Grandpa in My Pocket - Series 3 FULL EPISODE Compilation #1 | 75+ Minutes

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[Music] catch me if you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when powering my pocket it was Christmas Eve in sunny sands and we were going to have a special Christmas Eve supper right on Loretta was busy making stuffing and mum was busy writing a Christmas song I need to put lots of Christmassy things into it any ideas how about stuffing right okay Oh Christmas is such a magical time silly grandpa yes dear my stuffing I don't believe in all this magic license you don't believe in the magic of Christmas Susie about that and off went grandpa I mean really Christmas is all about magic elves and flying reindeer father Christmas friggin prizes quite unfair is oh yes grandpa was going to teach great on Loretta all about the magic of Christmas soon our Christmas tree was up and it was time for a trip to mr. smileys cafe we always go to miss my knees on Christmas Eve at tea time suppose you'll be hoping for the magic Christmas cake grandpa the only way to prove to Loretta that Christmas is a magical time is to try if you can the grandpa was determined to try a little magic of zone now as you know I'm the only one who knows about grandpa's magic shrinking cap and nobody else can find out when he shrinks everyone else thinks he's gone for a little lie-down when in fact he's getting up to all kinds of mischief he drives off in my car he flies about in my plane and he hides in all kinds of very small places today I had no idea where he was suddenly I swim but just then I heard it was mister like a biker mister like a biker is called mister like a biker because he's always saying things like oh I like a subtle way he likes everything to do with bikes everything so it was no surprise that his Christmas present to us was I saw grandpa running he jumped up onto the dresser why don't we put it up here right well you can all see it well it's grandpa oh he's being a sulky socks and having a little lie down because I said I don't believe in the magic of Christmas oh but everybody believes in back [Music] suddenly Crocker went on with all the boughs and poppers jingling and jangling like crazy like a biker how did you do that it wasn't me it was magic Oh everyone was so busy laughing but they didn't see grandpa jump off the shelf into my pocket right come on everyone Oh miss smiley won't have any cakes left house we'll see you later mr. mica mica for Christmas Eve supper and a singsong Oh like a things on I do so offer your wenting Campo to miss Smiley's cafe miss Mayer is called miss smiley because she's always smiling and what's more she makes the most delicious treats ever and today she'd may sunny sands Christmas cupcakes grandpa had jumped out of my pocket and was up on a shelf mr. mentor I've got an extra special surprise for you wait till you hear what it is I'm all ears mr. mentor the inventor lives in the lighthouse in the sunny south he's always inventing weird and wonderful things and sometimes he even invent some things but he doesn't even know he's invented he was very excited about its present form is smiley [Music] popular Christmas pudding it's absolutely wonderful mr. Monta invents words as well as things thank you so much miss smiley I'll bring it with me this evening for supper I was the only one who saw what grandpa did next he jumped into the pudding Christmas is such a magical time isn't it someone else going on about magic it is mr. Mentos I'm even writing a song about the magic of Christmas I'm trying to put in lots of sunny sands Christmasy things I've got him stuffing yes and a tree and Oh a reef tingaling's and a pudding the change Lulu Lulu Lulu it's a magical bubble pudding nonsense that was you mr. mental you're always inventing things that talk and sing I suppose I am without even knowing it and now I've invented a singing pudding you want to come to the lighthouse and see all the other remarkable things I've invented Loretta oh come right away mr. mental before I could do anything grandpa went off to the lighthouse and mr. mantis pudding while great-aunt Loretta was admiring mr. Mendes Christmas inventions grandpa big grandpa has a plan Santa you invented there mr. mentor what does it do well at the moment I'm not quite sure but I am sure that whenever it does what it's supposed to do it will be remarkable will be it will be now I've just got to pop over to mr. whoopsie shop he had a few last-minute bits and pieces I'll see you for supper tonight at that moment grandpa made his way towards the little Santa in the sleigh he was up to something of course I didn't know what grandpa was up to but I needed to get to the lighthouse to rescue him oh look at our fairy she's so old and tatty do we really need a new fairy dad we really do hey let's go to the lighthouse and ask mr. mater to invent us a new fairy if mr. mentor invents a fairy Jason there's no knowing what it might do but mr. whoops is bound to have fairies in his toy shop yeah let's go to mr. Watson so off we went to mr. Webster shop and while Jemima was choosing a ferry great on the rudder was choosing wrapping paper and guess who else was there this is Robbie Floyd he goes to my school and he thinks everything is rubbish you can't have Christmas without fairies now can you it's a magical time oh you're into this Christmas magic stuff too mr. wolf of course I am I'm not it's Robbie I didn't really want to be here I wanted to be in the lighthouse rescuing grandpa but I'm millions of worried grump on you exactly how to escape from the lighthouse on a slain remarkable book just as I thought a flying sleigh magic stuff fairies elves and as for Santa flying on a sleigh but at that very moment in Santa only it wasn't Santa of course it was grandpa's he can never resist a trip to mr. whoops his