Shopping at Lego Supermarket Store For Food

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cookies piranhas I'll be right back I'm gonna go to the supermarket okay I'm sorry thank you I'll be back with those frizzy prop ice creams okay don't forget the chocolate don't worry I won't forget the chocolate mmm chocolate Shh the grocery store can I go clean yourself up please all right Olaf come on let's go to the supermarket good boy then ah ah good boy come on let's go leave for me Yas then let's go because are you ready to head to the LEGO Friends supermarket it's the Heartlake supermarket whoo the only place to shop for all your grocery needs ok this supermarket looks so far it comes with little LEGO Friends characters and it goes with lots of little grocery foods and accessory okay we totally have to check this out Wow all right bag number one shut that all the pieces Wow so let's start out building the walls and some windows some flowers can't forget the doors no its doors are in me I think it's open and closed add in another window on the side and some little details like an aunt [Music] all right the grocery store is looking so cute now that we've got some of the outside guns let's start working on the inside who will add a clock what there we go and we need a little checkout counter use our little cash register put that right in here there we go and it actually looks like the drawer is opening we can hang a little shopping basket right here Luke now we need to build the conveyor belt we've got a little cubby right here it's a perfect little place to put some chocolate bars mm-hmm last-minute grab before you check out we're going to build a little beauty counter mmm there we go there we get up a little beauty counter now we can put a hairbrush put it right on here and it comes with two tiny pink little lip sticks put those right on the display rack and we can put two little Beauty bottles maybe ones perfume maybe one is makeup remover there we go little beauty display think we need to create a little spot to have some fruit and vegetables so we'll create a little display we've got little cherries put the cherries all right from here we've got a big juicy orange what we got another little fruit right there actually looks like a pineapple here we go this looks like a little radish maybe we can display a carrot and a bunch of great right in here and maybe on this side we'll create a little display here we have a box of cereal put down right here and we'll put a little display table for some jams and jellies we've got strawberry jelly and orange jam put these on display I think we need a little bakery section so we'll start a whole new section right here we'll start by building the wall adding some windows in add a little detail now we need to get our little bakery display set up ooh there we go we've got a whole bunch of cookies on there including my favorite casualty TV didn't you these ones are swirly it's cookie swirl kind of swirled in a circle put those cupcakes in here freshly baked chocolate cupcakes let's make it easy for the customers to grab whichever one they would like so we'll put this little grabber right here with an easy reach even thinking the front of the store here let's go ahead and we'll put a little crate out here maybe we can tempt them with yummy pineapples and look at that blue and delicious watermelon YUM now let's connect these two grocery pieces together we'll build a little connecting piece right here and we put a little mini cheese counter now I can put some young delicious meat and yummy Jesus for sale cool feels so good we build something else right here to another display rack now we can put some items on display hmm maybe some soy sauce what there we go and some little seasonings we even place a little mini refrigerator right here that we can open up and we can put in a little milk carton any of you here well no carton right there close it up let's connect these two sections together this little piece right there okay there we go now we can open and close uh-huh and right in the middle let's create a little sushi station next we make a little plate of sushi this little sushi rolls can set it right here we've got our fish there we go keep it on ice hello up there we go it is looking really really good got a few little extra detail like a magazine rack we can put some magazines and newspapers on here put a little flower bouquet here to sort of fancy now you can pick up the morning newspaper right here now we'll build a shopping cart we do and of course customer can't forget their shopping list and they're learning rope but I wouldn't leave that in the shopping cart especially it's 100 bucks whoo now we'll build a little cart holder switch there we go now we'll put the shopping cart right in here all right let's take a look and see some lego friends we had to build them so we'll build Mia got her legs and her torso and her head wait a minute Tommy is that much Ryan's head there we go he was Mia's face and her hair there we go and of course we will build Ryan's kids legs his shirt there we go and now hair there we go now he's all ready to work at the supermarket and love ringing up customers here we go can't wait to start helping customers so we've got Mia coming into the store it looks like she's gonna go pick out some beauty supplies cute tiny where's your makeup counter oh wow right over there right over there thank you hmm look at all these perfumes a new lipstick we can add a few more customers and with here we go we're gonna add them in including some monster LEGO Minifigures these monsters