Grandpa in My Pocket - Series 2 FULL EPISODE Compilation #3 - 75 MINS!

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[Music] catch me if you can [Music] [Music] [Music] grandpa in my pocket this is me Jason Mason and I live here in sunny sucks it's called Surrey sons because it's always sunny and it's by the sink this is mr. wopsle toy shop where you can buy anything and everything and here's Miss Smiley's cafe which serves the best ice cream sundaes in the world my dad loves working in his bike shop and we all love spending time at our beach house on the beach this is my house where I live with my mom dad sister Jemima example and his dog bear wolf bear wolf is a very clever dog as he loves playing games in fact we all love playing games of the day we were playing table football stars had bowled a table football game for the weekends I was on the road team with Grandpa and dad and Jemima on the blue team the whole family had got into the football mood Jemima had even dressed her dolls Peter and Persephone in football kit I've always been good at football Jamie can't play anymore grandpa yeah that's great shame then mum came into the garden she just had a phone call I've just had a phone call guess who's coming over cousin Alvin I told him about the table football he can't wait to have a go but I thought Alvin didn't like sport he didn't but he does now cousin Alvin is always changing sometimes he's into playing music sometimes he's into eating ice cream sometimes he's into dancing and sometimes he's into lying about on the sofa doing absolutely nothing but now cuz Navin was into this sport sports and more sport don't overdo it Alvin I'm okay I need to get really fit so I can winner everything oh so you're into winning are you of course there's no point in playing if you can't win yes this was the day we discovered that cousin Alvin was in it to win it go that's mind it wasn't long before Alvin was winning a table football free now free now I knew what grandpa was thinking let's make it four I think I'll go for a little lie-down [Music] I can't stand much more of this we've got to make Alvin see that it's okay to lose you'll never see that he just might if my plan works only I need to be small [Music] that's me if you can you know mine Grampa shrinks you can get up to all kinds of things you can drive off in my car he can even fly off in my plane he could share about you know sunny Sun strain you get into all sorts of very small places or he can just run for all his work but he wasn't the only one running Alvin was making every one job on the spot to see who could keep goin amongest first mum gave up I don't think I was meant to run then dad sorry I can't take anymore and finally Jemima you're too good - I knew I'd be time to put grandpa's plan into action so what can't you play next then don't look at me I'm worn out I think I'll go for a little lie down like grandpa how about some real football or rugby finals to get all of em inside I needed an idea and I needed it fast have a snap snap might not be my best idea that's not a sport are you saying you couldn't be such snap then I could easily be your snap bring it on so we went inside and started playing snap your turn Jason no stopping alone you threw a saucer Alvin was winning again if grandpa was going to do something he needed to do it now something just made me on the ankle has bad wolf got fleas no of course I knew it wasn't a flea it was grandpa oh that's not fair you're the one who said no stopping allowed Alvin fine gets hacked by a pesky little flea I'm not playing anymore it's a baby's game anyway who cares about winning a snap I want to play a proper spot why else have you got so your mine was suggested we play our tennis game great I'll easily be you [Music] [Applause] well you got havin to lose grandpa but he didn't find it fun it's gonna be worth another try anyway I'm rather enjoying being a pesky little flea so mum got the tennis game out of the garage and Jemima and Alvin started to play the pesky little fee ran into the garden and hid behind a flowerpot right next Alvin I was really worried that grandpa would be spotted but luckily everybody had their eyes on the ball so they didn't see the fleet creep out to nip Alvin on the ankle I think she did happen I didn't even News [Music] the good news was Jemima had won the game the bad news was that she and Alvin had fallen out I think you better stop being a flea grandpa it's just making things worse and now nobody's having fun don't you worry Jason I've got a much better idea you go and ask Alvin if you'd like to play table football with you I'll do the rest okay I'll easily be your table football as long as I don't get bitten again you want to give that dog a bath so I went into the garden with Alvin I had no idea what grandpa was planning until I saw on this rubber had taken his clothes off and put Peters foot pocket on this time Gramp had gone too far he was standing on the table pretending to be one of the footballers can I be the right team please yes okay ready to play [Music] one killer duck Luffy Alvin was so busy trying to win but you didn't notice that I had an extra player or that it was my extra player who's scoring all the goals [Applause] [Music] I haven't seen anyone pay like you how do you do oh I just relax and try to have fun you mean you don't care about winning not really weird well it's not a caring thing seems to work maybe she tried it at six no down I'm willing to try anything come on let's go for it we played on Rand Paul was doing a great job for my team and as for Alvin well he started not to care so much and the less he cared about winning the more we started to have fun go at last six months good shots Thanks nice one JC Thanks I don't believe it Alvin's losing and enjoying himself this was definitely worth waking up for oh that's it you've won Jason I