shop and luckily I was there no that looks like magic to me nonsense it's one of mr. mentis inventions he said he'd do something remarkable and he just asked do you be wondering where it's gone Jomon was just about to pick up grandpa don't I mean hurry you you have chosen a fairy yes could grandpa change Freud's minds magic oh yes I brought the sleigh home to give back to mr. Menton later on the truth grandpa was really tired I think we should wait till suppertime before we wake him up oh if you say so Jason now then I must add Santa to my song he's the most magical thing about Christmas isn't he he's magic that [Music] hurry up and get back in your clothes grandpa but we haven't managed to persuade Loretta that Christmas is magical yet I've got another idea the fairy well grandpa puts his next plan into action everyone arrived we were just waiting for great on the matter if you stop being a soapy socks about all magic nonsense Oh goody-goody Oh said Oh goody-goody I did I'm the magical Christmas fairy don't be frightened I'm a good fairy I make all the magic I don't believe in all that magic I'm more down-to-earth about Christmas I am I do things like stuffing you should try a nice nothing YUM it is but now I've seen you I think Christmas might be a magical time after all what's the matter Loretta how do you sit down fine but you spins sprinkles Christmas magic very speedily grandpa got out at the fairy dress and choked down from the tree he whipped off a shrinking cap and came back to his normal size we convinced Loretta about Christmas magic in the nick of time Jason we did grandpa even if it did mean you had to be a fairy that teamwork I call it [Music] [Music] there are lots of special treats and the lights on the Christmas magic [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sharing the magic clock soon it will be time for us to hang up our stockings and the real Christmas magic will begin it's magic it's magic yes this is the magic [Music] Kampai in my pocket today dad's got us all involved in a big plan nothing like a good clear out we have so much junk for the charity shop look it's hey you can't take this to the charity shop mr. porky my piggy bank I made him when I was a boy he's he's a bit well ordinary ordinary ordinary there's nothing ordinary about mr. porky of course grandpa was right mr. porky was no ordinary pig but it's broken Jemima and this boats of yours doesn't work either Jason but maybe we commend it yes maybe I can mend them Jason but if I'm going to do that it would be better if I was small grandpa can do all kinds of things when he's small he can run so fast I can't catch him he can get into the tiniest of places and his magic can make my toys were like my car I'm a plane I'm the only one who knows but his magic shrinking PAP and no one else is allowed to find out as usual I had no idea where Grandpa beside him and then I heard he was in July miss carousel hi they're coming so grandpa got out of the boats I went through the door in the middle of the carousel in no time at all grandpa had mended something inside and it was working Oh grandpa come for a little lie down has he Jason you're brilliant I can't keep it can't I - you can keep it yes it's going in my room you are off to the charity shop mr. porky and mr. porky wasn't alone no please let me keep my book dad but it's broken Jason if anyone could mend my boat it would be grandpa I needed an idea and I needed it fast hey I know and start taking these things to the charity shop why do we bring Mr Man to the inventor maybe he confessed something out of the things that don't work now Mr Man to the inventor lives in the lighthouse in science he's always coming up with really crazy inventions like this the automatic hero static that gives you a new hairstyle every day and this the hopper Papa Panov fluffer [Music] oh yes mr. mint invents things out of all kinds of junk he loves junk so dad called mr. mentor and grandpa slid down the banisters and cut into the garden and this is what happened oh yes grandpa got into my broken boats and his magic made it go they thought I'd mended it and just then mr. Muntz arrives oh now that is a ridiculous bit of junk no no mr. mentor the jugs inside come on I'll show you oh there was no time to lose grandpa climbed onto the top of the boat and I picked him up oh I was enjoying that I don't know but you'll be needed inside now there's no knowing what mr. Mensa will choose next I hope it isn't mr. porky mr. porky oh he's absolutely Wonder bubble I could invent no end of things with this pig anything else you fancy well dad and Jemima showed things to mr. mentor grandpa ran from his hiding place he climbed up the table leg and got into the pig this time grandpa had gone too far no I don't fancy anything else mr. porky is all I could ever want this was a disaster I'll show you out see you soon and off went grandpa to the lighthouse inside mr. porky [Music] now then what am I going to do with you mr. pokey I have no idea but I'm sure we'll come up with something oh you spoke of course I did oh this is wonder bubble I have just invented a talking pig without even trying you have you are one of the most remarkable inventors in the universe oh how about you give me a lick of paint so I don't look so ordinary a lick of paint of course ha ha and a new curly wurly tail oh we can't have a pig with no curly wurly in his tail so mr. mantis set to work and soon mr. porky looked like this you are spectacular mr. pokey Thank You mr. mental I am loving being all curly whirling and swirling oh yes I have invented a truly extraordinary talking pig and not just talking Oh No I seemed as well here we go this time grandpa has gone too far my name is mr. porky not only am I talking I can sing and I can dance a little jig and love it I'm lucky to have spent an afternoon with mr. mentor because now I