PS/AE Tutorial: Creating Animated Clean Stream/Twitch Alerts

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[Music] yo what is going on guys it's your voice that's are here because a video here today bring eyes a Photoshop slash After Effects tutorial and I Kris you very uncool and clean we'll go with like cool like clean clean like alert box there you go it's an updated version of last tutorial so by the way we're gonna teach you how to do actual more higher quality resolution for your alerts and stuff like that using web em format rather than using like a gif format which was kind of weird that we did the last time but we learned and you guys helped me very very much so I appreciate that very much for also beginner doing that in today's video today's video once again is sponsored by AE juice they are the freakin beasts of act effects I love them so very much they're basically an After Effects program that are plug and I would say that has like literally already completed like effects like UI effects text effects liquify effects like transitions they're super super dope super nice and the coolest part is right now if you guys check the scripts down below there is a free starter pack for you as a download it's always of course on the site itself I'll put the site the link for the starter pack as well there hasn't download right now and get it for free is super super dope if I just go ahead and go to after-effects we're gonna go to Windows it's under pack manager 3 is how you guys access the pack itself it'll load really quickly I think the first time is a little bit longer by the way just so you guys know here the starter pack right I can score look at this stuff like right here you can use stuff for like pop in some cool little animation or even if you want to use this for a simple it'll pop in put your Twitter afterwards kind of thing they have text effects like right over here text animations right and have the cool like motion stuff like look at this I said this last time there's no we don't see some kind of like starting to like effect that's going on that he has a super super love they update very very much they did this really cool thing when it comes to like keyframes you can copy and paste keyframes like a library of keyframe assistant so if you guys are using act effects super super a lotta guys use keyframes a lot you guys get a cool it'll copy kind of how would you say a preset management of how you want to separate your a and B transitions to like your easy easy stuff like that if you don't know what I said if you do know it said you got it if you don't know it's all good but that being said guys hope you guys enjoy today's Vedic you today so likes in the video you'll see down below as always which is mostly me the AI file maybe but if not all really like the actual like WebM file so you guys actually used all the one that I made to this video that you guys can use for yourselves as well or a great impact by the way um so yeah whatever one we'll see uh hope you guys enjoyed today's video we're going to start off in after-effects I mean in Photoshop doing the actual effect itself or the actual design itself scuse me and then moving in to after-effects and moving into relapse so hope you guys enjoy hi guys later since what you have please alright guys so we are starting off in Photoshop so the first thing I'll probably end up suggesting you guys to do is make sure you guys are on your file new document size using the ah nine to twenty by ten eighty height and your three in resolution I usually I mean 72 is fine as well I just kind of like always kind of used to be hundred as a default just in case a I'm ready to use print kind of thing right you want to go to impress create just like so what I would also show you guys to do as well as take a game that you guys mainly play and you feel like a stream of yourself or if you're doing it for a client maybe ask the client what main games he plays use the background like I have sort of like this having like a 14 background blur it out if you guys want to so it's not like super hard edges being kind of like annoying for your creative ability but kind of having a background I kind of set boundaries to where your alert shouldn't be that way when you guys do your very simple it'll square background or whatever end up designing end up doing by the way guys I know there's a lot more designs you can do them more they're just like this little clean one but this leaves me open of course to do some more stuff and like more fun kind of I don't know random abstract kind of design kind of alerts but for this tour today I'm sure guys to do something like this it's very simple so just keep in mind I guess gameplay why is like you know ratios of where things are so to do this little simple little effect here for the actual clean alerts here all you the do is bring a new layer right you can take a right to market tool do a nice little civil rights and market so I'll say right right about cells are pretty good size right pretty good size for the actual gameplay itself kind of this pops up right at the top middle right you're good to go I'm gonna go ahead and use right click fill drop-down black just like so press okay right click deselect or control-d very very simple right and that might have been fast was like they literally did nothing okay right click fill drop-down black okay right click diesel hello quick promise you that okay so I'm gonna do now is on a press ctrl T to free transform reasons they're free transforms little box right here you can rotate move things around of course right what a right-click use the skew option here and this skew is actually what this is right here so if you take your right click skew option take that first middle box that you guys see move it towards the right just a little bit just like so right you give yourself a nice little skew you can do as much skews you guys want it can be like super aggressive with it but if you guys are do something really aggressive like this I don't have a shrink the amount of size or I kind of like just really take it right to market to again and kinda like delete it shrink a little bit more kind of thing right work with your work with like it that's a little bit too much right but for me I would say skewing just like so right around here is a pretty good amount right so now that I have this what I like to do is I'm not make a duplicate of this I actually have called this icon box though show you guys in a second why I'm gonna do is on this icon box I'm gonna press ctrl J on my keyboard though so make a duplicate of it so now I have a duplicate of you guys see right here it says copy I don't like press ctrl you really quickly just for that your sake press ctrl you for the consideration take my lightness move this up a little bit so you can see it's a different color a grayish tone so on this copy here I'm gonna move this torso right a little bit so under it of course you have that black layer okay so you want to set yourself how much space you guys want for your icon maybe