don't know how he does it he's an incredible plan well done Alvin much much of course I couldn't tell him that the really incredible player was crumpled I really enjoyed that but I think I better go and get changed now I pick Ron power up put him in my pockets and rushed back indoors I'm sorry I was so annoying earlier Mona I just wanted to win too much that's okay we can play table football again after lunch if you like great I'll easily be your table football only joking I put crumpled down on the floor he ripped off his shrinking cap and came back to its normal size Oh Oh hope we did it Jason we got Alvin to have fun even when he was losing teamwork a teamwork Oh [Music] grandpa you ass you missed a great game did I we're going to play again you want to join us Oh No thank you Alvin I'm a bit too tired to play football Oh grandpa you don't have to actually play you're so funny [Music] grandpa in my pocket the beach is my favorite place and I love spending time at our beach huts and guess what someone new in town had just bought the beach hut or Behcet's and he works in the sunny sands bank and today mum hadn't wanted him around for a party and it was going to be a pirate party and the reason why we were having the pirate party was that although our new neighbor worked in a bank but he really really wanted to be was a pirate a pirate called her race yo heave ho now Horatio had only just found out that his great-great granddad grumpy beard was a pirate and that's why he wanted to be one too he loves his parents stinky who's a pretty boy then he loves his pirate ship what a fine vessel and he loves grumpy be it secret chest that he's never opened but most of all he loves roaring why don't we open the chest at the party with our new friends thinking so that's exactly what happens Horatio and unlock his great great granddad grumpy beards chest for the first time and in the chest there was a possible pattern and in the bottle there was a message that I buried will soon be in your hands so big until you find it on the beach that's funny Sam Holley's hands if I can dig up treasure I'll be a real pirate let's get digging me hearties no time to waste hey stinky absolutely to the beach you're better off at home digging is very tiring I'm coming too Jason but something a bit odd about Horatio I can't quite put my finger in but I think you're going to need my help [Music] that's me if you can you know when grandpa shrinks you can get up to all kinds of mischief he can fly off in my plane he can truth about in are so nice and strain I did say he was running around the girls who do thing oh yeah there was nothing I could do I / crumpled in my belts and run off to the others so the orbitons campo and off we went and Horacio said treasure imagine that we'll dig until we find it and I'll be a real pirate when we got to the beach we got some spades out of the hurt and everyone split up to dig in different places and I went into our beach hut to put Grampa down we can't let him dig up the whole beach Jason can take up the whole picture ratio until I find the treasure that's for real pirates do and I want to be a real pirate I reckon I reckon it's under there let's move everything out then we can knock down the hut and start digging I was really worried that he'd see grandpa but Grampa jumped into a jug on the table then the ratio picked up the table stop what's the matter well III I don't what's the matter Horatio wants to knock down our hearts to be well I I really would rather you didn't I want my treasure without my treasure I'm not a real pirate come and sit down they'll get you some water [Music] I'll get it I don't need calming down right you speak my treasure I grab the jug with gram power in it and rush inside that hmm that was close what we going to do grandpa well you keep him busy in a piratey way and I'll think of something okay I gave her ratio some water while I tried to think of a priority way of keeping him busy suddenly I thought of something metal singer Parvati song well we have a rest from digging great idea but I don't know any priority songs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I suddenly switched from paw at the door of the hut and what was he up to now I wondered I soon found out run horizontal featured joining in [Applause] [Laughter] suddenly a soul crumpled running towards Horatio's hat and then he disappeared under it well I know no song but I still don't have my treasure I'm not a real pirate if I can't dig up treasure oh but you are a real pirate yes you're definitely a real pirate well why am i a real pirate well yo yo you're you're very I'm you're very brave yes you're very brave oh you are you're incredibly brave come on yes you can wrong yes I suppose that's true I am brave and I can roar like a real pirate of course are you exactly who you Pig Scotty sea monster was grandpa get him over here as quick as you can okay I'm no good as a pirate I didn't know any priority songs I'm not brave but I still don't have my treasure Horatio I maybe we can get some ice creams lovey you have a little rest and we'll get the ice cream and I'll stay and guard the beach hut in case he has any more ideas about knocking it down I'm never gonna be a real pirate stinky not like grumpy beard am i oh you're not yes you are who's that of course you are don't be alarmed me old hearty I'm captain teeny toes the smallest pirate ever to sail the seven seas yes I can see you are really ever so small ever so small by ever so clever you see today pirates don't have to dig up treasure they don't oh who needs treasure when they got friends friends who are friends like the Mason family for instance think of all the fun you can have together on this lovely beach no you wouldn't want to dig all that up there would you mom so charming and bubbly dad so kind and helpful Jemima so pretty and so full of fun and