Grandpa in My Pocket - Series 2 FULL EPISODE Compilation #2 - 60+ MINS!

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[Music] catch me if you can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grandpa in my pocket grandpa and I had built a fantastic model of sunny sands on the city room floor we were playing with our sunny Suns train Jemima wasn't keen on trains and anyway she had other plans for the day let me tell you a bit about my sister Jemima well she has lots of friends who often come round to play she loves animals and as you can see she's very keen on the color pink she likes all kinds of singing and dancing and really loves making a place and dressing up most of the time she's good fun but like all big sisters she can be quite annoying and today she was being annoying because she was having a new friend round to play so what's this new friend's name then Jemima tiffany tiffany yay yes Tiffany Jane got intan pal I'm Jason she's very pretty and she has lovely hair and very cool clothes and she's my best friend okay oh yes apparently Tiffany Jane Cottington pump was Jemima snoo best friend and and she lives in one of the big houses down in the bay overlooking the sailing boats very smart exactly grandpa so I want our house to look really tidy and nice so will you please please let all of this up I think she's discovered mums new hobby mum's always taking up on your hobbies one week it's karate then salsa dancing then relaxation exercises and now this yes mums latest hobby was hat making great I'm halfway through this Sonny sands hat I'm making it all seaside II try this one on Jemima don't want to try one on and I don't want Tiffany to think we live it up and that'll be her now Tiffany Jay Washington pump was at the door oh sweet little house oh we've got one of those not garage uh this is my brother oh hi Damien it's Jason Ashley ratty dog and this is grandpa hello Tiffany gosh I thought my grandpa's old ancient city how lovely to see you mum you've got a crab on your head yes I know isn't it wonderful can I see my bedroom oh if the tiniest bedroom in the universe oh well that's my felt and feathers I think Tiffany Jane gratin pump is big trouble and Jemima is going to need our help [Applause] that's me if you can you know what happens when your Apple shrinks you can get in my toy car make it go even fly off in my plane it can be truth about in our so nice hands tree he can run so fast as I can't catch him hi grandpa they're coming and Grandpa jumped so far then answer the floor I minced the train carriage okay let's do play I love don't leave me too now that girl was gone for little I done please clear all of this ah when Grampa shrinks everyone always thinks that he's gone for a little lie-down and this time Jemima was sort of right you haven't got very good jet knockers have you look at this sad fairy ones grandpa pups head out and back into me he told me what to say that's what the side wand it's a brilliant one it's the nose of magic Jason can I borrow you Jason it must be awful having your grandpa live with you over time a new grandpa would have a plan and I was right I wasn't sure it was such a good plan but just then Jason come and try this on please so much easier to see where to pin things when someone's wearing it meanwhile definitely had chosen a costume for Jimena well Grampa hit in the bottom of the box right so I'm princess and you're mine ate the box back whoops bit of a mistake but there's dressing up box has given me an idea example jumped out of the box and ran into the kitchen nothing it's all fine I think it was your imagination Tiffany you've obviously got an amazing imagination well actually yes I have come in the garden maze none hats but some more flowers onto my hat suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw grandpa he was gathering bits of material I think Jemima might be getting a bit fed up with Tiffany Jane gotting Tanakh thanks Jason I was glad the Hat was off now I needed to find out what grandpa's plan was and I wasn't at all surprised to see that he was on his way to the garden do a dance maids the full moon Tiffany was acting being the fairy princess and a very bossy one to her Patsy and granpa was hiding behind a flower pot making something out of bits of felt but had found on the table how sing a song even if sisters are annoying sometimes you want to stick up for them when they need you I'm nearly ready now we have to get your momma right out of the way and here's what you've got to do next oh she's hopeless made Damien Jason oh yes now fan me I'm hot and I want to go to sea and you I'm a fanned and fanned and fanned until at last Tiffany fell asleep I could help just do exactly what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it you've stopped spamming me oh she's a hopeless made a surprise you know just turn her into a mouse that's a brilliant idea Damien Jason and this it's a pretty wand all you have to do is wave it close your eyes turn around three times and count to ten