am no ordinary Pig ordinary Pig but to pick the trimly quite remarkable know anything about a pig that clearly might get into trouble oh dear I think I ought to mention that this brilliant invention just makes me want to sing and dance a jig with a body bright and swirly on the tail of curly wurly he really is no ordinary Pig no money box no ornament no toy but to singing dancing talker I don't wonder bubble Papa he's a pig that makes me drink about four packets our house I was getting really worried about grandpa right time to wait grandpa what am I call mr. mentor and see how he's getting on never have some to tell grandpa when he wakes up okay good idea [Music] hello oh hello Jason you're not going to believe this the pink talks really What did he say Cass peak talks the pictur can I talk to the pig mr. mentor oh of course I really needed to know how grandpa was going to get home hello Jason hello mr. porky I've never heard of a talking pig whatever next how about a flying pig a flying pig suddenly I understood what grandpa's plan was a flying pig you mean you want me to make you wings why not then I'd be even more extraordinary so mr. mantis set to work and so mr. porky look like this he had wings and grandpa's magic made him fly [Music] [Music] auntie sue all around my house and out of the window grandpa was home the bad news was I had no time to get him out of mr. porky because mr. mentor arrived in a panic I'm in the panic by talking singing dancing pig and dad and Jemima tried to calm him down I managed to get grandpa after the pig and into my pockets one it's one of my best inventions ever and I don't know what to do with it why don't you give it back to Grandpa it was big after all what a spectacular idea I'll go and wake him up no I ran into the sitting room and put grandpa down quick so of kami shrinking cap and he came back to his normal size we did it Jason we managed to keep mr. porky and all our treasures in the family teamwork I say so mr. mentor gave grandpa mr. porky oh thank you so much mr. mentor he's absolutely father Dickens is near but I think he might need a bit of a rest now just you wait till he talks and sings and flies he is no ordinary pig grandpa ordinary pig but a pig that's really quite remarkable no Denari pig but a pig that clearly might get into trouble grandpa no he's so well of course I do is my pig remember [Laughter] [Music] comparing my pockets hi I'm Jason Mason and this is sunny sands where I live sunny sands is called sunny sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea this is our house it's called flight house for you because you can see the lighthouse from my bedroom window today everything was in boxes because we were having a massive spring clean I was doing the windows Jemima was cleaning the kitchen forget the top shelf Jemima and Grandpa was helping mr. bit who missed another bit [Laughter] and dad was in my bedroom putting up some new shelves while mom was in town choosing curtains don't worry it'll be as good as new any minute everything will be as good as new oh yes today we were all working together to make light house for you as good as new I'm late - at the bike shop 10 minutes ago mom will be back at tea-time embalmers is coming round to help sort things out she's a good sorter out to his bubbles won't off you go no worry about yeah we were all quite relieved daddy's gone and we stopped for a jammie-jammie break just then the doorbell went Oh that'll be bubbles but it wasn't bubbles Oh Zac it was someone I'd never seen before in my life oh good this is the right house but this is the right house don't stand there gaping like had boil em in [Music] oh you think it's funny do you well I'll have you know there's a dreadful doggy smell in here well we'll soon get rid of that oh we will worry and you mind me asking you who you are Brenda Brenda balderdash you oh gee ami jumble is my favorite please do help yourself but what exactly have I tell me tell me I think we should start in the kitchen come on we didn't know who they were I mean couldn't get a word in edgeways so Bernhard went for the MA oh yeah terrible dresser we'll have to go I don't know who mr. mrs. balderdash are Jason but we've got to get rid of them [Applause] you don't want grandpa shrinks he can get up to all kinds of mischief he can chuff about enough Sonny sounds train you can drive around and model car it can fly off in my toy plane or it can hide in very unusual places so I can't find him I'm the only one who knows about grandpa's magic shrinking tap and nobody else is supposed to find out and today as usual I have no idea where grandpa was hiding and suddenly I was about to pick him up when the doorbell went I thought it would be sucks mug but it wasn't it yes it was bubbles oh don't huh me grandpa's gone for a little lie-down mojo me dumb bliss please no Japanese did be silly Jason anything to get rid of these awful people what awful people visitors we don't know who they are they just barged in ha I'll sort this out I'm a good thought her outer so bubbles went into the kitchen to sort it out as an awful lot of sorting out to do around here believe me have another jammy Jam buddy burn it this was a disaster grandpa was in the tin that'll be saxman well go Jason but come on we'll be fine Oh do you have another jammie tumbly luckily grandpa escaped and ran well you go we'll be fine I hoped grandpa would be all right but now I really had to go Bernhard get down you silly boy can I ask why you're actually here to look around the house of course because we're going to buy it they were here to buy our house my house but it is a for sale of course it's for sale dear that's why your parents are packing things up and cleaning they obviously want to me like very quickly don't they burn it right time to see the gun bobble some burners got down off the chairs very nervously