Jason bright young lad always ready to lend a hand and then of course there's grandpa well the funny old man you mean he might be old and funny but he's he's really quite wonderful you know is he who are everybody wants to be a friend of grandpa grandpa's a genius well I never read over yeah it came back with the ice creams and I handed one to Horatio out of the corner of my eye I saw grandpa about to jump off the pirate ship how are you feeling Horatio I'll tell you I'm feeling I'm feeling like a real pirate I am i de dream you see and in my dream a tiny little pirate called captain teeny toast spoke to me and said to be a real pirate you don't mean treasure you just need friends and I've got all of youse my friends all of you and grandpa of course I'm told is a genius at the end of the afternoon I took my genius cramp at home and rushed inside ahead of everyone else I put him down on the floor he whipped off his shrinking cap and came back to his normal size still it Jason we stopped our new friend Horatio from digging up our Beach wit tea grandpa aren't you know my chorus teamwork teamwork today Oh grandpa I'm so glad you didn't come with us exhausting but I'm sure Horatio will come and visit you soon he thinks you're a genius Oh wonder where you got that idea from we managed to stop him from pulling down our beach hut and digging for treasure well that is good I always say my friends are my treasure that's odd that's what captain tini - says who don't worry umpire you wouldn't understand [Music] grandpa in my pocket it was Saturday and there was great excitement in our house mum and dad will go into a wedding so guess who'd come to look after us you left yet you should be gone vine greats part Loretta grandpa's sister it's alright unless we've got plenty of time what there's a traffic jam what is Campo breaks down who never breaks down don't hurry back and with that great honor Etta ran upstairs she's up to something I can smell it I'm ready ready for what ready take a knee hurts my great plan not so great plan long life yes this was the day we found out about great-aunt Berettas not-so-great plan good give mom and dad a big surprise I'm going to redecorate this room for them you can't do that oh yes I can this needs lining up we need bright colors fancy pattern it needs no such thing don't worry you like it I'm getting somebody in to help ah somebody who knows all about decorating an expert an expert yes Roger Roger yes Roger Roger Roger Roger now we need to cover everything come on Jemima come and help me find some dishes and you Jason hurry Oh Rogers blood you're here meet my new acropolis thinking it's not a great plan Jason it's a terrible plan Rogers Roger has got to be stopped that's me if you can when Grandpa shrinks is no knowing what you'll get up to he can run so fast I can't catch him he can fly on board and my toys evil he can eat you chuff around in our sunny son's train and he can hide in very small places it's come for a little I dare not suppose it's just as well he's only getting the way and so will you and sadly you go on all three of you you can come back when it's all done and soon watch ASP lodger arrived right got my paintbrush at the ready let's get started how'd your sis got a clear the place first now you put all those ornaments into the box I know what I'm doing I'm an expert I am this was a disaster Roger Roger was taking things off the shelves where grandpa was hiding there was no time for him to escape any moment would you would see him and he did Oh a letter come and look at this awful ornament I've got lots of awful ornaments just put it in the box [Music] some wallpaper Oh smashing wallpapers new choose from I'm an expert at wallpapering iron war just blodger and great on Loretta was so busy looking a wallpaper that they didn't notice grandpa peering out the box - we'll have all three say and we'll have them each stripe I'm an expert at stripes iron mm-hmm grandpa didn't like this one bit he knew it would look horrible he had to do something ruff now you could sum lengths of paper argon mix and paste great you can be my helper now you can be mine it was time for grandpa to put his plan into action he wanted to do something to stop Roger from being able to get on so he pushed a roll of wallpaper onto the floor Roger Roger was a bit confused [Music] then grandpa pushed another roll onto the floor Raja Bhoja was even more confused then grandpa pushed another one Roger Roger went back to the coffee table grandpa was hiding behind a pay pot any moment Roger would see him and he did Oh Don I know I put you in the box what's going on [Music] meanwhile we're watching great on Loretta mixing up the wallpaper paste don't you know it's rude to stare go away shoo strange things going on first of all paper rolls off the table all by itself now I've got a moving open to that time to bother about ornaments your job we've got it how to decorate come on drop rates on the rest and watch a spudger got on with the wallpapering grandpa choked out to the box again and hid behind a pot of paste I should do the pasting grandpa pushed the paste pot with all his might great on the matter had hurt her foot soon Roger had found some frozen chips to put on it's because he couldn't find any peace I'll forget that wallpaper I know what he'll be quicker we'll paint the walls we'll have bright orange on this wall and deep purple on this wall they definitely would grandpa's favorite colors he needed to stop Rogers Roger before it was too late well Roger spot you was stirring the orange paint grandpa jumped onto the shelves behind great-aunt Loretta Joey the corner yeah I want to see if it's bright enough Roger Roger brought the pot of paint over to show great on Loretta grandpa was standing in his ornament pose again this time he wanted ROG to see him and he did [Music] [Music] so expert you are it's not