your logo super long right so you might need more space in a usual person it has like a circle icon or you know not a text logo some like that right so you said yourself how much space do I need for my logo if this is about specie I think you guys need for it to fit very comfortably in there you guys would then say okay this is done probably if you guys don't have a logo if you guys doing a new follower you can use like a like a person icon right if you guys are doing like a new donation you can use like a dollar sign icon you can find out google google or make your own kind of thing right so keep that in mind it does have to be a logo just for the sake of just so I like knowing you guys like telling you guys right so many guys have that box here on your copy here you hold control on the actual icon box copy I can hide this now so you'll see this marquee suction that happens here so if you guys go back to your icon box go back to your rectangle marquee tool again when you guys right-click it'll give you guys the option to layer be a cut then you guys do that take your movement tool you can move it towards right a little bit give you the more space as you guys want here I kind of have that much space so do that kind of same thing I here again and now we have an icon box and also right here new layer here is actually now called your name box okay that's where the whole little name things gonna go for the other people to describe or donate or whatever to you so once you guys have that I'm a select control and click both of these layers here just like so take my opacity throw it to 75% okay I'm gonna take this icon copy from before delete it we don't need it I'm gonna take my logo really quickly make a duplicate of it bring it into my icon box right looks good right there I make a little more bigger for the sake of the box itself okay so yeah guys it also see this little part right here I kind of did this just because I want to put too much color in the logo itself with a design itself so the quickly do that while they are doing those take my icon box making a duplicate of it okay see the icon box copy and then move it towards the right a little bit so you'll see a darker spot here the lighter spot you would want to pay attention to cases on the left hand side is how much space we want to kind of have you know for the color to be so once you guys find that out you guys something click on the control or whole control again click on the icon box original copy right then go back to the icon box copy and press delete new keyboard okay very simple take my Pasi throw out to a hundred percent you can double click on this go to your color overlay you can change it whatever color you guys what like a pink that's pretty freaking dope or if want to be super kind of spicy with it and kind of use a gradient overlay your going to do that as well um so I'm like this can be pretty freakin cool I'm actually I might put in this with your download Oh cough cough cough to lights in a video eagles sitting down below which mostly be the PSD or gradients by the way below rent press okay okay right and give some really cool grants like this alright looks pretty good and then last but not least which you guys will end up doing also that what is this called we're gonna call this like color thing okay just like so and I'm gonna go ahead press my text layer then I'm gonna type in what this is for someone say new subscriber okay right now you can see how my is a little more split so you guys what I have like a cool be a swell like I have you can go ahead and under your characters table which is under windows character right you can use this little Viera here usually it's at 0 you can see that I kind of put mine to a hundred percent or two hundred you can even do like it even more have it be split even more have it go across the entire box itself but basically once you guys have this you guys then go ahead and hide this layer Rama hide this as well and when you guys will save it I think I did this in the next clip as well by the way when you guys save it you guys will save as PSD and you guys will be good to go but before you guys do that you guys will see the cool little tips as well before you actually hop in After Effects but this is really how you guys make that really cool quick little box for the actual design and move on to the extra toriel let's go alright guys so right before you guys actually hop into After Effects I would really quickly do two quick things so of course the first step I think happens to be so if you guys want your alerts to kind of pop in from like mid screen right kind of like pop and kind of just like like literally from the middle up like top middle rather than coming like all the way up from the bottom of the screen kind of doing some weird thing like that if that's the effect you're going for of course naturally keep your document size this side that's the one at 1080p right or if you guys were to kind of have it come out of like mid screen like I first like to have it I would make sure you guys usually cropped or just see on your keyboard just like so the crop tool right take it take the top bottom left and right and I would kind of move it in inch away for the extra design itself giving you guys enough breathing room or I guess working space as well right kind of like some like this move the left and as well and you guys have this nice little simple box around your original box but also kind of having it enough space kind of have it breathe I would say like I say an inch or so and you guys just press the checkmark just like so and then you guys would actually save your PSD right file save as you guys should save it as whatever you guys want I'm gonna call this tutorial to save okay now what you do you go to your After Effects you can go to file import file right and then I'm gonna just open the file that I just made import it'll pop up with this little screen right here and you guys are make sure you going to go to import kind your composition is retained layer sizes and of course editable layer style and it's using an edible layer styles and pretty silly if you guys have watched ami after few tutorials and we work in Photoshop before simple little settings you might even have them already enabled and only good stuff so once you guys see under your projects you'll see your file name right here you just simply double click on this composition just like so and you guys will see that this is all of your layers what before you actually see it you actually if you ever grouped anything together inside your PSD like I ended up doing so like like this right here you see how it's grouped together if you guys do not want how I kind of have it you ungroup this but if you guys see now that I since I grouped it i didn't realize that i grouped it but since i grouped it just in case you guys want to know it's gonna be under its own composition itself so yeah double click on it again and that's where all your layers are gonna happen a beep right that's perfectly fine actually it's not too bad