okay here goes one I still didn't know what grandpa's big plan was but I was about to find out oh yes this time rap had gone too far [Music] Tiffany Jane Cottington pump you really thought I should turned my sister into a mouse I told you it was a good one this is awful I didn't mean to [Music] just because I'm a mouse there's no need to boss me about you've been pushing me about all day I'm really sorry Jemima pretty really sorry I was a reacting you have to have everything your own way don't you that's not the sort of person I wanted to play with I know I'm really really sorry walk how'd you know what he couldn't turn me back into me again for a start close your eyes wave your wand and count to ten very slowly well grandpa hid behind his flower pot to get changed why I ran inside to touch your mama she could come out eight nine ten I'm so sorry I didn't mean to turn you into a mouse a mouse see if that's amazing imagination of hers I looked for grandpa and he came out from behind the flowerpot he was back in his usual clothes couple of grandpa quick Rumple ripped off his shrink attack I came back to his normal size well Jason I don't think Tiffany Jay in Washington pump will boss Jemima around anymore do you know grandpa T work a team work [Music] later we were already tired I'm so glad she's gone thanks sticking up for me Jason how did you persuade her that she'd turn me into a mouse oh we brought those help the grandpa was lying down the whole time he didn't do anything did you have a nice rest grandpa oh yes yeah try this on now perhaps you can get rid of that old cap of yours [Music] grandpa in my pocket grandpa Jemima and I were making a wild of scary animal park with our wild and scary animals it's Bob the shark world and scary enough do you think I don't think it could be I think we need some more animals Justin the doorbell rang I ran to answer it and who should be standing there bubbles the babysitter bubbles is always great fun sometimes we make things sometimes we play button bull sometimes we do face painting and today guess what she brought with her [Music] he wanted to see my best friends right away bubbles took her new little friends out of its basket it was so cute bubbles and who's this he's cold so this was the day we all got to play with bubbles and squeak [Music] yes I think offers a bit scared of squeaky probably thinks he's one of them scary just as well it's time for his walk then coming with me Jason yes please I need to get some monkeys from mr. Webster's shop we must have more monkeys so off I went with thousand wolfy I hope grandpa wouldn't put on the shrinking cap and shrink while I was out you know what happens when he does he does this and this this that's ripped you can he can get up to all kinds of mischief he can get in my car magical [Music] he can chuff around in our sunny Santa's train he can even fly off in my plane but Grampa only ever drinks when he thinks there's a problem now is bubbles and squeak of course there wouldn't be a problem but just then I came around the back a problem turns up Floyd Floyd lives in the house opposite and he goes to my school he loves boasting look at London watch he loves playing jokes boo-boo and he always wants everything his own way grandpa agrees with me Floyd is a bit spoiled sure check out my what is that it's a stupid pets squeakers not a stupid pet he's a wild and scary cat and he's gonna be part of our wild and scary animal bark nice actually I've got blows wild and scary pets you need to see them wait right there [Music] no grandpa big grandpa had an idea well squeak I think bubbles is going to need a bit of help with that Boy Floyd he took out his shrinking cap and - squeaks amazement grandpa shrunk g-sizzle Michels just as Jemima and bubbles came back must have gone for a little lie-down whenever grandpa shrinks everyone thinks he's gone for a little ride down while you're back in your baskets wanna see my rat do I want to see your rat no thanks oh go on no I really really really don't want to see your rat just a peep yeah toy right yeah yeah but still made bubbles jump and Grandpa was cross come in the garden one of my other wild places out there too wild to bring inside come on he's only playing tricks bubbles yes but you know me I'm not very good at tricks tricks eh well we'll see about tricks he's in this plant tipped over very quietly yes and if you wake him up he gets free really wild that was new that Floyd was just going to play a trick with some kind of fake pets but she was still really nervous at that moment grandpa ran out of the kitchen and hid are you there Simon Simon yeah he's my aunt's snake of course bubbles nude Simon was a plastic snake but she's whole being chaste then grandpa came out of his hiding place and got up onto the table [Music] don't tell anyone I'm here squeak I'm going to hide round the back it's such fun chasing you bubbles oh good you'd hate to be chased like that chasing doesn't bother me nothing bothers me come on bubbles let's go and