and followed mrs. balderdash into the garden of course I was at Zach's house worrying about grandpa's disgraceful Oh terrible tree will have to come down I knew grandpa would have a plan the old bush there I don't know no idea and I was right he started to shake the bush that's all we need Bernard you are being silly I really wanted to know what was happening and there was only one way to find out I rang home is everything okay no Jason it's not okay mr. and mrs. balderdash want to buy your house something alive in the jammy-jam bleating and I'm just about to wait grandpa Rupp no no this will all be a bit too much for grandpa bubbles you'll have to put it out but Jason I look here's the plan Tom mr. and mrs. bond - that there is loads of stuff wrong with our house right tell them there's loads of stuff wrong want to buy it I get it and leave the phone off the hook so I can hear what happening right brilliant plan so bubbles left the phone off the hook just as Jemima came back in with mr. and mrs. balderdash then she started to run with my plan I really really don't blame you for wanting to change the garden if I were you I would change everything I mean this sitting room is just and the stairs are in a really stupid place they should be like here and the floor is yeah you're absolutely right yeah I mean look at this window berlet poor Jim momma didn't understand at all Jason told me to do it to put the most he's buried I mean if I were you I would absolutely not buy this house it's just yep so Barbara's continued with our plan how am i doing great do the whole horrible upstairs thing and if you think it's awful down here wait till you see the bedrooms they are just follow me come on so everyone followed bubbles upstairs and Grandpa came to talk to me Jason I need to get upstairs and be with Brenda and Bernard on their own I know but I'm not there to help grandpa you can help me from where you are get Wolfie to bark loudly that'll bring Jemima and bubbles down here just leave the rest to me okay and with that grandpa jumped down and ran into the kitchen towards my plane you see what did I tell you it's just I agree the dreadful bird will have to go of course the walls will have to be painted oh and that's for the wonky shelf now back so I will feed barks and bubbles in jimana ran downstairs please well Jemima and bubbles were worrying about Wolfie grandpa flew up the stairs around and round he flew toy plane go stop you never could resist a toy could you you are such a silly mrs. balderdash left meanwhile grandpa had got out of the plane and was up on the wonky shelf he pushed a book off then another then another oh never mind all the Hoos and house and once it's time you went this house is not for sale do you hear not for sale grandpa's job was done take that horrible dog away now ass baubles took Wolfie away mister balderdash came down the stairs we've gotta get out of here things are alive everywhere in the biscuit scene in the bush and that plane it flew around all by itself and then all the books shut off the shelves little old man spoke to me up there tiny yours this big and he said the house is not for sale just then dad came home I wouldn't bother even looking around if I were you everything's alive that was very confused he put the phone back and at that moment Grampa flew downstairs he got out of the plane took off his cap and came back to his normal size later I got home from Zacks house well Jason even though you weren't even here you managed to help me get rid of them grandpa teamwork did it work I can't believe they got the wrong house it's next door that's for sale well done grandpa for seeing them off grandpa grandpa didn't do anything [Music] sampling my pocket this is the cafe in sunny sands and it's run by Miss smiley miss my is called Miss smiling because she's always smiling and what's more she makes the most delicious treats ever she loves music and today she was holding a concert in her cafe and we the Mason family singers were all busy practicing our song when suddenly great-aunt Loretta arrived oh I sure noise you well come on then what's the song what have you chosen come on tell me oh yes our song for the sunny Sun sing along it was cold boom ba boom whoop sings ooh never mind I'll soon sort it out because I've arranged for madame vibrato to come and help us out Madame proto madame vibrato is an extremely famous opera singer madame vibrato just happens to be a very very good friend of mine home she's singing at the cafe this evening and I've got her to come this afternoon to help us practice which is a very good thing for you grandpa because you need a lot of practice you do Madame vibrato could get even you to sing madame vibrato could get a monkey to sing with that grandpa ran inside and I followed Oh Jason this isn't really funny you know yes I know but if the Mason family singers are gonna be at their best today then Loretta has got to be stopped from joining in and that means only one thing [Music] catch me if you can I'm the only one who knows about grundles magic treat everyone else thinks he's gone for a little lie-down he can get up to this and this and this and that he can hide in very small places today I have no idea where grandpa was hiding when the others all rushed in typical never mind you've still got me come on Madame Bieber Otto wait so we all got into camp oh and great operetta sang I really hope grandpa would find his own way to the cafe because I knew I'd need his help then great on Loretta says oh you're good enough my friend Madame vibrato [Music] but we did not love madame vibrato grandpa arrived as she started singing again I was really pleased to see him run in he jumps up onto a table and hit madame vibrato finally stopped singing and said now my dears i'm going to help you all make the music balloon and madame vibrato filled to South