my fault if that ornament it moved again I'm sick of you and your ornaments what ornament where is it there look it's gone again that's because it was never there you're imagining things clean myself orphanage great on the writer never says the word toilet out loud because she thinks it's rude and you're gonna start painting but launcher supporter was alone to stop painting he was going to stop looking for the ornament right show yourself where are you this time grab had gone too far the ornament is running from one hiding place to another how you come how you coming any minute Rogers bodger was going to catch him you down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we couldn't stay outside a moment longer what's the matter what are you looking for it's this ornament it's a little old man and he keeps moving it's been giving me the wind lands all morning it made me spill paint on Loretta I think it's alive you think an ornament is alive and that one which grandpa ran through the kitchen Jemima why don't you come check on Brita Loretta I don't have to miss a spudger yet stuff is happening and nobody believes me I believe you weird stuff happens here all the time I think how she's tried to tell him so she doesn't want to be decorated you really think that I do I'd leave before anything else even weirder happens just try and stop me I'm off you can do your decorating yourself and with that Roger right out of the door as soon as he'd gone Crandall came out of his hiding place cap off grandpa quick he took a fish rincon cap I came back to his normal size Oh smart thinking Jason we stopped Loretta and Rogers blodger from ruining our lovely home teamwork eh yes grandpa t work we cleared up it's everything back where it belonged just before mom and dad came home everybody's looking very clean and tidy somebody's been busy I'll go get out of this stuffy suit and I've got to get out of this ridiculous dress [Music] that's the last time I get in an expert I can tell you I'm glad to hear it that Roger splodge it was a nightmare oh no grandpa you never even met him [Music] grandpa in my pocket wonderful mr. whoops had invited me and my sister Jemima to his toy shop we were very excited because it was our turn to pick mr. whoops his toy of the week mr. whoops it's called mr. whoops because he's always having little accidents if he falls over things whoops he falls off things whoops he even trips over his own feet I wish I could come and help you choose I love mr. whoops a shop sorry grandpa it's a kids everything and we've got to go now I'll get that mum kids only I knew what grandpa was thinking I think I should come too you might need my help catch me if you can you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks he can get in my toy car make it go he can joke about in are so nice and stream [Music] sometimes he just runs about for all he's worth as I can't catch him and today he done just that haven't you mind coming quick hide before I could stop him grandpa jumped into Jemima back has he I expect all that singing tired him out come on Jason so off we went in Campo to Mister whoops his toy shop and mum said are you the only two children going and I said I think so when we arrived guess who was there - [Music] Floyd Floyd lives in the house opposite and he goes to my school he loves boasting I'm gonna get he loves playing shows that he always wants everything his own way okay you can be the goalie so it won't surprise you to know that Floyd wanted his own way about the toy of the week this one I'm sure I want to see that jigsaw mister whoops had one of his little accidents just then grandpa jumped out of Jemima is back now you know what he's like when he's in a toy shop he has the most wonderful time because mr. Webster's toy shop is grandpa's favorite place in the whole world and he always finds something new to play with [Music] so we all started looking for the toy of the week hey Jason what's about this Jemima had found a puppet this is good to have you got their puppets let me have a go hmm don't think much of this this would first start pathetic I'm not stupid trousers no way can this be toe of the week it's too babyish love him he's so cute actually I've got more puppets and a whole puppet theater out the back we could put on a show okay as long as you do it my way right this way well the others went to fetch the puppet theater I stayed behind to talk to Grandpa this purpose sure will never work you're not Floyd's like he always wants to take over don't worry I'll get him interested in something else I don't know what yet but I'll find something [Music] try to push up the puppet theater grandpa climbed inside a furry pencil case Oh mr. whips had another little accident need a bandage mr. worth thank you it was time for grandpa to put his plan into action pencil case just back well it did [Music] look starting his hair hey mister whoops this is cool well bless my bowtie whoo wow I had no idea it was a barking pencil case of course it wasn't a barking pencil case it was a barking grandpa you've done it Jason now we can do our show I don't want to do your silly show anymore I'm playing with this I'm gonna call it Nigel after my dad while we played with the puppets grandpa played with Floyd all was going well until Jemima got her strings tangled up Oh No what a mess that's because he would listen to me sausage fingers it growled at me how does it know what I'm saying I've got a computer inside of sin saying this was a disaster any moment Floyd was going to find grandpa and just then our friends Izzy Tora and Shanna arrived just what we need an audience rying to do a puppet show you mean this is what happens when you don't do it my way well everyone was looking at the puppets I ran over to Nigel phew that was close Floyd was making me cross bossy Jemima about like that but I know just how we can stop