if you hannah have it separate like that but if you guys have multiple different groups i would then make sure you guys take all your layers and put them in one single group that way you're not looking through 500 and like groups and layers and compositions through after-effects where it makes it super super freakin difficult for anyone to kind of find or end up do anything you guys you know want to like move something the bravery is simple right I'm gonna go and delete this text we don't need that text though all right I guess we're good to have to actually start in after-effects let's get this going alright guys so let's go ahead and just go through that very simple good old AE 101 and hit you guys with some really cool simple very basic effects in order to use for your actual alerts and pretty much the only things gonna be end up doing anyway or fright what I think what you're gonna be doing for your alerts right so for me personally what I'm gonna end up doing is right-click on the composition settings so right click anyone in this gray area here go to composition settings and for me I kind of have this the width and the high is in the basis of what your box happen to be don't change that you're perfectly fine but for me under duration or here I'm gonna put mine for 10 seconds in 15 milliseconds you guys want to press ok and for me I like to have my frame around 60 frames a second I don't know what my math but my English see see it come on bro my the the the frames there we go we got it this is so much more easier in 60 frames per second and I think it just looks a little more cleaner of course a little more smoother so have that as so I'm totally leave that in there cuz I'm an idiot and we already know ok so I'm gonna do that I'm doing is I'm gonna go ahead and gonna go for the one frame per second or one second for this case right so you guys see right here this is the time frame here so that's gonna be saying hey this is one second so for me and of course move my our cursor on one second and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna quickly just focus on and I get rid of the new subscriber let me get rid of this I want to get rid of this for you guys and kind of get rid of the logo as well and kind of just focus on the icon box itself so the icon box I have everything labeled so should you write the icon box here I'm gonna go ahead and take this and at once frame per second or that once one second season or 60 frames a second right there we go I'm gonna go ahead and go ahead and press P my keyboard while the layer selected that'll give me the position quick I guess shortcut you would say if you guys don't want to do that you can just go down the drop arrow go down to where it says position right here now you guys just then copy or just not copy but click on that nice little stopwatch and that'll give you guys your first keyframe so if you guys have really no idea at all what keyframes are it's basically from point A to point B what's going on what like settings you change this to just basically it's doing it's changing from what you had on point eight to the size that you had on point B that's the easiest cleanest way I can kind of explain it so now that you have your first keyframe at this position at one second everything you do before it will not lead up to that position which is right here which is where you want to have it of course right because that's where everything stops and holds all that good stuff right so I'm gonna zoom in a little bit by using this little bottom scroll bar here so I'm gonna say around I would say let's say like 35 milliseconds here I want this to be at the position of in the middle okay I want to kind of be in the middle area right and then before it even gets to the middle era I'm gonna go ahead and move it just a one frame to the left you saw me just simply just take my blue arrow here or this blue little ah what is this called the time indicator gotcha time indicator blue it's horse a left just one frame make another position right well this will do is kind of lock in that quick little frame right here for you guys so that stays in a straight line if you guys were to go ahead and do what I want to do right now we're school the beginning and hide this so I'm gonna take this and move this down just like so okay you see how it's a nice it's a nice straight line now it's a nice straight come up come down if I were to get rid of this really quickly you guys will see it's curved so it's kind of its kind of like gonna mix it or miss you altogether and Michelle together from getting from point A to point B it's gonna give this really weird arc but since we put that keyframe with the same set position it says hey go from here to here then that one simple frame is gonna help us say hey now you go from here to here making sure it's a straight line so that's what I person want to go ahead and make sure you guys understand is we want to go for that nice little simple alright like kind of like an arc right also when I move this down break for this keyframe right here in the beginning I held shift by the way so the same thing click on it hold shift move down that'll make sure you guys bring it right in the middle or right perfectly down straight down the middle and you're good to go right so now what's gonna happen here is during that one second you're gonna see it's nice little simple little kind of left kind of L motion going on right so now easy ease if you guys have no idea what easy eases its kind of how you see in my example whatever right how excuse me excuse me again point A to point B kind of has this weird sort of like how would you call it like a reaction to how fast you want things to be completed or end up slowing down then get faster kind of thing right how you want the point A to point B to B I guess executed okay so for instance this first little sort of like coming up here right this first right here this first little simple going to the middle I'm gonna go ahead and just take this keyframe and take this key frame the way I can select both of them by the way is I can hold shift and I mean it's like both of them then you want to right-click key from assistance easy ease this will turn your actual keyframes into little hourglasses now and what you can do over here this far-right little option here is called the graph editor you can select that now if you want your graph to look exactly like mine I believe in your graph editor mostly everything if you're on your default which is I believe edit value' graph it's the same exact thing but the way I like to see it personally is editing speed graph so keep that in mind if you guys yours is gonna be default like this okay I would default it personally like this for me it's kind of how I like it to see it it's a personal preference in a little bit of a way but it's the same as like a fact so don't worry about it okay so what I like to do you see your two key friends that you selected will now be inside this graph here so you can see it's indicated by this little white line here white