get a drink [Music] my friends have to squeak and Grampa got ready to play his plan into action well hi there Wildcats you're really scary aren't you huh Floyd turned his back on squeak again but this time grandpa went yeah was that you darling try to make me jump higher no chance grandpa's first plan hadn't worked so he jumped off the table and ran towards the pond he saw the shell and that gave him an idea what's the matter Floyd it's nothing matter with me but there's something a matter of your kitten's he yelled at me yeah father's aunt jemima dashed outside to save squeak was okay and of course squeak was fine he's fine but I think he might be better off inside with bubbles and Jemima out of the way Floyd suddenly spotted the big shell hey cool shell I could pretend this wild animal in that scheming hour you nothing scares me and that was the moment I arrived home with dad and bear wolf boy fancy seeing you here you okay yes but guess what there's a wild animal in that shell I'm going to get bubbles whose jokes I suppose come on Wolfie I knew that this was probably not one of Floyd's jokes and I knew who wild animal would be yes I had to Floyd has been trying to make bubbles jump and I've been trying to make him jump back but it hasn't worked I'm going to try one more thing I have to get into the pond and you have to get inside and fetch me the shark this time grandpa was about to go too far come and see it really is a wild animal in that shout well Floyd was trying to persuade bubbles and moments come outside I ran into the sitting room no more jokes Floyd I got grandpa what he needed and run back into the garden there's a wild animal outside come on Floyd come here I'm back [Music] well it's probably our shock you're sure he's very small but he's very fierce [Music] grandpa's plan was working he was underwater making my plastic shark move just when Floyd was really close Grampa made this while Freud back inside I fished grand-père out at the pond as quickly as I could I'm so sorry I tried to scare you I was already joking but now I know what it feels like now that that shark made me jump out of my skin Hey so Jason play the trick on you for once a flies I guess so but I won't play another joke again I promise it's okay Floyd I shouldn't let your jokes bother me they are only jokes after all yeah I wanna see my spider while everyone was laughing at bubbles stroking a plastic spider so brave I took graham Peyer my pockets to the sitting room Keppel pump up quick well Jason I don't think Floyd will try any of those tricks on bubbles again do you know grandpa we did it team look I say teamwork here we are monkeys oh just a job Jason grandpa your caps all wet is it of course that's because I've been swimming with the sharks [Music] grandpa in my pocket this is me Jason Mason and I live here in sunny sands with my mum dad sister Jemima and Grandpa this is my friend Dora she's in my class at school sometimes she comes round to play the things she loves playing with the most odd dolls but grandpa and I always tried to persuade her to play with other things like the toys grandpa's treasure chest his old boat and monkey Albert sometimes Dora will play Captain Dumble - at games yes even faith credit but she usually goes back to the dolls and today I was really excited because it was Dora's birthday and she was having a party in Miss Smiley's cafe it was organized by her aunt Lady pricks bottom lady pricks bottom is very very posh and she's really quite scary ready Jason yep where are you going now the party's not for hours because first I'm going to mr. Webster shot did you store her presents a doll maybe she loves her dolls I really don't want to buy her at all I wanted to play with other things he's right she's got loads of dollars what a darling absolutely not a doll yes today I was determined that there would be no more dolls for Dora oh come we'll help you choose Jason oh no grandpa Jason's gonna be there for a long time I've got to do some shopping and mr. whoop says Jason can play in the shop while I'm gone where is my purse oh come on man I want to go to mr. woopsy shop and to the party grandpa you can't I think I can that's me if you can when Grandpa shrinks is no knowing what you'll get up to he can run so fast as I can't catch him he can fly off my plane [Music] he can eat around in our sunny Suns train and he can hide in very small places right now I had no idea where grandpa was hiding and mum was coming downstairs ready I guessed grandpa would find a way of getting to mr. whips his shop but I didn't know what that way would be then I heard I looked up and just then grown bored jumped into my backpack come on Jason you were telling me to hurry up a minute ago grandpa you're impossible I know Jason come on so mum and I got into camp oh and off we went and mum said I hope you do something nice for Doradus and she's such a lovely girl and I said I will and mum said I'm sure you'll end up with a doll and I said no I won't I'm going to choose a puzzle or