within like a big balloon and then she did this it was a dreadful noise grandpa couldn't help laughing suddenly who should write mr. work sorry Madame vibrato it's early mr. whoops he's always having this oxidants oh yes mr. whoops is cold mr. websley because she's always having little accidents he falls over things before swings and sometimes he even trips over his own feet was making room sit in our names in the air [Applause] poor mr. whoops he really was having a clumsy day darling you sound like a cat with the tooth hey grandpa wanted me to go into the kitchen I had an idea I'll get you some water great on Loretta it might help with the um but the to fake grandpa jumped down and ran to the kitchen I ran after him we have a bigger problem and I thought Jason in fact we have two problems time for brothel we've got to get rid of grates on Loretta well we've got to stop singing so much like do open the piano lid then get everybody out of the cafe apart from madame vibrato okay and grandpa jumped up the kitchen table madame vibrato had got us all doing some dreadful singing exercises yeah you sound like a hyena with a bit ingrowing toenails sound like a hyena huh I've heard some water would help we're never going to get the music to come alive with you singing you sound like a hippopotamus with a tummy ache sound like a hippopotamus now do i hi well this hippopotamus is going to great on Loretta never says the word toilets out loud because she thinks it's rude why don't we all go outside for some fresh air and let Madame abrazo practice her son good idea Jason mr. Wattson I'll get some tea and cakes and we'll all leave you alone to bring the music alive Madame I'm sure I will time to put grandpa's plan into action I think it's the room I had no idea what he had oh yes was coming alive and [Music] [Music] grandpa had another idea he pushed the treble clef off the board jump down and he'd behind it [Music] miss stop it just then everyone came back in great time Loretta said you sound like a bone that's been stung on the butterfly and being with that mother and vibrato ran out of the cafe she always was bonkers oh now I've got a sore throat with all those silly exercising I've got an idea you can end up just great on eraser soon we were practicing again and this time we were singing our very own song boom ah boom group sings ooh if you happy and you want to tell the world sure the happiest person may be people good tapi and friends get crappy and the world well sorry we quilted web sings you cinnamon what things if you HAP HAP happy and sad world the happiest presence makes me get up me and your hands get crappy Anna will show me [Music] when we got home I ran ahead and whipped grumper out of my pocket he took off his cap and came back to his normal size that was great fun Jason and we did it we got rid of madame vibrato and we stopped loretta from singing yes grandpa I think we call it teamwork teamwork oh sorry you missed it grandpa it was a great sing-along oh good and did the music come on you grandpa you're as bad as Madame vibrato music coming alive in [Music] in my pocket it was a Saturday mum was in the kitchen sorting out her bits and bobs bag reached I was going into the garden with grandpa and Jemima to play the bird beast and bug spotting game bug it's hot out there I need my hat good grief hard to tell couldn't find my hat so mums will have to do oh hello can we help you sorry seem to have accidentally wandered in following a bird for treatment in that tree I'm Lenora Leonora the Explorer expect you've heard of me rather famous actually Nora the Explorer you take those fantastic pictures of birds beasts and bugs that's right if I see a mice no yes this was the day when we all got to meet the Laura the Explorer now I've come in search of an extremely rare creature the blue big big bungle bird mostly blue of course big beak big tail feathers and yellow wings seen it anyone only seen it once myself so shocked I didn't manage to get a decent little flutter well maybe we've heard the blue big big bungle bug what does it sound like like that in fact son blue big beat shrill shrieked bungle bird this is so exciting Leonora the Explorer in sunny sands in our garden why don't you stay with us while you're exploring your novel you'll see ever so welcome so before we knew it this it happens though Laura had put her tents up in our garden now listen here this is a tough mission quite frankly I could do with some help so I propose to leave you all on an expedition to find the blue big beach real sweet bugga bug well I would be honored to be in an expedition led by leonora the Explorer you can't run you can't climb you can't jump you just hold the whole expedition up sorry old chum but you're far too old and slow to be an explorer yes that's right well in that case I better just go and have a little lie-down I knew what grandpa was thinking fact one the Bolar bird likes to perch on very high places where's the highest place in sunny sounds the lighthouse mr. mint is the way but he left us the key smart girl come on everyone follow me kind of like us too old too sure I don't think so I'm going to join the expedition and I'll find the blue big beach shrill shriek Banga bird befallen or an explorer does that's me if you can you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks he can run faster than any of us [Music] he can climb up things he can jump off things but when he wants to go to the lighthouse grandpa has to fly and that means using his magic to ride on Gordon my toy seagull meanwhile we all went to the lighthouse in camp oh and dad said we're looking for a bird with a big beak that's mostly blue with red tail feathers and yellow wings and Jemima said this is the perfect viewing spot everyone by the window well everyone looked out of one window grandpa flew in through the other one the