line or white dot here white dot here in these little yellow lines as well if the anchor points or the how do you say the holy carbecue for getting handles okay so these candles here I can just take this and say if I move this towards the left you'll notice right you'll notice that it doesn't actually end up getting towards the middle until the very very end a little bit and then it quickly kind of snaps in the middle in the middle at the end in the middle okay so I want to show you guys the opposite way if I move this one toward it here and the inside you'll see that it gets really close to the middle really fast and then slows down towards the end so in a wait right if you guys move this towards the towards the right or away from the point it's gonna slow down the amount of time it takes for you to get from I guess you would say from here to here but then really quickly get to that spot where you guys wouldn't happen to be at the end so I don't know if I'm gonna explain this the best way possible but what I personalize to just simply do is just move this one towards the left towards the right a little bit right and I move this from towards the left a little bit kind of thing right I'll give you guys a more I guess how do you say exaggerated or a less very stagnant movement but a more kind of exaggerated fun and energetic movement so what I'm gonna do here is go to the right hand side right right click keyframe assistance and do this last part here so I'm gonna go ahead and move this one I want to say how well this would be pretty fast in the beginning and I kind of slowed down towards the end so I'm gonna move this far right one towards the left a little more right so you'll see boom boom right kind of like that I kind of like that I want it to be a little bit faster actually so I can I want to bring this in quickly alright let's see yeah I think I like that I think I'm a fan I think I'm a fan but the beginning itself as well these keyframes are here in the beginning can be a little bit faster as well I don't mean to do that there we go well that's slower I would say faster is this way here we go let's see I think that's pretty okay like I mean I don't hate it or whatever and for the sort of person himself without having to go through like the millions of mount of change that your brain would like to go for and kind of figure out I'm gonna go for sake of the video here today I like this way better it's gonna be better of course than the original sort of stagnant movement regardless rant so I'm gonna go ahead and do is I want to add a little bit rotation a little more fun as well so right around here I'm gonna end again and I'm gonna go ahead and turn on 3d so this 3d layer here this little box right here indicates a 3d layer so that way I can actually turn things on XY and z axis as well rather than just kind of like rotating it on a very simple 2d plane I'm not gonna click on this box here just like so this is turning on the 3d and you'll see X rotation Y rotation Z rotation if you guys want to what I first like to do anyway just in case I ever end up changing anything right I like to just key frame every single one of these which is the X Y and the Z for me right now you have the keyframes at that one second because of course at that one second you want that to be stopped and stagnant and stay there forever now for the alerts are kind of finish off right so I'm going to the beginning again and I'm gonna go ahead and take my X I'm just kind of figure out where this is rotating okay so this is gonna rotate sort of like facing this way right as you guys see that kind of like thing right there this Y rotations gonna actually rotate it more like this which is kind of what I want and the Z rotation is gonna rotate it on like the 2d plane which I do not want so the Y rotation is what I mean actually going to be doing so at this very beginning the frames I can take my white rotation the second one here what I first like to do is well actually so this is what the 0x plus 1.0.0 moving this gives you all the way to the ratio of 360 I believe it is of course they see being one full rotation so if you guys take a really quick wild guess that's zero in the beginning that's a zero X right here right is actually telling you how many rotations full rotation that you guys want so I like to do just simply just click on this right and just make it one make it even make it simple and it's kind of like go ahead and just go with that now so I play it you'll see it does this nice little sort of spin now all right okay now we're now we're thinkin row I like the spin so of course with any keyframes as you guys add you can add easy ease so you want to click on those two keyframes for the Y rotation you'll see really quickly right let's check that right you'll see I can highlight the Y rotations keyframes go to the key from assistants go to easy ease graph editor take these points here and I'm gonna say I want it to go super slow and then just like freaking like super quick right all right yes okay we're not not that fast let's go for a little a little less aggressive um let's go with like maybe this is a little bit better I mean that's pretty that's pretty fast like I don't I can literally see here all day but I do not want to do that for the sake of the video I'm gonna say maybe this is gonna be good okay that's way better a little more like less hectic I like that okay so now we have our nice simple full rotation going through while going towards the middle while going towards the left and now we're set with that little simple icon bar which is really dope now I can move on to the actual name box um so do that now okay that's going to sink this down let's left color thing here what actually will do actually really quickly is also you'll end up seeing me press one button a lot to view my keyframes if you guys want to do the same exact thing it's you on a keyboard right that'll show you every single keyframe in that layer and only show you the things that are activated in your keyframes when you press you that shows them okay just making sure you guys know so you guys will see if yeah keyframes on it you press you and it doesn't right so I'm gonna end up doing it for this left little bar here at one second and you should stay here so I'm gonna press P my key wolf position make sure it stays there and at the beginning or right around I would say right around here around like 40 seconds or so or 40 milliseconds I'm gonna take the position keyframe it again but move this just simply outside the canvas so it's gonna stay outside the canvas the entire time until 40 milliseconds I don't start moving in and at that nice little simple 1 second point it'll just kind of stop right there which is kind of how I like to have it and of course easy eases again and kind of just haven't do something like this just like so right cool now we're cookin all right cool now right now we're icon box is done and then we're kind of set with that so name box here we're gonna do the same exact thing kind of follow the same exact