a game or a kite even but not at all no way [Music] [Applause] when mom dropped me off and listing what she's sharp mister whoops was clearing some shells hello Jason you can try any of these toys for Dora maybe she'd like her dog mister whoops it's called mr. words because there's always having little accidents off things he falls over things he even trips over his own boat whoops I think Doris got enough dolls actually mister whoops I've got some lovely new paints over there Jason you might like to try those I'm just going to the storeroom for a jar of wall-e Wiggles maybe Dora would like a wall-e wiggle [Music] what's a wall-e wiggle I don't know but it doesn't sound right fedora and then Grampa jumped out of my backpack and onto the easel you must be good grandpa I've only come so you can choose the perfect present for Dora that's at that moment the door opened and who should walk in but lady tricks bottom lady tricks bottom your ladyship to your small boy with a very guilty look on your face where's mr. whoops just Stan he came in with the wiggles they won't harm you they just Wally Wiggles get rid of them make it snappy I've come to choose a present for my niece door and I want something very very special Oh special it's not a problem we specialize in special your lady bottom oh I'm eating your bread chip oh I mean get on with it how about the jigsaw puzzle not nearly special enough particularly nice all over the floor so what about Emma dr. skit not fedora no however I may need a bandage before the day is through how about poor mr. whoops was getting desperate perhaps some plastic polish eye lips grandpa he wasn't on the easel anymore suddenly I saw him buy a boat ridiculous suggest a jumbo crayon pack what dora already has more clowns and you've had a little accident for jewelry making set I know the jewelry making set boy shop it's an obstacle course paints try the paints Jason what about the paints oh yes the paints the wonderful paints hardly wait let me show you lady doesn't want paint neither do I get a clue I was really worried that grandpa would be spotted but she quickly hid behind a doll's house then mister whoops came back with the claws I don't trust you in it you always have a poor little accident who knows not terrible little accident you might have with a cloth mister whoops spotted the Wally wiggle sweets you just couldn't resist it suddenly I saw grandpa peeping out from behind the huge doll's house he wanted me to suggest the doll's house what about that beautiful dolls house your ladyship oh yes Dora would love that you're shady lip I think you better just be quiet don't you Dora does love dolls and it's a really really special house Dora does love dolls I'm sure about the house there looks a bit plain to me it's beautiful look inside I was trying to persuade her to buy the house so it was grandpa like this there's a perfectly charming if not Dahlia inside oh oh she can curtsy she's almost too real oh look the little doll he's dancing she can dance oh she can sit ah she is the perfect present fedora I can't buy the little dolly without her house though laugh it up and make it snappy of course you're crazy dish this was a disaster I wanted lady pranks bottom to buy the dolls house for certain wanted to buy the little toy in it I had no choice I knew just what I had to buy fedora the party had started and Dora had already opened some of the presents and now for the most special present of all dollar I held my breath a stork tore off the wrapping paper that's not the real fest for something very surprising inside now I was really worried because I knew exactly what the something very surprising was now was my chance what everyone was looking at Lady pricks bottom and listening to her story oh I have to rescue grandpa quick as a flash he jumped off the table and ran so I opened it up it that you open it up door open it up and see it a little surprise inside it's beautiful I love it this furniture and carpets and curtains and and I'm a little Tommy can you see the little dolly is he waving to you are you dancing no I I think you better sit down your ladyship after all if I'm nasty accident with paint mr. whoops have nasty action of with the paint there aren't actually any dolls inside aren't EP there will be a whole family thanks Jason brilliant I want to pee this is the best person I've ever had I have to find grandpa it didn't take long he was on a plate of cherry chunks nibbling take your cabinet from off now oh do I have to bother like them when I got home after the party I ran ahead of mom and put crumpled down he ripped off his shrinking cap I came back to his normal size well Jason we saved the day there didn't we I hoped maybe pigs bottom choose something Dora would like and you helped me to get out of it teamwork teamwork Wow Dora seemed very pleased with her dolls house didn't she and guess what grandpa Jason bought her dolls after all Wow well probably for the best [Music] clambering my pocket it was the holidays I was playing