circled round and landed on the floor while I quickly hid Gordon grandpa ran and climbed up onto the table fish fish blue who bother - and dollop no sign of a little flutter Potter from here is there anything else we should know about the blue big beach shrill shriek bungle bird did I mention that it flaps its wings like this come on you can all do it flat lap in fact some call it the blue big big shrill sweet flippy-floppy bungle bird even grandpa joined in the flapping idea back to the bongo bird loves water so we need to get closer to the sea then wish to go to miss my knees cafe on the pear that's specially in the middle of the sea what an intelligent young woman you are follow me fellow explorers to miss Smiley's campaign I stayed behind I just had to talk to Grandpa moving on grandpa so am i I'll fly to the cafe as fast as I can with a bit of luck I'll spot the bongo bird before Leonora at the Explorer okay just make sure she doesn't spot you first so I ran down the stairs of the lighthouse and grandpa flew up to the window when we arrived a Miss Smiley's cafe Lenora the Explorer couldn't resist a tropical smoothie and a sunny sans cupcake meanwhile grandpa Explorer was on his way to the pier drink up team time to go the pier come on stand up now remember what we're looking for mainly blue big beak red tail yellow wings sounds like this that's like this oh and wheels its bottom like this one roars shrieking and flapping and waggling our bottoms grandpa ran into the cafe don't tell me some call it the blue big beaks shrill streets flippy-floppy wiggly wagon bongo words exactly right cause our genius on what it's Boris to the end of the pier I stayed behind again to talk to Grandpa I picked him up and put him on the table [Music] any luck nope the bongo birds definitely not out there if we don't find it the Lord explorer would be camping our garden forever I can't have that Jason don't worry I've got a brilliant plan first I want you to get Leonora back to the house then but there was no time to hear the rest of grandpas brilliant plan because the explorers were coming back so grandpa ran out of the cafe he left on to Gordon and flew home as fast as he could still no sign of a little flutter Potter fact three the bumble bird likes places that are wild wet and windy then we should go to mystic mountain that's far to swab wet and windy so you can get full max of a girl in pink come on everyone - miss me more and pimp this wasn't what grandpa wanted to talk I have to do something we're gonna need one jumpers ways and hats so hammock better go home first boohoo bother - and dawn up the boys almost as smart as his sister back to the UPS so we got back into camp oh and drove home when we got home I couldn't see grandpa anywhere but he was on the kitchen table with mums bits and bobs do come along we'll miss the bongo bird at this rate if you're looking for your wellies you won't find them up there perhaps or in the kitchen I still couldn't find grandpa because I did find these grandpa was running around the kitchen in his pants this time grandpa had gone too far he was dressed as the blue big big shrill shriek silly fluffy with he waggly bongo bird grandpa you look amazing so what's the plan well can't you guess I'm going into the garden and you're going to tell Leonora that you've spotted the bungle bird in the tree [Music] meanwhile everybody was ready to go up misty more Mountain come quick I'm just seeing the bongo PUD outside in the tree [Music] big big shrill speaks pretty Papac wicked rocky bond divide all right and what a fine specimen it is to close in my Flyway I must hit a 50 feet flat well everyone was looking at the photo Crump on jog down from the tree run across the grass and dashed inside I must take another snap no I put a phone away in fact the little flutter putter was in the kitchen changing back into his normal clothes never mind mission accomplished now I must go in search of my next rare creature the red horned alluring Rider oh I don't think we have those nice sunny sands grandpa ran into the sitting room took off his cap and came back to his normal size [Music] Leonora Explorers Club I couldn't have done it without your help love Jason all down - teamwork teamwork Oh grandpa you're up and about you missed the bongo bird did I oh what a shame never mind grandpa the Nora took a photo of it it's going to be on the cover of a next beast birds and bugs book [Music] sampling my pockets captain Dumbo twit was chewing cheerfully on a crunchy chocolate chip and cherry chunk bar and reading his Bobby bomb bottom comic when it happened Panikkar is a man plans panicking she screamed it was the holidays dad had taken her mama away for a week with a school choir grandpa and I were reading the new captain double to its story the batter had come round to visit there goes the clothes she was making a coconut curry and cucumber trifle as a treat for me because jimana was away [Music] dujun with the comic out of the captains hands and pointed widely at the historico pot plant kept him dumb but we looked at the plant whatever the matter panic oh wow just then mum came downstairs you're finally going to find out about my new hobby mum's always taken up new hobbies one week it's karate then it's salsa dancing then cake decorating the ukulele knitting Oprah singing and now this I ripped off the paper and found a box all decorated with captain samba two characters this is brilliant I know a whole collection of made-up captain dumble twit games yes made up by me he's juji juji yeah funny car oh yes mom's new hobby was making this captain tumble trip box of tricks grandpa and I couldn't wait to get all the games out on the kitchen table hey box of TT games mum made it new hobby Oh diabolical Dave he's my favorite what have you got I'm just popping out another surprise why don't you work out how to