row so I'll uncheck or unhide this really quickly I'm gonna go ahead and open up these keyframes really quick so I can make sure I go to that one second again I'm gonna go to the name box I'm gonna move my name box right around here it doesn't happen it doesn't have to be moved but for the sake of just kind of like keeping in mind I'm just gonna keep it around here right so name box I want this to be out of frame base of the entire time okay I want this to come in frame maybe 10 frames or 10 milliseconds after the the the icon box finishes right so I'm gonna go up 10 frames which is about 10 milliseconds in that 60 frames per second ratio okay I'm gonna go ahead and go to position for my name box click in on a click on the position right here this is pretty much what you always want to do is you always want to put your position where you want to have it at the end or you want to start off basically at the end right so you want to go to where you want to kind of have it be stuck and stopped you all right you keyframe that first and then you guys can go ahead and move around let's say around here right to the beginning and move this baby out of the frame so all this is gonna happen papa blob is gonna connect now right around here then this position of oxygen or the the student the the name boxer is going to come in soup in like a superhero and say all right I'm here Braille like the party is now done okay I'm gonna move this around 10 seconds a little bit 10 frames a little more ahead I think it's a little too fast I'm like that okay I like that okay so you see how like weird and stagnant like look out nice and pretty and an elegant that sort of motion looks and also the name box just comes in like brown okay so of course you probably guess it it's easy easy we've got a fix right click on these use the ease graph editor take these points move this in a little bit move this in a little bit with the handles just like so kind of make a little more prettier yeah there you go a little more a little more finesse to it okay I'm down for that so now that I kind of have that I'll go ahead and do this little sort of last parts here or I guess the last part itself almost or the logo as well too so the logo I'm just gonna I can simply just do something like right before it connects on this logo here what I like to personally do is my for myself it's gonna have its kind of using a linear wipe transition so to quickly just do that right before this connects I'm gonna go about ten frames right before it finishes so that one that one this is one second right this is 50 millisecond I want to have right around that 50 millisecond part go to effect transitions so this little logo here can be like I said before you're like it can be like a person icon to represent not a new subscriber but a new follower money icon to represent a new donation so I'm like that right I'm gonna use right under transition I believe it's called like I said linear wipe here it is linear wipe you to change your wipe angle to like two forty six it's basically the wipe angle itself the direction of you guys see this little stick is is where the wife is gonna be like kind of like orientation where is gonna be coming from okay so completion what it means here is if I were to go ahead and key friends completion right here right now that 10 for 10 seconds before that completion of that one second of the icon box I'm gonna take this from zero and put this at 100 to start off with right this is gonna be like hey the completion is now done right a hundred percent basically it's gone right the whatever it the transition is over for me it's a logo is that 100 percent meaning it's done so that thing is gone basically so I'm gonna do one second now and put this at zero saying hey it's now appeared okay so right once you're gonna see boom logo appears name box comes in and how will looking super fresh so you can sort of see it's very very fun very nitpicky as well sometimes a little tedious you would say but this is the whole point of motion design kind of thing right and I'm not no freaking pro i thing like that but I mean it's kind of fun and no like some boundaries are some basics right I know not pro press trust me we know this but I'm having fun with it right there we go nice little sort of like motion there I would even say this name box this a little bit I think it's actually taking a little bit too long now to come in and press you my keyboard to bring up my name box transitions I'll move it about five seconds or five milliseconds little earlier I don't know right you can mess around with speed the entire time you might like you might not like how just something kind of like looks excuse me and that's perfectly fine that just means you have a little bit of a brain you got a little bit of thinking going I firstly fine okay so I guess last part now is actually doing the new subscriber thing so you guys won't be able to see it but I just like turn this you guys won't see because I'm in a composition that doesn't allow you see it I guess for the sake of the tour I'm gonna put it really quickly make a solid a black solid and put this below so you gets to see the word new subscriber so that way it's not like it's in your head that it's actually there really quickly I'm gonna get rid of this black box don't worry about it I just put a new solid right under so you can see at least what's happening so for me oh by the way remember I blow our boxes themselves are black and I'll show a lower opacity so you're not gonna see the boxes as well keep it in mind they're still there see right show you guys okay so one second name box comes in you guys can't see that but name box comes in I want while my name box is coming in I want this kind of do a linear wipe as well to reveal the letters that are coming in right here so right around here is where the box is kind of coming in right it's right right now is where those box where the box is I have to start right here is where the letters are and I want this to kind of follow through as well with it so the word new subscriber here I'm gonna go hand go to effects transition linear wipe just like so in my direction I'm gonna keep it at plus that plus 90 cuz I'm right here you see I don't like the line saying it's going this way which is going that way we want to go that way right so of course I'm a keyframe this right here have to start how this would be at 100% I'm going to go ahead and uncheck this really quickly I'm gonna see where it should be about complete which is around here right and now it's not past the letters okay so now we're gonna put this feels weird oops I didn't actually keep from this correctly I want this to be at a hundred percent not 99 100 percent let's go back and turn this off to see what the box is where it completes going through right around here is perfectly fine take this now throw it at zero so you'll see zero you'll see that while the box is kind of going I don't know if you can see if i zoom in a little bit you kind of see these little really awkward blurry letters you'll