a captain tumbled to a game with Grandpa and we were playing very quietly we had to play very quietly because mum was doing her latest hobby weird relaxation exercises a voice in the CD was telling her exactly how to relax and screw your face up tight fermented girl floppy floppy relax your lips relax your tongue and relax your teeth now stand up tall and deep breaths I wish I could have gone with Darren Jemima Jemima had gone on a school trip and dad had gone with her to be a parents help her so guess who was looking after the bike shop mister like a biker but today there was a problem it was like like a-- i'm oliver dude uh you're Oliver dude ah yes I've got a very important customer here she needs loads of things and she makes them fast that's how it is screaming easy in case you don't know speedy easy is a speedy cyclist in the country the universe even I've got around the world race tomorrow now here's a list of everything I need and make it speedy oh yes she was a very needy speedy Edie missed like a bike and needed help someone had to go to the bike shop I'll go I've always wanted to meet speedy Oh grandpa that's very sweet of you but I think you'll be too slow let me go I can be really speedy Jason Mason you're a star I'll drop you off on the way to my relaxation class just need to make a lipstick I can be speedy - you know especially when I'm small that's me if you can you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks you can get in my toy car make it go he can joke about in are so nice hands train you can even ride on Gordon white ice eagle and today he was running for all he was worth he climbed up onto a captain's humble to it game I was just about to grab him when a little lie-down has he I knew he wasn't after helping out come on Jason that would keep speedy Edie waiting so Mullen I got his canto and off we went and mum said how exciting speedy easy and Sonny Sam's in our bike shop done B so sorry to miss her and I said Sol Jemima and mum says sir Oh grandpa but grandpa had no intention of missing speedy Edie he was going to find his own way to the bike shop right my huge long list of Requirement Oh like a huge long list of require I need sunglasses I need six socks I need waterproof gloves I shot girls who's on pixel this is around the world trip I shall be cycling up icy mountains through tropical jungles across fancy deserts oh I like to be prepared for any weather this was here oh I like a good catchphrase sorry I need bells bells yes quickly got different bells me we got two more that's quite lucky neither of them noticed Grampa flying in I was so glad to see him I had a feeling we were going to need all the help we could get it wasn't long before we were working as a team here's how speed to eat he would say what she needed a woolly hat with a blue bubble grandpa would find it and then I'd give it to her [Music] I bought a bottle with a flip-up lid [Music] spent a map of Australia [Music] oh this is if the things are jumping off the shelves all by themselves of course I couldn't tell him it was grandpa I need a mosquito net a sleeping bag a stopwatch a blow-up pillow insect bite cream a belt with lots of pockets in it a camping saucepan for my soup Columbus silver spray paint ago in the dark ways go you're way too slow pull yourself a cyclist you'll need to get fit let's see you run on the spot maybe you can go faster than that get those knees up then speed Eadie may miss like a button juice press ups sit ups squat thrusts jumping jacks jump to off the shelf and onto the counter in my field I knew speedy Edie was speedy but this is ridiculous we've got to find a way to slow her down yes how I've got a brilliant idea you keep an eye on speedy ad and I'll hide a huge long list if she hasn't got a list she'll have to slow down okay so while speed Edie was busy trying to make this like like an exercise grubber hit a huge long list where's my list I left it here I need to make it speedy what are we going to do grandpa I don't know doesn't she ever stop and relax she could do with going to one amongst relaxation classes well that's it why didn't I think of it before let's play a nice relaxing CD Jason come on okay must be the Edie I missed like a biker were arguing over who'd lost a huge long list trample rant the CD player and I found a CD of nice gentle music [Music] I start my round-the-world race tomorrow and I don't have half the things I need what's that music it's relaxation exercises relaxation exercises both feet on the floor bend your knees hands on ankles but head up now screw your face up tight and then let it go floppy floppy you try to speed eet relax your lips relax your tongue relax your teeth now waves of calm Buffalo EMU your Grandpa's brilliant plan was working [Music] who needs a Lister I'm sure I can remember what's on it the ground sheets a camping stove oh and a tent with a flag on top oh I like a tent with a flag on top I think we've got one out the back in your own time mister like a baker in your own time