play the games while I'm gone okay ma'am what's this oh it's a magic trick I am NOT yes you are you're a terrible fiddler oh you want to keep it all to yourself don't you grandpa oh I do do I that's right off you go for the little lie-down sake sucks I knew what grandpa was thinking I won't have her interfering and messing everything up Jason I'm gonna stop her from fiddling [Music] catch me if you can you know when Grampa shrinks he can make all sorts of things happen he can make my car girl he could farm Gordon my toy Segal he can shove about in our sunny sands train he has great fun when he flies around in my toy plane and he can run so fast I can't catch him but today I saw him running into the kitchen climbed up onto the table and jumped into the box he stood next a diabolical Dave and gave me the funds up I knew what grandpa was planning he was going to dress up as diabolical Dave to teach great on Loretta a lesson and look who I brought with me max max is my little cousin Wow I like him I'll play oh he's being a sulky socks and he's gone for a little lie-down oh but of course grandpa hadn't gone for a little lie-down grandpa had gone too far I'm sure he'll be up soon max oh no these are the instructions for the magic trick right now let me show you max this is how it works right first of all you take the bag then you take diabolical J's let me try the trick we need the magic wands you're too young to do the magic trick you'll never make it work Oh give him a go Loretta before I could do anything max pick grumper up and put him in the bag nice say I'll wave my wand from here to here and Dave a fine will disappear I'll wave my wand from here to here and dance you're fired will disappear right come on then open the bag wait you have to give the magic time to work everyone else I've come up this gave grandpa time to escape he hid behind the box as we all came back in great tolerated grab the bag and shook it I'm going to can't tell grandpa wait wait let's play games first domain travel wakes up she can teach much play everything ok it was Max's turn how many squares would he get to move he's doomed up on a spaceship poor mom landed on a space serpent so down she slid max was captain dumble twit I was dude yet mum was panic heart plant and great on Loretta was diabolical Dave come on diabolical Dave one two three [Music] great on the writer argued grandpa move back to where he should have been moved him somebody moved in I don't like she think I'm going to go in to help grandpa [Music] wait let's try just one more game a so we play table hoops what mum got some juice and jam each um buddy's ready oh and don't forget more smash folk Oh Korean cucumber trifle to the idea of the game was too frosh hoop of your chosen character I am Amy for diabolical days me grandpa nearly got knocked over let's see you do it eh let's see you throw your hoop over day.they so max threw his hoop and while everyone watched the hoop grandpa have a jammie jumbly first max hey let's have some garden fine so off we went into the garden leaving great on the Reta alone with Grandpa she threw the hoop and this time she saw grandpa you moved you moved out of the way you change it yes I did I'm the biggest cheat in the universe I am I'm diabolical Dave ha ha ha ha and you've been cheating all morning don't think you can beat me at cheating oh of course I'm real I'm real and I'm ready to take over the universe [Laughter] never touch that space serpents game again ever def diabolical game he's got it in for me he has he went really loretta oh I ran in to rescue grandpa he was already back in his own clothes oh you should have seen that Jason she was like this grandpa come on so I picked him up and put him in my pocket then I picked up the captain Dumble to it cloves grandpa took his shrinking cap off and came back to his normal size well we sorted loretta out between us Jason she won't cheat again yes do you know I think they call it teamwork right better get these clothes back to the real diabolical Dave Loretta was tucking into her trifle I think you just got really into the game Loretta no it's better no I've got a wonderful imagination now I have max this is how I am going to wake up grandpa and you can't stop me max you just got to place a serpent's grandpa it's amazing and Max made diabolical Dave disappear in the magic trick and diabolical Dave made Loretta disappear oh well you can always rely upon Dave to see somebody off with her right [Music] sampling my pocket our town is called sunny sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea this is my dad's bike shop and this is mr. whoopsie shop which is the best toy shop in the world here's Miss Smiley's cafe and this is our house and today cousin Alvin was staying with us because it was the school holidays captain Campbell twit where are you Dan you fools are invading pets and humble twit off to have his breakfast youth you're obsessed with captain dumb words of course we are out of it we love it man dude who's Panikkar she's captain Dumbo twit spot plan she panicked whenever there's problem Wow I expect they'll be dumped betrayed games and things that Mister whoops his shop I must get my stuff I'm late I was looking after mr. whoopsie shop today because mr. whoops had gone to visit his mum oh you'll need our help Alvin Noah Wayne grandma oh of course you will you never know you might have a little accident I don't need help I never need help I can do it all on my own so that was that then see you later today there would be no help for Alvin there is no way that Alvin will cope in that shop on his own Jason he'll probably have more accidents and mr. whoops I'm going to [Music] that's Ryuga you know when grandpa shrinks he can get up to all kinds of mischief from her he can get into my car and make it go he can fly off in my toy plane and today he'd got into our