him now this is what we'll do so should the puppet theatre be the toy of the week I can attack the strings for you will you thanks Jason and while we're waiting everyone else can have fun trying out my new toys well nobody was looking I put the clown puppets and face paints into the dolls house I wasn't sure what grandpa was going to do with them but it was all part of his plan unfortunately Floyd had a plan too while grandpa ran into the dolls house Freud decided to play a joke on mr. whoops like this and Mister whoops had yet another little accident well everybody was helping mr. whoops I went to see how grandpa was getting on hey it's no grandpa I'm ready you can open the door this time grandpa had gone too far he was wearing the planned wig and costume and had painted his face come on Jason it's show time everybody sat down to watch our show I had the animal puppets and jemima had the clown of course she had no idea that it was actually grandpa dancing on the end of the strings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're absolutely brilliant look I'm sorry I bust you about I didn't realize how good you were that's okay Floyd nor did I the good news was that the clown puppet was voting a toy of the week the bad news was the toy of the week had to hang in the shop window Dora Shan a and is you'd gone home but I was worried about grandpa he couldn't spend all week sitting in the window I needed to get him out but how before I could do anything mum arrived to take us home [Music] that little clown looks very lonely all by itself looks like it wants somebody to buy him and that gave me idea while none bought the clown puppet or rather grandpa I got the real puppet out of the doors house and so I put grandpa's clothes in my bag there we go you mum drove us home in Campo me Jemima and Grandpa i sat on my own at the back so that grandpa could take off his face paint and change India's own clothes then I put the clown's costume back on the puppet we managed to swap just in time I rushed in ahead of everyone else and took grandpa out of my pocket he whipped off his shrinking cap and came back to his normal size we didn't Jason we stopped Floyd from bossing Jemima about and we picked a toy of the week and all it took was a little teamwork yes grandpa t work are you awake we picked a really cute clown puppet ah here it is I pulled a few Jemima Oh Jason Thanks we did this great show grandpa pity you missed it yes I like a bit of clowning around oh very good especially your agent yes my Khan danced better though [Music] grandpa in my pocket today dad had brought me grandpa and my sister Jemima to a favorite place our beach huts on the beach [Music] we'd only been here for a few minutes when who should we see coming around the corner [Music] mr. whoops mr. whoops is called mr. whoops because he's always having little accident he falls over things whoops things he trips over his own feet mr. whoops hello mr. whoops what have you got there then I'm doing my bit for sunny sands picking up the litter making the beach all squeaky clean oh look there's another bit I think I've twinge something in my bad self nervously oh I'm so sorry thank you you chill I can't believe I was so clumsy thank you what you need mr. whoops is some kind of machine to help you pick up all this litter then you wouldn't have to bend your back oh yes grandpa was right what mister whoops needed was the perfect little litter picker dad offered to take mr. whoops that's his toy shopping camp that's very kind so long as it is very trouble I don't want to be any trouble just then who should turn up mr. men to the inventor the bottom of the afternoon to you all the very person to invent a little picker for mr. whoops a little picker tell me more mr. Mantha the inventor lives in the lighthouse in science he's always coming up with really crazy inventions like this the grassy bubble Jumper only the folks like tea from more than he did then as this the automatic Harris static that gives you a new hairstyle every day and this the hopper Papa Panov flapper [Music] everyone loves going to visit him in the lighthouse and trying things out and he likes trying out other people's inventions - I'd love to invent a little picker for mr. whoops it's a fab ridiculous idea mr. lamb doesn't just invent things he invents words as well let's go to my lighthouse and see what we can do wait the lighthouse - well I just have a little lie-down in the beach art okay I knew grandpa had no intention of having a little lie-down as soon as the others turned their backs out came his shrinking cap grandpa [Applause] catch me if you can now you know in front paw shrinks he can make my toys go he can get into my car and drive it spouts he can fly off in my plane he can chuff around in our sunny sands train and he can even make gold in my toy seagulls fly oh he can just run so fast as I can't keep up with him and this time he done just that I had no idea where he'd got to Jason see you later [Music] not the lighthouse mr. manta was turning out box after box of stuff to see what he could find to make a litter picker Franco would surely be on his way and I guessed how I needed to distract your mine and mr. mentor miss Meza how about looking on my shelf over there okey-dokey I managed to do that just in time and in flew grandpa [Music] well I don't know perhaps there's something brilliant so in here [Music] while they carried on looking grandpa started to have fun he climbed up onto a shelf and ran along it jumped slid down and made a dinghy sing ping it's my finger ding at all it's never worked before now it's pinging and dinging and donging [Music] no idea what it's working just then grandpa made a worthy thing World goodness my worldly wheelie Whizzer is whirling and wheeling and whizzing it's not a little bigger it's a whirly wheely wizard quite different my dear grandpa