hmm grandpa's job was done so I put him in my pockets and just in time cuz mum had arrived to take me home I ran into the house ahead of them have put Grampa down he took off his shrinking cap and came back to his normal size we did it Jason we got speedy to slow down teamwork a teamwork back at the bike shop speedy Edie was still doing her shopping very very slowly I found a tent but I think it might be a bit small if there anywhere I can try it out oh I'm sure I can think of somewhere thank you exciting speedy Edie camping in our God hey it's the big round-the-world race tomorrow shall I come and see you all Oh tomorrow or the next day or the day after that there's no need to rush oh dear I think I've overdone it sambhar in my pocket this is me Jason Mason and I live here in sunny Suns it's good citizens because it's always sunny a mess by the city this is mr. Lipson toy shop and here's Miss Smiley's cafe my dad loves working in the spice shop and we all love spending time at the beach just on the beach this is my house where I live with my mum dad sisters Jemima grandpa and his dog barrels I was helping grandpa look through his treasure chest he was looking out some toys for a very special visitor dad and Jemima had gone in Campo to fetch him and guess who it was our little cousin max max is only six and grandpa is his grandpa to Grandpa live off like eating lemon bonbons they don't see each other very often but when they do they always have a great time and when grandpa's with him he's always got a huge smile on his face captain done between books about the balls Gordon he's funny coming for the day grandfather that's why we've got to pack in as much fun as we can we've got to make the most of his visit on the way Wolfie yes we were all looking forward to making the most of max always get out my shrinking cap Mike snacks a bit of fun I don't think that's a very good idea grandpa if you shrink you're bound to get into trouble and I'm gonna be here to help you won't be here Oh didn't I tell you I'm gonna bodyboarding the suckiness dad oh I have to go Jason don't forget your swimming things we won't be long back my love to max I will please don't use the shrinking cap while I'm out grandpa all right I won't not unless I have to I was bit worried about leaving grandpa on his own you know what can happen grandpa's cap is magic and when he puts it on he shrinks this and this and this that's me if you can you can get in my toy car make it go he can ship out - no Sonny sons train he could fly off in my plane [Music] and I'm the only person who knows about it nobody else is allowed to see him grandpa and bear wolf were waiting excitedly for max to arrive and they didn't have to wait excitedly for long max is really into the Stone Age is his big thing Stone Age is my big thing too I love all those hairy cavemen hey max can we make something grandpas brilliant at making things well what a great idea can we use your modeling clay Jemima I'll just go get it excellent I'll be in the garage if you need me no no this was a disaster I don't have been gone a few minutes and grandpa was already in trouble max doesn't know about for Hosmer shrinking cat and this wasn't a good moment for him to find out let's go and make each other and Max knew exactly what he wanted to make Stone Age world the perfect home for Marty the mammoth there were caves and rocks there were hills covered with real grass and trees with real leaves on them and a sparkling Lake made out of silver foil it looked amazing with looks amazing max even made a hairy caveman Jemima made him some hair a long beard and some clothes after some material from mums bits and bobs box hello everybody I've the caveman he looks like you grandpa oh thank you Jemima what do you think Wolfie does he look like grandpa that was a yes come on max let's get dad to come and look so max put the caveman down on the chair and Sheehan Jemima West upside to the garage haha what a work of art a Wolfie can't wait to show Jason he loves things like this it's marvelous absolutely no grandpa had accidentally sat on the caveman and he'd squashed him flat bits of clay and material was stuck to grandpa's bottom the caveman was ruined Grampa was in trouble again and I still wasn't there to help look at the mess I've made poor max he was so upset he puts so much work into this even made it look like me I know grandpa put the caveman behind the toaster look out for me wolfy then he whipped out his shrinking cap put it on and he shrunk he ran to check the novel was coming [Music] then he climbed onto the kitchen counter and went behind a toaster just as Jemima and Max came back with dad where's grandpa he must have gone for a little lie-down but I thought he was going to play with me rompers always have a little lie-down smacks it's because he's old I'm sure he'll be up and about soon and dad let me write sample walls up in about only now he was dressed as a hairy caveman luckily everyone else was too busy admiring Stone Age world to see