sunny sounds train and was chuffing about this time grandpa had gone too far in fact he was off to the toy shop in our sunny sands train I knew I was going to find somewhere gasps me too to have grandpa album was putting some puzzles on shelves when Grandpa ran in then he went out the back to fetch another box of toys and grandpa decided to explore when grandpa's in mr. whoopsie sharp he always has the most wonderful time because mr. Webster's toy shop is grandpa's favorite place in the whole world and he always finds something new to play with [Music] today he found himself next to a little clockwork one-man band and he couldn't resist setting them off along the shelf who wound you alvin couldn't work out who had set the one-man band off hello grandpa hit but accidentally knocked a puzzle off the shelf Skol but at that moment who should appear Mrs Mary daddy now mrs. Mehra daddy is always making costumes in fact she makes costumes for everyone in sunny sands and today she made some captain dumble twit costumes for mr. whoops to wear in his shop but she wasn't happy I don't believe mr. whoops isn't here why did he choose today to go and visit his mother he knew I was coming sorry mrs. Mehra daddy but I'm sure he loved the costumes I'm sure he will darling but I need to see if they fit well then you'd better come back another day when he's here oh no no let me take a closer look at you grandpa knew she was up to something you're about the same size as mr. whoops he's a bit wobbly than you in some places but but what but you can try the costumes on darling and now he knew what it was and if they fit you they're sure to fit mr. whoops don't stand there with your jaw on the floor darling come on so mrs. Murray daddy took Alvin out to the back with her basket of costumes and before long he was dressed like this panic are the pot plants darling though I saved myself it is the perfect panic our costume grandpa just couldn't help laughing do the actions Wow oh darling more mrs. Mehra Dottie hadn't finished Oh No soon she had poor Alvin dressed like this two gins that that is spectacular Judith of course is captained humble - it's a in Pat's you look more like googe's the digit look oh darling do the digit jiggle so mrs. Mehra daddy did the jiggle and Alvin tried and Grandpa joined in more so Alvin did the jiggle with more hummus but it wasn't over for him yet there was more to come soon mrs. Mehra daddy had Alvin dressed like this an alien poodle Oh perfect no the alien poodles howl at the moon remember like this yo darling you're not an alien wolf you're an alien poodle right I am going to fold everything up for mr. whoops meanwhile back at home I was worried about how I was going to get grandpa back I needed the plan ma'am don't you think we just start to check on Alman absolutely Jason but go now you didn't want any help but I think he might quite like lift home in camp Oh brilliant my planet worked so off I went with mum to the toy shop meanwhile Alvin couldn't wait to get out of his alien poodle costume but just then in came Floyd Dora and Shani yeah very funny okay stop it's not funny Alvin was not going to be taken seriously dressed as a poodle and just then and at that moment this happened Pachelbel's on me legs I've got symbols on me knees and play a little tune I do which on me out I don't need a helping hand now what do with all along because I'm a one-man band I can sing I can play I can March the day your way yes I'm a one-man it sings grandpa didn't want Mrs Mary dougherty to see him not yet terrible crashing headache go love you go okay see answer well Alvin was getting the water grandpa seized his chance he had to get rid of mrs. Mehra daddy so Alvin wouldn't have to try on any more costumes I've got bells on me legs I've got symbols on me knees and I play a little tune by gave me mr. square I do which on Meowth I don't need a helping hand now what do with all along because I'm a one-man band I can sing I can play I can March the day your way as I'm a one-man mrs. melody was amazed but when grandpa jumped down and started to march around the floor it was all too much for her crushing and squeezing I saw grandpa disappear behind the dolls house but then Oh [Music] original well you know I wanted to give the kids some fun they loved it you didn't need any help after all but the least I can do is help you with that chair when mum and Alvin went out the back grandpa came out of his hiding place he was back in his own clothes I quickly picked him up thanks get you home grandpa I was wondering when you were going to turn up to help I can't do it all on my own you know I'm putting in my pockets Alvin got out of his alien poodle costume and came home with us in campo when we arrived I ran ahead in front of the others I put Rumple down you ripped off his shrinking cap and came back to his normal size oh thanks for coming to get me Jason I never have got whoever doesn't been for you t work I didn't need any help told you I wouldn't oh you managed all on your own did you yeah like a one-man band a I can see I can play Yankee much the day you know Ben I've heard that somewhere before yes but with old photos [Music] you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 181,870
Rating: 4.3288589 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full episodes youtube, grandpa shrinking cap, josh and elsie, popular kids tv show, comedy kids tv, popular kids show, funny video kids, cbeebies, cbeebies grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket series 3, grandpa in my pocket season 3, grandpa in my pocket compilation, grandpa in my pocket compilation series 3, grandpa compilation, cbeebies compilation
Id: Eae0cKC33os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 42sec (4842 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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