then popped a horn and it says a whole lots of other horns popping it's a miracle my poppy toot-toot is popping and tootling what's going on no idea but it just goes to show you never know when an invention is going to start working or why and just then I saw grandpa jumping into something I've just had a spectacular idea we can use this for the litter picker oh I think we can do better than that mentor Jason mr. Menton knows what he's doing but but but there's no ways to plug it in on the beach you're quite right Jason let's look over here grandpa ghosts are just a cross box and ran across the floor next thing I knew he was standing next to a peculiar looking birds and pointing at it what is it I'm a little little picker I'm a little little pickup brilliant hang on it just spoke probably things seem to have a life of their own in here today oh I think it'll be wonderful yeah it needs a bit of work on the in side and bit of work on the outside knobs leavers and strings but then it'll be the perfect little little pickup so after others have welcomed me inside and a bit of work on the outside mr. mentor had this it had knobs and levers and strings and mr. manta walks around showing us how it worked you just pulled a lever and its head went down and it packed up the litter how Wonder bubble is that speck top Laurie Wonder bubble fabulous absolutely fabulous mr. whoops so I dialed mr. whoopsies number to tell him to come straight away and very soon he arrived whoops let me present you with the perfect little litter picker mr. woo I love it I love it I'm mr. whoops start try out the letter picker but you know it's not working I think something snapped inside Oh No I've broken it how could I be so clumsy grandpa had a plan he chucked inside ELISA picker and tried to find out what it broken Oh Jason was right the string that makes his mouth workers snapped Wow I can fix that in the blink of an eye I meant it you clever boy let me see Jason I didn't really want to hand the bird back to mr. whoops because grandpa was still inside hand it over Jason yes go on I want to see it working again I'll be very careful this time to start with mr. whoops was very careful Jemima put some bits of litter for the bird to pick up and the bird said I'm the perfect Africa I'm a vicar I don't remember inventing the talking bit but there are so many things I don't remember inventing because I meant all the time you see who's a lovely little picker a do you want to coach am I not no as you know when grandpa gets into things he can make the girl so now he was making the little bigger fly he flew right out of the lighthouse window this time Crump had gone too far it's incredible mr. Manta it tooks and it flies I don't remember inventing the flying bit either behind the beach elissa beacon landed at the beach hurts and Grampa jumped out as we arrived I just caught sight of him running towards the beaches so as the others ran to the bird I ran to Grandpa he was trying to find somewhere out of sight of the others so he could take his cut quick you Jason mr. whoops got is a little bigger and it's all down to us yes grandpa I cook teamwork teamwork you should have seen it grandpa later Jemima couldn't stop talking about it it was just amazing mr. whoops was certainly very pleased can you believe yes I can't mr. mentor is an excellent inventor and it talked it says I'm the perfect little litter picker yes grandpa how did you know oh I've known a lot of little little Pickers in my time and they all sound the same Oh grandpa [Music] sambhar in my pocket there was a lots going on in the Mason house today mum was in the kitchen doing her legs his hobby making fancy dress costumes could you ever see and it was this great operator who was dressing up mmm we were all going to the sunny sounds fancy dress party we all had to be fairy tale characters what's that funny laugh on the other side of your face when you see what you're wearing grandpa have to try your costume on you too Jason what do you think we're gonna be Jason I hope it's something good like a knight in shining armor I fancy being a giant for her to make a change but mum had other ideas for us yes we were going to the fancy dress party as big elf little elf [Music] what do you think very nice very nice we don't look very nice we look very fantastical and very fairy tale-like I know especially me I know but you taken so long making these that you're going to run out of time I know I've still got dad auntie Mames costume definition I haven't even started on my own exactly you need help luckily I know someone who's absolutely brilliant at making costumes my very good friend mrs. matter daddy mrs. Mehra daddy where's the most amazing and unusual clothes like this and face and here she is now mrs. mereaux Daugherty makes them all herself I came as soon as I heard the terrible news what terrible news I gather you have a costume crisis addressing up disaster a fancy-dress fiasco I just said we need to do it well you need an enormous amount of help who make these dreadful costumes I did I thought they were rather good no darling the colors clash the versatile big disgusting short your world is bent and what are you two supposed to be big Alf I'm miss laughs but you can't possibly be elves everybody knows that elves wear green you cannot have a red elf and they don't wear big beards like this these are for gnomes and what about your caps everybody knows that elsweyr flower petal caps actually this is exactly what elves look like oh yes and how would you know you've never seen one unless you're telling me you have elves at the bottom of your girls I think I'd better get on things weren't going very well for grandpa and they were about to get a whole lot worse I don't know what we can use the grandpa's flower petal kept this whole thing rumbles cuppers magic and when he puts it on he shrinks like