grandpa jumping off the counter and climbing onto the chair he got there just in time and look at my caveman uncle CJ put him on the table max let's see him wow that's brilliant max is so lifelike I love this funny beard I think he looks a lot like grandpa well I'll just finish off and then I'll make some sandwiches you know where I am if you need me the good news was that Max had a caveman to play with say hello to the caveman Marty bad news was that he wanted to play with him afternoon of course I didn't know about any of this because I was still in sacks house trying off after bodyboarding I was wondering about grandpa so I rang home to see how things were going Happy's going fine we're playing Stone Age world great how's grandpa oh he's gone for a little lie-down I'll be back as soon as I can I had a funny feeling that grandpa was in trouble and I was right because while I was on my way home this was happening and this and this little grandpa had to stay still the whole time the furry beard was making his nose itch and once he even sneeze ayoubir wolf I wish grandpa would wake up he's been asleep for ages I know it's a shame and I've got to take you home soon but I wanted to play with grandpa why don't you take the caveman home with you then you can bring it next time you come can I die so max picked up the caveman or rather grandpa and took him inside he put rampart in his backpack zipped it up there was no way Grampa could get out okay yes I knew grandpa had to be hiding but I couldn't see him anywhere time to take max home I'm afraid ok 3-story I miss grandpa I want to say goodbye come back safe reading longer I'm sure brother will be up and around very soon please dad please well maybe just a short while I know why don't you take Belle for a walk can't wait why not just in the beach in back I'll get his knees [Music] coming Jason no thanks I think I'll stay away for grandpa I'm feeling a bit tired all that body boarding you know grandpa Grover where are you yeah I rushed Max's backpack undid the zipper and out he popped Oh am I glad to see you I nearly went home with max I had to do it Jason max made a beautiful caveman and I squashed it well you've got to stop now and get changed then max won't have a caveman don't worry I can fix that but we've both got to hurry so well Max was at the beach I made a new caveman and Grampa got changed crumple ripped off his shrinking cap and came back to his normal size [Music] oh that's wonderful Jason max will never know the difference teamwork a team would grunt help at the new caveman back in Max's backpack I wasn't gonna let you go without saying goodbye we have the great time playing with my caveman I'm so glad pity you missed it Jason you'd have loved to have seen him riding on Marty the mammoth how do you know we did that grandpa oh I've just guessing Grampa in my pocket this is Miss Smiley's cafe miss Meyer is called Miss Miley because she's always smiling she has the biggest smile in sunny sands and what's more she makes the most delicious treats ever her Cathy is the best Cathy in the world today Munn was taking us to her fun kitchen miss Miley was going to teach us how to cook some of her delicious recipes we were going to cook some of grandpa's favorite treats including Miss smiley strawberry surprise but just as we were about to leave the house the doorbell rang moment answer it I guess you marched in Floyd I'm going to miss my son kitchen and I need to lift I knew what grandpa was thinking because I was thinking it too not Floyd [Music] Floyd lives in the house opposite and he goes to my school he loves boasting little onion ones he loves playing boom boom boom and she always wants everything his own way grandpa agrees with me Floyd is a big spoiled sure check out my new skateboard come on then let's go will you be all right well I'm gone oh yes I think I'll just have a little lie-down Floyd cookie at Miss Smiley's phone kitchen is a recipe for disaster there's only one thing for it and coming to that's me if you can you know what happens when Grampa shrinks he didn't get in my car and make it though he can fly on Gordon my toys even didn't get into our sunny sands train and chuff around oh he can just run for all he's worth I'm the only one who knows about grandpa's magic shrinking cap and nobody else is allowed to see him back but he was too late just at that moment fluid came back in here you can me or not so we all got into camp oh and went to the cafe grandpa had missed his chance of coming with me now we have to find his own way of getting there but so knew that grandpa being grandpa would have a plan [Music] mum drops off at the cafe and lots of our French already dead has everyone got their aprons on good don't be spoiling your lovely clothes I'm not wearing it now today we're going to be making two of my favourite dishes suck-up spaghetti and my very own strawberry surprise warmest smile was telling us how to make suck-up spaghetti Zampa arrived suddenly I saw him on the dresser now you're going