see that while this is going through the letters are now actually appearing as well so hopefully you can see how that's happening right the letters are kind of appearing while the box is going through right okay so now that we have that we can then go ahead and say we are pretty much done with the basic little four uh I guess tutorial of this part right here right before you throw it into stream labs and shine make sure you guys really quickly how to do that part um but yeah I'm also gonna spice this up a little bit with a e-juice Pro cuz we can do that um like I said I have a lot of fun with AE juice like I'm this is my returning sponsor that means the reaction we got last I was really good for them is also as well as for us so honestly I appreciate them so very much for coming in I'm gonna go ahead and quickly go ahead and just kind of do some little fun stuff with it and see how it works alright guys so I'm gonna go ahead and use actually what my favorite things to use in the a juice pack so also by the way and the Deschutes down below should be the starter pack as well so I have a lot of them like the cooler stuff I guess you'd say that you guys gonna pay money for um but with that being said the starter pack is super super this literally starter pack if you guys are looking for fun little stuff like this it's pretty much all you would need of course but you guys can of course give it a shot and look up some really cool other stuff if you guys want to open it by the way it's under your windows pack minute or three also like I said before they start pack is in description down below if you guys aren't gonna download it so I'm gonna be using liquid changes and what is this liquid transition 2 or 3 liquid transitions period is what it's called okay look what elements there we go not transitions sorry I'm gonna go to my favorites here actually under this pack I'm gonna go ahead and use this right here so the cool thing about this so you can lose your solidity click on it itself and press import or double click on it it'll just import exactly under your where your time how do you say your time indicator is so if you guys uh move this up a little bit I kind of want to this this explosion here I want to put right for my logo start to show up so I'm gonna go ahead and is ugly right here okay it'll import it so I'm going to really quickly exit this out also really cool thing if you guys would like me let's say you work about like pixel are you working like a different theme and it's kind of like smoothing doesn't work for you you can really click on this cobbler right here bro and you can see different themes like you can have drop shadows glows splatters rough edges pixel pixel are you kidding me um I don't know if that even mean okay I like a little more more motion kind of going on here texture like Yanks Yanks row Yanks that's all gonna say that's freaking dope okay so I don't go ahead and kind of go scroll through a little bit so you see it's actually pretty big so the way I'm gonna end up actually scaling it down is just somebody clicking on the explosion pressing S on the keyboard that brings up the scale tool or the scale shortcut take it from 100 just move it down while you're scaling it down you can just simply wire have this little tool right here the selection tool selected you can move this just like so right when I'm in a bit more bigger let's go to the beginning as well of it like when it starts to come up I want to kind of have a right below right below here right below this box right so it kind of says boom it's a little too early I'm just a little more forward right right where that low will start to pop up I want this to be like boom Lowell was here look at me kind of thing right like here we go boom I'm gonna put the black on so you can see kind of how it was working OOP doesn't render out right there we go alright yeah I like that okay so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right there let's say boom logo comes in I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm a little kind of little cool thing for this I'm actually what I'm also gonna do is all right click on my composition settings I live in my width just a little bit more open so I kind of see my white a little more I'm a little bit more as well composition settings with a little bit more just like so right cuz if your composition can't see it that means the other people and the render itself cannot see it so I would even say I'm probably even move the height a little bit more as well right now we can see little bit more of the actual effect itself so when I when you of course runner it out we want to be as or you want to see as much as possible some some of you have of course edit it is probably fine and very very quick to do it so as well okay so right here at the end I want to import another thing I'm gonna go ahead and go to where is it um Windows PAC manager it's one of my favorites again right okay just like so and I'm gonna do this one the flames one okay double click on it to import it just like so and I'm gonna go ahead and say right here where's the flame start happened okay so this needs to be like way more pushed in okay to kind of like speed that up of course scale it down personally s on your keyboard scaling it like so and right around here I want to kind of have this little mmm this is too soon right like here a little too early kind of this is a little sort of like like boom it's not like see me like kind of thing right all right let's see the black is probably not the best color what color would be like better to like actually see let's try a different solid really quickly like a solid let's just kind of use like a like some little more lighter some like this maybe put this below everything right okay let's see boom okay right it's like explosion for the logo itself then this little sort of thing right here kind of like follows through what the actual rectangle is so kind of like has this little halt kind of effects I like that we're definitely I definitely like that a lot actually it looks really good also what that means by the way this starting section right here this would be a little further down right you guys fix that if you guys have removed the actual composition make sure you guys move the actual stuff in the starting positions out of the frame entirely okay yes yes brother yes I definitely like that you can see how this works now as well a little text effect right there right okay bros actually like that and as a matter of fact i think this package self actually has text things you can do so you didn't have to do like a really basic boring little thingamajigger what I call that low the linear transition I believe the starter pack has text animations where you can make the text kinda like come in and like really freaking cool ways yeah bro oh dude y'all gonna have a lot of fun I'm gonna lie to you I want to keep it like a lot export exploration for you guys but I don't know you guys are freaking love this make sure you guys that one is there's a description