this and this and this catch me if you can I'm the only one who knows about crumples much drinking cap and we couldn't have everybody finding out about it now that would be a disaster give it back Loretta I won't it doesn't know Oh try it on for me please darling no I don't want to don't you tell well come on don't be a silly L oh I had to do something if mrs. Mehra Dottie cook crumples cap on his head everybody was going to get the shock of their lives oh now he's gone for a little lie-down matter darling once I've turned this into a divine flower petal cap you'll never want to take it off now show me what everybody else is wearing my things darling so off she went to make grandpa a flower petal cap and to see what everyone else was wearing it's the right ground while they're gone we've got to get the shrinking cap back Jason but the shrinking cap was already a flower petal cap and now you don't look like a king you look like a strawberry ice cream sundae the britches are too tight the shirts no trust me enough and the crown is too big I thought I looked perfect so did I I didn't and who are you a fairytale princess of course more like a kitchen maid you'd look better in a sleeping bag darling but not to worry I can fix it I can fix anything see what I mean a flower petal trap fixed right let's see what it looks like on grandpa don't lurk Jason I can't stand lurking [Applause] Oh grandpa happy so lazy coming out trying a cap on no oh he always was awkward ever since he was a little boy let me try it myself better he might do it for me oh thank you Jason what a helpful little elf you are I owe you grandpa miss Amanda daddy wants you in the garden the good news was I had grandpa shrinking cap the bad news was it was covered in flower petals good if you're employed you can come out now well done Jason of course grandpa being grandpa had a plan so mrs. Mehra dartie wants to see me in the garden does she write shrinking cat please Jason quickly then shrimp off shrink you know what grandpa's like when he's got a plan there's no stopping him Alfie ran through the sitting room [Music] and across the kitchen there are too many people about I've got to get her on our own okay [Music] I'll see what I can do yeah where's grandpa did he put his cap on oh yes you think so too where is he um I'm not sure come back to bed I expect I never knew such a lazy elf oh it's no good they're still not working they look dreadful ghastly a complete and utter disaster what are we going to do I need a clever idea you're not going to rip some up and start from scratch are you mrs. Mehra daddy uh-huh that's the clever idea no way I love my costumes I got Riddick Jemima so do I I'm dad I am actually a card like mine as well I'm great operetta how dare you run away like that come back oh this is too much too much now I just had to get rid of more working with an artiste of the very highest quality what are we going to do I expect mrs. Mehra daddy would like a cup of tea I think we could all do with one now it was up to grandpa [Music] well well well if it isn't the famous costume maker mrs. Mary Donny come back I want to talk to you now now there's nothing to be scared of not everyone gets to meet a real live elf sure yes but of course I'm an elf red joking red trousers fluffy white beard pointy shoes what else could I be but a cupid laughs I don't know I've never seen it a cute little elf before this time cramp had gone too far oh you're do you look just like grandpa and Jason too right I do and dad looks just like a fairytale King and Jemima is exactly like a fairytale princess are you sure well I should know I come from fairytale land after war and ask for Loretta she's the spitting image of all the values I've ever met oh darling I had no idea how sweet of you to tell me you don't have to do a thing with those costumes they're perfect just as they are I understand darling you go home and leave them to it but don't tell anyone you met me no one will believe you anyway it could be our secret promise and with that grandpa jumped off her hand and was gone Oh how'd you sleep off the flower petal cab right cup of tea daddy no thanks darling I'm going home you don't need me you're a wonderful costume maker I just want to say you are absolutely divine as if you just stepped out of a fairy tale I must now to make my own costume see you at the party I always knew she was peculiar I rushed out to the garden just as grandpa tamati was hiding place he took off his flower petal shrinking cap and came back to his normal size you make a great health grandpa so do you Jason teamwork a teamwork we all happen to finish the costumes and soon we were ready to go to the sunny sands fancy dress party dad was a king jimana was a princess kraton Loretta was a fairy and mum was a pumpkin you look divine I know come on let's go put your cap on grandpa I don't think so [Music] sampling my pocket today we were playing the captained humble twit boardgame davon Jemima had take a Wolfie out for the day and lund was in the garden practicing her latest hobby juggling when suddenly one of her friends drop by yes it was mr. whoops mr. whoops is called mr. works because his always having little accidents off things he falls over things he even trips over his own feet whoops what a beautiful music box mr. whoops I know I fell in love with it the moment I saw it and I know just the person to give it to miss smiley she loves music and this musical box plays such a lovely tune I've even made up a song to go with it and I'm going to the cafe to sing it to her yes today was today mr. work she was going to sing a song for Miss smile to tell you the truth I'm a bit nervous about singing it to her you need some practice that's exactly why I'm here I was hoping to sing my song to you first oh that would be lovely yes please mr. whoops sing away we're not pretend to be miss smiley