to make your very own but because it's a bit messy we're going to make it in the kitchen so we all run into the kitchen Floyd came stomping after us in a sulky mood then grandpa jumped off the dresser and ran to Miss Smiley's table while we were all in the kitchen Floyd crept back into the cafe he was up to his usual tricks the bad news was the Freud had plans for the spaghetti the good news was that grandpa had plans for Floyd wild Floyd wasn't looking he climbed into the cold spaghetti Freud went over to the bowl and picked it up and this is what happened next spaghetti started to wriggle I had a pretty good idea that it wasn't wriggly worms it was a wriggly grandpa and I was right what's going on wriggly worms they can't be what were you doing with the spaghetti in the first place nothing I didn't touch it it was really so much fell off the table by itself really nice clear up this mess I couldn't let Floyd see grandpa it's all right I'll do my smiley oh thank you Jason that's very kind Floyd in the kitchen please [Music] I was hoping that grandpa was all right after his fall but I needn't have worried grandpa I've always wanted to skip with spaghetti soon we'd finish making our suck-up spaghetti lovely lovely lovely lovely but Floyd's wasn't lovely now we're going to make pudding my very own strawberry surprise and all you need are some strawberries some cake some custard strawberry jam sugar cream add some slices of fruit for decoration and this is what you do soon everybody was busy making the strawberry surprise everybody that is except Freud all he wanted to do was cause trouble [Music] who to fast it wasn't me Freud it wasn't me miss Marri honest miss smiley was looking less less my by the second this is supposed to be my fun kitchen it's not fun for anyone right now miss Maya went to clean off the custard and Floyd started messing Zach's strawberry surprise my new grandpa would be really cross with Floyd now and I was right I've had enough of this Floyd has got to be stopped this is what we do everybody has finished making their strawberry surprises but Floyd hadn't done brilliantly all we have to do is the washing up it was time to put grandpa's plan into action I've rearranged the fruit slices to make a cross face or miss smiley strawberry surprise perfect Jason now you leave me to it Grampa knew Floyd we tried to get out to washed up and sure enough he sneaked back into the cafe Grampa was ready for him first Grampa knocked over the cups and bowls [Music] then grandpa run behind a jar and started wobbling it's about I don't like this young man mom want to have a word with you who me Sidney the strawberry surprise this time Crump had gone too far he was pretending to be a talking pudding about enough of you spoiling everybody's fun it wasn't me it was Jason don't give me any of that rubbish I saw ya it's got to stop yeah okay I can't believe I'm talking to a strawberry surprise miss smiley come here quick what's the matter Floyd did you know your strawberry surprise can't talk oh please Floyd no more trick it's not a trick his name's Sydney look he's missing so crops you must have done that Floyd no it wasn't me wasn't me say something but Sydney had said all he had to say now it was time for Floyd to own up I really don't think I can take much more of it okay I did do all the other stuff like droppin the spaghetti and flicking the custard I know I shouldn't have I won't do anything else promise I'm really sorry thank you for apologizing but it's true about Sydney miss Milan started to smile again and she smile was bigger and better than ever grandpa's job was done he climbed into the plane and flew home he got back just before we did Grampa ripped off his shrinking cap I came back to his normal size oh we did it Jason we taught Freud a lesson will you be in Sydney T working on teamwork oh you've woken up grandpa we had a brilliant time we made some hot spaghetti and miss smiley strawberry surprise oh what a great feast miss smiley made you some spaghetti especially for your supper I'm going to heat it up for you now Roy was really awful at first but then he started behaving himself he said the strawberry surprise told him off a talking pudding I don't think so that's what I call a real surprise [Music] you you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 312,802
Rating: 4.2987475 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket season 4, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full episodes youtube, grandpa shrinking cap, popular kids tv show, comedy kids tv, popular kids show, funny video kids, cbeebies, cbeebies grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket series 2, grandpa in my pocket compilation, grandpa in my pocket full episodes, kids tv compilation, grandpa in my pocket compilation series 2, fun kids tv show
Id: EX5okqj7ffA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 25sec (4045 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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