down below I'm happy with this right I think I am I keep playing it so I try to put more things and kind of like figure things out is it tutorial I'm always too much of your time I like this how it looks I don't know how to render this out and the way I'm gonna actually render this out is going to composition add to render queue now this little section by the way coming up is more important because this rendering is actually better than what I did previously so I'm gonna do is I don't know the best settings give this up best best settings use your composition frame rate you press it okay right and then for your output module if you guys have a VI that's perfectly fine but I like to aren't use me if you guys do not have QuickTime you can use avi that's perfectly fine but I'm gonna use QuickTime same thing with avi under your channels here it's RGB you guys want change the RGB plus alpha which will make sure you guys indicate that your actual background your transform your background which I just realized if I press okay really quick we want make sure you have our demos alpha right make sure your background transparent for this so let's delete that boom okay right so little make sure your the plus alpha part makes sure's makes sure that your actual background transparent and you guys want to see if it's actually transparent or not you can press toggle transparency grid and then I'll show you guys what's transparent or not just you guys can see right and then for your Apple module just simply just just drop this down you can output this to where you guys want to have it I was gonna have it called and sub alert period just like so save right and he has a press render and it shouldn't take too long whatsoever years in that 10-second mark it probably take like I don't know 10 seconds or so and once you guys are done with this well then hop it into a simpler stream labs and show you guys from there okay alright guys so once it's done rendering all that good stuff whether you guys upload it in or so be rendered it in avi or dot MOV you guys wanna make sure now you guys go to this site right here convert exe oh not this stuff as far as by the way this is just something I found from you guys in the comment section of my last video of doing this that you guys are saying WebM is a better format than gift and it's also or higher quality than gif and it's also just as low file size as well so I want to go to from computer I don't quickly go to where it should be it should say it's under documents for me and then mine is called sub alert dot MOV right open okay when a psych ward says gif you want to click or says image you wanna click where it says web M you select that you press convert it's gonna start uploading and after sun-up loading then you're gonna have the options now download it so like I said before the other saying dot or web web sees me was a better format weight higher quality and all that good stuff so I would now suggest you guys to start doing this not using a gift I mean even that whole entire probably like sequence for you like annoying for you guys - video um this is better way easier and you know thank you was the people in composition who commented and show me how to do this before last time so I can now press download and this is also free this is my third time Dahlia now so this is definitely free we're good so you can Nelly's do it three times so far I mean I don't want some random like freaking pop-up stuff to happen but it hasn't happened yet good stuff so when you guys are on stream labs now you guys can go ahead and go to your widgets here go to alert box and this is guys how you get to here of course your alert boxes so really quickly I like to add if you guys will just launch this for you guys but remember when you guys actually launch this the background is black so if you guys actually have a different color it might work or a different kind of like style of an alert box like before but if you launch this and it's black of course you guys remember the actual thing we made before it's just a black background with little passes so you can see what's below it so I'm gonna be doing for you guys I'm gonna give you this right and I have a OBS up so if I were to go ahead and just press test member which I'll show you guys right now right you can see this is I kind of sort of started a little bit just kind of make sure it's working on a good stuff it is if you can see I can see my alert on my test let's just realize probably like turning off the fact that you guys did hear that right here right you guys will see that you actually see what it looks like right that's a good thing that's a good sign all that good stuff so I would if you guys wants you to open up OBS and test it that way just so you guys know okay so what I want to do is I want to go ahead and make sure you guys set this up right so I don't even testing member for this example here so I'm gonna go under where says general settings to the right I'm gonna gore says member so if you guys were to do the actual litter box for subscriber or donation you would of course go under donations or subscribers simple right okay so by default your lair is picture and then under it is a text you guys gonna make sure the default now for you guys is picture and above is a text so that's gonna make sure you guys have your text of course above or in front of the actual file education is downloaded right so you know the middle ones won't want to select that one and then you guys want to make sure you guys need to change your name template here so the name has just became a subscriber or sponsor we can just have it just be literally the name which is pretty good so I can erase that template but if you didn't have anything on the top of your remember that alert bar that we just made in Photoshop if you didn't have word says new subscriber you can keep where it says like name and then do subscriber kind of thing but I think yes yep and keep the brackets name by the way you can't delete everything so this is we can have and you're good to go so text animation I believe the defaults like none I like wiggle bounce is pretty cool pulses for unis I'm not gonna put it on pulse for this one you can see the examples right here alright I don't know rubber bands kind of a little weird I think it's a little a little too much but I think pulses are really good sort of like seamless kind of one that kind of has also a little bit of animation to it too so I'm gonna go ahead and go to where says change media here Ayana Gore says uh drop on upload some stuff just like so right I'm gonna upload a shear downloaded new web em file by the way it should be under your downloads I believe downloads I'm gonna go to where it says sub alert and when I click on sub learn web em press open right once it opens I can then select the WebM file press select again right and then it's gonna happen here is if I just say this really clearly save settings this should be the newer settings onto the ones that you told sell before test member right you'll see it just