I have to wind the box up first to make the music play before that I need the key it's at the back here mr. whips turned the box around but the key wasn't there the keys not there that's odd perhaps I put it in my pocket but the key wasn't in mr. Webster's pockets either perhaps you dropped it in the garden you had this lack sit in there remember oh yes I did I knew what grandpa was thinking mr. whoops is going to need our help Jason and I'll be more help to him if I'm small catch me if you can you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks you can get in my car and make it go he can fly off in my plane you can get into our Sam SANNs train and chuffa round oh he can just run for all he's worth run behind they're coming back no luck I'm afraid the keys gone missing so was grandpa by the look of it don't belittle lie down i SPECT maybe the keys in the toy shop I had a little accident there - whoops Jason's a very good looker that's good because I'm a terrible looker shall we go best of luck now brother would have to find a way to get to the toy shop by himself and he did [Music] soon we arrived at mr. whoopsies toy shop luckily mr. whoops was busy looking for the key so he didn't notice grandpa flying [Music] I quickly hit the plane and Grampa quickly hit himself they were just in time the keys not down there maybe it's on the top shelf I'll fetch a ladder I found the key Jason it was in the fire engine catch I've got the key mr. Watts Jason you are a good look of course I couldn't tell him but the real good looker was grandpa where did we put the musical box you must have left it at our house whoops how silly of me we have to go back and get it I'll just put this ladder away safety first and all that are you coming grandpa of course I'll race you grandpa jumped off the shelf and brand his plane he took off from flew out of the shop ready when you are mr. whoops grandpa easily won the race back home which wasn't surprising as we were walking and he was flying now all I need is the key what did I do with it I knew grandpa had to be somewhere then I saw him waving to me from behind the chair got it phew I'd say for us mr. Webster I mean for me well I'm going to give it a try ma-ma-ma-ma-ma actually I think I need a glass of water first sir mr. whoops run off to the kitchen and grandpa run after him just a check though he wasn't going to have another little accident [Music] mr. whoops found a glass oh my wonky glasses oh my wobbly bottom I've had a little accident a plughole oh that's it it's lost forever now I'll never be able to wind up the musical box or play the lovely music or sing my song for miss my Oh mr. Watts are you here we'll never find the key now oh yes we will I told you I'd be more use if I was small but grandpa you not small enough to fit down the plughole no but I am small enough to climb up the pipe at the other end so we went outside and found the other end of the pipe and grandpa crawled up it how you doing got it I'll send it down [Music] you're so brave grandpa oh it was nothing I'm a bit damp though and a bit smelly now I had the key we could all go to miss Miley's cafe me mum mr. whoops and Grandpa of course hiding in my pocket as soon as we arrived krumper choked out he climbed onto the shelves so we could get a rate of view mr. Watts was feeling nervous lovely surprise have you come for some of my summer mess no no I haven't come to eat I've come to give you this it's much more than just a box I'll show you all you need is this little key I don't believe it I've lost the key again help you find it so we all started looking for 13 I couldn't see it anywhere but I could see these this time grandpa had gone too far he taken off his clothes and was running around the cafe in his pants I was wondering where grandpa had got to but I didn't have to wonder for long because the next thing I saw was this the key was in thus my son a mess pudding and so was grandpa [Music] crumple get just a quick before somebody eat you for pudding [Music] while mr. whoops was getting ready to sing grandma had cleaned himself up and was back in his clothes I put the key in the back of the music box and wound it up the music started to play and mr. whoops started to sing miss my delicious miss Miley I love what sizzling sausage dude I'm a fan of a tropical smoothies too I adore her girl he great delight and a cherry chunks all red and white there's no one as highly as miss smiley scrumptious miss smiley happy Aleta have feet treat but the chocolate sundaes taste so sweet when it comes to puddings I must confess you just can't beat this [Music] smiley misma when the song was over I put grandpa back in my pockets and we all came home I rushed in ahead of everyone else and puts crumpled down on the floor he ripped off his shrinking cap and came back to his enormous size was a bit messy Jason we did it teamwork [Music] mr. whoops kept losing the key and Jason kept finding it he's such a good looker just like his grandpa well it was all worth it miss smiley absolutely loved her song I'm sure she did miss scrumptious miss my brother how come you know the two Oh expect I heard it before somewhere [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 251,395
Rating: 4.3476701 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full episodes youtube, grandpa shrinking cap, popular kids tv show, comedy kids tv, popular kids show, funny video kids, cbeebies, cbeebies grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket series 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2, grandpa in my pocket full episodes, grandpa in my pocket in it to win it, grandpa in my pocket compilation, hour long compilation, kids tv
Id: 7ppwfvt6jgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 30sec (4710 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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