of different assets like exploding smoke effects and clouds that when put together make a really cool exploding nebula style effect so a design this nebula with the idea in mind that these could change and have different colors depending on the particular that's being played for example having a gold or blue one to represent a new subscriber or a new donation and so on one piece of future design of roses in corporate maybe some of your gameplay or some other elements into your be right back screen having something moving like chatters game or even a video will keep a steady image moving it won't make you forgets Frozen Four the viewer even including the gameplay scene on top of your beer up back screen to give something there for context will always help right we went to the next one let's see what we can do here okay obviously first and foremost we've got our beautiful warm-up screen OB our band is what shows when the stream is about to end I like it I like this it's very nice I love the back room by the way this is like this reminds me of marshmallow I know that was the intention but it does but it looks really really cool nonetheless the one thing I will say in terms of like this your alerts again it's the alert this time it looked a little bit kind of at a place of the rest of it because I feel like we could have some really simple really clean and I really like what he did with his intermission screen or his game screen here where it has these icons at the top here so it would be nice to maybe kind of have those as a follower subscriber donation cheer kind of look so I have some ideas let's jump in and start making some stuff because I feel like that could really help complete this goes over like Melo has some really cool design going on already and I found it very tricky to do something for his design because I felt like it was pretty solid to begin with although I feel like his alert scan may be done with pick me up so we decided to do something for those you should have some really nice I constantly stacked on his gameplay scene and I wanted to incorporate those into his alerts the quirky music that he made and the 8-bit design he has of the icons made me want to do something retro and he cooperates some modern elements into the alerts unfortunately he didn't provide the only con so how to kind of find ones online for this video but they are easily replaced and we'll be replacing them when we give the alerts back to him but for now I'm using this issue goes the design and the concept to create that 8-bit style of animation I use something similar to what I did in sort of Harris's sub train animations with the walk in Pokemon in sort of motion there is an effect called stroke what stroke does is it creates the illusion and the impression of strobe lighting this is really useful for slowing down frame rate so if you're editing in sixty frames per second you can put the strobe effect on and make something look like it's shot in 12 frames per second so I used that for this design I was heavily influenced by things like Mario when he picked up a mushroom and there was the plus one effect and all that kind of stuff really helped design these alerts so hope melih doop likes these and will incorporate them inside of his overlay right let's see if we can find anybody else that I think ooh look at the name he treats me and the design intrigues me as well whoa okay I do oh wow that's cool he reminds you of your 1920s like movie theater kind of thing which is super cool think you know Laurel Hardy Charlie Chaplin kind of things so I really like this and he just say he doesn't have any custom alerts so I think I know we're gonna make with so daddy's design it was a nice change of pace I really really like the vintage theme he incorporates another soda that I wanted to make some vintage start alerts for his stream i designed a vintage crown inside of affinity designed to represent a subscriber and i wants to add some gold leaf elements that he uses on his scenes within the alerts now the image of old silent films from the 20s in mind when I designed this like Lauren Hardy and Charlie Chaplin and I imagine those slights that came what whenever action happened during those films that kind of torture was going on in the film I wanted to kind of replicate that within the overlay but also introduce some modern elements within the design it was nicely welcomed the head of vintage characteristic and going for things today I should take advantage of this design is it super unique but lesser that is essentially the template going forward will be adding hearts for follows and making a vintage Bitcoin when someone cheers in his channel I also introduced those gold leaf elements I mentioned earlier as motion has some really good preset designs already done inside of its content library so I thought to save me some time I thought I'd use those and really incorporate those into the design I really absurd that he likes this particular load it was really fun to work on some there's a little bit different a little bit more creatively challenging so I hope you liked this design and I really think it would suit your strengths moving on let's find our next victim II think you know it's good the top well he's the first submission I've seen so I got twenty seconds let's do this this is my stream starting soon screen is my intermission and of course the starting soon screen all made from a simplistic After Effects template I made thanks nice okay I like where it's going I can see where you're going with a simplistic approach but I feel like you can take it one step up and then really introduce some other elements but still keep it minimal and still keep the design very clean very minimalistic very simplistic so I have some ideas on how we can kind of keep this minimal but also introduce some extra elements that you can really use on your stream and have a different kind of feel you know but keep the minimal approach so let's jump in that are designing such defender let's see what we can do I wanted to