says sessom right and the whole little effects happen I think look pretty good look at that boom boom that looks really nice I'm down with that okay so first things first probably have to make the text delay I think the text late was okay right yeah the text was actually pretty good so one second for me so if we did 10 seconds we of course made the the completion be one second the text delay and one second actually makes a little more sense right so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open up font settings here now I'm gonna go ahead and use the aldrick font I'm gonna keep you that if you just type in a LDR I see H you'll get the font name I believe its default probably as well font size I'm not gonna make this little more bigger I'm gonna make it like 34 save the settings and test it again so they'd be a lot of testing going on test member ah that's pretty good let's go ahead and do it a little bit more like 38 save settings curl up again a test member okay I'm not opposed to that I think that's pretty good so what I'm learning right now is for you guys as well is the fact that you guys should also know how to do the whole margin thing so as you guys saw and my example here rights has member one more time you'll see there my text is a little bit towards the left hand side but I want to move it more towards the right hand side so I'm gonna end up doing here is I'm gonna go to where it says enable custom HTML and CSS press enabled and I'm gonna go under CSS and I'm gonna scroll down to where it is says 30 right here so right on line 30 I'm gonna make sure I give you guys a really quick little setting I put it in the script on below for you guys as well I believe it's called like margin : left something whatever I think I have it saved in my thing you do I have a say that my thing I do not all right so I really quickly went ahead and make sure I copy the same exact thing that I needed for the whole margin thing so once again if I kind of quickly forgot my finis awesome a test I'm gonna make sure I test it again so if I just see this really quickly it says assess so the CSS was not really quick quite in the middle I can go ahead and move it more towards the left and right hand side just by doing this okay this is what we left off underline 30 of your CSS here if you click on line 30 right at the end of it and then press space it'll make a new new line so now you're on 931 I can now press control V and show you guys what I have so what you guys will type in is margin - left colon a space 11% or I'm gonna soar off 11% and then you want to put a what is it a semicolon don't know what that one is I do English class sorry um once you guys have that right then you can press save okay I'm gonna go ahead now and test it again test member so you should see this be moved more towards the right hand side so I can even move to view more so I can go to 38 30 31 again line 31 I'm gonna be like 19 or so let's try 19 let's try two say those settings let's try to screw up test member again test member okay see how 19 is now directly brain the middle that is what we what I have so I think for now this is definitely pretty good you can see at the end of these animation by the way you'll see something really quickly how it does it again to not have that do that that's because II might alert my alert duration at 11 seconds we have on our After Effects I believe it was ten seconds right so I'm just gonna put this at nine seconds one second below it now if you guys wanted to in your After Effects by the way what I would suggest you guys to do if you I don't know why I didn't do this in the actual tutorial portion but when you guys are in this document size here right if you guys are gonna can pre compose all this and then have everything at the end just like kind of scroll up out of the out of the way you guys to do that as well what I mean by that is if you guys are not like pre compose all this stuff in this layer that you guys did for the animation right you pre compose it just like so right you press okay then at this position like right near the end you can have a position keyframe it at the end right of that ten seconds that's not the end of the ten seconds we're right here right at the end of ten seconds you keyframe it like like fifth like fifteen frames or so before the end and at the end you then keyframe it going out of the canvas right so just go like out right you can do it as well by the way just so you guys know right I'm gonna go back into my alert and I'm open up OBS again okay so now if I just really quickly I didn't do that I put it at nine seconds so what I'll show you guys now if I press test member right the text will be in the middle here then it'll course go for nine seconds when nine seconds goes away it look kind of just fade away and then the next one can also start regoing so I won't do it again so you can see that now none of that kind of crazy stuff so I believe I'm gonna go ahead and say we're pretty much done and that is the Torah for you guys and yeah bro I'm happy with this I'm more satisfied for this excuse me I keep hiccup and I was hiccupping and like doing this with your burps for like the entire day saying this weird thing bro I have no idea um but I want to say think I so very much for watching this video once again I first like the clean version a lot more better myself I'm happy to show you guys a new little render setting so I get more cleaner alerts even that video from before that we did like a couple months ago now it's still really picking up views still really picking the comments really helping us all together we're not really great great alert and smiler stuff like that but there's no one really out there that's kind of teaching them so I'm kind of hopefully can move on and kind of push you guys to kind of move in that direction as well to up revalue up that kind of scale and with that being said I'll talk to guys later HQ out don't forget to keep smiling stay positive and stay fricken up the guys if you guys know what I'm going to say in the next two seconds and we'll do Anaheim that's what I'm going right now that's why there's a lot of clothes and just random stuff sorry for this packing so anyway I appreciate guys I hope you guys do it to this video and think I so very much to a e-juice over there for response to the video you guys are awesome and I have a product a super awesome make sure you guys check them out this course down below as well one more time after guys later peace later okay
Channel: Seso
Views: 185,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free design templates, how to create clean designs, Seso, sesohq, aejuice, free motion design pack, free after effects asset pack, how to make clean twitch alerts, how to code twitch alerts, how to make twitch alerts in photoshop, how to animate twitch alerts, awesome twitch alerts, mixer, youtube gaming, animated overlay, free twitch graphics, custom alert
Id: Mg-QIjsaI_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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