is going to go shopping at the supermarket Oh in from the lego movie to keep CD GDP you put the head here and it broke Oh Oh perfect okay she needs this little panda bear costume so we can put it right on your head like that and as you can see when we take the little head piece off he's like sweating kind of hot in here but that's okay he's going to wear it anyways so you've dressed like a panda and you take this little panda Steffie animal with you but everywhere I need to go a grocery store you get some bamboo hi there oh whoa whoa are you a real Panda hi hi I'm looking for some bamboo uh check the fruit vegetable aisle right here if we don't have it there that it might be outside in the crate thank you hmm any bamboo in here next customer room open up this little monster pick your bag and oh I'm gonna be a zombie shopping here so here we have his ripped up pants and his tattered shirt wall whoa he's all grayed out oh look at his glasses they're all broken give him his hair we'll give him his briefcase he's a businessman he's got to go to work soon he just stopped off at the store to see if they have any Oh what does it say on here if you can rechecking up a newspaper section see what else the magazine and papers have to say about where who else are we going to be adding in Oh the short guy could be shopping here whoa oh the crane oh wow oh wait Don the janitor perfect you can work here at the supermarket we have his pants and he's got a little rag right in his pocket we've got his little janitor shirt on with his name tag here's his head here's his hat and he has his mop so he can mop up any spills or messes hey girl happy to see you hey Ryan just started my shift I'll be in the back call me if you need me for anything Wow oh no the fruit and veg fell all over cleanup in the fruit that so I'll clean up in the fruit vegetable aisle huh sorry my panda plushie did it not me did you call me yeah it looks like there's some tomatoes that have fallen on the floor there all right I'll get my mop and who is the next customer coming out on hand who's gonna be a monster but which one which one which one could be a ghost it could be a zombie could be a ferritin ants look it's a where laughs oh I have a feeling that's where was gonna go straight to the meat aisle so here we have his pan with his little clawed feet can put his pail on roof there we don't know he has his tail you guys whipped up shirts there we go oh and his head on just like that ooh he's got this big bone Oh Batman boom truck oops I'm sorry I got it Oh what's wrong with that well is that good without a wild dog not wild dog in here there's no ammo gladden here huh what except for you you're okay oh yeah there he is there's a werewolf at the meat counter oh it looks like he wants that chicken way if you mean sir oh let me know if I can help you find anything else no it's like Elsa and Olaf are here pppt pppt right Olaf you want to come inside oh oh look at the flowers oh I love flowers it remind me of the springtime [Music] hola are you sure you're gonna be okay out here bread run aah okay that's right oh yeah I'll be fine why birds I need bread sir you're getting a little close [Applause] all right Olaf I'll be real quick Oh for Jessica cart perfect a shopping cart right here here we go right right [Music] crud hello older man welcome let me know if I can help you find anything oh thank you see strawberry jam think on it would like that so get the strawberry gear put it in else's car who the bakery section watch your step ma'am I just mopped right here so it might still be a little wet from the tomato stew oh thank you thank you for letting me know ooh chocolate cupcakes only cookies put some cupcakes and Elsa cart and some card game or here you don't have all right is it that beeps are you interested in buying a chocolate bar for just a dollar or just for our sure click one of these click it I'll be $4 here you go thank you have a great day good bread I'm just going to get this pink lipstick one of the new springtime colors right would you be interested in buying a chocolate bar for only $1 I might be coming to pass tonight thank you you got it beeps I'll be five dollars would you like a bag all right I'll just carry it thank you bye have a great day hi there did you find everything okay I did but I just wanted to let you know it seems like there's some sort of werewolf or something in the meat department oh yeah I saw that guy come in there's kind of a meat mess all over the floor just wanted to let you know thank you cleanup in the meat aisle cleanup in the meat aisle thanks Bill beep would you be interested in purchasing a chocolate bar for just a dollar I guess can I buy two of absolutely oh that's gonna be a big mess to clean up I'll get my mom all right good because I hope you into I guess my gopher is video and shutting out the supermarket thank you so much for hanging out with me make sure you always check you to get take it back happiness into your life always gonna be hard repairman and then roll on over to my next video I will kiss back oh hey there cookie fans hey how are we paying attention to what the customers were buying between Elsa purchase the orange jam or the strawberry jam do you remember my cookie pants [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 36,930,340
Rating: 4.2260756 out of 5
Keywords: cookieswirlc, video, cookie swirl c videos, cookie swirl c, lego, lego videos, supermarket, store, grosery, lego store, shopping, food
Id: MbDFd6UB_mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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