keep the minimal design and not change anything about the style that rubidium wants to go for to begin with I wants to initially use his logo but decided against it I went back and forth on a couple of different concepts that I had from angled edges two slanted texts and other various ideas but I finally went for a banner type of concept with the rectangle and the text of the site angle which was heavily influenced by abstract design conservators also make an appearance in the design later on down the line I use a furniture designer to design the initial concepts of each screen in his overlay which allowed me to have it a bit of flexibility in the design process rather than jumping in and using After Effects in Faneca Pro from the start although they do play a part later on I just wanted to do something different for each intermission screen having a look at it in the video I wanted to be similar in design rather than just out of place and be just text on a standard screen so I want to change it up and incorporate a couple of different it's from his other scenes into the mix also incorporate some animated elements and I had in mind and had some stuff assets in Final Cut Pro that I could use for the idea I use motion VFX is n2 but - and they have some battery elements that I repurpose for the design over a bit some screens these elements are used across all of this scenes and how good the sense of movement and line for them making it look too stagnant furthermore his alerts now look like they're a part of his brand and his overlay he won't have to worry for a while but making sure his alert match his brand in any way shape or form although down the line I really do think he should consider making some of his own or maybe incorporating more of the minimalism that we've introduced in his other scenes into his overlay right last one let's find us one that we can do and what this guy was discussing we got my starting soon screen ending screen and my live gameplay scene along with my stream is offline background and my panels down below thank you very much awesome ok I like the retro wave feel you're going for like this moving background that you have right here I really like that I think it works really really well the one thing I think could do with some liveliness actually is I'm actually looking at your webcam right now and I think on this screen in particular we could easily add some animated elements like some lines or animating lines of think you've got some yeah you've got some kind of glowing aspects in the webcam on the top on the top and the sides there so when we're animating those and we're having some kind of rotates and moves around almost like kind of beam of light so something kind of energy related to kind of match the glowing lights you've got here this kind of retro wave theme as just jumping with this you want to just start playing around I've got some ideas I kind of wanna try out and let's see what we can do so with trackers design I think that's how you say his name I really wanted to play around with the webcam animation the person you always think that less is more when it comes to webcam design and animations and I was influenced by his current retro wave design I initially want to do something like energy or electricity to match the current bad joke I know theme but after looking at the effect of the give be too chaotic and too distracting on his webcam instead I went for the more minimal line approach using the saber plugging by Video Copilot they animated the offset insert of the plugin and animated it so that it would create an alternating pattern for both sides of the webcam I did this by duplicating the animation making a copy of it and then flipped it so it would animate to the other side as well going on from this if I might record could really do something similar for these alerts and have a minimal effect for its followers and subscribers may be using the lion effect to potentially draw out an icon for a heart or a crown or seminar iconography for is near alerts the hartford new followers a crown for subscribers and so on but hope that gives you something to go on for for future design ideas I also tried a polygon effect to match the retro wave design but overall it didn't turn out the way I thought it would and so I went back to the minimal line design idea whenever you're designing anything for your stream and for your overlay always think of what elements could potentially be animated always look for simple ways to introduce movement into your scene especially for a live stream you don't want stands and stuff so doing things like this with the webcam scene even those movement on the scene it really adds that level of detail that really incorporates and solidifies your brand and your theme and that is pretty much all the time I have for in this video but guys if you want to see more design and video editing and motion graphics related content then be sure to follow me on Twitch once again I'm live every Monday Wednesday Friday the link to my channel is in the description down below also if you guys only think tutorial related I do have a youtube channel where I go into some video editing and motion graphics stuff over there the link to that is also in the description down below also if you guys want to be part of an amazing community of content creators and streamers or maybe even submit your own stream designs for a future redesign video then be sure to join the discord the link to that is in the description down below once again guys thank you so much for watching and there as always be streaming well maybe you know a couple more hours here I'm doing a most was fairly nice but me was like a nice place Pete it's stuck on that nerd I'm sucking it sorry
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 103,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, gif, webm, after effects, motion, graphics, designs, sub, subscriber, alert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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